Weekly Competition #26
communicative_bird and powerful_robin
It was a tough competition this week! Well done to our double bird win this week: powerful_robin and communicative_bird. We enjoyed their original ideas and good reasons when they explained what might happen if the news was spread. Excellent work!
The European Media Literacy week starts on Monday 18th March. This is when lots of people all over Europe will be brushing up on their skills and learning more about the news. You can find out more about it here.
This week, we'd like you to show how media-minded you are. Can you come up a headline for the latest Brexit news?
Either: one that is realistic and sticks close to the facts of the situation
Or: one that is made up and misleading, that could be called 'fake news'
Then, you need to explain what the consequences would be if your headline was shared a lot. Remember, consequences can be positive and negative.
- My headline is...
- It's supposed to be real/fake.
- If it got shared a lot then...
Winners will be announced on Friday. Good luck!
Comments (84)
Ballistic Brexit stealing our attention
Brexit Causes Chaos
MPs Reject Brexit
My headline is Brexit is a lie!
This is supposed to be real because people lied that NHS would get more money but it is a huge lie!
If it got shared a lot that it is a lie then people would know and we wouldn’t be in this mess that we are in right now.
Britain has left the EU for AU (African Union)
Do you agre what people say?
"No brexit? Therexit!"
It is supposed to be real because reports suggest MPs have told the Prime Minister in phone calls that she has to go as her deal was not voted through.
If this was shared a lot people might agree that she should leave because they aren't happy with how things are going.
I agree with you because lately all people talk about on the street and on the news is brexit and wether we are leaving or not.
Deal or no deal ? Which box will they choose?
I have chosen this headline for the vote that happened last week.
I chose this headline because i don`t know if Brexit is actually leaving the EU (Europe Union)
Will There Ever Be A Brexit?
Its supposed to be real because Theresa May wanted to delay Brexit after her vote did not go through.
We might have some important issues to be focusing on and then Brexit comes in and steals the spotlight. We can’t be letting this happen to us. We sneed to be focusing on our lives. Even though this may be a huge change in our lives, we don’t deserve this. We deserve for this to be over and done with and for Theresa May (and other members of Parliament) to get this deal over and done with. This needs to be dealt with sooner or later. A big part of our lives is being stolen by the votes that these people have chosen. I’m not saying any of your options are wrong. We all have different opinions. You may have thought that this would be the best option for you and your family.
My headline would be: ‘Frustrating fusion escalating throught our towns’. It causes arguments, and it is constantly escalating like a ball of yarn; you never know how long it could be, and how long it could travel.
My headline is that Brexit shows us another vote is needed and that this country might never be at peace. My comment is supposed to be fake and if this comment gets shared on the internet or world wide it will cause arguments between people and it will confuse people ,on the other hand other people may believe it and support it. Also my fake news will cause other people who read it to be angry with me because they might think it is wrong for someone to be sharing news that isn't real and it could hurt other people feelings and what they think about their opinion, which is bad because if someone does feel like this then it's bad because no one should feel like this despite the fact that we have free speech. Also the person may feel like their opinion isn't strong or right when there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to your opinion.
This is fake as you would die and that is impossible to survive.
If this got shared a lot then people would try it and that is life threatening.
My headline is:
Indecisive Brexit Causing Chaos!
It is real and fake at the same time because it isn't really recent news about Brexit but it may some up a little part of it because the MP's can't decide what they think would be best for the country, leave with no deal, just stay... it is chaos.
If my headline got shared... I think people would agree with me because some people agree that we should just stop this and stay; some want a revote and others just want to get it over and done with.
Brexit causes uproar.
My headline is:
Brexit Causing Catastrophic Chaos
I chose this headline because most of the people in the UK want to have another referendum because they think that the vote that involved Brexit is not fair and they want to have another vote and Theresa May failed to try to stop Brexit from taking place and most of the citizens of London are protesting for another vote based on Brexit.
Brexit causing disarray!
BREXT is back !
Theresa's deal or no deal?
I chose to have that header because brexit was in 2016 and we are still in the process now in 2019.
My headline is 'Britain's final thought of Brexit'. I would call it that because people in Britain want to have another referendum but no one knows if there will be anymore and nobody know whether Britain will be leaving the EU. I think it should be a true headline so people should know if there will be a referendum. if it was shared to everyone then i think there will be a big fight because no one knows the answer.
Deal or no deal? That is the question.
Theresa May has an affair with Donald Tusk in order to get a good deal
don´t worry this is fake
if it was shared Britain would not trust Theresa May
Donald Tusk kills Theresa May!
This is fake but if this would be real this would make a big change in Europe and it would make a Europe war
The Donald Tusk deal.
I choose this because Donald Tusk pretty much controls the deal and the time pressure involved in it.
Brexit is a parasite for the EU
It's supposed to be real because they don't want to accept their decision and they are always delaying the date
If this was share lots it could create a civil was in the UK.
Teresa May kills Donald Tusk!
Dont worry, this is fake.
But I dont think in this moment she wouldnt. ;)
Spain spells all the UK nations
This is supposed to be real as the deal Theresa May did has been once again rejected and she has only 11 days left, this means that she has to go and beg Donald Tusk to extend the time limit. If Donald Tusk says that he isn`t going to extend the time limit I`m sure the UK wont go without a deal.
Teresa May marries Donald Tusk
It is supposedb to be fake
If this got share people in England would get mad