easygoing_writer has not published standpoints yet. Comments by easygoing_writer Comment Post Date Comment: Perhaps this is a controversial opinion, but I don’t think there should be dispute about Qatar... Post: Controversy in Qatar! Date: 24/11/22 Comment: Sports and Politics are - in my opinion - two completely different spheres of the world. They do... Post: Sport and politics: do they mix? Date: 21/11/22 Comment: I understand your points, but I do kinda disagree. I feel like you simply cannot have policies... Post: Personality or Policy? Date: 18/11/22 Comment: I joined the discussion US midterms: are young people political? under the subcategory... Post: Competition #3 Global discussion Date: 18/11/22 Comment: In theory, I believe being a leader would be a good thing - in real life, not so much. As a... Post: Would you be a leader? Date: 10/11/22 Comment: In America, the people are - rightfully - incredibly agitated about their leaders. So much has... Post: Mind your language! Date: 10/11/22 Comment: I do believe fast fashion is a huge problem and we as a society are constantly undermining... Post: Who is responsible? Date: 09/11/22 Comment: 1.What do you as a leader hope to achieve by running this country? On a surface level, nobody... Post: Competition #2 Questions for leaders Date: 09/11/22