#34 - Global Connections
20 May 2020
Winners Announced!
Thank you to everyone who took part this week - it is terrific to see so many of you speaking up about what you have learnt from others. It's brilliant proof of the truly 'global conversation' happening right here on the Hub, and made possible by all of you.
Stars have been awarded for the most original answers - where we noticed students giving specific things they had learnt from either other people, or particular activities.
Our first winner is determined_world of Sacred Heart School, Ghana - who explained how they had learnt something specific about the experiences of another member on the Hub.They gave good reasons for why this was so important to discover.
Our second winner is fantastic_dusk of Wonderkids Model School, Sierra Leone, who explained the importance of being sceptical and give good reasons, and told us how they had been inspired by a fellow member of the Burnet News Club. Well done to both of you!
The Global Conversation means many of you are connecting with students in other countries, which means you are finding out lots of new information, hearing other viewpoints and learning from different perspectives.
This week's competition asks:
What's the most important thing you have learnt from someone else on the Hub?
What makes it important?
We want you to share something that you've found out from someone else and explain why it is important to know.
- This might be something that surprised you and changed how you see things, or expanded your knowledge.
- It might be a point that disagreed with your own view, that made you change your mind.
- It might be someone writing about something that is beyond your own experience and taught you something new.
...or it might be something else entirely! You might need to do a bit more reading on the Hub before you enter this week's competition, so you have something to write about!
What's important is that it's something you learnt by connecting with other people.
The most important thing I have learnt from someone else on the Hub is... I think this is important because...
Entries close on Thursday 7th May at 5pm (UK time). Good luck!
Comments (149)
Oneday mum has finished baking cookies for the party to night . Mum said to my sister " donť eat any one of them "
Then mum went to neighbor , when mam come bake she didnť find any cookies except one , my sister said " I didnť touch one " .
But in fact she didnť eat one cookies , which is still so my sister didnť lie
Sometimes we say sentences that are truth but people may think that these sentences are lies , inorder not to be punished .
What I've learned ?
Be a ware of your words because many people may miss understand your sentences well .
yes that is true
It's funny but also true
That's a really good comment well done
So true
Yes 😍
Very True so choice of words is important in communicating correctly the intended message
It is funny but it's actually true on the dot.
well done!
Sometimes i exactly think the same thing
I don't really like my brother but still sometimes what people say are true
Again, well done
I also agree to that very important take
The most important thing I have learned is that all human beings are different, as each person has a different view from others, and we have to accept all points of view so that we are not judgemental, so every person thinks differently.
Even if a person’s opinion is wrong, we do not have to criticize him. Rather, we must give him a reason and advise him. He can think that this is correct, but for another person it is wrong.
the most important thing i have learnt from someone else on the hub is some extreme weathers that happened ten years ago and i think this is important because if any thing similar is going to happen in the next 5 or 10 years to come we will know how to tackle it easily so that it would not have a great impact on us .thanks to the BNC team for adding me and with this i have learnt a lot.
the most important thing i have learnt from the hub is a lot more ways we can stop the climate change and when you have different ideas,it helps solve problems easily. I have learnt a lot to add to the ones taught at school. I think it is important because on thing we are tackling in this world is climate change and if we youngsters are able to bring ideas and tackle it together it will be great. THANKS BNC TEAM FOR ADDING ME .
You are talking about ways in which we can deal with extreme weather. List some of these methods if you know them and how they can be applied in practice ??? I ask that because if we find some of these solutions to this problem we can discuss it and work to achieve it in the world.
The most important thing I've learnt as a student is the possible methods of caring the environment which brings about climatic changes in different regions
I learned to be as positive as I could in order to attract the attention of others while dealing with them and to be open-minded to think in a smooth way and to make my thinking endlessly endless and I like to learn more and more than the experiences of others to learn how to think and what is on their minds. (Thanks )
I learned to think skillfully and cleverly to deal wisely with my life
I got to know critical thinking and it helped me a lot
And I was surprised when I learned that failure is not an end but rather a happy and successful beginning, and that made in me strength and determination
I agree with you because we are all experincing experiences that may succeed and may fail.
Your words encourage evreyone who fails in his experiences and turns him away from despair and frustration to hope and optimism.
The most important thing I have learnt from someone else on the Hub is people of different countries. In the Hub, I learned more about different extreme weathers that each country is facing in this club. I think this is important because I can know more about the country and extreme weather that I have never faced before in Hong Kong.
Can you mention some severe weather that you did not encounter in Hong Kong or in China ?? I ask about this because it is known to the world that China is exposed to most severe weather.
The most important thing I have learnt from this hub is extreme weather events. It has made me understand how some extreme events start. I didn't know how hurricane starts and I have never experienced that before. Some students told me how it starts and I was very pleased to know. The important thing too are posts. You read one post and you find out something you have never knew. Your going to be happy. The Covid_19 discussion in the corona virus update. There I have learnt some things l have never knew. There students ask questions about some things and others discuss. The quizzes and competitions too are important because it gives me some skills and it is fun. There you learn something. The people who ask questions want to learn something from the question. Some students say the answer and start to discuss about it. The questions you ask the people from the club for example Tom,Tiff and Olivia answers you. They want you to tearn something from them. That's why they walk around the world looking for students.
The most important thing we learn is to care for our planet .To be a big family in the world .This teaches us love and peace. Thanks a lot for this chance .
Yes I agree with you, we are giving the opportunity on this platform to be one big family and to solve some of the problem facing our world as one.
the most important thongbive learnt from someone on the hub is that many people have similar points of view but express them in different ways. For example one person might express his points more vehementlt than the other and in the process, he or she gives of an imposing impression mean while tge two parties involved have the same view. I think this is important because we all could learn to take a little more time to understand other persons views instead of jumping into irrational conclusions.
excellent _photograph
the most inportant thing i have learn,t is to be open mindedness. this is important because i am able to accept others ideas.
The most important thing l have learnt in the hub is to be a positive thinker
The hub has made me to think big just like the book of Ben Carson once said think big. l have learnt alot From extreme weather events and also how many countries are experiencing disaster in there countries.
Have learnt to expand my mind and think beyond the box.
The measures that most of us have come up with it has enabled us to be together and even when such an event strikes we can know how to handle it.
That we are a big family we are leaders of tomorrow if we continue with this spirit of assisting each other and also learning experiences from those who have experienced such calamities.it Will enable us to know how to deal with it l have learnt to be a good example in the society when the calamity strikes l Will be in a better place to help and be a good society
Hi, ethical_conversation, I'm so glad that being part of this discussion has made you feel so positive about people's ability to help each other out, and deal with challenges better by working together. Have you learned about any examples of people working together to tackle extreme weather events?
Thanks so much madam for your question
Yes have learnt that there's diffrent organisation working to tackle climate change
We have the Eu aid which helps to tackle climate change,the christian aid, government and international level.Throught canada are also part of the organisation and other countries in the World
One thing have learnt as a young student who wants to be part of the young climate leaders to help to fight and tackle it have learnt that we don't need organisation to tackle it me and you we are that organisation
Look at this
By working together we can change course and work with communties and individuals to avoid the worst impacts of climate change to tackle climate change and preserve our planet for future generation
I believe one thing unity is strength and each and everyperson when they come together they can tackle climate change
Thanks for reading
The most important thing I learned from someone other than the axis is that I consult my opinion and express it and ask with all sincerity about it in order to increase my ability to interact and communicate well with people because it is wonderful, and because it helps me in the continuous flow of information used and exchanged in the transfer of ideas in every level of the world and now I can publish The information that I benefited from clearly and with confidence between my humble world, and as my expression helped me to follow the global, local and international news, and as we got to know some of the fullness, such as extreme weather, I came to think about myself and others towards me: Connect my concepts of the subject and my comments on brain issues Falseness in the appropriate way, but as for others, it makes me think of them according to the understanding based on communicating with them, and by this I have understood with them, understood what they mean and knew their ideas.This helps us all of humanity to reduce the problems and prevent its frontiers, and will even add us to each other
The most important thing I have learnt from something else on the hub is,I think this is important because most valuable school experience weren't academic.They were all about people social skill,respect self-worth,empathy and realizing your own potential on the sport field,I learned about wining and losing graciously.In the classroom,i learned that doing your best counted for than academic ability.student share the most important thing they learnt .If you are studying in Ghana or somewhere else hot,like me.No matter what this year brought you,no doubt you have learnt a lot along the way-and not just in your lectures.And using feedback from the teachable agent further enhances the totu's learning.Best way to learn is to teach someone else the agent's question compel user to think and explain the metrial in different ways.
The most important thing I have learned is how other students on the Hub are facing their own type of extreme weather. There are students from all over the world and because of where they are, they face worse or little weather that can be harmful. In Africa, there would most likely be a drought but in the UK, I have never experienced one! I think that this is important so that people know that others are going through and compare it to their own experiences so we know what is going on in the world and how it is affecting other people.
This also means that people have a different point of view about things. In some places, people might think that the weather they are going through is worse than what someone else thinks so their opinions are debatable.
The most important thing i have learnt on the Hub is that there is always a way to fix things and not everything is as bad as it seems, I have learnt this from being in the BNC this year by listening to people share their ideas and reading them online. It has really given me a different view on the News and politics by thinking that whatever happens will never be the worst and everything always has a positive.
Proud member of the BNC
Hi, motivated_grape! I'm glad that the Hub has helped you to see that even the world's trickiest problems have a solution.
Development of my thinking and access to higher - older thinking is one of my most important goals in this project In the first section, I was able to develop my thinking by linking more than one topic in my questions, but I'm still trying to reach higher thinking skills
I learned that multiple opinions and different points of view have reached the facts and that they have a great impact on deepening and expanding thought and giving us new and important information that differs from that we have and makes us think more broadly and larger than our thinking as each person sees the matter from his point of view or thinks from one side but if We listened to more than one person and watched their ideas that could affect us and develop our minds and nurture our minds so that everyone can obtain ideas and information that may be useful to him at the present time or at another time and may open the way to link other ideas and issues that occur in our world with extreme weather and its effects, for example: When I read some Comments found that A group of students have linked Corona virus that currently confronts our world with extreme weather, and I have benefited from it very much. There are some people who have different and rare thinking as they discuss issues with skills and thinking outside our capabilities so we can benefit from them greatly, whether in the issue we are discussing or others where I can Using their skills that I learned in other issues I may talk about and I think it is very nice to discuss global issues with people of my age of different nationalities and religions so I want to thank those responsible for the project and the students participating in it.
The most important thing I have learnt from someone else on the Hub is how extreme weather events indirectly cause people to lose their money.
I think this is important because when people get to know how extreme weather events indirectly cause us to lose money we will know how to make our budget well in order to be able to cope with it when the economy gets hit heavily. An example is when heatwave occurs in a country for a long period of time farms will dry up so it will be very difficult for the production of foodstuffs because the soil is not fertile enough for farming so in this case, the prices of foodstuffs will rise and as a result, the economy gets hit heavily.
I strongly agree with you because the children of our age do not know much about how severe weather affects the economy, whether local or global, but when we have experience knowing its impact we can benefit our societies and work to improve our budgets to meet the severe blows of the economy in my mother country Palestine or specifically the Gaza Strip, which I live in it, we are not exposed to the severe weather, so we do not suffer from these economic damages, but we suffer from it in another way, but it is the Israeli occupation.
The most important thing I learned from another person on the axis in this project is that a person has to go out of the ordinary and create in his own way, to invent new things and find alternatives and solutions in a creative way with an imaginative intuitive and to move away from the usual stereotypes and also learned to organize and arrange my information I analyze it to arrive at a conclusion, as this made me more positive, more confident and open to others' opinions.
I think this is important because the difference is the color that gives us the secret of the beauty of life. If we eat the same thing every day, we will feel boring and also it is not permissible to see only one color, so it becomes neither a taste of life nor pleasure.
Critical thinking makes us delve into the answer and be more attentive of all events.
Thanks for your comment, humbe_bee! I love how you explained why critical thinking and open-mindedness are important. I agree with you that being open to others' opinions and develing into the answers and events more deeply makes life more interesting.
Thank you Emily ❤❤
THE most important thing
I have learnt in the hub is,To be a good critic and researcher of facts in scientific way convincing and a good listener for others, and this important to expand your mindset and make me more confident and interact with others well.
I've learned to be open-minded and broad-minded and be able to grow my thinking so that I can understand with those around me and develop my skills more and more. Thank you.
I learned that multiple opinions and different points of view have reached the facts and that they have a great impact on deepening and expanding thought and giving us new and important information that differs from that we have and makes us think more broadly and larger than our thinking as each person sees the matter from his point of view or thinks from one side but if We listened to more than one person and watched their ideas that could affect us and develop our minds and nurture our minds so that everyone can obtain ideas and information that may be useful to him at the present time or at another time and may open the way to link other ideas and issues that occur in our world with extreme weather and its effects, for example: When I read some Comments found that A group of students have linked Corona virus that currently confronts our world with extreme weather, and I have benefited from it very much. There are some people who have different and rare thinking as they discuss issues with skills and thinking outside our capabilities so we can benefit from them greatly, whether in the issue we are discussing or others where I can Using their skills that I learned in other issues I may talk about and I think it is very nice to discuss global issues with people of my age of different nationalities and religions so I want to thank those responsible for the project and the students participating in it.
The most important thing I have learnt from someone else on the Hub is how to share my opinion and express my point of view without being afraid of other's reactions . I've learned that it's really important to talk about what you think and suggest your own ideas . Never be ashamed of what you think and be confident ! 😊
People who watched the first part of star wars can tell you that Human beings can live a psychic pain
Your mouth might be watering for the idea of a life without pain a life full of Lasting happiness but our problems here in earth will never end. One day my mom came to me and told me all the truth :Life in essence my daughter is an endless series of problems and And solving one of those problems is only the beginning of the next one. Don't hope for a life without problems. There's none of this. Instead, you should beg yourself for a life of good kind.
I agree with you that the problems on the ground cannot end, whether human or natural, or whatever, but we are working to reduce them and wish a good life for everyone as you said.
The most important thing I've learnt in this hub is to know the true facts of extreme weathers . It's effects both negative and positive. These facts have cleared all myths in my head. And has thought me to be open-minded and dig more into global issues and some possible factors that can reduce these weathers.
Can you explain some of the possible factors that may reduce the extreme weather and how to apply them on the ground and how the facts in the program clarified the negative and positive effects and how the myths removed your head ?? I ask that to find out if there are reasonable solutions to discuss them and apply them on the ground and to benefit from what I have learned from the existing facts.
Jovial harp, a friend if a school in Hong Kong commented on the effect of the Australian fires and he expressed the willingness to support the affected people in a way. I was so touched and felt I could also do something to support the Australians. How can someone from Hong Kong help others in Australia. I started thinking about ways we can help people in our own small way and I decided that where DISTANCE is a problem, PROXIMITY should not be a problem. We should look around us wherever we may be and lend support and o individuals we have the ability to help.
Good afternoon Jovial Harp
Hi, hardworking_salak! Thanks for your comment. You say that where distance is a problem, proximity should not be a problem, and I think that's an excellent way to explain that we can all help each other out even if we live in completely different communities. Have you heard of any other good examples of people from different communities helping each other to respond to extreme weather events?
Thank you, hardworking_salak!
The most important thing I have learnt from someone else on the Hub is open mindedness. I learnt how the person pays attention to what someone else says and checks to make sure they understand their point of view. I also learnt how the person wants to find out why people have different opinions and sometimes, the person changes her view point if these opinions make sense.
I think open mindedness is important because, it makes me know how to pay attention to what someone else says. It is also important because it teaches me how to know that my opinion is not always the best and also to look out for what others say.
The most important thing i have learnt on the hub is different ways to tackle climate change.I think this because now I can do all these things to stop climate change.
Yes I really agree with you on that inspired petal because I also learnt how to tackle climate change on this hub. Example of ways we can control climate change are;
1.Refrigerant management
The problem:Every refrigerator, supermarket case and air conditioners contains chemical refrigerant that absorb and release heat ,making it possible to chill food and keep buildings and vehicles cool.
Refrigerant, specifically chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbon HCFCs, were once key culprits in depleting the stratospheric ozone layer, which is essential for absorbing the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to the 1987 Montreal Protocol on substance that deplete the ozone layer CFCs and HCFCs have been phased out of use.
It took two short years from the discovery of the gapping hole over the Antarctic for the global community to adopt a legally mandated course of action. How three decades later,the ozone layer is beginning to heal.
Refrigerant continue to cause planetary trouble, however. Huge volumes of CFCs and HCFCs remain in circulation, retaining their potential for ozone damage. Their replacement chemical primarily HCFCs, have minimal deleterious effect on the ozone layer, but their capacity to warm the atmosphere is 1,000-9,000 times greater than that of carbon dioxide, depending on their exact chemical composition.
Work to be done: The process of phasing out HCFCs will unfold over many years, and they will persist in kitchens and condensing units in the mean time. According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 700 million air conditioning units will have come online worldwide by 2030.
Refrigerant currently causes emissions throughout their life cycle, but 90 percent of emissions happen at disposal. After being carefully removed and stored, refrigerant can be purified for reuse or transformed into other chemical that don't cause warming.
The Kigali Accord ensure a step change is coming, and other practices focused on existing storks could reduce HCFCs emissions further.
A Silvopasture field in Sweden, combining pasture land with climate - cooling trees.
The problem: In Brazil and elsewhere, headlines condemn ranching as a driver of mass deforestation and attendant climate change. Cattle and other ruminants require 30-45 percent roughly one - fifth of greenhouse gas emissions.
Work to be done: Though the advantages of silvopasture are clear, it's growth has been limited by practical and cultural factors. These systems are more expensive to establish, requiring higher upfront cost in addition to the necessary technical expertise
There is less incentive to plant trees and protect the where pasture are plentiful, fire poses a risk, or land ownership is unclear.
Layered on these challenges is the stubborn belief that trees and pasture are not compatible -that tree inhibit the growth of pasture fodder rather than enrich it. Famers may ridicule one another for shifting to an alternate approach.
These social impediments make peer -to- peer engagement a
3.Solar farms
4.wind turbines (onshore)
5.Reduce food waste
6.Tropical forest restoration
7.Family planning
8.Educating girls
great comment
I've learned that other people have bigger opinions then you expect
They always outdo themselves
The most important thing I have learnt from the hub is that extreme weather does not affect everyone equally, it only depends on the extreme weather event your country experiences.
I agree with you that extreme weather does not affect everyone aqually because there are many different factors from it(location of extreme weather, Economic condition of the population, Type of extreme weather)
But I do not agree with you that extreme weather depends only on the sever weather condition,because there are many factors that depend on it (the type of sever weather, the place of its occurrence,the climatic condition of the country in which it occurred,the severity of the weather, and the reasons for its occurrence)and many different factors.
I hope showed my opinion clearly😊
i have learned alot of things ... starting with how to interacte with other people in a respectable and open way ... how to listen , share ideas and learn from other people .. indeed to care of our planet and to do our best to save from any expectable risk .
I have learn lots of things..especially sharing informations,ideas and experiences,
It makes us more interdependent and cooperative with each other to save our planet,it makes us not bored especially because we are now all in quarantines,let us know about how do other people live in earth,we made new friendships from all over the world and finally it makes us more friendly and social with other people..
The most important thing I have learnt from the hub I have learnt from the hub is open mindedness because I have been able to listen to other people's views and also how their views can benefit the
whole world, I have also learnt about extreme weather events which has also helped me because I never knew extreme can happen in different places depending on the environment. I think that this is important because I have been able to learn about new things , also justify my views on somethings and to help me develop open mindedness.
I learnt how to look into other people's opinion.
i learned that every idea had a different point of view from different people
The most important things I have learnt from someone else on the Hub is ..
1. A difference of opinion does not spoil friendliness an issue ... everyone has a different opinion from the other, but this does not prevent the presence of brotherhood and friendship in this wonderful and useful Hub. I think this is important because We all interact and live on the same planet.
2.Honest competition.
3. Share useful information.
4. The need to be open minded to know different cultures and accept them with love.
The most important thing I have about this hub so far is oneness. This is because even though we live far away from each other we have broken the cultural, ethnic, religious and even political barriers to get onto the same platform where we discuss the same issue concerning our world. I have learnt to be more tolerant. The way the BNC team respond to our comments has even boosted my confidence level. It has really taught me a lesson that children are the same every where and as such we must see ourselves as one people.
The most important thing I learned from another person in the axis is tolerance with people, despite their different religion. Muslim Christian or no religion, whether Arab or black, white or black. In the color of your skin or your name and anything.
I think that this is important because we have to look at the metal of a person and not for his form and religion and not for the wealth of his money. The most important thing is for a person to have high morals and to marvel at his thought and his knowledge and the amount of information he carries is not ignorant and no human being does not seek knowledge even if he is weak in focus or He is not good in his lessons. He must try, because he is better than the ignorant person who considers himself to understand everything and in fact he does not understand. Science is a sea. Whenever you drink from its water, you know that you know nothing.
The most important thing I have learnt from someone else on the Hub is how others think about life and share opinions.
I think this is important because it is necessary to inform the individual of the views and other opinions to develop his skill and ability to deal with all people in the world.
1.The most important thing I have learnt from someone else on the Hub is open mindedness. I learnt how the person pays attention to what someone else says and checks to make sure they understand their point of view be able to grow my thinking so that I can understand with those around me and develop my skills more and more.
I’ve learnt that not everything is a competition.
The most important thing I learnt from the hub is how to question information to find the truth and also justifying a view point which also includes reasoning and confidently communicating a view point and finally listening to others view point
The most important thing I have learnt is how important the memories are and that with love and support from your family you can go on with life .
That's what the Australian wife said -hugging her husband- in the video in step 1 when she looked sadly at her burnt house and said ,"Even the house had gone,but I keep the sweet memories here -pointing at her head-that's because in bad conditions and crises we resort to memories to keep going .The wife thanked God for keeping her family safe because family is important too.No matter how many crises you go through , with love and being with a family ,everything will be ok and you can OVERCOME all the obstacles
I have learnt a lot from the hub but the most important is knowing much about extreme Wheather event from the countries and the impact it have on the people to enable me put place some measures in case it happens in the future again. It important because most of the happened when I was a child even with the 3rd June event in my country but I have the opportunity to hear more of it in the hub, Thanks to BNC for the opportunity.
I am curious to know some measures that you can put in place to prevent future damage. Can you share them ?? I ask that because there are some common measures, but if there are others, we can benefit from them as well.
I admire your skepticism and open-mindedness
Thank you, and I also like your way of thinking and your open mind.
The most important thing I have learnt from someone else in the hub about extreme weather is that humans have the ability to make this world a better place to live in ,as well as making it a horrible place to dwell in depending on their human activities , its wise that we team up and change our actions collectively to be environmental friendly
The most important thing I have learned from someone on the Hub is the magic trees can perform to battle drought and its hazards. I learned this from the comment made by decisive_ song on 24th April, 2020 about planting trees to conquer droughts. This has broadened my understanding about the importance of tree planting and how it can be used as a measure to battle drought which according to decisive_song led to community civil war in his country. This has really opened my mind to the saying that, "If the last tree dies, the last man also dies". This means, the survival of man to a large extent, depends on the existence of trees. This has really gingered me to explore all avenues in making tree planting a lifestyle in my community. I have personally developed the habit of planting more trees and encouraging others also to do same. I have also decided to champion the campaign against indiscriminate felling of trees.
The most important thing i have learnt from someone else in the Hub is :
Frankly, i have learnt many things that i did not know before through my participation in this Hub and one of the most important of these things :First i have learnt how to behave with different weather conditions and severe weather by reading comments and knowing how people think and by criticizing my opinions and expressing my opinions in them.
I also have learnt how to respect differnet peoples opinions and how to express my opinions in apolite way, which boosted my confidence and strengthened my English by learning alot of words that help me in my daily life and my desire to do research to reach something special and i have a competitive spirit and also i did not regret participating in this Hub.
I have learned something important after watching a video about how to deal with fake and inaccurate news about corona virus. In the past I didn't use to think before forwarding the messages that I see on social media, but now I know I need to be critical and stop to think about it, about the resource and compare it with information given by trusted sources like the WHO. I will never pass on inaccurate information from now on and this is an important thing all people should learn.
The most important thing I learnt in this hub is thinking wide,researching and exploring the weather
It is very difficult to decide which information I found the most important. I was just a student in a school learning thing without having the chance to think of different perspectives, but now I am more willing to think carefully about everything I hear or see. One of the most important things I have learned in the Hub is that weather forecasts are very serious and should be taken into consideration. In my country, we don’t have extreme weather issues, so once we hear a forecast, may it’s all about either to go out with an umbrella, or not, or if it’s too hot that it could be a good day to go to the beach. Now I know that in many counties weather forecasts can be a matter of life and death. People take many precautions to save their lives and their properties. So, I have changed my opinion that weather forecasts is like a break to grab popcorn and preparing for a family gathering to watch a film, into a life savior for many people a round the world!
I learnt a lot of things not from only one person but everyone that wrote a comment but the main thing I learnt is that everyone's opinion is always something I have never heard before ,I really love this club it motivates me make and make me work harder I wanted to relent when I heard of last week topic but when I saw what everyone was writing I realized that not everyone knew the author but did research ,but when I wanted to comment it was late another topic was out .What I am really trying to say is that I love everyone comment and the club doesn't underestimate anyone's comment .My main point is that everyone comment opens a door of solution to every topic because to every mystery there is always an assurance that a solution will be found ,and to every puzzle or riddle one would always put together ones knowledge and others ,also wisdoms to solve it because nothing is impossible .
The most important thing I have learnt from someone else in the Hup is how to respect others' points of view, to see things from different perspectives, that helps me to develop some life skills like listening well to others as well some thinking skills, to think creatively away from stereotypical ways, in brief, to think outside of the box, this is important because now I can build good contact with people everywhere face to face or virtual. I think the global conversation hub is like a huge window takes me over thousands of minds and ideas , that really enrich my experience and puts me on the right path to be a better human being.
I have learnt lots of things starting with sharing of ideas which are beneficial to others .also on how being open to others benefits one and helps in solving some problems
Extream weather most affects people negatively an examples is heavy rains this is evident in most places where after heavy rains there are floods landslides and such things many people are affected during this times. So as to avoid being in such situations some actions should be taken such as evacuating people in areas where it floods alot etc.
I have learnt many things starting with learning how to work with others by giving ideas and also knowing people from all over the world and also knowing how other people do in their countries this helps us to socialize and express our own ideas.
One piece of information I Learned is that media has an influence in educating people about the importance of taking precautions when facing extreme weather. Then an expert from the website, Mr.Jamal Khan asked a question that was not answered : " Do you think some media sources are more influential thean others? The question was not answered, but it made me think about what really influences me as a young girl. My classmates are all influenced with social media apps. News on TV is something that we never talk about. I think the last one in the family who watched news on TV was my late grand father. News paper does not have an important rule in educating us as young people. My mum used to have a subscription with a daily news paper in my city. Now when she sees one news paper by mistake , she uses it to clean the windows. I mean here is tow points. Point one is : what affects me as a young person is connected to the Internet websites and social media application. Point two is : what influences me thsee days I'd so close to what affects the others generation in the house. INTERNET is the main source of information, and thus what influences us to cases of extreme weather.
I have learnt to being positive with people ideas and thinking about certain issue concerning our world. This helps us to know how to appericiate other people ideas and thinking about certain things and issue.
The most important thing that I learned from another person on the hub is accepting the opinions of others, no matter how different. I learned this thing in the previous competition for extreme weather. Every person had a completely different opinion from the other person. For example, there were people who said that people are pessimistic when the weather is terrible and there are those who say that we should think positively about this weather
I think that accepting and agreeing with others opinions is important in all areas of life because it prevents problems and makes us get many new and amazing ideas and makes us individuals with more sophistication and for this we must accept the opinions of others even if we dont like it.
I have learn more about the extreme weather in this hub,I have learnt how to respond to extreme weather positively,
I've also learn how it happens in other countries and how it happens in different ways,
I've also learn how harricanes occurs and it is something I have never experience in my country,now I have idea
And I've also learn more about covid 19 pandemic how it affects other countries and how to be positive
The most important thing I have learnt from this hub is on how we can stop our world from being destroyed by this horrible weather we are experiencing in our world today.
I learned that multiple opinions and different points of view have reached the facts and I have learn lots of things especially sharing informations,ideas and experiences and the most important thing l have learnt from someone else on the Hub is how to share my opinion and express my point of view without being afraid of others reactions
Yes I really agree with you on that inspired petal because I also learnt how to tackle climate change on this hub. Example of ways and we can control climate change and some explanations are;
1.Refrigerant management
The problem:Every refrigerator, supermarket case and air conditioners contains chemical refrigerant that absorb and release heat ,making it possible to chill food and keep buildings and vehicles cool.
Refrigerant, specifically chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbon HCFCs, were once key culprits in depleting the stratospheric ozone layer, which is essential for absorbing the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to the 1987 Montreal Protocol on substance that deplete the ozone layer CFCs and HCFCs have been phased out of use.
It took two short years from the discovery of the gapping hole over the Antarctic for the global community to adopt a legally mandated course of action. How three decades later,the ozone layer is beginning to heal.
Refrigerant continue to cause planetary trouble, however. Huge volumes of CFCs and HCFCs remain in circulation, retaining their potential for ozone damage. Their replacement chemical primarily HCFCs, have minimal deleterious effect on the ozone layer, but their capacity to warm the atmosphere is 1,000-9,000 times greater than that of carbon dioxide, depending on their exact chemical composition.
Work to be done: The process of phasing out HCFCs will unfold over many years, and they will persist in kitchens and condensing units in the mean time. According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 700 million air conditioning units will have come online worldwide by 2030.
Refrigerant currently causes emissions throughout their life cycle, but 90 percent of emissions happen at disposal. After being carefully removed and stored, refrigerant can be purified for reuse or transformed into other chemical that don't cause warming.
The Kigali Accord ensure a step change is coming, and other practices focused on existing storks could reduce HCFCs emissions further.
A Silvopasture field in Sweden, combining pasture land with climate - cooling trees.
The problem: In Brazil and elsewhere, headlines condemn ranching as a driver of mass deforestation and attendant climate change. Cattle and other ruminants require 30-45 percent roughly one - fifth of greenhouse gas emissions.
Work to be done: Though the advantages of silvopasture are clear, it's growth has been limited by practical and cultural factors. These systems are more expensive to establish, requiring higher upfront cost in addition to the necessary technical expertise
There is less incentive to plant trees and protect the where pasture are plentiful, fire poses a risk, or land ownership is unclear.
Layered on these challenges is the stubborn belief that trees and pasture are not compatible -that tree inhibit the growth of pasture fodder rather than enrich it. Famers may ridicule one another for shifting to an alternate approach.
These social impediments make peer -to- peer engagement and direct experience of silvopasture's benefit key accelerants. To address economic obstacles, international organization such as the World Bank,NGOs such as the Nature Conservancy are making loans to enable silvopasture installation - loans a typical bank would not provide.
As the impacts of global warming process, silvopasture can help farmers and their livestock adapt to erratic weather. Trees create cooler microclimates and more protective environments, and can moderate water availability. Therein lies the climate win -win of silvopasture.
3.Solar farms
The problem:The era of fossil fuel is over, and the only question is when the new era of clean energy will be upon us. Solar photovoltaic are only two percent of the global electricity mix at present.
Work to be done:No matter where solar panels are placed, they are subject to the diurnal and variable nature of solar radiation and it's misalignment with electricity use, peaking midday while demand peaks a few hours later. That is why,as solar generator continues to grow,so should complementary renewables that are constant, such as geothermal, and that rhythms different from sun,such as wind ,which tends to pick up at night.
Energy storage and more flexible grids that can manage the variability of production from PV farm will also be integral to solar's success.
The International Renewable Energy Agency already credits 220 million to 330 million tons of of annual CO2 savings to solar PV. Could Solar rise from two percent of the global electricity mix to meet 20 percent of global energy needs by 2027,as some University of Oxford researchers calculate? Thanks to complementary government interventions and market progress, there are many promising signs.
4.wind turbines (onshore)
The problem: Fossil fuel sidelined zero -emission wind energy during the mid - twentieth century. Wind energy has it's challenges. The variable nature of wind means there are times when turbines are not turning. Critics argue that turbines are noisy,aesthetically unpleasant and at times deadly to bats and migrating bird.
Another impediment to wind power is inequitable government subsidies. The International Monetary Fund estimates that the fossil fuel industry received more than $5.3 trillion worldwide in direct and indirect subsidies in 2015. In comparison, the US wind -energy industry has received $12.3 billion in direct subsidies since 2000.
Work to be done:The ways and means for United States to be fossils -fuel -and energy - independent are here. What is often missing is political will and leadership.
On the policy side, energy portfolio standards can mandate a share of renewable generation. Grant ,loans and tax incentive can encourage construction of more wind capacity and ongoing innovation.
Wind energy is part of a system. Investment in energy storage, transmission infrastructure, and distributed generation is essential to it's growth. For the world, the decision is simple:Invest in the further or in the past.
5.Reduce food waste
6.Reduce water waste
7.Tropical forest restoration
8.Family planning
9.Educating girls
10.Drive a fuel efficient vehicles
The important thing that i have learnt from this hub is Being an open-mindedness person.Also,i learnt about many weather events such as Hurricane,Flood,wildfire and many more.This hub has also improved my skills in learning.Thanks to BNC for your great job.
yes I totally a gree on each word . To be open minded is the first thing that happens to me . Extreme weather is also a chance to learn how to save the planet and how to sace our lives.❤️❤️
What with everything that's going on, I feel one of the most important things are:
I never knew that extreme weather and deforestation were linked, but now, my family hardly use anything with palm oil in, and I'm three - quarters vegetarian! Also, please help the planet by not dropping litter, because once, I was standing behind someone eating a chocolate bar, and they just carelessly dropped the wrapper on the floor!
My expression didn't change, but inwardly I was FUMING!
The most important thing i have learnt from someone else on the hub is to never give up. For example when i got a score on a quiz i wasn't happy with, Determined Tree and Willing Flight said it doesn't matter about the score and it's the learning that is the main thing. I think this is important because it gives people confidence, so they don't feel bad about themselves if they got a bad score and if they try again, they will get better. This is an important life lesson too.
I also agree
I have learned a lot in this axis, but the most important thing I learned from someone else is to get and harvest the largest amount of information from different and reliable sources regarding extreme weather and how to prevent it to educate myself then I publish information to people and educate them I think this is important because the more people who get more This information can help reduce extreme weather conditions.
If you want to add something new to the world, start with yourself ....
The most important thing I learned from someone else is how to respect the views of others, I think this is important because it drives me to see things from different points of view, which help me to develop some life skills such as good listening to others as well as some thinking skills, and this is important because I can now Build a good connection with people everywhere face to face or virtual. I think the focus of global conversation is like a huge window that takes me to thousands of minds and ideas, which really enriches my experience and puts me on the right path to being a better human being.
The most important thing l have learnt from someone else on the Hub is that despite the distances between people we are fighting almost the same opinions and mixed feelings in many situations with the exchange of opinions and the sharing of events with others, l have the ability to go out of the ordinary in solving my problems and find creative ideas to confront the events around me .
I think that is important because the participation of others, the opinion makes the person has vigilance in engaging in discussions and expressing unusual stereotypes and becomes self confident and has the ability to depend on himself to face any sudden events around him...
The most important thing i have learnt from someone else in this hub is about the situations happening in other countries. Through this we have seen various comment about other countries and possible ways we can handle the situations and like they say the best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Also i think the world will soon be a better place for all
The most important thing I've learned from the hub is that everybody has different opinions. Every time I read the comments I see a bunch of different comments! And its all what others think.
I start to understand that everybody is unique! We all have different opinions which is fantastic! Its also nice to read all the other comments so you can agree or disagree, reading other people's opinions is really cool.
I just like the fact that you can learn new things from other people's comments! You can also give your opinion on their comment. When I read other comments I just get to see their view from the title. Its just so cool so see everybody posting their comments and a bunch others can see their comment! I also think the BNC team do amazing for this website. I like reading their thoughts on other people's thoughts. Its just like were all just communicating about each other's thoughts and opinions. We all can learn from others, I just like the BNC for learning! Its fantastic because we all have opionons.
caring_crab. Thank you for reading my comment, Stay safe. <3
I have learnt to expand my thinking.somebody named loving bat made a really valid point.We all rely on eachother to survive.think about it.If some place got flooded,but that was where your goods were transported from ,it would affect you as much as it did the flooded country,if not,more.
We have to learn how to look out for our planet.Just a small change can make a big difference.Some people in this world work twice as hard and still there life is not good,some people out there are living in luxury,not moving an inch.remember this
One day this will affect us so we have to make a change fast
If we dont a stop to this our generation wont last
Just remember it soon will be too late
but if we act now,we'll make the future proud.
The most important thing I have learnt from the Hub is how to think outside the box. During the discussions on extreme weather conditions, I leant from the hub about other extreme weather conditions around the world beside those that I am quite familiar with – rainy and dry seasons. I think it is important because I now know of other extreme weather conditions like drought that exist in the world. I have leant about weather conditions that I didn’t even know existed. This platform has made me to know that some weather conditions which are experienced in other places, though similar to that of where I live are quite complex. I am thankful that this platform has increased my knowledge and made learning easier particularly at a time like this when schools are shut down due to COVID-19. It has made me become open minded in my quest to learn.
really its a great chance ti be here .I learned so many important things all about caring fir our planet and what is extereme climate .I never heard in that specific way . I knew my role how ti defend my climate .We are not alone we should care to the animals birds, every creature on earth . In that clear I never ever know before .So thanks a lot for BNC
The most important thing I have learnt since I joined the hub is that as a person you shouldn't be satisfied with the level of knowledge you have . I think this is important because no man is an island of knowledge and can possibly know all. Before my chat on the hub, I don't like to research , I was okay with what I knew but as I began to read peoples points and I realized that research is important. Relating with people outside and with my country has indeed broaden my knowledge about certain things. Right now, I can't come across a new fact or thing without researching.
One of the most important thing I have learnt on the hub is that we should be able to accept constructive criticism. This is important because as growing child our opinion seem to matter a lot to us but that opinion can be condemned elsewhere. As during one of my chat my opinion was strongly opposed by someone, I felt bad but I realized that it is color the best if I really want to learn.
Yh thats true, what you are saying is true I like that idea
In the beginning, I felt bad because my opinion opposes another person, but I think that we must accept constructive criticism because it makes us able to accept the opinions of others and respect their views. For example, in some societies, they cannot accept the views and views of each other because they are different from theirs and do not go along with it. This is a crisis that hinders the growth of Thought which leads to poor progress. As for my society, there is acceptance of the other opinion by the owners of thought, which leads to the expansion of thought and the prosperity of society.
I agree with your opinion ..
The most important thing I have learnt from the hub is that sometimes we have to accommodate other people in our arguments, some people have a funny way of looking at issues but at the end of it all their opinion matters too.. Thanks to burnet news I have acquired that art of thinking open mindedly.....Thank you
yes i agree with all
Can you explain why? It's important to give reasons for your opinion.
In addition to the important things I have learnt on the hub is encouragement , this may look a bit abnormal to say but I have realized that this is important because encouragement goes a long way in boosting someone morale. At first when I began on the hub I didn't really give valid points so could not have any star I felt discouraged but as isaw that some people actually agree with my points I came up all alive again. Encouragement is one of the best things I have learnt on the hub and that I will never forget and as I have been encouraged I promise to encourage someone else's.
One thing that is worth learning on this hub is tolerance. My experience on the hub has broadened my horizon about how to come into terms with people's views and opinions have realized that, no one is reservatory of all knowledge. Everyone has his/her opinions and views on every single issue and I have learned to tolerate each others views and opinions irrespective of how annoyance, irritating and contradictory it might
One of the most important things I have learnt on the hub is to be grateful for what you have because I watched one of the videos that Tom and Olivia put on about extreme weather and it showed you somebody's house that had been destroyed in a wildfire. Although they were sad with there losses, they just carried on going and were happy with each other, and they knew lots of other people were experiencing the same thing as them. I hope you agree,
thanks for reading
the most important thing i have learn't on the hub is friendship. i know you might think this is wierd but it's the truth the past few days i could't get along with my freinds because i didn't know the true meaning of friendship so wee ended up disagreing but when i joined the hub for the first time people started arguing about my questions and answers and encouraged me to do better and i rememberd how i disagreid whith my friends so i wen't and apologised to my friends.
The most important thing I have learnt is to be open-minded and accept people's viewpoints because we live in a big world in which variety is the main trait and on one is perfect so we should listen to others and try to benefit from them
1. The most important thing i have learnt on the hub is extreme weather. I say this because i did not know many thing about extreme weather such as the effects,causes and how they occur but through the hub i have learnt many and also how to take care of myself when such disasters occur and i believe my colleagues in other countries have also learnt many things.
Thanks to the BNC.
2. Also through some posts from my colleagues i have learnt little things the hub didn't mention
The most important thing I have learnt is the love of geography because I used to hate geography at school I considered it a DULL SUBJECT.But no more , thanks to this project , I now changed my mind. I realized that geography provides us with important information about weather changes to take care and save lives
The most important thing I have learnt is knowledge on extreme weather,because in my country we don't EXPERIENCE EXTREME WEATHER HERE, the weather is nice, so it was surprising for me to know what other countries suffer and how people and authorities respond to it
The most important thing I have learnt is there is always hope and to look at things positively,I say that because during covid 19 crises , nature is the only benefited; carbon emissions , pollution,global warming have decreased in industrial cities though I feel sorry for the victims
The most important thing I learned in this topic is that we are able to accept other people's opinions and respect views. This is important because different opinions are the reason for interaction between us and the reason for innovation and building ideas to reach the top.
If our opinions and ideas do not differ, then it has no benefit
The most important thing l have learnt in the hub is that we learn from one another l may be given a certain topic to discuss then l come up with my own ideas and research someone else comes with another idea that is totally diffrent from the view on a certain topic which is the same.Lets not see ourselves as genius if l may say we still need alot of knowledge to understand diffrent topics given. I have realised one thing allovers are learners and we all need more information about diffrent things to expand our thinking capacity let's think big
Have learnt alot of things thanks to the educational foundation.l have learnt that we live in diffrent earth and we experince diffrent things .many people face alot of challenge during the extreme weather events.we get to learn how the extreme weather has been in different places for example in my country l have never experienced Tornadoes maybe another person has experienced it l get to learn from them how it occurred how dangerous it was and so on, It builds my confidence to write books about extreme weather learnt from another person and also acquire wisdom how to handle it when it strikes.
Thanks to the hub lam know a walking book
The most important thing l have learnt in the hub is never underestimate yourself .The little knowledge you may have someone else is really learning from it . I remember well that when l joined the hub l really had shallow comments but the more l comment and research the more l learn more about different people's capability thanks to the hub .
Iam know a different person and l will inspire more and more people in my society that they just need confidence and be ready to learn from one another
I totally agree with you. I discovered that I have thoughts and ideas to express from my mind and not to only say what I am told to say
Exactly that's know is learning and discovering you have the potential
The most important thing I have learnt is the ability to interact with students from other countries talking about global issues ,sharing ideas and expressing opinions. I think because if someone has good communication skills ,then he can make a change in this world
joining this project is a remarkable experience , I could develop my thinking skills , now I could think more broadly , taking nothing for granted , a lot of questions sparkling inside my mind all the time , how come , what for , what if , why not etc , that gives me the chance to explore how teenagers of the world handle global issues like extreme weather , reading their comments , posts is like scanning hundreds of minds and that provides me with important information and makes me seeking the more and the more ( where hurricanes , Fires and floods occur..) . i get to know how people all the over the world response to extreme weather attacks and start thinking if my country is ready to face to deal with that , what could make thing worse and how could make things better , how to take precautions to face extreme weather if that happens
The most important thing I learned from another person on the axis is to be a person with a strong will and determination because nothing is impossible with a strong will
The most important thing I learned at the center is to encourage everyone and that we should be able to accept constructive criticism and express everything inside me and bring out the best.
Initially, I was not very interested in activities at the center, but everyone told me about their importance and implications for developing my abilities for the better.
Before my conversation at the center, I did not like lengthy research and I was satisfied with the skills that I gained in my scientific life, but after my participation, I realized the importance of research and thinking and the pursuit of the best as well as I gained new skills that I was not as good as expressing what was inside me.
Nowadays to find the truth and the right information, it is necessary to search and strive.
The most important thing i have learnt on the hub is that i thought my views and opinions are not respected but now i feel i also have something which can be shown to the world which means it encouraged me. Also it made me learn new things which were beyond my expectation and that can also help to solve problems,the hub also made me do research everyday,and made me increase in knowledge.I want to be good in science and English, and this hub always make me use the dictionary which can improve my vocabulary.As considering extreme weather it made me understand greenhouse gases and it effects on nature.
My experience in joining this hub has truly changed me as a person as it helped me see and understand others’ opinions, views and lives from a different perspective. It has also widened my horizons and allowed me to enrich and enhance my way of thinking and as such, I now thirst for more and more knowledge.
I’m truly thankful for this experience and I hope many others get to take part in it so they too can have their lives changed for the best.
The most important thing i've learned is how to communicate with people from all around the world.
i've learned how to response to others and learned how to explore the world.
I also learn so much more about the topic.
i'm so happy to communicate with other people.
Even though we may not have the same experience, we can still learn together and explore things together
thanks for the hub to make this media to help us learn
I love it! :)
The most important thing I have learned on the hub is to search a lot for information and facts and that we should be able to accept constructive criticism and express everything inside me and bring out the best.
Before my conversation at the center, I did not like lengthy research and I was satisfied with the skills that I gained in my life, but after my participation, I realized the importance of research and thinking and the pursuit of the best as well as I acquired new skills that I was not as good as expressing what was inside me.
Nowadays to find the truth and the right information, it is necessary to search and strive.
The most important thing I have learnt from this project is to take action on the spot ,never be late in time of crisis and hardship ,because this may cause damage and loss.THIS what countries should do to face extreme weather
The most important thing that really surprised me is to realize that nature could be cruel that much in a way that makes people suffer from drought ,fires,floods and hurricanes;because I love nature and I consider it a source of beauty and inspiration since my country doesn't experience that extreme weather
Can we assign human feelings or characteristics (like cruelty or love) to something like weather?
We studied this at school that it is personification. Sometimes things can be cruel or loving but not the same as people. It is meant to do like this not like humans who have ability to think out of their behaviours towards other!
Sometimes we can, like when it is raining it is sad, when it is thunder, it is angry, when it is sunny, it is happy, when it is foggy, it can be nervous,anxious
Good morning
I know that most of the commenters were saying that the most important thing they learned is openness or accepting others etc. I will say the same but in a very different manner that makes it really important to me. The most important thing I've learned in the HUB is that I have to evaluate my thoughts and ideas before writing. My purpose was to gain starts, so I started to evaluate everything I write before sumbitting because I wanted to make sure I am sceptic, open minded, and reasonable. This changed the way I think in everything including my daily chats with my friends. I am now more critical for the sake of getting more knowlege. Finally, what is mean is that these discussions and commnets made me analyse what other people have to say and why did it desreve to take stars, which means why is it of better quality for having more critical thinking skills
One of the most important things that I learned on the axis is the openness of the mind to things that did not occur to the mind in addition to this the openness of the soul that enhances the self and strengthens the personality and increases the person's boldness since the discussion of a person is unknown to me in addition to that from another country and other cultures is considered in itself Adventure
The most important thing I have learnt in this project is the development of my computer skills and my critical thinking skills because as a student I used to do ordinary school homework ,but here with the four skills I now know a lot about these skills and how to apply them in my life
The most important thing I have learned in the website is that there are people out there in other countries I was not familiar with like Kenya and Ghana. They think like us and they have similar issues and sufferings. The name of the project itself " Global Conversation" made me think that we really are under one umbrella in this great globe. I actaully started searching the internt to learn more about these countries. May be one day, I will be able to go and visit one of these countries. My school coordinator keeps telling us " think globally, act locally". I will
I like the saying!
No star? :)
We're starring when we judge the competition!
This is used to be a title of an English lesson about pollution since it is a global concern so ( think global,act local)
It is important that other people on the hub are starting to understand and share the fact 'Climate Change is a natural occurrence'. This means we cannot prevent or stop it. I think it's important that people know this and are starting to share this with other people because we need to get onto one page where we can decide how to reduce the effects of climate change on our environment. People need to know this has happened before and that is why many animals, including the African Antelope, South China Tiger, and the Bramble Cay Melomys, are officially or thought to be extinct. Another reason being is that this situation is current- affecting our world every day- and if we act now, doing the best we can, we could be the saviours to future generations.
The most important thing I have learnt from other people on the hub is that different people have different viewpoints about the same events and ideas. Just because someone does not have the same opinion as you does not make their post any less valid.
I think it’s really important to get to see these different opinions because it is part of developing our open mindedness. By seeing posts from different people, all with different backgrounds and cultures and nationalities, we really get the opportunity to see things in a different way and this can sometimes change our opinions. I’ve really enjoyed having the opportunity to hear people share different ideas, as it’s made me question my own ideas and beliefs and to see the world in a more exciting way.
The most important thing i have learnt from someone else on the hub is that i initially thought that the corona virus was brought about as a result of extreme weather reaction but learnt that is not true and that it is a viral disease which spread from one individual to the other but extreme weather reaction is not so. I also learnt that extreme weather reaction such as hurricane can move across different countries. I have also learnt on the hub that during extreme weather reaction animals are helpless with nothing to do, no where to go and are not capable of solving any problem at hand but humans are able to take care of the problem. I learnt that the wealthy class are able to rebuild their houses while the low or poor class are either rendered homeless or have to live in a small place. Thank you.
I learned from this session about seeing things in an other way and to focus on your words before you advice or ask someone
The most important thing I have learnt in the hub is never stop seeking more knowledge and information. In our Arab tradition, there is a common proverb :" He who says I know it all knows nothing". I thought I had the enough knowledge that gives me the power to debate and discuss, but now I am more confident to say my ideas and opinions with the knowledge that there are so many things yet to learn.
I also learnt that Geography could be really fun! It was the subject that I hated the most at school, but now I know it is not only maps and memorization. I also realised that it is a topic where I can actually contribute to the safety of the world by thinking more critically about everything that happens around us
The most important thing i have learnt from someone else on the Hub is that of extreme weather event.
I think this is important because as a child i have never heard about extreme weather and how it is related to Covid-19 / corona virus pandemic, also how hurricane,earthquakes, heatwaves to name but a few how they started and what are the measures put in place to control them. According to my researches, some are natural disasters and some are caused by human activities.
At first i didn't know how they all started but through this program which requires a lot of research, i have learnt a lot and i really do appreciate the organizers of BNC for this great opportunity given to us children especially me.
Having gone through different ideas brought by other students, so many questions has been answered in one way or the other.
This shows that we all have our own different point of views/ ideas about things happening around us .
This programme therefore has created a positive impact in me as to what has been happening around the world through my constant checking on websites. And has also improved my knowledge on research.
I learned in this axis that we must stick to our dreams despite the circumstances we live in and the difficulties and obstacles that face us. I think this is important because it is not easy to achieve what we dream in life without trouble in the beginning. Before I participated in this axis, I wanted to become a writer, but I live in a place I cannot access any Internet connections or libraries because there are no libraries. Sticking to dreams is the best thing that I learned in this hub and I will never forget it. As I was encouraged to stick to my dream, I promise to encourage people to stick to their dreams.
I learnd many important things from others, but the most important one is a successful person must be open and inquisitive in knowing new information and have morlas,and I think this is important for many reasons including:
1-It helps to explain the opinions of others and this is away to convince their opinions.
2-It helps in the growth of creative thinking and criticism.
3-It makes us realize the importance of the difference between people in creating ,success,creativityand new idea.
4-It provided us with good morlas(cooperation,good lestening,and self -confidence).
5-It changes our vision and way of thinking for the better.
Thank for your reading😊
I learned from this competition that I do not share my thoughts alone but with the whole world I learned constructive and purposeful thinking not only this but also accepted the ideas of others with love I read and benefit from them Thank you to all those who work on this project ♥️♥️
The most important thing I have learned as a student loves to know and understand what is happening on this planet we live on
Since I joined the hub is he
"We must react quickly when any problem occurs to avoid getting out of control and planning more for the future and to develop an emergency plan to avoid damage and look at things closely, to be more positive in helping and dealing with others and working together to face extreme weather conditions, and that any problems facing nature, No matter how tough we can, we can find a safe and perfect solution for Speu by promoting international collaborative work and thinking together
The most important thing I've learned since I joined the hub is that "more books must be read about severe weather to help us distinguish between what is beneficial and harmful in life and helps us to receive and communicate with others and ask questions to specialists to benefit from their experiences and to seek information from more than one source
I also learned to keep my thinking endlessly
And that we must see a lot of evidence to support our ideas
And define the steps to be taken to deal with natural disasters and work to stop them
The most important thing I learned as a student who loves to know and understand what has happened in this planet that we live in since I joined the axis is that "more books must be read about severe weather to help us distinguish between what is beneficial and harmful in life and helps us to receive and communicate with others in asking questions about these The problem I also learned
"We must react quickly when any problem occurs to avoid things getting out of control, planning more for the future, and be more positive in helping others, dealing with them and working together to face the harsh weather conditions, and that any problems facing nature, no matter how difficult, we are able to Find a safe and optimized solution for Speu by promoting international collaborative work and thinking together ...
Apparently, we all have seeds of greatness in us it only needs to be nurtured to a beautiful tree and that is through the hub which is also my encouragement . The hub has honestly helped me to always think outside the (box) apart from speaking out my mind .My regards to the educational foundation because I can talk about extream weather and also write about them. Thank you so much for your encouragement
At first when I joined the hub I was really determined to know what is this . I can say that it was all a perfect timing to join this platform since here at my place we are really really affected by floods and landslides but at least I found a place where I can rely to get nice information on how to handle such conditions especially during this pandemic disease(covid 19) I humbly appreciate the hub for moral support and information. Thank you
There's nothing good like studying and being educated.
Actually have learnt alot of things but the few which has made me become a different person thanks to the hub
The students have made me know that lam also a person with potential.they reply to my comments and many of them agree thanks
There's no better place than the hub where you aquire wits of wisdom
Iam know a walking book of the knowledge about the extreme weather
Thanks to the education foundation you have changed me .
I have learnt alot of things being challenged with another student to think beyond the point .
I have learnt something education that when we study it's not to make us to learn and pass exams but the most important thing is to make us think to think
1.I learned to be as positive as I could in order to attract the attention of others while dealing with them.
2.The most important thing I have learnt from other people on the hub is that different people have different viewpoints about the same events and ideas.
I have learnt something we all live
under the same sky but we don't all have the same horizon .originals always see a bigger picture glad have discovered it in the hub.
Expanding your horizon's means being able to see the greater potential that's around you.
When you expand your horizons your life view will change .you will begin to see things around you differently .l have known that through the hub and other students learn that another thing Dont be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated.you can cross a chasm in two small jumps through the hub l have been able to see the true me Today l have discovered new oceans and l have a courage to lose sight of the shore that's what have learnt from the hub thanks
Thank you
The most important thing I have learned from someone in the Hub is that when researching for information we should make sure to check for the credibility and accuracy of the source . I have learned to understand,reason with and respect other people's comments(particularly through the comments of versatile_molecule) I think it is very important because it makes our contributions on the Hub more meaningful and we learn valuable lessons from each other.
The most important thing I have learnt from interacting with people in this forum is accomodating other persons view is very important it helps you know more about what happens in other parts of the world
I learnt that we should be open minded and also we should be fully equipped with answers from our source to answer the questions of readers that read our posts.
I learnt from a student in another country that emojis can be used as means of communication to warn people of an incoming disaster.
From a tutor, I learnt that WhatsApp has now created emojis related to the covid 19.
I learnt how to express myself and ask questions from others' posts.
I learnt that we should be mindful of the source we get our information from.
I learnt to respect other people's opinions and and try to bring out reasonable questions.
I learnt that we should read through our comments and posts before posting them
With my entry to this site, I learned a lot of things that I think will benefit me in my life, including the different perspectives that approach the opportunity to get right. In my opinion, this is important. Because if we assume that we are in a problem and we need a solution to it and we posit this problem for sure, the different opinions will be, and I believe that this difference is necessary only if we accept and deal wisely with the difference of opinions and in this way we will reach to solve this problem and all parties will come out with agreement without any differences and my opinion is that this is the best solution
This site is one of the most beautiful sites I have ever visited , since I started with the knowledge of English language and I love it , I love to develop myself and to get the largest number of useful information . This site has helped me learn alot of words and skills and to get to know others and make friends
An important thing I have learnt on the hub is that distance is not a barrier to learning. When I joined the hub , I thought it would be difficult because it was my first time of doing this. I think this is important because many people out there think that they can't learn if not in the classroom ,I was one of those who had that mentality not until when I joined the hub. So far I have gained a lot. This stimulated me to join a learning platform and encourage others around my vicinity to do so too.
What do you see ? I will answer that
Unless you try to see beyond what you have already seen ,you will never grow.
I have learnt it in the hub l l'try to look beyond my sitting position it's not a matter of knowing and living it it's a matter of opening up to more information that are educative.
Through the hub have seen the bigger picture of encouragment .
The hub has made know my capabi'ity from another student like me .have learnt we think diffrently and we get something at the end .
I have achieved knowledge and education of sucesss.
Success lies not in achieving what you aim at but in aiming at what you ought to achieve.
Thanks so much for creating such a wonderful conversation site
Thanks again
The most important thing I have learnt from someone on this hub is all about hurricanes. I said this because I studied it and I now know how to stop it. There is a saying that when you want to defeat or stop or tackle something you must first know it before you can defeat or stop or tackle it . So any time a hurricane is about to happen I can stop it. Thanks to this hub now know a lot of this. So I say thanks to BNC for add me. God richly bless you.
The most important thing that I have learnt from someone else on the Hub is: We all have different opinions. Some people might not agree with someone else’s opinion and that doesn’t matter because what matters is that we all respect what other people write. I think this is important because many people have different opinions and that shows that we are all talented in different ways. We should all express our opinions in our own way and this is how we can learn how to think about other things. We all have different opinions about everything like climate change, religions, politicians and a lot more. We should think about writing in different ways to open our mind to other options so our work is the best that we can make it.
This is my first comment in the website, but I scanned the website very thoughtfully. One of the things that I believe is very important is dedicating your time to others even if you become a very famous person. Anita gave some of her time to hear the questions that puzzled young learners. I think one could learn a lot from hearing what other people have to say or ask. This is because every person has a different life with different experience an unique thoughts of his own. I intend to become a teacher of English , so I believe at that time I will give my learners the chance to ask questions and share their own thoughts! This way, I will search more, learn more, and build more confident and speaking out young learners.
The most important thing I have learnt on Burnet News Club is that constructive criticism is very good. If more people learnt to except constructive criticism the world would be so much better. What I have realised is that constructive criticism can really help you improve your work.
Through this project I learned a lot of important information such as dry lands and their negative effects on the environment as well as thinking outside the box. I mean that there must be a comprehensive and varied view on many important topics and that there are many topics that should be important such as bad weather and dry lands. We have learned skills such as engaging in discussions and complementing higher-order thinking and creativity skills, all of which we will benefit from in the future.
The most important thing I ve learnt on the hub is the different veiw points of others in these types of issues for example I may have a very good opinion but my friend may have a totally different answer than us that is very strong and sometimes it makes me surprised on what they think and it just makes me more interested and more engaged in the topic and think how they think and make me sceptic on how i think.
Yours truly methodical_ocean🤔
The most important thing I learned about this topic is that it made me learn about the cultures and conditions of some countries through my reading of the comments. Many of the participants wrote how their countries lived. Some of them wrote about the crises their countries are going through, which made me want to search and get to know these countries in an expanded and more close manner.
The most important thing I've learned about this hub is perseverance. When I participated in this hub I could not get the number of stars that I wanted. I wrote many comments and did not get a star for every comment as I wanted, then I felt I had to leave because my comments were inappropriate and the next day I opened them and I was disappointed and told myself that this is the last time I will open it and I will not repeat it again and when I open it. I saw that I got my first two stars, then I was very happy and started looking for great reviews and writing a lot of comments, and this was a new starting point for me in this hub
The most important thing I've learnt from someone on the hub is from excellent_photograph after they stated the strong similarities between healthcare and extreme weather events. This surprised me and changed how I see things and expanded my knowledge. This surprised me because it is quite worrying that there is plenty of similarities between the people who take care of our health and extreme weather disasters. Some of the similarities I could see was that they have pressure, the NHS and other healthcare services financially while naturally disasters physically. This changed the way I look at the NHS (for my country.) now that it is moreover described as an extreme weather event, I and more people would see how stressed out they are. This expanded my knowledge, because before I didn't know how much similarities there were with extreme weather and healthcare services, but now my knowledge enlarged.
By Memorable_orchard.
the most important thing i have learnt on the hub is that researching does lot more good than harm. when i didnt join the hub i didnt like to do any research but when i came in i could see that a lot of research work should be done so now i dont wait until someone teaches me i do my own research to get what i need.
The most important thing I have learnt is the importance of ENGLISH LANGUAGE .Imagine how easy it is to communicate with people all over the world ,to talk and discuss global issues with them,to be critical and able to distinguish facts and opinions using English which is my second language.Thanks to this project I can think out of the box
The most important thing I learnt from someone in the hub is to search and see their ideas and comment or respond to them and this leads to the work of social relations and a wonderful conversation, including what leads to knowledge and gain experience as well as research and exploration a hard work and diligence to obtain the highest ranks and reserve a wonderful position which imparts enthusiasm in the hearts of students in This wonderful program
And I discuss with you these wonderful details and I think they are important because in my view I think they know people to pay attention and focus and focus in the thing that they do and master the work and educate you to discuss information and exchange views
The most important thing I learned is that we must know the weather conditions because things can happen that we did not expect, cause diseases, and obstacles occur to us that impede our actions, so we must be careful in the climate issue because before this program I did not take the climate issue seriously to this degree, For example:
Sometimes we know the weather is nice and sunny, and we and our friends decide to take a wild walk in the bosom of nature. I love this atmosphere because I enjoy picnics with friends.🌺🌺
The most important thing l learned since l joined the club is the abbreviation of the words, this doesn't seem logical, but l realized that this was important, because when l was making long comments l didn't get any star although l was explaining every thing at the time I was looking at the comments of the other were short and they got star and I also learned to be more open minded because this extends my benefit from my colleagues to develop my idea.
The most important thing I have learnt from someone else in the Hub is that we all need to listen to the others opinions and learn from there experience to understand the topic and the problem and try to figure out what the cause of the problem and find solutions for it,I think this is important because we need to see the topic from different points of view to get more informations and knowledge about it so we can deal with it
The most important thing I learned from the Hub is that when I first participated, I got a star from the first comment, and this encouraged me to continue and write more comments to get more starts. However, I was writing and I didn't get stars and this didn't detract from my determination, and this is because I want to know and meet new people and learn how do boost my self confidence.
The most important thing I have learnt on the Hub is the advantages and disadvantages of some topics affecting the world. I think it is important because some topics will make you think they are negative topics but there are advantages they have. An example of such topics is; "Extreme Weather". You will think it is a negative topic with no advantages because it brings about sufferings. But it also promotes unity and cooperation. It also shows you the behavior of world leaders. It shows you their strengths and weaknesses. For example, according to step 2 of session 2, both governments: the government of Australia and the one of Haiti, were criticized because the people thought the governments didn't do their homework well. Apart from unity, cooperation and behavior, Extreme weather also forces us to bring out our critical thinking abilities. We, as students, can also help just like what Greta Thumberg is doing. This is why I think it is important.