#35 - Skills for success
15 May 2020Well done to everyone who entered this week - so many fantastic entries!
Our first winner this week is brilliant_blackberry of Noel Park Primary School, England, who gave a detailed explanation which weighed-up the skills against each other to come to their conclusion.
Our second winner is co-operative_ocean of Archdeacon Crowther Memorial Girls School, Nigeria, who studied the different aspects of a journalists job and gave thoughtful judgments based on this.
Congratulations to both of you!
In the Burnet News Club, we help you to develop many skills and we focus on four in particular.

This week's competition asks - which of these skills is most important for a journalist and why?
Think carefully about what's needed most when reporting the news and and take part in the poll below. THEN, comment below to give your reasons.
There's no one right answer -we're looking for well-developed reasons which explain the relevance of the skills you are using to investigating and sharing news.
The deadline for entries is 1.30pm (UK time) on Friday 15th May.
Comments (180)
Scepticism is an important skill to have as a journalist as you need to ask question to find out what is true .There is a lot of fake news and if you go with the first thing you hear it might not be true so asking question to find out the truth would be the perfect thing to do . You need to question about news you hear you can not just accept what you hear without questioning . You need to have a curious side to you so you want to find out more.
Scepticism to find the truth so as to avoid rumors and be specific to the point
I learned a lot of skills from the program, including: success skills
These skills are divided into four branches: Skill Skill, Logic Skill, Speaking Skill, and Open Skill
These skills worked to develop the skills and experiences that helped increase my knowledge of the English language and how to speak it and deal with its rules
I think all these skills are important to journalist because :.
1. ( Scepticism) ' [ Questioning information to find the truth ] : to avoid spreading fake information .
2. ( Reasoning) ' [ justifying a viewpoint ] : to be logical in addressing the subjects and be able to convince people .
3. (Speaking up) ' [ confidently communicating a viewpoint ] : so that they would be able to deliver the idea and convince people with it .
4. ( Open-mindedness) '[ listening to others viewpoints ] : so that they take the topic multiple point of views and be objective
How can all the skill be important because to I know in every competition there is a winner,when you're comparing two things the heaviest, strongest etc. What I am trying to imply is that all the skills can not be the most important skills all at the same time. There should be one that is most important skill. Even the say question say which
From my point of view, one of the skills that can distinguish a journalist from others is the skill of suspicion or skepticism, as a successful journalist puts all options in front of him subject to doubt so that you can reach the truth
According to me,I think scepticism is the most important... This is because the first obligation of a journalist is the truth...this is the journalist's loyalty to the citizens....journalism cannot always guarantee truth, but getting the facts right is the cardinal principle of a journalist. Research need to be made in order to decide what is vital and relevant for reporting.
I believe that the scepticism is probably the most important skill a journalist needs as it helps a journalist to keep on questioning which makes him look at things from different views which means he or she would have to inculcate open mindedness and after looking at these different points of view he or she would have to reason critically which incorporates reasoning and he also has to be able to speak up so as to voice out his or her opinions. Therefore to me i think sceptism is the most essential as it activates all the other skills you need.
Its scepticism because if the journalist does not question to find the truth he or she cannot say for the public to know and if he or she doesn't ask something important for all to know will be kept unknown. This usually result to insult because one doesn't know and it is important because people share wrong information so if they are sceptical it will help stop wrong information from being shared.
I think it should be open-mindedness-Listening to other viewpoints.Journalists understand the importance of knowing the audience,and that can help them solve their issues.This is also the way they work out which answers are relevant to listeners,readers and viewers.They may have to research and add it up.The reason for me saying that they should listen to other viewpoints is that,some small ideas are more useful than some ideas from well known scientist and specialist, as the saying goes two heads are better than one,so i think if journalist listen to other viewpoints it will help them find the truth.
All of the following skills are very important to the journalist, but I think that the reasoning skill is the most that must be found in journalists because we are in an era called the era of rumors, so this world is more in search of credibility and evidence sufficient to believe what is said or happening in the world and after watching some serials and films from multiple cultures I found Everyone criticizes the press for not knowing enough the facts or seeing the issue from one side or from a completely different side from the truth. The press may use this method to conceal the facts or promote false rumors, and that is under the threat of the government or a specific category of organizations or temptation. This is very similar to the reality in the world, so people search for the full facts to believe and convince them and be more informed about this issue in all its aspects and facts and to unify the views and justification of the views presented on the issue and its interpretation and clarification of the world is the most important skills for the journalist and there are other important skills also not Mentioned are: passion, training and continuous development.
I just chose scepticism-questioning information to find the truth. I chose this because now at the news you'll see that the journalists are connected to the people through phones. So they ask several questions about children, coronavirus, humans and others. They ask other people some information to find the truth. If they find the truth they will announce to people about the case, accident or something like that.
It is 54 percent.
Scepticism__ I choose this as the most important skill for journalist because his work is to inform the audience about what has happened earlier without their knowledge.He must dig deep the cause of something and why it happened.Step by step inform the audience the truth of why things are the way they are.
open mindness
As a journalist you need to question the information given in order to find the truth because the information given is very important to many people who needs to know the truth . For example if a journalist or a news anchor right now gives wrong information about corona virus many people worldwide will be into it because they have entrusted journalist to give them facts and not assumptions .Journalist therefore are expected to be transparent and sincere . Thank you
I think reasoning is the most important for a journalist because when you are interviewing people and they are explaining something, you might want to see more about it so they have made a point but maybe their explanation isn't that strong so you have to tell he or she to reason her point. Also when your working for a newspaper and you want to put in an article about an event, you have to not just talk about the event but justify that it actually happened. Its also like politicians where they make suggestions but they also bed to justify because a point by itself won't stand up. It needs to be a point and a reason.
Those are the reasons I think reasoning is the most important skill for a journalist
Thank you, precious_heart
Reasoning (justification a point of view)
Reasoning is the generation or evaluation of claims in relation to their supporting arguments and evidence. The ability to reason has a fundamental impact on one's ability to learn from new information and experiences because reasoning skills determine how people comprehend, evaluate, and accept claims and arguments. Reasoning skills are also crucial for being able to generate and maintain viewpoints or beliefs that are coherent with, and justified by, relevant knowledge. There are two general kinds of reasoning that involve claims and evidence: formal and informal.
Formal Reasoning
Formal reasoning is used to evaluate the form of an argument, and to examine the logical relationships between conclusions and their supporting assertions. Arguments are determined to be either valid or invalid based solely on whether their conclusions necessarily follow from their explicitly stated premises or assertions. That is, if the supporting assertions are true, must the conclusion also be true? If so, then the argument is considered valid and the truth of the conclusion can be directly determined by establishing the truth of the supporting assertions. If not, then the argument is considered invalid, and the truth of the assertions is insufficient (or even irrelevant) for establishing the truth of the conclusion. Formal reasoning is often studied in the context of categorical syllogisms or "if-then" conditional proofs. Syllogisms contain two assertions and a conclusion. An example of a logically valid syllogism is: All dogs are animals; all poodles are dogs; therefore poodles are animals. A slight change to one of the premises will create the invalid syllogism: All dogs are animals; some dogs are poodles; therefore all poodles are animals. This argument form is invalid because it cannot be determined with certainty that the conclusion is true, even if the premises are true. The second premise does not require that all poodles are dogs. Thus, there may be some poodles who are not dogs and, by extension, some poodles who are not animals. This argument is invalid despite the fact that an accurate knowledge of dogs, poodles, and animals confirms that both the premises and the conclusion are true statements. This validity-truth incongruence highlights the important point that the conceptual content of an argument or the real-world truth of the premises and conclusion are irrelevant to the logic of the argument form.
A number of books and review articles provide comprehensive discussions of these theories and their relative merits; one example is Human Reasoning: The Psychology of Deduction by Jonathan Evans, Stephen New stead, and Ruth Byrne.
A number of theorists have suggested that debate between students with opposing views could foster the basic skills needed for informal reasoning. Debates could give students practice in having to consider opposing viewpoints and having to coordinate evidence and counterevidence in support of a claim.
There is only preliminary data about how and when informal reasoning skills develop. There is preliminary support that the development of reasoning takes a leap forward during the preadolescent years. These findings are consistent with Piagetian assumptions about the development of concrete operational thinking, in other words, thinking that involves the mental manipulation (e.g., combination, transformation) of objects represented in memory.
The inconsistent application of informal reasoning skills could have multiple causes. Some theorists suggest that reasoning skills are domain specific and depend heavily on the amount of domain knowledge a person possesses.
Please give your own words rather than copying and pasting from the internet. These will not be considered for the competition.
Thinking is the age or assessment of cases comparable to their supporting contentions and proof. The capacity to reason fundamentally affects one's capacity to gain from new data and encounters since thinking aptitudes decide how individuals appreciate, assess, and acknowledge cases and contentions. Thinking abilities are additionally significant for having the option to produce and keep up perspectives or convictions that are sound with, and supported by, applicable information. There are two general sorts of thinking that include claims and proof: formal and casual.
Formal thinking is utilized to assess the type of a contention, and to analyze the consistent connections among ends and their supporting declarations. Contentions are resolved to be either substantially or invalid dependent on whether their decisions essentially follow from their expressly expressed premises or declarations. That is, if the supporting statements are valid, must the end additionally be valid? Assuming this is the case, at that point the contention is viewed as substantial and reality of the end can be legitimately controlled by building up the reality of the supporting declarations. In the event that not, at that point the contention is viewed as invalid, and reality of the declarations is lacking (or even superfluous) for building up reality of the end. Formal thinking is frequently concentrated with regards to straight out arguments or "assuming at that point" restrictive evidences. Arguments contain two declarations and an end. A case of a sensibly substantial logic is: All canines are creatures; all poodles are hounds; in this way poodles are creatures. A slight change to one of the premises will make the invalid logic: All mutts are creatures; a few pooches are poodles; in this way all poodles are creatures. This contention structure is invalid since it can't be resolved with conviction that the end is valid, regardless of whether the premises are valid. The subsequent reason doesn't necessitate that all poodles are hounds. Therefore, there might be a few poodles who are not hounds and, by expansion, a few poodles who are not creatures. This contention is invalid in spite of the way that a precise information on canines, poodles, and creatures affirms that both the premises and the end are genuine explanations. This legitimacy truth incongruence features the significant point that the applied substance of a contention or this present reality truth of the premises and end are insignificant to the rationale of the contention structure.
Various books and audit articles give extensive conversations of these speculations and their relative benefits; one model is Human Reasoning: The Psychology of Deduction by Jonathan Evans, Stephen New stead, and Ruth Byrne.
Various scholars have recommended that banter between understudies with contradicting perspectives could cultivate the essential abilities required for casual thinking. Discussions could give understudies practice in thinking about restricting perspectives and organizing proof and counterevidence on the side of a case.
There is just primer information about how and when casual thinking aptitudes create. There is starter bolster that the advancement of thinking takes a jump forward during the preadolescent years. These discoveries are steady with Piagetian presumptions about the advancement of cement operational deduction, as it were, feeling that includes the psychological control (e.g., blend, change) of items spoke to in memory.
Thankk you for researching but please give your own opinion rather than one taken from an internet site. These will not be considered for the competition.
I want why shouldn't we research for all the can help us to back our up. So let's say on this hub no one is to search for anything, how we be able to under the thing better . I know you will say yes we can research but we read we should write what we learnt but he or she has to do that let's say a person is writing about scepticism he need to research so he will get more information even you may not know that the info the person is bringing some of the teachers and students don't know so person's comment could give us small information to help our Post and comment. I hope from you will understand it situation from my point of view.
Thank you.
Research is essential to check our understanding, fact-check information and find out different perspectives. If you want to share a bit of research you should tell everyone where you found it and use quotation marks if you copy any text directly. This is so that others can check the information themselves and it also respects the author of the information.
On the Hub, we're most interested in the opinions you have developed after researching or doing some hard thinking. So most things you write should be your own ideas which have developed from research or reading other Hub posts and comments.
In our everyday lives,we come into contact with situations that are to be solved using intelligent skills.everyday you get out from your house,you carry the weight of the nation on your shoulders.for a good journalist,he or she has to develop a skill called scepticism because anyone who has the scepticism skill know how to ask questions and is successful in finding out the truth for various occurrences.imagine an accident occurred right now,a good journalist will have to ask visited people on their channel to find out how it happened and who is responsible for the accident.if the journalist doesn't have such skill,that journalist will always spread the false information?
A journalist should be a sceptical person who would be in a position to present the truth and facts to the people. He/she should not be a yellow journalist who researches the facts and write with personal opinion. So a a trait that a journalist should portray is scepticism.
A journalist needs to have all these skills but for me, the most important one that makes from a journalist a brilliant one is open-mindedness because people with an open mind are distinguished by intellectual curiosity, creativity and unleashed imagination, and they have a passion for literature and an insatiable appetite for music, books and other cultural fruits, and their opinions and political orientations are liberal.
According to theorists in the field of personality study, an open mindset reflects "the broadness of perception, the breadth of the horizon and greater depth", and a tendency to "cognitive exploration" of abstract information (such as ideas and discussions) and sensory information (such as scenes and sounds). In other words, people with an open mind have the ability to interact with multiple ideas, patterns and perspectives that require a space in the mind. Information has a special appeal in their minds.
The most important skill that a journalist can get from this hub is the skill of researching on things and giving the right information.This is because to be a good journalist you need to research on things and giving the people the right and correct information to the people.
The reason why i chose speaking up skill as an important skill of a journalist is that as trained observers,writers,and editors,journalist not only know what readers want,but should also know how to execute it in the sense that they should be able to communicate confidently the facts they have gathered to the public
if you want to succeed in being a good journalist, you have to communicate your message clearly and succinctly or your entire strategy can fall flat. Thank you.
Journalists need scepticism skill because they question information for the truth.
Yes some of us agree with you but we all want to know the reason why you said it is scepticism maybe for all it may be open mindedness. So please I hope you will be able to explain you answer.
A good journalist should be trust_worthy,he should not manipulate news for his own benefit.He should be ready to interrogate people in order to get the right information and prevent the spread of fake news.He should be bold enough to stand in public to speak and he should be patient enough till he get's the right information; he should stand on the truth no matter what it cost and he should have a good command of English language.
Best to use 'they' as journalists aren't always male!
Yes I agree with you because journalist are not always males. Even to me I know journalist comprises of a lot of females. Even if you search for journalist around the world you will see that there will be a lot of females than males.
The first test I got 5/8.
Second test 5/10.
Third test 6/8.
Fourth test 14/15.
Fifth test 8/20.
I'm really proud of myself and the test was really fun. There were some other tests which didn't show the percentages. There was some test which asked about the hub and I just didn't get one but I got 14/15.
Well done!
it is my first time to do this challenge, but journalists need the skill called spectism.
Have a go at explaining why they need that skill.
That's right, I agree with you
Thanks for your support witty_frog. Spectism is the most important skill for the journalists.
In addition to what is written above, a good journalist must have INTEGRITY .This is because he must have the audience trust in order to succeed ;he must be accurate and reliable to the public.He should never compromise his trust no matter the situation. Secondly,COURAGE: He must be able to interrogate people boldly and carefully,put aside his personal feelings when a call for duty arises and be able to travel far and wide to get full detailed news.And lastly,GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS: He should have strong communication skills.He should sound convincing when reporting news in order for the people to believe him.
I choose scepticism because questioning information to find the truth is the main point of a news.
I can't choose (reasoning )justifying a view point can't be the most important skills because the point you wish to justify might be a false or untrue.
I also can't choose( speaking up) confidently communicating a view point because you speak up , you ought to verify that the information is correct or true so far you are in the field of journalism .
I can't choose (open mindedness) listening to others viewpoints just like burnet news club is listening to our viewpoints so as to get a accurate information through questioning to find the truth ,but after applying open mindedness ,I still need to verify the information as a good journalist .
Besides if we all look at these skills, they are steps to get an accurate information as a good journalist.
1.(open mindedness ) we first listen to others viewpoints and 2.( scepticism )
Questioning information to find the truth and 3.( reasoning)justifyi
I am sorry there is a mistake in open mindedness I meant to say listening to others viewspoints ,I know it is very important to listen to other view points just like burnet news club is listening to ours .I did not mean it like that ,I know it is kind of rude ,I am deeply sorry.
3.(reasoning) justifying a viewpoint.then the final step.4(speaking up) confidently communicating a view point.
Scepticism is the most important skill I think a journalist should potray due to the fact that the work of a journalist is to gather information to be dispatched . Information is said to be power and only valid information is power because wrong information been dispatched is not information at all before one can reason or speak up on a particular it must be genuine.one of the reasons why society is always in the dark is because of wrong information that has been dispatched to them and that is one of the reasons I know that scepticism is the best characteristic a journalist should have.
My question to Anita Ganeri among all this extreme weather which is bearable?
In my opinion, the most important skill for a successful journalist is to find the truth ...Because it is the primary goal of the press and everyone is interested in knowing the truth about the events that are going on around us.
It is necessary to spread awareness to people....Knowledge illuminates minds.
So thanks Burnet News Club👍
Democracy leads to a free press ... and a free press helps to find the truth .... and the truth always evolute societies and civilization other than the countries that suffer from dictatorship.
As we see, the lack of democracy has negatively affected some countries, such as Syria and North Korea
A journalist should be a sceptical person who would be in a position to present the truth and facts to the people. He/she should not be a yellow journalist who researches the facts and write with personal opinion. So a a trait that a journalist should portray is scepticism.
I chose scepticism because the journalist isn't really allowed to give his or her opinion. The journalist's job is to report news, not give his or her opinion. And if you don't ask questions how do you expect the interviewee to tell you everything he or she knows.
I think that if I were a journalist, the most important skill I would need is Reasoning. This is because when reporting someone or the news,you'd have to ask why they chose the answer that they gave so you can file a good report or reason why you think tat what you are saying is true. But, I also think that Open-mindedness is a good skill to have because listening to the person you are interviewing will help them understand what they are trying to say. Reporting the news will need good reasoning when reporting your case and your opinion because the more information you have, the more likely people are to believe what you are saying is true.
Sceptism (questioning information to find the truth) is very important in journalism because as a journalist you are intend to be the mouth piece of the of the vulnerables or the less privileged. It's the duty of a journalist to inform the public with correct fact, with so doing, important question is to be asked to get accurate fact or truth to feed or inform the nation.
As a journalist stories you write are meant to provide true fact to readers about issues or news going on in the world today, they are meant to be truthful, unbiased and informative.
Journalist write stories for their readers to tell them what is going on, to inform them, engage them, entertain them, shock them, amuse them, disturb them and uplift them.
Specially gathering information through interviews and asking the right questions to educate the nation as a whole.
In conclusion I sceptism (questioning information to find the truth is very important in journalism.
I would like to choose scepticism as the most important skill required for a journalist.
According to Albert Einstein, blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth. Also, Carl Sagan once said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
The sceptical attitude is the basic navigational tool through a media-saturated society. This is why citizen journalists and hopefully other journalists too are sceptics. Scepticism is open to possibilities and ask questions. It seeks evidence and where that is not available, it looks to the past and to current knowledge to make deductions about what is likely true.
The skill which is important for a journalist is scepticism truth.
My reason is stated below:
Firstly,A journalist is a person who collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information to the public.The reputation or job of a journalist lies in his/her editions or information. A journalist should have the skill of questioning information in other to write the truth.A journalist may have other skills but the most important is scepticism truth.With this reason I surely believe I have been able to convince you and not to confuse you that scepticism truth is the most important skill for a journalist
To be a successful journalist, this requires you to be a tactful, cultured person who is interested in his looks, fluent in negotiation skills and creative presentation of his ideas as well as leadership .
Every journalist must possess the passion that makes him interested in excellence and must master the standards of the profession and must understand that it is “true only” and that the key to a journalist’s success is the quality of his presentation to the public and his professionalism and professionalism and must master photography and master the use of a professional camera or even a mobile camera
The most important skill needed when reporting the news is scepticism. Good journalism is about making sure that what is being reported is nothing but the truth. This can only be done when the journalist takes pains to find the truthfulness of his/her news item. A lot of inquiries and questionings have to be made on what he/she wants to report. Through this, he/she becomes well informed and be certain that what he/she is putting across is worthy for public consumption. Using scepticism effectively brings to bear the skill of speaking up because you confidently communicate the news, knowing very well it is devoid of lies which has the tendency creating unnecessary fear and panic and false hope. You also lose your credibility as a journalist if people doubt the news you report or share no matter how open-minded you might be or how well you try to justify your point. This proves it beyond doubt that scepticism is the most important skill needed in our news reporting.
Open-Mindedness is the eagerness to look effectively for proof against one's supported convictions, plans, or objectives, and to weigh such proof reasonably when it is accessible.
Being Open-Mindedness doesn't infer that one is uncertain, tentative, or unequipped for intuition for one's self. Subsequent to thinking about different other options, a receptive individual can take a firm remain on a position and act appropriately.
Something contrary to Open-Mindedness is what is known as the myside inclination which alludes to the unavoidable propensity to look for prove and assess proof such that favors your underlying convictions. The vast majority show myside predisposition, yet some are more one-sided than others.
Advantages of Open-Mindedness
Research recommends the accompanying advantages of liberality:
• Open-Minded, psychologically complex people are less influenced by particular occasions and are increasingly impervious to recommendation and control.
• Open-disapproved of people are better ready to foresee how others will carry on and are less inclined to projection.
• Open-minded of people will in general score better on trial of general subjective capacity like the SAT or an IQ test. (Obviously we don't realize in the case of being receptive makes one more astute or the other way around.)
Liberality as a "Restorative Virtue"
Social and intellectual clinicians have noted far reaching blunders in judgment/thinking to which we are on the whole defenseless. So as to be liberal, we need to neutralize these essential propensities, driving ideals ethicists to call receptiveness a restorative prudence.
Notwithstanding the myside inclination portrayed above, here are three other psychological propensities that neutralize liberal reasoning:
1) Selective Exposure
We keep up our convictions by specifically presenting ourselves to data that we definitely know is probably going to help those convictions. Nonconformists will in general read liberal papers, and Conservatives will in general read traditionalist papers.
2) Primacy Effects
The proof that starts things out issues more than proof introduced later. Preliminary legal advisors are exceptionally mindful of this marvel. When hearers structure a conviction, that conviction gets impervious to counterevidence.
3) Polarization
We will in general be less reproachful of proof that bolsters our convictions than proof that opposes our convictions. In an intriguing analysis that exhibits this wonder Anchor, specialists gave people blended proof on the adequacy of the death penalty on lessening wrongdoing. Despite the fact that the proof on the two sides of the issue was consummately adjusted, people got more grounded in their underlying situation possibly in support of the death penalty. They evaluated proof that bolstered their underlying conviction as all the more persuading, and they discovered imperfections all the more effectively in the proof that countered their underlying convictions.
What Encourages Open-Mindedness?
Research recommends that individuals are bound to be receptive when they are not under time tension. (Our gut responses aren't generally the most precise.)
People are bound to be liberal when they accept they are settling on a significant choice. (This is the point at which we begin making arrangements of advantages and disadvantages, looking for the viewpoints of others, and so forth.)
Some exploration proposes that the manner by which a thought is introduced can influence how liberal somebody is while thinking about it. For instance, a commonplace technique for evaluating liberality in the research center is to request that a member list contentions on the two sides of a confused issue (e.g., capital punishment, premature birth, creature testing). What regularly happens is that people can list undeniably more contentions on their supported side. Be that as it may, on the off chance that the specialist, at that point urges the member to think of more contentions on the rival side, a great many people can do as such without an excess of trouble. It appears that people have these counter-contentions put away in memory yet they don't draw on them when initially inquired.
1. Select a sincerely charged, easy to refute subject (e.g., fetus removal, supplication in school, human services change, the present war in Iraq) and take the contrary side from your own. Compose five legitimate motivations to help this view. (While composing Catherine's thought, I had my very own related one: If you are preservationist in your political convictions, tune in to Al Frankin's radio show; on the off chance that you are liberal, tune in to Rush Limbaugh! While you are tuning in, attempt to maintain a strategic distance from the psychological mistake of polarization portrayed previously.)
3. Remember when you were wronged by somebody previously. Create three conceivable reasons why this individual unintentionally or deliberately wronged you.
Having a open mind permits anybody to completely get a handle on the truth of a circumstance. As a journalist, having inclined conclusions may murder your piece as an extremist methodology prompts a one-sided and critical viewpoint
If you speak up every chance you get, dominating everything to from the department budget meeting to the planning session for the holiday party, your colleagues may end up thinking that you're overbearing -- or that you just like to hear yourself talk.
1.Practice: Like anything, practice makes perfect when it comes to speaking up -- especially if you're shy.
2. Get to the point: When you speak at meetings, concentrate on making your point as succinctly as possible. This will help your message come across clearly and will help you avoid the title of "company blowhard."
3. Belly breathe: Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, but you don't have to let it show. Abdominal breathing will make you sound confident by giving strength to your voice.
4. Pay attention to your body language: "I know it sounds obvious, but if you're hunched over, or speaking softly, it's unlikely people are going to take what you say seriously.
top tips for in-meeting body language:
* Sit up and forward
* Keep your hands on the table (We trust people when we can see their hands)
* Lean in
* Smile
* Make eye contact with everyone around the table
5. Learn from others: A great way to figure out how to become an effective speaker is by watching those who do it well. Pay attention to colleagues who seem to captivate their audience, and what it is that makes them so poignant.
Scepticism: It is important to a journalist to be sceptical so as to collect true information about something or someone , because most of the time articles written are wrong information and this may end up losing market and at the same time it destroy people's reputation.
A journalist's main duty is to ensure that any news provided is reliable and true in order to prevent the spread of fake news and the harm of innocent people due to the propagation of such news. This particular duty of a journalist is compromised when he or she is too gullible and believes news that is not true. The journalist as a person requires a variety of skills for various reasons:
* open-mindedness: This skill comes into play when the journalist is in the process of making inquiries about a subject or question. A journalist has to hear from various sources and match the various stories to get the facts together in order to actually get a story. (matching stories to get facts is a feature of skepticism.)
*Reasoning: this involves the journalist justifying the various viewpoints he receives in the process of his inquiries to ensure that they are feasible. ( in the process of justifying various viewpoints, questions must be asked; which is one of the traits of skepticism).
*speaking up: This involves the journalist communicating what he has obtained from his research confidently to the public either orally or in written form. ( without skepticism, whatever the journalist publishes cannot be deemed reliable)
without much thinking, it is easy to conclude that skepticism is a key part of all the other skills required for the job of a journalist. Therefore I strongly believe that skepticism is indeed the most important skill a journalist should posses to prevent the spread of fake or unreliable news.
excellent_photograph(^ ^)
In my opinion, there are many skills that journalist needs to possess in his field of work and to make him eligible to be a professional and successful journalist in their work.
And it is worth saying that one skill does not work without the other, he has to collect them and apply them together, because he needs a mix that will help him in innovation and creativity in his field.
1. Passion and love for work, this causes the journalist to be sincere in his work and to work without getting tired or bored. This also pushes him to master the standards of the profession, this is a very necessary thing.
2.Dealing with the issued radiation by checking its source and whether it is
A reliable source, either. No, so he has to confirm any news. Because if the information received is not confirmed, problems will arise, and people will also pass it on and the incident will become accidental. Measuring the speed of the spread of the rumor among his citizens. "
3.Openness, as it accepts new trends, adapts to them and prepares to take on new experiences without hesitation.
In addition to journalistic and professional sense, public relations, responsibility and public culture.
These are the most prominent qualities of a successful or professional journalist, but there is an academic aspect that contributes greatly to shaping the journalist's style and advancing his ideas.
Thanks for reading❤❤
Suspicion and questioning of information to find the truth are the most important becouse the journalist's job is to break the truth in the first place so he's called the fourth authority
I think that open mindess is important because if you don't listen to others you may get the something that is not true, or it may take a long time to find the answer. You never know maybe if you have an open mind you may have the right answer quicker and easier since your listening to other people. This is my opinion and I totally agree with the other options but I had to choose one.
I think that justifying a viewpoint, especially yours is really important because I think it is the base of all the other skills. For example, once you have justified your viewpoint it allows other people to share their viewpoints which enables you to listen to other's viewpoint ( Open-mindedness), this also enables you to confidently communicate about a viewpoint ( Speaking up) and also, gathering up all the viewpoints that were discussed it enables you to have a lot of theories and questions about the truth (Sceptecim) because a lot of viewpoints can sometimes change your original thought. This suggests that a journalist would really need reasoning skills because it helps the other skills flow in nicely.
The most important skill for a journalist is scepticism Because a journalist is someone who has a lot of insect and over flows with sentences that end with question marks, l agree with what Peter Clarke said from Poynter that the journalist works better as resources for the book because the skill asking questions helps the journalist to refine the topic and save time to make the reader interested in the topic or the point of view presented and thus the journalist is placed in challenge for the reader to echo his point of view, because l believe that the reader in the time of satellite TV and internet floats in the sea of information and the reader thirsts for topics with a smooth context and deep meaning, therefore the journalist must harness the skill of asking questions to reach the facts because it's the cornerstone of Oz skills required of a successful journalist.
When I was young, I dreamed of becoming a journalist for me,the important skill a journalist must have is credibility because on the basis of which the facts are built or rumors spread but when I grew up and understood the suffering o that threatens the life of the journalist and that goes beyond families or killing ☹ and whose direct cause is telling the truth and not forgery in it oh how disappointed when I was grew up I forgot the press and I lost my dream sending my message to the international organizations and saying save the press🙏🙏
This is a very strong message dynamic_language. Freedom (and safety) of the press is something we take for granted in the UK, but you point out that journalism can be a dangerous job in many places around the world.
i concern with the Reasoning point of view for the justification of the news or any event related with journalist or newspaper agency.so here I explain the detail of reasoning with some arguments.
Reasoning point of view:
Scholastic composing expects essayists to make claims and bolster them utilizing proof of some sort. At the point when journalists utilize great thinking, it is designated "relevant." As you will see, cogency alludes to unmistakable qualities of contentions. Talked about in detail underneath are the three explicit qualities of good contentions.
Three Characteristics of Good Arguments
A relevant contention has three attributes, as indicated by Kahane and Cavender (1998):
1. Every one of its premises are valid. The premise(s), the purposes behind tolerating the conclusion(s), must be valid – or, at any rate, reasonable – all together for the contention to be pertinent.
2. It thinks about all significant data. Great contentions additionally consider all data prone to be significant. This thought incorporates tending to counter-contentions and issues with both the premises and the end.
3. It is coherently legitimate. Legitimacy, characterized freely, implies that the premises do, truth be told, give peruses motivation to acknowledge the end the author advances.
A Good Argument and a Bad Argument
Think about the accompanying two contentions. The main contention shows great thinking and the second exhibits fraudulent thinking.
1. On the off chance that it is coming down, at that point the ground is wet.
2. It is pouring.
3. Subsequently, the ground is wet.
Good and bad reasoning
An argument is good if it succeeds logically (that’s what we learnt last week) and if the premises are true. Otherwise, it’s bad.
we will be able to evaluate arguments as being good or bad. In particular, we will help you to:
Create and use counter examples to show that arguments are invalid or weak.
Identify irrelevant premises.
Distinguish between sound and cogent arguments.
Evaluate arguments as being good or bad.
We welcome your research but please use more of your own opinion rather than take things from the internet. It's important that competition entries are your own, and if you do use your research, use it more sparingly and only in "quotation marks".
Firstly, a journalist is someone who writes, collects or distributes news or other current information to the public.
Now all these work done by a journalist starts from somewhere and that is speaking up-confidently communicating a viewpoint, I say so because a journalist has to be confident in whatever he does and also has to communicate a view point. In communicating a view point the journalist carries out his job in distributing news and other current information.
The basic function of journalists are among other things, to inform, educate and create awareness. The four main skills that the Burnet News Club seeks to develop in young children are necessary tools for journalists in their job. But I think scepticism is the skill that stands tall and is crucial in journalism. Being sceptical as a journalist is the best weapon that ensures accurate, objective and fair reportage. Making thorough enquiry to ascertain the truth or otherwise of an issue prevents fear, panic and unnecessary tension among the consuming public. Reporting inaccurate news and being bias in one's reporting can lead to war as it once happened in Rwanda. Being sceptical as a journalist brings reliability and dependency. It also helps to report confidently and authoritatively. This is because you look at the same coin on both sides or from different perspectives. Being sceptical allows journalists to delve deep into an issue before reporting. So in the nutshell when a journalist develops the skill of scepticism it can indirectly or unknowingly develop the other skills that the Burnet News Club tries to develop since they are interconnected with scepticism at the forefront.
Spticism &speaking up
Because the journalist's ability to use the skill of speaking up with confidence and Wonderful style attracts the attention of the viewers especially if he uses the skill of septicism during it because this skill put many questions and suspicions in the mind of the viewers and attract him to continue in newsletter following .
We often when we browse news sites, attract us headlines and words that send suspicison and many questions within us . regardless the content of these sites ,we note that has many views because the journalists applied the skill of Spticism during applied skill of speaking up .
All these skills are important for a journalist and have a link. Firstly a journalist must be open minded person which is a good listener. They pay rapt attention to what someone else is saying and check to make sure they understand their point of view for a journalist to be open minded means he or she is also a skeptical which is able to ask questions about what's true haven listening to different peoples point of view.They understand that facts can be used in different ways to support different opinions,so they make sure to check where the information is coming from and why it's produced.When these facts are used to support various opinions it is left for the journalist to reason critically and tell which reasons are good and why,by understanding that good reasons are true,relevant and don't miss things out and an expert at reasoning uses good reasons to make up their mind and express their viewpoint through speaking up.A journalist must have the ability of being a confident communicator who actively joins conversations about the news and is comfortable presenting ideas and opinions about the news in positions and power.
1.Yes,all countries should help the affected country equally because every human life is more important.If countries begin to be bais in the kind of help gives to some affected countries,the affected countries will not appreciate the kind of support they are getting when they compare the support given to another country.
2The most important actions to reduce climate change is to invest massively into green energy technology.Meaning using the natural resources sunlight,wind,tides to produce energy.This will limit the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere.
3.The Government is to be blamed if responses aren't perfect because it their duty to protect their citizens from any disaster.
Scepticism is the act of asking questions to provide accurate information for stop a sceptical attitude is the basic navigational tool in a media-saturated society for the provision of accurate information.
The results of this poll also indicates the importance of questioning information to find the truth.
However , reasoning , speaking up and open-mindedness play a part in providing accurate information.
It is scepticium because you need to be able get more reasons by questioning and then when you go to put it in your journal you can justify the reasons and begin to explain that is what makes a good journaller .
All four skills
I think Reasoning is a good skill to have when being a journalist because when you make a journal it has personal opinions. If you are going to have many opinions of your own you need facts and evidence to support to back up your sentences.
Scepticism is another good skill because it helps you think about where you get your information from and if it links with other facts. This is because so facts from websites can be fake or fake news you need to make sure they check the websites they use.
Open-mindedness is a great skill to have if you are a journalist for, it's got to do with listening to other points of view and their opinions. Addition to this, journalists need to have people's opinion so they can hear what others think about their writing.
Speaking up is a vital part of being a writer and journalist because kif you don't speak up you can't give your own opinion without speaking up. If you can not speak up it means you need to gain confidence, so you can give your own point and show what you believe.
It's a bit like rock, paper, scissors. To find out which skill is more important than another, you need to find out which skill beats another. I see it like this:
It is good to be confident when communicating a viewpoint, however, speaking up can be overruled by open-mindedness. With this, you can understand each other and see where they are coming from. This is important but can be outwitted by reasoning. We need to make our opinion stronger using sensible and factual reasons. These may agree with one another yet ours should pose questions to find out the truth of the writers' opinions, thoughts, and process behind their statements. This would be useful to include in writing as curiosity and scepticism can benefit our article.
In conclusion, all are very important skills but with a lot of thinking (and scepticism!) I believe that the burnet news club skill, scepticism, is key to being a successful journalist.
One of the most
1:important skills of a journalist is making vifeos and audio video and audio adf mot fepth and mot persuasiv,especially when using the appropriate formats and equipment for the submittadstory
2:moving journaslism the smartphone can be a useful tool for all news,storytelling,taking pictures and movias,recoriding sounds and adjusting them
3:the social journalist and building societies the journalist will neef to interact and the pulic and promoting its content and building its own nation as apioneer of ideas aa socila media increasingly focuses on the credibility of journalists as individuasl on the credibility og journalists as individuals mor than the news organization.Rayya
Open mindedness
it is also important to listen to more people's opinions about an affair as different people have different views. To me, the most important thing for a journalist is to do interviews with more people around the world, people of all ages and tell viewers about both positive and negative responses.
All four skills are important in journalism, but in my opinion, I think (Open mindedness) is the most important skill supported by other skills , Because this skill (listening to other view point ) helps to link between the facts of things and daily events and transferring them to the viewer, this is the primary function of the journalist, .
1_As for (Scepticism), it is also important in television investigation programs and in face-to-face meetings . 2_AND as for(Reasoning) of, there is no need to justify the fact that he reports . 3_And according to (Speaking up) skill, I excluded it because the journalist does not talk about his point of view but rather transmits the truth as it is .
I think openness is one of the most important skills for a journalist. A journalist can listen to all perspectives because everyone has a different view. Sometimes we are wrong and when we listen to others, we know what is right, and there are other skills such as doubt, logic and speaking that complement the skill of openness.
Your question really attracted me to think.
I think "reasoning" is the most important skill for a journalist among these skills.
It also acquires methods of persuasion and credibility through the evidence presented by the journalist, as it reveals facts and details, and limits lies and forgery.
It also helps people differentiate between the truth and what is a lie.
The journalist is the one who watches snd covers the event and transmits it to the viewer or listener in the best way through video interviews with the owners of the even or through reports he writes about the event he witnessed.
He must possess some skills and attributes that help him obtain information ,including:
1-causal skill: he must always want to know why this thing happened and what cause it and avid it in the future if it is harmful.
2-skill of doubt:he is aften unsure of the information he gets,but asks sources of information to obtain evidence to verife the nows and support his information and news with it to not communicate wrong information to the viewer or listener and until people are convinced of it.
3-the sikll of listening to everyone : to be a good lisfener who listens to all opinions and clarifies them until he is convinced of them.
4-must be a follower of developments and changes that take place and use new technological means to obtain information and communicate it to people provided that it is reliable.
5-precision and practical honesty:communicate news and information in transparent and a ccurate manner,free from bias,and to prevent the spread of false news.
6-patince: that the journalist be patient to preform his work faithfully and honestly .
7-maste the rules of speaking and writing: the journalist must be fluent in the rules of speaking ,aspecially in video interviews and in languages other original language,so that he can communicate with many individuals and peoples and learn about their cultures,customs,and tradition and campare them to obtain correct information and news and he must be good at writing rules if he wants to communictat news and information through reports to get people read, be convinced ,and benefit from them.
In my country, palestine, there are many journalists and many dream about becoming jouranalists in the future,but they can not achieve their dreams due to the country's difficult circumstances and their inability to travel aboroad.
I've always thought that scepticism is the only key to succeed journalism , but lately , after joining the hub , searching for more information and watching some interviews, I totally changed my mind . I found out that being a journalist won't be that easy without having all four skills . Reasoning , speaking up and open mindedness are , in my new point of view, absolutely necessary . I realized that reasoning is important to show your own ideas and share your opinions with other people, which may affect their opinions and make them think about them even more . Some of them may totally change their view . You never know ! Moving on to speaking up . I think that this skill shows how confident and brave the person is . Shy people , that are afraid of sharing their thoughts always have lower chances of becoming journalists . Last but not least , open mindedness . It's really important , It helps the person to learn new things , have an idea about what others think . I strongly believe that this skill is essential in a journalist's career . It will hepl them get to know new stuff so that they keep people updated on the last news . Thanks for reading , have a good day 💜
First of all, a journalists is someone who collects, writes, or distribute news or other current information to the public.
For a journalists, to be successful, he need detailed and ideal information. So, for that reason i choose scepticism. It is all about questioning information to find the truth and an ideal information must be transparent. I think that scepticism is the root to other thinking skills, because, for one to speak up or open mindedly talk, there must be an information and that is why i say it is the root to all thinking skills.
This will be able to help the journalist to link up to other thinking skills. He or she must have an information to disclose to the public before talking abiut viewing the points and so on.
I advice every journalists to have an ideal and detailed information ie scepticism as his or thinking skill first before any other thinking skill.
Thanks for the correction Sir.
i think the best skills when reporting news is speaking up and scepticism. speaking up makes the reporter a confident
communicator who joins conversation pending on the news. He makes point in an order that makes sense.He also speaks clearly hence comfortable when presenting opinions about the news and lastly he varies his tone to make specific points clear.According to my opinion we also need to question the information to find the truth so as to get accurate news.It would need a sceptical person so you would need the skill of scepticism
I think all are important for journalism and it depends on the type of task you are doing in this profession. If you are a presenter , you need to communicate your ideas and views clearly and confidently. However, if you are an editor and you want to research a topic before writing a credible article or prepare a documentary or investigate an issue, the most important skill is asceticism as you need to ask so many good deep questions to reach the truth. You also need to be open minded to take different points of view into your consideration.If I have to choose only one, I will choose the skill of being open minded as I often feel sad when I read some news that tell only one side of the story.
I believe that the most important BNC skill is open-mindedness as a journalist must list the events which have happened. So, in the case of being a journalist for politics, they would have to listen to what everybody says and have an open mind as in newspapers you cannot report your own opinion. This means That a journalist would have to have a sense of open-mindedness as they must list down everybody's opinions in order that they happened so that the public knows. Acquiring this knowledge would mean that everybody knew whose opinions were and that would help people in order to vote if there was a general election.
To my point of view skills needed for a successful journalist is being truthful you need to be truthful but not bias when you are a journalist and you are bias you start to bring up false news and also u need to have confidence in your self having confidence in yourself having confidence in yourself makes you put some values into your journalism like speaking up to crowds able to ask questions about a scene and find possible truth about it and finallly honesty you need to be true to the viewers because some false facts may have great impact on the viewers this is my dimension of view hope you liked it
My answer it will be sceptism because when you want to be a good journalist you want to be clear and honest when you ask the question for anybody whatever how is actor, manager or statesman you should be sure not afraid because when the journalist ask a question and want answer not to be famous and abtain more views no. Because of all the people want to know the answer but a lot of journalists facing problems in there life because the policy they lost there job, home, lovers and their freedom
Open mindedness
This seems quite straightforward but it’s easier said than done. Having an open mind allows anyone to fully grasp the reality of a situation. As a journalist, having predisposed opinions, may kill your piece as a narrow-minded approach leads to a biased and judgmental perspective. Everyone has opinions, everyone has their side of the story, but your job as a journalist is to illustrate the entire picture. Be open to others’ thoughts; yet don’t be afraid to compare them to your own. The more open minded you are, the more exclusive and knowledgeable your writing will be. Being open minded also applies to the topics you are assigned to write about.
From my point of view, I think the most important skill is that the journalist be educated to the limitations of the skill of negotiating and presenting ideas in a creative way, and it must contain an open mindedness and accept new trends and adapt to it and prepare for new experiences without hesitation. New journalists face an intellectual transition from control and content to openness and communication with the masses, and it is an important factor in the lives of journalists because it is the way to achieve social communication and human coexistence.
A journalist is one who collects, writes or distributes news or current information to the public. A journalist is mostly depended on my the public to get vital information and the ability of the journalists to combine various certain skills together is what guarantee a good and true information. The BNC has various skills which has proven to be important and essential for a journalist to possess, of all these skills is scepticism. Scepticism is questioning an information in order to find out the truth, as a journalist they are bent on finding out true information to feed the public whose ears are itching to hear current happenings. In order to be able to achieve that journalist involves scepticism where they don't just believe any assumptions or rumors but first investigate on it ,to find the real truth. In open mindedness , listening and good communication skills and also reasoning, scepticism is very essential to give good and accurate news.
I believe that all of these skills are important to success but from my point of view I think that open mindedness is the most important skill that you can use to write in the Hub,because when you listen to the other view points , research it and ask questions about what you hear you can get very important and real informations and facts about the subjects you write about or read ,and also you can get more informations about the extreme weather in the other countries and areas in the world because in the Hub we talk and discuss this topic with students from the whole world so you can write better essays and comments here
I think the reporter's important skill justifies the point of view of speaking in order to understand the truth and not to wrong anyone (equality) and not to lie ...@-@
Also, there is the skill of interrogating information to find the cause of the truth, and it is important, as I said, that clarifies the truth and the mission of the journalist to build the news on information and evidence ..
Also, I would like to add to my comment, I chose the skill of openness because a journalist can listen to the opinions of people of different ages, which may be from another country that has habits different from the other country where the skill of openness is one of the most important qualities that a journalist should possess.
In my opinn all these skills are important to journalist since he / she should a quire the four skills
First to justify the truth and n't run after lies and fake news by using spectism skill.
Second Reasoning ' [ justifying a viewpoint ] : to be logical in addressing the subjects and be able to convince people .
3. (Speaking up) ' [ confidently communicating a viewpoint ] : so that they would be able to deliver the idea and convince people with it .
4. ( Open-mindedness) '[ listening to others viewpoints ] : so that they take the topic multiple point of views and be objective
In my opinion all the four skills are important to build a good journalish .He needs specticism to jude information and deferenciate between fake and true truth . He needs reasoning to scale information he present to the viewer .He needs to speak up to feel freedom and to feel free to say the truth but not a gainst the law m He should protect the people from fake infornation t leads to people anger .The last thing he needs open mind to see hear and accept what the other side say and respect what other side say .
I think all the four skills shoud gather in the journalist if he wanted to be a strong journalist .He should use speticism to justify people talk to a void fake information. He should use reasoning to judge what the other say and nt to follow other talk with out being sure .Also he needs to speek up to feel free to dedenf his ideas . The last thing he shoud be open minded to see with others eyes to hear with others voice and to speak with their tongue .These skills honestly what makes a perfect journalist.
one of the most important things for a journalist is important and rationality
The task of journalism is not normal, but we must be active, taking our surroundings and warning us, then we can say that our works has become ready.
The most important for a journalist is Scepticism because it is the reason for the rest of the skills. FOR example, when we get a gift that is put in a box, we keep offering. Questions to get to the truth inside the box. Therefore,journalist is passionate and always pumps adrenaline to know all the facts about him. So l think the first skill is the most important skill for a journalist, and that is what the rest of the skills entail.
from my point of view all of these skills a journalist should work on them to achieve a good outcomes that give a good reflection about his job future .
scpticism is required so that the journalist could avoid suspences around his articles giving a fake news withuot inquires about them will destroy his job reputation and people trust as well .
open minded means that you are wise and cultured , having the ability to accept other people opinions is an achievment how about having the best skills to contact with others ? being socially clever is the gist of any journalist job beside being honest and objective. Indeed, foucsing in these most important skills from my piont of view doesnt mean that the othet two are not that value they are , but im talking about the gist .
Scepticism is the best way of gathering information because a journalist is able to get first hand information and its also more accurate than reasoning since one may try to justify incorrect data
I think the most important skill for a journalist is scepticism because:
1. Information is power . power is constructive or destructive .it may unite or divide ,give hope or prophesy doom, scepticism beget freedom or slavery . scepticism produces information that is accurate ,credible and ethical.This constructive power if the journalist doesn't dig deep to establish facts or decides misinform the public the result may be harzadous even cause death . Without scepticism, Journalist will be like terrorism.
2Accountability . information is as important as it's source one may be required to defend information released to the public in a court of law scepticism enhances responsibility and accountability for information released to the public.
3 Investigative Journalism (scepticism)is objective and begets information with fairness and sincerity .The consumers of the information need to see reality from a clear mirror .
4 of a journalist is known to spew information that is not credible . consumers will shun both the source and the information.This will affect market .for example people wont buy the newspapers carrying misinformation.
5 The Good book says that "The truth shall set you free"scepticism will bring truth and set the public free.
Thanks for reading
The most important skill for a journalist is doubts or Scepticism, because the first way to reach the truth is doubts, because it leads to asking questions. Many questions reach the desired. The person is of course a passionate person with a high sense of responsibility and an open mind who always strives to reach the truth using logic, but no journalist can reach the truth and ask questions freely, unless he has complete freedom to Express his opinion, then governments must give freedom to journalists. We see in many countries in the world are journalists in prisons or their freedom is suppressed because of their opinions especially if they are political and they are often critical opinions so everyone should give freedom opinion and expression, and for journalists unless they transgress the personal freedom of others, because there were many issues resolved by journalists. A journalist is an effective force in society. I follow the importance of the journalist in exposing crimes and people outside the law. The journalist is the hidden soldier of the country, regardless of what matters might lead to him self. For example, the case of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who took a wide area of the international media. This journalist was an effective and influential person. He presented his spirit of sacrifice and redemption because of the opinion and the other opposing opinion.I think that the journalist as a social network has many questions and many answers and you there are many opinions. But the truth remains one.
I choose scepticism which means questioning information to find the truth because it's the mother off all the four skills its the root of the steady tree. Journalist is the man who people trust .His talk is sacrificed. Should we trust a lier???ofcoure we can't .So as. A result he should be a detective to each piece of information . To justify , analyze , make a sense of every what he hears , watches , speak and write . And all the skills come after that . To speak up freely to comunicate and to be an opend-mind man .
I think that scepticism is the most important skill for a journalist to have. This means that they need to question information to find out the truth.
It is really important that journalists write factual articles to inform people about what is actually happening, therefore they need to find out what is the actual truth and what is false (or fake news) and this can be quite tricky to do. It is unfair for the world to be lied to about things, even if these lies are unintentional. If a journalist does not use scepticism to find out the truth, they are in danger of not reporting the whole, true story, which could lead to distrust and panic across a country.
In my opinion all these skills are important and crucial in any successful journalist career . He needs scepticism to ask questios and n't taking things for granted. He needs reasoning to judge what he hears or see. He needs to speak up freely but obeying the law and to communicate with people trustfully .His mind should be opened to all points of view to put himself in others shoes .To see what they see , to hear what they hear. That four skills together is what creats the great and successful journalist.
Suspicion and questioning of information to find the truth are the most important becouse the journalist's job is to break the truth in the first place so he's called the fourth authority
I agree on that all the four skills together are resposible for creating the successful and truthful journalist. Scepticism skill gives him the ability to ask questions and be sure of any new piece of infornation .Resoning is his intellegence to justify , judge and decide . Speaking up coincidently is the sound of the truth. The tongue of honest so he is atrustful man .
I agree on that all the four skills together are resposible for creating the successful and truthful journalist. Scepticism skill gives him the ability to ask questions and be sure of any new piece of infornation .Resoning is his intellegence to justify , judge and decide . Speaking up coincidently is the sound of the truth. The tongue of honest so he is atrustful man . The last one is to be open minded .Here he should put him self in others shoes to hear them see them open his heart to them and feel them . In my opionion that skills togother creat the fantastic journalist.
All of these in my opinion are super important as each other as all of these should be normally be included for a full argument or opinion but personally I think reasoning and looking at the other side of the debate is important especially if you are trying to have a balanced argument with somebody
Without reasoning you aren’t giving a full explanation therefor when trying to convince somebody to do something they are likely not going to agree
On the other hand when you aren’t looking at the other debate you aren’t looking at the bigger picture you are only looking at what you think at the time is right .
After looking at all I think that reasoning is probably the MOST important.
I think scepticism is a very important skill as you need to ask questions because you can not put in false information into a report because then people will soon find out and that will cause a massive riot and you will probably get fired from your job and then you will be having a vey hard life ! so that's why you need to be sceptical ! another skill you have to have is reasoning because then you gave information showing that its real and that links onto scepticism . so looking at those to reasons they both are very important and link onto eachother so having those to skills and writing a report you will have a report that is true and also has reasoning .
I think that all four skills at Burnet News Club are important for journalists,but I think that the most important skill for journalist is sceptism because as I know that one of that tasks of journalists is to collect information about high_impact events and people's issues.
Journalists also ask questions and inquireto reach the truth,and when it comes to the truth the journalists publish and write the truth through various media such as newspapers,TV and radio.
The journalists collects the correct information and makes sure it happens ,but the wrong information keeps away from it.
The journalist must be self-confident as he presents the newsletter, speaks without hesitation and fear, and is sure of his news that he will talk about in the newsletter. His words must be clear and take out the letters, and they must also be taken out of the mouth
All the skills are important to a journalist, but the most important ones are scepticism and open mindedness. I say this because as a journalist if you are listening to other view points, you are also questioning the information to find the truth, so the two skills work hand in hand and are very important to a journalist. A journalist is a person who collects or gathers information and distributes it to the public. As a journalist every one has opinions so you the journalist must listen to everyones opinion about the story and illustrate or investigate it to provide the truth to the public. As you are listening to peoples opinion, you are being open minded and you are being a sceptical person because you want to find the truth. To end this ,according to my point of view, scepticism and open mindedness are the most important skills for a journalist.
In my opinion, I predict that reasoning is the most important skill (out of the four main BNC skills ) for a journalist because a journalist is a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast, they need to use reasoning in newspapers or magazines as- for an example- in magazines they sometimes put tips like put a light pink sofa with baby blue pillows. Why? There needs to be a reason. For instance light pink and baby blue makes this marshmellowy colour that makes the sofa look bright and positive.
Journalists do need reasoning mostly (in my opinion) as they do need to explain and reason their writing so their readers will understand why do you need to do this or why do you need to do that. They also need to justify points in their writing.
But all the BNC skills are all equal and are great.
I think that the most important skill for a journalist is SCEPTICISM.
I think this because if you are a journalist, you can't tell people the wrong information. You need to question things to get to the truth. Without SCEPTICISM, a journalist wouldn’t be able to complete their job properly. They would just write down the wrong information, then people would find out, because some people are curious and look it up on the internet. These people would then complain, and the journalist wouldn’t be trusted to do their job properly.
In conclusion, I think that SCEPTISM is the most important skill for a journalist, because without it, reports would be bad, and they wouldn’t be trusted if someone finds that the information is wrong (if it is wrong ).
I think scepticism is most important because if your a journalist you need to be sceptical to reason around what information is true and which is not. Also, if your not sceptical people could tell you some lies and then you could write it down and get it published so everyone now knows fake news. You could also lose lots of your fans who read your journals because they don't want to read about fake things.
But I do also think that it is very important to reason because reasoning helps you to justify a point, this could really help as you will need to reason with the people you might interview to get to a certain point.
I hope you are all keeping safe,
Continuous development and training
One of the most important skills of a journalist.
Because "the more I train, the more I advance."
Good and effective training is most important to the progress of individuals and organizations alike because it directs the right path to keep pace with developments and training is very important because it affects the future of every journalist.
We need trained and developed cadres to transfer our press from traditional journalism to a stage that keeps pace with the development of journalism in the world.
Training is also an investment for the future, and because journalism is a skill of skills, it does not adhere to a science or study, as academic study is not sufficient, but vocational training and development is constantly necessary because it is important in qualifying youngcadres to join the job market and professionalism in their field ...
Credibility, accuracy and objectivity in reporting news "
It is one of the most important skills for a journalist.
The journalist, after collecting the news and reassuring the source, must transmit the news accurately and credibly, because credibility is the most important credit the journalist has, and accuracy is the best way to protect that Credit.The importance of the journalist's practice and commitment to professional ethics is important
Because informing people with false information that would spread rumors and undermine the security of society, the journalist must investigate the accuracy and credibility of reporting or commenting on his news, and their absence exposes him to accountability and threatens his freedom of opinion and expression.
Credibility, accuracy and objectivity in reporting news "
It is one of the most important skills for a journalist.
The journalist, after collecting the news and reassuring the source, must transmit the news accurately and credibly, because credibility is the most important credit the journalist has, and accuracy is the best way to protect that CreditThe importance of the journalist's practice and commitment to professional ethics is important
Because informing people with false information that would spread rumors and undermine the security of society, the journalist must investigate the accuracy and credibility of reporting or commenting on his news, and their absence exposes him to accountability and threatens his freedom of opinion and expression.
In my opinion, a journalist should be able to apply all of these skills to become an ideal journalist, but since we have to choose one skill, I choose
Scepticism skill, I chose this skill because people follow reliable news, so the journalist must apply this skill in order to gain a large number of audiences and followers and thus increase community confidence in him because he is characterized by honesty and objectivity and in this way he makes money from his tiredness and integrity, unlike those who They spread rumors, and in my opinion as a student, I do my best to apply all these skills, because this will help me in the future, whether I am a journalist or otherwise.
So thank you for developing our skills.
Evey one has openions ,every one has their side of the story , but your job as ajournalist is to illustrate the eutire picture .
Be open to others thoughts ,yet dont be afraid to compare them to your own .
The more open minded you are,the more inclusine and knowledgeable your writing will be.
scepticism is one of basic skill that a journalist should have .If a journalist lacks this skill he will lost the credibility of his work.
One of the journalist's greatest traits is to show suspicion and raise or lower suspicions depending on the strength of news sources.
When a reporter takes advantage of the skill of doubting news that is not based on reliable sources, he is safe from falling victim to the spread of news that turns out to be incorrect.
I think all of these skills are important to the journalist, but in my opinion the skill of being able to express the point of view is more important because when obtaining the facts, information and different points of view, the journalist must possess the skill of expressing differing opinions and present them in a smooth and simple way that allows the public to identify this comprehensive media message Also, this skill enables the journalist to present the information with credibility and objectivity, so he does not make his personal beliefs affect or change what was suggested by the source.
Scepticism is one of the skills a journalist is suppose to have , if a journalist is not sceptic he \she will not be able to deliver the right news.
All the skills are important in different ways but to me but to me I think scepticism is the most important skill. Yes I know many of you will disagree with me but one thing is for sure that the advantages are many while the disadvantages are few. First of all what is journalist and what is scepticism? A journalist is a person who writes news report for newspapers,television, radio and scepticism is the doubt as to the truth of something or the theory that certain knowledge is impossible. Let's move on to the importance of scepticism which is why maintaining a sceptical outlook so important? Scepticism helps not only journalist but scientists, lawyers ,judges detective etc to remain objective when performing scientific inquiry and research or finding the truth of something. It forces them to examine claims (their own and those of other) of certain that there is sufficient evidence to back them up. Let's cast our minds back to the movie or cartoon called Sherlock Gnomes (Genome and Juliet). When you watched it you will saw that the cartoon is all about scepticism, cunningness, etc. Sherlock,Watson and Moriarty were totally sceptical throughout the movie or cartoon. Let's move on to the next importance which is is it good to be sceptical? Yes. It can be a good thing to be sceptical because scepticism forces us to analyze, strategize and ultimately seek the truth. I think that skepticism is somehow associated with open mindedness.
I would like to talk about many importance is but l can only about two so the rest of the importance I will will only state them.
It helps people to obtain job opportunities.
It prevent people from becoming disgraced in public.
It helps people became smart.
I hope from my point of view and explanation you will understand my decision.
Thank you.
I think these skills are interconnected and interrelated with each other, and in my opinion, each skill is based on other skills. But I think open mindedness is the most important skill. Now from the sale, you will ask me why I chose this particular skill? Because when a journalist is open (that is, a listener) to the views of others, it is natural that he will begin asking questions to arrive at the truth and then build it on sound logic and this will make him able to communicate his point with confidence to others and thus the distinguished journalist will be a listener and able to communicate his point of view with confidence, logical and skeptical
Reasoning is the best choice for the journalist because every journalist must investigate the news from different point of view and he see all aspect of the news, such as its source , authenticity, bad and good news etc. in reasoning every point must be arise in vast and journalists adopt their professional skills to make effective news.
Scepticism , is the most important element a journalist needs. Why?Because a journalist' s job is to find out the real and true news and tell everyone what is going on ,not lie to the people who read your newspaper. To be a good journalist , you have to be determined to find the truth,and make the newspaper as realistic and true as possible, you can't have a newspaper for entertainment! So being a journalist isn't always easy and it may be hard because some news are hard to find the truth about what is going on. So if you are the journalist who is Sceptic honest and determined , watch out, because everybody will read your paper!
The best choice is the most important skills for the journalis
is Reasoning. The journalist gather information for the news
from the different sources it must be accurate and authentic.
They also take care of every aspects of the news followed ethics and morality
Reasoning is best for journalist because they investigate about the news is good or bad
false or true. Journalists need reasoning as they express and explain the reason of writing and their news readers
must sense all the needs that they think about it. justification of the news is due to reasoning.
How can you reason when the truth has not been found out?
Being sceptical reveals the truth and then it can be justified. Without the truth, misinformation is spread . The truth has to be identified by questioning and that is done with a sceptical attitude.
It’s really difficult to choose just one skill, as I think all of these skills are essential for a journalist. However, in my opinion scepticism and reasoning are the most important.
I chose scepticism because if you don’t question information to find out the truth then you don’t really know what to believe. The general public rely on journalists to give them the facts so it is really important for a journalist to have the skills to enable them to do that. Sometimes lies can be disguised as the truth, so it is not always simple to find out the facts. Developing the skill of scepticism allows someone to do this more effectively and, therefore, write an unbiased article giving the true information and statistics behind a story, which is a journalist’s responsibility.
I also chose reasoning. This is important because it allows a journalist to communicate clearly and to back up their viewpoints. This skill is needed when communicating with eyewitnesses and people at the centre of a story, as well as when communicating with the wider audience. Having strong reasoning skills will enable a journalist to be more credible, increasing the reader's confidence in what they are saying.
( Open-Mindedness )
i choose open mindedness because this create the evidence against one's
truth, beliefs, plansl or goals and such evidence fairly available.
when the journalist open minded then he inquire many new things about the news.
open mindedness is most important because it open new opportunities for the learner and the journalist
from other source. this quality will change your behaviour about the news and you gain new knowledge.
A journalist is the open minded person who is open to clarifying and evaluating the comments and evidence. A open minded journalist
believe is supported through a commitment to critical thinking and problem solving.so i give postive impact to open mindedness is the best
choice from all others.
It is very difficult to pick or choose which among these skills is the most important for a journalist to acquire. But in my own opinion I feel that the most important skill needed by a journalist is the skill of SCEPTICISM
According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, the word septicism can be defined as an attitude that shows you doubt whether something is true or not. This is important because as journalist, he or she should be very septic meaning learning to ask questions to know or to find out whether a particular information is true or false when reporting a story .Because as a journalist the public society depend on you for information so as a result they must learn to ask several questions so as to make sure they are giving the public the right information because information as we know is very vital in society so if wrong information is passeed it can cause confusion among individuals .
Although septicism is the most important skill in my opinion I still feel that all the other skills are interrelated because after questions are asked, the journalist is also meant to listen to other view points which is where the skill of open mindedness comes to play he or she must get information from other sources after which the journalist must reason to justify a view point after which lastly, they must be confident to Communicate the information to the public so as we know all the other skills come in to play from just asking questions to know the truth which we know as SCEPTICISM
I think scepticism because a Journalist should all ways find out the truth about something before reporting because if they don't know what to report on whats the point.
According to my finding i think scepticism is the most important skill a journalist need , why? This is because the first obligation of a journalist is finding the truth which is hard at times.
Scepticism is an attitude and practice that asses the truth of something. It is also a tool the journalist use to help their reader makes sense of the world and separate mis information, beliefs and lies from what is real.
Scepticism is open to posibilities and ask questions. It seek evidence and where that is not available it looks to the past and to current knowledge to make deductions about what is likely true.
It is the job of the journalist to question and probe what are the story and whatever the source.
Journalist will ask questions about many things happening in and around eg about the coronavirus, how the aged, children and the youth will cope with the ailment .
This is where the other skills comes in which are reasoning, speaking up and open-mindedness.
This is the reason why scepticism is the most important.
I think Open-Mindedness is a crucial trait for a journalist. If he/she is able to listen to others points, they would be able obtain an idea for themselves that maybe he/she has not thought of. The person will also gain news from other reliable sources, which will benefit them and the reader. Also, being Open-Minded will teach that person to respect other peoples ideas, that not all opinions are the same as yours. If he/she is used to this, they will become accustomed to listening to all the little details, thus making them a better person.
actually i am not a journalist but it is agood question i think that all skills are needed in every journalists in my point of view quesioning information to find the truth is the most important thing to the journalists because it will help him to write the report for his headquarter , it make him wants to find out the truth and facts. If a journalist has this skill, this will help him uncover corruption in the country and help demonstrate courage.
As a journalist, "SCEPTICISM"," RESONING"," SPEAKING UP" AND "OPEN MINDEDNESS" must be highly and appropriately exhibited in his or her work.
A good journalist needs to ask questions to find out the truth before reporting it else they might end up reporting lies which might put an innocent person into trouble.
The journalist also has to reason well while justifying their view points and not miss anything out in order to be a good journalist.
A good journalist needs to to be able to speak up and be confident in themselves when presenting their views and argue their points out especially when they are trying to find out the truth about a news or story they are reporting on.
Finally, a good journalist has to be open minded and very knowledgeable. A journalist must be a deep researcher in so many fields of life. He or she must also listen to what other people have to say about an issue and in so doing people can be able to confide in them and tell them everything they know about a story they are be working on or investigating.
So in my opinion I think all the skills are very important to make a good journalist.
Thank you.
Who is a journalist?
A journalist is a person who practices journalism. He collects, prepares and distributes news and related commentary and feature materials through media such as pamphlets, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, radio, motion pictures, television and books. Before he does that, he crosschecks the facts and information gathered are true.
What is reasoning?
Reasoning is a statement offered in explanation or justification to a viewpoint, a sufficient ground of explanation or of logical defense to a fact. To draw appropriate inferences to the situation.
What is scepticism?
Scepticism is finding the truth in an information, questioning acceptable beliefs or statements. Sceptics challenge the adequacy or reliability of information or facts, by asking what principles they are based upon or what they actually establish. In short, Sceptics are inquirers, people who are still looking for the truth to justify facts or information.
What is speaking up?
Speaking up is the ability to make a viewpoint confidently, expressing opinions freely, frankly and publicly
What is open mindedness?
Open mindedness is the quality of willingness to consider, listen and accept people's ideas and suggestions, being receptive to arguments and opinions.
The main objective of a journalist is to educate, inform and entertain the public with the facts and information gathered. He does this through:
1) Open mindedness
The first thing a journalist does is to gather facts. He performs this action through open mindedness. This is because he listens to people having some information about the situation and gathers them.
2) Scepticism and Reasoning
After gathering the facts, he must check whether the facts are true. He does this by asking for reasons to the facts. Looking at this, we see scepticism and reasoning working together.
3) Speaking up.
The last step is to distribute the information to the public but before that, he looks at the facts gathered comes to a final decision. He writes his final decision and distributes it to the public. By this, the journalist performs the skill of speaking up.
To conclude, I'll say that all the skills are important for a journalist. All the skills go hand-in-hand to make the journalist's work complete.
Thank you for your entry! Try to use 'they', instead of 'he', as not all journalists are men!
Thanks for the correction, Tom.
Knowing that a journalist is one who collects, writes,and distributes news. Journalists needs certain skills. There are various skills which have been deemed important for a journalist; they are
A. Scepticism
B. Reasoning
C. Speaking up
D. Open mindedness
These skills are essential for a journalist to possess but one of which seem to have utmost importance. A journalist deals with getting this information , knowing the truth before releasing to the public. Of all scepticism is seen to be essential for a journalists. Now, this is because journalist are not just people who believe things without investigating. On matters which need to be broadcasted they seem to work in hand with the police. Having to see a place or person a journalist is interviewing you see that the journalist are not satisfied with a simple answer but they question to find the truth. And that is all about scepticism, it is the most important for journalists to have it because in a case where a person is trying to lie about a certain issues, the ability of the journalist to ask tackling questions to provide the truth is what matters. It is very important to also possess this skill as a journalist to also prevent false information.
When it comes to what is needed when reporting news, I will speaking up as a good skill , I chose this skill because speaking up deals with confidently communicating a view points. This is the ability of a journalist to confidently speaking to the masses. The journalists ability to speak to the mass with much confidence is one hat makes them to actually believe and get interested in the news. This also have to do with intonation that is the way they speak and your mode. In speaking up your mode and intonation really matters.
wow this challenge is nice.
i say sceptism is the best scill for a journalist because questioning information to find the truth is realy neccesary because some informations may be false and by questioning information to find the truth ,a journalist is able to know if the information he/she has heard or found is true or false.
The great philosopher ,Dickart said,' I think , then I exist." So I believe that scepticism is very important to every journalist in order to get the right information ,asking why,who, when ,all this to reach the truth and try not to accept and report everything he or she hears
I think reasoning skill is important to a journalist ,to give reasons for your opinions that means you are not a follower or a parrot ,just repeats what you hear,you should question the news and try to justify your viewpoints to reach the truth.In other words ,don't be a copier.
speak _up ,speak _up.That is what my dad keeps telling me ,and I always keeps his advice ,so I think all people not just the journalist , need to speak -up to convey their message to the whole world .What is the use of knowledge if it is not spread in public and kept only on papers,so the journalist should share the news with others
Though all the skills are important to any journalist, I believe that scepticism is the most needful,that is because reporting or writing news is not an easy job.One needs to inquire about the reasons behind each information ,to ask if this thing is really true to be reliable and trusted
open- mindedness is important for a journalist to be decent when he or she collects or reports news ,to be able to accept other's opinions
Honesty and integrity in the publication of news is the most important qualities of a successful journalist ....
I notice that news, newspapers, and the mass media are influencing people and their opinions.
I have a journalist, he must be honest in publishing the news, and he must have responsibility for his work and loyal to him.
Because in his hand the fate of a people.
In the end, he is a spokesperson for the people.
What's more important, freedom to say what anyone wants, or safety from harmful words?
Honesty and fearlessness Most of what attracted me that I tell about it because it is important in the daily life of man in principle, if all people possess the following characteristics, they will love themselves, positive and confident in themselves, that a person will not be afraid of anything, this is a lot of good, and of course we forget that frankness is a comfort for every person and finally I wish who Everyone becomes like this (thank you)
Continuous development and training
One of the most important skills for a journalist.
Because "the more I train, the better"
Good and effective training is absolutely the most important in the progress of individuals and organizations alike because it guides the right path to keep up with developments and training is very important because it affects the future of every journalist.
Audacity in photography
"Audacity in photography is one of the most important skills for a journalist."
(No creativity without audacity)
Although I advise learning the steps of photography gradually, I also recommend the audacity and adventure of photography
Do not wait to master everything before you begin to master the skills through work. There is no problem if the percentage of the photos you keep in the end is much lower than the number of pictures you take. Learn through experience try the settings of cameras, imaging techniques, various lenses in order to be able to choose your style. ... the audacity makes a distinguished, successful journalist in his field ...
Credibility, accuracy and objectivity in reporting news "
It is one of the most important skills for a journalist.
The journalist, after collecting the news and reassuring the source, must transmit the news accurately and credibly, because credibility is the most important balance the journalist has, and accuracy is the best way to protect that balance.
Continuous development and training
One of the most important skills for a journalist.
Because "the more I train, the better"
Good and effective training is absolutely the most important in the progress of individuals and organizations alike because it guides the right path to keep up with developments and training is very important because it affects the future of every journalist.
I think that scepticism is an important skill to have if you are a journalist because as a journalist you have to question information to find what is the truth. You can not present false information. I also think that if you are a journalist you have to be open-minded, you have to listen to other viewpoints as this will give you a bigger picture.
Journalists identify the truth of a situation with a sceptical attitude. Without questioning and investigation, most information shared will be false. Information spreads very fast. How can you justify a viewpoint that is not true with facts? That is when the sceptical attitude comes in.
Scepticism is the best from all because it can use to collect information asking questions to other person and inquire the reality of the issue. Jouranlist use this skill to complete their work with comfortably.
we also know that Scepticism is finding reality in a data, addressing satisfactory convictions or explanations. Cynics challenge the ampleness or unwavering quality of data or realities, by asking what standards they depend on or what they really build up. So, Skeptics are inquirers, individuals who are as yet searching for reality to legitimize realities or data. In the light of these facts and figures we can say this technique is the best for the journalist.
I believe that all the various skills work hand-hand in order to effectively promote the work of a journalist. Journalists are subjected to public harrasment and criticism but their main job is to get relevant and useful information to the people;they greatly influence the minds of the general public. Examining the four keypoints:Skepticism being able to question the credibility and accuracy of an information source and effectively getting the main message out. This I believe will be beneficial in circumstances where the discussed topic would be of global importance.
Open-mindedness I believe is very important in a journalist's carreer, because his/her ability to understand and look carefully at other people's views without outwardly disagreeing with them I believe would be very important.
Justifying a viewpoint:Being able to effectively understand reason with and justify a particular viewpoint has a resounding effect on the viewers and may affect the journalist's career either positively or negatively.
Speaking up: This particular issue is very important especially in today's generation where journalists are harrased ,publicly criticized and even sacked from their places of work, simply for speaking up about issues that really matter and have the tendency to affect our society if discussion does not take place. So I believe that if all the keypoints are used together effectively the journalist will go along way in his/her mission to inform and educate the people.
The skill that is most important for a journalist is scepticism because their job is to find out the truth and tell the public what is going on and what is happening in the world. Some people lie so if you were talking to Boris Johnson, you will want to know the truth about what the government is doing and try to inquire about the events and try to work out what is happening because everyone wants to know and you are their source of information. The only exception is if the government do an announcement but journalists always want to figure out the information before they announce it.
I think Open - Mindeness is a good idea for journalists because the person sharing can explain it well. And the journalists can present it perfectly. And the journalists can also have pictures, videos and sometimes see it for them selfs.
According to my expectations, there are many skills that journalists need in his work, but I have some of them that I think are the most prominent and remind you that a journalist must mix all the skills and write them, so it is not permissible to have one without the other, so all of them make him a professional and creative journalist on his way to a professional. It is:
1] Technical skills: where they must possess basic skills such as writing and fluency in speech and audacity and not afraid to speak in front of crowds of people and audiences and also they must acquire skills
Photography and design that will make them good journalists.
2] Research skills: They have to do research and reports, so they have to read well and be curious, so if you consider yourself a good journalist, there will be many and many questions on your mind and you will be curious to know the answer to these questions.
These are the most prominent and unforgettable openness and passion for work and proficiency and many others ..
A journalist is amass of vigor, vigor and a ambiguity in that one is to search for the truth. The journalists profession not limited to men only but there are many women journalists who persevere globally. The journalist is one of the most important pillars of the state's development. It's doubts and asking questions because this skill helps the journalist to create and imagine and build stories and situations, but all of this must have full freedom in order for the journalist to be an influential person in his society free to Express his opinions fluently without restrictions not as we see today in many countries pious the hand of the freedom of the journalist become immersed and inactive, so the journalist must have freedom to Express the circle of questions and doubts he has until it reaches the infinite through this skill the journalist become according to my personal vision and a fishing net applied to the prey and has access to the facts and finally the journalist his profession. The profession on the dangers that one has. There are many journalist whose lives have ended and they convey to us a picture of war events or something like this. Journalist Rachel Corrie why passed away and is documented by the Palestinian M whole reminds them of courage.
The skills that a journalist must possess are many which I cannot limit ,but the most important one is mastery of language and good effective dialogue because it leads to exposing the facts and facing them then credibility comes because the human being by his nature does not like lying and rejects liars ,so it must be available in it andfinally objectivity so he doesn't arrogate to those around him and deals with them on basis of humanity
I believe all the skills are of equal importance and you cannot choose between them. My reason to this is because if you would like to be a journalist, or are a journalist, you need to be sceptical and doubt what people are saying, as they could be saying it as it could start a scandal. Another reason as to why I could not choose between them all, is because if you're a journalist, then you need to reason, otherwise, your paper or broadcasting service won't accept the story, as it won't be explained and will not be able to have pieces of information. You also need to be open-minded as you have to see all perspectives. If you are not open-minded, then you would not be able to see someone else opinion, and it would not be a good report. You also NEED to speak up, as sometimes, if you know a scandal, or have important information, you could get blackmailed, or something along the lines of blackmailing you need to speak up, as you could be in danger
Then again, if you speak up about something rude, or racist or something like that. You can lose your job, that is reasonable
I got 8/8!
I feel all skills are important my reasons being that the nature of a journalist is to be sceptical, he or she will always doubt ideas from people because whenever an event occurs you will surely hear the truth, assumptions and false stories about it therefore he or she must be sceptical, it will help in unlocking the actual truth. As a journalist you need to be open minded, in the sense that you must be open to any ideas because one can never be sure of which will be correct , so I think open mindedness is key to being a journalist. Moving on to reasoning, a journalist must be able to reason vastly , he or she must always think outside the box , they must not always be logical but learn to see things from another point of view in order to solve a case or find the truth behind a particular topic. For example, the case of corona virus increases everyday not only in Nigeria but the world and each day it increases, we hear the newly found cases on the news but what we hear might not be the exact number it could be fewer or more but we will never know until it has been uncovered by a person or journalist who is willing to say the truth, which takes me to the last quality which is speaking up. It is the duty of a journalist to not only uncover the truth but also make it known to the masses and the nation as a whole. He or she must be bold, being a journalist is not an easy task as it seems you will get threatened, your life will be at risk because you are set to uncover the truth but a true journalist will stand no matter what it takes, he or she will always be bold no matter the threat. In summary, I strongly feel that all these points are included because they work together. As a journalist, you need to collect information and ideas first next, you thoroughly analyse these ideas (reasoning), then you decide which is true or not (scepticism) and finally after all analysis you will surely discover the truth and speak up. In fact, a journalist is a scientist of art.
Yes of a truth, I have come to agree with your comment. From the look of things a journalist need all skills to be able to report news.
All skills are important for journalists.Putting them into practice helps your story become very sensible, popular and interesting to readers and viewers.
I think the four journalists must have skills because each skill is based on and complementary to the other. For example:
The journalist searches and searches for the correct information to find the desired and useful thing and tests the information and builds on the truth to prevent the spread of false news and rumors and publishes the information and supports it by giving reasons and evidence to support his point of view and discusses the reasons and evidence to convince people of his point of view and thus becomes open-minded by listening to destinations Looking and other opinions through his experience and documentation, which increases his experience and being a journalist, must participate and communicate with others to succeed in his work.
Thus, he becomes qualified for his work, professional in him, and superior to himself and others
Confidently communicating a viewpoint
Language and communication are the most essential skills for journalism in gathering and delivering information across platforms.
Communication is a two way process in which participants exchange information. The intended result of communication is bringing out a response and changing behavior.
Successful information depends not only on what is said, but also how it is said. Communication can influence the attitude and the behavior of the individuals we address. The ability to convey your message concisely and assertively while also listening to others can have a tremendous influence on how your story would develop.
The best journalists are those who use their strength of empathy and some understanding of the plight of those impacted to channel their raw emotions through and open up.
Communication gives way to other of the skills. Communication gives the journalist to be able to ask questions about things doibte
Communication helps the journalist ask questions about things doubted and also to justify a view point and the rest. So I think communication is the most essential skill for journalism.
This is a continuation on the previous one written. It got sent mistakenly.
Truth is the backbone of Journalism and all journalists know that they need data or research to support any definitive clamis they make quickly face reader skepticism.
Journalists are considerate to keep personal opinions and biases from seeping into their reporting .
A journalist knows the right questions to ask to get what she needs , which can save you time .
I feel that all skills are important to a journalist and the reason I say this is that the nature of the journalist must be skeptical (meaning that he has doubts and scrutinizes every incoming and outgoing, small or large, so the simplest things that might lead us to the truth), they will complain Always in the thoughts and words of people because whenever a problem or any event occurred they would certainly listen to them to find the truth and make assumptions and hear the false sayings and stories around them, all of which help them reveal the actual truth. As a journalist, you have to be open, meaning that you have to be open to any ideas because one cannot be sure which of them will be correct, so I think openness is essential to being good journalists, and to be more realistic a journalist must be able to Think big, and he must always think outside the box, and it must not always be logical or realistic unless necessary, but they learn to see things from another point of view and from another angle in order to solve an issue and find the truth behind the curtain and reveal everything that is ambiguous Uncommon, for example: There are things that we do not know that the media have hidden from us B What
And things that have not been clarified or that have not been detailed or explored in depth, we do not know the accuracy of this information and news
But we will never know until it is revealed by a person or a journalist who wishes to tell the truth, and which takes me to the last characteristic you speak of. It is the journalist's duty not only to discover the truth, but to make it known to the masses and the nation as a whole.
Be bold, being a journalist is not an easy task as it seems to you that you will be threatened, your life will be at risk because you are ready to reveal the truth but the real journalist will stand regardless of what it takes if his life was expensive, as a journalist you need to collect information and ideas first, then you analyze these Thoughts (logic) accurately, then decide which is true or not (doubt) and finally after each analysis, you will surely discover the truth and speak. In fact, journalism is the realm of investigation and pleasure. We are young, and we wanted to be like the investigator (Conan) who was arousing our interest, our doubts, and our thinking as well.
I also believe that each of his (Conan's) journalists.
I think all of them are good let us take one by one let us start with the first one
Meaning questioning information to find the truth. If you are a journalist and you don't asks questions how can the person find out what is happening and what is going on. Let as take this one as an example We've recorded a coronavirus case in our area and a certain journalist comes from another region and comes with G. P. S. If you don't asks he will not be able to know where the person was and where he was taken to. Let as move on to the next one.
Meaning justifying a viewpoint if you don't explain what you say, you are not saying anything let's take this example :Kofi caused a fire outbreak. if you say this you are not saying anything, that is why you need to explain. Let us move on
Speaking up
Meaning confidently communicating a viewpoint if you fear while speaking some people will think you are lieing and the Bible says we should not fear because the lord is with us. And the last one is
Open - Mindeness
Meaning listening to other viewpoint if you listen to other peoples view you can get accurate information for your presentation.
I think all the BNC skills are important for a journalist. But the most important BNC skill for a journalist is scepticism. Scepticism is when you are hard to deceive or you challenge the information you hear. So you question information to find the truth. Once the journalist has questioned information to find the truth, when the journalist is reporting the news, he needs to speak up. The journalist has to confidently communicate the information. Next, while the journalist is still reporting the news, the journalist should reason. That is justifying the information. Then finally, the journalist should be open-minded. The journalist should listen to other information to be able to report the news next time, very well. So before a journalist can speak up, reason and be open-minded, the journalist needs to question information to find the truth which is scepticism. This is why I chose scepticism as the most important BNC skill for a journalist because without scepticism a journalist cannot report a news with correct information.
In my point of view In my point of view, I see that all the skills have the same importance for a journalist for many reasons:
The first one is scepticism and it is important because the journalist cannot be a journalist without questioning information to find the truth.
The second one is reasoning and it happens after the scepticism. Here, the journalist justifies his viewpoint.
The third on is speaking up and it happens after reasoning. Here the journalist communicates confidently about his viewpoint.
The fourth and last one is open-mildness and it comes after the three skills above. Here the Journalist listens to the other viewpoints.
Therefore, the four skills are complementary to each other.
Thanks for reading
In my point of view, I see that all the skills have the same importance for a journalist for many reasons:
The first one is scepticism and it is important because the journalist cannot be a journalist without questioning information to find the truth.
The second one is reasoning and it happens after the scepticism. Here, the journalist justifies his viewpoint.
The third one is speaking up and it happens after reasoning. Here the journalist communicates confidently about his viewpoint.
The fourth and last one is open-mildness and it comes after the three skills above. Here the Journalist listens to the other viewpoints.
Therefore, the four skills are complementary to each other.
Thanks for reading
I think that the most important skill to have, as a journalist, is open-mindedness (listening to other viewpoints). I think this is an important skill because in order to write a good piece of journalism, you should be able to take into consideration what other people think and what they want you to know. I think that journalists should have an open-mind to ensure that they have written the best piece they possibly could. To be a journalist you should listen to other ideas that might be better than yours but also to add to the piece of writing and to make the piece better by having more points to support the story.
I could not choose only one as I think that for one skill to have the best effect, it would have to be supported by another. The two skills I chose would be scepticism and open-mindedness. I chose this duo because it is good to be sceptical as being gullible would result in giving the wrong news to the world. However, open-mindedness would support that as it would aid scepticism in finding the truth because different people have different minds, meaning different information is enclosed within them and two brains are better than one so it would speed up the process of getting the required thing. For example, if a storm were to becoming and everyone was oblivious, it would put lives at risk. Therefore, the news reporter would need to have an open-mind so they would be aware of the storm and scepticism would help them listen, but listen wisely. In conclusion, these are the skills I think a new reporter needs.
Thank you for reading.
I think that all skills are important for a journalist and it is not possible to choose one skill because whoever wants to be a journalist must master several skills such as skepticism because a journalist must not trust what people say and he must search for facts
Also, he must master the mother tongue and another language with her, at least because this increases the institutions ’interest in employing him
Also, he must convey the news with high credibility, because reporting bad and bad news leads to instability and security and leads to fear among citizens and all people.
Thanks to the readers
fantastic _drawing
From my own opinion, the journalist should be characterized by credibility, which is the transmission of the truth as it is, and this characteristic is considered the most important qualities of the journalist. Therefore, the journalist must have a spirit of adventure and also separate work from personal life
Thank you
First and last in my opinion, a journalist must have confidence in himself: One of the most important features of a successful journalist is self-confidence and awareness of the nature of his work and all the conditions and risks that surround him so that he is the best carrier of his profession
I belive all skills are important and there's no choice between them. The reason for this is that if you want to become a journalist, first you must be skeptical and doubt what what others say because you will certainly hear assumptions and fales stories about the truth so you should be skeptical to help puplicly disclose the actual truth. As a journalist,you must be open to any ideas, because one can't be sure which of them will be correct and you should listen to other views. Turning to reasoning, a journalist must be able to think correctly and must learn how to see things from acorrect viewpoint in order to silve the issue. For example,in my country,Palestine,many Palestinians are imprisoned by the Israelis, and many are also killed everyday, but we don't know if the number mentioned is correct or not. The Israelis may not want to reveal the extent of their brutality to the world, and it's certain that the number will be more that. For this reason, it must be the journalist discussed carefully and carefully so that people know the truth about these criminals even though my country journalists are doing will. As a journalist, you must be bold and don't fear anyone, belive in your work and convinced that what you're doing is true, even though it's not an easy task, as you will be threatened are your life will be at risk because you're revealing facts and you will need to collect information and ideas, and this requires self sacrifice for Home and must importantly, be proud of your work.
Hi i'm new here and here is my answer hope you like it ... it may contains some mistakes because english isn't my native language but at least i tried ..
Enjoy your reading!
"As a journalist, what's the first thing you should think about? You may say the 4 skills that a successful journalist needs to have, you also may think that skepticism is the most important skill. But I totally disagree with you because it’s not always about information, the right or the wrong one. In my opinion, being an open-minded journalist is more important. You’ll certainly ask me why?
Well here’s the thing. We all are humans being whatever our function is, our color is, or even gender. We’ve been born as humans, not employers and that’s why you must first act like a human, not a selfish journalist, you have to learn how to love your partners how to listen to them carefully. As a result, you’ll never miss up anything, or lose control. Instead of fighting so hard with your teammates to prove your point of view that you can destroy yourself for, you’ll keep focusing and working with them to make a powerful work. As I can remember about that popular journalist who got killed for talking about other journalist privacy just because he wanted to prove that he’s never wrong but they did, he just ruined his life for being too stone-headed."
Open-Mindedness & Scepticism
I read about all point of view but I recommended the open-mindedness is the best way to use by the journalist they can ask about subsequent analysis and evaluation, to detach form own believe and consideration. Self-interest and open feedback. Open mindedness is all about the open to change your mind in the light of strong evidence. The journalist can ask questions and all possibilities until a strong proof is presented.
In the other hand sometimes skepticism and open mindedness go together but they may not feel that way from the surface. Not get understanding until they not to comprehensively define. These both are also related with the critical thinking.
To me all the 4 skills are important and equally needed to journalists. All these skills are needed and sometimes are interdependent on the other. All these skills are linked to each other. The first one, scepticism, is the attitude and practice that assesses the truth of something that someone doubts. In journalism this skill is critical thinking. They need this skill to understand something, assess how true it is likely to be This is practice by journalist to make the listeners and readers make sense of the world and to separate myths, misinformation, erroneous beliefs and lies from what is real about something they doubt. Sometimes to clear this doubt they begin to ask sceptical questions. Even though the sceptical approach is not foolproof, it is the best way lies, misleading, misrepresentation, assumption and half truth that would beguile and inveigle could be detected. Then to reasoning ( justify a view point), as journalist they will surely have justify a view point but in doing this they should not take their own view point only but rather listen to other view points then come to a conclusion. In this stage scepticism and reasoning can be linked. This is because as you listen to other view point you must ask sceptical questions or be sceptical as you seek to ask for evidence or facts, where the something lacking, for what is most likely to be true or what is most likely to eventuate. Then you can come a conclusion and justify a view point. Speaking up is also another skill, as journalists they need to be bold and confident to speak out and have good communication skills to be able to speak up. Communication is an essential part of our everyday life. People communicate with one another to share ideas, express thoughts and feeling and resolve problems. Error occur when a communicated message is not given or received as it was intended to. This why both verbal and non verbal communication skills need to be developed. Communication begins with us, that is why journalists take the responsibility and start, they do not wait and expect others to do while other also hide behind various forms of online communication. Good communication, especially on important topics require far more than what we can express in a written message. We often misunderstand this kind of communication because we do not see the persons face. We know about verbal communication do I will emphasize a little on non verbal communication. Non verbal communication is also known as body language. Non verbal communication show others that we are ready to communicate effectively when we give non verbal signals like body position, facial expression, hand movement, gesture, eye contact, attitude and tone of voice,muscle tension and the way you breathe. The last one open mindedness. Having an open mind allows anyone to fully grasp the reality of a situation. As a journalist having predisposed opinion may kill your piece as narrow minded approach leads to a biased and judgemental perspective. Everyone has opinions, everyone a side of their story, that is why the job of a journalist is to illustrate the whole picture. They must be open to others thought yet they must not be afraid to compare them to their own and agree entirely but it is important to respect their view. They must demonstrate empathy by trying to understand the situation from a different perspective. Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings, thoughts and beliefs if another person. Emotional acceptance closely related to empathizing and understanding how the person feels we can accept the reason why someone thinks or feels the way we do , regardless if whether we agree or not. The more open mindedness the more inclusive you are. All these skills are linked and shows how creative a journalist is.
I appreciate any journalistic effort, any investigative investigation and I always try to take the greatest opportunity to delve into any journalistic work that arouses public opinion .....
Therefore, journalistic work has its conditions, the most important of which is that the journalist listens to all points of view and not be satisfied with one point of view.
A journalist must do a more thorough examination and research into the corners of any journalistic work, its causes and consequences.
In my opinion, I think that Open-Mindedness is the most important skill for a Journalist. The skill Open-mindedness means to listen to other viewpoints which is exactly what a Journalist does. What they do is collect data and report about it, let me explain this further, what I mean is that they ask questions to people who are famous or a person that has done something famous or just a regular person and report/talk about it on the news to share what has been going on lately. So what I am trying to say is that they listen to other peoples comments and speak about them on the news. There are many types of Journalists such as food Journalists and travel Journalists. There is a lot of them but we are talking about a normal Journalist and if you listen carefully, it is describing the skill of Open-Mindedness.
This is my opinion of why I think that Open-Mindedness is the skill that you need to be a successful Journalist. If you wish to be a Journalist than here is what you will need to be a successful Journalist in future.
There are basic skills for every journalist, the first of which is the passion that makes the journalist distinguished in the field. As for the second in the proficiency and standards of the profession, it makes the journalist and knows very well that there are journalistic work standards and the key to the success of the journalist is the quality of what is presented to the public and not the possession of the medium. The third skill is training and continuous development that means I am learning Permanently, never be satisfied with what a journalist learned at the beginning of his career
I have two answers because according to Ashutosh Sinha, a journalist he said, "In professional news media, all reporters are journalists but not all journalists are reporters.
"Reporter" is a specific role: Someone who gathers facts and information from multiple sources verifies them and writes a story or relays (reports) those findings in a TV, radio or Internet broadcast.
"Journalist" includes anyone who is part of the editorial process of gathering and disseminating news: Reporters, editors, producers, photographers, camera operators, news columnists, etc.
so if you are a reporter, the best skill you need is skepticism, because a reporter needs to gather information about an event, and by that he or she must ask a question to know what happens. After these skill reasoning and open-mindedness needed to get the truth.
if you are a journalist, the best skill needed is speaking up. according to google some features on a journalist are confidence, determination, and enthusiasm. a journalist needs this skill because he or she would be able to talk to the public giving assurance that what they are saying is true
Yes of a truth, I have come to agree with your comment. From the look of things a journalist need all skills to be able to report news.
I think Scepticism because journalists have to ask questions before writing it down so they know the truth and they don't print fake news.
Spectism is the most important skill a journalist should possive because as a journalist it is your duty to give right infromation to the world as a hold. It is also important as journalist to ask questions because so as founded out the true and share it with other so as to help need and to guide people so as to make right decision.
I don't think so.