Standpoints by thoughtful_dragonfly

Comments by thoughtful_dragonfly

Comment Post Date
I choose the word power for the most important word to describe royalty because they rule the... Royalty poll results! 08/5/23
Yes I think there is a need for royalty as it is who people look up to at the head of his or... Are royals relevant? 08/5/23
I think the role of royals is important for peoples countries but I also don’t think they should... The role of royals 08/5/23
I think there could be a discussion about gender equality in sport as I have as well as many... Suggest a discussion! 06/5/23
I think the Metavers is good for the world but not too overuse it The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 28/4/23
I think VR is a very cool addition to technology in this modern era as it is so realistic and... Suggest a discussion! 28/4/23
I agree that social media does distract teenagers and it’s good now that iPhone has released a... Teenagers and social media 28/4/23
I agree because... I agree that law 2 is unlogical and there is not enough proteins and... The law in your hands? 21/4/23
My score was 8 and I learned so much from this lesson Test your knowledge! 21/4/23
Like keep complimenting people for trying to fight climate change as well as pushing to do more.... Suggest a discussion 21/4/23
I think there should be a topic about the good and the bad things about the earth Suggest a discussion 19/4/23
I don’t think law 2 should be passed beaches if we keep cutting down tree but stop eating... The law in your hands? 18/4/23
1 our county is affected most by climate change with littering and cows 2 i think the best way... Climate change in your country 18/4/23