AI bots on the Hub?

All of the adults who reply to you on the Festival Student Hub are real. The Topical Talk team work out of The Economist's offices in London, the United Kingdom – and you can find out more about our other volunteers here.

Do you think it would be a good thing or a bad thing if the real adults on the Hub were replaced by AI bots?

Comments (189)

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  • I think it would be a good and bad thing if real humans on the Hub were replaced by AI robots. First off, I think that this would be a bad thing because since AI doesn't have feelings or emotions then it wouldn't be able to give it's own opinions or feelings due to the meer fact that it doesn't have neither. To add on, in my opinion, they wouldn't be able to reply to others opinions correctly due to the fact that they don't even have an opinion. On the other hand however, I feel as if Ai replacing real humans would be a good thing due to the fact that they would be able to give facts and only facts on a certain topic. This means that instead of talking to someone because of their opinion they would be able to just give facts and evidence to explain a certain topic.

    1. Good point.

    2. Hey,chatty knowledge I am agree with you there is advantages and disadvantages of it l like the point where you say they doesn't have emotions then how they will able to give their option based on reality in my opinion it has disadvantage more than advantage it can't explain us specifically because they only know the facts more than real talking and it will be hard to understand the things it says.

      1. Yes, talented_apricot.
        I sympathize and concur with your opinion because AI works based on facts and actuality and not with emotions and common sense unlike humans. What a human expert might consider good and wonderful as a comment considering from the students' point of view, an AI will judge irrespective of opinions but based on factual information.
        So, I personally feel that the idea of AI on the hub is not a great idea from my perspective viewpoint.
        Thank You!!!

    3. I agree with you Chatting_Knowlegde, because everything has an advantage and a disadvantage. As you mentioned, adding an AI to the hub would be beneficial in some ways, As AI cannot understand or feel our expressions and it cannot understand how we felt about the topic when we were making our comments just as it can't understand our feelings, AI also doesn't have feeling or emotions so it won't have a bad, sad, angry or depressing day which would be a drawback on the hub. In the case of education and replying I think AI would do a better job because it would give facts and corrections which helps in the progress of how the students comment.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

      1. I agree with you creative_personality. AI has its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, AI can make people lazy and expose young children to fake websites. On the other hand, it can also create helpful platforms for children to learn and communicate with others, such as online platforms like Roblox and the economistic foundation.
        As you mentioned, AI doesn't have feelings or emotions, but it can help us correct our mistakes and improve our grandma until their almost no errors left. After that, the adult can take over.

    4. I agree because it is bad If adults are replaced with AI.AI has has advantage like helping people in their work and the disadvantage like to make people lazy and corrupt children with internet.

    5. I agree because... it is true that AI doesn't understand human emotions and has no feelings hence making it difficult to give its point of view on most topics which is why humans on the hub should not be replaced by robots. Discussions become less interesting because the robots can only give the facts and the evidence but not its opinion. However, having robots on the hub can also be beneficial as there is need to know the actual facts on topics whilst correcting the other students when they make their comments.

    6. Hi chatty_knowedge,
      I totally agree with your opinion that it would be good and as well as bad thing.
      But here's a question for you, do you think that AI are only programmed with a specific fact and evident to proof in a particular topic?

    7. I 100% agree with you chatty_knowledge because AI can't express their feelings and emotions, since they are robots. They also don't have opinions like us humans do and can only tell facts, and not opinions. For example, if you ask AI for their opinion on your writing, they will say something like " This is true but everything in this paragraph is not" they will only tell facts and not their own opinion, since they are a robot. AI also lacks creativity and cannot understand human experiences, according to research. But they can explain topics well & make people understand it better, which is good for the student's comments and better for the hub. AI can also provide great information for a topic which can make students interested in a certain topic and want to learn even more about it. But AI cannot replace all of the adults on the hub because we students still need to hear the adults opinions, feelings, and experiences. Students need to hear the adults because if students don't they wouldn't be able to hear the adults 'experiences, they wouldn't get to think about the situation and write about it. I think AI has a disadvantage and advantage to the hub.

  • Replacing real adults on online platforms with AI bots has both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, AI bots can ensure a safer online environment for users, especially children, by filtering inappropriate content and preventing cyberbullying. Bots can work tirelessly to moderate conversations, enforcing community guidelines consistently. Moreover, AI can offer educational content and support, fostering a constructive online experience.

    However, the downside is the potential loss of genuine human interaction. Real adults provide empathy, emotional understanding, and nuanced responses that AI may struggle to replicate. Human moderators can adapt to evolving social dynamics and cultural nuances, offering a more authentic and relatable experience. Striking a balance, where AI assists but doesn't replace human presence entirely, may be crucial to maintaining a healthy online community.

    1. I agree with you. The impact of replacing real adults on Hubs with AI bots can have both positive and negative consequences. First of all there are positive consequences like, AI bots can provide a consistent experience, as they can be programmed to adhere to specific guidelines and rules consistently. AI bots can be available 24/7, without the limitations of human availability, providing support and assistance whenever needed. Bots can handle multiple conversations simultaneously, reducing response times and allowing for faster resolution of issues.
      AI bots can be designed to filter and moderate content, helping to prevent the spread of inappropriate material. On the other hand, there are some negative consequences like, AI bots may lack the ability to understand and empathize with users' emotions and experiences, potentially leading to a less satisfying interaction. Bots may struggle with understanding complex or nuanced issues, which human adults might be better equipped to handle.The use of AI bots raises ethical questions about privacy, data security, and the potential for algorithmic biases.

      1. Well done for replying to another comment.

    2. Yes, the AI bots would have both negative and positive aspect but then, how about this. The AI bots grab unto the hub, I understand the fact that they don't have emotions but then imagine someone drops a bad comment about them like maybe reasons why the AI is dangerous and should be kept away or how AI can be very useless in our daily live? Since the AI has the power to do whatever they reject the comment or block the users account. I wonder why I spoke of this previously and no one cared to reply? Yes someone might say that they don't have the emotions to do that but isn't the world changing everyday? or wont more people become software engineers who would have a wider knowledge and could probably make a break through. Thank you all and lets try to give this comment some reasoning Topical Talkers.

  • I personally believe that the human mind cannot be replaced by AI, as a human can easily interpret a comment and think of it from all perspectives, while a robot can only rate and process what you wrote, and not the impact it has on the reader. The response of a bot to a comment will lack any kind of personality and will probably follow a pattern most of the times. Although the AI can be advantageous in terms of the speed required to check comments, but not much more than that. After all this, we must remember that Topical Talk is more a discussion than a long text written by one person, and the AI is much more inclined to writing long texts than actually taking part in a discussion.

  • I think the hub should be ran by humans not robots. The reason is that robots don't have feelings and they can't feel the comment of the child as much as the human. Also the people who work on topical talk will loose their jobs and they won't have much money. Imagine you were a happy topical talk employe and one day your boss comes up to you and says, " Sorry darling but we are replaicing you with an AI robot."You would feel awful wouldn't you? I would. Overall, the reasons that AI doesn't have feelings and that the workers will lose their jobs stand out the most to me.

    1. Indeed robots don't have feelings and emotions that make it hard for us to feel engaged with them or when we ask questions to AI and I pretty much agree with that. However, I think AI can be used to help the employees instead of taking their jobs. I concur with your point that some managers for example might think that AI can do the jobs more efficiently and better than humans. This is not the case because AI can make mistakes and it needs someone else to correct it in order to find where it was wrong. So, instead of doing all of this and replacing people who depend on the job to be able to live their lives and gain

    2. I agree with you on the idea that machines do not have emotions and cannot feel like humans do. Therefore, I can understand my parents' anger when they talk about something they want from a company that uses AI bots.
      But I don't see replacing the human workforce with robots as eliminating the presence of humans in the workforce. Humans are the ones who design those AI systems, and therefore any updates must be overseen by a human to ensure their necessity. The presence of a human monitoring the work of robots is essential. The existence of robots is only for quick accomplishment and saving time to some extent.

  • In my opinion, I think that it would be a bad thing if real adults on the Hub were replacedby AI bots. I feel this way, because first off this would be weird to even acknowledge the fact that there are AI bots replying to humans. Also, AI would not have feelings which means that if someone commmented something very wholesome, there is a big possibility that AI would chastise others opinions. To add on, the robots might malfunction and respond to the comments inappropriately and with bad grammar.

    1. I agree with you because,
      As you said the AI's do not have feelings, which means they are not likely to take over the adults on the hub, I would be sad and feel very fake if I got to know that the star I may have gotten been awarded on the hub was awarded by a robot that does not even think about hoe that comment is likely to positively affect the topical talkers on the hub. Sometimes the replies and questions that the adults on the hub ask are to help us to understand our own point even more, I am almost 100% sure that the AI's might not be able to perform that task with as much emotion or deep think as the hub adults would.


      1. exactly, i dont think ai in the student hub would be a good idea cause ths competition is based on creativity not logic so i think having robots would make it kind of boring and more like a formal presentation of ideas and i doubt i would make any comment because if robot were to be here i doubt i woud make any comment because it has to be peach perfect . these robot are mere programmed machine it would not be fun if you get a star from a machine ratther than an expericenced adult who is an expert in whatsoever we might be talking about.
        I REST MY CASE

        1. I totally agree! This competition is made to analyse creativity and Problem Solving Skills. Hence, everyone on the hub comes up with something unique. As per today's technology, Bots are not as efficient in identifying Human Ideologies and emotions. Hence, they won't be able to adapt to a new opinion and reject or chastise the comment because in current circumstances, it might not be feasible. AIs never consider what CAN BE. Only what IS. Thus, having an AI bot would be very risky due to their limitation in identifying human perspectives. I also think that AIs are much more likely to malfunction.
          Recently, mine comment was rejected by an AI Bot, under the accusation of plagiarism, despite it being an original content. I believe that had a human checked it, the problem would not have occurred.
          AIs have intellectual limitation. Hence, they can never be hoped to replaces humans.
          How can we rely on that which is created out of the 1% of the Human Consciousness, when the capacity of our brain is limitless?

      2. I strongly agree with your comment, because if artificial intelligence replaces adults on the hub, stars will not be given to students fairly, and AI cannot express emotions, meaning that for every comment we send, AI will not be able to understand the emotions behind these comments. I believe having adults on the hub will help students emotionally and physically. Adults can express emotions, making it easy for students to receive stars fairly and be able to feel the emotions behind these comments. Apart from stars, students can receive feedback about their comments and receive brain-cracking questions.
        Thank you!

        1. I disagree with you because if AI had no emotions, they would not be bypass to other people making it fair for everyone and the Hub Adults job is not understanding emotions behind comments.
          Also, the Hub is designed in a way to kind of test your knowledge and should not be too easy the Hub Adults can adjust the difficulty to get stars.
          So, in conclusion I think that replacing the Hub Adults would be a good idea but there are downsides.

        2. I strongly agree with you because if adults are replaced with AI bot’s hub, as you mentioned stars will not be given fairly. Plus, we can’t fully rely on the AI bots because the bots can get a bug and the adults might not realize the bug on time and the bot having a bug can give stars any how and some participants may get more stars than they need to get.

      3. I completely agree with you tenacious_robin, the reason being is that I will feel very sad to know that the star I have been awarded with was given by a robot. This is because AI has been programmed to give me a star, and it will not be because of how beneficial my comment will be to the hub.
        Moreover, as you said the replies we receive from the adults on the hub makes us reflects our comments and delve deeper into it, and the questions received by them cracks our brains harder broadening our knowledge.
        Thus if we have the adults on the hub replaced with AI, who will give replies to my comments after having a deep understanding of it? and who will give me brain-cracking questions?

      4. Hi,
        I agree with you, our conversations on the hub are meant to be meaningful and to be a context of positive change to our perspectives and also the way we see things, and even the adults on the hub are not exempted, I am sure that everyday as they read the comments of students on the hub they learn new things and they begin to look at things differently because we learn that a there is a lot to a thing than we ever thought we knew.
        Some of the disadvantages of AI taking over the adults are that :
        They lack human contextual understanding: This technology lacks the subtle understanding of human emotions, and the thought we put into our comments when we make them, they can be programmed to examine comments based on facts from the internet, long comments, big words and other complicated stuff, but the thing is that a comment can be as short as two lines but still hold a lot of depth and meaning, that is why the adults are best for this job because they judge based on emotions, understanding, personal experiences and the real meaning of a comment.
        Another thing is that AI is inflexible, they follow predefined rules and patterns, and they may find it hard to adapt and to understand the different perspectives and backgrounds that students on the hub come from, they may at times not appreciate creativity and originality rather they can even reject a comment or penalize a student just because the student deviated from the established norms, and I am sure that with the adults that won't happen at all, if your comment is ever rejected it doesn't mean that you didn't put enough effort but rather there must be a tangible reason.
        Another thing is that AI can't provide the necessary emotional impact that students need. Honestly, we as children need emotional support and encouragement which to me only humans can construct and provide, and AI lacks empathy and cannot offer personalized encouragement or consolation.
        These are just some of the many reasons that AI taking over the adults can do to the festival and to the students and I hope that I convinced someone to.
        Thank you!

      5. Thank you for that wonderful comment, but I strongly believe that it is going to be a good thing if AI represents adults on this hub, this is because the adults will get to rest and stop stressing themselves replying comments and other things and most importantly I think if AI replaces adults on this hub, didn’t you know that even if you comment by 12 in the mid night, you will get your comments approved immediately, it will also indicate when you copied and other things.

      6. I completely agree with you. AI may be good in terms of time management and a complete run-through of grammatical errors, but they are not good in terms of understanding the psychology of the comment. If AI bots are introduced in the hub, then instead of giving stars in terms of the tone and impact of the comment, but instead it will keep a check on the formality and grammar of the comment.

      7. I agree wth your comment because, AI is an algorithm created by humans meaning AI can not express emotions. AI bots can not be on hub because they can not have heart to heart conversations with topical talkers. They will not be able to understand rhetorical question, figurative languages and even jokes. AI bots will not be able bring interesting topics on the hubs thus reducing students analytical things skills and communication skills. AI bots will not be able to bring humour to each to hub thus making topical talkers bored and uninterested to comment. Humans should be on the Hub because some comments are straight from the heart and humans have emotions thus making it easy for them understand and comment. Humans should be on the hub be they will be able to give stars fairly and respond to our comment be giving us interesting questions. In my opinion humans should be on Hub because they can related to comments and they give us feedback by letting us know whether our comment is to sensitve and is approved by topical talker , but if AI bots are on the Hub they will not be albe to understand and relate to our emotions.

      8. I strongly agree because... AI would not be engaging because the real adults entertain us with tricky questions, help us change our perspectives etc. The real adults have emotions thus if a student comments on something that could have a negative impact on other students' beliefs they would reject it like maybe religion, tribalism or racism. One more point is AI is programmed for a specific task so if you are to comment or ask a question that is a little bit out of the section It would indicate an error. Take this scenario: On a particular discussion you are supposed to ask questions on climate change, and someone takes it to water pollution. Even though they have a link the AI will not understand and won't be able to answer since it has been programmed to answer questions on only climate change. Students won't gain lots of knowledge if it runs like that.

      9. I strongly agree because AI, like robots, can't feel emotions or empathy. This means they might not understand how their actions affect people on the hub. As you mentioned in your comment, when you get a star or recognition from an adult, it feels genuine. But if it comes from a robot, it doesn't feel as meaningful because robots don't understand emotions like humans do. Adults on the hub ask insightful questions based on your comment and give thoughtful responses because they understand emotions and context in a way that AI can't. In my opinion, when comments and responses come from real people, it helps build a sense of community and support.

    2. GoodDay Everyone,
      I agree because... it is true that AI's do not have emotions and can also not think outside already existing patterns, therefore if the human adults on the hub were replaced by AI they will not be able to give the appropriate replies to students comments, grade and award stars based on the creativity of the student, have deep understanding about what the students are saying on the hub and so on. For example if the AI is programmed to say "Wow wonderful post" when you have a good comment, will you like it if you always see that or maybe a rephrased version of that? For me I won't and I doubt if others will. Also peoples comments in other sections of AI also shows that AI should not be allowed to replace the jobs of humans because they were not created to replace humans but assist or serve as help to us therefore I think AI should not be allowed to replace the human adults on the hub.

      Thank You.

    3. I agree with you because I will really feel bad too! My reason being that, this whole period of interacting with those who reply to some of my comments have actually made feel like am on track and to an extent made me feel quite important. We are having real interactions but if it's just a programmed robot, I don't think we will vibe so well.
      I also know that with real people, they can always be emphatic and make meanings from our write-up,but robots will just work directly with what it has been programmed,so even if you make an attempt to answer, if it is correct but not in line with all the programmed answers then you won't get stars for such comments.
      I really want to keep interacting with real people please ! THANK YOU!!

      1. It's great to hear you've been enjoying communicating with real people! Your challenge now is to ask an interesting conversation in a different discussion to see how many Topical Talkers you can get to reply to you.

    4. I agree because... It would be a bad idea to replace Adult with AI bots in the hub. First of all if AI replace Adult in this hub the way they will reply our comment will be different because some of us are commenting on ways how to stop AI and if AI could read that they will be rejecting our comment every single day and that could make us angry to even stop commenting on the topical talk. Second of all AI doesn't have feelings and that be a problem because if they don't have feelings how can they understand what we wrote. Last of all something might happen to the AI bots and make them respond to our comment badly.
      Thank you

    5. I agree with you, as you said A.I do not have any feelings they cannot understand feelings behind our comments . In fact it is suggested by the economists that 37% of the jobs will be taken by A.I till 2030 which is not a good thing by this we can face problems like there will be harms such job displacement , lack of creativity and much more . If adults will be replaced by a robots they will understand logic not our creativity. Adult who has faced so much in there life can understand me and my emotions because he or she is a real person not a A.I robot or chatbot.
      thank you!

    6. I agree with you because I also feel it would be bad if AI bots replaced real adults on the Hub. I disconcert the reason being that, the adults on the Hub each have their sense of individuality, they are trained professionals with tons of experience which some of the adults have been doing for years now, it is rather beautiful how every mind of a child comes to share their voice here. These children all share their thoughts and opinions in every way they can to the reader who can understand every single bit of it without even knowing the person. It is truly amazing how AI is changing the world in every way it can but I feel that it would be a shame to give that job to a mindless bot that has no intellectual being and gives auto-generated answers.

    7. I agree because AI will be too weird and also AI doesn't have feelings they are exact in everything but adults and experts understand us accurately and they can discuss with us every information until we understand


    8. I confidently agree because...
      in my own thinking, they should not replace an AI bot with the adult in the hub, because AI does not have feelings and emotions, and they can understand what is going on but human beings have feelings and emotions so AI is not a good idea to be replaced with the adult. and there are some things that human beings can do and AI can't do, for example.
      1. Adults can understand what the world is facing.
      2. AI don't have manners of speech.
      I am looking forward to corrections.
      thank you.

    9. I agree because... in my own opinion if the hub is replaced with AI bots, the comment that we are doing will be felt useless, let take this topic in an opposite way for example, when we are talking about humans taking over the hub where AI are the ones replying, do you think that AI would not be giving our comment stars if we are supporting talking about human taking over the hub and that would make me sad and not to comment again. Also let not forget that humans has feelings and emotions which AI does not have and I also like the way adult are replying in the hub to help us understand and correct our self.

    10. I strongly agree with your comment,Because like you said it would be so weird having literal EMOTIONLESS robots reply to humans.Like you said with that bad grammar it wouldn't even be a problem if people didn't rely on AI in the first place.

    11. I am agree with i also think there will be disadvantage i like your point where you said the robots might malfunction and respond to the comments inappropriately and with bad grammar but in my opinion there are both sides of Ai being on hub . Ai don't have emotion they can't give the answer based on true story they only know research don't know creativity and they work based on facts not reality but it reduce the human load it can give the time support but not the creative idea that adults give us in this hub which is based in reality .

    12. I personally agree with you,
      As you stated in your paragraph, AI's do not have feelings and there is no real way to say that the responses will only be logically correct and will hold no actual feeling into it especially when it comes to a sensitive topic and the point of this is to show creativity and AI's show none of that so it would defiantly be against the whole point of Topical talk. Also there is no 100% guarantee what the AI's says is gonna be on topic as they can malfunction and talk about something completely different from what the original topic was, so to be safer its better for actual human adults to run the hub instead of mindless AI's mostly for our safety and to better help our understanding of a certain topic, human adults can also word it to fit a more kid style so it really helps for all kids to understand.

    13. You have made some great points but there are also upsides to AI replacing humans. Yes,
      AI does not have felling's and may malfunction, but AI would be able to know if we used AI to comment.
      Also, AI would be able to accept or decline our comment because AI would be able to see if we made any mistakes so we can do better the next time or not repeat the mistake, but the Hub Adults just say your comment does not make sense or your comment was similar to some else comment.
      So, in conclusion AI may have some downsides if it were to replace the Hub Adults but there are some upsides to consider when making that decision.

    14. I agree with you in all the aspects the thing I noticed was "robots might malfunction" but like AI is made to increase accuracy than compared to an human. And like bad grammar how can like an computer do grammer mistakes

    15. I agree because, AI doesn't have feelings to confirm the understanding of how a person feels when they have commented, and they can make errors which can be a big problem, since every decision made should be thought through before sent to the student's preset on the hub. But if there are humans are on the hub it will be much better for them to give us stars and understand what we commented, and they will be less erros since there are adults on the hub checking our comments.

  • In my opinion I think that the idea of replacing real adults with AI bots on the Hub would have both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, AI bots can provide round-the-clock support, instant responses, and consistent assistance. They can also handle repetitive tasks efficiently, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and creative work. However, there are also potential downsides. AI bots may lack the empathy and emotional intelligence that real adults possess, which could be important in certain situations. Additionally, human interaction is often valued for its depth and authenticity. Hitting the right balance between human and AI involvement is key to ensuring a positive and effective user experience on the Hub.

    1. I agree because compared to AI humans understand comments better. Although AI is superior in many areas, this job requires human comprehension and AI might malfunction. The hub volunteers can handle this job fairly while AI will go haywire.
      On the other hand, AI outperforms humans in speedy evaluations. If AI quickly grade and award stars, those with rejected comments can repost on the same day. Humans however can delay feedback until the next day causing individuals to miss their chance to repost.
      In conclusion, for understanding comments humans triumph while for rapid assessment AI takes the lead.

      1. Well done for replying to another comment.

    2. I agree because artificial intelligent robots do not have the needs and complications of human beings allowing them to efficiently and accurately assist and respond, but lack human emotions empathy without sounding completely artificial and repetitive.

    3. I agree with you because,
      On the issue of providing all day long replies, sometimes stress could come in and then the adult on the hub while AI's can continue approving even while everyone is asleep, this could lead to the adults not giving topical talkers the award they deserve, there are some comments that when one makes, he or she is confident that it is getting a star on this, but because of stress or being over worked the hub adults may not do that efficiently.
      I am one of the topical talkers that when I drop a strong comment and then don't come and see reward for it, I get very discouraged. But then with the help of artificial intelligence, the Hub adult can just give instruction on the kinds of comments to reward, the types to reject and the types to reply to and then they can go and rest while the tireless Ai's do the work. This would go a long t ensure that topical talkers on the hub still continue to put critical thinking and efforts into the conversation, knowing fully well that the success of the comment depends on the magnitude of message it conveys, and not on the mood of the hub adults.

      THANK YOU.

  • I do not think it is a good idea for adults on the hub to be replaced by AI as they lack human touch and empathy that humans can provide and may not be able to understand the contexts of human communication. Also, I believe the bots can pose some risks and challenges, such as bias, trust. An example was when the AI bot assumed my friend copied most of her information on a website which she claimed she did not. This example, challenges the accountabilty of the AI. Moreso, AI may not be able to handle complex, creative, or ethical issues that require values and common reasoning.

    1. I disagree because... sure they lack empathy, but I don't think the real adults grade the comments by empathizing with us. I think they would mark the comment based on how reasonable it is. Example: If someone has no stars, they wouldn't give stars to them because they feel sorry for them having no stars rather, they will check how sensible and suitable your comment is. Secondly, you recently mentioned AI not having feelings then you went on to talk about trust. I don't know how trust is related to this, but I can assure you that trust is not a factor of AI.

  • In my own opinion,I strongly believe that it wouldn't be good if AI replace real adults on the Hub. Why I said is because AI can only judge or make decisions according to the coding they are been given, remember that they are without emotions. Now if AI that has been coded in the aspect of eco-anxiety is now placed to judge those commenting on Artificial intelligence, that do you think it will happen? Of course it is not going to work or probably when you comment it gets your comment declined because that is not the area of its specialisation.
    And also as we all know that it will get to a certain point when AI will definately get to malfunction just as we humans often fall sick some times, so just imagine that it starts to malfunction just as you comments, I'm 100 percent sure that, that your comment is not going to count and maybe probably it will approve wrong comments.
    In conclusion, it is not going to be funny if AI is to replace adults on the Hub, like it will definately be boring for almost everyone.
    THANK YOU......

    1. I'm glad you think we're doing a worthwhile job!

    2. I disagree because... since you said that AI only judge as they were coded to do so what if we send in a comment that only a human will understand. Let me use you as an example, what if you type in a comment that is worthy of a star and then the AI's programing did not understand a comment it may not give you a star but I also appreciate the fact you said it won't be funny if the AI bot malfunctions and it will be boring for everyone

  • I personally think it would be a good thing. I say this because it takes the people who work on the hub some time to approve or deny comments. I feel that the time in approving and denying response would be way less if Ai robots were doing it. This is just a theory though so it could be false.

    1. Yes the time taken of response would be less, I think so too but they would only be able to give more data, but when people like us post on this platform , we expect that the reply we will get will motivate us to do better or point out where we can fix our faulty areas and what else could've been done. This is what provides us learning, but bots would neither be able to encourage us or help us understand how to present our thoughts.

      the Adults on the hub are very important and I think they are here as our mentors and friends which guide us ,its something that AI bots cannot replace.

    2. You are right. I haven't thought about it.
      The people who work on the Hub spend a lot of time rejecting or approving and maybe there is an overload of work.
      So for example if they copy or use inappropriate language, AI bots could automatically disapprove it.
      On the other hand, I feel safer to know and most respected if a person reads and evaluates my comments.

      1. Well done for replying to another comment.

    3. I personally disagree with you because...
      Even if AI robots are fast they can be sometimes unreliable. It takes people on the hub time to accept or reject comments because they try to read meaning and reality out of the comments. And also humans comment based on reality and originality while AI robots comments based on facts which is because they do not understand human feelings and emotions. Therefore I would like to ask this question "would you prefer interacting with an AI bot or a human?". Thanks

    4. I see what you are saying, but I respectfully disagree. AI can only give answers, but the real adults can have creative ideas and thoughts. This allows for the person who wrote the text to think more critically. I trust that an adult checks through my text then a robot! You don't really have to feel bad,because the adults have jobs so they get paid. My last point is that a human is more encouraging than a robot.

  • Oh no!
    I would not suggest that all, we humans are the best and should be replaced in anything. You guys are really doing a great job which deserves good rewards and we topical talkers appreciate you guys a lot.
    What you guys do here is fantastic and there a lot of reasons why AI should not replace any body in the Economist Foundation.
    They include:
    - As I stated in one of my earlier posts, AI have no empathy, sympathy or emotions. We students post comments here to gain stars and promote our schools. Most of us here write here with emotional based points and it's requires people who have exact feelings to judge the piece. Certainly not AI!
    -I am pretty sure AI will reject a lot comments due to reason that students are posting every minute.

    There a lot but nevertheless I would say that the Economist Foundation is doing wonderful the way it is. What I would rather suggest that you guys can apply AI to your daily work to make it easier and faster. But I know that you are already using AI😏😏.

  • I think that if the human adults on the Topical Talk Hub were replaced by AI it would have a negative impact because actual humans have the ability to determine whether or not a response is good and should be approved and whether or not they are high quality enough to earn stars. An AI may not be able to recognize these qualifications in different writing styles and formats unlike a human being who can identify these different things. Even if the AI is programmed well enough to have the knowledge of how to recognize these qualifications and flag responses as inappropriate for the student hub and competitions, the AI can malfunction which will allow inappropriate behavior on the Topical Talk website.

  • In my opinion,I think it would be a good thing if AI replaces the real adults on the hub, because it takes the people who work on the hub some hours to approve and reject comments of the students. I think, the time used in approving and rejecting comments would be much easier if Ai bots were carrying out the task. It's just from my point of view,so one importance of AI bots replacing the real adults on the hub because it is going to save time , instant response etc..

  • I do not think it is would be a good idea , because we may not understand what they are trying to say . They do not have feelings which means they might not be able to give us proper answers.

  • I think it would be a bad thing if adults would be replaced by real bots on a Hub because if an adult has a warning message than it wouldn't be able to send it on the internet because it would have been replaced by an robot.
    Additionally, a robot wouldn't be sending interesting information to the citizens of the world, and as a result a robot doesn't have feelings so it wouldn't be sending nothing about our senses. People can message what is going to happen in the country if there's going to be WW4( just like they did about WW2 and1) or if there's something from space is heading for earth or if we are in great danger!

    In some ways a bot could be good at replacing an adult because it could calculate a time table that no one could calculate and tell us the incredible answer and it wouldn't have to drink and eat, wouldn't have to sleep, wouldn't need to pay a robot a salary, it would send messages over night and it would always be there to send you messages.

    1. Why do you think that robots would give better answers to questions aside from maths questions?

      1. This question requires some reflection on the nature and limitations of artificial intelligence. Robots are machines that can process large amounts of data and perform complex calculations very quickly and accurately. However, they are not able to understand the context, emotions, values, or creativity that are often involved in human questions and answers.
        Therefore, robots may not be able to give better answers to questions that require subjective judgment, empathy, or imagination. For example, a robot may not be able to answer a question like "What is the meaning of life?" or "How do you feel about this situation?" in a way that satisfies a human interlocutor. Robots may also lack the ability to learn from their own mistakes or adapt to new situations, which are essential skills for answering questions in a dynamic and uncertain world. Therefore, I think that robots would not necessarily give better answers to questions aside from math questions, unless they are specifically designed and trained for that purpose.

  • Hi topical talkers !
    It is never a good idea to replace all the adults in the hub by AI bots because it will be so boring to come into the student hub and only for you to see AI bots every where on the hub. For example, coming into the hub and seeing product manager to be a robot and you will see a place that you will have to go into to see the interview. Only for you to click on it and see AI bot talking as Raman Rai talks or Caroline. It will be so boring that you would not even want to go back to the student hub again even though you want stars. You will notice that there will be no much interaction with with the festival hosts like usual.

    1. You made a good point about AI bots not being engaging for students, what could the implications be on students with AI teachers?

      1. Hi Aimee!
        Thanks for your question.
        when it comes to classroom, the teachers interact with the students, ask them their mind and answer their questions. AI in the classroom as the teacher does not know anything about the thoughts of the students and cannot ask them if they understand anything which they have been thought. On the other hand, AI as the class teacher will not listen to any of the student's intention or if any student is not comfortable with the teacher's teaching and it will only be teaching because it was commanded to teach. Looking at the teaching, even without being told you will know that the class will be the most boring thing that you have ever witnessed before. So the implications will be too much but i just said some of the important ones.

    2. I agree because... It is never a good idea to be replaced AI bots with teacher, it will not be fun when you enter a class room you will realized that an AI is teaching you, there will not be interaction with the AI in the class, but if there is a teacher it will be more interactive, more fun, in the class. But AI should be designed to help humans lives than creating problem and replacing humans.It will be so boring that you would not even want to go back to the student hub again even though you want stars, because you will see AI bots surrounded us trying to replace humans than helping us.

  • Robots replacing real adults has its pros and cons. The advantage is that bots never sleep and are always available so even if you are to reply at the time that the real adults have stopped, the bots will be able to reply to you. But the disadvantage is that they do not have feelings to understand what you are really saying. The things that the real adults could reward you on the bot wouldn't probably because of a grammatic error or a spelling mistake. But the real adults on the hub could reward you based on how solid your explanation is. Example someone is to pass on a comment and mistakenly spells emotions as "imosions" the AI would not reward the person because of the errors but the real adult could reward the person because their explanation makes great sense and is exceptional.

  • I think that in some cases it will be good and in some cases it will be bad. In good cases like: The AI ​​mind is actually better than the human mind because it thinks limitedly from all sides of the issue and thus chooses the perfect solution to the problem. But human thinks in limited terms so human may find some problems and obstacles but also found the solution as if a human found the solution in 10 days, AI bots found it in 1 minute or less. On the other hand, there are the bad cases: AI bots have no emotions or feelings. So this also affects the solution, because if someone wants to solve a big problem, for example in business, imagine that in addition to using the AI ​​bots, they need help to help them, the AI ​​will help them, to find all the data he wants to collect to solve this problem. On the other hand, if a person who wants to create a problem in the economy asks the human to give him data about something that is safe or protected from the government, the human will prevent him from collecting data, unlike the AI.

    1. Hi.
      Unfortunately I don’t agree with you in some points as you said that AI bots are good since human minds are limited from all sides and AI bots are better than human mind but in my opinion in this discussion AI bots will have one opinion and never never change it for any reason actually if you are right . But when you make decisions with a human you will have more than one opinion and as I make know I give you reasons for my opinion you may convinced or not it is your choice but you will think about what I say rather than AI bots.
      I hope you get my point.

  • I think having bots replace the actual Topical Talk team has advantages and disadvantages. A great example of my mixed opinion would be the next one: if a kid makes an excellent comment, the bot will simply point out the good statements that they wrote and just give them a star! "But that's what the Topical Talk team does, it's as simple as that!" Well I have a different point of view.
    I've seen a lot of great comments on the platform as well as interesting responses from the adult team, but these comments stood out to me for a reason: the team saw what the kids were lacking into and asked them personalized questions! This helps the students learn from their mistakes rather than simply earning stars for the good statements which, if you ask me, is the best way to learn and be more efficient!
    Another point I would like to make is the fact that, I personally write comments based on my personal experiences and not just facts, things which a human being can appreciate, while a bot can't really realize why these feeling-based experiences or comments stand out to the humans and so, with the help of humans, I think students on the platform can think outside of the box and be more expressive!

  • I personally think the Student Hub is fine as it is now. I do not believe that AI bots would be a good replacement for humans. For example, if a student makes a comment where they also add some personal experiences, an AI bot will not be able to sympathize with the situation or relate to it in some way. Humans, however, will understand the feelings of that student, especially if it's related to a more sensitive topic. Also, since robots do not have a proper brain, they might give away stars randomly, which will be a disadvantage to some students who worked hard and made a high quality comment. Humans will give away stars in a rational way, based on their thoughts on that certain comment, and I also noticed that some moderators reply with questions to some comments, so students can expand and justify their answers.
    In conclusion, humans are irreplaceable by AI bots, at least in the role of a moderator. Maybe an AI bot might be suitable for answering students' questions. For example, if a student can't log in, they can ask the robot for a detailed explanation about what they should do.

  • In my opinion, I think that it would be a bad idea for AI bots to replace real adults on the Hub, because AI does not have proper feelings, being neutral, so AI would just generate an answer and post it, meanwhile humans would think of a perfect answer for the students comments, so that they can match their feelings.
    Also, an AI would just generate an answer and post it, while the adults would also ask you questions, to make you think harder.

  • It would be a bad thing if the real adult on the hub are replaced by AI bots because if the humans are replaced By AI bots, there will be no job opportunities left for adults to take.
    Thus this will make the adults so lazy and Job less so I think the adults on the hub should not be replaced by AI

    1. You made a good point about AI bots taking job opportunities, can you think of an industry where it could help without replacing human jobs?

      1. AI has the potential to augment human intelligence and improve productivity in many industries without replacing human jobs . Here are some examples:
        1.Healthcare: AI can help healthcare professionals diagnose diseases, develop treatment plans, and monitor patient health.
        2.Education: AI can help teachers personalize learning experiences for students, provide feedback on student work, and identify areas where students may need additional support .
        3.Manufacturing: AI can help manufacturers optimize production processes, reduce waste, and improve quality control .
        4.Retail: AI can help retailers improve inventory management, personalize customer experiences, and optimize pricing strategies .
        5.Finance: AI can help financial institutions detect fraud, automate routine tasks, and provide personalized investment advice .
        In each of these industries, AI can help humans work more efficiently and effectively, while also improving the quality of products and services. By working together with AI, humans can focus on tasks that require creativity, empathy, and critical thinking, while leaving routine tasks to machines .

        1. I agree because AI will help in other places like:
          Agriculture: To perform tasks like fruit picking.Eg. Agrobot
          Military: To perform tasks like discarding bombs. Eg. The Jaguar
          Space: To perform tasks like exploring outer space. Eg. Curiosity Rover
          Entertainment : To perform tasks like entertaining guests. Eg. Aibo the robot dog.
          Household: To perform tasks like cooking meals . Eg. Moley Robotics' Robot Kitchen

    2. I disagree because... this is not the only job in the world and I don't think someone would be lazy when they are replaced. This means they are not going to get payed unless they have an aside job. Imagine you are a teacher for a living and the head of the school comes up to you and says," I am sorry, but you are fired since AI has replaced you". And you have no other job. Will this make you lazy?

  • I think that it will be a very bad thing, because for example kids in schools will miss the real face of the teachers and the friendship

    1. You made a good point about missing face-to-face with teachers, can you think of two more negative effects it could have on teaching?

      1. Hi,
        I agree that online learning has some drawbacks compared to face-to-face teaching. Some of the negative effects are:
        - It is harder for students to focus on the lessons when there are many distractions at home.
        - It is more difficult to understand the concepts when there is no direct interaction with the teachers and classmates.
        - It is less likely to finish the course successfully when there is less motivation and guidance from the instructors. (Research shows that face-to-face classes have a much higher completion rate than online classes).
        - It is less enjoyable and effective to learn in an isolated environment than in a social one with peers.
        - It is less informative and expressive to communicate through text and video than through body language and voice.
        - It is less beneficial and enriching to miss the chance to collaborate, solve problems, and network with other students from diverse backgrounds.

    2. Of course, it's important to consider different perspectives on this issue. If you disagree with the notion that integrating artificial intelligence into education would be a negative thing, you might argue that AI has the potential to enhance the learning experience in various ways. For example, AI-powered educational tools can provide personalized learning experiences tailored to each student's needs and abilities, helping to address individual learning gaps and promote academic success. Additionally, AI can offer access to a vast array of educational resources and materials that may not be readily available in traditional classrooms, thereby enriching the learning environment and expanding educational opportunities.

  • Introducing AI, on the hub will be beneficial as it can accurately find more resources. Allowing precise stars rating based on post quality. With direct internet access, it's kind efficiently such numerous resources, easing the mentors cross-checking processes.
    Thank you for considering this improvement.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts creative_personality👍! Introducing AI on the hub sounds like a fantastic idea. The ability to accurately find and evaluate resources, as well as provide precise star ratings based on post quality, could significantly enhance the overall user experience. The efficiency gained through direct internet access would optimize the mentors' cross-checking processes. Your suggestion is much appreciated and has the potential to bring about valuable improvements.

  • In my point of view, I would prefer real adults than Ai bots because AI only applies algorithm; it lacks understanding of human emotions in sensitive cases.
    Besides,who understands a human best than an another human.
    Also,AI can't think imaginately rather they think rationally,so they will not understand the whole message of a comment but they use measures and points that calculate the comment's quality.

  • Well, as we know, AI is a programmed machine, that is coded based on human intelligence. But whether we can trust it to that extent, I'm on both sides, here are my thoughts...

    On the one hand, AI is unbiased, so will not just prefer some piece of writing because they like it, they will go through the passage and give points to the people that have the things on the success criteria. For example, AI could read a piece of writing and say, they have got a point, they have explained and given and example, 1 point, but an adult, could just say, " I don't really like that because I don't agree with it, " and that is NOT fair.

    But on the other hand, humans have real feelings and emotions and they can more points based on how the piece makes them feel and think, because, AI can't think for itself. For instance, a child could of written a very good quality peice of writing but was only rewarded one point by AI because they had a point, an example and extended the point, but when a real person came they said that it should be 2 because of the feeling it creates.

    Overall, I'm pretty much on the side where humans chould run the show!

    1. good points, terrific_tambourine -- but you say that AI is unbiased. That isn't quite true -- the kinds of AI that make the news right now are often "trained" on stuff made by humans, so it contains the very same biases that those humans have, frequently in a way that is hard to spot...

      1. Thank you Jason, I will remeber this in the future! : )

  • Hello,
    I certainly feel that, using AI bots instead of human adults on this hub would have negative consequences. Many times, people post not only compliments on well-written or balanced posts, but also questions that need a human touch. For instance, some personal or emotional issues that are asked on this platform might not get the same kind of response from a robot as from a human being. Most participants on this hub, seek advice from adults who have more experience and wisdom. For example, a student might ask how to know if God is real, and the answer of a robot might be very different from that of a human adult. Perhaps the robot might say look at the evidence and logic, and a human adult who has a personal faith and an intimate relationship might say by praying and reading the scriptures. So, the answers vary.
    Also, from what I know about this hub and from my own experience, the mentors on this hub tend to filter out inappropriate or harmful comments by participants of the competition. However, using AI robots who may not have the ability to distinguish between sensitive and normal comments without human guidance might pose a risk to the safety of younger individuals in the hub.
    But this does not mean that AI cannot be useful in some of the complex tasks of this hub such as record keeping, star counting, etc. So, rather than replacing them, they can assist in those areas.

  • I do not think that it would be a good idea for robots to begin to converse with us on the hub. This was introduced for people in order to test our creativity and to also interact with our other individuals around the globe. Robots do not have emotions hence, are not capable of freely conversing with one another like humans do.

  • I think that it would be a bad thing. Ok AI bots are enough intelligent to correct mistakes to find any copy done bur they cannot feel your opinions you have. It is this feeling that can distinguish a great idea because you feel what is expressed from just a correct answer. This can even happen with teachers. When they mark just a multiple choice test it is OK but when you mark an essay it is totally different. You get closer to students and you even can understand the way they feel.

  • I think that it depends on the matter. On one hand it would be good, because AI can work so much quicker than a person. Many contestants would receive stars on the spot. On the other hand, for more sensitive things such as feelings, a robot could overlook the comment and not realize its potential. So for that part, a human would still be the best. Now, I have been wondering, why are we trying to replace people with robots? I believe that it is obvious that it isn't going to work. AI can't do a human's job and a person can't do what AI can. We are different. However, that doesn't mean that we can't work together. I actually think that it would give us excellent results. For example, robots could check and see if the comments are appropriate for the student hub, then send them to the human staff to check if the comments deserve to receive stars. So AI could act like an initial barrier, before humans intervene.

  • I think that AI bots cannot replace adults on the Hub. We need to know that humans can read what we have written so if we need feedback they can give it to us. We feel more secure when adults can evaluate us correctly and not just methodologically. This gives us a motive that our opinions are heard.

  • I think that some adults should be replaced by AI. I still think the adults on the Hub should be here, but I think AI cooperating with them can create the best version of the Hub.

  • Hii!..

    The potential replacement of real adults on a platform like the Hub with AI bots raises complex ethical and practical considerations. While AI bots can offer efficiency and consistency in certain tasks, they may lack the nuanced understanding and empathy that real humans bring to social interactions. Additionally, relying solely on AI bots could diminish opportunities for genuine human connection and support. Ultimately, the appropriateness of such a change would depend on factors like the specific functions of the bots, the nature of interactions on the platform, and the preferences of the users involved.

    Thank you!!.

  • Replacing human adults with AI on the Hub could have several drawbacks. Firstly, AI can only operate within the parameters of its programming and does not possess human emotions, which could limit its ability to accurately judge and moderate discussions in diverse and complex topics like eco-anxiety. Additionally, AI systems can malfunction or experience technical issues, potentially leading to the approval of inappropriate comments or the rejection of valid ones. This could negatively impact the quality and fairness of discussions on the Hub. Furthermore, the absence of human interaction and emotions could make the experience less engaging and enjoyable for users. In conclusion, while AI can provide some benefits, it is not a suitable replacement for human adults on the Hub. The unique insights and emotions that humans bring to the conversation are essential for fostering meaningful and productive discussions.

    1. I think your comment is amazing, clever_ladder and I agree with you because if a handful of AI were on the hub it would be more boring because anyone could go to an AI and ask for feedback but humans add more meaning and be more productive for humans.

      1. Yes this is correct humans add color while I feel as if AI is grey, white, or black, or a solid color blank with no feelings.

  • I think discussing against bots would be almost impossible, as they don't have creativity and reflexive thinking - which allows people to have their own opinions and beliefs. In addition, adults are needed in the Hub to make things work, as they can have the empathy and emotional ability to help students and avoid fights or hurting comments.
    On the other hand, AI and bots are good on tasks which are not related to creativity, so these robots could be used as assistants.

  • In my opinion I think it would be a bad thing that the humans are replaced by robot's or AI.
    AI does not have any feelings so if you tell him
    stuff he wouldn’t do anything but if it was humans they would have cared and also mouth function which means they can say bad or inappropriate stuff
    Bye Bye!

  • It's a yes and no for me one if your worried about things you could let it out but if you find out they're not real it would be better if you talk to real people

  • Personally I think it will be bad if the real adults on the hub were replaced with AI bots. AI tries to mimic the human behavior, but they haven't accomplised it yet. because of this it might be a bit odd for AI to reply to students on the hub, because AI lacks emotion. Emotions are very important when it comes to replying to a comment because you need to be able to freely express the way you feel about one's opinion, most times when doing this you tend to teach some students a better way of commenting on topics. I can summarize this by saying only a fool can relate with a fool. Personally I think another disadvantage of the AI is that it can always fail to give the right responses, responses that can encourage students when making comments and replies

    1. I understand your point of approach especially towards the fact that the AI do not have emotions and so that implies that they may not be able to relate with us well but, if you take a look at the advantages that they AI have over we humans, it's just so overwhelming. For starters, AI can operate at remarkable speeds, significantly improving efficiency in various tasks. This could lead to faster response times, quicker problem-solving, and enhanced overall performance. Unlike humans, AI systems don't need breaks, sleep, or time off. They can provide continuous service, ensuring round-the-clock availability and responsiveness. AI can also be programmed to follow strict safety protocols, minimizing the risk of human error. This is particularly crucial in environments where precision and accuracy are paramount.
      Now don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to say AI should totally replace humans on the hub, what i'm saying is that they can work hand in hand with the humans. I mean, rather than a complete replacement, AI can be integrated to work alongside human operators, forming a collaborative partnership. This approach leverages the strengths of both AI and humans, enhancing overall performance.

  • I have mixed feelings about this one. Because it might be a very bad thing if AI were replaced by tropical talkers, As the tropical talkers relate to us better than AI. So I think there is quite a good understanding between us. These tropical talkers know more perfectly how to deal with our minds I believe. I'm not doubting the teachings of tropical talkers but it might even be a good thing if certain videos are made with AI explaining to us so that we can know how good an AI can teach and if it can replace teachers in the future

    1. I'm not sure about this because... I feel that both humans and AI bots could work together ; rather than AI bots completely replacing teachers . In cases like this , I feel our tropical talkers could work hand in hand with robots by allowing them to assess activities which may be given out on the platform . And in some cases that require feelings and emotions , this is where we humans come in as AI lacks feelings and emotions . By doing this , we can reduce AI's activity completely taking over man .

      1. I agree because if AI and humans work together, the sky will be our limit, and as you said "AI bots should not control the hub completely" because as @tenacious_robin said earlier during this hub discussion "AI don't have feelings", so if AI control the hub, they may not be able to understand the points being said by the topical talkers, which makes them feel discouraged and not put in much effort because they think that their efforts are in vain, which may later make this seem as a scam because your points aren't actually understood. So AI can help in the part of making sure that everyone's comment is being seen as it is currently doing and humans responsible for reading the comments also performed presently.
        In conclusion, I think that AI and humans should work together on the hub and not leave all the work for one specific group as it is presently being done.
        THANK YOU.

  • In my opinion, I think that it would be a bad thing if people were replaced by AI robots on the hub. I think AI robots don't have any feelings or emotions. So if someone said something very inspiring there is a big chance that the robot will chastise other opinions and call them out for being wrong. That can also respond to comments in bad
    grammer. When AI comments on you it feels very dry and fake because AI would probably say the same thing over and over again. So I honestly think that AI would not be better humans do the fact they have no emotions.

  • I think that it would be a good idea. I think it would be a good idea because robots or A.I are programed to problem solve and Humans might not have the answers to everything but the person who is programing the robot might have the answers to the questions. Also A.I can improve the topics on the hub. That is why I think they should replace robots with the adults.

  • no it will not be good because humans understand their self more better than AI bots replying to humans are not good because the will not have a good understanding on what the are saying and if you ask the AI again it will not explain what it said in a better way it can only repeat what it said at the first .it is not a good for AI to over human hub

  • I think it would not be the best move to replace all the adults on the Hub by AI bots because the adults can moderate more specifically and accurately. There is a high probability that everyone gets paid for their work, which boosts the economy and creates jobs. While AI bots can work around the clock with no pay, there has to be a human that feeds it information and monitors its activity. It doesn't add much to the workload, but it wouldn't make much sense to start replacing trained moderators with robots when we already have a functional system in place.

    1. Ah, interesting point! So do you think that if something is functional then it should never be replaced? For example, is it different if I say that riding horses was a functional way of travelling, therefore they should not have been replaced by motor vehicles?

      1. That is not the point I am attempting to make, it is not functionality alone. It is the fact that AI is still in its early development stage, and while its feats are impressive, some models are less than optimal to say the least. Despite the fact that AI has more than excellent chat abilities, they would have to be thoroughly tested for quality and glitches. Cars had numerous safety tests before being released for public use, and so should AI be tested. I do not think that tradition is always better (which would be an appeal to tradition or appeal to the stone fallacy), I simply believe that we need more testing and time before we so casually replace experienced and reliable workers with partially functional AI chatbots for the purpose of keeping up with modernity or trends.

  • In my opinion I think that it would be bad thing
    Thing if real adults on the in the hub was replaced by AI bots.AI won’t help you in school they will tell you the answer even if there smart.The robots might get broken and say
    Stuff you not supposed to say
    Bye Bye Topic talk

    1. Come back soon, freespirited_engine!

  • In my opinion, there are also pros and cons. The positives are that it might be able to read through all the comments quicker and give feedback to every comment. It could free up the adults to do other stuff within the hub. It might be able to give you targets or information on how you could improve.
    But I don’t think that it would be able to understand every comment or understand silly mistakes that’s kids make but adults still understand what they mean. It could be too harsh on its feedback as it can’t tell how clever or how old they are. AI can’t give personal feedback and put emotion into what they are writing. I do believe a lot of children wouldn’t really want to write comments if it was just going to a AI, it doesn’t inspire you to comment or you won’t feel any joy or happiness or pride when you get feedback from AI.

    1. That's a really interesting point, intrepid_drum. What do other Topical Talkers feel is more important: the quality of the feedback or the way it makes the person receiving the feedback feel?

      1. I think that this is a hard one to answer, the two are linked together if the talkers gets a genuine quality piece of feedback they feel proud, motivated and enthusiastic to do more,. But if the feedback was still of good quality but more generic like it was not written by an adult the talker might feel unmotivated to do more or not want to put any effort in if no adult was reading it.

  • I really don't think its a good idea for AI to be replaced by adults on the hub,Absolutely, your assessment is accurate. As of now, while AI has made remarkable advancements and continues to evolve rapidly, there are still significant constraints that prevent machines from fully replacing human intelligence and capabilities. AI excels at specific tasks and can automate certain processes, but it lacks the nuanced understanding, creativity, emotional intelligence, and complex decision-making abilities that humans possess. AI is advancing at an unprecedented pace, and there is potential for these current limitations to fade away in the future. However, at present, machines lack the capability to completely replace human intelligence. Although artificial intelligence can revolutionize your business, the indispensable element for success remains human intelligence." thank you

  • No; I say no because if the AI bots were in the place of humans in the hub it will be like people are sending comments to AI bots. Sometimes because robots do not have feelings if we post good comments that are worthy of stars the robots might think it is not worthy of a star and it may also be very hard for us to win stars and awards. Sometimes the robots might just malfunction and it can think the comments we posted has bad grammar. So it will be better if we continue with humans in the Hub because we all share one common language and we will be able to understand people better than AI bots.

  • In my opinion,I think that the adults should be replaced by Artificial Intelligence to save time, However I think that the adults on the Hub should still be here to monitor us,in case of any malfunction or problem, but I think they should also assist AI with approving and rejecting comments so that it can create the best version for the Hub that saves time.

  • I think the adults on the hub are doing wonderfully, but my opinion for this will have to be the AI bots, because they can do the jobs of the adults, and I am sure they will be programmed to understand what we are doing on this hub and be able to give us stars too, but since the adults can't be awake all the time just to check our comments and to give us stars, I think the AI bots will be able to do that without any rest, and I am sure the adult's will have jobs, so I think AI bots can replace the adult's on the hub.

    1. Hi,
      I agree with you that AI's can do the jobs of the adults on this hub when programmed well, but in my opinion instead of picking between the AI's and the humans for who will perform better on the hub, it is better for humans to have main control over the hub and then AI's will assist them. For example the AI can notify the humans about recent comments in the daytime when they are active so that no ones comment will be left unread and then the AI will be able to take over by reading and replying to comments along side giving rewards at night when the humans are asleep.

      Thank You.

  • Hey, I think that it's a bad idea by replacing real adults on the Hub by AI bots, because I feel that artificial intelligence it does not have all the necessary stuff to responding to humans because they don't have feeling plus there could be a malfunction by responding incorrectly and will have negative impact knowing that AI is answering us because it's weird knowing that a robot is responding to us.

  • The prospect of replacing real adults with AI bots on platforms like the Hub involves a nuanced consideration of benefits and drawbacks.

    AI bots excel in consistency and efficiency. They can tirelessly enforce rules, handle routine tasks, and ensure a rapid response to user inquiries. Their tireless nature allows for 24/7 moderation, which is advantageous in maintaining a safe and controlled online environment. Additionally, AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, aiding in the prevention of issues such as cyberbullying or inappropriate content.

    However, the limitations of AI in understanding complex human interactions and emotions are evident. Real adults bring empathy, intuition, and a nuanced understanding of cultural contexts. They can navigate ambiguous situations, recognize sarcasm, and respond appropriately to the diverse emotional needs of users.

    A potential compromise might involve a hybrid approach, combining the efficiency of AI for routine tasks with the human touch for more intricate decision-making. Collaboration between real adults and AI could offer the best of both worlds, ensuring a safe and empathetic online environment while harnessing the advantages of artificial intelligence in moderation and efficiency. Striking this balance is essential to create a platform that is both technically sound and emotionally intelligent.

  • In my opinion, I think having every single real adult on the Hub replaced by AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a bad idea. Firstly, a lot of AIs don't actually have feelings ( like what enlightened_tiger and tenacious_robin and some others said ) and might respond differently or wrongly. And also it does sound a bit weird to have every single adult on the Hub and probably the whole Earth be replaced by Artificial Intelligence. Having adults like the ones on the Hub replaced by AI sounds like a thing that will change the whole world. And well we need these people. Yes this is the first time I've been on here, but this sounds like a very nice place to be at. Having it being taken over by AI makes it sound worse than ever. That would mean all the adults on the Hub will disappear. We need them.

  • it would only have negative effects. AI would not give the same experience to the users and there will be no space for communication between the adults in the hub and the users as it would just be moderated by AI. also people would be able to bypass the moderation and potentially spread negative and harmful comments on the hub.

    replacing humans with AI completely in any case would generally only create harmful effects, as AI can never replace humans. For example, if you imagine a doctor robot, even if given all needed information and knowledge needed for a normal doctor, it would never be able to full-fill the same job. Because AI are nothing but code, they lack emotions, and also lack critical thinking as it doesn't know what to value, and most importantly cannot reflect on it's own thoughts. As Critical thinking requires subjectivity. Normally humans chooses when a task requires personal opinions and how to value them. All of these qualities that the AI lacks are all needed to perform even the simplest tasks let alone jobs.

    that's why i think AI would never be able to replace humans in even the simplest jobs.

  • absolutely not because robots might mess up such robots don't have feelings and wont be able to understand
    what humans feel but humans probably know because they probably plus ai is stupid

    1. Can you explain why you think Artificial Intelligence is stupid, humorous_rambutan?

    2. I appreciate your perspective, but I would like to offer some counterarguments:
      AI bots are not necessarily more prone to errors than humans, and they can learn from their mistakes and improve over time. AI bots can simulate emotions and empathy, and they can use natural language to communicate with humans in a friendly and respectful way. AI bots have access to vast amounts of information and knowledge, and they can use reasoning and logic to answer questions and solve problems. AI is not stupid, but rather very smart and capable of generating creative and innovative content in various domains.

  • enlightened_tiger I agree with you as yes it would feel weird knowing that your talking to bots (AI) and personally Ai don't know as much as humans do and I would definitely be comfortable if it was real humans

  • In my opinion its bad to replace the real adults on hub to Ai bots, As the real adults are more experienced and understanding as they are professionals. I do not mean Ai is not smart, I mean to say that only a human can completely understand what other human feels. Where as Ai do not have the ability to detect or share emotion. Students may share what only they know which can be understood by the real adults on the hub but the Ai might not process it and can also share some mean replies. Student's comments may not be given stars just because there was a error.
    Well that is what I feel.

  • Firstly, I think it will be a bad thing if the real adults on the hub were replaced by AI bots. In my opinion robots could easily malfunction because robots that are made might not have been tested carefully by their inventors, in addition to this, if humans are replaced with robots, robots might lack the knowledge of handling children for example they might lack the right approach to responding to the comment made by the children, they might also be insensitive to comments made by the children or publish posts that contain sensitive information which will be detrimental to the overall purpose of the Economist Foundation.

  • I think AI bots replacing adults on the hub would bring out both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, AI bots would be able to read and approve the comments faster. Also, for me, talking and interacting with machines is a very cool thing. The idea of bots reading our comments and replying to them is So for some students like me, it could be a very exciting thing. However, on the negative side, AI bots wouldn't be able to understand the emotions of the students. They would reply to the comments with logic and might not understand the emotions behind them. for example- a student may have made some typing errors but expressed all their feelings. Adults would be able to read and star the comment. However, bots might have problems understanding the text. Hence I think AI bots being on the hub would be both positive and negative.

  • Personally, in my opinion, I think that it would be a really bad thing if real adults were replaced by AI bots. First off, wouldn't it be sketchy if AI replied to your comment? AI has no emotions, no feelings, they wouldn't be able to really express anything in the reply. Secondly, AI can really mess up, they can malfunction many times which leads to putting rude replies, and even inappropriate replies. Lastly, AI wouldn't be able to give any stars out. Without stars, many of us using The Hub wouldn't be able to earn stars, so it would be useless. In conclusion, AI should NEVER control The Hub since it leads to many problems.

  • I think it would be a bad thing to have ai bots on the hub. I feel enclosure when an adult replies to my comment and i can actually accept the advice they give to me. I don't think that I would be able to feel that feeling when an ai bot does the work, I also probably would lose interest in the Topical Talk Festival.

  • It would be a bad thing if the real adults on the hub were replaced by AI bots because they don't have emotions. Which means if we make a good comment or anything, they wouldn't be able to be "proud" of us, so most of us wouldn't be as motivated. In addition, the bots would probably reply to every comment, not making it special anymore. The adults on the hubs would also give good advice and questions for us to think about and answer to expand our thinking. If AI gave some questions, it would probably give a whole essay instead of giving what's perfect or right for us.

  • In my opinion, replacing real adults on the Hub with AI bots is not a good thing because there will be no human interaction due to which we students won't be able to relate to such interaction and there will be no empathetic reasoning or perspective that only human is able to come up with. To add on, the Hub is made for the students to share their thoughts and opinions, so the real adults should engage on the Hub rather than the AI bots .

  • The use of AI bots on the Hub introduces a multifaceted situation with both positives and negatives. On one hand, these bots provide advantages like reliability, productivity, and individualization. On the other hand, they lack the empathetic intelligence and human connection that is valuable in certain scenarios. Finding a harmonious middle ground that utilizes the strengths of AI while also preserving the essential human elements is crucial in successfully and ethically integrating technology into our online interactions. As we navigate this constantly changing landscape, it is imperative to carefully contemplate the potential effects on society, economy, and ethics of these technological developments.

  • If AI bots take on the role of actual adults on the hub, I believe it will be a very horrible thing. Artificial intelligence bots lack real-life experience and possess limited knowledge on any topic. AI bots may reject a topical talker's useful but independent statement if it seems unrelated to the issue. It won't be able to comprehend the significance of the comment. Consequently, we may lose some worthwhile and important points. The adult in the hub makes incredibly insightful suggestions and encourages us to think creatively, something that AI bots cannot. Further, as we make comments, the adult asks us questions that aid in our better understanding of the topic. However, AI will only accept comments that are relevant to the issue; it won't make any recommendations. Receiving a star signifies that we have persuaded someone to agree with us on a topic through our comments. There are no words to describe the thrill we feel after receiving a star and waiting for the comment to be approved. We won't enjoy ourselves as much when AI gives us a star, though. It will seem indifferent, as though we are making remarks and initiating conversations without experiencing any emotions. Therefore, I believe it will be a terrible move to replace adults with AI bots.

  • I believe that replacing real adults with AI is not a good idea. Just because AI comes up with answers fast, doesn't mean it's always better. When we write, we can feel the sheer emotion that we feel. And exchanging those emotions with all kinds of other people is very warm. Knowing that you're being understood & your feelings are being considered is something only we humans can do. AI has no knowledge of what emotions are & where they come from. AI can barely respond to any emotions and they just end up looking like a blank thought. If you search up why can't we replace adults on the hub with AI, it says that AI is not capable of having emotional intellect. So in conclusion replacing adults with AI is not a very good idea.

  • I personally feel that it won't be the best idea if real and experienced adults on the hub were replaced by AI chatbots because honestly speaking AI bots probably won't be able to assess the works accurately and think about it under all aspects as it doesn't have any feelings. A real adult who has experienced a lot of thing in their lives and can actually feel like the person who commented by putting them in their shoes can do a better job than AI models who just blandly rate on the basis of accuracy and data.
    Plus I have not just been enjoying my own conversations with the adults in the hub, I have even learnt a lot from their reviews and comments to others. I feel their knowledge and experience can really help guide and shape our future.
    But you can obviously not be fixated on something, I suppose it would be interesting to have an AI chatbot reply to the comments and see what they can teach us differently than humans. Plus AI applications can have greater speed and accuracy.
    I feel both the situations are interesting but I would anyday prefer interacting and learning from and real, experience adult.

  • From my point of view, i think it will be a good thing and bad at the same time. From the good point, the bot will replay or answer you directly at the same time if you had any questions. But, on the other side, bad thing will be more and more than good impacts. AI has no feeling and it will be worse if it replace an adult in the hub. AI can interact with me in various conditions. While i am talking, i may be nervous, sad or happy. And the adult only will understand these feelings and know the right thing to do in this various situations. So, AI is an important thing, but it can not replace any human in the field of feelings.

  • Hello,
    I have a compromise for all of you who say yay and nay. Have the AI scan comments for basic stuff like plagiarism, inappropriate and explicit content, et cetera. If the comment passes through the AI screening, it then would get sent to a human for further screening that an AI could not perform. If it goes through both screenings, it would get passed and posted, and awarded the appropriate amount of stars.

  • I think it would be bad if the adults on the hub were removed and replaced with AI Bots. I say this because first I would like to give one example at the current topical talk festival we talk about AI and a lot of students discourage the use of AI now if AI were the ones to read students' comments they would see this as a threat maybe even try to take a stand or rejecting student post this could discourage students or even make them want to quit or even quit, they could see any little mistake of punctuation and reject it miss spelling reject it. But with humans, we as participants or students are just kids, and not everyone knows, the adults will let it slide seeing us as learners and kids they see our comments as story lessons learned, and with all our little mistakes they will give us star AI don't have emotion so they will not understand

  • If real adults were replaced on the hub with AI that would be bad because if the Topical Talk company had a limited amount of people to give stars to and the people were writing good explanations , they probably wouldn't get stars since the AI have been using details all over the internet and typing it up as an explanation.

  • I think that this scenario would be bad since the AI could lack empathy, and may answer responses inaccurately, even though it could be nice because the AI would respond quicker it still could lack quality and life in the response.

  • Although experts typically list AI's ability to free people from repetitive and mundane tasks as a positive, some believe this particular benefit comes with a downside: a loss of skills in people.

  • I believe the replacement of real adults on topical talks would have both positive and negative impacts. I say the replacement of real adults would have both positive and negative impacts because AI can assist humans, but AI can also harm humans. One of many positive impacts would be people getting quicker responses. According to "Google," AI can respond in just a few milliseconds. The statement shows that AI can respond quicker than people, showing one positive impact. Another positive impact would be that AI can give more advanced support and assistance. For example, someone may ask how they may improve their comment, and AI can give instance responses and give the person the support and instance that is needed. There are many positive impacts, but they come with negative impacts, one being the risk of AI having a malfunction. If AI receives a malfunction, it may lead to inappropriate responses to student comments, stars being given out unfairly, and overall everything the real adults do will go wrong. Another negative impact is caused because AI does not have emotions. Emotions play a key role when communicating, but AI lacks emotions and real adults have real emotions, showing that real adults beat AI in that and many other things.

  • As I see it, humans shouldn't be replaced by AI bots in the Hub. AI can do things a lot better than humans in many cases, as it is objective and precise. However, for replying in the Hub, objectivity is not the most important thing. A human have feelings, and has the ability of valuing a comment made by another human based on the feelings it transmit, which it would be something imposible to do for a bot. As well, the communication is essential, and plays a significant role when answering to a comment made by another human. The communication that humans have between them is imposible to achieve when AI enters the conversation, as they have predetermined responses to everything, and they can't change their mind or have feelings about what it was said.

  • I personally think that it would be a bad thing if the adults on the hub are replaced by ai. But I also believe that there would be both negative and positive aspects if this happens. On the positive aspects I think that the responses would be quick . But on the negative aspect it would be so weird to know that an ai that doesn't even have feelings is responding or reviewing your opinions that isn't even feeling the things happening in the world.

  • I think it will be a bad thing for AI robots to be on the hub. Because humans can understand what is wrong or what is right, humans can also think and rethink on issues or ideas. The robot is programed to do whatever it is programed to do. If it is programmed to give everyone 1 star it will. If it is programed to give everyone as many stars it will give everyone as many stars as it likes. AI robots can not think or rethink on their on unless the are programed to.

  • Replacing a human with a robot will, in my opinion, be detrimental. This is why I say this: unless the robot's inventor specifically designs it to function, it will not be able to perform tasks that humans are designed to perform. While humans are capable of doing anything, robots are limited in what they can accomplish. Without adequate job training, robots will just do things that they enjoy. On the other hand, it's like arriving at school and discovering that robots are here and instructing us for the day, or having the robots take over the security posts and functions of my school. What are the parents' thoughts going to be at my school?

  • I think that the adults of hubs shouldn’t be replaced with AI because AI don’t have experience also AI can’t relate with human creativity and the way they do things plus they are not creative. AI can do many things but I feel that they can’t commentate human replies since they don’t have humanity.AI only collect raw information while humans get processed data. I really think it would not be a good decision if the adults of the the hub to be replaced with AI

  • Hi there!
    Replacing real adults on platforms like the Hub with AI bots could have both positive and negative implications. On the positive side, AI bots could provide a controlled and regulated environment, ensuring age-appropriate content and minimizing potential harm. They could also offer a consistent and unbiased experience, reducing the risk of inappropriate behaviour. However, it might result in a loss of genuine human connection and understanding. Real adults bring empathy, emotional intelligence, and a nuanced understanding of individual needs, which AI may struggle to replicate fully. Balancing the advantages of AI-driven safety with the irreplaceable qualities of human interaction is crucial in considering the overall impact on users.

  • In my opinion as most of the students in Hub said, it would be a bad thing if robots were replace by AIbots. Robots are just mechanisms programmed to follow their directions whether something is wrong or right. They can't express their emotions and deepen on our thoughts and opinions.
    They can of course make the perfect correction , if we ' ve done a spelling mistake ( because of our fast typewriting ), a grammar mistake but they can't empathize with us.

  • I think it would be a bad idea. This is because of the hub discussions are usually about topics involving human life . It would be hard for an AI bot to understand the human way of communication and understand metaphors that only humans can understand . Also the comments left under suggestions will be all similar since the AI has been programmed with an algorithm.

    1. As well as metaphors, what else do you think it would be hard for the AI bot to understand?

      1. Implicit meanings, social cues and sarcasm can be very difficult for AI to understand as it doesn’t really have that consciousness and deeper understanding of the English language.

        Implicit meanings in written text often rely on context or shared knowledge, similar to spoken language. For example, an AI might struggle to understand the implicit meaning behind a message like "That's one way to do it" without the contextual cues that a human might naturally pick up on.

        Social cues in written form can be subtle, such as the use of emojis or punctuation. For instance, a message like "Sure." might have different implications based on whether it includes a period or an exclamation mark. While humans intuitively interpret these cues, an AI might not discern the nuanced differences.

        Sarcasm in written text is challenging for AI as well. Humans use various linguistic devices like exaggeration or contradictory statements to convey sarcasm. For instance, a sarcastic remark like "Great job" could be misinterpreted by an AI if it doesn't recognize the sarcastic tone inherent in the statement.

      2. It would had for the AI bot to understand hyperbole which are exaggeration such as 'I found over a million ideas'. They also wouldn't be able to understand emotions in the suggestions and sympathize with you

  • Hello,
    Well I think that it will be a horrible thing for real adults to be replaced by AI bots. I say this because... AI bots are just a replica of those adults, they can only be updated based on what humans recently discover but can never be ready to handle every comment that is thrown at them the way that an adult which has life experiences would.
    AI is not ready to do something which is emotion based as human beings have not yet developed an algorithm of emotion. AI is also prone to hacks making it possible for their others to be changed by other people.
    A notorious example is a hiring system that uses job candidates' facial expressions and voice patterns to determine an “employability score.” Like other forms of technology, emotion AI can display biases and inaccuracies associated with those who have coded them.
    I think that these things should be worked on before an AI is introduced into the HUB.
    -Sentiment analysis.
    -Automated content curation.
    - Social listening at scale.
    as the main distinction between an AI and an adult human is emotions.


  • This seems like a problematic idea for several reasons. Firstly, given the diversity of cultures and comments posted daily, it's challenging for AI to adequately sort through them fairly. Determining which comments deserve stars involves several considerations beyond a simple yes or no decision, making the review process time-consuming for an ordinary human. The potential for biased decisions or overlooking malicious comments raises concerns on the AI’s part.

    Consider ChatGPT's response to vulgar prompts—it generally avoids such interactions, but with manipulation, it can engage in inappropriate language. The case of Robert Julian Borchak Williams being wrongfully arrested due to facial recognition bias highlights the fallibility of AI.

    Judging human creative work or behavior is intricate, as evident in cases where teachers struggle to distinguish between AI-generated and human-created content. The lack of a clear line in these evaluations poses challenges. Furthermore, even accurate AI assessments might be perceived as unfair or biased, leading to student protests against the technology's use.

    In summary, this highlights an area where AI isn't perfect, and I am grateful for the human experts who do view our comments
    Thank you

  • AI chatbots are chatbots that employ a variety of AI technologies, from machine learning that optimize responses over time to natural language processing (NLP) and natural language understanding (NLU) that accurately interprets user questions and matches them to specific intents.

  • I think In the realm of online community management, the prospect of replacing human moderators with AI bots presents both advantages and challenges. The consistent and round-the-clock moderation capabilities of AI can efficiently enforce community guidelines, swiftly identifying and addressing rule violations. This can be particularly beneficial for routine tasks, such as filtering out spam or addressing common queries, allowing human moderators to focus on more intricate matters. The reduction of human error is another advantage, as AI systems can operate tirelessly without succumbing to fatigue.

    However, this transition raises concerns regarding the nuanced understanding of human interactions. AI bots may struggle to comprehend emotional subtleties, lacking the empathy and contextual understanding that human moderators bring to delicate situations. The potential for inflexibility is also noteworthy, as bots might fall short in handling complex scenarios that demand adaptability, interpretation, or negotiation skills. There is a risk of losing the human touch in online interactions, impacting the personalized experience users expect.

    To strike a practical balance, a hybrid approach seems prudent. AI bots could efficiently manage routine tasks and quickly pinpoint potential issues, while human moderators retain a pivotal role in handling intricate cases, providing empathetic responses, and upholding the platform's human connection. Ensuring the ethical design of AI systems, addressing biases, and providing ongoing training and oversight are imperative to mitigate potential drawbacks. This integrated strategy maximizes the strengths of both AI and human moderators, fostering a more effective and ethically sound community management system.

  • Introducing AI bots to replace real adults on the Festival Student Hub presents both potential benefits and drawbacks.

    On the positive side, AI bots could enhance efficiency by providing instant responses and round-the-clock availability. They might offer a wider range of information and viewpoints, ensuring a more diverse and comprehensive interaction for students. Moreover, AI bots could be programmed to sift through vast amounts of data quickly, aiding in research and offering nuanced perspectives.

    However, the downside involves the potential loss of human touch. Real adults bring empathy, emotional intelligence, and a personal touch to conversations. They can adapt to the unique needs of each student, providing guidance and support that goes beyond programmed responses. Moreover introducing AI may potentially lead to biases and unfair/incorrect results and results may not be as accurate compared to humans.

  • Never in a billion years will i want an AI bot to replace a real adult on the hub. Even though the AI bots will be able to reply to comments faster, they will not be able to relate to it like the real adults. Let's take for example, I am talking about mental illness such as anxiety, depression, ADHD and more; an AI robot will not be able to understand how it feels like to go through these stuff but a real adult with be able to relate with it perfectly because everyone has gone through at least anxiety before.

  • I think replacing the real adults on the Hub with AI bots would be a bad thing for several reasons:
    -It would undermine the purpose of the Hub, which is to connect students with peers and experts from around the world and learn from their perspectives and experiences. AI bots would not be able to provide authentic and diverse insights on the topics discussed, nor would they be able to answer students’ questions accurately and reliably.
    -It would deprive students of the opportunity to develop their communication and critical thinking skills, which are essential for the future of work and education. AI bots would not be able to challenge students’ assumptions, provide constructive feedback, or encourage students to explore different viewpoints and sources of information. Students would not be able to practice their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a meaningful and engaging way.
    -It would pose ethical and safety risks for the students and the Hub. AI bots could potentially manipulate, deceive, or harm students by providing false or harmful information, influencing their opinions or behaviors, or violating their privacy or data rights. AI bots could also compromise the security and integrity of the Hub by hacking, spamming, or disrupting the platform.
    -Therefore, I think the real adults on the Hub should not be replaced by AI bots, as they play a vital role in facilitating and enriching the learning experience for the students. The Hub is a unique and valuable opportunity for students to interact with real people who have expertise and passion for the topics they discuss. :)

  • Personally,
    I think that things would be a bit of a disaster if A.I. robots worked on the hub. AI could be a good thing because then it means that a lot of humans wouldn’t be in front of a computer all day and instead they can get some exercise. On the other hand, I guess the robots could misread something or they might malfunction. There needs to be at least one human in the office to make sure everything runs smoothly. If l’m honest I don’t think that technology has reached that level where it can run a job by itself.
    Thanks for reading!

  • In my opinion it would be a bad idea if the real adults are replaced by bots because instead of looking for the quality of our content that we are posting they might focus more on our grammatical accuracy and instead of looking out for our own logic and perspectives they might simply give stars on the basis of factual data of a comment, the best part about this platform is that it is INTERACTIVE if something like this happens there are high chances that people will lose their interest and instead of engaging more they might become a victim of boredom. Nevertheless there are certain weekly competitions as well as topic suggestion hubs, and I don't think a bot will be able to determine the superiority of a comment among numerous comments on the hub, this might lead to unfair results. Therefore in my opinion bots cant replace adults on this platform to judge the contestants but I have an interesting question "would it be fun to read and evaluate the comments if instead we were replaced by AI bots??"

  • Human presence in the Festival Student Hub fosters a sense of trust and reliability. Genuine connections between students and real adults allow for a more dynamic exchange of ideas, support, and encouragement. Humans can adapt to the unique needs of each student, providing tailored advice that considers emotions, motivations, and individual circumstances.

    Additionally, human involvement contributes to the learning experience by offering a wide range of perspectives shaped by diverse backgrounds, cultures, and life experiences. This diversity of thought enhances the educational value of the interactions and helps students gain a broader understanding of various subjects.

  • Hi,
    From my point of view, I won't be happy with replacing human adults on the Hub with AI bots because it's about emotional intelligence. AI may recognize emotions, but it can't understand or respond to them in the same way that humans can. For example, one of the students commented on one of the suggested topics and it deserved a star but had several grammar or spelling mistakes, will AI bot award a star to the comment! No, I don't think so because it will deal with this case by logic, but you, Hub adults and experts you can have insights towards our comments.
    AI can't learn to think outside the box.AI is capable of learning over time with pre fed data but it can't be creative in its approach. For instance, if we ask an AI bot to write an article , this article will only contain data and facts already provided to the bot and although it is impressive that a bot can write an article on its own, it lacs the human touch . Topical talk Hub adults work as a team for sure so that you can do a great job like this , but robots can't work as a team. AI machines are emotionless and human connections which form the basis of teams can't be replaced by computers. Human mind's is capable of crafting fresh and I don't think AI bots would be able to propose creative and interesting topics as you do. Additionally, human are social creatures that need interaction with other humans. AI can interact with humans, but it can not replace the humans connection. I don't think that AI bots couldn't reply back to the students and ask them motivating questions as Hub adults do.
    In conclusion , AI is a powerful technology that is likely to coexist with humans in the workplace . AI machines can only complete tasks they have been programmed for , thus machines remain trapped in the formal logic , so there goes the intelligence part, humans part.
    Thank you

  • The replacement of real adults on platforms like the Hub with AI bots could have both positive and negative consequences. On the positive side, AI bots could ensure a safer online environment by moderating content consistently and swiftly, minimizing the risk of inappropriate or harmful material. Additionally, they could offer efficient customer support and tailored recommendations. However, the downside includes potential loss of human touch, empathy, and nuanced understanding that real adults bring to interactions. Striking a balance between AI moderation and human presence is crucial to maintain a healthy and supportive online community.

  • My thoughts on it: Al bots is a great technology for us. Adults can use it on hub. But, this is a bad thing.Because, Al bots may catch. Adults can easily get many stars. But that is not good for us at all. Because, Al bots will only complete our work and not enhance our creativity. So, I think Al bots are bad thing for hub .

    1. I agree because the adults can use AI as a companion but not to be totally replaced by it. AI can be used i cases of plagiarism on the hub. Some students might try to be clever end use AI systems like ChatGPT to get stars while others use their thinking faculties to gain their stars. In that case, AI can be put into play by finding out if the student used AI or copied from a site and what site the student copied from. On a hub where people gather to try and solve problems, AI should not be the judges. The problems being solved here are our(humans) problems and not the problems of AI. We are to come together in collective efforts, rack our brains and provide solutions to this problem.

      1. Everyone at Topical Talk agrees with you! We want the Hub to be a fun place where people share what they think - not just what the AI chatbots can come up with!

      2. I undoubtably agree with you because most topical talkers use these AI applications like CHATGPT (as you mentioned) to comment on the hub whiles others brainstorm to come up with an idea. I am sort of an expert in figuring out whether a text is AI generated or not and I find most of it on the hub. Although it has been announced to keep void of this action, I have explicitly realized that since it has been announced that our comments are checked to see whether AI has been used, some people use CHATGPT and edit the text so that it will seem that they brainstormed on the topic. They can even use synonyms to edit this text. This doesn’t seem fair to me because these people earn stars and sometimes, I just start weeping because I crack my brain to get solid points and I sometimes don’t earn a star, but my comment can be just approved whiles people easily use ChatGPT, make few changes, post it, and earn more stars. I feel that instead of using AI to generate our comments, we can use it to check our grammatical errors and fix them because almost everyone has been a victim of making typos. We can use grammatical and spelling checkers like Grammarly to edit our comments for perfect layouts, sentence structure and pronunciation.
        Thank you.

  • It's an interesting question. The idea of replacing real adults with AI bots on the Hub could have both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, AI bots could provide consistent and reliable support, and they could potentially handle a large volume of inquiries efficiently. However, on the negative side, AI bots might lack the empathy and understanding that real adults can offer, especially in situations that require emotional support or nuanced human interaction. It's important to consider the potential impact on users and weigh the benefits of automation against the value of human connection and understanding.

  • If AI were to replace the physical adults on the hub, I would recognize it as a bad thing. This is because AI can be trained to respond in a way that emulates feelings, however it is known to mess up with facts. With the current state of chatbots, many put a clear disclaimer that states that everything the bot says is 'made-up'. With the latest chatGPT models, they tell you to not go blindly based on what the AI says, because even though it may be trained on actual facts, that intermingles with whatelse it is trained to do (like answer with positive criticism and feelings) and cause the facts to be slightly tangled and not correct. I like the human responses, it make it feel like I'm actually talking to someone who can bring out the ethical issues out of different responses and lead us to think more outside of the box.

    1. I'm glad you like human responses. We like them too! And I trust that this comment was written by you, a human, and not AI.

  • In my opinion, Although AI bots on the Hub could be a good thing in terms of the amount of time it will take to respond and approve comments. It could also be a bad thing, because a human moderator response to a comment would feel more genuine and authentic compared to an AI bot response to the same comment. Also the AI bots would lack feeling and empathy when responding to comments.

  • I think it would be a bad idea to replace real adults with AI on the hub. AI is a coded machine it only do what we say it to do. It can't make good decisions on the comments wheather to give star or not. They can good in some ways like they will reply very fast that the humans but still it is not thing to keep AI bots on the hub. AI bots can't express their real feelings on the hub as adults human can do. AI bots might also malfunction while giving stars and reply. So, It,'s a bad idea to replace adults on the hub with AI bots.

  • I think it would be a bad idea.I think this because listening to a robot would kinda be boring like...REALLY boring.It would be boring and what if the AI malfunctioned? Then the words would be all glitchy and nobody wants to try to make out words!Also it would be boring because robots don't have an imagination. Since they don't have an imagination then it would be boring because they just plain out say it.But adults on the hub make it a little more exciting.So i wouldn't recommend replacing the adults with AI because it would be boring to watch and listen to.

  • In my view there should not be any Ai bots in hub because they don't have any emotion and they can't replace the adults in this hub This hub is for creative ideas not artificial ideas . If any ai bots are present in this hub giving us question than there is no creativity in that and they don't have emotions then how will they know which one is based on true things and creative ideas . The adults in this hub are giving the ideas that are also helping with our daily life and i am sure that they can't do that.

  • I disagree because it would be very weird to have an AI instead of adults and also AI doesn't have feelings enough so it can't understand all that we say . on the other hand adults will understand and discuss with us everything diligently,carefully and accurately.

  • Now although there could be many benefits to AI replacing the adults that review your comments, there are also many negative things to it. First of all, emotions and human feelings, now it sounds like it has nothing to do with reviewing your comments, it really does! AI would only give responses and stars based off of having a completely perfect text, even the little things could get the AI to not give you a star or deny your comment. With humans though, they review your text off of accuracy, having a brief explenation, and just commenting with your best efforts. They also don't mind the small mistakes sometimes, I know this from experience as I've made some spelling mistakes on comments and I still got stars for those comments. Now another reason that AI would not do good at reviewing your comments is that usually, AI for jobs like these aren't designed to their best ability, which could result in many amazing comments being denied or stars not being given to comments that would definetely get stars if they were reviewed by a human. Unlike humans, they review comments carefully and decide wether they should be approved or given stars. But AI could still be used for the student hub, as it could assist with the creation of new discussions, give better examples for your comments, etc. The help that AI could bring to the student hub is not as much as you would typically think AI could do, but using AI as an assist for the student hub could be a great idea as long as it is not implemented into bigger jobs here such as reviewing comments and giving stars.

  • I think that this will be horrible because Ai doesn't have feeling and mind so if Ai was replaced with an architect engineer Ai can fall the building so Ai is made to help us to research about an information , to know a meaning of a word , to fix simple appliances.

  • AI chatbots are generally safe to interact with. They're designed to follow specific guidelines and protocols set by their developers to ensure safety and privacy. However, like any technology, there might be vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors.

    1. Can you explain what you mean by "malicious actors"?

      1. I think A threat actor, bad actor or malicious actor is either a person or a group of people that take part in an action that is intended to cause harm to the cyber realm including: computers, devices, systems, or networks. individuals, groups, or entities who engage in harmful or malicious activities with the intention of causing damage, disruption, or harm to others or to systems. These actors may include hackers, cybercriminals, terrorists, fraudsters, and other individuals or organizations with malicious intent. They often exploit vulnerabilities in technology, systems, or human behavior to carry out activities such as cyberattacks, data breaches, fraud, identity theft, and sabotage

  • I think it will be a bad thing because AI bots may not possess the same level of empathy, emotional intelligence, and real-world experience as real adults, which could result in a lack of genuine human connection. Plus, participants might miss out on the social and emotional growth that comes from interacting with real adults. Additionally, AI bots may struggle to adapr to complex or unique situations that require creative problem-solving or nuanced understanding. They may not be able to offer the same level of personalized guidance and mentorship that real adults can provide. In conclusion, while AI bots can be valuable in providing support, they are not a substitute for the unique qualities of human interaction, empathy, and mentorship.

  • In my opinion, replacing the real adults on the hub with AI chatbots might sound good but, when viewing the idea broadly it becomes crucial to think about how it might let down the morale of students as an AI chatbot cannot understand emotions, hints of sarcasm, tones, etc. and can't even provide empathy which is not the case with humans. For example, receiving a high following or response on a social media profile through paid bots might feel pleasing in the beginning but in the long run, it won't feel rewarding as there is no connection between you and the so-called viewer, and of course, you haven't earned it which would be the same case as receiving stars for the chatbot who can't understand the emotion behind your response.

  • Everyone in the world must be scared from the Ai because Ai can take our jobs and Did you know that Elon Musk said that the Ai is dangerous

  • Hello,
    I say that it has negatives and positive points in the fact that AI showed take over real adults in the Hub. One of the things that I would say that are negative is that things that AI is going to reply back are things that only the machines know and not actually what humans know. AI will not be able to understand very difficult problems and it can solve it more better than AI can because AI is not going to think beyond like we can.

    Now positive is that AI doesn't have emotions like humans have so if someone commented AI won't put their opinion in your comment. Another good reason is about the grammar in this case AI is very intelligent and can fix ur grammar so it can make ur comment look more professional and just sound better.

  • In my opinion, I think that there would be some bright and down sides. If AI bots were to replace the real adults on the hub they might approve quicker and respond quicker, which would be nice, but if the AI bots were to reply on someone's comment they might not show any emotions or interest, or even lack empathy.

  • In my opinion Ai cannot replace Human beings in the hub. Robots are a piece of electrical technology which holds no true emotions or feelings so cannot convey a heartfelt opinion. Humans have their own minds to think and their own emotions to feel which impacts feedback as everyone has a different point of view. Also AI bots are usually coded the same way so wont be able to share different views as they may be biased by the information that has been inputted into their systems. Also where would Ai be without the human race who invented them?

  • From my point view Ai made life easier. Ai helped in chores, health,fields and companies. There are alot of excellent things that Ai does such as Ai is not tired from doing things on the computer but humans get tired from sitting on the computer humans will get headach and the can be slump and sloppy. Ai can make data's with predictions infew minutes but humans make datas with predictions in 1or2 days. The algorithm of this is that the Ai has the ability to make data's more obvious.Ai also concentrates with its work on the other hand , Ai can't make anything in the emergency situation and AI can take the position of someone's job so people will sit at house without any job so how can they get money?So people must control the use of Ai


  • I think it will be a bad thing for the adults to be replaced because the robots will not mark or read our comment and they might say to harsh things to us and they will also not know how to interact with us. Robots do not have feelings and if someone wrote something that is not understandable they bots will do partiality and will not understand us well.

  • I honestly wouldn't be bothered about any changes to AI replacing humans in this. I would feel a bit annoyed because it would just be a computer responding to a beautifully written paragraph, so it wouldn't have that human touch, or response asking about a certain part of their paragraph. however an AI could mutli-task multiple comments at the same time. A human would only be able to write a few responses every hour or two.

  • In my opinion i think it would be a bad idea if AI bots can replace the real adults on the hub because it would
    be weird and hard to understand what the robot is trying to say, they have not been programmed to show emotions and interact with humans and also give us accurate responses or comes with its own advantages and disadvantages such as: rejecting and approving comments early and the disadvantage is that it can malfunction.

    1. I exceedingly agree with you approachable_television, the reason is that as you stated, it would be weird to fathom that AI will be replying to our comments and rewarding our stars. As you stated, AI doesn't convey emotions and they don't interact with humans. The hub is all about sharing your opinion and interacting with people, thus if AI replace the real adults it would be a bad idea.
      Lastly, I would also like to agree with you about AI's ability to malfunction; due to the malfunction, AI can reply to someone's commit which will not be comprehendible.

  • I think it would be a bad thing if the real adults on topical got replaced with robots. I say this because of the fact that robots have no emotion.So if they were to look at people's reasons yes,the response would be faster,but it would be unethical.For example let's say that someone publishes a comment the robot might be looking for a certain word and if that word is in the comment based o n that one word they would get a star.That is how the robots would be unethical.

  • AI is the technology that is in the machines that help machines to take intelligent desesions like what humans do.AI will do alot of improves in the healthcare, x-ray, machines and creating musik and video games. There are jobs that the AI can't work them because they contain alot of emergencies like the firefighter job. If you are a firefighter you must take out fire with extinguishers and save people from fire so the AI can't work as a firefighter. Did you know also that a real teacher is better than an AI teacher because a real teacher is more creative than an AI teacher and also the real teacher has feelings and knows what to do.Did you know that 69% of people use chat GPT and also did you know that AI could change education and if humans teachers were replaced by AI teachers there will be no education in the world.

  • In my opinion, I think that people would feel negative if the adults on the Hub were going to be replaced by robots and AI. Students responding to questions would feel uncomfortable and weird and the bots can't really understand their feelings and thoughts. Creativity and our own thoughts is one of the most important things on the Hub and on the Topical Talk Festival. It also relates to emotions which AI doesn't have but is extremely important in daily human life. The adults who lead the festival can explain better than robots who just take pieces of the internet. When they see the comments, they might not even read them, they would just give random stars and the people working really hard to create an extraordinary comment wouldn't get the rewards they deserve. Perhaps the AI technology will give them one star when the comment is worth two stars. As AI don't have emotions, they could reply insensitively and could hurt people without knowing.

  • I do not think it would be a good idea if the real adults on the Hub were replaced by AI. This is because a job done from a real human can never be the same as a job done by AI. Humans are more accurate, and can do a better job at things such as approving comments than AI can. AI may be smarter, but it's not always better, and not everything is meant to be automated. Therefore, I think that a real human would do a better job at the Hub.

  • In my opinion, replacing real adults with AI bots on this platform has both advantages and drawbacks.

    On the positive side, AI bots could provide efficient, scalable, and consistent support to users. They could be available 24/7, offering quick and accurate responses based on extensive data analysis. This could improve user experience by reducing wait times and ensuring consistent service quality.

    However, there are concerns about the potential loss of human empathy and understanding. AI bots may struggle to fully grasp complex human emotions and situations, which could affect user interactions. Additionally, trust and transparency issues may arise, as users may prefer genuine and accountable human interactions over algorithm-driven responses.

  • For me I think that the question is complex and have no easy answers. Replacing AI with real adults comes with both merits and demerits. If we replace AI with real adults then we would not be able to feel the human connection. Real people bring experience, and emotion to the reply. We would not be able to get the answer with human touch and creativity which is I think is still a challenge for technology. AI will only be able to answer with the knowledge they are developed with but real adults will provide us different facts and knowledge with their experience. Also, replacing human with technology can raise concern about job displacement. While talking about merits AI could be programmed in different languages which will help to conduct festival for wider audiences. AI could be able to answer to comments with no human error. I think replacing AI won't have any easy answer. We should remember that AI is a tool, and it's values depends upon how it is used.

  • In my humble opinion, it’s amazing that these adults view every single one of our comments.
    It’s a lot of time and I feel good knowing somebody takes time to views my comments.
    AI will not experience the same things we do humans do and will definitely not share the same feelings about them.
    In my comments I often talk about my experiences and I like to think that the adults viewing my comments can relate to those or even share my opinion. I don’t think AI will appreciate it the way humans do.

  • I think AI bots would help people all around the world.

    1. How will they help people?

  • I think it would be a bad thing if all the adults on the Hub were replaced by AI bots because those things that peopls comments are not going to be their oen thoughts and if all comments were written by the AI then it's not gonna be people sharing their opinions instead it would be just AI saying what they want. Also, if some of the bots were made by the same company then they might all be saying the same thing which would be quite strange if people are reading the same comments in one topic over and over again. In addition, there would be no point to have a platform with all the comments thatare already setted by bots

  • I believe it would be a bad decision for AI to be on the hub, my reason for this is that if AI starts to flood the hub and starts to award stars it could waste some human potential. People have honest realistic human points of view. AI is already very intelligent in many ways and knows how to simplify certain things, in an unrealistic response. If AI came onto the hub they could potentially generate unoriginal answers or even comments which adds on to wasting potential for stars! Another reason is if AI decides to respond it could defeat the purpose of wanting natural responses since the point of these topical talks is to get a realistic point of view and AI can't give that since they don't have the real senses, traits, and ability's us humans have.

  • In my opinion, I think that it would be a bad thing if real adults on the Hub were replaced by AI bots. I think this because, well, it would be strange to admit that AI bots are responding to people in the first place. Furthermore, since AI is emotionless, it is likely that it would criticize other people's views if they made a really positive response. Furthermore, it is possible for the robots to malfunction and reply to the comments in an improper manner or with incorrect grammar .Given that AIs are emotionless, it is unlikely that they would replace the grownups on the hub. I would be upset and feel very fake if I found out that the star I might have received on the hub was given by a robot that doesn't even consider how that comment is likely to positively affect the topical talkers on the hub. AIs don't have feelings, so they aren't likely to take over the adults on the hub. I'm virtually positive that the AIs won't be able to carry out that work with the same level of emotion or thoughtfulness as the hub adults since often the answers and questions the adults on the hub ask are meant to assist us comprehend our own point even more.

  • I think that AI robots should not be replacing the real adults on the Hub. This is because robots do not have feelings or emotions so they may not understand comments. Also, sometimes they may even respond to the wrong comment, or say something that is incorrect. We may then learn from them and think that what we are doing is wrong when it is right. Additionally, it probably would not be as fun or interesting with AI bots and it may become unfair because if the robots are just giving out stars to everyone, or giving stars to random comments then some people may feel hard done by - that is unfair.

  • In my opinion, I think it would be a bad thing if real adults on the Hub were being replaced by AI bots. The reason why I think this is because AI, doesn't have any feelings so it would be indecorous for them to respond to people who do have feelings that mean a lot to them. Nevertheless, they might use inappropriate language and grammar.

  • I have a feeling that AI is on the hub because, when you look at the school that is at the bottom of the leaderboard, you can see clearly that they only have about 2 or 4 stars but when you go into the comments there is no proof of them being there because, you do not see a commenter from that school.
    This is why I strongly believe that AI is on the hub.

    1. Hi cultured_wallaby! I can assure you that the Hub is run by real people. If you can see stars on the leaderboards then those comments do exist on the Hub somewhere. Happy hunting!

    2. I strongly disagree with you because take it from this view: if AI was on the hub, don’t you think their profiles will be labelled as a robot rather they are labelled as names of real adults on the hub. For example: Katie@ Topical Talk. In this case, even if there were to be bots on the hub, I feel that we will have been still informed that bots are regulating the hub. If there were to be bots, do you think it will take time before approving or denying our comments? No, this is because people on the hub want to see us sharing what they think but an AI bot might want exactly what is AI generated and not your thoughts so if you type your thought, your comment might be rejected. Also, if AI bots were to be used, stars will not be awarded fairly because someone might write a long sentence with less detailed points and can get 2 stars because of their long passages. On the other hand, someone might write few words with more detailed points and might not be awarded a star and the comment can just be known as too short and might be rejected. Also, for the leaderboard stars, I think you should restart your device and look for it properly. You will find it.
      This is my opinion, fellow topical talkers. I am ready for your response.
      Thank you.

    3. I strongly disagree with you, because I do not get how what you said has to do with an AI bot on the hub. Just because the is a malfunction it does not mean it is run by AI bots, and the problem might even be from your device. And personally, I do not think the hub is run by AI bots, because how are they able to relate and understand our comments. And how people on the hub reply to our comments is just so human-like and understanding.

  • Hello everybody !
    In my opinion i don't think thats a good idea to exchange the adults of this hub with AI bots because the work based on facts not reality they know only facts not creativity and the Ai can't give the creative idea and suggestion that also help in our daily life . They don't their owns emotions so they can't give answer but they can give us the facts. If there will be Ai on the hub than it will be benefit for clock support ,human effort in this hub and we can get quick respond .

  • I think it would be a good idea, because it would reduce the time taken for comments to be approved. It would be more efficient in scanning for usage of other websites than humans because some comments have been flagged for usage of other website information. AI can still make mistakes so there could be moderators who go through the messages approved or disapproved.

  • Hii,
    From my opinion it would be a bad thing if the real adults on the Hub were replaced by AI bots. Because AI can solve any problem but the main thing is that the Adults will also able to solve our problem also with understanding our emotions ,feelings etc. And I think so what problems Adults might faced than they will guide us about how to face and solve that problem. It would look so wierd to discuss our problem with AI bots. And it would also be a good thing if the real adults on the Hub are replaced by AI bots because as the technology is increasing we can see how AI is taking place in the world. Henceforth, I prefer it is bad thing.

  • I think that it will be a relatively good thing if only some humans on the hub got replaced by AI robots, and here are my main reasons why:

    1: Although humans are very good at detecting plagiarism, AI robots are miles ahead of them in terms of searching websites. For example, there are millions of documents, files on the internet, and sources around the world, so a human would be unable to check every single document for plagiarism. However, an AI robot can scan millions of documents in less than a second to check if a student took words from a text and didn't give credit.

    2: Humans have to conduct many other tasks at the same time, meaning they can't check students' work as efficiently. Plus, we have to sleep, waiting hours that could be used to give stars to students. On the other hand, robots don't have to sleep, as they can be programmed to run specific tasks for days on end, making them much more efficient than humans.

    However, AI robots are programmed by humans, which make mistakes, such as chatgpt 2.0, where a typo broke the entire system and made the AI go "rouge". And that's why I think there shouldn't be only bots running the program, because they can get off topic. I believe that humans should still be responsible for replying to student work, such as Katie on this very topic.

  • "The true essence of human superiority shines in our capacity to forge genuine connections, navigate complex moral dilemmas, and innovate beyond predefined parameters." Therefore I strongly believe that the adults at the hub should not be replaced by artificial intelligence. Because First, it takes away the human touch and emotional connection that users often seek in interactions, potentially leaving them feeling isolated or dissatisfied. Additionally, AI bots may struggle to understand complex queries or nuances in communication, leading to misunderstandings and frustration. Furthermore, such a move could result in the loss of jobs for human agents, leading to negative economic and social consequences. Therefore, I strongly believe that humans should not be replaced by artificial intelligence, definitely not in this particular case because as a child we have a lot of curiosity and rich imagination that artificial intelligence cannot understand even if it is smarter than most humans they cannot Feel the connection between people

  • In my opinion, i think that like anything else, it has its ups and downs and I can't really decide on one answer. If you happen to think otherwise to my arguments, then please reply and explain to me and maybe change my mind. But now i will explain my reasoning. Ai bots on the hub would allow comments being checked and rated faster and could help a lot, but as you all know, ai tends to glitch and malfunction at some times. That could be bad for everyone as a really good comment might go unseen or rated incorrectly. Id say that maybe if it was some bots on the hub and some real people at the same time, we could benefit from it, but i'm still not sure. Please try and change my mind if you can. I would like to see your thoughts on my opinion. Thank you for your time.

  • In my opinion,I think an AI bot can never replace a real teacher on the hub because a real teacher has the ability to interact and empathize with the students, however even though it can help save time, approve and reject comments quickly,it hasn't been programmed to empathize and sympathize with the students,and imagine an AI bot controlling the hub won't it be weird?,it can easily malfunction and it can't give accurate responses. Since AI bots are not creative like that of the humans I strongly believe that they can not replace the real teachers on the hub.

    1. I agree strongly agree with your comment , AI bot cant be replace teachers becuase tearcher play a vital role in education, teachers connect to students by having effective communication and enhancing on their strengths and working on their weaknesses. Teachers help students realize their uniqueness , which helps to encourage creativity and help require prodlem solving skills. Teaching is an emotional and social aspect of learning , which enhances students communication and collaboration skills. Apart from academics teachers prepare students of the struggle of life. Teachers express sympathy and kindness for their students and this is why AI will never replace teachers beacuse teachers are more than people who teach students .

  • Hey everyone,

    I've been thinking about something lately and I wanted to share my thoughts. Personally, I think it wouldn't be a good idea if AI bots replaced real people on the hub. For example, if AI was in charge of giving out stars, it wouldn't understand feelings like humans do.

    Also, interactions with AI can feel cold and not as genuine as talking to real people. Online communities thrive because of the connections we make with each other, and replacing those connections with robots might make things less fun.

    In short, while AI is cool for certain things, we shouldn't forget the importance of human touch in our online interactions.

  • If people were replaced by AI bots, there would be no good from it. People have opinions. However, AI responses are auto generated, they're not real opinions, responses, or ideas. The auto generated will be more helpful if it's based on knowledge. However, based on opinion instead of fact, AI cannot help that much. AI can help by giving factual evidence because it can get it straight from the source. But when people on the hub respond that's their true opinion, and since AI doesn't have opinions, it cannot be as helpful here on the hub. Also, people would lose jobs as well if they are replaced by AI.

  • It will be a very bad thing how the mind of young people will develop and how we will make them mature if we do not involve them in work and life. Suddenly we replace the natural human mind that God created for us with an artificial mind that does not bring anything besides the human mind. The human mind is the one who invented artificial intelligence, so how can it be replaced?. This is unacceptable to me and this is my own perspective.

  • In my opinion i think there will be good and bad things if Ai will replace in the place of adult . It give clock support , it decrease human work , it give us quick response but many people will not be happy to heard that the star they are getting was given by the Ai bot and also Ai don't have emotions how it could know which one comment taken more effort and creativity , Ai work based on facts it can't give the reply or question based on reality and the main thing it can't give the suggestion like adults in hub that work in our daily life.
    Thanks for reading !

  • As every thing in our life have positives and negatives also Ai is the same.
    One of positives using of Ai is for making a system for robots and making factories work with itself.
    Now we have to talk about negatives, Ai is used by hackers how try to penetrate the systems of many communities and this causes disasters.

  • I believe that replacing real adults on the Hub with AI bots would be a negative change. They believe that AI would not have feelings, making it difficult for AI to respond to comments and potentially chastise others' opinions. Additionally, AI would not be able to express emotions, making it difficult for students to receive fair stars and understand the emotions behind comments. They also believe that having adults on the Hub would help students emotionally and physically, as they can express emotions and provide feedback about their comments.
    I agree with the fact that AI would be programmed to give stars, but it would not be beneficial to the hub. Additionally, the responses received from adults on the Hub would help students delve deeper into their comments and broaden their knowledge. If AI were to replace adults, who would provide replies and ask brain-cracking questions?

  • Hello everyone,
    I feel like there will be disadvantage and advantage if there will be AI in this hub we can get quick respond and we can know the facts . If there will be AI in this hub then there will more disadvantage than advantage it doesn't have emotions it can't give answer based on reality. It can't give the answer which help us in our daily life because it work based on facts.
    "Thank you"🙏

    1. Hello! Your observation about the potential advantages and disadvantages of having AI in this hub is insightful. While AI can provide quick responses and access to factual information, it's true that it lacks human emotions and may not always provide answers that consider the nuances of human experiences. Balancing the efficiency of AI with the need for empathetic and contextually relevant responses is essential. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 🙏

  • On my opinion, it would be a bad thing to replace the Topical Talk team's experts with A.I bots. I think due to lack of feelings, one's comments might get offended and rather more it would give it's opinions. A.I doesn't has curiosity and critical thinking, resulting less productivity of the event. Such adults experts question the participants and come up with new ideas and questions resulting better concepts on such topics and learn critical thinking and many other skills required on our life journey. Replacement with A.I might cause malfunctioning and on such Hubs, strategy planning and required balance could only be sorted out within the presence of adults.

  • If the adults were being replaced by AI bots,I would feel like the stars I get are not my effort because the topical talk is all about feeling expression. AI bots do not have feelings and emotions so they can hardly understand that you really understand whether you express your feelings or not. And then you don't have to work hard for the stars.

  • I think AI bots can only use their function concerning their technical side. They can do correction in spellings,grammatical mistakes, find anyone copying from the internet but they cannot understand the deeper of our words. For them is just words put them in correct order but for real people they are form of expressions. On the other side real people can feel more touched to specific comments that are closer to their experiences and views and is more difficult for them not to be attached to them.

  • I think it will be a bad thing because of social interactions.If a Ai was to do my topical talks comment it would probably ask a really basic question or not show enthusiasm through the comments. For example a way I noticed people that work on the hub respond to comments is by using exclamation points or laughter.This tells me that the person finds a actual interest in my comment rather than just telling me i did a good job .

  • Im gonna be neutral on this thing cause I think it could be both good and bad. On one hand, AI bots could provide efficient and accurate information or result while On the other hand, human interaction and empathy are important too. So, the work should be equally divided none can be called less !!

  • Do you believe it would be a positive or a negative development if the actual grown-ups on the Hub were substituted with AI bots? In my opinion, this could have both advantages and drawbacks. On one hand, the AI bots could be programmed to provide accurate and reliable information, allowing users to receive timely and useful assistance. On the other hand, however, the bots may lack the empathy and understanding that human adults possess, making it difficult for them to fully comprehend and address the concerns and emotions of the users. Ultimately, it is important to carefully consider the potential impact of replacing real adults with AI bots in order to determine whether it would truly be a good or a bad thing.

  • I think that AI shouldn’t replace the adults on the hub, although AI will make checking the post faster and easier they cannot feel emotion understand if a post is a funny post or ask the follow up questions like it usually happens on the hub. I think there should be a balance the AI can filter posts that are generated by AI, then the adults can go through the rest and judge them.
    Thank you😇.

  • I think people should run it as the stars will be fairer. AI will not understand a good and bad comment. AI might not understand the background to the posts or where it is going in the future.
    People understand reasoning more then AI, its not about getting an answer right its about your opinion. People are keen to know other peoples opinions, AI won't have this passion.

  • I think it will not be good if the real adults are replaced by the bot. Here when we post the comment it is from my point of view, the people who reply on my coment that is their point of view. When we read their comments we get to know what they want to explain us. Some people have very good points and it feels very good to read their comments. The bots also have good features bit the don't have the feeling which we human beings have. The comment which we put are the things which we see in our surrounding and then we keep our point of view. Hence, people will always be better then bots.

  • In my opinion,I think it would be a bad thing to let robots on the hub. AI shouldn't have a lot of power and if we replace the adults in the hub with the it will be a big problem because no one knows what the robots will do.
    Firstly,I think if the robots replace the adults in the hub the AI will forget to do simple things like replying to comments give stars or dont start new competitions because it won't be easy to code them.
    Secondly if AI had the power to put the toppings in all would be boring or too difficult and AI won't choose topics from the comments from "suggest a discussion" even if the students that commented there had some interesting and fun comments.
    Lastly if AI replace the humans in the hub, maybe it won't give good protection to the site and hackers can easily hack TOPICAL TALK and put disturbing and bad topics or pictures for the children to see.
    Overall I think adults still need to be to the hub for the fun and the safety of everyone here.

  • I am totally sure that the majority of students here don't want an AI bots to replace real Topical adults. It would be just a Festival with no real interaction and it would personally keep me unmotivated.
    I could just write an automated comment with no feelings as AI could not either feel it.
    Thinking that a real adult can read my comments would make it more personal and I would free to express my thoughts.

    1. I agree because... if the topical adults are going to be bots, I think that there are some particular comments that can be sent that can be so unemotional that topical talkers can send because the job of the AI is just to see comments and give stars to those that deserve it. So I think that the AI should not be the topical adults so that there will actually be a real interaction happening there and topical talkers will be able to express their human feelings from their heart and there will be a scent of emotion and interaction between the topical talkers and adults

  • I would personally feel really disconnected. If I had a AI grade my comment I feel like they would miss that personal connection and would probably just grade the comment based on grammar or how much evidence they provided. Actual people on the other hand, can establish an emotional connection with the user.
    Thank you.

  • As for me I would not agree if people were replaced either on the hub or other things because humans express what they say from their personal point of view. Human intelligent possesses a unique qualities such as critical thinking, creativity, adaptability that AI cannot fully replicate. Humans are really unique because we feel,think and connect with others. There is no way AI could even be compared left alone replaced with humans. That's why every human is special in their own perfect ways.

  • I feel it is going to be a bad thing if a the real adults on the Hub were replaced by AI bots because, we all know that the AI does not have emotions and here I feel that the adults approve the comments with heart. Also I feel it will be weird this is because for example the AI opens the AI topic and see some bad things about them and reject the comment. Lastly it'll be very weird well for be because, our reward is in the hands of a bunch of robots.

  • I think it would be a bad thing because they are going to mess up a lot and if water spills they are done so real humans are better for the job and if water splashes on a human it won't affect them and AI can't raise a child but a human can.

    1. Why do you think humans will do a better job on the hub?

  • Replacing real adults with AI bots on the Topical Talk hub could streamline responses and offer a wide range of perspectives, but it may also lead to a loss of empathy and nuanced understanding in discussions. While AI can provide quick and accurate information, human moderators bring empathy, emotion, and personal experiences to conversations, enhancing the overall quality of engagement.

  • Replacing Ai bots by adult of this hub then there will positive and negative effects but i think there will more disadvantages than advantage in positive effect It give clock support ,It give us facts related to our answer , they give us quick response but in negative effects they work based on facts they can't give us answer baased on reality and they don't have emotions they can't give the suggestions which help us in our daiy life that given by adults in this hub and important thing they don't have their opinion .

  • Hello everyone,
    I'm not sure about AI being in charge. For starters, when AI is in charge, plagiarism reports would reduce drastically, but comments with real, hear-to-hear sentiments would not be acknowledged. Let's look at other detrimental issues to support my point:
    Privacy Worries: Picture this: you're scrolling through the Hub, enjoying your favorite content, when suddenly you realize that the AI behind the scenes is quietly collecting data about your every move. It's like having an invisible observer peer over your shoulder, taking note of your preferences and behaviors. Now, while this may seem harmless at first glance, it raises some serious privacy red flags. Imagine if this data fell into the wrong hands or was used without your consent. That's why it's crucial to ensure that AI-driven features on the Hub prioritize user privacy and transparency.
    Bias and Fairness: Think about walking into a room where everyone seems to be speaking a language you don't understand. It's like being left out of the conversation, right? Well, AI algorithms can sometimes create similar exclusionary scenarios by favoring certain groups or preferences over others. This can lead to unfair outcomes and discrimination, which is definitely not what we want on the Hub. To tackle this issue, it's essential to regularly assess and address any biases in AI algorithms, ensuring that they treat everyone fairly and inclusively.
    Job Insecurity: Now imagine you're a seasoned customer service rep, helping folks out with their questions and concerns on the Hub. Suddenly, you hear whispers of AI-powered chatbots taking over your role—a wave of uncertainty washes over you. Will your job be safe? This fear of job displacement is a real concern when it comes to AI automation. While it's true that AI can streamline processes and boost efficiency, it also has the potential to replace human workers in certain tasks. To ease this anxiety, it's vital to invest in reskilling and retraining programs to empower workers for the future job market.
    In conclusion, I think humans and AI should work together because, in the end, plagiarism might not be seen and good work might be taken for granted.
    Thank you.

  • I think that it would be a bad thing as real people would be able to see the intentions of a comment and address if it was good or bad also i believe that there could be some advantages to it like the AI could see if something was factual or if it was being bias to a certain subject, but then again we would not have an actual person saying these things and AI still can make mistakes

  • In my opinion I think it would be a good idea if AI bot replace the real adults on the hub,my reason being that is because it takes a while for the real adults on the hub to approve and reject comments, also reply to the students, and it takes time and I think it's stressful, although AI has it's pros and cons,it will be of huge benefits to us , Even though it can malfunction,On the bright side AI can help approve and reject comments in some few minutes,so I think AI should replace the real adults on the hub.

    1. Are there any advantages to adults moderating the comments?

      1. Thank you Chloe@ Topical Talk for this question. Well in my opinion,yes there are some advantages of adults moderating the comments, First of all AI can't always give accurate responses ,they can't feel emotions,however human moderators enhance the general level of engagement by bringing empathy, emotion, and personal experiences to discussions.Thank you.

  • I have mixed opinions on this topic. While Ai can read through every submission quicker and more efficiently, It can't form its own feelings on the topic, so it won't be able to debate with other people. So with this, every Ai's response will all be the same, and no real opinions will be created. It wouldn't be interesting if everyone had the same response to a topic, right?

    1. I exceeding agree with you incredible_grasshopper because if AI controls the hub it would be a bit weird knowing that it can't relate and show empathy even though it would be of great help with approving and denying comments in few minutes, it would give the same responses and its not always going to be accurate, so I agree with your points.

  • In my opinion I think it is bad for AI bots to be on the Hub, this is because AI can cannot express emotions, it cannot give inspirational questions and rhetorical questions. AI can relate to our comments because we comments with emotions and expressions' and AI cannot understand. AI bots can malfunctions causing major problems to hub by send rejections accidentally and just approving comments without stars, this affect the students emotions causing them not to comment on the Hub. I strongly agree that humans should be on the Hub because we express emotions , we are able to understand our comments and relate to emotionally. Adults respond to Hud by giving rhetorical question and hyperboles. This strengthens students analytical thinking skills and communication. AN the idea that responding to other topical talkers can help with our collaboration and help improve are thinking capacity and that is one thing AI bots cannot do.

    1. I totally agree you, there hasn't been an AI developed to convey human emotion yet so they can not pose the rhetorical questions that make a topical talker's gears start turning. AI can also malfunction and cause problems with the rejection system and star awarding system which discourages topical talkers comment frequency or motivates them to comment more in the wrong way, which can ruin the topical talker's thinking and problem solving.

  • Many people in this hub are just talking about the negative effect of AI on the hub. I think that there are some areas that AI is better than the experts in the hub. For example,AI can correct grammatical errors and they can tell whether a person deserves a star or not.

    1. I strongly disagree because... clearly the adults on the hub also decide and can tell if a person deserves a star or not so I don't think that you saying AI can tell whether a person deserves a star or not is a good reason. Secondly, I think AI would mostly be using grammar to determine if a person deserves a star or not. I think that is the main use of AI. And most AI apps are specifically for enhancing and correcting grammar. But the real adults will consider grammatic errors if the text makes sense. The same applies to if you use a lot of huge words. If it does stand out, they could either reject it or approve it without giving it a star.

  • I definitely prefer adults correcting my comments. It's the best way to understand my thoughts, my meanings about topics and forgive me for any grammar or typing mistake.
    If I know that I am writing to a human in Topical Festival irs better for me to focus on how to convey my messages to them and not just write with fear of an AI Bot automating correcting me.
    I will know that adults will hear us, young people and dome children who want their voices to be heard and not corrected.
    I understand the big amount of data but I am sure that our interaction can surpass it.

    1. Hi educated_thought! Your point about adults hearing you and not correcting you compared to an AI bot is an interesting point and has made me think, thank you!

  • I think that there will be more disadvantage than advantage ,if the experts on this hub were replaced by AI bots. The people on this hubs can give us the real life examples and give their own opinion on a topic. But AI don't have emotion. They can't also understand the feeling in the things we have written. So, it can't give us their own opinion on a topic. AI bots can only provide us facts. We can get some ideas from that facts but it will be much better if the adult in this hub won't be replaced by AI bots.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi unbiased_groundhog, you mentioned that AI bot can only provide you with facts - my question is, do you think they can learn to give an opinion on a topic?

      1. Hello siriliya,
        I don't think that AI bots can learn to give an opinion on a topic since AI bots don't have any feelings and emotion like humans do. AI is not based on personal belief or preference. It is generate based on the data, it has been trained on.
        Thank you!

  • I would not want AI bots to replace the adults that reply to our comments because bots are not built to sympathise with people, if a topic is brought on a topical talkers feelings about something the AI bot would not be able to understand. Maybe one good thing about AI being on the hub is that hopefully it can detect AI users more easily and the mistakes being made by the adults would be cleared up. That would make a lot of topical talkers happier.
    2. The adults here on topical talk give their most honest opinions, the AI bots don't have the brains of humans to be honest, what they communicate is straightly communicated with no ounce of emotion or feeling.

  • I think that ai bots on the hub could be a good thing. If ai bots were on the hub answering questions and giving their opinion it wouldn't be such a bad thing.This would probably allow the humans who did work on the hub to be allowed to spend more time with their family or work on themselves.But if the ai bos were on the hub that could potentially cause them to be out of a job.So maybe all the humans would have to do is just check over everything and every now and then they could still work on topical talks comments but not as much as the bots would. THis would allow the humans to spend more time with there family then usual and still have a job to go to.

  • I don't think replacing real support team members with AI bots to comment on our opinions is a good idea. In my view, AI bots are only useful for fixed responses to questions that don't require discussion, like providing specific service hours, phone numbers, or asking about customer satisfaction and feedback. For example, when booking a specific appointment. However, responding to opinions that may require discussion doesn't seem effective. I've seen my mom or dad get frustrated when dealing with AI bots for customer service in some companies because there are many issues that need discussion and inquiry, which is only useful in booking specific appointments in any field, in my opinion.

  • No I do not think that the real people on the hub should be replaced by AI because, people understand other people better. The real people would not understand really well because people can actually give examples with real-time examples. AI would only tell you what to do with no examples and no real time examples. AI will just guess that you understand but you really do not understand. For example an AI will say that according to:
    Stepping out of eco-anxiety into action takes more than hope.
    A human teacher will say that Stepping out of eco-anxiety into action takes more than hope, It's about courage. Acknowledge the feelings of stress and despair, lean into compassion, and commit to action every day. Stand up for the next generation and our shared future.

  • I think it would be bad, because there are disadvantages to having only AI and there could be many wrong turns. If humans on the hub were replaced some things could go wrong, like malfunctions that could maybe shut down the site. Also, robots do not have emotions or opinions. Some may argue that AI is better than using human touch because they can't exactly judge you.

  • Personally I think that not everything should be replaced by AI due to the fact that adults play a big role in our world what is the adults go replaced teachers , teachers are really important and they , they feel true feelings and robots cannot and that is the problem . people may have there own opinion but this is mine.

  • In my opinion, if the adults on the hub were replaced by AI bots, it would be a bad thing. The positive thing about AI being replaced though is that they can ensure that there is no inappropriate content/comments. The AI bot can do this by blocking the content that is suggested to be inappropriate while doing it fast and efficiently due to them being advanced. However, if adults were replaced, there would be loss of empathy throughout this program. This will happen due to the fact that AI bots have no emotion and wouldn't give their opinions on comments that were commented on different topics.
    Real adults on this program seem to be providing empathy to users all over the world. Adults are giving correct replies due to having emotions and not just replying to children that their comment is high quality and non-emotion replies. However, AI bots can have a positive and negative side.

  • I think it would be bad if the real adults on the hub were replaced by AI bots because AI does not understand emotions and doesn't understand debate. Sure AI can learn but AI will never be able to understand humans and their opinions so what I am saying is AI will not be a good option to put on the hub. Now I am a child so I understand that there is one loop whole with AI and That is they cannot tell if something is copied and pasted on the hub. Because of this AI would not be an ideal choice for the hub. Also adults being on the hub allows students to be real with Topical Talk.

  • If the real adults on the Hub were replaced by AI bots, it could have both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, AI bots could be super efficient and helpful, making things run smoother and faster. They might provide quick and accurate answers, making it easier for everyone to get the information they need. However, there could be downsides too. AI bots might lack the human touch and understanding that real adults bring. They might struggle with empathy and dealing with complex emotions. Humans have experiences and insights that AI might not fully grasp, especially when it comes to personal issues or nuanced conversations. Moreover, relying solely on AI bots could lead to a lack of genuine connection and mentorship. Real adults bring a unique perspective, guidance, and life experiences that contribute to a more holistic learning environment. Additionally, there could be concerns about privacy and security when dealing with sensitive information through AI. In conclusion, while AI bots could bring efficiency, there's a need to balance it with the irreplaceable qualities that real adults bring to the table. A blend of both might be the ideal scenario, combining the strengths of AI with the human touch and understanding that real adults provide.

  • My opinion it will be a bad idea if the real adults on the hub were placed by AI bots cuz the adults have more understanding and like if you wrote something and they like wanted to really ask a question about what you wrote there will be a difference between the question AI would ask and a real human will ask and additionally it was humans that made The economist Foundation group so they know more of what to do and how to praise people's opinions and so on but if they were replaced with robots the the robots won't really agree with much of what children would say because their own knowledge is of another level so to understanding what children wrote would be hard for them, and maybe they might not even approve it but like us humans we will understand the People's comments and tell them if like what they wrote is good and reward them for that.
    I hope you get my point!
    Thant you! 🤗🤗

  • The question of whether replacing real adults on the Hub with AI bots would be beneficial or detrimental involves several considerations. On the positive side, AI bots could offer consistency in responses, operate 24/7, and efficiently process vast amounts of data. This might be particularly useful in handling multiple tasks simultaneously. However, drawbacks include the potential lack of empathy in AI bots, hindering their ability to understand and respond to emotional or personal issues. Furthermore, their limited creativity and problem-solving skills may fall short in situations demanding nuanced approaches. Security concerns also arise, as improperly programmed bots might compromise sensitive information or be susceptible to hacking. In essence, the overall impact of such a replacement depends on the specific context and purpose, with a potential solution being a balanced integration of both AI and real adults to capitalize on their strengths.

  • I think it would be a bad but maybe a good thing that the real adults on the Hub were replaced by AI bots. This is because the Robots can't think of new topics though because they can only think of topics based on previous ideas by humans. having real people is always much better than talking to a robot since it feels more real and not as fake as a robot. However, robots can help people not need to work for as long since people can get tired but robots won't. Still, talking to real people is always much better than talking to a robot since it feels more real and not as fake as a robot. Therefore I think we should use robots for a bit of the Hub but have humans for most of it.

  • I personally believe that the human mindset cannot be replaced by AI bots. I agree with the fact that AI machines can work with their own intelligence but they have no feelings or emotions. Their thinking capacity is limited and they do not have their own creativity. AI bots may have factual knowledge but they do not have practical or emotional knowledge. Thus, AI bots cannot replace the feelings and opinions of the humans.

  • In my opinion, AI has advantages and also disadvantages. I think you can save more time through their work because the AI can take on a lot, but often you do not know whether the work was done with the right sources. In addition, the AI ​​cannot show emotions, which could have negative effects. The AI cannot show feelings and cannot understand the human feelings. I think the AI ​​should not be used too much because you do not know what is right and what is wrong what it says.

    1. Can you tell me more about the negative effects you think AI could have?

  • I solely agree that it will be bad thing if by any means AI tries to replace adult humans in the hub this is because many experts on this hub talk based on their experience and when AI replaces this adults in this hub that means that they will only be talking according to what that has been coded inside of it there fore it will make only make humans to see the topic in one perspective.
    So what I’m trying to say is that I do not support AI to replace adult humans in the hub because humans talk based on their experience while AI talk based on what that is been coded inside of it.
    THANK YOU…..

  • Absolutely not! I do not think it would be a good idea at all AI is not capable of having human emotions and always has the possibility of judging a comment unfairly. Also, AI has been likely for spelling errors nor being able to understand what a human is exactly saying; their only source is the internet which can only go so far.

  • I think It would be a bad thing if all adults on the hub would be replaced with robots. If all adults on the hub are replaced with robots then to get stars you could just keep writing comments that you know will get you a star because it's not real people giving you stars. If all adults on the hub were replaced with robots then if you make a good comment you would have a big chance of getting a star for every comment. If there are adults on the hub then all of your comments won't get stars, only some of them will. If all adults on the hub are replaced with robots then kids on the hub might try to copy comments that got stars and still get a star because of the robot. If someone has a really good comment then the robot could not give them a star, and if someone has a comment that is only random letters then the robot could give them the star. That is why I think it would be a bad thing if all adults on the hub were replaced with robots.

  • I think it could be a good thing and a bad thing if AI bots replaced humans, because it would be hard for the AI to express their feelings since they don't have any. They also would not be able to give opinions since they don't have opinions on topics. But AIs would be able to respond and give feedback faster. This is why I think that AIs would be good and bad for the hub.

  • I will say that it would be a good and had idea if AI bots replace humans in the hub . I will say that it will be a bad thing for AI bots to replace humans in the hub because the do not have feelings so if you are explaining with your personal example the AI will not fully understand your example, also the use of AI will increase in the hub so I will suggest that AI should not be used in the hub , but on the other hand AI is faster than humans and the are very good at speaking on a particular topic with responsible facts and it will explain it well and it will give example, but it will not explain it with what is going on around you .

    1. I am not sure about this because if AI bots are on the hub this will reduce the rate of people that use AI on the hub because they will be able to detect when someone is using it or not and this will also increase the way people think .

  • it would be a bad thing because what happens if people had to be AI now we would not recognise our friends and neither our family and it would be sad if the people were changed into AI because we wouldn`t recognise anyone and until then,

    bye topical talkers.

  • Hello! I think that AI replacing humans on the hub is quite controversial. On one hand, from an AI, we will receive quick and factual responses that will not give out criticisms based off of their own biases. The AI bots may allow for more younger people to join this event and contribute to the discussions, as they are capable of responding to larger groups of people. However, there are some disadvantages, AI is not that well suited to respond to emotional and and creative ideas due to the fact that they are created to process facts. They have no opinion of their own and there will be no sense of thoughtful conversation.

  • If real adults on the hub were to be replaced with AI bots it would probably be a good thing and a bad thing. I think it would be a good thing because, students who live in a different time zones then the United Kingdom's time zone could have their comment approved or get a star without having to wait a few hours or a day, and new hub post can be made faster with the help of AI. It could be a bad thing because the AI could get the wrong information and think the student is commenting on something incorrectly, and the AI might award stars easily even if the student wrote something that is not related to the topic.

  • I would say that there are very much ups and downs to AI chatbots replacing real humans on the hub, but overall for this specific situation it would be a good thing for the real adults on the hub to be replaced by bots. I say this because oftentimes on the hub, I seen that people will have like comments on a topic and one person gets their own comment deleted due to an "unoriginal idea." Along with some of the other topical talkers, I would say that due to the AI bots not having any emotions or opinions, they would end up being biased thinking they're right, even though they are not using logical facts and statistics. Oftentimes many of my personally known peers, will not get a star or two without reason, but a comment that is two sentences long with nothing to do with the topic will. This often can be the result of biased, opinionated, and or illogical thinking with comments that are posted on the Topical Talk hub.

  • Hi wonderful folks,
    I think that it will be a bad thing if real humans on the Hub were replaced with AI bots because it might not be able to detect whether someone's comment is AI generated because the bot might know that the comment is the same to the information the bot has, and the comment will rather be awarded stars. Also, those who do not use AI to generate comments might not be awarded stars because it is their own opinion, and the bot might find the comment too cheap. In this case, stars will not be awarded fairly so I think the adults on the Hub are already doing an amazing job and they should NOT be replaced with bots as these bots will not sympathize with topical talkers and will not even reply to our comments or ask questions that will make us think critically.
    Thank you!

    1. I disagree because... You saying AI won't be able to detect it is not true. Even though the adults are in charge they use AI to detect is someone used AI. And you saying they will not sympathize with us seems like a disadvantage but is not. The adults do not sympathize with us when approving our comment. They give you what you deserve. And don't you think they knowing you have their information will get you rejected?

      1. Hi helpful_ idea. I politely disagree with your comment. The reason being that, adults on the hub sympathise with us which you said no to. Sympathising is not always the case of feeling bad for someone, rather, it is to put yourself in someone shoes and see the perspective from the way that the person will see it. Also, I would also say that adults on the hub "don't give us what we deserve" rather they look at the quality of your comment before awarding you with a star. Again, you don't make it clear when you say " don't you think they knowing you have their information will get you rejected? Please clarify this statement too. One last thing, please I don't think AI will be able to detect an ai generated comment because the bot will think that comment matches their response and will end up awarding these comments with stars. Lastly, adults on the hub do not even need AI to see if you have generated your comment with AI because if specialised people like adults on the hub just skim through the comment, they will see that you used AI
        Thank you.

  • I think AI is always being used and is affecting us wherever we are when using different types of OSes and Devices.

  • I think it would be a good thing and a bad thing if adults got replaced by robots. Because robots can not show feelings and emotions like humans which means they cannot show their own opinion and their own feelings. And also if you ask them or talk to them they won't have their own opinion the will bring up facts. But they will give you important facts but not their opinion. For example when your on topical talk and you put a fact AI can check to see if the fact is correct or not. I'm not sure that AI can do more than that. I don't think AI can do more than that, so I think it is best to keep the people reading the comments.

  • Replacing The real adults on the hub by AI might have it's benefits. It can help save time of others and have many more positive aspects. But I personally believe that it will not be a good thing because to understand the point of view of a student you need a real person with human experience and feelings. AI might be trained to specific answers to a specific question while humans can understand the view of a person. Opinion of a person can mostly be understood by a real person only. Also the emotions that are expressed through a student on the hub might not be properly interpreted by AI.