peaceful_raccoon has not published standpoints yet. Comments by peaceful_raccoon Comment Post Date For me, it's definitely the rate of covid cases, it has gotten smaller over time, death rise in... #24 Numbers in the news! 02/3/21 1 - To stand up for the environment. In my opinion this is the most important because it affects... #20 Ranking reasons 05/2/21 Hi, Burnett News Club, I am reading a book called " Freedom " By Catherine Johnson, which is... #19 Burnet Book Club! 28/1/21 I'd like to ask Peter Tatchell something. Do you always put your protests up on signs and... #18 Don't miss out! 15/1/21 On a street near me there is; a fish and chip shop, a post office and a Chinese take away shop.... #12 - A street near you! 23/11/20 My (first) robot would be called: (female) Maya3000, occupation/job: Pet operationist (Vet).... #10 - Design a robot! 09/11/20 Idea 2. (Male) Name: Mason27,483. Job/occupation: Police Officer and crime specialist. Targets:... #10 - Design a robot! 09/11/20 Idea 3. ( Transgender) Name: Brendan. Occupation: Doctor. Targets: To stop coronavirus... #10 - Design a robot! 09/11/20 oops, I accidentally did more than one comment, sorry! #10 - Design a robot! 09/11/20 Every vote counts so you should be wise with your decision and who you vote for. Say what you... #5- Three Sentence Speech 05/10/20