incomparable_blueberry has not published standpoints yet. Comments by incomparable_blueberry Comment Post Date Comment: I have chosen "THE DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU BY SKYPE UP TO 30m NHS APPOINTMENTS TO BE THROUGH... Post: #25 - Behind the Headlines - Winners Announced! Date: 02/3/20 Comment: On my poster I would write: Thank you for sacrificing your mental health to fix others and... Post: #24 - Notes to the NHS Date: 24/2/20 Comment: I used to think that the EU and the UK were in good terms; however, now I think that the UK is... Post: #22 - I used to think... Now I think... Date: 13/2/20 Comment: Space exploration is a good thing but to a certain extent; but it can wait a while before we... Post: #10 - Brain-stand! Winners Announced Date: 11/11/19 Comment: I'm sceptical about about quote D because what has already happened in Hong Kong is just going... Post: #5 Questionable Quotes - Winners Announced! Date: 07/10/19 Comment: These days it takes me 20 minutes to get to work while I live just 10 away. The protests have... Post: #4 Diary Entry - Winners Announced! Date: 30/9/19 Comment: I think picture B is the odd one out because A and C both resemble the freedom of letting people... Post: #3: Odd-One-Out - Winners Announced! Date: 27/9/19