Standpoints by logical_tamarind Written by: logical_tamarind The Metaverse Unveiled: A Paradigm Shift in Human... 20 May 2023 0 comments Comments by logical_tamarind Comment Post Date Comment: India, the country with the most diverse culture and best natural beauty is slowly degrading to... Post: Climate change in your country Date: 10/5/23 Comment: If I had power and I am residing in a good position in a particular section of work, I would... Post: Nepotism poll results! Date: 09/5/23 Comment: I scored an 8. Metaverse is almost like a mirror of our reality when it would be fully... Post: Test your knowledge Date: 04/5/23 Comment: Strikes should be allowed as they give employees the power to negotiate for better wages,... Post: Strikes poll results! Date: 03/5/23 Comment: The development of mankind has come at a big cost. The cost of our environment and Earth itself.... Post: Earth Day poll results! Date: 02/5/23 Comment: AI, also humanities recent developing friend has proven useful on innumerous ways. From getting... Post: AI poll results! Date: 02/5/23 Comment: This question commonly arises in the minds of common people when they think about the term... Post: Are royals relevant? Date: 02/5/23 Comment: The first thing that comes to everyone's mind while hearing the word royalty will most likely be... Post: Royalty poll results! Date: 28/4/23