#1 Topical Talk triangle
10 September 2021Winners announced!
Thank you to everyone who took part. Remember, you can enter only once and cannot update your entry - please put time into making your first effort your best.
Our two winners this week are:
entertaining_tiger of Joypurhat Girls' Cadet College in Bangladesh. Their answer took an interesting approach to the competition and focussed on what the news meant to them and what they remind themselves to do when they view it.
enchanted_turkey of School of Excellence, Sector-23, in India. They gave a short and effective answer which contained words that can apply to almost all news (when it is delivered well!)
Well done to both of you!

#1 Topical Talk triangle
For the first competition of the year, you'll need to flex your CREATIVITY and PROBLEM-SOLVING muscles. Can you create a Topical Talk triangle? That means choosing THREE words that sum up "the news" for you and an explanation for each word.
For example:
My triangle is: current (at the top), because all news is happening now. Information, because that's what the news give us. And experiences, because people experience the stories in the news.
What would your Topical Talk triangle be for "the news"? Write your answers in the comments section below.
The winners are announced on Fridays - please make sure you follow the instructions and only enter the competition once. Good luck!
Comments (212)
1)responsibility(Because every news person must take responsibility for the accuracy of the news)
2)Credibility (The news must be reliable and true)
3)Promptitude(To be smart and intuitive and quickly take things and publish them)
It's nice!!
Everyone must distinguish between the news ( News can be real or propaganda)
I liked this so much
Awareness , because news gives us awareness about current affairs of the world . Connection, because it is a connection between us and the rest of the world. Knowledge, it gives us knowledge about what others are doing inthis situation . (so that i will be more clear that what will i do)
Good try keep it up 👏
Really fantastic 👏 I loved this comment
Excellent, amazing ideas keep up .
Excellent, that's great, you're a genius
Good try keep it up
Emphasize, as most of the time we get to see that the particular statement about a crime committed, decision taken by higher authorities etc. Are generally emphasized by writing it into bold letters either on newspapers or as breaking news by news channels. Exaggerate, as we most of the time we come across the exaggeration of particular news by news anchors, reporters or journalists no matter how much the news is small or big . Acknowledgement, as we have to acknowledge the news which are provided to us whether good or bad and we can later oppose a particular news of we don't feel secure or keep our thoughts in front of higher authorities to demand changes within it as a responsible citizen of a particular country. THANK YOU
Science and predictions ,(because news gives us the opportunity to prepare for developments) .
culture (to give us the ability to understand the way of thinking ).
Global events (that make us understand what is going on around us).
Efficiency , " because the news needs rational exploitation " .
Attention to smallest details , " because the individual must exploit his knowledge resources in order to achieve comprehensiveness and accuracy in his work " .
Extreme investigation , " because people are always suspicious , and for this reason , the news must be truthful " .
Criticism. When I see news, I start criticizing and expressing my thoughts , Research, in order to prove my theories that I search and go deeper , Realization, after searching, I will realize a new reality that I was ignorant of
Learning ,News helps me learn, learning makes me aware , Awareness makes me wary of being reckless in making a decision , Produces protection from risks
Caution, protecting myself from committing risks or falling from reckless ambushes
interest : To act as a mediator between people and what they want to know with interest
The strength of observation : The ability to work and tell the news quickly and accurately
Good performance : To get the news from the right sources
Dialogues: After knowing the news, a dialogue will occur between people , Perspectives: After the dialogues, people's theories and ideas are produced , Creative thinking: After engaging in discussions, your thinking will develop as you try to prove theories
I love this comment
The event is alive broadcast of the news
The press is ameans of transmitting news
Social media is the best way to convey news
Important: the news must be important facts for people.
Research:then people began to research to learn more.
Knowledge:research improves the knowledge of the people.
Truth:the news gives us the real events in the world
Gamble:gambling to find out
Health :the comprehensive event wih all countries currently in health.
Culture, works to educate everyone and young people and develop their knowledge
Guidance, because it tells the confused to do the right thing, it is very important
Honesty because the news must be truthful to reduce rumors and implement culture and guidance
Discovery, because the news makes us discover what is happening in the world
Sympathy, because the news makes us sympathize with other people
Try, news gives us ideas to try new things
Validity : because when you provide a certain news Sure, people in no questioned the validity of your news and they'll put trust always on your news.
Authenticy: when you give a nice touch of authenticy, people love you and straight up your news eagerly.
Precision, Accuracy, regularity : you had better write your information and news as much as precision to convince readers , on this ways it's so easy to give readers knowledge to help them to know the whole truth
Question: It is the request of the lowest from the highest, and it is a method used to obtain information, data, or knowledge.
Infinitive: It is what comes from something, and it is a nominative form indicating the event.
Newspapers: They collect and analyze news and opinions and verify their sources
1- Objectivity: (transmitting the press news as it is without adding or decreasing, so you should write with a neutral view and not write with your emotions, there are always two sides to the opinion and the writer must show the viewpoint of both parties and make the reader the one to choose).
2- Pluralism:(when there is an abundance of voices, opinions and analyzes on the internal multimedia system or coexistence of different and diverse types of media and the support of external multimedia).
3- Realism: (realism is one of the most important values when dealing with news, as it is said about a journalist that he is a professional if he adheres to the truth and accuracy of the news).
Awareness :to be aware and realize about the things in the world
Curiosity: to be curious for knowledge and science.
practical application: to apply and work with everything you have learned and to benefit from it.
1- ( point of view) point of view and the opinion is to be consistent in your point of view and convinced of it
2- ( Action) work to convince others of your point of view and apply it on the ground
3- ( Responsibility )the responsibility to be responsible its meaning and all its effects on society
(Global communication
)because with the news we want to deliver it to the outside world and the (correct and reliable sources) that verify the authenticity of the news, (science and knowledge )and through which we can understand and analyze the news
Education,because it has the power to change the life,Confidence , because it affects every area of your life, including work and relationships,Truthful,because truthful is one of the necessities of a human society, one of the virtues of human behaviour, and brings great benefits, whilst lying is one of the major elements of corruption in human society,...
Please enter the competition only once, glad_camel.
Because, news tells u s what is happening in the world. It is the connection between us and rest of the world. Knowledge, it gives us knowledge about different communities and information about the world.( I really like that topical talk triangle is about news. Which gives us many information and knowledge about the world)
My triangle is: Acknowledgement, because news helps us acknowledge things that are happening around us. Educate, because the news educates us about different things. Understand, because the news helps us understand different perspectives of different people it also helps us understand different cultures,countries and life styles.
prospective, I really like the word prospective because I think everyone has a right to have their own prospective and everyone has a different prospective no one is the same and I will really like to give my prospective on something
Communication, because news is the part of Communication that keep us informed of the changing events , issues and characters in the world outside. Knowledge, because it gives us Knowledge about what the people are doing and what is happening in the world. Experience, it gives us the experience in news to people .
I think you are totally right about the communication. It's really important.
yes, that right
Interaction, because it helps us to interact with the whole world to know other's perspective.
Introspection, it helps us to introspect overselve to know where we stand in the race of this fast moving world.
Understanding, it gives the understanding of what is going on in one's nation and the whole world.
Opinions, as whenever We hear a news debate on certain Topics We get to hear Different opinions from the intellectuals Present as we get to know their thoughts about Certain Topics.
Controversies, Yes you heard right,
There are some certain small topics but just for TRP & for bringing some Heaviness To News some useless topics are being discussed and just a little spark and a controversy is being created as this is also because of the fake news that is been shown to public and there are also some so called news channels intellectuals they create huge controversies just for small issue just to gain Viewers & TRP.
Unheard Problems, Yes even if How much you roast the news channels & news but the thing that can't be changed that sometimes because of these news we get to know the unheard problems in any city or state or village of our country India or Globally. There are certain places in India whose problems are not being discussed as we are unheard of their problems they face so many times we get to hear the unheard problems of our country and that is very great thing as our Youth can react upon this and can create ideas to solve these problems.
I want to write more But I will end it Here.
Here is my triangle :- UNIFIER News unequivocally connects the world, it brings us together by allowing us the chance to know what's happening on the other side, UNBIASED Every News is expected to be nothing but sheer truth and an honest narration of the event, ANCIENT 'The News' is an ancient terminology and this idea of sharing of information is an age-old concept, essentially something that even fostered survival of our medieval ancestors.
Really fantastic 👏 I loved this comment
Awesome, because news always attract people with actions and visual and audio attractions.
Informative , because news is full of information and data that can arose our mind .
Imaginative, since you see the news, hear the news , you fly with your mind wings to countries faraway.
Honesty: is telling the truth, and it is one of the virtues and is considered one of the noblest manners. It is the opposite of lying; The person who speaks the truth is described as honest. The article: a type of literature, is a structural piece of moderate length that is written in prose, and is concerned with the external aspects of the subject in an easy and quick way, and is concerned only with the aspect that touches the writer closely. Media democracy is a set of ideas calling for media reform, strengthening of public broadcasting, and development and participation in alternative media and public journalism (also called street journalism). Its stated purpose is to create a media system that informs and empowers all members of society and promotes democratic values.
Amazing, Because news is an attractive thing that attracts people with visual and audio knowledge.
Media, The news is full of wonderful information that feeds our minds.
Fiction, t he fictional part of the news that , we hear the news, we fly our minds to the countries of imagination.
Accuracy , because the broadcasters speak in accurate way we learn another when we see and hear the news ,they don't make any language mistakes.
Fluency, because the broadcasters speak in hurry and precisely .We learn being in trust when we talk.
Welfare, because when we see and hear with some countries happiness , we become happy for them and when we hear of something wrong we pray for God for them .
Liberty, because you see situation ,you criticize situations,you become with the a bility to say no and seeks for your liberity.
Reality, because you belong to what is going on .You feel all what is happening .You become a real person.
Sensitivity, because your emotions affec with all disasters and hear all the sad voices , you with if you have a magic lamp to solve all the world problems.
Omhnipresent (the news gives us an overall view of what's happening in the world)
Perceive (the news makes us conscious about our surroundings and aware us)
Equality (the news is neutral with every being without discrimination)
1-The scoop: (It means that the journalist makes the news the exclusive image, especially the news and media outlet)
2- The news report: (is that the news report is a covert text based on clarifying a specific news, so the news reports are spread daily on the front pages of newspapers)
3 Press interviews: (they are the news that the journalist obtained from their sources for direct return)
Awareness,because news gives us awareness about current affairs of the world
communication,because news is the part of communication that keep us in formed of changing
My triangle is :
1- Current affairs ( news tell us about our country's and all over the world's fresh knowledge and situations that's help us to deal with them....
2 - platform ( news is a platform where the normal people or common people can share their problems , their opinion about the Current affairs. Without getting any type of discrimination ...
3- ideas ( news give us more and more inovative ideas to make this world more beautiful and peacefull
1_ Credibility: The news must be published in all honesty to spread honesty among news readers
2_ Transparency: the news must be verified well before it is published
3_ Communication: It helps in unloading negative charges inside the human being
It is necessary to read the news and match it in reality, especially if the title is strange and the news must be spelled well before believing it. It is better not to read the news from social media because it can be fake if you want true and truthful news. It is better to read it from the newspapers that are sold daily or from the television and there must be investigation Whether the obligatory website is real or fake, and you should always verify the name of the author of the news or article.
1.Reliable: news must provide us with accurate information because it is the only real source we rely on to be aware of what's going on around the whole world.
2. Attention_grabbing news: news must grab our attention so that we can benefit from it and this is when news anchor delivers the news perfectly.
3. Unusual news: news presents us surprising events in the world that may be very strange sometimes, but it is certainly true.
Affairs - News aware us about the current affairs ( matters ) going on in our surrounding!!.
Knowledge- whatever the news we got to know about th affairs , it increases our knowledge!!.
Consequences - whatever the news we got to know have different impact on public , and people sho their gratitude towards that by news only , through media!!!.
Media democracy is a set of ideas calling for media reform, strengthening of public broadcasting, and development and participation in alternative media and public journalism (also called street journalism). Its stated purpose is to create a media system that informs and empowers all members of society and promotes democratic values.
True news and perfect explaination because if we have true news and we explain it very perfectly then we can convey the news in right way
Technology , to bring news to all the world
Language, so that whole world knows what's going on
Real news , so people in news outlets say
I)Agenda: Because every news debate has a agenda to speak and discuss upon.
II)Depates: Because it includes debates on various issues of the world and tries to draw a conclusion from these debates.
III)Information: Because news provide us with various information about various events that are happening currently or that had happened in the past.
Inquiring, because news give you a weath of questions and searching for answers .You keep your mind is busy.
Problem solving, because a lot of interviews lead you to find overall solution .
Predicting, because we see and think about the news all the time , thus will lead for predictiong these accident. I think this skill is the most important objective of following the news.
You find solutions, but are they listened to, or is there a center or group in your community that is interested in finding solutions to problems we talked about in the news?
1_ Conversation , Because the news is part of the conversation that keeps us informed of the happenings in the world.
2 _Informative , Because the news is full of important information about the event.
3 _ Knowledge , Because the news gives us the ability to know the news around the world
Awareness, because we follow all the world movements continuously. Thus give us the full Awareness.
Fluency, because since we love listening to the broadcasters, we try to imitate them and speak clearly as much as we can.
Justice, because we see in the news that evil persons have their punishment and bad end. Of course, this will lead us to search for good sides and good people.
Nice , you have chosen justice, can you give me examples of evildoers and their consequences?
Respect: listening opinions of other people means respect them
Overlocked: ignore the perspective of others.
Decision: listen to other perspectives give power to decision
Education: because it develops the skills of the individual and makes him have knowledge and a position in society, which helps him to secure his life 🌺🌑
Talking tact: because it facilitates the understanding and understanding of the other party and delivers the image as we want🍂
Technology: Because the majority of people use one of the means of technology, such as the Internet, to get their attention،🌼🌿
Dialogue: News are very important to us this gives us a chance to enhance our knowledge and Perspective.
1)responsibility(Because every news person must take responsibility for the accuracy of the news)
1)responsibility(Because every news person must take responsibility for the accuracy of the news)
2Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
In social science and politics, power is the capacity of an individual to influence the actions, beliefs, or conduct (behaviour) of others. ... The use of power need not involve force or the threat of force (coercion). An example of using power without oppression is the concept "soft power" (as compared to hard power).
(Attention), the news makes us pay attention to the things that are happening around us
(Interest), after a person pays attention to some thing in the news, he becomes interested in learning more about it
(Conclusion), the news makes us infer new things and information, and we can then try to provide assistance or do the necessary thing.
Knowledge: The news is a window through which viewers in their homes view the big world, because television can reach thousands of millions of viewers in their homes at the same time so that we can realize its dangerous role, as it spreads news and people can know what is happening around it; Thus, television is a network that connects all parts of the world to each other.
My Triangle is: First, Information:Information is important in everyone's lives because without information, we would not be able to develop our knowledge on the world.Second,Awareness: Being aware will give you an insight into your beliefs and whether they are positive or holding you back. If you are aware then this will give you knowledge and if you have knowledge then you know what you need to do to and the direction you need to go to make changes to improve and be successful.And the last corner of my triangle is,Confidence:Confidence helps us feel ready for life's experiences. When we're confident, we're more likely to move forward with people and opportunities — not back away from them. And if things don't work out at first, confidence helps us try again. It's the opposite when confidence is low.👏👍
Can you relate these words to the news, glad_camel?
How? I Did not understand
Knowledge: The news keeps us updated about the global situation and affairs that enriches our knowledge about the world we dwell in.
Connection: The news is what creates a bridge between an individual and the rest of the world by informing him/her about the global circumstances which connects every human to one another.
Perspective: The news broadens our views and gives us a new perspective to look at as well as judge the issues going on around us through the detailed description of any particular affair.
Training , because news gives you something you need to work on really hard circumstances. Coaching, because a you become a trainer when working interacting with others Exercise , because news watching activity requiring physical effort, carried out to improve fitness
1_Communication: The person who talks and discusses news on social media should be speaking more than one language to facilitate communication between countries of the world and facilitate the dissemination of important news in a clear way to the whole world.
2_Knowledge: It is important for a person to have extensive knowledge of all the problems and crises that happen in the world to facilitate their solution
3_ Experience: It is important for a person to have experience in disseminating news in order to deliver it in the fullest manner and without problems and errors that lead to problems.
Really this comment deserves a star.
Great ideas.
Respect the opinions of other : because respecting the opinions of others is an important thing, and a person is free to his opinion, and you must respect people's opinions
Awareness،because news gives us awareness about current affairs of the world . Connection, because it is a connection between us and the rest of the world. Knowledge, it gives us knowledge about what others are doing inthis situation . (so that i will be more clear that what will i do)
Criticism, when I see news, I start criticizing and expressing my thoughts . Research, in order to prove my theories that I search and go deeper .
Realization, after searching, I will realize a new reality that I was ignorant of
Education: because it develops the skills of the individual and makes him have knowledge and a position in society, which helps him to secure his life 🌺🌑
Talking tact: because it facilitates the understanding and understanding of the other party and delivers the image as we want🍂
Technology: Because the majority of people use one of the means of technology, such as the Internet, to get their attention،🌼🌿
Experience also works here , you sometimes belive and sometimes not.
Learning (by books) , to learn about things around me.
Experience, experiences teach me the truth of the information gained (in terms of true and false).
Practice, applying what you have learned through books and experience (for the service of myself and my community).
So proud of your post dear sister.
It means liberty.. I mean to be open-minded and liberate your ideas instead of restricting your mind
Also it means awareness. To be aware of what's happening around and avoid all sources of danger
My triangle is : Communication: The person who talks and discusses news on social media should be speaking more than one language to facilitate communication between countries of the world and facilitate the dissemination of important news in a clear way to the whole world.
Knowledge: It is important for a person to have extensive knowledge of all the problems and crises that happen in the world to facilitate their solution
Experience: It is important for a person to have experience in disseminating news in order to deliver it in the fullest manner and without problems and errors that lead to problems.
The philosophy of news (newspapers): is the study of general and basic questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, reasoning and language. Media criticism: It is the study of media business in its political, economic, social and entertainment form, and the evaluation, interpretation and analysis of professional practices according to the rules of the nature of the media system.
Climate 🌾
It is the long-term average weather conditions, usually calculated over a period of 30 years, and climate is the region or general condition of the climate system at that location; Present-day paleoclimatology is the study of ancient climates. Since there are very few direct observations on climate 🍃
Healing , the power of minds because news describes what great minds want to know from the news.
Communication, because social communication is very important to know the latest news of the world and the changes in it.
Predicting , because the world of imagination, the wonderful and beautiful news takes the mind to faraway countries of imagination.
Really imagination creates special and unique worlds.
I belive in your words. I think news can play an important role in changing the world.
Thank you
Personal criticism, because when I see the news I start criticizing and expressing the ideas that are on my mind.
Knowledge, because knowing news and information that you were ignorant of knowing.
Searching, because searching for the information I want to know , so news is everything and everywhere.
Unknown Information: because news gives us information/knowledge which we don't know.
eye-opener: News broadens our minds by giving us exotic information.
Communication: News connect us with whole world.
my triangle is:Healing , the power of minds because news describes what great minds want to know from the news.
Communication, because social communication is very important to know the latest news of the world and the changes in it.
Predicting , because the world of imagination, the wonderful and beautiful news takes the mind to faraway countries of imagination.
My triangle is :Inquiring, because news give you a weath of questions and searching for answers .You keep your mind is busy.
Problem solving, because a lot of interviews lead you to find overall solution .
Predicting, because we see and think about the news all the time , thus will lead for predictiong these accident. I think this skill is the most important objective of following the news.
My triangle is: Dialogues: After knowing the news, a dialogue will occur between people , Perspectives: After the dialogues, people's theories and ideas are produced , Creative thinking: After engaging in discussions, your thinking will develop as you try to prove theories.
News creates the power of observation: when you see a picture, text, or any document on a news, you start to notice the smallest details in order to learn more
Creative thinking: After observation, you will begin to think and produce theories with justifications and criticisms that create new theories
Discovering facts: When you produce a theory, you will work on it and research it to prove its validity, and this produces facts
Please enter the competition only once, healthy_antelope.
I didn't notice that, I'll do that, thank you
Eagerness:when we have eager,then anything can be done.
Enthusiasm:people gets courage by listening to brave works.
Experience:People do experience a lot when they are enthusiastic to do any noble work
Faith, because you every day see accidents and know that is God destiny. Thus leads me to faith.
Loyalty, because news helps in creating good citizens who work to raise their country.
Being proud, because you become proud when you see that your country is a safe place and people .
1_ Productivity, because Newspapers are the ones that can produce the news of the whole world and serve it to the people.
2_ Knowledgeable, because knowing the news we want through the news and own the knowledge.
3_ Transmission, because
the daily news is concerned with the transmission of daily events related to the developments of public affairs and other events that occur during the hour.
Revelotion maker, because news is witnessed by a huge amount of people , If the news wanted to make a Revelotion, it will be. People hate injustice so the news helps to waken people in revolutions.
Brain builder, some people who own the media try to say what they want to say and build people brains as they want. In the other hand news Fellowers can notice the differences in facts.
Peace maker, because as news can make war , it also can make peace .The owners of media some times make news as they wish not as it really be. News is a big maker for either war or peace.
the media contribute to the decision-making process as they provide the quantity and type of information that is negotiable among the various decision-making parties, to create a state of similarity in the perception of the situation for decision-makers as they possess the same amount and type of information, which brings the points of view closer, It contributes to the production, clarification and understanding of political decisions.
Promoting intercultural dialogue: The mass media have the tools to facilitate and simplify dialogue between different cultures. They can challenge prevailing attitudes and dispel bad ideas regarding the “other.”
Developing people’s awareness: The media plays an important role in developing people’s awareness, motivating young people to develop society and cooperating for the country’s renaissance and facing all obstacles, as it is with its great ability and unlimited potential, responsible for informing people of many issues and dangers such as crime, for example.
Excellent, great, keep it up
1st part:- Updated news.
So that everyone will be able to be updated about that current situation going on around the world.
2nd part:- Truthfulness.
So that fake news remains away from the society which can lead to misunderstanding and disorders.
3rd part:- Spreading awareness.
Thus news being the best and effective medium to spread correct information and provide awareness to the people.
When you watch the news arises:
Doubt : We begin to doubt facts or recent discoveries
Logic: After doubt, you will be thinking in search of logic
Changing Beliefs: After searching for logic, we will begin to believe in new things that we see as logical
Personal criticism, because when I see the news I start criticizing and expressing the ideas that are on my mind.
Knowledge, because knowing news and information that you were ignorant of knowing.
Searching, because searching for the information I want to know , so news is everything and everywhere.
1.Enlightenment:Generally,the news upholds all types of occuring all around us and we can get a clear view from it.That's why,it enlightens our thoughts and mentality.
2.Change:As mentality is changed by the news and we are led to the truth,we bring a rapid change to our works and favour.
3.Enrichment:Hopefully,the change we have brought which was influenced by the news leads us to enrichment and flourish our overall condition.That enrichment can be the progress in culture,in behaviour,or even in our academic side.
1.Information:the first thing we get through news
2.Thinking:the news makes us to think
3.Impact:we do change our way of life through the news
My triangle is: informing:news inform the people about what is going around in world topics including politics , education, weather forecast all are covered
Educating: by giving information to people all most on every topic it is used to educate them
Guiding: once the people are informed an educated on certain issues then it helps people in guiding
Dialogue:A news is a well communicator between all peoples
Opinion:people could have different opinion about the same topic
Acknowledgment:Final conclusin is that we all learn something from news.
Listen critically , to discover what is real and what is not .
Creativity, Creativity gives us ideas that helps us understand the news .
Innovation , helps us find ideas about why something is happening in the news
Update - Because the news keep us updated or up to date with the world's happenings.
Exaggeration - Because we can exaggerate our knowledge in current affairs,creative activities, various topics etc through the news.
Perception - Because through the news, we can compare our perception to the perception of the people of the world.
Nice 👍
Oh that's cool you got a star keep it up💜
My triangle is:
1.Acknowledge: because we get a huge knowledge by reading news
Dialogues:People do have different thoughts about any particular topic
Update:It keeps us updated with the world happenings.
Realization:After searching, I will realize a new reality that I was ignorant of
Revolution maker: because news is seen by huge amount of people,it could make revolution among them
Creative thinking: After engaging in discussions, your thinking will develop as you try to prove theories.
Criticism:when I see news, I start criticizing and expressing my thoughts .
Connection: Because it establishes connection between me and the rest of the world
Healing:healing the power of minds because news describes what great minds want to know from the news.
Dialogues: After knowing the news, a dialogue will occur between
people, Perspectives: After the dialogues, people's theories and
ideas are produced, Creative thinking: After engaging in
discussions, your thinking will develop as you try to prove theories.
Awareness،because news gives us awareness about current affairs of the world .
Connection, because it is a connection between us and the rest of the world.
knowledge, it gives us knowledge about what others are doing inthis situation . (so that i will be more clear that what will i do)
Please enter this competition only ONCE, active_speech.
Ok.sorry for the fault.
Gateway- News is a gateway to oceans of knowledge, information, and occurrences around the world.
Exchange-News visualizes different cultures, ideas, innovations, theories, and so on to many people. Which ultimately helps in a regional or global cultural and ideological exchange.
Enlightenment- News enlightens people about the actual situation. Moreover, it kindles the light of truth and removes wrong ideas and superstitions from society, helping people to make the right decisions in case of supporting or opposing any particular social, political or ideological stance.
Opinions, as whenever We hear a news debate on certain Topics We get to hear Different opinions from the intellectuals Present as we get to know their thoughts about Certain Topics.
Controversies, Yes you heard right,
There are some certain small topics but just for TRP & for bringing some Heaviness To News some useless topics are being discussed and just a little spark and a controversy is being created as this is also because of the fake news that is been shown to public and there are also some so called news channels intellectuals they create huge controversies just for small issue just to gain Viewers & TRP.
Unheard Problems, Yes even if How much you roast the news channels & news but the thing that can't be changed that sometimes because of these news we get to know the unheard problems in any city or state or village of our country India or Globally. There are certain places in India whose problems are not being discussed as we are unheard of their problems they face so many times we get to hear the unheard problems of our country and that is very great thing as our Youth can react upon this and can create ideas to solve these problems.
I want to write more But I will end it Here.
Here is my triangle :- UNIFIER News unequivocally connects the world, it brings us together by allowing us the chance to know what's happening on the other side, UNBIASED Every News is expected to be nothing but sheer truth and an honest narration of the event, ANCIENT 'The News' is an ancient terminology and this idea of sharing of information is an age-old concept, essentially something that even fostered survival of our medieval ancestors
1.Reliability (The news must be something that the general people can rely on)
2.Usefulness (The news that are broadcasted must be useful)
3.Fact checked (The news must be fact checked and researched deeply before coming into any conclusion and broadcasting it)
1_Respect the opinions of other : because respecting the opinions of others is an important thing, and a person is free to his opinion, and you must respect people's opinions
2_reliable news
We must check and make sure the news is accurate before publishing it
3_The speed of spreading the news
We must spread the news with an intuitive speed
My triangle is:Revelotion maker, because news is witnessed by a huge amount of people , If the news wanted to make a Revelotion, it will be. People hate injustice so the news helps to waken people in revolutions.
Brain builder, some people who own the media try to say what they want to say and build people brains as they want. In the other hand news Fellowers can notice the differences in facts.
Peace maker, because as news can make war , it also can make peace .The owners of media some times make news as they wish not as it really be. News is a big maker for either war or peace.
Here is my triangle:Update - Because the news keep us updated or up to date with the world's happenings.
Exaggeration - Because we can exaggerate our knowledge in current affairs,creative activities, various topics etc through the news.
Perception - Because through the news, we can compare our perception to the perception of the people of the world.
Interest in various issues: The media has multiple goals, as it is not only concerned with political issues, but also with developmental issues within the country.
Informing and following up on issues: The media is characterized by being constantly informed of societal issues and problems, and that it covers these issues completely and follows them up so that it publishes the latest developments in them continuously.
Providing means of comparison for the individual: Different media are ways that enable the individual to compare and contrast different issues, and this is one of the best realistic ways that contribute to building and correcting public opinion.
Delivering information and news: and everything related to it to the general public, in an abstract and without bias.
Creating different discussions and dialogues: with the elites of various fields, within a specific media space; The TV talk shows are a clear example of this.
Searching for issues that the public does not know much about; This includes stories of the marginalized, corruption of state agencies, intelligence issues, service disasters in a region, and other matters.
Economic news: one of the most important news that touches the daily and future life of the citizen, which people follow eagerly so that they can learn about new events that will affect their lives, income, way of living and others.
Political news: In light of the current circumstances that surround our world with important, changing and ever-changing political events, people are looking for new political news, so that they can maintain the stability of their lives and express their opinions on these daily, urgent and urgent events as well.
Sports news: There is no doubt that sports news is one of the most important types of news that many people or most people follow. To follow the news of another type of sport than the previous one, and so it is always navigating between sports news, which is constantly changing.
Your comment is full of magnificence and gravity
My triangle is: Update, the news is the key source to stay updated with the world. Awareness, because with the help of news we can make aware the people of the whole world. Authenticity, because news is the source from where we get any information (And that needs to be authentic).
Culture provides us with the ability to understand a way of thinking
Good performance is getting news from the right sources
Realism is one of the most important values when dealing with news
Creativity, because news plays a role in creating a state of globalization a mong people in the world to form friendships and become a wsre of all the latest developments in al countries and beyond border.
Realism,realism is one of the most important important values when dealing with news,ait is said about a journalists that heist a professional if he a here's to the truth and accuracy of then news .
Amazing, Because news is an attractive thing that attracts people with visual and audio knowledge.
Media, The news is full of wonderful information that feeds our minds.
Fiction, t he fictional part of the news that , we hear the news, we fly our minds to the countries of imagination.
Reliance- As most of our decisions are dependent on the updates we have at our hands.
Reminder- It keeps us reminding about the most urgent issues happening around us which needs much attention.
Connector- It actually analyses the past events and connecting with the present, helps us predict the future.
My triangle is: Science, because science leads to knowledge. Knowledge, because knowledge leads to development. And evolution, because evolution pushes people to increase their demand for knowledge.
Presenting some ideas, solutions or positions on a topic in the context of the conversation.
Diversity of opinions, reaching more solutions, and promoting love and initiative among them.
Feelings of frustration, monopoly, demolishing the spirit of initiative within the person, and the spread of jealousy and hatred.
Awareness, because it's one of the most important things that the media can do to a person. It also spreads a lot of awareness alone. Regarding all the things a person can go through in life, or the right way he can deal with them.
2. Teaching and learning time, because modern media provided various media that facilitate the process of education for children and increase their enthusiasm for it, because they contain many interesting educational programs in various fields such as art and languages for example...
3.A tool for education and guidance: With the media’s various programs that contribute greatly to educating people about matters of interest to them in their lives, it also directs many people to behave well in many life matters such as health, technology...
3. A tool for education and guidance, Because it is with the various media programs that it organizes and it also gave them freedom of opinion..
1.Credibility of speech"As a member of the community,I have the right to listen to true news and there is in distortion in it , as this generates trust between vieswers and the news channel".
2.Keeping up with technology "
on all this development of technology , it is not supposed to publish news on radio , for example , but rather it must be shown on advanced screens to attract more viewers".
3.Transmission speed "To be in the lead , you must convery the news guickly so that it receives more trust among the viewers".
1-News helps us learn about the things that are happening around us without the hassle or cost.
2-News helps to raise people's awareness of the facts around them, develops their minds, helps us to give our perspective, and makes us love our lives when we see the miserable conditions of others.
3-The news reinforces the national belonging of the people and creates a link through the circulation of news, which creates a dialogue that contributes to solving problems and crises.
Interpreting information by identifing and dissecting the proposed problems and identifying weaknesses and strength with its predictions .
Analyzing and organizing ideas and imposing hypotheses ,an attempt to focus on finding solutions and arranging them according to priorities .
Draw conclusions ,which in turn give the opportunity to take lessons
In short ,we can use ideas from news to develop thinking skill in scientific research steps
library it has a collection of content, digtal collection of content whether visual or written on album of pictures today, the realia we see on the ground.
communicate and share and see and hear.
My triangle is:
Current affairs ( The news gives us knowledge about various subject matter happening around the world)
Legitimacy( The news must be authentic and the news reporter should give logic about the subject matters in a convincing way)
Knowledge ( The news gives us information about different things It can be good source for learning about various subject matter)
On top of my triangle is verification. No one wants to be as misfortune as a misinformed person, that's why it's on the top of my priority list.
News is a piece of information that helps us make a decision, acting as one of the main catalysts.
Addressing an issue personally might as well reflect our various biases. Knowing how different people view the problem, we can tackle the problem with a better attitude.
1.Credibility-The news should be free from all kinds of distortions.
2.Acknowledge-Credible news will help us to acknowledge our surroundings.
3. Preception-News help us to perceive an issue from different aspects.
My triangle is:
1) Veracity- The news must be based upon facts and those facts must be very true and accurate so that the public gets the true information and the chances of misconceptions among the people gets eliminated.
2) Briefness- This is the very important property of any kind of news in today's world. A short glance at the news makes the people very cognoscente about the present issues of daily world where people are very busy in their own day to day work and have very less time for other activities.
3) Positivity: The news must be presented in a highly positive manner as in the present time the published news are very depressing and completely negatively oriented that creates very bad impacts in any person's mind. Positivity will ensure the healing nature of the badest news and creates some hope of adequate justice.
Concise:Because the news should be delivered being as informative as possible,and also make up the time for other topics.
Brave:The word brave may seem like it does not describe the news,but in today's world,brave is very descriptive of news.As the news has to bring all important issues to light,whether it may go against a community or not.
Influence:The news reaches everyone.So,it must make a positive impact leaving a good influence on the viewers/readers.
My triangle is: consequences(A reporter should emphasize the angle of a story that will interest most readers,listeners, or viewers in terms of consequences)
Timeliness:(immediate,current information and events are newsworthy because they have just recently occured)
Novelty: (anything that gets attention because its unusual can often be considered newsworthy)
In my opinion
News is the most important media in this world as well as our daily life
We khow that news may be international , national, society or own
We heard many information about the world or own from the news .
News may be emotional like
Some parts of world many people had died because of earthquake or flood and land slide
Suppose we are staying in Nepal then with the help of news we can know the information of other countries like USA UK many more . From news what is happening in other countries that things also we can heard
Nowadays news is also one parts of human being.
Some people tell news is so booring to listen but they don't know the value of news don't know from the news what kind of information can get So plz
l am requesting that u should listen the news not in any time
morning afternoon and evening for 1 hour each is inup to listen.
When we read or listen the news thenwecan get anymore information. Now a days internet is available so we can search the News from internet. Research new things about news. I hopeu will search new things about news Inthe internet.
News may be different like
Sport news
Emotional news
International or national news
Entertainment news
And many more news are available.
Why Perspectives are important:
In order to resolve conflict constructively, so that all parties are satisfied with the outcome, a person must be able to hold all the opposing ideas, positions, and perspectives in mind at the same time and still function effectively.Anyone can share their perspective as we have right to speech and yes perspectives makes it easier to reach on a decision.
The three words in my triangle are-
1. Perspective: Different news creates different perspectives among people. When a news is published in a channel, that will not be appreciated by all. Some parties will be in favour of it. On the other hand, some will be against of it.
2. Enlightment: When there is an abundance of news on different topics, it helps us to enlighten and expand our thinking.
3. Inspiration: A success video of the successful personality broadcast on a news channel can be a good source of encouragement and inspiration for our young generation.
Right I agree👍
Can you say why?
Awareness: because news keeps us aware that what is being going on in the country as well as in the whole world.
Responsibility: Being a responsible citizen of our country news helps us and make us responsible.
Participation: as news keeps us updated so we can participate in any program like elections on time.
1.Decision, we can decide what is right and what is wrong from the given information by the news.
2. Lesson,we can learn lesson from other experiences and change our life.
3. Informed citizen,It inform us about rules and laws and make us aware.
Rain : because countinuosly Rain its being 3 days we are facing problems.
Festival: because due to heavy rain there is being problem to celebrate
Road : Because due to undulating surface offroad people are facing problem or unable to reach their destinations.
1.Awareness: the news awares me of the current issues of world and most importantly of my own country or state.
2:Knowledge: the news gives me knowledge about different fields such as politics, education, finance and so on.
3.Inspiration: the news inspires me to solve the problems of my country and make it well developed.
1-It is the United Nations Climate Change Conference that transforms climate change from a marginal issue into a global priority.
2-It is used to describe a state that attempts to impose its authority on society and aspects of personal and public life.
3-Because of the opposition of society and the large number of criticisms and points of view, I take the opinions of the community before implementing any order.
Learning about the headlines of news and getting knowledge about it.
Exposing the real fact or real incident .
The exchanging the information or incident with others.
Clarity: Because we know clarity equals to understanding. If we can write clearly then readers can understand it gives accurate and offcource will be always clear with it.
Outstanding ; It gives high quality examples of any sentences or any further information.
Perception; It gives the ability to understand and next aware of something through the senses which news can be easily clarify.
I a gree with you that clarity is very important for news.
My triangle:
1st part: Objectivity.
Aim to help the audience makeup their own mind about a story, providing the facts and then letting audience interpret those on their own..
2nd part: Accuracy.
It plays a particularly important role with regard to the factually of the journalistic discouse.
3rd part: proximity.
Most people find news and events that happen in close proximity more relevant and interesting than those taking place a long way away.
1. Message conveyor: As it conveys different messages to the people
2. familiarizing material: As it let people be familiar with different incidents, events and situations
3. means of communication: As it circulates messages, events , and assists in communication
1- A perspectives is someone's point view on something, there can be different perspective about the same issue or question
2- helps you to understand things in a different light and opens up the path for a whole lot more of understanding and tolerance
Awareness , because news gives us awareness about current affairs of the world . Connection, because it is a connection between us and the rest of the world. Knowledge, it gives us knowledge about what others are doing inthis situation . (so that i will be more clear that what will i do)
Listen critically , to discover what is real and what is not .
Creativity, Creativity gives us ideas that helps us understand the news .
Innovation , helps us find ideas about why something is happening in the news
A person’s perspective largely determines how a message will be interpreted. The same message may be interpreted as friendly teasing or as hostile insubordination depending on the perspective of the receiv
.Information:the first thing we get through news
2.Thinking:the news makes us to think
3.Impact:we do change our way of life through the news
It.s Lovey
Communication, because news is the part of Communication that keep us informed of the changing...
Update - Because the news keep us updated or up to date with the world's happenings.
Exaggeration - Because we can exaggerate our knowledge in current affairs,creative activities, various topics etc through the news.
Perception - Because through the news, we can compare our perception to the perception of the people of the world.
1- In November 2021, world leaders will meet in Glasgow Scotland , for the 20th United Nations climate change conference (cop26)
This is where countries willset individual targets to protect the environment
COP26 is the world’s most significant summit on climate change and in 2021 it’s being hosted in the UK. Find out more about the conference and why we’re excited to be one of the COP26 Principal Partners.
*covering everything or all important points an inclusive price. * including the stated limits and all in between from ages three to ten inclusive.
Because news gives us awareness about current affairs of the world . Connection, because it is a connection between us and the rest of the world. Knowledge, it gives us knowledge about what others are doing inthis situation
Reliance- As most of our decisions are dependent on the updates we have at our hands.
Reminder- It keeps us reminding about the most urgent issues happening around us which needs much attention.
Connector- It actually analyses the past events and connecting with the present, helps us predict the future.
Credibility The news always gives us honest information and does not fabricate lies to spread the news. It gives us facts and information that we can benefit from for the future and the future. Communication continues and gives us information and news from all over the world, and this is what distinguishes it Update The news tells us about everything when it happens' and when another event happens, the old news tells the new👌👌
My triangle is:
1.Information:The definition of information is news or knowledge received or given. News gives us world information. What was happening in the world.
2.Awareness:Awareness is the state of being conscious of something. I think news is also the awareness because it aware the people.
3.Journalism: The basic assumption of journalism is the collection, interpretation and presentation of news. News is journalism because journalism is the collection and distribution of news.
Consciousness:The news is a cautios maker.It makes us aware of climate,global happenings and country happenings
Realization:we do realize a lot after knowing the thing that we were igrorant of.
Job finder:A lot of people do find their jobs through the news everyday
Topical talk:
A news always concerns us a about any topic...it might be global or local
It enhances the thinking capabilities of a human because the news gives the chance to think a lot.
People could understand what they are going through.They could understand the condition of local or global happenings and keep them updated.
Aim to help the audience makeup their own mind about a story, providing the facts and then letting audience interpret those on their own..
It plays a particularly important role with regard to the factually of the journalistic discouse....
The venue in Glasgow has a limited number of seats.
Science and predictions ,(because news gives us the opportunity to prepare for developments) .
culture (to give us the ability to understand the way of thinking ).
Global events (that make us understand what is going on around us).
My Topical Talk Triangle is :
Awareness: Awareness about many problems are provided by the news.We get the opportunity to be aware of the problem after hearing the news.
Learning : Learning is a concept which we should not set limited to books of own classes.News provides us the scope of learning.
Conversation : A conversation begins after the observation of news.Here, a good connection among people is established.
My triangle is:
Fact : News displays facts and accurate information about any incident . It makes people clear about the actual things .
Update : News makes us updated about the each and every incidents of the world .
Voice : News has become voice for public . It collects public opinion on different occasions . News is generally making our voice heard .It gives public platform ,sharpen voice and motivate public .
No, Some people see the same theory, but their thinking about putting forward a different point of view, for example, we chose the school parliament, my friend and I chose the same girl, but here our thinking was different. I chose her because she is smart and she chose her because she is polite.
No, They take the most important, most frequent and best viewpoints in solving problems.
Saver- News let us know about the upcoming dangers and we can take precautions for it. Thus news saves our life providing valuable updates.
Directions- The term 'news' means north, east, west, south. That means we get information from all directions through news.
Creativity- News provides us ideas about different topics and opens the door of our thinking and looking into a matter from different perspectives. We can generate creative ideas about what might be going on and how to deal with it.
I appreciate what you have mentioned , thanks a lot.
My triangle:
1st part: Prominence
It means persons, places, things and situations known to the public for their weather, social position, achievement or previous publicity.The reporter should always add as many prominent names and places in news as possible
2nd part: Oddity
It always helps to make facts interesting . The greater the deggree of oddity in a story,the greater is its value as news.
3rd part: Relevance
It determines whether consumers end up engaging with a particular news story.
1.Credibility of speech" As a member of the community, I have the right to listen to true news and there is on distortion in it,as this generates trust between viewers and the news channel.
2.Keeping up with technology, on all this development of technology, it is not supposed to publish news on radio, for example, but rather it must be shown on advanced screens to attract more viewers.
3.Transmission speed " To be in the lead. you must convery the news guickly so that it receives more trust among the viewers.