Sport and politics: do they mix?
Famously, at the Olympic Games, athletes must follow “RULE 50”, a rule made by the International Olympic Committee banning any form of activism at the Olympic Games. Athletes must not wear, say or do anything that makes a political statement so that the events can stay “neutral” (not take sides).
At the World Cup however, this is not the case. Some players have protested against Qatar’s strict rules against the LGBTQ community. For example, before a qualifier match, German players painted their shirts to read “HUMAN RIGHTS” and players from other teams said they wanted to wear a rainbow armband for their matches.
The captain of the Iranian national football team also used a press conference about the World Cup to share his support for protesters in Iran, following the death of Mahsa Amini.
Pass to you!
- Do you think athletes should be allowed to make political statements at events like the Olymics or the World Cup? Why or why not?
- Do celebrities, such as famous footballers, have a responsibility to speak out against problems, such as the human rights issues in Qatar? Why or why not?
- If you were an athlete, would you choose to speak out? What about? Why?
This is a great chance to ask each other questions – so make sure you ask other Topical Talkers direct questions by replying to their comments.
Comments (77)
If you were an athlete, would you choose to speak out? What about? Why?
I would not speak out , a sport is a sport and I can't change the rules of the sport but I can always make my own and play it with friends and family , even if I wanted to play the sport but I didn't like the sport I could change it in my way and play it with friends and family , for example basketball "Only Five Players Per Team On The Court. Every team can roll out their game on the grounds with only five players" If i don't like this rule I could change it with only friends and family and we could play it that way but if I were a basketball player I would have to play by the rule or get off the team .
Hi! Asides from sports rules, do you think athletes should speak out about social issues e.g. mistreatment of minority groups?
Yes because we idolise them so fans will be fine if they speak out.
Hi @spectacular_iceberg!
Great thinking, you could always make your own sport with your own rules!
What about famous athletes with huge platforms, do you think it would be wrong to break the rules made by the sports committee in order to stand up for human rights abuses?
I agree with you because sports is about having a good time with family and friends, and not bringing politics into it and ruining it. The whole point of sports is just to have fun, I don't see how someone could benefit from shoving their political views all over everyone ears, in my opinion, it is just a waste of time and extremely of pointless.
inspired_acorn what if a team member feels they need to speak up on behalf of another team member who can't? Would that be political?
I believe that athletes should not be allowed to claim political statements in all events unless this is beneficial because the players have a very large fan base and can spread misconceptions like the rainbow community and promote it as something normal and normal, and this is wrong. Where is my point of view that if I were an athlete, I would choose You talk about the Palestinian issue because, in my opinion, the Palestinian issue is the most important issue that humanity has ever experienced.
Hi @inspirational_groundhog!
I agree, the Palestinian issue if very important, any act of violence against any innocent being should be talked about right!
Do you think that what is the most important to you, may be different to what someone else sees as most important? For example an LQBTQ athlete may have had different experiences that they would like to talk about compared to a black female athlete and her experiences?
I think that celebrities have to speak out because it's not fair that LGBTQ footballers or visitors are not allowed to show what they want during their stay in Qatar. It's people's opinion on what they choose. no one should tell you what to be or what to believe in. It's called being controlled when someone tells you what to do , especially if it's a personal opinion . If celebrities do speak out it will make a big impact on the LGBTQ people that live in Qatar and also the way the nation sees Qatar.
This is a great comment, freedom of speech is very important.
Do you think freedom of speech can be negative as well?
Yes because they should respect the laws that Qatar has chosen .
Why do you think athletes might want to speak out about a certain law or issue?
Do you think they should be allowed to?
Yes , because if athletes do this , they can make a change in the word , as it shows that doing the right thing can make a difference in others lives . For Qatar are known for their dislike of the LGBTQ+ and human right violations , if making political statements at an event like this can make people feel touched and maybe free . l also think celebrities should have a responsibility to speak as , I believe equality is everyone's responsibility. And if I was an athlete, I would want to speak out , this is because I want to be the best version of myself .
Hi, this is a really good comment.
If you were a famous athlete, would you still speak up if it meant losing your job and reputation?
Yes and no , yes because I was always taught to put others before myself , so if speaking out for others means I would lose my job and reputation , I would do it. Also , if I do this , I would be know for a generous heart and being know for that already gives my a great reputation , and an army of people who support and appreciate what I had done for them. No, because this could lead up to a lot of hatred from people who hate my decision. Hate could cause many horrible things , as I won't be able to take the pressure and this will make me be know as a terrible person. But I would like to leave a great legacy behind and letting go of my dream (if I had dreamed of becoming an athlete) can lead me to a bad path , but seeing a smile on others faces can make not regret what I had done.
i understand! it sounds like a dilemma!
They should not be allowed to make political statements, because in this way they motivate the media to integrate politics with sports, and this will reflect on the followers in a negative way and boredom with the ball,Where they had escaped from the uproar of politics to watch football, but now the promotion of any political campaign for a party or belief, sports are targeted to spread it!
Everyone has the freedom of speech and if athletes are under the government they have alright to make political statements because they are also affected by the decisions government make.
thanks for your reply
I like your point of view, but we cannot forget that there is a law issued by FIFA, and it must be respected until it is changed!I cannot impose absolute freedom, every freedom has limits set by the law in order to prevent things from getting worse
But you have to look at it from a different perspective, if the athletes have the power of influence over others, they should combine politics with sports, and thus they will help as much as possible, and at the same time they will be able to play the sport they want.
Thank you for your reply
But if I allow everyone to impose their political views, football will become a political arena and a place for elections, not for sportsmanship and improving peoples' relations.
For example, the match between Iran and England yesterday. Everyone refused to play Iran because it oppresses women's rights, but the FIFA president said that we here did not bring the governments to compete, but we brought the people.
And for myself, I agree with him that football is not to highlight political debates, for there is the Congress and the International Parliament for this, but football is for the purpose of mitigating the negative effects of politics on us.
If you were an athlete, would you choose to speak out? What about? Why?
I will refuse to speak directly about an issue, and I will speak impartially, because I respect the law that FIFA obliges me to, also because if I had a political interest, I would have been able to enter any political specialty and become a political or media commentator ,But this is not my interest to talk about it ,But if I see a mistake by FIFA that violates human rights standards and contains racism, I will tweet about it, but indirectly so as not to cause problems for myself.
I appreciate you are respectful of FIFA's law broadminded_memory. Do you think FIFA should consider changing this law so that athletes can speak out in a public arena?
To an extent yes because everyone has a right to freedom of speech and expression so even if athletes or other celebrities are to speak they should not directly or indirectly, make comments that will hurt the dignity of a people or country. If i were an athlete I would rather not speak but show respect to the opinions of others and also engage in activities that peacefully promote the ideology.
According to Bikram Choudhury the Truth is the most bitter to accept, swallow and digest it. Sometimes just saying the truth can hurt the dignity of people or countries but that does not mean that it should not be told.
I think politics should be set apart and politics should not be mixed with sports
What politics spoils, sports fix
It is a human right and promotes culture and interdependence between nations
I think the players have their voice heard and through them a message can be conveyed to the world about human rights issues away from politics
If I were an athlete, I would also talk about my country's problems and needs
You have mentioned human rights issues excited_artist. Do you see these as separate from politics? Or do you think politics is a vehicle to solve human rights issues? Where do you think the line is for players to be able to have their voices heard on these topics that are not sports related?
Yes, of course atheletes should speak out for people who are treated miserably. By speaking out at such a big event will make the people confident enough to talk about what they are going through. They can raise voice for themselves and it can also make them brave enough to take a stand for their own selves and their nation.
In my opinion, not only celebrities but all the people should take a stand against big issues like violation of human rights because being a human we all have rights on each other irrespective of what country we belong to. The thing which matters is that we all are humans and we should show humanity.
If I would be an athelete I would surely raise voice against such issues. According to me, the most important issue now-a-days is the social instability. I would surely raise voice about it.
I think politics can move in line with the sports because considering this current event of world Cup Qatar hosting this event can change the government's opinion to the LGBTQ+ because when the official are opened to the other people who are free to it and they will also adjust to the fact that some people are also free to it. and also sports gather a lot of people so for example when a country is in an election period like the USA midterm election rallies can be made in these events and information is delivered to many people because there are a lot of people who go for sports. So if the artists who are going to perform on the World cup event emphasize the consideration of the LGBTQ+ the government will also reflect on it's self and consinder the people who fall under this category because that i what makes them happy.
I would choose to speak out if I were an athlete I would choose to speak out if I was allowed to!
I wish I could speak out if I was an athlete in Qatar but that country has very strict rules, for example: they are very strict to the LGBTQ community and you could got to prison for just doing a little thing bad . So basically Qatar is 100% the same country as North Korea.
I agree with you that the athlete should talk about some problems because he is an influential figure but in a polite way that expresses his personality, but I think you are wrong about saying that Qatar is North Korea, it is true that Qatar has strict laws but this is its right, every country has the right to put Laws that preserve the country, and when I come to a country, I must respect the laws of this country and abide by them.
''Athletes should be allowed to make political statements at events like the Olympics''
Well, i think they should be allowed to do so cause they are public figures where by they are so famous and are followed by many people across the world so this means that their opinions on certain concepts influence a lot of people changing their perspective because they admire them. When it comes to human rights, their decisions and actions may make a positive impact on the people they influence. In terms of politics, these athletes could carry influential messages that could change the world since they have a wide audience and are taken as examples. 'May be they could speak for the need 0f ''DEMOCRACY'' in UK.
Since its everyone's right to speak out for human rights, celebrities and footballers also shoulder the responsibility to speak out because first of all some of them might actually be victims of the rules against the LGBTQ community and could also actually be gays, bisexuals etc. so fighting for human rights such as those is quite ok cause they are also people whose rights should equally be respected. Since they are also global influencers, they could fight for other human rights in the world such as the right to opinion that is not advocated for in UK politics.
Being an athlete, I would speak out for many rights such as right to equal treatment in the sense that the LGBTQ community should also be treated equally as other people instead of pressing laws against them cause they also have the right to opinion and belief.
making political statements at an event like this can make people feel touched and maybe free . l also think celebrities should have a responsibility to speak as , I believe equality is everyone's responsibility. And if I was an athlete, I would want to speak out , this is because I want to be the best version of myself .
Where they had escaped from the uproar of politics to watch football, but now the promotion of any political campaign for a party or belief, sports are targeted to spread it!
So fighting for human rights such as those is quite ok cause they are also people whose rights should equally be respected.
making political statements at an event like this can make people feel touched and maybe free . l also think celebrities should have a responsibility to speak as , I believe equality is everyone's responsibility. And if I was an athlete, I would want to speak out , this is because I want to be the best version of myself .
Where they had escaped from the uproar of politics to watch football, but now the promotion of any political campaign for a party or belief, sports are targeted to spread it!
Everyone has a right to speech and so are athletes. Research has shown that athletes are influential on key societal and cultural issues meaning they can put a specific ideology on billions of people . Athletes should be allowed to make political statements same way politicians are allowed to make sport critics.
In my opinion athletes can make good political statements on their vision to reduce climate change, suggest international rules that will allow LGBTQ in their country during their stay in Qatar for the FIFA world cup.
Sports and Politics are - in my opinion - two completely different spheres of the world. They do not - or rather, should not - mix. Making political statements at sporting events results in a huge amount of publicity and not necessarily in a good way. The truth of the matter is not everyone has to care about politics - and not everyone does. Celebrities most definitely do not have a responsibility to speak out against or in support of political matters. Celebrities are people, just like us, and I think it’s high time that we stop placing them on a pedestal. Instead of waiting to see what ‘side’ a celebrity has taken, I wish we could simply inform ourselves on sensitive topics and proceed with caution.
I think it’s best to leave the cross between politics and sports to officials. I think excluding certain countries due to their actions is fine, but for a single player to do so is unfathomably dangerous. If I were an athlete, there would be conditions to my speaking out. It would need to come from a place of genuine concern. I wouldn't speak out simply because I felt pressure from onlookers to make a stance. Secondly, I would need to properly educate myself on any matter. So many celebrities make posts without fully knowing what they're talking about. It comes out as extraordinarily superficial. I think, in a perfect world, sports and politics do not mix. But they do, and the only thing we can do is proceed with caution.
Hi easygoing_writer, your comment is beautiful. I want to say that sports and politics are two things that never mix with each other, and sports are found to strengthen relations between the countries of the world as a whole. I think celebrities have a responsibility to speak out about politics. Because others are positively affected by celebrities, and some of them take them as an example, and if they make a mistake in a word, this mistake will return to them with bad behavior and they will lose their position among their lovers. For this reason, famous people should not make statements related to politics.
First, athletes should not make political statements in sports, because everyone has private opinions and beliefs that conflict with others, and because sports exist to strengthen social relations between the countries of the world. And when you asked me whether celebrities bear the responsibility by speaking out against the problems, my opinion is that they bear the responsibility, because every country has its own culture and religion, so everyone must respect the religion and culture of the country in which a major sporting event such as the World Cup is held. And when she also asked me if I was an athlete, would I choose to speak? My opinion is not to speak because there is a law in sports, which is not to mix politics with sports.
you're wrong because anyone with or without a big fan base should speak up on human rights and issues in the world whether that's racism, LGBTQ+, Pakistan floods etc. sports teams have a huge number of followers all over the world therefore there will be more awareness being raised. it's not even politics in a way, it's just being respectful to everyone and their differences. I understand about respecting religion and culture but for example, Qatar killing people for being LGBTQ+. simply just for being themselves and love someone? how is that respecting people and their sexuality. this is not a one-way thing. everyone needs to respect everyone
Thank you for your comment. First, the World Cup in Qatar went very successfully. Despite the criticism and mockery of it, but Qatar has a religion, traditions and beliefs, because this is its religion, everyone who comes to Qatar must adhere to these traditions, far from this , the World Cup succeeded in Qatar, and the majority loved this World Cup Qatar has worked hard for the World Cup, and has provided all means of comfort for tourists, and facilitated their transportation from stadium to stadium through the metro bus. Qatar has worked hard, and its efforts must be appreciated and its religion, beliefs and points of view should be respected.
I never said that the efforts aren't appreciated I'm just saying that there should be a bit more respect for the LGBTQ+ community. If you were part of the community then I'm sure you'd be scared for your life every day you wake up. Also, the world cup did succeed but think of the thousands of people that died when building the stadiums. Qatar was never mocked, many people disagreed with it being hosted there simply because they do not respect the LGBTQ+ community and basic human rights. Every religion, race, sexuality etc. should all be respected equally. as long as no one's harming anyone else whether that's physically or verbally that's the most important thing but then Qatar as a whole violates LGBTQ and threatens to kill and DOES kill for simply loving someone.
I would definitely speak out if I was an athlete. I would speak out about the fact that workers and some football players live in 'mini-towns' and about the fact that people in Qatar aren't treated fairly. Everyone should be equal and live in the same contents, not some people living in hotels and some people living in small houses. Everyone should be treated fairly and help each other out and it isn't LGBTQ+ visitors and some footballers aren't allowed to have what they really want and expect out of Qatar itself. It is the Qatar government's responsibility to improve their country if they want people to speak good of it instead of speaking about the bad facts otherwise Qatar won't be a famous country anyway.
I disagree because...
im totally disagree with you Qatar play an important rule in the world and i think what Qatar is doing is the beginning of the improvement
And all countries not Qatar only have some people in high and others in low levels and all of us hope to end this thing and reveal the quality
I think every country has the right what could allow and prevent to keep security, love and peace.
But can you tell me how Qatar will be not famous, please.?
If you were an athlete, would you choose to speak out? What about? Why?
I remember at the time of the wars on Gaza the good impact that was lifted by some important personalities when they spoke and supported the cease-fire and their emphasis on human rights, and really it was like a bandage for my heart. Therefore, if one day I become an important sports figure, I will certainly support the weak and oppressed everywhere because I see that he is wrong who thinks that the injustice inflicted on others will not reach him, and I would like to be the voice spoken by vulnerable people for the rest of the world to hear. We have always said that we want to make an impact in this world, so we have the opportunity to be influential personalities that millions around the world take as an example, so let us be an example by doing good also.
And knowing that it will harm my career.
I am not with you when you say that < the rainbow community and promote it as something normal and normal, and this is wrong > because in my opinion, the rainbow community should not be discriminate for they orientation sexual. They chose not this. And I am with you when you say that < the players have a very large fan base and can spread misconceptions >. They should censor the players for they can’t spread misconceptions like the nazism, but on my mind the fifa should not restrain the freedom expression of players because for the war in Ukraine they boycott Russia in the World cup. So why the players can speak about that but not about the others topics?
Yes, because showing the word of truth is a great responsibility, not only for celebrities and athletes, but for everyone, because this speech would save the world, and because they have a positive impact on their followers, this must be done, and publishing messages is also part of their job, because it will mean a lot In changing paths a lot
If I am an athlete, I will talk about the various issues of the world, especially Qatar, because the World Cup will be in it, and this will encourage it to do the injustice it does to its workers, and for this reason that we are well-known and beloved athletes, we must spread this injustice to the world, and so that they work to boycott it. To change for the better
Football players are not allowed to interfere in politics
Otherwise, FIFA law prohibits this
And not every soccer player who has experience playing it is permissible to interfere in politics
I believe that politics is involved in all the components of our sporting, social, economic and cultural lives to the extent that I can say that even the food that I eat is involved in politics. Politics cannot be separated from the World Cup, but politics should be kept out of sport as much as possible because the masses love football, so they come to a place of organization. The World Cup is for you to enjoy only, and everything that disturbs its peace must be removed, and I, as an athlete, if I have the opportunity to participate in a global sporting event, I will refrain from expressing political opinions for one reason only, because the masses adore and love athletes for their sporting achievements only, so expressing their political opinions reduces people’s love And it may cause them hostility and reduce their stardom. We are always looking for what unites the world, such as sports. As for politics, it always divides the world.
I don't think so that athletes and other celebrities should speak out as this is every country own choice that either they follow the LGBTQ or not as all the countries have this right so why don't Qatar ?and there should be no politics in games as people come to enjoy sports so we should not drag politics in it let people enjoy the momements like FIFA
If I were an athlete I will never bring politics in sports and will never create aggression and negativity suppose protesting like this will result in something good but the real meaning of sports will disappear so I will never jump in such situations .
In my opinion, athletes should not be allowed to make political statements, because sport aims to compete, win, and entertain the public. If athletes mix sports with politics, it will cause disputes and problems among fans, and it may develop and create crises that cannot be controlled, so I prefer that sports remain in frame that I found for him. 2- I also think that according to the competence of celebrities, if they are political celebrities, it is possible to talk in order to solve this problem, but if these celebrities are artists or actors, I do not like talking to them about human rights issues because that will exacerbate the problems. 3- If I am an athlete, I will talk about sports matters because this is my field, and when I talk about sports problems, I can make a positive change.
I don't think athletes need to mention anything towards politics or their personal views because it may not benefit them in a good way, and they may become infamous for the things they believe in or say
Hi Resilient_Ibex - what do you mean by mentioning personal views may not benefit athletes in a good way? Do you think Harry Kane's decision not to wear the rainbow armband in England's match against Iran was correct?
No, because if politics and sport merged, it would have become complicated, because politics has laws and also sport has laws. Politics differs from politics. For example, now some people travel to Qatar for the World Cup, why: because people enjoy sports, football. Don't worry if sport and politics merge: it becomes very boring and complicated
Can you explain when their might be a clash between laws of politics and laws of sport? I'm curious to hear more about your thoughts on this!
There is a clash when the laws of politics apply to the laws of a sport. This will make the players implement the laws of politics, which will be complicated and exaggerated in their laws. Sport is entertainment for the soul. There is no doubt that sports have laws, but they are not exaggerated like the laws of politics.
Thanks forgiving_gazelle! Can you give an example of the type of law you mean?
Yes, I will mention an example for you. For example, there is an executive political system, as its competence is to solve state laws and the principle of separation of powers. If politics merged with a sport, it would have become a sport more committed to the laws and more complex
Yes, athletes must make political statements because if they speak, they may be able to return their rights to them because they are right, and every oppressor must stop injustice, and famous football players must speak about what is happening publicly so that people can know the problems they face in order to work to solve this Problems Many also say that Qatar violates the rights of the players, but I do not know much about politics, but if Qatar violates the rights of the players, they must punish those responsible for violating the rights so that they do not continue with their actions. If I were a sports player, I would choose to speak because silence does not work and also does not solve Problems, and these problems will continue. I will choose to talk about racial discrimination, because players are differentiated, so this problem must be solved, because we are all alike. We should not be separated.
I believe that politics should not be mixed with sports, and sportsmen have no right to make political statements. As long as sports are the cause of the unity of the nations, it is not permissible to interfere in them, we make them something dangerous and evil. Rather, it should remain the reason that brings people together despite their differences like climate problems and environmental problems, to sensitize the viewers, I say that the players do not bear any responsibilities to talk about any problems, because that may lose his status in his team, and he may be excluded from the event, as happened with the player "Neymar", if I were a player, then I would be better talking about the problem of climate change, pollution and unhealthy food, I can influence a lot of people, I will change the path of solving the problem of the environment, and I will speed up the implementation in order to protect the green spaces that can be played in it.
Hi Receptive_Outcome - it does seem challenging to differentiate between unifying causes and those that are politically divisive. Who gets to choose? I like your idea about trying to remove responsibility away from the player for having to take political positions. Do you think we as society are unfair on sportsmen and women by pressuring them to take stands on issues? Is it ok if the club or nation decide to take a stand, and would that take the responsibility and pressure away from the player or do you still think as public figures they get caught in the middle.
I believe that we are not fair to the players, as they do not play in the league to represent the opinions of politicians, but rather to represent their branch and the culture of our country, and to publish integrated opinions and needs and lists to clarify the political differences between political figures, and often our goal is to spread peace and love between the parties. Participating in periodicals and having relations with each other
I like your point that sports is the cause of unity of nations, receptive_outcome. However, I think there is a bit of contradiction in what you said. When some of my classmates asked my teacher why we were talking about politics in class, as we are just kids, my teacher made us understand that everything is politics. So climate change, pollution and unhealthy food are all political issues because they need solving from a higher level, by national and international institutions. So talking about these things as a sportsperson would actually mean making political statements.
I think the question is quite difficult because there are a lot of risks. In democracy everybody is allowed to make political statements, protest and stand for their rights, so why would sportspersons and famous people be treated differently? Well, the risk is that someone with very little knowledge about a topic misunderstands it but because they are famous for let's say being very good at a certain sport or being a good actor, many people follow them and come to share their opinions.
But I prefer to say that politics should not interfere with sports in order for the competitions to be fair, and because it is very dangerous for a single defenseless player to bear the responsibility of an entire country or political region, so they must be separated as much as possible. It is true that we always need the help of politicians, but in sports all they have to do is Sit down and cheer on their team
receptive_outcome what if a player wants to speak up themselves as a personal choice?
Then he has to bear the punishment that will happen to him, whether he is excluded from the match, or the crowd's reaction is unacceptable, such as his hatred or others, and he does not expect the reaction of the country hosting the cup if it is fair or impartial and not biased with a party in this political issue.
You are right remarkable_peach. Sports people and famous people have a right to make political statements. It is their rights as citizens in a democratic state. Legally it is allowed. However, we cannot overlook the fact that these people are in very sensitive positions in society. They are in positions where they easily influence the decisions of others. That can result in either a good or bad outcome. On one hand, these people could influence people to participate in good things like helping to stop climate change, trying in to inculcate equality and good representation in their daily lives and others. On the other hand, the consequences might turn out to be catastrophic. Let us take an example from history. Adolf Hitler was a very popular man in Germany but he used his power wrongly. He, through his influence convinced the Germans that starting world war 2 was a good idea and that caused one of the world's deadliest wars of all time. This is a good example of a wrong use of influence.
As for me, I think celebrities and sportpersons should be given their rights to speak up about political issues but on the condition that they are mindful of the things they say as a lot of people are watching them and can easily be influenced by them. They should encourage people to make their own informed and conscious choices and not cajole them into standing by whatever they feel is right about a political matter.
I agree because yeah sports unite people and politics at times bring in conflicts between people and of which at times brings insecurity of which this shouldn't be the case. Let's not mix sports with politics because sports unite people hence peace which is not the case for politics
Well, from my point of view, sport is one thing, and politics is another, and they are not close to each other, and if we assume that they are mixed, they will not become what befits the economy with politics. No, on the contrary, something is different. Let us talk a little about Qatar, and did Qatar not obey the rule of 50 in its favor or not?!
When Qatar did not put Rule 50, its intention was not to be neutral among peoples. Rather, its intention was to exploit the situation exclusively. For example, every country had its president present in the match, so if all the people wrote about human rights on the shirt, it would draw the attention of the president and he would feel his guilt and the situation would be fixed, as it is said. Do not judge the book by its cover. Let us understand the politics of each country, and I will return and say that sports do not mix with politics, but rather it is part of luxury
Do you think athletes should be allowed to make political statements at the Olympics and the World Cup, why and why not?
I think they should be allowed, provided that there are no human rights violations in these statements and they do not harm any country or any policy, because this is freedom of expression, and if athletes do that, they can change and make a difference in the lives of others, if you are satisfied, will you choose to speak, about what? and why?
If I were an athlete, I would speak about this, as I said in the first place, away from any issue pertaining to any country or person, and I would speak directly and be impartial because I respect the law and human rights.
Do you think it's possible to make any political statement without offending someone?
I think so
I agree that it is possible to draw attention to a case or to the victims of this political case in order to help them, but I do not think that it is possible to explain the events and details of the case without offending anyone, because if one of the parties did not offend the other, this case would not have existed in the first place and we would not have talked about it
It's sad to see that politics and sports are connected. I don't think any player should be allowed to make any statement related to their personal politics and other ideas .In the sport only thing that matters is your performance not your personal ideas.
Yes it's okay for an influencer to talk about making this society better but involving it in sports is not right in my opinion .
Host countries should also put all the personal preferences aside take sports only just as sports.
If were an Athlete i would keep my ideas and opinions in my personal space but if it was necessary for me to speak out i would do it in such a way so that it could not interfere in the sport.
When would you say it was "necessary" to speak out? What kind of occasions?
Ok so by necessary i mean such occasions that are related to the game or tournament like "cheating".
yes, in my opinion sports and politics do actually mix. Yes, athletes should be able to make political statements, why, I mean simply because they are influential and their opinions matter to those around them. We keep repeating the same things if you ask me, famous people like athletes can and should speak out, we know that countries around the world value the opinion of their citizens and do not want to make them unhappy so yes, they should speak out mainly because the consequences for them speaking out will be minor and the reward and change will be greater. If I was an athlete of course I would speak out I mean sexuality does not really matter human rights are what matters, shouldn't the fact that the people no matter what gender are happy should that not be what is important the fact that there are rules against this is actually belittling if you ask me especially because the LGBTQ community not being able to take part in sports just because of their sexuality is an infringement on their right to expression. the sooner we learn to accept people the way they are we can move on in our lives and make the world a better place. We all say we want world peace but is silly things like this that makes us to be at head with each other and makes us stagnant, to everyone that read this, I plea with you to make the world a better place by loving everybody.
Yes, I think that football players have a great responsibility in talking about political problems because they greatly affect people's opinions, but I think when talking against political problems, it must be emphasized that cultures and laws differ from one country to another, and so on. As for Qatar's lack of support for the LGBT community, we must respect the cultures of other countries
Hi storytelling_cherry,
You point out that some nations have different cultures and laws which is absolutely true. Sometimes these laws are in conflict with UN Human Rights. Can you find any articles within the Declaration of Human Rights that might be in question?
Thank you for your question, but I think that human rights laws respected all cultures of countries and emphasized the importance of respecting cultures, but because of the different cultures, ideas and beliefs of people, each person became attached to his ideas and principles and disrespect for the principles of the other side, and this led to the spread of differences and problems, so I think that we have to respect cultural diversity between countries, get to know other cultures, and respect their laws and customs
If someone feels that a law discriminates against people, should they still respect it?
I don't think so, because the law was created to protect and defend people. There was corruption in the law that must be objected to and changed, because the law existed to fight injustice, not to reverse
I'm just trying to understand your argument, storytelling_cherry -- you think the law of the land where events are held should always be respected, even if those laws seem unjust to you? You would not speak out, or advocate speaking out, no matter how repressive a law seems to be?
I don't think so, but I think that unfair laws should be confronted and not implemented, and try to change them by peaceful means and talk about them through social media in order to shed light on them and increase people's awareness of repressive laws that oppress human rights
The World Cup is one of the occasions on which all people gather, love and wait for it every 4 years, so it is good to keep it neutral and away from politics so that it remains a target for unifying opinion.
From my point of view, I think that athletes should not talk about politics, because politics is a big topic outside the scope of sports, and a person who does not understand much about politics should not talk about it, especially since sports players raise controversy If they talk about politics, most of them do not understand anything about politics
What makes you say that sports people do not understand politics, outgoing_perspective?
I said some, not all of them. Some of them do not understand much about politics, and they understand more about sports
There is no doubt a connection between sports and politics. This is seen when a football team dresses with political slogans such as "Human Rights, Stop the War," and fans also dress up as their favorite team. And politics has a huge impact on the community , that is obvious When I watch my family encourages certain teams and not others, and when my brother is playing FIFA on the PlayStation and being biased towards certain teams over others, even in the way he chooses their clothes. I think state policy influences our choices. It's hard to separate politics from sport. As sport is considered one of the basic elements of politics, as well as politics is the main funder of sport and the spirit that drives sport, no sport can do without government support. The relationship between politics and sports is not always negative, and can be positive when a country uses sports to serve its own interests and improve its relations with other countries. Sport makes positive contributions to resolving political issues. Sport was created for love, and for the cooperation of peoples with each other, whether it is Arab, international or global. These are the foundations of sport.
1. I do not think athletes should be allowed to make political statements at events like the Olympics and the World Cup because sports are not about one country or more countries. They belong to the whole human nation, and they must not be involved in politics. Sports must unite people together, both in happiness and sadness.
2. Yes, celebrities have the responsibility to speak out about problems because they are loved by lots of people and those celebrities have the power to change things.
3. If I would be an athlete, I would choose to speak out because some sacrificises worth being done for the good of people in need and so they can have a better life.
In the past, sport had its goals and concepts to distance itself from politics and religion and not to gather on the basis of sex, religion or gender, but now sport and politics have become complementary to each other.
Question 1: Do you think athletes should be allowed to make political statements at events like the Olympics or the World Cup? Why and why not? My answer is yes, because they are famous and have followers from all over the world. It means that their opinions on certain concepts influence a lot of people change their point of view because they like it. When it comes to human rights, may their decisions and actions have a positive impact on the people they affect in terms of human rights, they can make a difference in the word, because it shows that doing the right thing can make a difference in the lives of others. As for Qatar, it is known for its human rights violations, if making political statements at an event like this can make people feel affected and perhaps free.
From my other point of view, I think that athletes have no right to make political statements. As long as sport is the cause of the unity of nations, it is not permissible to interfere with it, for we make it something dangerous and evil. Rather, it must remain the reason that brings people together despite their differences, such as climate problems and environmental problems. To educate the spectators, I say that the players do not bear any responsibilities to talk about any problems, because that may lose his status in his country and he may be excluded from his team and from the sporting event as well.
If you were an athlete, would you choose to speak? what about? why?? My opinion is not to speak because there is a law in sports, which is not to mix politics with sports.
I would not speak out , a sport is a sport and It's not possible for me to change the rules of the sport but I can always make my own and play it with friends and family , even if I wanted to play the sport but I didn't like the sport I could change it in my way and play it with friends and family , for example basketball "Only Five Players Per Team On The Court. Every team can roll out their game on the grounds with only five players" If i don't like this rule I could change it with only friends and family because my family isnt FIFA and we could play it that way but if I were a basketball player I would have to play by the rule or get off the team . (Also england will beat usa 4-1 tonight)
Are there any rule changes you'd like to see in football?
Yes, Let men and woman play in the same team on both national and international teams. also we didnt win 4-1 we tied 0-0 😿😓😥😢😭☹️
1.) I don't think athletes should be allowed to make political statements at events like the Olympics or the world cup. I also don't think sports and politics mix. In my opinion, politics is for consensus building but sports enables people to put aside their differences and disputes in order to have a peaceful competition in what they are passionate about. Politics is controversial in nature and I feel sports bring about concord, peace, and happiness. The Olympics and World cup are for sports and should not be used as a political stage where some a group of people is uplifted and some others are downtrodden. In my honest opinion, people shouldn't be using sporting grounds to argue on political issues. There should be peace and a positive spirit in sports not disagreements. Sporting activities should also be a means of bringing people together instead of dividing them.
2.) I do not think celebrities have the responsibility to speak out on any political issues. Celebrities and athletes have a lot of influence and if they should come out to say something on a political issue whether good or bad, a lot of people would follow whichever side of the arguments they support is not necessarily good as people will be making decisions based on influence. Celebrities should instead encourage people to make well-informed choices on sides to support political issues rather than influencing them to take decisions on what they, the celebrities have chosen to stand by.
3.) If I was an athlete I would not try to disrupt the activity and main aim of sport just to fulfill an aim in a political or societal issue. I would respect the sacredness of every event. I will put my disputes with an issue aside and participate in the sporting competition peacefully. I would carry out sporting activities where sporting activities are due and political other activities where they are due. I would speak out on issues like climate change outside of sports. I will speak on issues that will bring about a positive change and not a negative one.
This, lcertainly can agree with. Politics within sports, has caused some to lose interest in sports, because the meaning of sports has changed.
Yes, because players from all over the world have traditions - customs that must be respected, so they may feel free and influenced by the traditions of other countries.
And if I am a celebrity or a professional athlete, I will talk about the problems that face us fluently so that I can be the best version of myself and because I do not differentiate between people. Non-discrimination is a duty to achieve
Justice in society, and this act may affect people's behavior or change something in their lives, as good deeds never go awa
Sports is where we can all come together and win. Now that it's political the sports have divided people and caused people to lose interest in the game
it is not possible to combine sport and politics because sport brings together people from all nations and encourages them to compete and win in a friendly way away from political disputes between countries and it also works on convergence of ideas and exchange of cultures if sport meets in one country like the World Cup and it also encourages love, cooperation and competition Sheriff.
Through history successful athletes have often used their platforms in this way – and been criticised for it. For example at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City runners Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists in a salute in support of the fight for civil rights for black Americans back home in the United States. They were expelled from the Mexico City Olympics for their action. Do you think athletes should be allowed to use their platforms to make political statements for what they believe in?
Politics and sports, yes, are mixed, because each team has its own state, policy, and method of dealing, and also delivery after goals during matches
Do you think athletes should be allowed to make political statements at events such as the Olympics or the World Cup? Why and why not? I think it doesn't have to be because they come to play and win the World Cup. They don't have to interfere with the politics and laws of this country where the World Cup is.With regard to LGBT rights, I agree that people must express their opinionBut they must also know that Qatar is an Islamic State and in the Islamic religion they must to respect and accept this. We watch a lot of countries that oppose the Islamic religion and when they come Muslim people in one of these countries they expel and mock them, especially women, so the players must notTo speak in politics and the laws of this State would like to focus on their victory.If you were an athlete, would you choose to speak out? What about? I will choose to talk about the issues of Palestine because they are one of the most important issues and I want the world to know about this issue and what happens to it.
You said that people must express their "opinion" about LGBTQ rights -- however, other people would argue that this issue is not about opinions, but rather human rights. What's the difference between a right and an opinion? Which is more important?
I actually believe everybody in the public spotlight need to keep their political opinions to themselves even the news. Now I say that because the news is only suppose to report the news not choose political sides or support a candidate while they may feel one way or the other that is not their job unbiased reporting. And of course they are entitled to their opinions but I don't care to hear them and that does include fox even though I like Fox News. Report the fact, the news without bias
How easy is it to find news without bias?
In my view, athletes should be allowed to defend a higher value and humanitarian mission in politics. Such as rejecting racism in politics or sports. Any just cause anywhere in the world must be present in sports stadiums, such as justice and non-discrimination. These are supreme human values.
The Olympic Games are held in most countries of the world, but the political laws are sometimes strict in some countries, such as Qatar, where some players objected to the laws, such as the Germans and Iran, so they wanted to wear different shirts than usualTaking sides is also considered cheatingBut I think athletes should be allowed to express their opinion on events such as the Olympic Games and the World Cup
Also, celebrities such as football players must bear the responsibility of speaking out against problems such as human rights, and if I am speaking out to spread awareness of the problems in the heads of state, this is one of the forms of justice
I have a different point of view.. Since football is the first popular sport in the world, it must be a mirror to reflect the political and social turmoil around it and give its fans and players the opportunity to express their opinions, views and ideas through the massive media coverage that the beautiful game receives. These opinions may be negative. Or positive.. The right of every citizen, whether an athlete or a non-athlete, to express his opinion.. Expressing an opinion is a human right that should not be denied.
All athletes have the right to express their political opinions. As sports behavior is the result of ideas and morals that necessarily result in political behavior.. the player is actually a politician while playing and the more popular he becomes, the more important his political role. Football is very popular with people. Therefore, it can be used in a positive and effective way to support just causes and spread values, morals and correct behaviors
In my opinion I think politics is a game in itself so let it to their players " politicians ".
No i think athletes should not allowed to make political statements or incorporate politics with sports because each of them have specialists .
But when Qatar made strict rules about LGBTQ community it's up to itself as it Islamic country don't forget that
And footballers or athletes must be neutral to be loved from all. And footballers in Qatar went to Qatar not to speak about human rights they went to play and practice their hobbies to let people enjoy and unleash their negative energy not to involve their minds in politics.
If they have any notes about human rights tell the international institutions which responsible about this thing not football stadiums "this is my opinion "
And if I was athletes i would speak about any topic which related with sports and encourage people to sports and how improve global sports because it is my specialty and i love it
Any individual is supposed to respect the laws of the group he follows, separate sports from politics, and discuss such matters in their designated places away from sports, and I believe that the media fulfills this purpose. If I were an athlete, I wouldn't touch politics. Take care to spread love and peace and focus on the task. What I went for is winning the World Cup.
Sport is a wonderful way for all peoples and humanity to communicate. You do not need a language to communicate. All peoples communicate mathematically without language or tongue.
In sports, there is no discrimination between people, whether in language, color, race or religion.
My opinion is with Rule 50 set by the Olympic Committee, whereby athletes are not allowed to make any political statements or raise any notices that have political, religious, racial, or sexual connotations, while respecting the rule of customs and traditions of the countries hosting the sports tournaments.
My opinion is that celebrities are not required to talk about any controversial issues, because celebrities' fans come from all walks of life, stripes, and religions.
And if I am destined to be an athlete, I will try to be distinguished, athletically successful, and the best representative of my country and my sport, and I will not be interested in any controversial issues.
Can you challenge yourself to imagine and explain the opposing view as well, @unique_reality?
Maybe I can. There is a lot of harm towards mixing politics with sports. When politics mixes with sports, this leads to clashes, violations, disagreements and many problems. There is no need to open the doors of hatred, enmity and violence in the face of sports
Hi unique_reality, thank you for your comment. You seem to have a strong opinion about this topic, can you give some examples of clashes, violations and disagreements you have seen/read about when sport and politics mixed?
Some examples, such as: the military salute that the Turkish national team performed in one of its matches as a result of scoring a goal, through which it supported the operations of the Turkish army in Syria against some militants in Syria
Great example unique_reality!
thanks 🥰
Sports, especially football, is a beautiful and enjoyable game.. We should not mix it with politics and make it essential and crucial issues to achieve the desires of politicians who are not interested in sports except that it is a wide area to promote their political goals.. When politics is mixed with sports, this leads to clashes, abuse, disputes and many problems. There is no need to open the gates of hatred, enmity and violence in the face of sports.
The world Cup has been held every four years Since 1930,1942 witch is equal to the world war second has participated in the current tournament system of 32 national teams since 1998divided into eight groups competing for the championship title for amounth on the home page. The first international football match was held in 1872 between scotland and England, ending in a negative draw. The first international tournament was the British championship, witch took place in 1884.At this stage, this sport was rare and played outside Britain. The first world Cup tournaments were he's the only one from south American. The British teams withder from the game in 1920because they refused to play with the notions that had fought them in the first world war.
Europen countries will not wear the "one love" armband in support of the " LGBT" Cmmundy at the world Cup matche, in Qatar dueto the threat of yellow Cord, being a warded to players.
The "LGBT"badge made it's first appearance in 2020 as part of Campaign Launched by the Dutch Football Association to bring people together.
Then Dutch Federation Campaign apposes discriminatirn based on rau,skin, Colour, sexud orientatirn, Culture creed, nationalty,gender, age and " all other form's of discrimiatian" .
That's right -- how do you feel about this?
Sports and athletes are an essential element to support human rights and educate and make people aware of them. It is the tool used to promote equal opportunities, regardless of race, gender, color and religion.. It is an important element to promote the rights of people with disabilities as well.. Despite that, athletes must abide by and respect the laws, by By not giving the unimportant issues the opportunity to cover up the beautiful events, they are a symbol of respect, commitment, respect for the opposition, and teamwork.
The athlete is a human being by nature expressing his opinions on social media or his own pages, but not during the match or his field of work. It is a big world that requires effort from the player to focus on his goal of succeeding in the match, not other topics. Sports brings together many athletes from all over the world, who play in the spirit of honest competition, and highlight their creativity during the competition.
If someone talks about politics during sports, and the dialogue of political discussions begins in the playing field, then the players will lose the sportsmanship, and hatred and hatred will remain between the players, and the game will become like a war between them, and sports will lose its pleasure and beauty. Sport is the only outlet from life's pressures and problems. It is a platform for enjoyment, not a platform for referendum. And if I am an athlete one day, I do not prefer to talk about politics or any other subject, except for sports only. Because there will be other speakers or opponents of politics who will specialize in that As for me, I will settle for my goal of sports and enjoyment. Because sport is the only one that all countries from different parts of the world agree upon and become one bloc.
Personally, I believe that athletes should be allowed to express themselves at such events because it gives room for them to be heard globally and for everyone to feel how they feel about a particular thing whether politics or any other issue they have. It also helps whoever or whatever they are making a statement for know that they are not alone. Using the LQBTQ+ that was advocated for by the German National Team made a statement to the community that they are not alone and they as a nation stand with them.
I don't think that celebrities are obliged to advocate or make such statements because they are majorly focused on how to make money and boost their fame. I think the only time celebrities make such statements is when what is happening directly affects them and will either make them lose followers.
As I said, if I was an athlete, I would only speak up when what is happening affects me because there are other negative effects of speaking up. If I was a footballer and I spoke up when it was not necessary, it could cost me many many games or I may lose followers, and this will only cause more harm than good to me.
‘If Sports can unite us then good governance in politics can redeem us today’. I personally believe that sports and politics together in a game can reap extensive benefits unless and until it doesn’t go against spirit of constitution and the nation. Perhaps, particularly in the case of Qatar I do believe that sportsmen shall definitely speak to aware people about the wrong happening in that specific nation so as to spread this sensitive topic and reach a concrete conclusion. Instead of hanging the particular topic in air, it is certainly better to ‘back it by action’ and unite other countries as well, to permanently STOP this atrocity.
Yes, because if athletes do that, they can make a difference in the word, because it shows that doing the right thing can make a difference in the lives of others. As for Qatar, it is known for its distaste for the LGBTQ+ community and human rights abuses, if making political statements at an event like this can make people feel affected and perhaps free. I also believe that celebrities should have a responsibility to speak up because I believe equality is everyone's responsibility. And if I'm an athlete, I'm going to want to speak up, it's because I want to be the best version of myself.
Athletes should stay away from politics and political opinions and not mix politics with sports, and they should stay away from politics completely. Athletes should always draw the image of football in a pure and pure way as a beautiful sport that is not affected by the impurities around it
Let the athletes leave politics to the politicians, and let us enjoy football without mixing it with things that burden humanity.
Qatar did not respect the rights of the workers who built the stadium in harsh conditions , and there are workers who lost their lives
International organizations describe that the work of workers is like slavery
The return that Qatar benefits from is tourism and its financial investments
When Arab or European fans raise slogans in support of the Palestinian cause, when an Egyptian hero hangs a slogan in support of Gaza, or a Muslim athlete refuses to play with a Zionist athlete, cries are raised with disapproval... "They mix sports with politics" before we are swept away by feelings of inferiority and feelings of inferiority and surrender rage within us. For their screams, let us slow down and think a little. Can we really separate the two areas? Quite simply, the answer is no, because politics is the result of the ideas of human principles and morals, as well as sports is the result of the same ideas, principles and morals. Celebrities certainly don't have a responsibility to speak out against or support political matters. Celebrities are people, just like us. If you're an athlete, there are circumstances to speak out. It has to come from a place of real concern. Many celebrities post without realizing what they're talking about, because it shows On a superficial level, sports don't mix with politics, but they do.
I believe very well that everyone has the right to express his own opinion, provided that he is not the spokesman for the entire community. The beliefs of people and societies differ in different cultures, so it is not permissible to impose my opinion on everyone. Therefore, I believe that athletes have the right to express their own views, even if they are not welcomed. It is enough that he exercised his natural right،I see that the responsibility to talk about human rights violations and problems in societies in all fields is the responsibility of everyone, and since celebrities, especially athletes, have a great impact on changing the course of some things and events, because football simulates all age groups and even children. I believe that the opposition that Qatar faced against its policy of violating human rights will make it reconsider some matters in the coming days. Whoever tastes the warm and sweet welcome (the positive results of hosting) it is obvious that it will work to win public opinion in the coming days.،For myself, since I am not a fan of football, I do not have the right to express or talk about such matters, but if we assume that I am an athlete, then I will not talk about things that people have been unable to change. Contrary to the opinions of some of my fans, I will lose my popularity and fame, I will only talk about everything that is beautiful
Of course, they have the right to make statements because they are players. Did the athletes benefit from the intervention of politics in the matter and obtain support and money, or did the politicians benefit more by spreading their ideas, supporting their popularity, strengthening their positions, and consolidating their systems?
The dispute is very deep in an attempt to outweigh one party over the other, but justice requires saying that both have benefited from the other, and the relationship between them continues and will not end in view of the mutual need of each party. Politicians have achieved for them, foremost of which is the recovery of sports economics, the increase of its resources, and its obtainment of government support to host major tournaments.
Sports and politics are mixed? To answer this question, let me give you a small example : Who among us has not played any game with his brothers or friends, whether it is a game of football, volleyball, chess or even computer games. We used to enforce many rules that are major to the success of the game (such as not touching the ball or sticking to the specified time.... etc) and competitors or players must abide by and apply them . I think that's part of the game's policy . so Isn't politics part of sport ? Sports in general and football in particular, is the most popular and watched game among many sports. It is not just a round ball rolling on green grass, it is politics, economics and investment, a game loved by rich and poor, intellectuals and professionals, young and old, and loved by men and women.
It's the number one sport in the world. It began with simple laws after an agreement between 12 English clubs in 1863, and football continued to evolve and amend its laws to keep pace with developments in technology that occur in all fields.
Not only money and industry that entered football, but politics and even the war entered, as happened after the match El Salvador and Honduras in (1969) where the war remained between them for 4 days, and many people were killed, and that war was called "ball war",
Political slogans in stadiums and direct political expression in the stadium is the clearest example of understanding the relationship between politics and football. The overlap between sport and politics is not new. There has become a relationship of interaction between sport and politics and they benefit from each other, and the media has become part of this equation . Sport is no longer just a recreational activity, but politics has entered it to pollute the beauty of this ball.
Sport and politics are - in my opinion - two completely different areas of the world. They don't mix - or rather, they shouldn't. Making political statements at sporting events generates a great deal of publicity and not necessarily in a good way. The fact of the matter is that not everyone has to care about politics - and not everyone does. Celebrities certainly don't have a responsibility to speak out against or support political matters. Celebrities are people, just like us, and I think it's time we stop putting them on a pedestal. Rather than waiting to find out which side a celebrity took, I wish we could simply inform ourselves about sensitive topics and proceed with caution. I think the intersection between politics and sport is best left to the officials. I think excluding certain countries for their actions is fine, but for one player to do that is very dangerous. If you are an athlete, there will be conditions for speaking out. It has to come from a place of genuine concern. I will not speak simply because I felt pressure from bystanders to take a stand. Second, I would need to properly educate myself on any issue. A lot of celebrities post without knowing exactly what they're talking about. They come across as extraordinarily superficial. I think in a perfect world, sports and politics wouldn't mix. But they do, and the only thing we can do is proceed with caution.
I feel that FIFA are there to play football but I have a feeling politics will mix In to the World Cup and I don’t like the decisions quatar have made but as I said FIFA want to play football
And they have put in so much effort because they have already made 7 stadiums and they got hotel rooms ready for the players
Conclusion: I have a feeling politics will mix with football but it’s too late for it to change now
As I was there at the live video my understanding for the situation has changed
Before I thought it was wrong for them to host it.
I still think they shouldn’t have hosted it but like I have said countless of times FIFA are there to play football and not about politics
There is always a motto that a lot of people use which is &