intrepid_sea has not published standpoints yet. Comments by intrepid_sea Comment Post Date Comment: The population has lots of food that could feed everyone for the rest of their lives. we do have... Post: The food crisis: why can’t we just share? Date: 09/12/22 Comment: doctor shortages are terrible because it means less treatment for sick patients. if the sick... Post: What causes doctor shortages? Date: 02/12/22 Comment: I agree 14 hours are way to long. at least have 1 day off. i think its unfair for humans if... Post: Working conditions: what’s acceptable? Date: 02/12/22 Comment: I agree with person A as well, because without doctors when people are ill nobody is there to... Post: Pick a side! Date: 28/11/22 Comment: the decision to hold the world cup in Qatar isn't very good because loads of people say that the... Post: Controversy in Qatar! Date: 28/11/22 Comment: if you don't like/want your clothes anymore give it to charity so it can get some use... Post: Reduce, reuse, recycle! Date: 25/11/22 Comment: my invention is called climate helper, its an invention that prevents climate change and help... Post: Get creative, save the planet! Date: 11/11/22 Comment: im really worried about the climate change because i love animals and i don't want any animals... Post: Climate reporters! Date: 11/11/22