#13- Breaking News Reaction - Winners Announced!

09 December 2019

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Winners Announced!

What a brilliant set of entries again! It was particularly hard to pick a winner as so many of you showed careful thinking on this breaking news. Thank you to everyone who took part.

Stars have awarded where entries gave good reasons for the most worthwhile project, as well as the one they were most sceptical about.

Our Primary winner is sensitive_introduction of Lyon's Hall School. Their entry gave a solid case for new satellites and cast doubt on the timeline for the first samples from Mars, bringing in well-researched reasons. Well done!

Our Secondary winner is passionate_dinosaur from Portobello High School. They reflected on the class discussion and brought in a range of reasons within a careful analysis of the usefulness of the ideas. Well done!

This week's competition is inspired by some breaking news from this week!

On Thursday 28th November, the UK Space Agency has announced that its investing £374m per year in the European Space Agency over the next 5 years. This will help develop international space programmes, working together with other governments from Europe and the wider world. This is a 15% increase from last year.

According to a government news article, this will lead to new space missions and new technologies including:

  1. Building the Lunar Gateway, a new space station orbiting the moon
  2. Returning the first samples from Mars
  3. New satellites to help us understand climate change
  4. An early warning system for solar storms
  5. Research in space technology to deliver high-speed mobile technology such as 5G and satellite broadband services around the world
  6. Removing space junk to prevent collisions in space

You can read the full story here.

So this week's competition challenge is: Out out of the 6 developments listed above...

  • Which one will be most worth doing and why?
  • Which one do you feel most sceptical, (or unsure) about and why?

Write your two answers in the comments below

The deadline for entries is 10.30am on Friday 6th December.

Stars are awarded when the competition closes. Good luck!

Comments (144)

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  • returning the samples from mars,
    I chose this one because we can discover more about mars

    1. your post was really straight forward and understanding.

  • and also see if there is any water and if theres water it means life

  • I think that number 6 (removing space junk) is the most worth-it. It means that we then are not littering space like we are doing on Earth. At the moment the situation on Earth has got out of hand. So we may as well clear up the mess in space so we don't have universal problems. I feel unsure about new satellites to help us understand climate change. We can understand a lot of climate change from Earth, and wasting more money on more satellites would be pointless. However, we may as well sort out the problems on Earth. If we went to space then we would be able to understand it a lot more. Nonetheless, I think that we should spend our money on the clear-up of space.

    1. I agree with you accomplished_reality because every time we send up another spacecraft/satellite/shuttle/rocket we are making more space junk.We have already polluted Earth enough now, so lets not pollute space please. I think that the UK space agency should use their money o removing space debris from space.
      Coincidentally, I have written a post on Space Junk. If you are interested on seeing more reasons on why then feel free to read and comment:


  • I think removing space junk is the most worth doing because we can get a clearer view of space and our planet.

    I feel unsure about having an early warning for solar storms because the machine could get destroyed from the storm so we would only have one early solar system warning

  • I think it is a good thing that they are removing space junk because it is polluting outer space so when they send people to space with the space junk it could hit the rocket then it could crash onto earth and it could explode with all of the fuels provided in the rocket.It would be a good thing to build the satellite but they are spending to much money on space technology instead of actually spending on the environment and other things that could help us in the future life.The only good thing about going to space is in a meteor has so much materials that it would really help u sin the future.

    1. How might those materials help us in thefuture?

      1. Because the materials can help us because apparently inside the meteor there is that many materials we could build more hospitals and the space station could get expanded lots

  • I think that we should remove space junk because it is easy to do and if we manage to succeed in reducing space junk, we know that it is possible to do on Earth.I am most skeptical about why we should build new satellites to understand Climate Change because we already know what it is and that we have some solutions that we can start that will help us solve this particular problem.

  • I think we should remove any piece of garbage in space because it might hurt the universe a we might lose the planets/stars we have not discovered.

  • I think that the one that is most worth doing is removing space junk to prevent collisions in space because there is about 500,000 tones of space junk in space and it is not ok. Here are some things that can cause space junk: by us placing satilites in posision, some things that were useful but broken, it could be from China thinking that is was a fantastic idea to shoot a missile straight at a satilite and actually blow it into about thousands of pieces and things that could have flew out of the rocket when astronauts opened their rocket. There is thousands of space junk and we can't let the universe have lot's of junk as well as out Earth.
    Thank you for reading.

  • I think number 6 is the best because I think we pollution because if we don't space pollution might become a big problem so we should remove move it and not have lots of people suffering of going to space. If we succeed on this space will not have any more problems

  • I think number 6 will be worth doing because,if space junk gets in the way of something,it could cause a crash or explosion. I am unsure about this because it could lead to people dying in space. This also means people might stop going to space but that means we can't learn more about outer space. I also think number 3 is worth doing because climate change is something serious. Do you agree with me?

  • New satellites to help us understand climate change.
    I believe that we should put new satellites in space to understand climate change because at the moment we are focusing on the galactic area more than earth. This means that we can discover more of space, while also being able to focus on our area, Earth, and look at how we can make an improvement

  • I think that new satellites to help us understand climate change is most worth doing because what if humans are making climate change happen?What if one day humans will become extinct because of climate change?

  • I think number six is the most worth doing because if we remove the majority of junk in space there may not be any damage done to space. I believe that in space there is a chance that there could be life somewhere but if there is junk everywhere they may not survive and they could get killed for no reason and they could have been extremely rare so it may be impossible to find again. I also think that if a collision happens not only creatures we don't know about will die perhaps new discoveries will be destroyed.

    I believe that samples on Mars are not worth it because if they take away things from Mars they are just destroying Mars

  • I believe they should create more satellites to help us understand how to stop climate change because if we do not do this many years from now this earth may be to scorched from climate to even be inhabited by anything or anyone! I can back up my idea by acording to https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/climate-change-ipcc-environment-paris-agreement-global-warming-a8573811.html it says we have only 12 years to stop climate change.

  • I think that we should have a new satellite for climate change because animals in Antarctica especially polar bears and humans are being effected like the ice in Antarctica is melting and animals a falling into the freezing water.

  • I think ' Removing space junk to prevent collisions in space' is the most worth doing because if we don't remove it, there will be more rocket collisions and more humans will die. This means the amount of our species will decrease rapidly. I feel unsure about ' Building the Lunar Gateway' because we already have a space station gathering information in what's in space.

  • New satellites to help us understand climate change.

    I think that this could work and is the one worth doing. Owing to the fact that Congress ( the American government ) has now said that President Trump’s plan to have NASA return Americans to the moon by 2024. But this time, we shouldn’t just go. They are planning to start some technology that they've been wanting to use for decades: solar satellites. However, I can't help but being a slight bit skeptic about this. This is because on his twitter he has said ''the concept of global warming was created by the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competative.'' But he later said that it was a ''joke''. I think that would be what anyone would do if people gave you so much negative attention on it. He went even further on the topic by humiliating the efforts of Barack Obama. Former US President Obama described climate change as a big threat to the United States and the world, Trump said that it was ''one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard in politics'' So what I'm trying to say, is Donald Trump really 100% up for putting satellites in space to understand climate change? If he wasn't this most probably actually happen in 2024. The concept of solar satellites was invented in 1968 by Peter Glaser, an engineer. These huge lightweight frames are several miles across and they would hold thin panels; they would orbit 22,000 miles above the equator. Because of the Earth’s tilt, satellites in this orbit are never in its shadow. This a very big positive since it means they would be constantly exposed to sunlight, which they would convert into electricity ( this is very similar to solar panels that you might have on your roof ). They would send that electricity safely down to the large antennas on the Earth, anywhere on the planet. Each of these satellites would transmit 3,000 to 15,000 megawatts to the ground. This would be enough to power several cities. Today, 1,000 megawatts will supply 1 million homes with constant power. There has been a lot of thought put into this technology and as I mentioned before it is very similar to solar panels on some of our roofs. I think that this is a good idea because climate change is an ever-increasing problem that affects us all the time. Furthermore, since climate change has been tacking over the media lately, it is only right that we do something as big as this to fulfill everyone's expectations.

    Building the Lunar Gateway.

    ''It is the next giant leap into quicksand,” Zubrin argued during a recent meeting of the Mars Society. “If you wanted to send people to the Moon or Mars, would you take some of your money to build a lunar orbit space station on the way? You would not.'' This is one of the quotes I got from the source I was using. Afterall it would already cost $100 billion to get to the moon and the cost would only increase more if we added a new space station into the mix. $10 billion is only the minimum of how much the gateway would cost, so it would cost so much more. If we added that value it would be $110000000000.00 ( 85316000000.00 pounds ). In 2004, George W. Bush wanted to send humans back to the Moon. NASA engineers responded by coming up with a large, expensive system to accomplish this. However, it was never properly funded. When Barack Obama became president, he canceled the return to the Moon, because it was behind schedule and unaffordable, and the president advised cancellation of Griffin’s large rocket and spacecraft. This wasn't very good though because it would mean that people would be losing jobs. Congress strongly disagreed with Obama. NASA was told to build a big rocket, now redesigned as the Space Launch System. But looking at present-day Donald Trump is now in charge. I believe that he would strongly agree with all of this. Owing to the fact that he's already strongly interested in space and what it has to offer. But he might be interested in the wrong reasons. He has very militant reasons for why he's interested in space: he wants to build a space force as many of us are already aware of. So if we built a Lunar Gateway would he use it for the actual reasons that we need it for? Linking back to what I said at the start about the finance of the gateway if something goes wrong then a lot of that money would go to waste.

    1. i think receiving samples from mars to know if it is safe to visit.

  • people should try to travel to mars

  • voyager2 isa space lanched by nasa in 1977

  • New satellites to help us understand climate change because we all have been causing global warming for 3 years.

  • I am the most sceptical about New satellites to help us understand climate change is the most important one because in a 2018 report from the World Health Organisation, which predicted that between 2030 and 2050, global warming would cause an additional 250,000 deaths per year from heat stress, malnutrition, malaria and diarrhoea. This would be important because the we could save lots of lives and give them the opportunity to explore our beautiful planet. Whilst doing this we could also know about incoming solar solar storms and hazardous disasters which could affect our planet.

  • My most important reason is removing space junk to stop collisions in space. This is because there are 500000 small pieces of rubbish which are known to cause problems in space missions: they collide with rockets and the ISS and can make faults in the system. Consequently, rockets and space stations have to be moved every so often to avoid collisions as it could be fatal for the astronauts on board. And also, if the rubbish manages to get inside of Earth's atmosphere then it could rain down on us causing massive and possibly fatal problems on Earth. For example, it could directly injure humans and other animals if it hits us. It would hurt a lot because of the speed it is travelling at and because it would have gone so fast, it would be very hot. Space junk isn't very nice, visually, either. When viewing from space, it can look horrifying or sickening: horrifying because it makes us realise what humans have done and sickening because it just doesn't look very nice.

    My least important reason would be to deliver 5G mobile connections. While this is very impressive, it isn't necessary as it is mostly the same as 4G, apart from a few almost invisible differences such as better speed and quality. To do this, we would need to send lots more satellites which would eventually just add to the list of unnecessary space junk and, like recently mentioned, would cause huge problems on missions to space. While most teenagers would say otherwise, it isn't even that important for us to have better connections and speed; it is more important to tackle important problems such as climate change, poverty and overpopulation, to name a few. In addition to this, mobile phones can actually be bad from the environment: they release bad toxins into the air and water when burned or deposited into landfill improperly. As you probably know, they are also very bad for your brain if you spend to much time on them and with 5G people are going to be even more glued to their screens, causing their brains to get damaged.

    Information found at https://itstillworks.com/5682797/effects-of-cell-phones-as-an-environmental-hazard

  • If you get new satilites and understand climate change this will be really good

  • Returning the first samples from Mars (in my opinion) must be the most worthy because, in a few years time, we will be travelling to Mars and discover new sceptical, mind-blowing things. There can also be productive things like growing plants on Mars. It is also safe to do this because of Earth getting "crashed" and we can move to a whole new universe/ world.


    At the same time, I feel doubtful and sceptical about returning the fist sample from Mars would be very difficult and would be unlikely to go because of the cost/ the amount of money we have to pay because of all the materials and items also I would be kind of confused how they would do this because they did this a lot and "wasted money" going to different places.
    (But at the same time, we did make many discoveries...)

  • I think that 6 -removing space junk- is most important since space also deserves to be taken care of. As well as the wonderful people on Earth taking care of our planet, we also need MORE people to take care of space. If we don't start taken enough notice of the space junk, there will probably be an uncountable amount of collisions in space, and if that happens, us humans could be harmed too. The thing I'm sceptical about is 1 -building the Lunar Gateway, a new space station orbiting the moon. The reason why I'm doubting this idea is because I think that we have discovered quite a lot of facts about the moon. Even if we are 'eager', let's say, to find more about the moon, why do we need another space station?

  • When I read this im shocked im speechless infact
    I just want to know what will conclude this

  • (edited) Returning samples from Mars. However, what if they have certain materials or acids that could harm us or be unbreathable. But this would help us discover other possible living organisms or other materials that could possibly be helpful for research, samples or creating certain types of machinery that could help our world or space research. It would also help because we could then have more information and be aware of what will be on the surface and air on Mars if we were to go and explore.

  • We need more satellites to help understand climate change. This will help us to understand more about climate change and how we can stop it and save the ozone layer.

  • why I think: Early warning systems for solar storms is worth doing.

    I think this because, when solar storms strike it might end up with something that we don't want. Research says that when solar storms start The red-glowing looped material is plasma, a hot gas comprised of electrically charged hydrogen and helium. The prominence plasma flows along with a tangled and twisted structure of magnetic fields generated by the sun’s internal dynamo. An erupting prominence occurs when such a structure becomes unstable and bursts outward, releasing the plasma. So that means that when it occurs we will be in danger. On the other hand, they usually happens

  • this was meant to be attached to the top one

    when the side of our sun is facing earth. It only happens once in a while. but this can be very useful because when we know it is going to happen people will let everyone know.

  • I think the most important is number 2 because if we're returning samples from mars, we might be able to live on it and I think the least important is number 1 because why do we need a space station orbiting the moon, I think we should make one orbiting mars not the moon.

  • I'm sceptical about the removing space junk because I find it odd how we can think of it as such a problem but not think a lot about it on space missions. I think that we should've thought about this maybe nearer to the time of the Apollo's because NASA was so focused on winning the space race that we completely forgot to think about how the space race actually affected space. I'm not saying that NASA is necessarily bad in my opinion we could've thought about removing space junk a little bit earlier, but there is still time and as long as we take care of space then I'm completely fine with this.

  • I think that removing the space junk is a good idea because it is like plastic pollution on Earth but in space. I am a bit sceptical about the first samples from Mars because I haven't heard about the first samples from Mars on the general news.
    thanks for reading

  • i think number 6 is the most worth doing as it will help us get to space in an e like climate change will hn space.
    I'm unsure about number 3 even though it will help us understand it. the money they use it on can help us for other stuff. The material they use can be used for other things that will be useful
    asier way. If we didn't clear this somethingappen i

  • I think that the one that is more worth doing would actually be to clear the space junk, because it means that their would be less space junk which can harm spaceships ,astronauts and even other planets. Also it will also help the earth because it could also help stop the amount of carbon in the air,which is a big crisis now because it causes global warming which is causing many incidents and problems around the world.

    For example, the increase amount of carbon emission in the air and other substances means that in polar regions like the Artic, it means that the ice caps are melting. This is bad because it means that, animals like polar bears have a limited amount of space to roam and can easily drift of to the sea. Also this means for humans that they have less land to put their house which is bad because it means some people might not have anywhere to live and might die from the freezing temperatures. So if we clear all the space junk it means that it could reduce the amounts of green house gases, which would have a positive impact on the whole world not just places like the Artic, but it will benefit them the most.

    However, the one to me that is the most sceptical, is the one about returning space samples from Mars, this to me I feel that it's not as necessary because there is no point of collecting samples of Mars because we're not going to live their because of it's freezing temperatures, however, some people may disagree with me and and say that collecting samples of Mars is the most important because it means we would be gaining more knowledge about planets around us.

    THANK YOU! ;)

  • I don't think new satellites to understand climate change is worth doing, because we know why climate change happens and what to do to stop it. We know all the reasons why climate change is STILL happening so there is no point building satellites to know 'more' about something we already know about. Do you think this is right?

  • I think that building the Lunar Gateway, orbiting the moon would be most not worth doing because the Lunar Gateway would be a space station and scientists already have space stations orbiting the moon so there is no need for another one.

  • I think the first one because the gate way can cost millions especially the material and the 5th one saying 5G satellite broadband?

  • This is based only on opinion, and I only used fact a few times.

    I think the most beneficial one would be new satellites to help us understand climate change as climate change is the biggest calamity and global issue and it would be one step closer to solving how to stop climate change. The more the better. I think this is a hard choice as I don't think there are many bad points but if I has to choose, I would choose the new space station (the lunar gateway) because it would be a waste of time and money as we already have the international space station and the like and it would be slightly useless. I think that right now, saving life on earth is he first priority and learning about space is second. I have been researching and I have found out that humans natural instinct is to learn stuff, in other words, we enjoy and need to learn. It would be quite hard to stop learning. I think that if we solve climate change by doing all we can would enable us to start to learn again and would give us time to just expand our knowledge.

    This is my view, hope you consider.

  • 2) I believe that removing junk from space to stop collision is the most important as if they were to collide it could hit earth and cause terrible damage to some peoples homes. This might also destroy other planets, which could allow the earth to be closer to the sun and will eventually have conditions that humans won,t be able to live on anymore.
    The one I feel most unsure about is number to as they are certain things that can't survive in other habitats their own such as us humans we can only live on earth, for now. Bringing something from another place , country or plant could be dangerous for humans and animals or even the thing so it would be better to just take picture or examine it in space .

  • I think that new satellites to help climate change is the most important. I think this because climate change is very big, and as we learned in BNC, it can make life for many animals and humans themselves in danger. I also think this because we made this mess, so it is us that need to fix it. When climate change gets too bad, and gets to the point when it is interfering with our regular lives, we might regret not using our space knowledge to help the planet.

    I think that the least important is removing space junk. You might disagree with me, or say that it could destroy our planet, but planets have atmospheres, and ours is strong enough to make any asteroids burn up as it enters. Also, it would cost too much money to build and test the objects that destroy/remove the space junk.

    In reply to best_petal's comment, if the 'space junk' is too strong and big, it might cause a bit of damage to planets, but not a lot. Astroids can cause some damage, but not enough to ruin one so much that humans cant live on it anymore.

  • We should get junk from space because it is rowing space

  • Which one will be most worth doing and why?

    Removing space junk

    Space junk has become a huge problem. Their build up in the Earth’s orbit could endanger future missions to the moon or Mars, which would seriously limit our ability to explore space further. There are currently more than 500,000 pieces of junk floating around Earth’s orbit, including broken satellites, rocket boosters and nuts and bolts, all of which pose a massive threat to astronauts and spacecraft.

    If we want to have more successful space missions in future and continue to explore and learn more about the universe, it is essential that this space junk is removed. This is why I strongly believe that, out of the 6 developments, this is the most worth doing.

    Which one do you feel most sceptical, (or unsure) about and why?

    Returning the first samples from Mars.

    There is Mars sample return mission (The MSR), which would be a spaceflight mission to collect rock and dust samples from Mars and then return them to Earth. It would be a very powerful type of exploration because analysis will be freed from the time, budget and space constrains of spacecraft sensors.
    I think this is a bit of a waste of time and money. We have already looked at these samples and, in my opinion, will not learn essential information about Mars until we actually get to visit the planet. I feel like we should be spending money on preparing to go to Mars rather than worrying about how to get samples back to Earth.

  • I think that number 3, where it states "New satellites to help us understand climate change" is worth doing because climate change is a huge problem and if we learn more about climate change we will be more aware to help avert it from consuming our planet. This will lead us into a brighter future.

    Although a satellite would be good, my research shows it would cost $290 million (https://science.howstuffworks.com/satellite10.htm) which I think could be better spent on fixing climate change as we already know what is wrong.

  • Which one will be most worth doing and why?

    An early warning system for solar storms

    Solar storms are a variety of eruptions of mass and energy from the solar surface. Storms from the Sun do not harm life on Earth, but they do affect the way we live, especially since we rely now so much on modern technology. Space weather can distort radio signals and navigation devices leading to difficulties in communication. It would be really useful to be able to develop an early warning system for solar storms so that we can take steps to minimise disruption here on Earth.

    Our records of the Earth's magnetic field go back as far as the mid-19th Century and suggest an extreme space weather event is likely to occur once every 100 years, although smaller events will happen more frequently. In 1859, the Carrington Event - most extreme solar storm recorded to date - caused telegraph systems to spark and for the northern lights to be spotted as far south as the Bahamas. The next time it happens, the effects are likely to be far more serious as we now rely on technology much more than we did 100 years ago! This is why I believe that this is the most worth development out of the 6.

    Which one do you feel most sceptical, (or unsure) about and why?

    Research in space technology to deliver high-speed mobile technology such as 5G

    Although I think this would be a useful thing as it would speed up communication, compared to the other 5 developments it feels a lot less important. Yes, high-speed technology will make our lives a little easier but I don’t honestly believe it will make a hug amount of difference to my life. We can live without 5G internet surely!

  • Which one will be most worth doing and why?

    New satellites to help us understand climate change.

    At the moment, satellite technology is essential in helping us monitor climate change. Satellite measurements of Earth’s temperature, greenhouse gas emissions, sea levels, atmospheric gases, dwindling ice and forest cover etc are essential for improving the understanding of climate change and predicting the future of the Earth. Climate change is affecting all humans and even our planet itself. If we are able to monitor and understand what is happening, we might be able to turn things around. In my opinion, climate change is one of the biggest and most important issues affecting my generation so if there is a change that these satellites might help in the fight against it and, therefore, in the fight to prolong the life of our planet, I would say it is worth it.

    Which one do you feel most sceptical, (or unsure) about and why?

    The Lunar Gateway:

    The Lunar Gateway is a proposed space station in lunar orbit intended to serve as a solar-powered communications hub, science laboratory and holding area for rovers (like the Mars rover) and other robots that are used in space exploration. The plan is that it will serve as a kind of half way station between Earth, lunar orbit and the moon’s surface, making it a docking port for spacecraft travelling to and from Earth as well as a holding area for spacecraft descending and ascending from the moon.

    I feel like this would be pretty useful for astronauts and might also mean that rovers may be able travel a further distance after they have launched or be more active for longer since there is a half way station at which they can be fixed if any problems occur. However, I’m not really sure how it will improve life here on Earth or, in the grand scheme of things, lead to more successful space exploration. It sounds like a great idea but I’m struggling to imagine how it will actually work or how it will change what we are currently doing and for that reason I am a little sceptical about it.

  • I think that the most important one is number 3 - new satellites to help us understand climate change. I think this because our planet is already in danger from climate change so getting satellites to help understand it, may help us to reduce or even stop it from happening. I think this is important as we need to protect our beautiful planet because if we don't, our planet will get so bad that we will have to habitate on a different planet, it will be very hard to even find one and if we do, we would have to transport everyone on earth to that different planet which will eventually become out of hand and will take ages.

  • I think that the one that is worth it is three: new sattelites to help us understand climate change.

    I have chosen this one because climate change will become a big problem in the future so we need sattelites to look at earth from a different perspective so we can see how fast or slow that it is happening by seeing how earth is changing, but looking at it from space

  • That is very interesting

  • Number three is the most important to me as it will give us a chance to understand when climate will strike and how bad it will be so that could help the animals and us (but mostly the animals).so number three will be the most important out of all of them.

  • I think we should reduce space junk because it is easy to do and the earth will be a lot more healthy and make earth a better place . Thank you for reading this comment

  • I think the most worthy one of doing is sampling mars because as we all know the earth over the years has gradually been adding heat to our atmosphere. Our Earth is already slowly dying but the next generations still have a life worth living. Getting samples from mars could give us knowledge for the future wether we could live on another planet. Mars has an atmosphere similar to our but not identical.
    However the atmosphere on Mars has suddenly vanished and when NASA found rivers and water on Mars (which is not drinkable as it is full of salts) it quickly froze! Although there are still small quantiles of water on the Earths surface (also full of salt). So if more water increasing starts to appear and then suddenly disappear could it happen again?
    If humans could physically change the atmosphere on mars we could move there within a heartbeat! But if we moved to another planet would we ruin it like we are doing with this planet? So is it a good thing or a bad thing to sample things from Mars?

  • I deeply believe we should try and obtain more technology so we can use it as well as we deem necessary such a 5g like if we need to call someone Immediately

  • I definitely think that we should invest more into finding about more about climate change as although we have lots of different planets to have as planet b ,such as mars , it will be extremely dangerous and a big hassle .we should work to save our planet not replace it!

  • New satalies to help us understand climate change

    Climate change
    In tempreturein 1950 was 325 centigrade today it has risen to 425 centigrade this has increased in total by 100 centigrade beetween these years.
    Even though the eath has cooled and haeted since the beging of time it has never done it this rapidily and much of the damage is now irriversible.
    A chart demenstrating the rise and falling temperature can be found on this link

  • My opinion is that China and India are going to have a race in Mars.

  • Which one will be most worth doing and why?

    In my opinion, the development most worth investing money in is the creation of more satellites to understand climate change. The idea behind these satellites is that they will provide us with essential information and data about what’s causing climate change around the world. This is a really worthwhile development because if we know what is causing it, we are more likely to be able to act to prevent it. Climate change is something that is affecting our planet so badly and is something that I am passionate about. If these satellites could help improve something that is getting worse and worse, they are definitely worth investing in. Our world is dying and we need to know why so that we can fix it.

    Which one do you feel most sceptical, (or unsure) about and why?

    I’m not convinced about the idea of the lunar gateway. I had to research what this is as I wasn’t sure and found out that it is a proposed space station, kind of like the ISS, in the lunar orbit. The idea behind the lunar gateway is that it will act as a science laboratory as well as a mid-way docking station between the moon and Earth for robots and rovers. According to scientists, it could be a shortcut to Mars and could also help humans hone their survival skills in deep space in preparation for future space travel.

    This sounds great in principal but I’m not convinced it is that different to what we already have out there.

  • Personally, I think, number 4 is the most important because solar storms could kill people at the speed of light and iff it hits earths atmosphere it could damage the earth and early warnings could really benefit billions of lives. (number 3) why do we have to get warned or informed that climate change is happening when climate change could be prevented by us humans and we could feel the impact of heat?

    Another question is how could the satellites detect it if climate change isn't as big as metorites and is held on earth

  • I feel a most sceptical about reterning the first samples from Mars. My reason as to why I think this is because if we take samples from Mars, we are slowly damaging it. Even though It won't look like it, if we keep taking samples from Mars for quite a few years, we might give it a dent.
    The thing that I think is most vital is removing space junk to prevent collisions in space. My reason for this is because if The Earth had a huge dent in it, then that might damage our atmosphere which is really important to us as it helps us with breathing.

  • I think removing space junk is a great idea because if we don’t we’ll end up with more

  • I think removing space junk is a great idea because we’ll end up with more in the beginning. Do we want that? Space junk is broke satellites and unwanted space things.This could cause some serious collisions. Like for example, if a astronaut is in a Apollo and is going to do some experiments on the Moon, space junk could be floating everywhere and could hit the Apollo as well as the astronaut. Space junk isn’t always a nuisance to astronauts and rockets but how about us? That space junk could come crashing to Earth. It could physically injure a person or a crowd. It could also be a danger to animals. Space junk could end up in the sea.

  • The action that I most support would be developing satellites to help us better understand and help fight climate change, i think this as we need to act on it now, and we will need all the help that we can get, specifically the help of our own space program. on the contrary the one i am most of all sceptical about is the fact that they are thinking of providing more data for phone networks, i am sure that the money for that can be better spent on other things, like cleaning the oceans or fighting cancer.

  • I think that we should discover more about mars.

  • My opinion on the BREAKING NEWS is that the two things we research is number three, new satellites for the fight against climate change or number 2 the returning of robots coming back from mars WITH NEW SAMPLES OF MARS.

  • Solar storms
    I personally think that solar storms may probably be the most important as in July 23 2012 one almost happened

  • I think number 1 is good because if you go to space, you can fuel your ship if your ship ran out of fuel.

  • I think that the third one is the most important because climate change is getting more serious and i think that we should try and make it more safe for humans. The one that i'm the most sceptical about is the one about reasurch about space tecnlogy because i'm worried about if something may go wrong

  • I think that the most worth is sending a satellite to space because everyone has to be aware of whats happing to the world

  • i think that our main focus should be New satellites to help us understand climate change because climate change is a serious matter and we need to make everyone aware of what is happening in our world and for them to take action on it.

  • About the solar storms i think we should try and stop them because it could cause a colision with means that earth could be in danger.

  • i chose number 6 because its the most realistic and envirement healthy I am sceptical about number 1 because it is the most unrealistic of them all

  • i think the main focus should be to return the first samples from mars as we can develop something new and learn more facts about the planet but also building a new satellite to understand climate change as it is a huge opportunity and possibly get everybody to understand how big of a deal it is.


  • My opinion is to get samples from Mars because we could find a cure for a disease ,e.g Cancer, ADHD ,or Anger issues😠🤢🤮

  • I think that we should do the last (the space waste) because it could make collisions which could damage space time continuum which could damage any life form (if there is).Space waste is a serious thing there is more than 8000 junk in space so if we send someone to space to collect the junk it would be helpful for the space time continuum

  • Hello Burnet News Club. I think that new satellites to help us understand climate change is the most worthwhile because the old ones need replacing with new ones. It will help Earth to fix climate change.

  • the materials we find on mars could help mankind

  • i think we should send out a new space station.

  • Returning the samples would be more worth it beacuse it will maybe lead to more things. I am sceptical about removing space junk beacuse i don't see why it will prevent collisions with space 🌑🌕

  • i think removing space junk is a good idea because climate change is a problem and by removing it it could help with this climate change problem. Alternitively an early warning system for if a solar storm is going to happen would be great for the enviorment to know is there is a solar storm.

  • I think that our main focus should be removing space jun that people have left behind because it will prevent rockets to crash when their getting to other planets.

  • Hi news club I think our main focus should be space because lots of people are saying not to go to space because it will be a lot of money wasted on trying to go to space and metors might come I think we should and fight because there is a lot of junk.

  • I think point "3" is the most important because it is killing are planet slowly but surely and it is the most important thing in the news at the moment and we need more help in fixing it otherwise we have abot 30 years left on Earth before it dies due to climate change.

  • In my opinion, I think the most worth doing is the new satellites and discovering more problems on climate change because this could help us and life on this planet to extend our life expectancy like all the factories and pollution in the air. I think that they are all important but the most decisive one is the 5G and satellite broadband services all around the world because the network here is really good and if use more power in space we need more power plants down on earth which equals more pollution and goes straight back to my first point.

  • i think that satellites to understand climate change would be the most worth your while since it is the number 1 issue at the moment

    the one i'm most unsure about is developing 5G because it isn't our most defining or life changing problem at the moment

  • I think that 1 the Luna Gateway is the most helpful option as it can be used in multiple ways. It is able to hold the equipment to detect solar storms, instead of investing all of the money in only a storm detector. Also it will not be as hard to build as we have already developed a similar station(international space station) before. Iam most sceptical about is returning the first samples to mars. Because since when did they find a person on mars who wanted them back? We should keep them to study them, for future missions and not spending more money to send rocks to mars.

  • I think that the one most worth doing is having new satellites to help us understand climate change. I think this because if we understand more about climate change, it could help us save our planet.
    I am sceptical about building a Lunar Gateway because we don't need another space station while we already have a perfectly good one to collect information for us, and there is no point building another one.

  • Personally, I think that the early warning system for solar storms is the most important as that will warn the "marstronauts" to pack up and keep tight.

  • New satellites to help us understand climate change.

    I think that this could work and is the one worth doing. Owing to the fact that Congress ( the American government ) has now said that President Trump’s plan to have NASA return Americans to the moon by 2024. But this time, we shouldn’t just go. They are planning to start some technology that they've been wanting to use for decades: solar satellites. However, I can't help but being a slight bit skeptic about this. This is because on his twitter he has said ''the concept of global warming was created by the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competative.'' But he later said that it was a ''joke''. I think that would be what anyone would do if people gave you so much negative attention on it. He went even further on the topic by humiliating the efforts of Barack Obama. Former US President Obama described climate change as a big threat to the United States and the world, Trump said that it was ''one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard in politics'' So what I'm trying to say, is Donald Trump really 100% up for putting satellites in space to understand climate change? If he wasn't this most probably actually happen in 2024. The concept of solar satellites was invented in 1968 by Peter Glaser, an engineer. These huge lightweight frames are several miles across and they would hold thin panels; they would orbit 22,000 miles above the equator. Because of the Earth’s tilt, satellites in this orbit are never in its shadow. This a very big positive since it means they would be constantly exposed to sunlight, which they would convert into electricity ( this is very similar to solar panels that you might have on your roof ). They would send that electricity safely down to the large antennas on the Earth, anywhere on the planet. Each of these satellites would transmit 3,000 to 15,000 megawatts to the ground. This would be enough to power several cities. Today, 1,000 megawatts will supply 1 million homes with constant power. There has been a lot of thought put into this technology and as I mentioned before it is very similar to solar panels on some of our roofs. I think that this is a good idea because climate change is an ever-increasing problem that affects us all the time. Furthermore, since climate change has been tacking over the media lately, it is only right that we do something as big as this to fulfill everyone's expectations.

    Building the Lunar Gateway.

    ''It is the next giant leap into quicksand,” Zubrin argued during a recent meeting of the Mars Society. “If you wanted to send people to the Moon or Mars, would you take some of your money to build a lunar orbit space station on the way? You would not.'' This is one of the quotes I got from the source I was using. Afterall it would already cost $100 billion to get to the moon and the cost would only increase more if we added a new space station into the mix. $10 billion is only the minimum of how much the gateway would cost, so it would cost so much more. If we added that value it would be $110000000000.00 ( 85316000000.00 pounds ). In 2004, George W. Bush wanted to send humans back to the Moon. NASA engineers responded by coming up with a large, expensive system to accomplish this. However, it was never properly funded. When Barack Obama became president, he canceled the return to the Moon, because it was behind schedule and unaffordable, and the president advised cancellation of Griffin’s large rocket and spacecraft. This wasn't very good though because it would mean that people would be losing jobs. Congress strongly disagreed with Obama. NASA was told to build a big rocket, now redesigned as the Space Launch System. But looking at present-day Donald Trump is now in charge. I believe that he would strongly agree with all of this. Owing to the fact that he's already strongly interested in space and what it has to offer. But he might be interested in the wrong reasons. He has very militant reasons for why he's interested in space: he wants to build a space force as many of us are already aware of. So if we built a Lunar Gateway would he use it for the actual reasons that we need it for? Linking back to what I said at the start about the finance of the gateway if something goes wrong then a lot of that money would go to waste.
    https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/09/nasa-says-its-building-a-gateway-to-the-moon-critics-say-its-just-a-gate/# GIVE ME A STAR PLEASE

  • I think we should get the space waste out of space. Because we do not want space to go the same way as are planet is right know.
    I also think we should also do returning samples from Mars.Because if we are going to make a hotel on mars we need samples.

  • The most worth doing is to make new satellites in space and see what is causing climate change, the reason i think this is the best because instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on sending people to space we could spend the money on brand new working satellites and use the rest of the money to solve climate change.

    I'm most sceptical about an early warning of the solar system because if we have satellites we already have a good view of space so there is no point having both and the satellites have more of a reason to help us, our planet and our solar system.

  • I choose 3 because if we learn more about climate change we will work out how to stop climate change faster without it doing much damage to the planet.

  • I agree whith number 3 because now climate change is getting worse so we need more satalites to see the rate of it getting more and more.

  • I believe that number 3 would be the most worth doing because climate change affects animals on our planet, meaning that if they die out then humans will not have enough protein in their bodies as it cannot be sourced. It is a global problem, and that means that lack of protein could result in serious illnesses, meaning many people would die. Once we have solved climate change using the satellites to help us, then every other thing that was suggested could take place too.
    I am most sceptical about number 5 as high-speed technology is not needed at the present moment. It may be highly used, but it is not a life necessity like minerals that go inside your body. However, it is highly used and could improve life quality for those who enjoy using devices. It could also help develop scientific understanding.

  • my reasons are very important because 1: we should clear space junk because if we do not then earth may be crushed by asteroids and it may keep happening until the earths destruction number 2: is to get samples from mars then we could maybe stop stuff like cancer and ADHD and also anger issuses i also want to know why we need a lunar gate way because we already know lots about the moon so we do not need to know more

  • I think removing space junk is good because if not we will have loads of space collisions and that could impact us very much,its a bit like the plastic rubbish and waste that is happening here. It could also be making loads of damage in the space which could be impacting it alot.

    I feel unsure about the satellites because anything could happen to them and we already know things about the climate change so it doesn't
    make much of a different.

  • I think that we should help to prevent space junk to prevent space collisions because it will be easier for astronauts to explore space. Also it would be better for the planet since the junk could fall on earth. Also if it collids into the planets it could kill hundreds of thousands of people and wipe out the human race .

    However I am also scpetical of space junk as If there is no weather in space, the planets would not be able to crash into each other. There is only two ways that can be possible . One, scientists are lying to us and there is weather in space or when the planets are orbiting around the sun an asteroid crashes into them . And that is not very likely. The only way that could happen is if aliens were plotting against us and had a canon and timed the whole thing to destroy all the planets and crush the people on earth. So if we could help prevent a collision course I think we should .

  • I believe number three - new satellites to help us understand climate change - is the most important. Climate change is a massive issue currently, and soon it will be too late to control. However, I also believe number six is quite important - removing space junk to prevent collisions in space - else a lot of money will be wasted and people may die. I am sceptical about 5G because that is not the most important thing in the world.

  • what i think is that it will effect your mental health and your muscles will get smaller and also what i suggest is you DO NOT go to space because the is a chance of you being dead i want to remove the space junk and space junk is filling up earths atmosphere and this is the worst of all six issue witch means that we can keep ourselves and satellites safe and can also lead to a destruction on earth from falling debris this could even result in loss life! space debris can also result in useful satellites this could prevent from having a safe community.

    I am most sceptical of the new space station (Lunar Gateway) because it is more safer for everything to be safer so we have more less fossil fields burning however this is not that safe we should be grateful we have machines to check if stuff are safe this is not always the case we have to make things better.

  • I think we should do the sixth one: removing space junk. My reason for this is because there is already a lot in space, and because we don't actually really own it, it isn't really nice for us to see us littering in someone's (or something's ) land/space. We already hurt our planet by littering and polluting it with our car fumes and CO2 , we should prevent this from happening to space and other planets.
    I am most sceptical of the satellite which would help us understand climate change. We already know that it's worsening, and the way to stop is to reduce our CO2 emissions, and to cut back our use of single use plastic. Sending a satellite to space is pretty much useless, because we don't really need to know anything more about climate change and that it needs everyone's contribution for it to stop. It might help county leaders realise that climate change is actually happening. But I really don't think it would really benefit us in any way.

  • I think that the best option would be the last one(removing space junk). I think this because why would you need a Lunar Gateway orbiting the Moon? I also agree with the last one because the Earth is anyway having problems with climate change and pollution. Also litter in space from the Lunar Gateway can collide with planets causing damage.
    I am most sceptic about the first idea because why do we need another object floating around in space. Also causing damage everywhere.

  • I think that number 6 ( removing space junk from the Earth's atmosphere ) is a prudent choice . Here are my reasons: if this debris is allowed to build up , it would eventually be vacuumed into our planets orbit and , if nothing was done to prevent this , it would gradually form a matrix of chunks of rock and bits of satellite , rendering our rockets , satellites and unmanned research vessels unable to launch from and land on Earth. This would also affect things like wifi as signals from broadband satellites would be blocked by Earth's veritable shield of space junk. In the long term , things are looking even worse for the human race. The blue planets shroud of rubbish would block out sun light , resulting in a chain reaction of events , starting with plants and crops dying , and ending with the death of humanity.

    I am skeptical about building a second space station. The cost is a big problem; it is estimated that another space station would cost around 150 billion US dollars , which could be spent on a way to save the Earth from it's inevitable downfall due to climate change , or housing homeless people or even donated to help develop a cure for cancer. Another question is , is this worth the risks the astronauts in question be worth it? It is a hazard to get into the Earth's orbit , let alone the moon's. Scientists have found that a long time spent in space results in the degration of muscles. A test has carried out to prove that it is unhealthier in space. A perfectly healthy man went to live for a year on the ISS while his twin brother stayed on Earth. When he got back , it was discovered that his muscles had weakened , his immune system was less efficient and had lost a lot more weight. This proves that too long spent in space can heavily affect your well-being.


  • Building the Lunar Gateway, a new space station orbiting the moon will is idea that i am quite sceptical about.This is because I want to know the development of how it is built.I am also unsure if it might crash and will we need new technology to build it.Also i am quite exited i we can use the station to be able to explore mars in more detail.

  • I'm convinced that statement two and six would be the best choice for the government because our world doesn't know a lot about Mars and having returned samples would be very useful for universal researchers. Space junk needs to be removed to ensure that planetary existence is not jeopardised; whereas my sceptical side would say that statements one, three, four and five are doubtful since we already have a number of artificial satellites, including the International Space Station, why would we need one orbiting the moon? Our current satellites are quite capable of warning us about climate change and potential threats from solar storms. 5G technology is already available in many cities across the United Kingdom, however, it only accelerates present cellular speeds, which is beneficial but not entirely necessary.

    1. I predict that we need a satellite orbiting the moon because there might be aliens or new species on the moon that might help us in the future the dark side of the moon never shows. This could also be linked to Mars if there are aliens (because there are faces on Mars) and there are stories that lead us to a clue...

  • I think option 3 is the most important though I am also sceptical. Tackling climate change is really important but wouldn't sattelites create space junk, one of the problems on our list. Though we need to make sure climate change doesn't control our fates, won't the factory making the machine create lots of fossil fuels which are harmful for the enviroment. We need to find more information to help our Earth.

  • I think we should act on space junk to stop collisions happening because we don't want to be sending people up to space and then junk that is floating around hitting the rocket and because we want to act on climate change.

  • I think Removing space junk is the one I think is the most important one however I am skeptical about is building the Lunar gateway, as we already have the ISS, so we don't need the new space station

  • I do think that statement number 3 is the strongest because climate change is the most important thing and the most urgent issue that we NEED to solve. However, I am also skeptical because number 5 is also really important BUT not as important as climate change. Sure, 5G broadband is really important for people as it would really improve things for businesses. For example, 5G networks
    are needed to provide 'constant connections, minimal lag times, increased bandwidth to access and share data, and the ability to quickly compile and compute data'. (full article here:) https://www.rpc.senate.gov/rpc.www.senate.gov › policy-papers › the-importance-of-5g
    So, because of the urgency of the climate crisis, I choose number 3. The others would have to wait for now.

  • I am most happy about number three because think that climate change is very important (in a bad way) and right now we really need to focus on it because it could cause human life to end. If we use satellites the we can look out for any natural disaster that will happen because of climate change and warn people before it does anything serious. Even though satellites for climate change doesn't actually help anti climate change, it is still something that might wake people up or help many people from terrible disasters.
    The one I most disagree about and am unhappy with is research in space technology to deliver high-speed mobile technology such as 5G and satellite broadband services around the world as I think it is very unnecessary and few people will actually benefit from it. There is really no reason behind this except that humans have decided that they are not patient enough for their internet to work. We already have many satellites to help with this and I think that there is no need for our internet to work faster as we have already spent a LOT of money on technology.

  • I believe the most relevant and useful option is point three because in this time of crisis, satellites for looking deeper into climate change could potentially enable humanity to find more solutions. They could also prepare people for extreme weather conditions in the coming days as well as helping scientists discover more chemicals that are being produced in the Earth's atmosphere. However, it would cost from $50-400 billion just to launch it and up to even $290 billion to construct, including all the equipment. Because of this, we will need to ask the pressing question: How much is climate change worth? This is a difficult prospect because climate change could critically damage our future.

  • I think the most relevant option is point 3 because of the time of crisis, satellites for looking deeper into climate change, could enable humanity and find more solutions. They could also help people be aware of weather conditions. In addition this can help scientists learn about changes and chemical that is in space. However this can be really expensive, such as : £1 billion to 600 billion. In contrast, a question is that, is climate change happening? if yes, then how much of the surrounding is nearly damaged.

  • I think number three, (New satellites to help understand climate change). I believe this as climate change is the most recent and 'need-to-sort-out' problem on Earth as if people are still on Earth when it strikes, they are likely to die from heat which is bad and deadly. Also from succinct_leaves, he said that Climate change will come indestructible (I can't remember the word) in about twelve years so we should sort this out now so we can still live on this planet and people do not have to go buy the force field that will protect you on Mars, (I also can not remember this properly but it was about Mars. When climate change is defeated, there will probably be a different most-important one out of the six, and I think it would be Removing space junk to prevent collisions in space as we do not want to damage are precious planet. I think it will number six, (removing Space junk) when we defeat Climate change as we will not need any more satellites when we defeat it as then poor people do not need to worry about spending huge amounts of money for protection on Mars. I have said our Earth is precious because it is currently the only water that has perfect conditions for life, has an abundance of water, (although ice can be melted on Mars) and animals can live on Earth. I am unsure about building the Lunar gateway as we already have a Space station made by NASA. Why do we need another one? Is there a purpose?

  • Personally, I feel that the idea of the idea of the UK Space Agency creating new technology such as new satellites to help us understand Climate Change better is definitely the most worth doing idea. Since Climate Change is an issue that we are really facing now and honestly needs sorting rather URGENTLY and this clearly so much awarness on it, which proves that we really need to work on it and having a piece of technology made specifically to help our issue of today, otherwise known as Climate change will really be amazing and relly encouraging to people the reason as to why i say that will be encouraging to people is because so many people are fighting for climate change so it will show that what people are doing is actually worthwhile and the people that are trying to make a difference will actually get recognition of themselves and show that they really are making an impact of society and big industries are actually listening to them .

    As musch as all of this may sound amazing is great however, at the same time I am most sceptical about this actual idea the idea of new technology being made in order to give more information, yes of course it will encourage people ike I aid however, at the same time it can be seen s a rather bad thing since perhaps we just need to spread the point that Climate change is an issue and we need to start contributing towards helping it NOW. The only problem of having new technology in order to 'seek new information' can perhaps show to people that we still are unaware about everytging about climate change so just hold on and e will discover more. This whole theory may give the wrong idea to people that we don't need to wory about climate change we will find other ways to sort it out that don't involve humans putting in any input but really humans do need to make a difference and can't rely on the possible research that the UK space agency will make to provide full help and support. However, the I dea of such a big company investing its oney into climate change can show to soviety the real audacity of Climate change how it really needs helping since vast amounts of money will be put towards helping and referringto the issue.

  • I think number 6) because I think space junk is dangerous because say a rocket went in to space
    and it hit a screwdriver it could get stuck or the jet engine could get jammed. That’s
    why you have to be carful with space junk.

  • to remove space junk to prevent collisions in space, because the more junk in space there will be an increasing number of collisions causing more problems. Space collisions can cause planets to be turned into disintegrated pieces of rubble. If it had the same effect on earth all lifeforms could be destroyed.

  • and I think getting samples from mars is very crucial as there is no knowing what lays beyond the outskirts of mars. Time will only tell as humans would develop special tech to overcome this obstacle. The government must also fund for the materials they are using

  • Personally I feel that the idea of the UK Space Agency helping us understand Climate Change better is definitely the most worth doing idea. Since Climate Change is an issue that we are really facing now and honestly needs sorting rather URGENTLY and there is clearly so much awarness on it, which proves that we really need to work on it and having a piece of technology made specifically to help our issue of today, otherwise known as Climate change will really be amazing and really encouraging to people. The reason as to why I say that it will be encouraging to people is because so many people are fighting for climate change so it will show that what people are doing is actually worthwhile and the people that are trying to make a difference will actually get recognition of themselves and show that they really are making an impact on society and big industries are actually listening to them .

    As musch as all of this may sound amazing is great however, at the same time I am most sceptical about this actual idea the idea of new technology being made in order to give more information. Yes of course it will encourage people like I said however, at the same time it can be seen as a rather bad thing since perhaps we just need to spread the point that Climate change is an issue and we need to start contributing towards and helping it NOW. The only problem of having new technology in order to 'seek new information' is that it can perhaps show to people that we still are unaware about everything about climate change so the message about Climate change could eventually become: just hold on and we will discover more. This whole theory may give the wrong idea to people that we don't need to wory about climate change we will find other ways to sort it out that we don't need to involve humans in the sense that putting in any input is irrelevant for the time being but really humans do need to make a difference and can't rely on the possible research that the UK space agency will make to provide full help and support in terms of climate change. However, the idea of such a big company investing its money into climate change can show to soviety the real audacity of Climate change how it really needs helping since vast amounts of money will be put towards helping and referring to the issue.

    So as you can tell, I am rather sceptical about the idea of new satellites becoming a new piece of technology in order to seek and find out more information about Climate Change. At the same time though I do think that it is one of the most worthwhile ideas.

  • After reading all six of the six points thoroughly, I have decided that I am mostly in favour of Point Three and Point Six which mainly summarises the fact that the British should build a satellite to comprehend Climate Change more and also who there should be a mission on clearing the Space junk to avoid deathly collisions. Additionally, I am most sceptical of Point 1 which covers the topic to add a Lunar Gateway to help the Earth orbit the Moon.To begin with, I am going to start by talking about the two views I believe are the most right. Point 3 is about building a satellite to understand Climate Change better. As many people one of the most discussed topics across the globe is Climate Change. If this satellite is successful the protests in London with Extinction Rebellion will start to calm and we can make the world a better place to live in. The greenhouse gases being released into the Earth's atmosphere are causing great harm to humans. If it doesn't stop now I don't know when it will. Many magnificent people such as Greta Thunberg are fighting for what they need and I agree with them but we can't stay like this forever: There needs to be a change. Point 6 is about clearing Space junk. I think this is correct because there have been deathly accidents in the past before like the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster which occurred in 2003 when the spacecraft disintegrated while reentering the Earth's atmosphere. The Space junk can damage rockets which cost a lot of money to repair.On the other hand, I am going to explain why I am sceptical of building the Lunar Gateway (a Space Station used to orbit the Moon. What is the point of having a space station to orbit the Moon when we have set foot on the Moon. If is to make new discoveries, I think it is possible for mankind to simply take the discovery by hand. I do not believe there is any use in the UK spending so much money on this space station when we can be using this precious money on trying to find a way for a human being to reach Mars.This was my entry for the competition. Do you disagree with me? If so, tell me by commenting below

  • ‘New satellites to help us understand climate change’ is definitely the most worthy of all options for this moment in time. Climate change is already happening, the world so far is either in a blaze, drought or in a flood, and millions of people have already been displaced worldwide and it’s set to get worse. How much of a catastrophe we wish to mitigate will be down to how much action our government wishes to take. Nothing is more important than fixing this problem; not even going to Mars. Because of the limited time frame we have, it means we may not even have a healthy Earth or the will to launch any rockets within the next decade or so. And, then, it will only be a lucky few who will care about space exploration. Besides, if we don’t tackle the climate crisis now, the cost will be even greater and then all national budgets around the world will be eaten away by saving the planet.

    I’m skeptical about ‘Returning the first samples from Mars’. Even though I appreciate the scientific value of it all, I feel that, pursuing the other technologies has far greater benefits for Earth and for its inhabitants and therefore should be placed lower down in its importance. Plans have already been made to launch the MSR Mars rover in July 2020 which will be the first part of a series of unmanned missions and the return flight will contain 30 Mars rocks back to Earth in 2031. Nevertheless, I still think, for the foreseeable future, incredible challenges of fighting the climate crisis could divert budgets away from non-humanitarian projects such as this, so it still can be halted. Supposing that, the full mission was to go ahead, but the ever increasing space debris wasn’t tackled first and cleared, then this could hamper the return flight in 2031. The UN have recently warned us that the climate crisis is close to the ‘point of no return’. So, the forecast looks bleak and, if more and more people are affected by the climate crisis, then there may be very little public support for this kind of exploration. No matter how you see it, to discover whether life ever exists on Mars from these rocks will not save planet Earth.

  • I believe that the most important proposed development is the proposed solar storm warning system, as our ozone layer is wearing away (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/ozone-depletion/) and this will be useful to help us grow more aware of how to protect ourselves, and our planet. This proposed system will also help us learn and study weather patterns that were previously unknown to us, and let us grow more developed as a species.

    The development that I am most sceptical about is the Lunar Gateway. The ISS is already being retired as it drains NASA's budget (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj5QK4_CJ5I) and though I am aware that once it is, NASA will have more money to research and develop newer and more technology (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-2bq8VABp4&t=57s), the Lunar Gateway seems as though it will be just as expensive as the ISS, retaining the issues that the ISS had, causing its retirement. The only that NASA could truly develop all of these proposed ideas, such as the Lunar Gateway, into physical being, is if their budget is expanded.

  • Re-thinking my first comment I realise that building a new satellite to help us better understand climate change, may not be the best use to our funding after all. The reason I am saying this is because we should already be able to understand climate change already and should not be wasting more time, effort and money on it. Instead I propose that the best idea would be to build an early warning system for solar storms. I say this because if one does come to pass then it would be useful to know in case there is anyone in the trajectory of it, or if there is a project going on that we could delay because of it. the main reason i have changed my mind is because I do not want to risk any further casualties in space, just because we did not fund the machine that could detect deadly solar storms.

  • I think number 6 -removing space junk-as we need to be doing more to help space .We are taking care of space but we can not just leave it now . We have started so why not finish the job. As much as we are helping take care of space there are still many collisions we can not prevent because of space junk .

  • OK NO MORE ROCKETS INTO SPACE it is heating up the _______ earth👿

    1. Out of the 6 developments, I believe that the first development is not the most worth while because we already know all about the moon by sending astronauts onto the moon, and by studying it through telescopes etc. Also, we already have lots of satellites in space.
      Also, I think that number 2 is the most worth while to spend money on because it will be easier to research Mars rather than waiting to launch and land. If I could, I would go to the Lunar Space Station and argue with them until they decide to spend £374M to collect important samples of Mars to get important info like we did when we discovered the moon.

  • 3. New satellites to help us understand climate change. I think this because climate change is ruining our planet and making new rockets aren’t going to help that unless they are definitely going to guarantee a successful and useful find.

  • I think that the 5th development is the most important because if people are in danger and they have not got 5G it could risk multiple lives. It is important that all people no matter where they are, are able to contact services or access information.

    I think that the least important development is the 1st because we have already had multiple people go to the moon and around it so why don't we discover other planets in our solo system.

  • I think number 3 because we are trying to save our. planet from climate change and it will help us understand more about climate change if we have a satellites https://climate.nasa.gov/nasa_science/missions/?page=0&per_page=40&order=title+asc&search= people have been marching and the police made it illegal More than 1,400 people have been arrested during eight days of XR action, with the threat that anyone defying police orders would be detained. But people are worrying about Brexit. If we use satellites it might really help climate change and get Parliament on our side.

  • I think number 6 (removing space junk) is the most important because according to NASA there is over 500,000 pieces of space junk orbiting the earth (futurism.com/500000-pieces-space-junk-orbiting-earth-get-rid/) which is a massive amount of expensive materials which not only could be reused but save a large amount of money, a space rocket on average costs $60,000,000 (£45,606,000) (www.quora.com/How-much-does-it-cost-to-build-a-space-rocket).
    Not only would it save money to take space junk out of orbit but it would also reduce collisions between space junk and rockets which would save money on crashed rockets.

  • Out of the 6 developments ,I believe that the sixth development is the most important one because it will save space junk running into the space station and sending a piece of the space station (like a meteor) crashing into earth and destroying the earth! Obviously trhis could save life on Earth.

    However, the one I am most unsure about, is building a new space station because there are already a number of space stations in space and I feel that all this money is best spent on life here on Earth, if we already have satellites up there.

  • I think that we should get rid of space junk (or space debris) because the cost of a rocket is roughly £45,631,500 (60 million dollars) (https://www.quora.com/How-much-does-it-cost-to-build-a-space-rocket)
    And if we launched a rocket into space we would be wasting a very large amount of money just go get wasted by something preventable.

    As of 5 July 2016, the United States Strategic Command tracked a total of 17,852 artificial objects in orbit above the Earth, However this is only including objects which are big enough to track, If you count objects that are 1-10cm you would have roughly 900,000 pieces of debris in space (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_debris)

    I think the benefit of spending money to do this would make a huge impact because it would save lots of money by preventing further collisions of rockets and space debris.

  • i think that removing space junk to prevent collisions in space is most important because collision in space could damage the earth and space its self . If broken machines were to be floating around in space ,clashing together it could effect it when people go to space it would be very dangerous .If satalites in space were to crash into rockets it would not be able to carry out the mission and that would be wasting money when you could use the money to build other things to save the planet .i am most sceptical about returning the first samples from Mars because it would be a chiped off bit of a planet and bould just come off and float around in space creating more space junk.

  • Out of the 6 developments, I think most important is 'New satellites to help us understand climate change' because we need to know about if our planet is safe. We need to know more about our planet more than we do about outer space, because this is where we live and where we want to live for many more years to come.
    I think the least important is 'Building the Lunar Gateway' because we already know more about the moon than we do about climate change. We need to concentrate to what is most important and vital to us now!

  • I think number 3 because they are trying to save our planet so as young people we won’t have to move to Mars. If you would want to see if they have started researching about the plan look at this website: https://climate.nasa.gov/nasa_science/missions/?page=0&per_page=40&order=title+asc&search= . People are starting to march down the streets globally now because of these kinds of results. However, police have made the marches illegal. More than 1,400 people have been arrested during eight days of XR action, with the threat that anyone defying police orders would be detained. The only reason it has come to this is because they really only want to be heard. Parliament is just worried about Brexit. Using satellites will help us prove to Political parties (Labour, Conservative & Lib Dems) what is happening to our planet so they can’t argue. I know it would cost us a lot of money but it is worth it. For Our Planet

    The one I do not agree with they should try and get high speed mobile technology or 5G of data from space. I mean what is wrong with 4G.

  • we need to explore further because of this
    .we need to collect more materials to save the world

  • I think the most important one in my opinion 2q

  • I think out of all the 6 developments, most of them are far-fetched with the current limits of what we can do with science and technology. Although, the one about satellites to help us understand climate change seems very possible, and worth it since our planet is in havoc with the climate and already NASA has SMAP which is a satellite that can map the climate on Earth, deliver flood and drought warnings and even estimate which region of the globe has more CO2 or methane. Development 1 speaks of a space station orbiting the moon, this seems in the distance even if we have built the ISS and MIR space station, as it would take billions or even trillions of pounds to launch each section of it to the moon. We could be trapped on Earth by space junk, I know this scenario seems very unreal, but studies now show that each time we discard a satellite or rocket part into the orbit of Earth, it gets trapped and then more and more objects are discarded, eventually trapping us on Earth. This links in to development 6 which says in the future we could make robotic devices to clear up the space junk surrounding the low Earth orbit. This seems a little too ‘out there’ as cleaning up space junk region by region is just not going to do much overall, as the Earth is colossal compared to us and what we can currently do. We need to stop discarding junk in the Earth’s orbit in the first place because cleaning up space junk will not be even in the littlest bit be effective if we carry on doing that.

  • In my opinion I think the most important one is 'removing space junk to revent collision in space' because if there is to much space junk the beautiful Solar System will then become the rubbish Solar System and man won't be able to discover things and will cover up all the amazing, pretty things which will not help and I think 'building the Lunar Gateway, a new space station orbiting the moon' is not helpful because if we stop orbiting the Sun we will not have any daylight or warmth because the moon rises at night and that means we will always have night and if we don't have any sunlight we will have no nature so that means trees will start dying which then means we will have no paper or oxygen and without oxygen, there is a possibilty of dying and I don't think man would like Earth and move to the furthest one of the moon but the closest to the Sun which will be very hard as there are so many people living in Earth so It might happen but it would be a misery so that should not happen.

  • Which one will be most worth doing and why?

    I think the project that will be worth doing is the New satellites to help us understand climate change. I am of the opinion that many people do not believe or have not even heard of climate change and the impact that it has on our environment and our future. However, with the new satellites it may help us understand the implications of climate change more clearly can help us recognise how some of our actions are having a negative impact. It may give us insight on what is happening to our world when we turn on the engine of a car or cut down a tree before it becomes more of a dilemma in the future. The impact of Climate Change on our planet is growing as time progresses and is fast taking its toll on our habitat.

    Which one do you feel most sceptical, (or unsure) about and why?

    I am most sceptical about number 2. Returning the first samples from Mars because the first Mars One cargo mission to Mars was proposed to launch by 2022 .This was followed by a mission with 4 astronauts in 2024 but was never accomplished due to not enough funds, hardware and a launcher. I am not fully convinced by this project as they have made plans to commence the project but never successfully launched it in the past and may be forgotten as time progresses.

  • I think we should make more satellites for climate change. The reason why I chose this if the satellites are able to send the pictures of the rubbish we are causing on earth, then we won’t have home at all! If we don’t stop now we will see the consequences.

    Thanks for reading 😆

  • I'm sceptical about 1. because if we create a Lunar gateway i believe it would be a waste of money and that money can be used for many other things eg; cleaner streets, homeless shelters, old homes, schools and flats/houses. NASA has already used $22.8 billion USD on space this year alone and it also will increase the amount of pollution in the air by the vehicles that take the astronauts into space. Also all the materiel that they use ( aerospace grade aluminum and titanium ) will use heat to be formed which is burning fossil fuels which causes more pollution and that leads to global warming and is bad for the environment.
    Thank you for reading.
    - active_sheep -

  • In my opinion, I feel most sceptical about 1, installing a lunar space station that will orbit the moon. I think this is pointless because firstly, we'd be sending another thing into orbit, which would probably leave debris roaming in Space. Already, the ISS consumes 120,000 watts of electricity, so we'd be doubling it if we created a new space station.

    The one I feel that would be worth using our resources on, is number 4, an early warning for solar storms. When a solar storm erupts, it would severely harm a satellite with charged particles and would make the amount of damaging the spacecraft's surface more common. This could damage our research ad may alter the final results.

    Thank you for reading.

  • I think that research to understand climate change is the monst important. I think this because we, with our own time and money, made things to scares climate change, so I think that we should all work together to stop it. This is a small but efficient way to understand some parts of it. I think that the least important is removing space junk to prevent collisions. You may disagree with me, and say that it could cause damage to lots of other planets, but I don’t predict that any space junk will destroy our planet as one person has said. Yes we have put things into space and have not received them back, but climate change is different. Climate change could damage our planet permenantly, space junk could not.
    Thank you for reading this,

  • We discussed this as a class. We feel a particularly worthwhile project would be investing in an early warning system for solar storms. Solar storms are when large amounts of energy are released onto the surface of the sun, which causes large amounts of electromagnetic radiation. The energy released from a single solar storm can be more powerful than one million nuclear bombs going off at the same time! The particles from a solar storm can reach earth in just a few minutes. We think it’s important to tackle this because solar storms can damage electronic components in satellites. They can affect radio signals, power systems, heating and it weakens our protective magnetic bubble, the ozone layer. This therefore is related to climate change, as further damage to the ozone layer will undermine other efforts to tackle the climate emergency. At this time of year, there can be more than one solar storm a week.
    We are also very interested in the initiative to remove space junk. This would be really worthwhile. Countries spend so much money on space exploration rather than investing in communities on earth. This is even more irresponsible if they abandon junk in space. The current climate situation on earth is bad, partly because no-one anticipated it was going to be a problem and recklessly disposed of unwanted stuff. This has ruined our oceans. Yet now, we are dumping waste in space. Have we learned nothing? We are conscious of the need to sort our own planet out first however, and we are worried about the potential costs involved in clearing up the galaxy.
    Our commitment to climate change meant that we were also interested in the project to develop satellites. Climate change will affect everyone, but space exploration won’t. Satellites will help us monitor where the greatest need is, and inform investment. Earth problems could be solved by space exploration, which would be a nice compromise and address concerns about the scale of expenditure on space technologies. We have been impressed by what we found out about the use of satellite technology to improve agriculture in Africa.
    Andrea Leadsom has said she feels connectivity is important. We agree that connectivity is important. If you are older and can’t afford a good internet connection. This can leave you isolated. A great, 5G connection would help you to connect with others and feel less alone. Everyone should have the opportunity to get online. Not everyone on earth can access 4G, so 5G would widen access to everyone on the planet, which is more fair and could reduce inequality. We love Snapchat and everyone should have the chance to use it!

  • I think that the best option is to do the stilted to understand climate change because it will help us know more about it and then there is more of a chance that we could save the planet or at least cut down the bad things that are happening. I think that the one that is not worth wile is removing space junk because it could make discoveries a lot harder when that are already really hard. It is also very unlikely that it will ever happen!