AI poll results!


Artificial intelligence (AI) is when machines do things that usually require human intelligence, such as, make decisions or design something.

AI can now create art. For example, it can produce images that look like drawings, paintings or photographs; musical compositions; and pieces of creative writing.

This gave us an idea for this week’s poll! This time we want you to think about the question:

For this poll we asked you to share how you felt about the following statement:

Can AI, or someone who uses AI to create art, be called an artist?

The results are in and here's what you thought:

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Comments (128)

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  • I think that artificial intelligence and painters who use artificial intelligence should not be called artists, as there are many people who can also do what they do, but real artists are those who really love drawing and draw through their creativity and what goes on in their imagination, so this artist can outperform Artificial intelligence with its intelligence and creativity in its drawings

    1. No, I think artificial intelligence is a wonderful thing and it deserves the name of art because it is something that takes a lot of time to learn and it is very difficult so no one can master it. As for drawing, you will find many people mastering drawing, as it is very easy and takes a little time to learn it. Yes, drawing is art and artificial intelligence is art, so the two are things Wonderful, and as I said, artificial intelligence is not an easy thing, and perhaps it will change the world and make it more developed

      1. Thank you for sharing your perspective on this topic. I agree with you that artificial intelligence is a wonderful thing that has the potential to change the world and make it more developed. The development of AI requires a lot of time and effort, and it is certainly not an easy thing to master. In many ways, AI can be seen as a form of art, as it requires creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills. Similarly, drawing is also an art form that requires practice and skill to master. Ultimately, both AI and drawing are wonderful things that can be appreciated for their beauty, complexity, and potential to improve our lives.

      2. Hi balanced forest,
        I disagree with your point, people using AI should not be called artists, because most of the sounds which are made to sound better are made /corrected by the AI. Another thing is drawing is not easy to master, it takes a lot of time to master and also your right AI will change the world and make it more developed someday in the future.

      3. I disagree because... quite alright I get the aspect in which you are coming from but I don't think your seeing the other side stories about AI's.
        In my own opinion, I would say that AI is actually capable of making a lot of errors due to the fact that its completely dependent on the humans who build and train it, AI can be infused with the biases of its creators. And other negative consequences can come with the increasing dominance of AI that aren’t obvious to the average layperson.
        Also I cant be the only one who still sees the act of AI re-making artwork as PIRACY...or am I??? Like for the fact that they just copy another individuals work and the AI then claims the work . It doesn't just feel right to me.

      4. AI and can be used to increasingly concentrate wealth and power, leaving many people behind, and to create horrifying weapons. This is a probable outcome that is inevitable, so the right question is not ‘What will happen?’ but ‘What will we choose to do?’ We need to work aggressively to make sure technology matches our values. This can and must be done at all levels ranging from the smallest unit of society to even the government.

      5. I disagree. AI "art" can't even be classed as art. The definition of art is: The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power (according to Oxford Languages). Focus on the words "HUMAN creative skill". The definition of the word even disagrees, as much as a definition can disagree, with the fact that AI art is still art. AI is not human, so according to the definition it can't be classed as art.

      6. I disagree because... Art cannot be learned quickly, since I have now completed six months to learn it, but there are some skills that I have not mastered yet, so the name of the artist is given to someone who can convey all his feelings in the painting even if he may need more time, and But artificial intelligence cannot do that, it is true that it saves time and effort, but it cannot provide the required sensations, and also you cannot develop your skill by having what you want, I mean that searching for ideas and the thing to be drawn or deduced from the painting will provide it for you Artificial intelligence so you won't find it fun

      7. I disagree because... first AI is not learnt or mastered , it is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines especially computer systems programmed and I believe you know that AI was developed for humans in order to making our surroundings more beautiful; creating records of a specific time, place, person or object; and expressing and communicating ideas. In my view and opinion I believe the production of art should be strictly for human beings and not for Artificial Intelligence due to the fact that AI can first destroy the interest and reputation of other artists coupled with the fact that it would be better than any other of work art since it is better and more accurate.
        Also, AI cant even perform physical activities involved in art such as painting, drawing or sculpture etc. so therefore how would you say AI, or someone who uses AI to create art, be called an artist.

      8. BALANCED_FOREST, you are very inspiring, and I totally agree with you that the AI is a wonderful thing in my opinion it can be a source of motivation and ideas because in my thinking if you don't have an idea of what to do and you just start playing with the brushes and idea can always pop from nowhere. Also, another good thing about the AI is that if you made a mistake, you could always go back. it is also helpful when the artist is starting to have an ARTIST BLOCK (this is a diverse term saying that your motivation stops, or you suddenly can come up with ideas) because the AI can give different pictures or ideas to help you start your work. So, my point is the AI is a FLEXIBILE SYSTEM.
        THANK YOU

      9. They shouldnt be called artists because they are something IN your laptop therefore you can code or like on tiktok just put in the name of the thing and there and its rude to those artists that work hard.

      10. I disagree because this results in a lot of negatives, even if it has positives, but its negatives are more than positives, including: Artists are fighting a battle online and in the courts against artificial intelligence that copies in seconds their styles that took years to develop. I learned that last year an outcry erupted from artists after the release of generative artificial intelligence programs that could emulate their methods and produce works of art identical to theirs. And any user of artificial intelligence programs can obtain pictures or drawings in the style of any artist, but without obtaining his approval, reference to him, or financial compensation. Supporters of the call hope to establish a legal precedent that would allow control over generative AI models that copy the styles of animators.

      11. In my opinion, the controversy over the intrusion of artificial intelligence into the world of art has risen to the point of attacking the original works of artists. Its tools may violate artists’ copyrights by using their works as a basis for artificially generating images, and this raises many crises, which will make artists try to address it. When an artist was asked, he said, “Artificial intelligence programs use works of artists without their consent or attributing these works to them.”

      12. I disagree, you can not call a person who uses AI(artificial intelligence)an artist because a few clicks and the press of a button can not be compared with someone who is dedicated and spent countless hours to make art.Although mastering drawing is easier, a person who types on a keyboard and generates art he/she did not even make has no right to call themselves an artist.People who work hard to make outstanding masterpieces should deserve that title.

      13. AI is a strategic technology that brings greater efficiency, new income opportunities and enhanced customer loyalty. It also helps companies achieve more in less time. It takes a lot of time to learn to make the right predictions. Its drawback is also unclear. AI systems must include clear design documents and machine learning must include testing and improvement.

    2. I agree with you that an artist is not considered an artist if they use AI, which is why I don't support the idea of ​​AI being used in art or music. You feel that artificial intelligence makes things easy and accessible to everyone, so you lose what is called fascination and innovation.

    3. Of course, I totally agree with you that humans are advancing and creating art more than AI. Maybe I have an idea that I said before, which is...
      To name the artist who uses artificial intelligence is another name for the human artist who uses his hand and heart to draw... But I was surprised by the information that said that artificial intelligence has an artistic sense... But is it possible for them to hold a competition to determine the best among them
      Humane artists... and artificial intelligence art?! If you have ideas about this question, share them with us and explain your opinion, please.
      Thank you ❤

    4. I agree because... in actuality I think that the only way the AI user can be called an artist is for the concept and how much the user impacted the final piece

    5. I agree with you ..
      I think I have a solution to this problem:

      "Artificial intelligence: a virtual world. "
      "And our world: a real world" ...

      I think every artist should be given a name that matches their world.
      For example, art users on AI should be named differently than human artists...

      Thus, everyone has the opportunity to understand what the paintings of human artists are... and who are the AI ​​painters...
      And indeed, I do not deny the beauty and realism of some drawings made by artificial intelligence, but the emotional art of a person is still better ...

      But my question (eg: if you implement my idea, what do you think is a suitable name for artists using artificial intelligence?!)
      and Did you like my idea, or are there some modifications, or did you not agree with them?!
      I'm happy to hear your opinion..

  • Yes, I think that AI and a person who uses AI to create art should be called an artist because art is simply self expression and to me AI is the form that John McCarthy(one of the founding fathers of AI) found to express his mind and thoughts about certain things which invented AI(artificial intelligence)

    1. I agree because I believe that if someone can create something using his or her creativity can do arts anywhere and I think AI is a very good place to create arts

    2. If artificial intelligence carries out everything that a person commands, then there is no art in it at all. He only controls intelligence similar to his intelligence. He just thought how to do it and did.
      By imposing orders, it is not right to be called an artist, as the artist who works hard to obtain this title
      I suggest that they be called by a name other than the artist
      Because they controlled artificial intelligence, and this is a beautiful thing, and they must have a name, but not an artist, because an artist is different from that

    3. I disagree because... AI and a person who uses AI to create art should not be called an artist .for them to become one is by making their own art to be called one, instead of copying and changing it in a different style and vision to make people excited of what type of picture is trending and what will happen in future .
      They don't think out side the box
      They develop laziness

      1. I understand your perspective, but I would like to present a different viewpoint on the matter.

        The definition of an artist can vary and is open to interpretation. While some may argue that an artist is someone who creates original work from scratch, others believe that artists can also include those who utilize AI or other tools to assist in their creative process. Art, like any form of expression, evolves with time and technological advancements.

        AI can be a tool that artists use to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of creativity. It can assist in generating ideas, providing inspiration, or aiding in the execution of artistic visions. Rather than simply copying and changing existing artwork, AI can be employed to generate entirely new and unique pieces. Artists using AI can combine their own creativity, skill, and vision with the capabilities of AI technology to create something truly original.

        Additionally, the use of AI in art does not necessarily lead to laziness or unemployment. It can actually open up new avenues of creativity and offer opportunities for artists to experiment and innovate. AI can be seen as a tool that complements and enhances the artistic process, rather than replacing the artist themselves. Artists still bring their unique perspective, creativity, and personal touch to the artwork, even if AI is involved in the process.

        Furthermore, the integration of AI in art can lead to the development of new artistic roles and career paths. It can create employment opportunities in fields such as AI artistry, creative programming, or the development and maintenance of AI tools for artists.

        Ultimately, whether someone considers AI users as artists or not may depend on their personal definition and understanding of art. However, it's important to recognize that the utilization of AI in art can be a valuable and legitimate form of creative expression, encouraging innovation, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the artistic realm.

  • The term artist has come to be applied to all those who practice photography, drawing, acting, directing, music and literature in our society, and I see that this is not true.
    From my point of view, a person should be called an “artist” and be worthy of having in his being a genius talent that enables him to draw his paintings emotionally and explain his feelings, and I think that artificial intelligence does not have feelings and sensations, so he should not be called an artist .

  • A person who uses AI to create art shouldn't be called an artist because art is the human activity that involves the physical expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. So if an AI creates the art it won't be called physical expression of human creative skills. For example if a person uses AI to create music,though the lyrics might come from the person but it woudn't be the person's vioce heard it will be the AI's voice heard. Dancing is also another skills that involves making different moves with your body with the AI you can't get to use your body to create new moves..

    1. Is music all about the effect is has on the listener or about the musician?

      1. Music has effect on both the listener and musician.
        People listen to music to take them out of sorrow while others for fun.
        Musicians make songs to earn money while others sing in other to share their live experience. Some sing for fun and others to touch peoples lives.
        Some listeners don't care about the voice but the lyrics because some of the lyrics are indirectly talking about what affects them and in some cases the lyrics is like a solution to their problems. That's why sometimes music is called the food for the soul.
        There are other listeners who don't care about the lyrics but only the voice. They fall in love with the musician voice and don't care about the content of the song. As such touching their lives.

        1. I agree because... It's true that music has a profound impact on both listeners and musicians, and it can serve a variety of purposes for different people according to their situations.Music can help us express our emotions which may be difficult to put into words.In India, music plays a significant role in people's lives, and it has a rich history and cultural significance.Music has a special place in people's hearts, and it continues to inspire and uplift people of all ages and backgrounds.Sad music can be therapeutic by allowing us to process and express emotions in a healthy way. And I agree to what u have said about lyrics and voice. I feel the same that both voice and lyrics matters and play a beautiful, important role in music. Sometimes voice of the musician can evoke certain emotions and connect people in a unique way. A singer with intense or soothing voice can make a song more impressive and memorable.And that what makes people moved. And sometimes even me, drawn to a particular singers voice even if I don't understand the language of the lyrics. At the same time lyrics can be a story or message that connects people with their emotions. Like it can relate to a person's personal experiences. And sometimes it can be a source of inspiration. Like I used to listen to songs which gives me energy to continue my work when I am tired. So both voice and lyrics matters I think.Music has the power to transform our lives in meaningful ways.

      2. I think the one who is affected the most is the listener, because the musician will know the song and he will have heard this music before, because the listener enjoys when he hears this music and he will be very happy

      3. Well for me it not completely all about a particular aspect, Music is very broad so we cannot say it is all about the listener or about the musician, but I think it is more about the effort the musician puts into producing a good piece of music.

        Here is why I think it is more about the musician. One cannot classify a sound as good music if it has no effect or impact on someone, not also forgetting that music is an aspect of art, and art is an expression of human feelings, while listening to a piece of music, the listener should be able to understand the background in which laid the foundation for singing that song even though many may have different opinions, and this can't be possible if the musician does not know how to use maximum expression to make an impact on to listener.

        My main point is that I will classify the effect music has on the listener under the Efforts of the musician, because if the musician sings rubbish without making any effort to see that his piece of art inspired someone or gave a good impact on someone, the music will definitely not have any effect on the listener,
        But if the musician makes effort to see that his work makes an impact somewhere, it will surely affect the listener positively because hard work is main key to "success."

  • Yes, I feel anyone who uses AI to create art, can be called an artist. People who use AI may be looked upon as Non naturalistic, uncreative, and fake sometimes even untalented. People say this because most times artworks created using AI are inspired by other people's work and the artist are assisted by Artificial Intelligence. In my own opinion the fact that they are able to be creative and turn someone else's work into something else most times even better than the original is impressive and even with AI, it makes it easier and smoother. AI even gives more effects, Beats and so on to make creating art more fun and exciting, giving artists room for more improvement and crazier, fun and amazing inventions. I feel anyone who uses AI has more advantage than an artist who doesn't so why shouldn't they be called or classified as artists? This is unfair to them because they deserve to be appreciated for what they make or create sometimes they are more creative than normal artist and even produce a lot of new ideas, inventions and artworks.

  • Yes a person who uses AI to create art can be called an artist if he uses his/her own ideas/inspiration to create the art. Usually losts of people have ideas/inspiration but they don't know how to make it come to reality because they are either not good in drawing, writing, taking pictures or singing. But when these ideas are used together with the AI , their ideas can turn into a beautiful art. The AI will help bring out their inspiration/ideas into a beautiful work of art as such they become artist as well

    1. Does that mean there is no need to learn art skills like drawing anymore?

      1. Thers's a need to learn art skills most especially in the early years of school. At this age most of the pupils learn with art drawing. They find it easy to express themselves and learn with ease. People have individual difference , some find it easy to express themselves with drawing. Taking drawing skills away will affect them in a negative way.
        The AI of drawing can be used to assist those who find it difficult to draw so that they will not lose interest in drawing. The AI of drawing can also improve the creative drawing of those with good drawing skills.

      2. No, I don't think so, because the art produced by artificial intelligence is completely different from the art produced by natural intelligence For example, there are innovations and inventions that are different, each of which is more beautiful than the other. Therefore, I do not think that it is possible to retire from art

      3. No, not at all! Like so many people have said, art is self expression, whether you use Artificial Intelligence as a medium or not. As for me, I draw because it is fun, and sometimes relieves stress and sadness. I believe that if anyone sees AI as an excuse not to learn creative skills, then they never really had the passion to learn in the first place.
        Artificial Intelligence was created to ease the execution of tasks on humans, whether creative or not. I feel that nobody should ever use technology as an excuse not to learn. Anyone that wants to learn art skills should not be discouraged by the fact that AI can do it too. You learn for yourself, not for others.

  • I feel that yes a person who uses art can be referred to as an artist. Art is a diverse range of human activity, and resulting product, that involves creative or imaginative talent expressive of technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power, or conceptual ideas. Art id diverse and comes it many aspects. It is the choice or the artist to decide on which apparatus he or she wants to use to produce whatever sort of art. Using AI to create art just makes it easy for the artist to produce art. Also, the use of AI to produce art can be the specialty of people.

  • I do not agree with this because this is called theft. It is just like a student studying all night until he passes the exam while another student is sleeping and not interested in this and when the exam the teacher comes and helps the lazy student who did not study to pass the exam, I think this is unfair to other artists . Also, whoever uses artificial intelligence to create drawings and paintings may not have any knowledge of the field of arts, in addition to that, he did not make any effort to draw this painting, so how can we call this person an artist?!!!

    1. Great comment. Can you expand on what the importance of "knowledge of the field of arts" is?

      1. We all know that if someone wants to achieve his dream, he must stay up at night and learn everything related to the dream or the profession he wants, and this also applies to art, meaning that if the user of artificial intelligence calls himself an artist, he must be aware of the basics of art at least and learn more about This topic. Do you agree with me?

      2. It creates man in the golden imagination, and it benefits man scientifically and intellectually, and it increases the imagination of designers in developing works and improving their quality. Art is a means for sensory dialogue and imagination among designers, and the role of art in societies is to enhance the capabilities of education and creativity and to promote the values ​​of diversity.

    2. It isn't called theft in my own opinion rather innovation. Art is diverse so anyone can design/ create art. It a form of expression of the innermost mind of man roused by human activity. Art mustn't be studied before it is created it could even be a talent or area of specialization for some individuals. AI in Art i feel was actually designed to make things fair from my perspective some people like you said don't have the "knowledge of art" but have the passion to express themselves AI can help them do that easily and even faster and be an inspiration to others to since they are not as lucky as those who were born with the natural talent of art. Even helps artist who are well trained create even better artworks that are dazzling an example of such an artist is" sougwen chung" who produces artworks using AI. Besides it is a choice to use AI for art or not it is there for everyone and anyone there is no discrimination on using AI for art.

  • An AI that produces art according to me is not classified as an artist. I am someone who has the passion for art and for me all that art centers around is self expression it more than just mere paintings and drawings it is deep it comes from your emotions there is that drive that pushes you towards it and from my research AI dooe not have true emotions and those that have emotions have being programmed to do so and no matter how good the programming may be it can never be true, it can never have a true passion like a human who does. Also, as someone who holds art at a very high esteem, any art that is not centered around true expression of deep emotions is not an art, so therefore, no matter how good an AI's art may be it is never true and so they are not artist. Lastly, I stand with Master Cheng when he said " AI DOES NOT PRODUCE TRUE ART"

    1. I disagree because...... in my own opinion "AI PRODUCES GENUINE ART" Yes art is aroused and centered on feelings, self-expression and AI just supports people in doing that. AI is a platform where anyone can express his or herself, and even give better ideas as a source of inspirations from someone's work. You said that it doesn't expresses true emotion I disagree because anyone who creates art from the mind is expressing out of true feelings whether using AI or not. Therefore, the work is still based on someone's ideas/emotions so if you are basing your point on true feeling. In my opinion that is not fair to all AI artists.

  • I think yes, the title of artist should be given to everyone who uses artificial intelligence. Not everyone can use it, as it is art, but with the correct use, it may leave a beautiful imprint in our lives.

  • The general definition of art is that it is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. The key point I want to talk about is human creative skill. Art is something done for joy by people. An AI cannot feel the joy a human feels when he or she has created a masterpiece. Also an AI will not put as much effort as a human would when creating a masterpiece.
    An AI is a machine so it is made to create only art it is programmed to. Due to this an AI does not have the diversity that a human being has when creating art. Also an AI might not have the ability to express all the emotions the programmer wants it to.
    An AI can only copy. When a human artist mimics another artist's style and pass off a piece of artwork as their own, it is incredibly frowned upon and in some cases could be seen as copyright infringement. But honestly this is essentially what AI art is doing. An AI doesn’t create its own art. It samples everyone else's art then combines it into something else. Art is based on unique ideas due to human differences and since an AI copies and mashes everyone else's, in my opinion it is not totally art.
    Therefore the person using the AI cannot be called an artist because an artist is someone who expresses his/her feelings. Someone using an AI isn't expressing his/her feelings because the AI is doing all the work. Honestly Artificial art lacks its own intrinsic psychic meaning to the agent. AI agents are not creating art rather, they are replicating art.

    1. Great comment. Can you explain the importance to people of "expressing his/her feelings" in art?

      1. ''Painting is another way of keeping a diary'' these were the words of the renowned Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso. According to what I've learnt through all my years of schooling, art is meant to convey emotions that you find difficult to express in speech. As a lover of art I've come to realize that almost every artwork has a hidden story behind it. Art gives us a free platform to to express oneself in many ways possible through poetry, drawings, paintings and also through music you could use these different forms of art to communicate your thoughts to other people. A good example is the song ''How Do I Say Goodbye'' when he wrote this song his Dad was ill with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, he thought his Dad was going to die so he used his song to express how he truly felt through singing and a lot of people related with this song and it moved a lot of people. He truly used this song to express what he was truly going through.

      2. Yes, of course, through art, a person can express his feelings and feelings in a creative way, either through singing, dancing, drawing, or poetry (literary writings, prose, a story) and it reflects on people with positive energy and overwhelming happiness. In the end, a person will have self-confidence, stay away from psychological disorders, develop himself, strengthen social bonds, and develop society.

      3. Well an artist can use feelings and emotions depending on the need and requirement of the artwork. It creates an aesthetic experience that the viewers enjoy. Also, art and emotions work hand in hand to bring meaning to various artefacts. When One expresses his or her feelings through art it depicts his or her emotions. Art can be interpreted differently by different people and it is the artist's emotions that makes this possible. It is widely thought that the capacity of artworks to arouse emotions in audiences is a perfectly natural fact. Good art leaves many of us think about different emotions. This is why it is art. Emotions create feelings that flow naturally. But oftentimes they get mashed up. Whatever emotion you're feeling can be a lot to carry. Expressing emotion through art is an incredible way to release those feelings before they get too deep and begin to create other problems and art is an incredibly efficient way of releasing those feelings.

      4. According to Gustav Klimt “Art is a line around your thoughts.” Focusing on artistic expression has many benefits: it takes your mind off your negative emotions and in addition, it allows you to express these feelings in a healthy way. Work it out – Rather than brooding and letting stress, sadness, or anger get the better of you, transform it into something else. Art allows us to have a deeper understanding of our emotions; it increases our self-awareness, and also allows us to be open to new ideas and experiences.

      5. For example, drawing what is in the feelings of the painter, or what happened to him, something that made him angry, or what he suffered from throughout his life, for example, when they are in a time of distress, so he draws what is appropriate for him, or he draws about the courage of his parents, or what happens with them at work

  • I believe that the existence of artificial intelligence and the arts will make tremendous progress in societies and look at them from an aesthetic point of view, and everyone will pay attention to this issue, and everyone will be able to participate in it, so it will be a matter of attention in the country

    1. I'm not sure about this because when you say matter of attention it is very broad because I'm sure there are other things going on around in the country so I will like to know what you mean by matter of attention ,are there no other things to pay attention to?

  • I would say that people who use AI to create art are not artists because the AI would be doing most of the work and because AI is so advanced they could create something very unimaginary which could be put up for auction to make the owner of AI very wealthy and not giving actual artists a chance to prove themselves.

  • I don't think someone who uses AI to create art should be called an artist because an artist is someone with the talent and skills to conceptualize and make creative works. I also don't think AI could be called an artist because it needs a human to give it orders or controls to allow it to create an artpiece.

  • I disagree with this statement, A person who uses AI shouldn’t be called an artist because, when you use the “artificial intelligence”(AI) you aren’t the one making it, you just use your imagination and type it down which is then presented to you meaning you do not do the hard work you just put imagine and it’s presented to you. An artist is a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby, so when you just type down what you want to make on the AI you do not bring your pencil, eraser and paint to draw because the AI does it for you, so it’s not a true artistry.

  • I disagree . It's unfair to call AI an artist . It's true AI is creative but also it's following data managed by humans . Anyone can ask AI to draw anything he wants without any effort and in seconds he can get what he wants . This way we kill the human's creativity . At the same time, the real artist makes his mind and his imagination to create an image full of feelings and emotions. This way we keep the human 's mind creativity . In my opinion if someone uses AI to make pictures to sell them so ,he is clever to use it to earn money and to be a trader not an artist .

  • I guess he shouldn't be called an artist because he is
    1 It is possible to use Photoshop
    2 Not drawing by hand
    3 Imitation of artists' drawings
    4 There is no spirit of challenge
    5 Go for fun and fun
    6 Stealing the foundations of artists
    7 Not knowing anything about drawing
    And many other things

    1. You are right, and I agree with you on this, but with regard to point 4, I think that there are some users who have the spirit of challenge, but do not have the confidence in themselves to draw a painting by themselves. You know, I think that if anyone wanted to use artificial intelligence in drawing a painting or relied on it always, his conscience would not be clear, but some people might feel sad and seek to change himself and learn more and more, and then the spirit of challenge will increase in him and he may become one of the best artists of his time, and who knows ??!

    2. I do not agree with your comment because I have an uncle who has learned over the years to be able to draw what is in the imagination and he is now called the artist and he is also a painter in a university and has the ability to draw all things

    3. I do not agree with you at all, because this prevents him from calling him an artist, because they spend years learning and persevering in order to call him an artist.

  • I don't think that just because the AI ​​makes art and some paintings will make him an artist
    Because I believe that a person is an artist in his paintings with his feelings and feelings, as he transfers them to the painting

    And we all know that artificial intelligence lacks this characteristic
    I would really be glad to hear your opinion about what I have to say

    1. Interesting comment. Can you say why "feelings" are important in an artist's painting?

      1. Because if you want to show the person who sees the painting your feelings and want to attract him and make him feel that it is close to his feelings, you must show your feelings in it.

      2. Because it achieves the unity of construction and integration and gives it excitement and longing in terms of the painting being consistent and integrated (colors, movement, elements, ground, background, and the total or self-unity that stems from the artist’s heart). Thus, the artist communicates his message faster, interesting and great, and others are affected by it, so he enriches literature and science, so literature and novels multiply and develop. Science through creativity.

      3. Yes, feelings are important when we are creating an artwork because it convey emotions and create a beautiful and powerful connection between artwork and the viewer.Art is a way for artists to express themselves by using colors, shapes, and other visual elements to create something that can convey emotions and ideas to the viewer. This means that artists can use their work to communicate things that are difficult to put into words, allowing viewers to experience emotions that they may not be able to articulate themselves. By using different visual techniques, artists can create art that evokes strong feelings or creates a particular mood, which can be a powerful way to connect with their audience.A painting that has the ability to stir up strong emotions in its viewers can leave a deeper and longer-lasting impression compared to a technically skilled piece that fails to connect emotionally.The emotional resonance of a work can leave a lasting impression and make it more likely to be remembered and appreciated by its audience. According to my research and perspectives about emotion in an artwork I will provide you an example where The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is a great example of a painting that conveys emotion through its subject's facial expression. The enigmatic smile of the woman in the painting has fascinated viewers for centuries and has been the subject of much speculation and interpretation. The subtle play of light and shadow on her face creates a sense of depth and a mysterious quality that contributes to the emotional resonance of the painting. Many viewers have described the painting as conveying a sense of serenity, introspection, and even melancholy. The Mona Lisa's emotional impact is a significant reason why it is considered one of the greatest works of art of all time. So feelings are definitely in an artist's painting

      4. Feelings are important in an artist's painting because they give the viewer a higher level of meaning and emotional connection. When an artist infuses their painting with their own emotions, they are able to communicate their emotions to the viewer via color, texture, and other approaches. This enables the artwork to elicit a more powerful emotional response from the viewer, resulting in a more compelling and lasting impression.

      5. Well herein lies the dividing point between real painter and AI painter. The difference between the two paintings is the ability of the viewer to feel the feelings of the painter. It is true that it is possible for the painter with artificial intelligence to fill his painting with feelings, but it is not like you paint a painting with your brush and put the colors in your hand and be creative in it as you like and put the details that you want. In your opinion, what is the way that expresses feelings the most?!!

      6. Yes, feelings are important in an artist's painting .In an ideal world, emotions create feelings that flow naturally. But oftentimes they get dammed up. Whatever you're feeling these days, it can be a lot to carry. Expressing emotion through art is an incredible way to release those feelings before they get too deep and begin to create other problems.

      7. Because it is possible that he is drawing what is in his feelings of pain, sorrow or joy, and this helps him to name him as an artist.

  • It is really possible for artificial intelligence to become an artist because I believe that in the present and future the world has become very dependent on artificial intelligence and I believe that in the future the world will adapt to artificial intelligence very much

  • Can an AI, or someone who uses AI to create art, be called an artist? I don't think so. My grandmother used to say, "I give the baker his bread even if he eats half of it." We must give the artist his due. He works hard, and stays up late to produce a beautiful, dazzling painting. Artificial intelligence does this effort, but not as much as artists in real life. It is easy to use artificial intelligence and drawing. But we don't say a person who hasn't studied medicine is a "doctor." And so in artificial intelligence. My grandfather used to say, "We are all apprentices in a craft in which no one ever becomes a master.." . But the arts in artificial intelligence are very beautiful and I am fascinated by them, but not every artist is an artist, and I hope that my meaning is understood.

  • Yes, we can call him an artist, but in the field of artificial intelligence, you will say why? Well, when a person learns how to use it and its concept, and creativity can be created from within the application, he may be an artist because art is mastery and creativity in a specific field.

    1. I agree
      Because I feel that people who use artificial intelligence in their art are more sophisticated people and like to practice something in a different way. This artist programs the commands and places them, and the device implements them, meaning that they work as a team among themselves, although these paintings lack feelings, but change and innovation of new ideas is something beautiful

  • I am with this to you, I am currently only with this, as now there is a small group of people who can use artificial intelligence brilliantly and draw photographs, but in the future everyone will be able to be artists

  • If an artist uses AI as a tool to support and enhance their creative vision and brings their own interpretation and intention to the final artwork, then they can be considered an artist in their own right. However, if they rely just on the output of an AI system without any active creative input, it is more difficult to argue that they are an artist in the traditional sense.

  • whether or not someone who uses AI to create art can be considered an artist depends on the extent to which they are actively engaged in the creative process, making artistic decisions, and expressing their own unique perspective through the use of AI.

  • I do not agree with this statement, why? Because the word artist is not just a word, but rather it carries great meanings and connotations. Now the word artist is used to refer to every person who does something amazing that dazzles people and is simple. I do not think that an artist who uses artificial intelligence is an artist. A true artist is one who has the talent and skills necessary to develop the planet and the world through technologies Modern technology and the introduction of creativity and good ideas in the establishment of these works

  • Yes. Because what the AI draw is from the imagination of the person. The AI needs the person to guide it to do somethings in minute details . I think this person is an artist in his unique imagination and deep meaning for what he design by the AI.

  • can provide some information on this topic. The question of whether AI can create art and whether someone who uses AI to create art can be called an artist is a complex and controversial issue that has been widely debated in the art world.

    Some argue that art created by AI lacks the creativity, intentionality, and originality that are necessary for a work of art to be considered as such. They believe that art created by AI is the result of algorithms and data processing, and it lacks the human touch and emotional depth that are inherent in traditional art forms.

    Others argue that AI can create new and innovative forms of art that would be impossible for humans to conceive of. They believe that AI can generate novel ideas and approaches to art that are not bound by human biases and limitations.

    In the end, the question of whether AI can create art and whether someone who uses AI to create art can be called an artist is a matter of perspective and opinion. It depends on one's definition of art and the criteria they use to determine what constitutes artistic expression.

  • AI, also humanities recent developing friend has proven useful on innumerous ways. From getting information in an instant to making complicated artworks, AI has done it all and its bounds are lessening day by day. But people overlook what is happening truly and judge AI by just looking at the surface. AI singlehandedly is destroying our creativity in ways we cannot imagine. People give commands to AI to generate a specific art and claim themselves to be so called "artists". Earlier people actually use their imagination to create art and this imagination and sense of progression and curiosity is what it lead us, humans to where we are. But nowadays humans blindly rely on AI, diminishing their once possessed sense of craving for development and imagination. Earlier artists used to roam various places taking inspiration for their artwork and nowadays it just happens with a command, AI truly is decaying our spirit of true love for art in many ways.

  • Welcome...
    I don't think he should be called an artist...
    For me, I am a person who has loved drawing since I was 3 years old. Then the human person who draws expresses, so he shows strong, sad, or even happy emotions. As for the AI ​​\u200b\u200busers, they do not use those emotions.... And I consider that the artist who uses AI is merely imitating a fake version of a real artist, so excluding the best at the expense of advanced technology is not fair, and people should encourage artists on social media and in schools so that their number does not decrease because of AI..

    1. I like what you said about "it's an imitation of the real artist". Cool, polite_dinosure In fact, the artist using artificial intelligence draws and designs beautiful things, but they are abstract and devoid of emotion. Giving the name of an artist to an AI user is not fair because the real artist is humans. They paint from their heart, from their emotions.... And I think we can find a middle ground for this to call the art user AI (virtual artist) beacuse he using a technology application and on the realist artist (human artist) also beacause using his hand and feelings of drawing....
      Thus, artists will not have to worry about their scarcity or losing their jobs...
      Artificial intelligence is a world, and we are also a world, and it is recommended to give each person a certain name for his world... and it's just an idea..
      what do you think?

  • Of course no? Not every person uses artificial intelligence, we tell him an artist, why? Because when you see a video, story, explanation, or work of any person who spreads it, and people cheer that he is an artist, but did this person use his mind in the story, video, or work? Did this person not copy another person’s work through artificial intelligence? Did this person take the right path? In creating his work on artificial intelligence? Of course, we will not find the answers to these questions, because what is hidden is greater and shocking.

  • To me AI artist can be considered actual artist because to me artificial intelligence expands their horizon giving them new ideas because to me just because some people decided to use AI to impose other artists work doesn't mean they cannot decide to make original new ideas of styles of art by themselves using AI . AI art, exists in its own category, it is unique to itself, and fundamentally different from what human artists create. Some people may even call AI art a craft instead.
    Another thing is that people may complain that art is a form of self expression which you have to do with your own hands so they don't really see the art in AI art, but nobody ever made it a rule that art has to be done with your own hands in fact in each artwork made their has to be a use of tools and AI can be considered a tool used to make expressing yourself easier. In my opinion AI itself is a piece of art considering the fact that a person or group of people expressed their innermost feelings which was making something to make everything easier and better in the world and they thought of this and they made it and to their joy it is really doing good, so in conclusion AI artists can be considered an artist.

  • Artificial intelligence can be an artist and paint fantastic and amazing paintings, but if we look at the definition of art, it's a variety of human activities, and I think that even if AI were to be painted, it wouldn't be as tangible as humans do.

    1. I agree Because, as I said earlier, my grandmother used to say, "I give the baker his bread even if he eats half of it," including that even if the drawings of artificial intelligence are perfect, beautiful, and wonderful, they will not be as wonderful as the drawings of real artists. They have the special touch that adds beauty and creativity to the paintings. Artificial intelligence, yes, is fast in drawing. But he does not get tired as much as the average artist. But after the artist finishes drawing the painting, he is very happy and proud of himself and forgets all the pain and fatigue. This is really very beautiful.!

  • If the AI is creating an art, we can call the AI as artist. But we can't tell that the one who made the AI is an artist. Because art is not just a job or passion, art is the nature of a person, the art should not be learnt it should be bonded with us as our heart is bonded. We can't say the AI to get a good experience of art because it is just programed as a artist, just like an printer or xerox machine the AI will also create an art easily, so we can call AI as an artist but not the person who made the AI.

    1. Yes I agree with you . Art is not a subject to be learned, but rather it is an instinct created in some people that comes from within. How many people have we seen who say they are artists while they are taking a lot of the ideas of someone who is tired and thought. This is unfair. We must appreciate the person who is the artist, not the one who took art as a game. Rather, he took art as his passion and worked to develop it.

  • In this same conversation "witty_elephant" has said that feelings are very important for the artist. I agree this point but ,a printer prints images that is also an art but the printer does not have any feelings then how could the printer create an art?
    This is my question not only to witty_elephant it is to everyone who belive that art can be done only if the artist has feelings.
    So I think that for AI the feelings are not necessary, so we can make exception for the AI being an artist.

  • No,Because artificial intelligence is true that it precedes humans in performing tasks, but it lacks the human footprint in thinking

  • No, AI or someone who uses an AI can not be called an artist because an artist is known as a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby while using an AI is not art it is just like giving an older person to do your homework.

  • According to my knowledge, artificial intelligence is indeed a very exciting thing, and everyone who has the skill of artificial intelligence deserves to be an artist and a success
    But I do not think that the painter is an artist by right
    The painter does not get tired much, that is, he draws, and the drawing does not take much time and effort, as it is wonderful of course, but the artificial intelligence takes a lot of time, as it spends a lot of time, and therefore I think that the painter is not an artist because he does not get tired, but I love the skill of drawing and I appreciate it Everyone who does the drawing
    But more appreciation for those who have learned or are still learning or plan to learn. Artificial intelligence is a difficult thing, but it is beautiful.
    I wish artificial intelligence would become more advanced as it creates great generations..and perhaps people would search and know and explore everything about artificial intelligence..thank you to everyone who read my comment .

  • My opinion is that an AI or someone who uses AI to create art should not be called as ARTISTS ;because the AI works upon the comment(coding) given by that person using the information it has and that person just gives his instructions to that AI. He is not being creative or working hard in making that piece.The importance of an art piece depends on the skills,techniques,history and the hard work that the painting posses so, I think that even if the AI based arts come into the markets our handmade arts will forever hold its position .

  • I think that people who use AI can still be referred to as artists. After all they still express themselves whether on a laptop, tablet or even a smartphone and that is the meaning of art, self expression. Some people might say that people who use AI are simply getting glory they do not deserve because the AI is already a programmed app. They also feel that AI will put a lot of potentially great artists out of business. But AI could actually be utilized by some artists to improve their work. AI can help people explore different art styles, helps to reduce the tedious process of making a masterpiece, makes art more unique because of the diverse art forms and helps to enhance the quality of the artwork. If you ask me this is a good to way to develop skills instead to sticking to the original canvas, paint and brushes. Artists may choose whether they want to explore the wonders of AI art or keep to the traditional way of making art.

  • No I don't agree to the fact that "AI, or someone who uses AI to create art, be called an artist" First, I will go by the fact that AI do not create authentic arts works and they do not actually use their physical and craftmanship abilities to produce artworks unlike human artist which use their natural components and resources to produce good works of art which reflect and communicate different information's and experiences in life. Also, AI uses modern technology and other AI means to create and develop artworks that may be contrary and different from normal artworks that an artists will produce. Lastly I would like to say, the definition of an artist is a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby not using AI.

  • I want to answer the question (of whether artificial intelligence or anyone who uses it to create art can be called an artist)
    The question of whether individuals who utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to produce art or even the AI itself can be classified as artists remains a topic of ongoing debate and interpretation.

    Those who support the idea that AI-generated art can be viewed as true art argue that these systems can create works that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also rich in meaning and significance. They contend that the individuals who train or develop these systems should be acknowledged as artists in their own right since the process involves significant levels of creativity and human input through programming and design choices.

    On the other hand, opponents assert that art is an essentially human endeavor that requires the ability to express deep emotions and thoughts in a meaningful and authentic way. From this perspective, while AI-generated art may be impressive and visually appealing, it does not possess the same level of emotional depth and authenticity as human-made art.

    Ultimately, whether AI creators should be considered artists or not depends on one's individual perspective and the context of the situation. While some argue that AI-generated art can indeed be regarded as true art, others hold different views. It is important to recognize the innovative contributions and creative potential of those who work with AI to create art, while still acknowledging the unique qualities and value of human-made art.

  • It's a good question, though. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Unique and inventive works made by AI are often more capable than those made by humans. However, it is still debatable whether or not someone who uses AI to create art qualifies as an artist. Some contend that in order for something to be considered art, a human element must be present during the creative process because the creation of art necessitates creativity and emotion, which machines lack. Others contend that using AI is just another tool that artists can use, like paintbrushes or cameras. There isn't a simple solution, as there rarely is in life. In the end, it comes down to personal opinion

  • Artificial intelligence is a modern technology through which specific applications are created and used to create manually created tasks with higher quality and efficiency. Artificial intelligence can help local and global companies by providing data. I believe that one day in the future, that intelligence will be relied upon by informing people that the advantage of intelligence is a global competitive advantage. Computing, programming, and websites must also be available with great quality at reasonable and low prices. There are many success stories, including: Companies that rely on machine learning, receptive learning, and other fields can improve their quality by positively exploiting this intelligence. Each experience has obstacles. One of the consequences that faced artificial intelligence was that few companies spread the idea of ​​intelligence to large areas of the world, because the intelligence projects were very expensive and expensive.

    1. Can you share a real example from the news of one of the "success stories" you mentioned?

      1. AI has a lot of success stories because of the number of benefits it has. Like, in the healthcare sector, artificial intelligence is helping researchers in better drug creation for diseases like cancer with minimum effort and time. Hospitals are having less stress when making drugs especially for cancer.
        AI also helps in the automotive sector by creating autonomous vehicles such as drones and self driving cars. Google, Tesla and Apple are utilizing AI with over 30 other companies.

  • I do not agree with this because this would not be true that the artist who uses natural intelligence (his ideas) gets tired and stays up nights in order to present the best and the best, while the one who uses artificial intelligence does not get tired, but in five minutes the drawing will be ready for him and this will not take him time or effort

  • I agree with you in that it saves time and effort, but we cannot call this real art art because it is a means in which the artist expresses his depths and his opinion. No matter how creative artificial intelligence is, it cannot equal real creativity. I do not agree that artificial intelligence can create art, so with this Artists can return to artificial intelligence comprehensive dependence From my point of view, I cannot call painting and art on artificial intelligence real art, because anyone can open artificial intelligence and create art, so artists cannot be distinguished from others

  • The debate over whether AI could be considered artists has arguments on both sides. Those who argue against AI being considered an artist claim that it lacks the true creativity and originality that human-made art possesses. Despite AI's ability to create significant and powerful work using algorithms and data input, this form of creation lacks the emotional depth and subjective understanding that humans have. Those in support of AI being acknowledged as an artist, on the other hand, argue AI can expand art and create new ideas. They can create unique works from different ideas and inspirations. Art is diverse and utilizes expressive talent to create many types of pieces. Whether or not AI should be considered artists really depend on how the person views what art is and how they view the genuineness and ideas of AI.

  • I believe that artificial intelligence constitutes a negative form for employees, because it increases unemployment and lack of job opportunities for workers, and this leads to poor living conditions. It is true that artificial intelligence causes many negative things, but it helps in many things.

    1. excellent_conversation can you explain how it helps in many things?

      1. Although, AI has it's disadvantages which is normal because every thing has it's own disadvantages but it also has a lot of advantages. AI has made significant contributions to the field of medicine, with applications ranging from diagnosis and treatment to drug discovery and clinical trials. AI has also helped in decision making , it helps to make smarter decisions in a short amount of time. AI saves humans the stress of performing parlous tasks.

      2. For example, the new Human AL device, which is a bracelet on the hand, is considered a revolution in the world of technology. It does not need a phone. We send an order and give immediate information, and it is associated with the person throughout the day. We can benefit from it when shopping and give us quick information about the product. It gives a summary of what happened in terms of meetings, appointments, analyzes, or what happened during The day is accurate to the minute. It recognizes visual and digital patterns, even audio patterns, making it easier for him to live and do his work. I will add to the negatives that it lies in revealing privacy, data and information, even the privacy of others in the street is available through recording visual patterns, and it can be exploited by Unfit people, bullying and financial and psychological draining.

      3. You know, I consider art a weapon and it is possible to make it in our favor, that is, instead of workers going on strike, why don't they paint paintings, for example, that communicate their feelings and requests to their governments? For me, this is a really effective method and does not have negative effects that may harm society like a strike, so why don't people implement this idea? !!

  • I think no as using AI is a bit like answering maths test questions with a calculator. Most reasonably clever people could type in simple commands on an AI computer, or tap in 206 x 44 on a calculator.

    Also, say that you really had a passion for art; you’d saved for years to get into a good painting college, you’d stayed up really late at night trying to study for your exams. Then, the golden day arrives. You qualify from the art school with a full degree… but no one wants to buy your work. Not when you can buy a painting for £10 or so that is made by AI.
    In this way, lots of artists could lose their jobs, all because the public are in favour of affordable pieces of art that are just as nice.

    But then again… is this wrong?

  • I disagree people that uses AI cannot be called an artist becuase the person didn't make it by his/ her self and also he/ she is not using their imagination.Art is what you imagin an put down on paper, you can either copy something or think about something else.You can even make something that doesn't make sense as long as it has a pattern. Dance is also known as art that involves the movement of the body so an AI cannot replecate that movement that the body makes as its dancing. Music is also a form of art that involves and indivisual using his voice to make a pattern of sounds that sounds nice so if a person using an AI creates music it is not the person making the music it is the AI so that person cannot be called a musical artist.

  • I don't believe that people who use AI to create art should not be called artists, especially if they have copied because that is considered stealing. When people copy art and use filters or change the color of the work to alter someone else's original work, they are doing a grave injustice to the original creator, especially if no credit is given. When such acts are committed, there is a decrease in the imagination and creativity in society, and as a result, lower quality products may soon float into the market spaces.

  • AI is an artificial machine that uses software to replicate what humans are supposed to do. No one should copy other artists' work because other artists work hard to create songs, and you come around and simply use the AI device to copy what others have done. This is not good. Remember the golden rule: do to others what you want them to do to you. I believe we should all put this into practice in our daily lives. Nobody should be duped.

  • Reason 1: They created something new out of what someone else had created. Occasionally, works like this would have an advantage over the original piece.
    Reason 2: They used a better imagination to create the art, and if a lot of people like the art, they should be called artists.
    So what is art? Art is an expression or application of one's creative abilities and imagination. So, I believe that the ability to improve on a piece of artwork requires creativity.

  • I do not believe that artists who use AI should be called artists because they may become famous without giving due credit to the owners of the artwork used, and especially because they did not use their natural ability and the work was never their original idea. They may also gain a lot of fame and respect, which may lead to the neglect of the original idea's owners.

  • I do not think that AI should be called an artist because it takes real people's styles and parts from it's database and uses it to imitate their work without copyright permission.
    For example, In April 2022 AI created a song that was made to sound like the voices of Drake and the Weeknd.

  • Art is something that people differ on its definition, but what we all agree on is that it is beautiful and rare and conveys a specific message, and the artist is the one who creates this artist by mixing his ability to create (drawing, playing, acting, ..) with his feelings and some suffering in his production So he comes out with a masterpiece that everyone admires and everyone seeks to see or buy it, but these specifications do not apply to artificial intelligence or to its users. The artist creates rare masterpieces, but artificial intelligence does everything it does and imitates the copies it has learned and does not create a style and artificial intelligence when He paints because it does not carry meaning, so it raises controversy and minds to understand the intent of the painting. There are many painters who draw illogical things, and they raise controversy and disagreement between the councils of critics and analysts, and this is the most thing that artificial intelligence lacks to be called an artist (mind).

  • The definition of an artist can be subjective and open to interpretation. Some people may see the use of artificial intelligence as a tool to create art as a form of artistic expression, while others may not.
    In my opinion, whether someone who uses artificial intelligence to create art can be considered an artist depends on the intent and the process involved. If the person is using AI as a means to enhance their own creativity and vision, and is actively involved in the creation process, then they could be considered an artist. However, if the AI is doing all the work and the person is simply pressing buttons or making minor adjustments, then it may be more difficult to consider them an artist in the traditional sense.
    Ultimately, the question of whether someone who uses artificial intelligence to create art is an artist or not may not be as important as the quality and impact of the artwork they produce.

  • I would give answers on different perspectives:

    Thumbs up (AI can be called an artist):
    - Art is about expressing oneself creatively, and AI algorithms can produce works that are unique and aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, if an AI system can create art that resonates with people, it should be considered as art, and the creator of that AI system can be considered an artist.
    - AI can help humans create art by augmenting their creative process or suggesting new ideas. Thus, using AI as a tool to produce art does not diminish the artist's creativity, but rather enhances it.

    Thumbs down (AI cannot be called an artist):
    - Art requires intentionality and consciousness, which AI lacks. AI algorithms produce art through a set of predetermined rules, and there is no consciousness or emotion behind their creation.
    - Art is often about conveying a message, expressing emotions or personal experiences, and connecting with other humans on a deeper level. AI-generated art may look beautiful, but it lacks the human touch and emotional connection that makes art meaningful.
    - The term "artist" implies that the creator of the artwork is human and using it to describe AI-generated art blurs the line between what is human-made and what is machine-made.

    But I think, giving AI artists the title of artist is not correct, but they also need some names to refer themselves "so I think 'AI artists' would be good."

    "The topic 'AI-generated art' is a matter of debate."

  • I believe that the artist's effort to paint a painting with his hand deserves more appreciation than a painting made by artificial intelligence.
    Because it is part of the thoughts and feelings of a human being, not a machine.
    Likewise, the feelings contained in the artist's voice cannot be equated with a voice generated by artificial intelligence.
    Things that come from the heart reach the heart.

  • It is important to recognize that individuals who create art using AI are not necessarily traditional artists. While AI can assist in the creative process, the output is still a result of programming and algorithms, rather than the unique vision and skill of a human artist. Therefore, it is not accurate to categorize these individuals as traditional artists in the same way that we would classify painters, sculptors, or other creators who rely on their own creativity and expertise. From my perspective, I firmly believe that artworks created through the use of AI technology should not be showcased or displayed in Museums or Art Galleries. While it is true that AI technology has significantly advanced over the years, it lacks the emotional depth and creativity that human artists bring to their work. The essence of art lies in the unique perspectives, experiences, and emotions that artists infuse into their creations. Sometimes, they also produce art of their true personal accounts or aim to promote something positive. Machines can only create visuals and do not contain any emotions or aims. Moreover, AI can sometimes contain negative emotions or aims in their art due to human algorithms and minor flaws in the algorithms.

  • I noticed that all the comments talk about two types of art, singing and painting. However, art has wide fields, such as fashion design and decoration design, and it may include the construction of modern buildings in strange and wonderful forms, as well. Landscaping requires art. And a lot of different things that artificial intelligence can do.

  • If we come to look at the artists in the ancient era, there are many British artists who inspired the world with their art, such as the British artist Turner, who became famous as the "painter of light" and the artist Theodore von Hols, the first artist to draw the novel "Frankenstein", and do not forget the most famous painting of the most famous artist, the Mona Lisa Drawn by the great artist Leonardo da Vinci, and do not forget the virtue of painters to change our view of nature.

  • I agree with the statement, I believe that the creativity is a fundamental dimension of the art, and since AI lacks the creativity, subjective perspective, emotional dimension as well as the artistic eyes and a unique sense of aesthetics, which are the core of any artistic expression.
    But, AI can be a tool which enhances human creativity in ways that were previously impossible. So, the role of the human creator in this process is still essential to select the input data, design the algorithm, and set the parameters, which ultimately determines the output, therefore, it is an artist even though he/she is using IA.

  • I found from the voting that more than 70% vote for NO, That is, most believe that AI or whoever uses it should not be called an artist. In my opinion, he should be called creative and genius because he took advantage of this intelligence in a smart way and excelled in producing a beautiful drawing based on certain data.. However, despite its accuracy, this work lacks the artist’s delicate feeling that conveys his joy or sadness, his love or pain and everything that goes through his mind through his artwork Therefore, one who used this intelligence by drawing cannot be called an artist.

  • I strongly believe that the use of AI to create art can be deemed a form of artistic expression. While the AI itself may not have ingenuity or originality in the same way that humans do, therefore not giving it the title of an artist in my opinion because they lack some special techniques that real artists use in their work, it can still deliver amazing and fascinating works of art based on the algorithms and data that it is programmed with. Moreover, the use of AI can also challenge our customary concepts of authorship and creativity in art, and open up new prospects for creative manifestation.

  • hi my vote is NO, because a person or an AI who uses AI for arts cannot be called an artist because according to wikipedia an artist is a person engaged in an activity related to creating art, practicing the arts, or demonstrating an art the common usage in both everyday speech and academic discourse refers to a practitioner in the visual arts only and also from my understanding of an artist i think they are people who demonstrate their arts from their emotions,and we all AI don't have emotions but react to them. THANKS

  • I voted No, because drawing and art are talents that come from childhood, or maybe I do not have the talent for drawing, but with determination and strength, I can become an artist and a painter, so this means that artificial intelligence can give us ideas for drawing or ideas to develop the talent for drawing, but When we depend on it we don't become artists, and that's my opinion .

  • I think AI, or someone who uses AI to create art, can be called an artist because even when using someone or something to create art is still art and that person can be called an artist, since it can produce images that look like drawings, paintings and other things. At first to make this clear we need to know the meaning of art, art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, such as painting or sculpture. So as we can see Al can make art and be called an artist even if it's an artificial intelligence, and painters who use artificial intelligence should be called artists because to make art it takes a very long time to learn and as for drawing we know that it is something easier to learn and you will find many people mastering drawing.
    So in the end we know that drawing is art and artificial intelligence is also art.

    1. I disagree because it only takes seconds and they are just showing us how fast it is not the history behind it.

  • In my personal opinion, no just no. People who use AI to create art are not artists, an artists art is its creation and if artificial intelligence makes it then well it’s simply not their creation it’s the AIs and therefore it’s simply artificial, art should be a process if a machine goes and does it for you what have you done ? . Now by saying this I am not saying that AI has not been helpful in many other ways and I’m not denying artificial intelligence’s usefulness. I personally like AI and see many people using it for valid reasons or just to have fun and making art using AI is indeed fun but it’s not your art and you are therefore not an artist

  • I do not think AI or someone who uses AI to create art cannot be considered an artist because it is not really their own personal art. When AI creates art they are basing the art on the instructions of the user of the AI and scanning different types of art to create an art piece using elements of the previous art. So when an AI creates art it is not taking inspiration but taking ideas from art pieces. When artists using AI create art it is still not entirely their art because they used AI to create the art which is different from other artists. When artists create art it takes them time and effort to create art. Many people connect with their pieces because of the feeling they feel when seeing art pieces by artists. I think that AI can create an art piece but I think that emotion that people feel will not be the same.

    1. you make good points, secure_seahorse -- but art is often made with new technologies, right? Like when it became possible to capture moving images on film, a whole new genre of art sprang up. Why do you think AI is different as an "enabling technology" for artists?

      1. I realy like your question Jason and my answer for that is that growth in every sector occurs naturally but for developement we need to work hard researches should be undertaken and whenever anything new is discovered there will be supporters and the once who are against it so likewise I think that few artists and people might consider this as an form of enabling technology but in art we doesn't need new technologies we need new techniques which helps us to create our own style of art which will be a remarkable position in the history.
        Recently a art style named as digital art is getting quiet famous in which we have to draw the paintings in the screen and use a specialised pencil like tool to draw on it as it is digital instead of colouring and blending it slowly which might take hours to do in the style of real life art they could easily use options like fill colour ,blend etc.....and also in music online pianos are available in which we could easily learn it.
        These are called as enabling technology in art which just provides us with new techniques and methodologies and which doesn't give us the art itself but makes it easy to do and artist have to involve in it but in the case of AI we are just giving it a topic which is not enabling technology but instead enabling AI or machines in art.

  • I think an artist is anyone Who can express their thoughts by another way than speaking, like painting, making music... So an AI con be considered an artist because It can make beautifull things and it is so hard to learn. So it has even more value to preset something to learn how to draw or paint. But the only problem is that It is very difficult to see the difference between AI art and human art.

  • Although, complete originality does happen in human art and It’s true that human artists bring more original and emotive expression to the table. , i feel that AI or a person who uses AI can to create art should be considered as an Artist.
    Why? because machines develop artistic skills like humans does. AI artwork can be seen as craftsmanship and artistic achievement, something these programs and their developers should be proud of. AI arts can move and arouse interest. Even though emotions don’t motivate programs and their art, these creations can draw emotions out of you and even give you ideas for further expression. The works of art that AI generators produce come from millions of data sources, old and new. Even if your results only combine a few pre-existing images or styles, they are a blend of art history. Finally, digital art is a modern medium and form of expression, as well as a reflection of contemporary society. It is relevant and impactful, whether it’s a person using the machine to create it or a machine creating it.

  • I think that a person who uses AI should not be considered an artist. This is because the AI cannot create artwork on its own but produces what is already available and is not naturally created artwork. A real artist uses natural intelligence, as opposed to an AI artist. The two are in no way the same.

  • I said no because AI cannot draw on its own. Never. It needs to be used by someone and as such it has to build on what has already been used. I wouldn’t equally call such a person an artist because the person didn’t draw by themselves. Additionally, an AI artwork can never look as exactly as the real thing so the AI artist doesn’t stand a chance of being called an artist in the real sense of it.

  • I think that someone who uses AI for art is not worthy to be called an artist. This is because art is a display of human imagination which an AI artist doesn’t make use of since the intelligence being used here is artificial and not human as the name implies.

  • Art is a way to express feelings and what the soul is reduced to from concerns due to poverty, turbulent political situations, or difficult psychological conditions, and it is also a way to express opinions such as support and glorification for a person or a work, and it may also be to object to the situation or judgment, and it is a right before being art It is the best way to express and object, and this is the most important thing that distinguishes a person from a machine or others. Therefore, I think that artificial intelligence is not an artist because it is unable to use art to express its opinion because it has no opinion and reason, and its thinking will be the same as programmed thinking. It is imitation, but the person used With artificial intelligence together, they are considered an artist because the product contains the aesthetic view and carries a message, a story, and an objection to a situation

  • No, because everybody now uses AI and art is a talent not everybody can create something that is attractive to the eyes

  • No, I don't think an AI or someone who uses AI should be called an artist. Why I believe those who use AI to create artworks is because I feel that those who use AI to create artworks will eventually start depending on the AIs', making them lazy while reducing their level of creativity. Also, AI copy artists works and styles which means that it cannot actually create an original work of its own. Why I feel AI's can not be called artists because it lacks that "human touch". When we all hear music or see paintings of musicians and artists we also see and listen to the emotion they used to create those works, don't you think? That is why I, like many of my colleagues, strongly vote that AI's, and those who use them cannot be called artists.

    1. Do you think AI can used and understood as a tool for artists, much like a painter's brush or musicians guitar?

      1. Yes, I think this is because artificial intelligence is very, very smart. I do not say that it is smarter than humans, but it understands and can use tools, but sometimes it encounters some small or large problems in its work, but as long as it can solve these problems with thinking, and of course the people who work on the development of artificial intelligence will not They leave room for mistakes, whether small or large

      2. I think that whatever my answer is, it will be an essential tool in the future. Even if people object to this idea now, they will not be able to prevent it from being verified, because as you can see, the world has begun to develop more and more, and as soon as you wake up in the morning from your sleep, you hear that a new device or artificial intelligence has been invented. He entered a new field. How can a future full of inventions and progress not have something like this!!

  • I think they might be considered artists by ordinary people, but those who are interested in art, I don't think they will accept the idea of ​​an artificial intelligence being an artist

  • I do not think so ؟
    Artificial intelligence cannot reach this degree because the artist is an artist and the writer is a writer and...........
    No one can replace them if they are skilled. Yes, I admit that artificial intelligence can draw very beautiful drawings and a book. Very interesting topics, but if a person squeezes his mind and does this thing, it will be better. Because art is not a difficult thing and the writer is not difficult either, but he needs good thinking to write a complete topic. As I do now, a person must rely on himself because he is able to do it. There is no need to use artificial intelligence in our lives because it wastes our time and negatively affects our lives.

  • I believe that artificial intelligence is the only thing responsible in some cases. (Humans who created or use artificial intelligence may be partially and sometimes fully responsible) Determining who is responsible for the fault of artificial intelligence may be difficult and it may take many things, people and legal experts to determine responsibility on a per-all basis. case on one side or side. Also, sometimes artificial intelligence may make the right decisions based on facts and information, but it may lack the empathy that should be part of these decisions (we still need humans in the middle to assess the value of ideas and decisions for well-being, whether they are for humans, companies or societies just like humans (And of course, AI systems can make mistakes at times.) AI is a very volatile concept. Helping to improve it needs human interaction. If people give it permission to use their work, it will be better for AI and humans. Then, when asked to draw anything in any style, they will of course do so

  • I think the term (writer-artist) is applied to everyone who uses artificial intelligence in writing, drawing and reading, and I think people should not believe everything except with evidence. For example, the drawing should have the signature of the artist and the story should have the name of the writer on its envelope.

  • I think artificial intelligence (AI) is making artists less important, this is because when an artist makes an artwork they were inspired by something or someone. Artists also take time to do their work. For example; if a musician composes a song and someone programs a robot to sing the same song and the same voice as the musician; the musician will feel bad and end up suing the person who did that.

  • Retrograde intelligence is a double-edged sword. It has advantages:
    1. The intelligence tool automatically recognizes an incoming email as an invoice and sends it to the appropriate person or department
    2. Intelligence helps in analyzing data and creating reports as well
    It has downsides:
    1. The unemployment
    2. prejudice
    3. Privacy risks
    Thus, we have come to know that artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword

  • The question of whether AI can be called an artist is a complex and controversial one that depends on various factors, including the definition of art, the purpose of art, and the role of technology in art. While some proponents of AI as an artist argue meets the criteria of art, critics question the authenticity and creativity of AI-generated art. Nevertheless, AI has already entered the art world, and its impact on the future of art is likely to be significant. Therefore, it is crucial to continue the debate on the role of AI in art and develop ethical standards and guidelines to ensure the integrity and value of art in the digital age

  • I will tell you about the role of artificial intelligence in medicine....
    Artificial intelligence can provide treatment prescriptions for people that benefit them and benefit medicine and doctors. For example, if you ask artificial intelligence to provide you with a treatment prescription for a disease for which doctors have not discovered a cure, artificial intelligence may provide a treatment for this disease, and thus artificial intelligence has surpassed human capabilities. his works and discoveries.

  • I will talk about the role of artificial intelligence in education....
    In a previous comment, I spoke about the role of artificial intelligence in education, as it helps teachers and frees them from office work that takes a lot of time, facilitates their administrative work, helps students in machine learning, and provides them with applications that help them in learning.

  • Absolutely! With advancements in technology, artificial intelligence has become an incredible tool for artists to create amazing works of art. Whether it's generating music, designing graphics, or even producing paintings, AI is allowing artists to expand their creativity and explore new possibilities in their craft.
    While the debate may continue about whether AI-generated art can be considered true art, there's no denying the incredible impact it's having on the art world. As a result, many people are recognizing AI as a new form of artistic expression and the individuals who use it as true artists in their own right. So, don't be afraid to embrace this exciting new frontier of art and unleash your creativity with the help of AI!

  • I said no because the person who's using the AI didn't create the art themselves, neither did the AI. Artificial Intelligence can't actually create art, instead it uses the style of human art that is posted online and creates a painting or an image that looks like something that a real human would produce because it uses a humans art style.

  • You know, I've thought about it a lot, and I think there are other motives for people using AI to paint instead of having them paint. We thought people would use AI to paint their paintings because they want to steal other artists' work or get rich by doing exhibitions, but have you thought In that there may be people who wish to become artists, but they do not have the necessary tools, or they do not have enough experience, or they want to make a busy future for them and they want this to be their first step, and they may have used artificial intelligence because they thought that technology would increase in development something Little by little, there will be no place in the future for those who do not use technology primarily in their work.

  • I say that if someone use artificial intelligence to make art he isn't artist, because the artist is the person who thinks for a long time and delve into his vast imagination to produce new art without the help of anyone , that is what i feel about artist , artist is not the person who use artificial intelligence to make art .

  • As someone who loves both art and technology, I am thrilled by the ways that artificial intelligence is transforming the art world. By using AI, artists are able to create mind-bending visuals, thought-provoking music, and even poetry that would have been impossible to imagine just a few years ago. What's more, AI-generated art is often stunningly beautiful and can evoke deep emotions in viewers, much like traditional art.

    Of course, there are also concerns about the role of AI in art. Some fear that it will replace human creativity entirely, but I don't believe that's the case. Rather, I see AI as a powerful tool that can help artists push the boundaries of their craft and explore new forms of expression. And while there are certainly ethical questions to consider, I think that the benefits of AI in the art world are too compelling to ignore.

    All in all, I'm incredibly excited about the future of AI in art. I believe that it has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about creativity and expression, and to bring us closer to the heart of what it means to be human.

    1. I disagree with you because if artists use AI to create their artwork, they will become lazy, and might lose their inspiration and creativity for art. There's a saying that "good things take time", artists who do not use AI can spend years on a piece of art, this is because they are trying to pour their feelings into their art and make it the best out of the best. I deeply disagree with your point about AI being able to produce art that evokes deep emotions in viewers; the AI is a man-made device, moreover, the AI doesn't have emotions, therefore how can it evoke deep emotions in an artwork?

      AI would not bring us closer to what it means to be human, rather it will bring us closer to what it means to use technology. We are in the 21st century, and a lot of mind-blowing technologies are been made, if AI continues to be in the art industry, there will not be room for a human to make his or her art hand-made, soon it will be robots making those arts. Moreover, I think that artists who use AI might become lazy because they wouldn't look for their inspiration and motivation again, they will just use the AI to produce their art.

      1. Each individual has their own unique perspective, and it's important to respect and acknowledge that. From my point of view, I believe that artificial intelligence has the capability to create paintings that can rival those made by humans. While some may be skeptical of this, I think that we should embrace the potential of AI in the art world and recognize the ways in which it can expand the boundaries of human creativity. Ultimately, it's up to each of us to form our own opinions and decide how we want to engage with this emerging technology.

        1. I particularly agree with your point. Even though artificial intelligence has the capabilities to create paintings, it can never rival those made by human, this is because it is not original. What I mean by this is that get AI creates paintings with the instructions that are given from other artworks,however, if a person is painting without the AI, the person has no instruction s controlling how he or she should create their artwork,therefore they can freely pour their emotions into their artwork, because that is what art is all about.

  • I think AI should not be called artists because they don’t put lots of hard work into it like real artists the put in 110% in their art work and they spend years on work on only 1 painting which shows how hard work they are and AI they only take seconds to do a painting and that’s just show to me that they don’t really care about it.

  • While AI could represent tangible concepts through illustration, it could not create an artistic work that represents and sparks authentic criticism of the world. AI agents are not creating art rather,they are replicating art. Complete originality does happen in AI art, much of it is a recurrence of existing styles. Someone using AI doesn't have the originality or talent of a real artist. So in my opinion people using AI to create art aren't Artists

  • I think that a person who uses AI to create art, should not be called an artist. This is because an artist is a person who uses their creativity to produce something. If you use AI to duplicate another person's art, then changing the technique that the person used the create the original art without his or her permission, is not an artist. Moreover, artists use their talent and inspiration to create their art, art is made by you pouring your feelings into your artwork. However, AI doesn't have feelings that convey the art, therefore, I think that people who use AI to create art should not be identified as artists.

  • I think that people that use AI CAN'T be called be artists, while AI can be called an artistic TOOL, but can't be called an artist by itself. I think of it more as a tool because you can use AI for inspiration or use it to help plan out an artwork. But to say you're an artist because you used AI, despite you not having any actual effect on the final product, rather than giving the prompt, doesn't make sense.

  • "I believe that the question of whether AI or someone who uses AI to create art can be called an artist is a complex and somewhat controversial one."Some people argue that true art requires a human touch, and AI-generated art lacks the depth, emotion, and originality that is characteristic of human-made art. Others argue that AI-generated art should be recognized as a legitimate form of artistic expression, since the algorithms and data sets used to generate these works are the product of human creativity and ingenuity. They may argue that the output produced by AI can be just as emotionally impactful and thought-provoking as works made by humans.But I think that people who use AI to create art should not call themselves artists and claim that they created the art themselves, since it would be like copying someone's work and claiming it as their own.

  • The one who uses AI can't be called as an Artist. It's nothing but disrespect to the real artists, who have reached to the current level of work, through their years of hard work and creativity. AI may be a boon in several ways; however, it shouldn't be a substitute for the real work of humans. The recent Hollywood strikes, about the OTT platforms like Netflix and Disney's statement about the AI replacing the human scribes, has definitely pressed the alarm button. In fact, the White House is also talking with big tech companies about the potential risk that it could pose!
    Not recognizing the real work of humans, would only lead to disaster, though not today, but someday soon.

  • I do not believe that AI, or someone who uses AI to create art, cannot be called an artist. This is because AI artwork does not show true creativity. People who use AI to create art cannot use all of their creativity to create something unique and new. There is a chance that people who use AI to create art can make something creative, but I think that their creativity can be expressed in a better way by not using AI.

  • After the presence of a large number of international leaders at Westminster Abbey in the capital, London, within the largest official ceremony the country has witnessed in 70 years, (Justin Welby) placed the crown of St. Edward made 360 ​​years ago on the head of King Charles III on Saturday, May 6, 2023 in London in front Hundreds of heads of state and dignitaries such as: (US First Lady Jill Biden) and ceremonial gunshots sounded at the Tower of London in the Gibraltar region and the Bermuda region aboard ships at sea. During the coronation ceremony in the church, phrases were chanted:
    God save King Charles
    Long live the king forever
    Long live King Charles

    1. What did you think about these phrases, eager_bell?

  • I think that people that use AI can't be called an artist because they are not really painting anything they are just asking the AI to create art for them. Also for them to be calling it their art is not right because that would be consisderd plagurism since it was not created by the artist themselves. That's why I think people that use AI should not be considered artist.

  • I don't think it's a good idea to call an AI user an artist. We call him a non-artist because he is really creative, but his creativity differs from that of the artist because of the difference in the medium that shows the result.
    And the artist used everything in himself to show the result and used his intelligence. When a person excels in his intelligence, the result is impressive, and I know some artists who suffered from diseases in their hands from excessive drawing, creativity, and repetition.
    As for the one who used artificial intelligence, he only chose the details, colors, and characteristics of the drawing, and this is all in artificial intelligence, and he is not the one who created these characteristics with his intelligence. He did not use his intelligence in this art, because the most beautiful thing about art is that the artist excels in using his intelligence in art.
    Also, I believe that over time, intelligence will produce the same art, the same graphics. Nothing has changed and it's getting a little boring
    In the end, I say that another name should be put for the person using artificial intelligence, which does not originally correspond to the characteristics of the artist.
    He suggested that he be called "a genius in intelligence."
    I find it genius in how it uses intelligence, because it controls intelligence, and that's really mastery

  • The question of whether AI should be able to copy other artists' styles is a topic of debate and depends on various perspectives. Here are some arguments for both sides:

    Arguments for AI copying artists' styles:

    Creativity expansion: AI has the potential to enhance artistic creativity by learning and emulating various styles, allowing it to generate a wider range of artistic works.
    Preservation of styles: AI can help preserve and replicate artistic styles that may otherwise be lost or forgotten, allowing future generations to appreciate and learn from them.
    Exploration and experimentation: AI's ability to mimic different styles can enable artists to explore new techniques, experiment with various aesthetics, and push the boundaries of their own creativity.

    Arguments against AI copying artists' styles:

    Originality and authenticity: Art is often valued for its unique expression and originality. Some argue that AI copying artists' styles undermines the authenticity of artistic creation and dilutes the human touch that makes art meaningful.
    Creative stagnation: If AI becomes adept at replicating existing styles, there is a risk of discouraging originality and innovation in art, as artists may rely too heavily on AI-generated works instead of developing their own distinct styles.
    Ethical concerns: Copying an artist's style without permission or proper attribution raises ethical questions related to intellectual property and artistic ownership

  • No I don't consider AI robots as artists because all they do is just find a famous artist for example : Justin Bieber or Vincent Van Gogh , and just copy their style but make it look different from theirs and that basically is just taking all of the pride and the popularity from that artist who took time into their idea of inspiration.

  • AI is one of the many creations of man and all its knowledge is based of human intelligence but it can also make combinations of certain different things in order to make something else. It can also make art works with little to no imperfections. As humans as we are, we have a way more vast creativity mindset that can be used to do so many things. Although AI can make art, it's work is not as authentic, self-made or creative as that of humans.

  • People who uses AI should not be called an artist because,
    Artificial intelligence lacks it own intrinsic psychic meaning to the agent.
    AI agent are not creating art rather,they are replicating art.For example

    The CAN agent we're trained on ten of thousands of original artworks created by humans. When a CAN agent generates a new image, it's not drawing upon its personal or collective experience, neither conscious nor unconscious . It's generated image are predicted on human experience,as manifest in symbols captured in human artworks on which the CAN agent is conditioned and trained.

    This means that the CAN's artificial art is capturing human experience, human condition and human existence. The CAN agent is not creating art because its generated image are not manifestation of symbols in it own unconsciousness. Infact the CAN'S do not have psychic structure.

  • Since art is the expression or utilization of HUMAN IMAGINATION and CREATIVE ABILITY, typically in an expressive medium like painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or EMOTIONAL power, I personally believe that if an artwork is created by an AI or someone uses an AI, they are not considered to be artists. Artwork must be produced by people as artificial intelligence (AI) cannot replace human imagination and creativity. In addition, they lack emotions, so how could they create works of art that have emotional impact?
    Therefore, an artwork produced by AI cannot be regarded as an artwork made by an artist.

  • i think they should not be called artists because its not really them making the art. Also, it doesn't take any effort so its not hard and anyone can do it. using AI is cheating i think because it is limitless and all you have to do is type in some stuff and you get a lovely piece of art.

  • In my mind i think that if someone has an idea but doesn't have the skills to make it they should be able to use ai as long as they aren't stealing any ones style

  • I think that artificial intelligence is not art. As fun and interesting it can be, I do not think that people using it should be called artists. Artist are people who enjoy and love creating art. Art is a form of creativity, however using artificial intelligence to make art is (in my opinion) 'cheating'. However, I think that using artificial intelligence art for an inspiration is a good choice. I think that copying artificial intelligence art in your own style is a fun and interesting thing to do. So, in conclusion, I think that using AI art and claiming it as yours is not alright, but getting inspired by AI art is a very fun activity to do.

  • I believe that art expresses the artist's skills and creativity through his passion and ideas and with artificial intelligence it has evolved. For example, the artist works with his technical tools, and the programmer masters the machine. He also believed that "artificial intelligence is a tool that can be used because we have tried it and seen its potential, and the use of artificial intelligence in art does not eliminate the artist or diminish his status." Also, the production of this art is the work of an entire team of programmers, technicians, etc., not the work of a single artist who produces a great work of art.

  • My answer is yes, but I am not talking about artificial intelligence itself, but I am talking about the creators of artificial intelligence who exploit it in creating wonderful areas that raise controversy and interest, so they deserve to be called “artists”, because they are creative in the full sense of the word, they have excelled in exploiting artificial intelligence in linking it With areas of life, and the biggest evidence of this is the use of artificial intelligence in the production of robots that facilitated human life and preserved it in all aspects of life, such as discovering outer space, accessing hard-to-reach areas, using it in cooking and using it as a waiter in modern restaurants, and receiving guests in seminars and modern conferences,artificial intelligence has also entered art, so celebrities are using its applications to produce funny clips, to increase views and attract people's eyes to it, and it has many applications that teach drawing and arts to people who want to develop their artistic skills, and I can say that artificial intelligence is likely to He rules the world in the future, thanks to the creative people who raised from it a well-known and indispensable sphere of life.

  • In my opinion, It is a controversial topic. AI-generated art refers to art form that is created with the help of AI algorithms. It also provides job in field of advertising, fashion designing,etc... Thanks to Google for additional informations.
    A person who creates an art in AI is not an artist because....
    It doesn't express any emotions. Emotions are important for artist's painting because emotional responses are often regarded as key to experience art. Art demonstrates emotions it is a kind of language that all can understand. When emotions are applied to painting it will be more creative enough. Art is an expression of soul. It allows you to imagine, to feel emotions attractive. When an artist paints he/she takes a piece of his/her soul and draws a world before his eyes. It need not to be understood by people, but looking at it gives us a sense of calm and satisfaction. AI art lacks its own intrinsic supernatural meaning to the agent.
    AI artists are not creating art rather than they are replicating art. AI algorithms can generate art, the artist has limited control over the final product, as the algorithm is making decisions about the art’s composition and style.
    A person who creates an art in AI is an artist because....
    AI is interesting as it as organic technology in that it has the ability to learn and adapt. AI algorithms can create art much faster than humans. It can create art that is novel and unique, giving artists access to new creative possibilities.
    Therefore, giving name as AI artists is better without giving them a name.

  • The question of whether AI can be considered an artist is a matter of interpretation. While AI can generate art, music, and other creative works, it lacks the human experience and emotions that often inspire and drive artistic expression. Ultimately, the definition of art and creativity is subjective, and whether AI can be considered an artist is up to individual interpretation.

  • I think in my opinion AI should not Be Called Artist because some people try so hard to become artist for years and years and years . and AI JUst does a simple drawing and is called a artist so i think its unfair to people.

  • AI shouldn't be called an artist nor should a person who uses it to create 'art'. Art is supposed to be a skill in which you express your feelings, ideas and thoughts into an artwork. art is to illustrate the view of a human imagination and seeing how far it can go, if AI is the one responsible for the work, it destroys the whole point.
    If you are an artist you need to know the concepts of art, its properties and principles. It takes imagination focus and creativity to create art, copying AI doesn't make you an artist.

    Art is something imaginative. You need to rattle your head a little to come out with an idea. You need to be creative and open minded to what to draw and how to show its details but if artificial intelligence creates the artwork, it stops creativity and makes it hard for the person to think for themselves the more they use it
    Artificial intelligence is a good guide to learning but it shouldn't replace your brain. Instead of letting AI do all the work, you could learn from the work it provides and apply some features to your own.

    1. Great thinking! Do you think you will use AI in your art in the future?

  • Thank you for asking and yes i might. Even though AI has its 'sides', it can be a helpful tool into getting new ideas and inspiration on what to do, how to draw it with different teqniques and what features to be applyed to it.
    It can give me different and creative way to do art without abusing it, creativity is key.

  • In my opinion, AI should not be called an artist. AI fails to show in all aspects to ask for consent from the original artists and infriges upon an artist's rightful ownership and hard work that went into creating their unique art. AI generated arts doesn't have any feelings associated to creating the art unlike the real artists. AI doesn't have to do any hard work or spend any time researching around the whole globe for their next ideas or any emotions attached to their arts. The creation of artists are also based on current events. A musician, artist or authors of books create a sensation of many themes such as darkness, hopness, etc through their lyrics and voice, tone of colour and their personal experiences or imaginations respectively. Moreover, an AI art is like a copy paste thing to replicate on paper and by this an ordinary person will be called an ' artist ' in no short time. It can be turned into a big business of copy pasting AI art on paper by ordinary people and selling them without the permission of the artists.

  • Well, I am happy with this result. I was optimistic that this would be the result. I will say why now
    Well, for example, artificial intelligence is not that easy, and it is a bit complicated and needs to be learned. If a person uses artificial intelligence and excels with it, this is a wonderful thing that shows the person’s skills in using artificial intelligence
    Also, art is not limited to the use of brushes, but creativity with the mind. Even if the person did not use the brush and the pen and his hand to draw this painting, but at least he used his creativity and his mind, then he implemented it on artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence can encourage many to become artists and learn from it. Therefore, I see that this result is satisfactory very

  • I don't think so because real art (great real human creativity) is completely different from artificial art (technological inventions and innovations) 🤗

  • I do not agree to call anyone an artist, even if it is a program. I do not deny that artificial intelligence, a Pythagorean program, is capable of doing anything, but we must develop human capabilities to discover his creative skills and give people opportunities to do this because God created a mind for a person that is distinguished from others. The rest of the creatures with this mind and has the ability to think until he reaches the title of artist.

  • I liked it. I think artificial intelligence is an amazing art, but everyone was in a state of great anxiety, but artificial intelligence is behavior and certain characteristics that characterize computer programs that make them simulate mental and human capabilities and work patterns. One of the most important of these characteristics is the ability to learn, reason and react to situations that were not programmed in Machine unless this term is controversial due to the lack of a specific definition of artificial intelligence

  • To some extent I expected these results, although artificial intelligence is a very wonderful thing and saves time and effort and facilitates our practical and daily life a lot, but we cannot rely on it or do we get inspiration from it, so we must create our own art and that is with our creativity and early minds, and we must not allow artificial intelligence By controlling art never, we can all create art through artificial intelligence through some innovative programs, but art inspired by the real artist has the spirit of creativity and innovation

  • Can artificial intelligence think like humans?

    Artificial intelligence can often process more information than humans, but this does not extend to our ability to think analogously. This kind of thinking is considered the greatest power of human intelligence. And while humans can think of solutions to new problems based on relationships with familiar situations, this ability is virtually absent in AI.

  • Artificial intelligence works in a deliberate, intelligent and adaptive way.  Although AI presents images of high-performance, human-like robots taking over the world, it does not aim to replace humans.  It aims to greatly enhance human capabilities and contributions as it quietly transforms every sector of the economy

  • This poll result is really great it shows that 73% of the topical talkers have voted that AI cannot be considered as an artist this is true according to my point of view also.

  • No, I don't think that AI is not an art because art is self expression while AI is something that has the qualities of human being and I think AI is a big problem to human life because AI has the qualities of human beings so, people will become so lazy and inactive which is not good for human life because healthwise, we are suppose to be exercising all the time and if we are lazy, the exercise would not be possible for us because most of the work,we would use artificial intelligence to do it.

  • AI is not an art but who use to create an art is called as an artist . Because he is using the AI with his skills and AI is just using as a product so AI is not a artist. Someone who use the AI for creating the art is called artist.

  • I think that art is widely considered to be the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

    AI has been used to create a variety of artworks such as paintings, sculptures, music, and even poetry. While AI-generated artworks may lack the originality, intentionality, and emotional depth of works created by humans, they can still be considered artistic expressions in the sense that they require creative decision making and are intended to evoke certain emotions in the viewer or listener.

    Thus, while there may be debate over whether AI-generated works can truly be considered art, it is reasonable to call someone who uses AI to create art an artist as long as they have the same creative vision and intentionality as artists who create works without the assistance of AI.