tranquil_hyena has not published standpoints yet. Comments by tranquil_hyena Comment Post Date In my opinion, the system of voting is party C because voting for a leader in India is the... How does the Indian election work? 11/3/24 Everybody is responsible for helping to stop climate change because if only wealthy people were... Climate change and inequality 19/2/24 I strongly agree with A, because if a company sends a robot that can cause harm to people, and... AI accident: who is responsible? 31/1/24 In our class we have discussed about AI doing peoples jobs and if we strongly agree , agree,... Classroom spy! 31/1/24 A job that a robot is better than a person is mathematics! It sounds unbelievable because a... People v robots 30/1/24 I think it would be a bad thing if adults would be replaced by real bots on a Hub because if an... AI bots on the Hub? 30/1/24 There might be a cleaning robot job because a robot can clean the floor and can be better at it... Jobs of the future 30/1/24 Creativity is important for engaging with the news because AI which a human has invented can... Classroom spy! 30/1/24