Comments by students of William Tyndale Primary School A | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
marvellous_jabuticaba I agree because... I think this person has used very good language and has good points. What's your reaction? 25/1/24
logical_information i think that shop cashiers will definitely be replaced by robots. I think it would be better... People v robots 25/1/24
involved_bat I agree because teachers may have a possibility to be replaced by AI because of the vast... Jobs of the future 25/1/24
extraordinary_octopus I think that jobs will exist in the future, as they could still educate children as even though... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24
logical_information I believe AI will be better at proof reading because they are coded to be precice and that is... People v robots 25/1/24
modest_snow After arguing about what AI can do, and how it impacts the world, I am indecisive. First I... What's your reaction? 25/1/24
marvellous_jabuticaba I think AI will have a negative impact on our future because criminals could use AI to hack... What's your reaction? 25/1/24
unique_jackfruit I think AI will have a negative impact on human lives because humans are trusting Artificial... Classroom spy! 25/1/24
inventive_currency Curious, because no one can predict the future but we can infer from the present and the past.... What's your reaction? 25/1/24
rhetorical_studio In my lessons we were talking about AI taking over jobs.I thought that although AI is more... Classroom spy! 25/1/24
unique_jackfruit I think AI will have a Negative impact because with the information that humans give AI, it... Classroom spy! 25/1/24
unbiased_argument I agree. It would be strange to see technology fighting along side humans, espesially for... Classroom spy! 25/1/24
extraordinary_octopus AI may be able to do a lot of jobs in the future, Such as thay could take over teachers and... Jobs of the future 25/1/24
involved_bat AI might create a new version of artists both musical and art wise. Becasue AI has a possability... Jobs of the future 25/1/24