wondrous_bee has not published standpoints yet. Comments by wondrous_bee Comment Post Date Comment: I have learnt to expand my thinking.somebody named loving bat made a really valid point.We all... Post: #34 - Global Connections Date: 04/5/20 Comment: We have to learn how to look out for our planet.Just a small change can make a big... Post: #34 - Global Connections Date: 04/5/20 Comment: I think that the thing that they should focus on is the shortage of staff because people are... Post: #26 - Fact Findings - Winners Announced! Date: 09/3/20 Comment: Your smile is a remedy and it brings out the best of me:that is what I would say to the NHS... Post: #24 - Notes to the NHS Date: 24/2/20 Comment: I think that politicians should get respect but it doesn't mean they should get more respect... Post: #21 - Poll - Do politicians deserve more respect? Date: 07/2/20 Comment: If someone was to tell you their biggest,juiciest secret ,would you spread it. Post: #18 - Question the Questioner - Winners Announced! Date: 13/1/20 Comment: I think going to space is worth the cost because there are so many things waiting to be... Post: #10 - Brain-stand! Winners Announced Date: 15/11/19 Comment: I'm sceptical about quote d because even though China will take full control of Hong Kong,Hong... Post: #5 Questionable Quotes - Winners Announced! Date: 11/10/19