Competition #1 winners!

03 February 2025

Welcome to the first competition of Festival 2025!

Every Monday we’ll open a new competition and every Friday we'll announce the winners. If you win, you’ll get three stars and your entries will be pinned to the top of the discussion.

Topical Talk Festivals bring together students from around the world for discussions about the news. All of you have your own interests and passions – so for this competition, we’d like to hear about the news stories that have interested you most in your lifetime.

  • dynamic_dusk | Elite Scholars Academy A | United States of America 20 Jan 2025

    The news story that caught my attention most was news that revolved around the situation of Israel and the Palestinian conflict. This stood out to me most as it really shows what is going on around the world. In America, we don't have a lot of conflicts or war, so whenever I hear about problems with other countries outside of America It intrigues me. The conflict between Israel and Palestine also showed me that even though it's a situation that is happening outside of my region, it also affects America as recently there has been many boycotts in the U.S involving the conflict; one example being the boycotting of Starbucks. I also strongly believe that war and conflict also shows how there are good people even during hardships and it really showed that humanity was a real thing. In addition, my class is currently learning about the Middle East which opened my eyes to many other cultures and traditions that I've never knew before. As we are learning this topic, we often talk about conflict in the Middle East, and the war between Israel and Palestine. This led me to find out recent news about the situation as many hostages and prisoners in both Palestine and Israel have been freed due to the efforts of the citizens of both countries protesting and fighting for their rights and lives.

  • crafty_expression | The Mayflower Centre | Romania 21 Jan 2025

    The news story about COVID-19 changed my life, I was in 2nd grade when it happened and though I was happy I could get a "long holiday", as a young and playful kid, I couldn't go out in the park and play; I was getting bored at home most of the time. I also couldn't go to school and that affected my learning, I came back to school after about a year of online school and it was very hard getting used to it. For example, in online school I learned about fractions and I didn't really understand them through the computer so, when I came back to school I had to re-learn them. Also, it was a big financial loss for my family because my dad was transporting constructing materials around the city but, since all the shops were closed he barely got anything to transport.

Comments (175)

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  • The news story that caught my attention was the one latest news that Antarctica's melting ice could awaken over a hundred hidden volcanoes which is actually really concerning. If a hundred hidden volcanoes would awaken and erupt,it could be disastrous. All the animals, humans and plant's lives could be threatened. This is a very concerning and important news but still there is no strict action to control climate change due to which the ice and glaciers are melting.

    1. i recently read a book that suggested that the carbon emissions should be limited per person and if someone wants to release more, the have to buy rights from those who haven't reached their limit. This could enrich Africa because Africa releases the least amount of carbon dioxide amongst the continents. Big industries would also have to buy more rights than others. and if the price was drastically increased, they would have to educe their emission rates to maintain a profit

      1. I agree because Africa doesn’t have big banks or industry’s, which is different to other countries in the world. And they shouldn’t raise prices

        1. You say that "Africa doesn't have big banks or industries" but this isn't true... it does! Can you do some research about this and tell me whether you still agree?

        2. I disagree because i think Africa have a lot of big banks or industry's around the world

    2. I agree because if anything like that we’re to happen, the world would be at risk. I think that one thing to remember is that we only have one earth and we need to take better care of it or else it would be our fault that it is not doing well. If 100 volcanoes do erupt, I can’t even bear to think of the consequences.

  • I think that the COVID - 19 pandemic affected me and my family in a huge as we lost physical touch with our loved ones, (almost) everything became digitalised, the lockdown, and many more things. During that period there was a sense of the fear like when will the vaccine be ready for the masses, when my relatives ( who were affected ) would
    recover and in some or the other way, it lead my embrace of digital devices.

    1. In my own perspective, I think that corona virus(covid-19) was one of the most life-threatening pandemic and I wish to share this story and tell you how it was when we could not stay close to each other, we were only meant to stay at least 5metres from each other.
      I would agree with you about the lockdown and how people stayed at home and billions of lives were lost and people could not talk to each other. So in conclusion, I would say that this was a bad lifetime experience.

    2. I strongly agree with your opinion about the huge effects of COVID - 19. This is because COVID - 19 affected not only a few countries, but every country across the world. It was also a huge threat to life, and there was an uncertainty for everyone. I would also like to highlight your statement about how "everything became digitalised". This is certainly true because a lot of things that were introduced in lockdown are still in use today, especially certain technology. We definitely rely on our technology much more than we did before the pandemic.

    3. I agree because... the pandemic affected a lot of people but the doctors and scientist helped to device a new means to help reduce the spread

  • The news story that caught my attention most was 'In case I die, I need to publish this paper': scientist who left the lab to fight in Ukraine. It stood out to me because when Russia invaded Sergiy Sylantyev who had no military experience was deployed to war and he actually fought so when I read this article, I was shocked and confused at the same time and that's why I chose this article.

  • My story is about when once my mum went to Japan after she came back we saw the news a Nintendo museum had opened so when she next goes she will go there

  • Actually a news in Lebonan caught my attention.. It was like the news mentioned when we interacted with the school student's there. they Said we are coming to school just to steal another ones lunch.. It really felt hard to hear that.. Because thee had a lot of poverty there this made me feel bad

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the scenario of Covid 19 pandemic when I got to know that billions of people were tremendously suffering , people losing their loved ones it was stood out to me loved ones also suffered in this pandemic which distressed my whole family. But due to god's grace everyone is okay till now.

    1. I agree with you admirable_theory, this news story was more challenging and disturbing than any other one I had heard or experienced, The COVID 19 pandemic. All schools were shut down, people even had to stay at a distance when talking to each other, that was affecting social communication, work places, markets, places of worship, were closed, and public gatherings were canceled. This affected me so much because I stayed at home for a very long period of time and did not socialize interestingly due to the temporary lock down.

  • The new story that caught my attention was when I learned that the amount of 0.3 watt power that the google search engine uses to search an item is the same amount of power that a phone can charge up to 50% depending on the watt power of the charger

  • A news story that has caught my attention happened in England a few years ago. It was a case where a woman had commited murder with poison to her parents prior to Covid 19 and made it seem like they were still alive. This lasted for 4 years and Covid only made it easier to hide her tracks due to the lockdowns needed for a year. What intriges me is how calm she remained when police arrived to the crime scene as she told them that it was about time they caught her. She is now serving 36 years for murder and is based in a prison somewhere in England. This case makes me wonder what caused such a change to occur as they seemed to be on lots of good terms. Was it for the money or was she too tired to care for her parents any longer. I believe there is more that I don't know but it makes me wonder for the story this woman has hidden.

    1. I agree because... that was very fascinating and you included lots of detail but it’s crazy to think some people can do that and hide it for many years

  • The news that caught my attention was the scarcity of fuel in Nigeria. The news caught my attention because I asked my self a question and it was how will people move from one place to another faster without fuel ? On the news I will hear that Nigeria will go and buy fuels from other countries and sells it to other states in Nigeria costly. For example, as at 2022 a litre of fuel is 400 Naria but now a litre of fuel is about 1250 Naria. This is a very concerning news in the country and government should look into it and do something about it.

    1. I agree because... it was very hard for some people some people even parked they cars

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the depletion of the ozone layer and the global warming. It stood out to me because the thought of people getting skin cancer because of something that seems as ordinary as the sun is just scary and the fact that it is depleting everyday and causing glaciers to melt and causing large floods is not a nice thought. Also its very troubling that there has been no strong move to control climate change which should really be taken seriously because it is very dangerous.

  • It was a very bad time for me and my family during the COVID 19 pandemic my family were no in touch for so long.
    there was lockdown a we were no allowed to touch our friend the disease was so serious that I and my sibling
    stop going to school for that period of time . there was fear in the mind of people . to me It was a concern to me
    because I was thing about cousin and friend who was affected and when would they recover.

  • the rise in ocean current in tuvalu affected me because my mom was working there and at a point the water rose until it flooded her house and she lost so many things like her papers and certificates which some of them were irreplacable and if she is to apply for another job she wont have the original hard copy of those documents again. this affected me greatly

  • The news that caught my attention was the newly elected president of United States of America. I always wanted Donald Trump to win

  • the news story that caught my attention the most was the news about the new president in America. i thought kamala Harris could make it but unfortunately Donald trump is still the president. it stood me out cause i was the first person to know in my school

    1. how does that effect you as you are not in america

  • The news story that captivated me was the COVID_19 pandemic it was one of the worst and best year of my life. It was the worst year of my life because I lost physical touch with my family members and friends due to the lockdown and as well hearing the stories of how millions of people died globally it was heartbreaking to know that millions of people died leaving their beloved ones alone. It was also one of the best year of my life because I got quality time to spend with my immediate family members.

  • The news story that got my attention the most is that of the Gaza war which is between Israel and Hamas, why this news story caught my attention the most is because of the duration at which the war has being going on. It was kind of weird at first knowing that the countries are close by to each other, but when I went dipper i learnt it was only in the name of the land space. which actually made me more interested .

  • There was a serious news I heard about bulling in Schools which could ruin the lives of many people. Many people change school because the rate in which they are bullied is high.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was during the period when we experienced less cash in my country when I was not able to get paid for the little job I did for someone because the maximum amount of money bank can give you is just ten thousand naira per day.
    At some point in time it got so important to me because in some aspect I felt good and at the other hand I felt bad.
    I felt good because it thought me how to manage money judiciously so I don't get ride of the maximum fund per day and where I felt bad was at the point in time I was not able to get paid because the person didn't have enough money to pay so I have to let it go.
    I also felt bad when I carried out some analogy And I realise that about 70 percent of people in my country can't carry out online transactions which got me pieced off

  • The most shocking news of my life is of not too long ago . It was when 2 people set themselves of fire during a protest in Pithampur. It shocked me how people , in order to stop the disposal of MIC to protect their families give up their lives . It depicts the seriousness of the matter perfectly.

  • The news that caught my attention the most was the devastating cyclone of 1991. It was one of the most destructive natural disasters in the history of Bangladesh, witnessed by my mother. The cyclone caused severe damage to coastal areas, resulting in the loss of around 138,000
    lives and leaving millions homeless. The cyclone was mainly driven by three elements - fire, water,and the storm.It was as scorching as fire,swept everything away with water and the storm blew everything away. This event impacted me deeply, because it highlighted the country’s weak infrastructure and inadequate disaster preparedness. Additionally, what affected me the most was the fact that there was no electricity for a month during this disaster, which had a severely negative impact on the lives of the people in Bangladesh. From this, I learned that advanced technology, precautionary measures,and international cooperation are crucial in dealing with natural disasters.

  • My story was when I heard about the la wild fires because it destroyed peoples homes and stuff they own as well they had to spend so much money on repairing stuff and produced loads of carbon dioxide from the smoke

    1. I would in no doubt agree with you, this story about the LA wildfire is something that is really crazy because not only lives and properties are lost also the planet as a whole is at risk because of the loads of carbon dioxide which is being emitted into the enviroment.

    2. Yes that is also one story that made me sad. When I heard about the LA wildfire, I thought it was going to end soon but again as with all natural disasters it has been on for more than two weeks. In situations like this, it will be hard to breathe in fresh and clean oxygen, with the trees and houses burnt as a result of the fire, I feel worried for the people and children living there. It is so great to see the efforts put in by the fire fighter, the police and ambulance etc I really want to thank them for trying their best to save citizens and trying to put a stop to the fire.

  • My story was I heard about the deforestation where trees were chopped down this will lead to less oxygen this seems unlikely but it is happing.

  • The news story that I have been interested in are the fires in Los Angeles. They are happening very frequently, costing people lots of money, demolishing homes and worrying everyone. This makes feel scared and unhappy because if I imagine I am there, my home could be burned to the ground, I could become very poor and become a miserable person. I can’t believe that this is happening and affecting real people.

  • a news story that stood out to me is there is a cease fire in gazer hopefully this war will end soon and we pray for those in it

  • People from America are saying that Donald trump will block everyone from using tik tok but it isn’t all ways rude stuff on it there can be some stuff what u can learn from. I don’t think he should do it .

  • The fires in LA stands out to me as it is causing damage and is killing people which can kill doctors, scientists and many more. It is destroying homes and family’s. People can lose money and potentially become poor.
    The firefighters in LA are not putting out the fires as they are low on water

  • People from Australia 🇦🇺 or who enter the country can not youse social media so this was very heart touching to me since some of my friends from that nation are crying and very sad when I speak to them about it this so I think this was a bad announcement for me and friends so I told them about it and they had so much fun 🤩 showing there feelings on topical talk

  • I remember the Covid pandemic. I remember how worried, scared, and confused I was. During the pandemic, I was only in elementary, hearing that we had to isolate and distance from one another sent a sense of confusion throughout my mind. I remember wondering about why isolation and distancing had to happen and when we would be united again. As COVID-19 got worse, communities started distancing for the better, I knew it was for safety but I knew there was a better solution. Throughout the pandemic, my parents reminded me of distancing and safety, they often lectured me about how serious the virus was and I understood them but I deep down missed my friends and being able to be a united community without a worry. As a way of comfort, I began using social media to message my friends and my long distance family. I would find comfort and happiness in communicating with them, my worries went away and my mind was calm every time I got to message them, as long as I knew that they were okay and safe, I was okay deep down too. After what seemed like forever, COVID-19 got better, and we could slowly become reunited again, though we couldn't be too close together, I was glad that I was able to see people in school and work again even if we had to wear masks. COVID-19 took away the ability for communities to be united and to be together and it took away my ability to see family and friends. COVID-19 brought worry and fear world-wide, it took people's family members and almost took one of mine too, I wish it wasn't a thing but it happened so now we can reflect on it and wish for better.

  • The news story that I have been interested in are the fires in Los Angeles. They are happening very frequently costing people millions of money to try to get a safe place and to re build there house. I’ve also been interested in this because I’m worried about the fires because people are suffering cause of the fires

  • The main thing that captured my attention was when I first heard that the glaciers in Antartica are melting and causing massive waves and having a huge negative impact on the world.I had no idea it was that that bad even though I knew it was bad it is really crazy when you think about it

  • The news story that stood out to me greatly was when Valencia in Spain was flooded by a large amount of water this made me think about how the everyday items we use are effecting the future.

  • The news story that caught my attention was LA wild fires as there so dangerous they could kill so many people. It made me feel really upset because many people get hurt and lose there homes like the celebrities and locals in LA.This story also makes me feel sad as so many fire fighters are trying to stop the large fires but when they do, more keep forming.So it got me thinking is someone causing the wild fires on purpose? Wild fires also can part many families like pets having to go to shelters while the fires happen or family members dying like parents.This makes a impact on the children because if there parents did die they would have no one to be looked after or they won’t have any food to survive on.

  • When I heard that someone had tried to shoot Donald Trump I was shocked and I felt quite scared because one day they might try it on someone else like our prime Minister. I felt quite shocked because who would try and do that. You can’t trust anyone nowadays.

  • the news story that stood out to me was the 2024 general election as this decide how the contrary will be run and most of the contrary got a say

  • I recently heard about the Los Angles fires this is important because this has destroyed over 6,000 homes and has taken out 56% of land.This made me feel like I wanted to step in and help as many have been affected around.This made me think what caused this and what can solve it?This caught my attention because this burned over 40,000 acres of land yet the course of it can not be found!

  • When I was young I was told my dad had read one of my favourite places ( Heaver Castle) was being closed for repairs and will be back in a year or so .As someone who loved to visit Castles I was quite sad by the divesting news.

  • The news story that caught my attention was the wild fires in Greece. I felt sad about this and worried about the people suffering because they didn’t start the fires but they still have to suffer the consequences. I felt grateful that it wasn’t happening to me but I felt sorry for people that had passed away and their families too. It shows how natural disasters can affect people’s lives. Some of the causes are our fault and I felt guilty when I saw the wild fires because they were started by the heat and our Earth is heating up due to climate change which is our fault. I feel really strongly about climate change and try to make dates once a month where I walk everywhere and try my best to use less emissions. I know that by doing this I am helping but I also know that I am not completely changing the world. Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if everyone did something small. It would make such a big difference to people’s lives. Maybe the wild fires never would have happened and many others would be a lot happier. Some people wouldn’t have lost their life or loved ones.

    1. Your comment is very sensitive and very honest. You have mentioned a particular news story and related it to your own life. I think lots of other people on the Hub will be able to relate to when you say that you felt grateful that it wasn't happening to you.

  • The news that concerns me the most is the LA fires millions of lives have been lost. I believe that this situation will leave an irreversible mark on our planet. This is a concerning matter and I am glad it is being dealt with.

  • The news that I found was also the ice malting in Antarctica cause if the ice all melts all of the animals in Antarctica will have no shelter and lots of there food ( fish , seals and other stuff like that) will disappear and lots of them will die and no one wants that ( I hope).

  • A news story that has really changed my perspective on the world was , the war in Gaza and the Middle East. I was scared for people I didn’t even know about because they didn’t deserve it, neither of Israelis nor Palestinians people deserve to have their rights taken and homes destroyed by the opposite side of the war. My comment is about how everyone should be allowed to live in peace.

    1. This story also caught my attention and it makes me feel so sad. It stood out for me because it has brought about so many casualties that is loss of lives, properties including hospitals, schools and homes leaving many people without access to basic supplies like food, water and healthcare. It has also disrupted trade between the country and neighbouring countries, affected tourism and now investors are afraid of investing in that region. I believe war is not always the best solution, issues can be resolved by negotiation and dialogue. When we fail to reach a compromise, lives are lost, people become homeless and sometimes become refugees, women become widows and children are left as orphans and most importantly food become scarce.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the landing of NASA's perseverance rover on Mars in 2021. It stood out to me because it represented a monumental achievement in space exploration and scientific discovery. Witnessing the successful touch down and the incredible images of the martian landscape made me feel a sense of awe
    and wonder. This mission is important to me because it symbolises human ingenuity, perseverance and the unyielding quest for knowledge.. the prospect of uncovering signs of past life on Mars and the potential for future human missions to the red planet ignites my imagination and fills me with hope for what we can achieve together as a species.
    In audition to its scientific significance the perseverance rover mission captivated The World by showcasing the power of international collaboration. Scientist and engineers from diverse backgrounds came together to accomplish this extraordinary feat exemplifying the spirit of unity and shared goals. The rovers machine to search for ancient microbial life and collect samples for future return to earth highlights our enduring curiosity and desire to understand our place in the universe. It is a reminder that despite the challenges we face humanity can achieve remarkable things when we work together and push the boundaries of what is possible.

  • In my life the main thing I like to play is football. I love it and it makes me feel good to play it. I enjoy playing as a team and always want to do the best for my team.The one tournament ,that we played in stands out as it was the one where my team won a tournament. This was very exiting but then I got named as man of the match and it really stands out in my memory. That’s my story.

    1. Can you think of any news stories you have heard recently about football?

  • The news that has caught my attention most is the silent genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh which is currently being persecuted. There have been many violent attacks on Hindu temples and families in the country, and widespread protests inside the country recently. I am deeply sorry and sad for the people in Bangladesh having to undergo this horrific violence. This is a really sad situation and it also depicts how vulnerable minority communities can become in such an situations.

  • In 2022 when the I heard that Russia where going to attempt to invade Ukraine I felt sorry for all those defending for Ukraine because Russia is the biggest country there was a possibility that Russia could invade but now Ukraine are defending there country quite well

  • The news that caught my eye was when the california fires happened because they get fires regularly yes but not as severe as this so feel really bad for the people who died in that an it was a issue that I had cared for

  • What stood out in my life in the news was Covid.
    It made me feel upset because there was lots of lockdowns and we didn’t see our friends and you can be really lonely. It affected everyone because it killed a lot of people and made other people unwell. We could have no fresh air and just be locked up in are houses all day which can be unhealthy.

  • My story is Is when the Queen died I fink EVRYONE in my family felt sad even me but now we have the king Wich is good My second story it when the king had his coronation wich is good we were all happy again because we had a new ruler upon us

  • The news story that caught my attention most was news that revolved around the situation of Israel and the Palestinian conflict. This stood out to me most as it really shows what is going on around the world. In America, we don't have a lot of conflicts or war, so whenever I hear about problems with other countries outside of America It intrigues me. The conflict between Israel and Palestine also showed me that even though it's a situation that is happening outside of my region, it also affects America as recently there has been many boycotts in the U.S involving the conflict; one example being the boycotting of Starbucks. I also strongly believe that war and conflict also shows how there are good people even during hardships and it really showed that humanity was a real thing. In addition, my class is currently learning about the Middle East which opened my eyes to many other cultures and traditions that I've never knew before. As we are learning this topic, we often talk about conflict in the Middle East, and the war between Israel and Palestine. This led me to find out recent news about the situation as many hostages and prisoners in both Palestine and Israel have been freed due to the efforts of the citizens of both countries protesting and fighting for their rights and lives.

    1. Do you think boycotts are effective?

    2. I agree because... who wants to harm other countries like people can visit the country it is the same in England we never have wars or conflicts and i am very grateful for that but just thinking of all the people who have not evacuated and have to risk there lives and fight is sad

  • I like to read newspapers but I also watch news on TV or social Media. From there I learned that the world is becoming so polluted. Air pollution from dust. Noise pollution from vehicles. Soil is also polluted and water is getting polluted due to all kinds of chemicals being dumped in the water . All people know and understand about pollution. People also know that the consequences of the pollution can be very dangerous. Now we are slowly feeling the effect of the pollution. The temperature is rising, the greenhouse effect is happening , the ices are melting, the land of Antarctica soil is turning green, there was s flood in Savar desert. Without being aware, yet people are continuing pollute the polluted environment. If we aren't aware from now on , we won't be able to save the earth and the climate.

    1. I agree This is true. Air pollution occurs from dust. This causes us to have difficulty breathing . To keep our bodies healthy, we must prevent air pollution. Moreover noise pollution is increasing day by day in our country. Which is why we have trouble hearing. Which is very dangerous for all of us. I think the world is on verge of destruction today because of us.The weather is due to climate change . If we want to build a beautiful world, we must preserve the environment.

    2. speaking on behalf of the ARD, DR. Ebong decried the neglect of hospital and doctors welfare in the nation's capital.

  • The news that caught my attention the most was the found of zombie viruses in Siberia. Scientists said that they found a zombie virus that is 0 50.000 years old in the permafrost. The permafrost started to melt because of the global warming and more and more viruses are discovered. Now this zombie virus only affects the single-celled organism like bacteria, but who knows what other viruses might be discovered.
    The permafrost still continues to melt and other viruses will appear, but this could be stopped if we pollute less.

    1. This sounds interesting. Can you link to your source so other students can read more about it?

  • The news story that really caught my attention and kinda of scared me was the war that started between Russia and Ukraine because I am and I was always scared of wars and didn't totally understood why would someone want to hate or fight another person and hurt him and want the worst for them just because they need the best for themselves so yes I could totally tell that the war between this two definitely touched some part of me.And also the fact that in Romania a lot of Ukrainians came to seek refuge from Ukraine with not just their body hurt but also their soul and that we are really close from Ukraine and if you think about that people lost their lives not very far from you is very tough and rough.

  • The news story about COVID-19 changed my life, I was in 2nd grade when it happened and though I was happy I could get a "long holiday", as a young and playful kid, I couldn't go out in the park and play; I was getting bored at home most of the time. I also couldn't go to school and that affected my learning, I came back to school after about a year of online school and it was very hard getting used to it. For example, in online school I learned about fractions and I didn't really understand them through the computer so, when I came back to school I had to re-learn them. Also, it was a big financial loss for my family because my dad was transporting constructing materials around the city but, since all the shops were closed he barely got anything to transport.

    1. Thank you for sharing your opinion and experience. Lots of other students have said that the covid-19 pandemic was a news story that effected them too.

  • The news story that caught my attention the most was when i lived in Kuwait and there was only sand and no nature. Outside was 50 degrees celcius and i think it is very harmful for the enviroment. Global warming really is a brutal thing for our world. It can hurt both living and unliving things in very harsh ways. Because the weather was to hot, it stopped me for going on outside walks and doing outdoor activities. We mostly had to go in places with airconditionars like malls,restaurants and my friend's house.

  • A thing that hit me hard was COVID-19. We weren't allowed for some time to leave the house, my body was stiff all the time, but that wasn't even the worst part, every day I saw the graphic that more people were getting sick, and more people were dying, it was horrifying. In the end it turned out well, the pandemic passed without me or my family getting COVID. But about two months after I got COVID, I don't know why but I wasn't as panicked as I was in the pandemic, I think that it was probably because my dad told me that most of the people who passed away from COVID not necessarily from COVID, and when I mean with COVID I mean the people with other health issues such as breathing problems or unhealthy diet, anyway back to our story COVID wasn't even as bad as influenza in my opinion.

  • I heard that there might be a new lock down because of a new virus.I wouldn't like that to happen again because in the last years the lock down made all of us distant and it wasn't that fun in online classes,it was fun just for the first two weeks but then it became frustrating.We didn't pay attention at online classes and if we think of it we missed some years of school.I don't want to be scared when I go outside and cover up with a mask. I hope they will find something so we don't have to go through this again.

  • The news story that caught my attention was the increase of drought in Somalia. Somalia is one of the countries dear to climate change. The condition is worsening day by day. Natural disasters are occurring very often. It caught my attention as this is a very serious and concerning for the Somalis who live there.

  • A news story from my country, Romania, is the Covid 19. It began in late December of the year 2019 and it has ended at the beginning of the year 2022. The Covid first spreaded from China and then slowly slowly all over the world. In my country Covid impacted my family and all Romania deeply. Because of Covid my country entered lockdown. For 3 years all the kids have done kindergarten/school/highschool and university on Zoom. It was very hard to understand everyone because not all people had good WiFi. The biggest problem for my family was that we couldn’t travel as we used to. My personal problem was that I couldn’t go to volleyball practice. It was a rough time for Romania.

  • One news story that really caught my attention was the presidential elections. In my country, Romania, a few months ago we had a presidential election, and it was really bad, because we almost entered communism again. In the least days of November, we had the first round, where
    people over eighteen got to choose from lots of people that are in the environment and are pretty important, anyway, when the tour ended there were two people that got to the second tour, that decided who would've been our next president. That's when the story went upside down, the last two people that adults were supposed to choose between, were: a communist, Călin Georgescu, he wanted to bring back communism, take us out of UE and NATO, making us vulnerable to any attacks, being then recognised as a weak country, Georgescu also wanted to ban abortions, which is really messed up. Then comes the other candidate, a woman, who is really sweet, is a feminist, but also respects men. Problem is she also supported LGBTQ+, which made people hate her. Because Iohannis, our current president, did something, the second round was cancelled and the first round was supposed to start again, but those plans were cancelled and now we're going to have to wait until march to start round two again, leaving us with president Iohannis during the time. I don't really know how to feel about this, I think it somehow affects my future because the ministry is so indecisive, but we'll have to see how it goes in a few months time.

  • The news story that interested me the most is where the polar ice caps are melting and polar bears are loosing their habitats

    1. Why do you think information about polar ice caps and animals habitats are important news?

  • The news that caught my attention the most was about the Sabarmati train in which 59 people were burnt alive,all because of religious stood out most for me was because it taught me that if we consider everyones religion as their personality we can never get to know someone and we should never differentiate someone on the basis of their caste as we do not know how someone will take that comment

  • Within the 53 years of Bangladesh's history, the historical 6th of July fascinates me and still gives me goosebumps. Following the Language Movement Day on February 21, 1952, in Bangladesh, the July uprising of the quota movement continued until Abu Sayeed (an honorable student of Begum Rokeya University in Rangpur) was unexpectedly shot by the police while participating in the movement. After that, every student across the country, along with the citizens, came forward to take down the dictator Sheikh Hasina and her government. Thousands of students died, but their blood and tears did not go in vain. Eventually, the students successfully overthrew the dictator, thus achieving victory for the second time after the 1971 Liberation War.

  • The news story that caught my attention was the one about climate change. I said this because us humans are the ones that are spoiling the society. We need to GO GREEN because the Earth needs to be SAFE AND SECURE.
    Everyday the ozone layer is always being attacked by climate change, this is not good because it is very deadly and dangerous to us humans.
    So, I say that we need to take care of the Earth because THE EARTH IS IN OUR HANDS.

  • As a young English and Polish citizen (One of my parents being from a Polish family), the news story that stood out to me the most was the current gruesome conflict between Russia and Ukraine. One of the many reasons why this story stood out to me, was the fact of Russia's sudden and inhumane actions towards the Ukrainian people and its innocent citizens. Another reason why this stood out to me was because of my half-Polish origins. With that in mind, Ukraine is bordering Poland, and because of my young nature, I am worried about the fate of my second country (And more importantly my Polish family). Due to Russia's sudden attack, I was concerned that once they had finished with Ukraine, they would then move forward to Poland. I'm sure many others who are descended from close/bordering countries to Ukraine and Russia were also concerned about their family in the heart of their country. So, once again, the reason why the intimidating headlines of "Russia's attack on Ukraine" caught my eye is because of my concern for my family. And the fear that they could be in danger or already in danger. -Tibshelf Community School

  • The news story in my area that caught my attention is that many people are not well because of smoking with vapes and how they should be banned in the country. People are dying because of it. Smoking is bad for the environment, planet AND our health because it can affect our heart and lungs. It is not yet official, but I will agree once the decision is made.

  • The story that caught my attention was that the moon is actually moving, thereby causing massive floods in most places because it seems to me that the moon controls the tide of the waves here on earth. It also shocked me when I heard that Donald Trump was elected president after all the wars and campaigns that Kamala Harris had made against Donald Trump.

  • The news that caught my attention the most was that typhoid fever killed almost 2.8 million people. It stood out to me because it made me fell afraid that such amount of people were killed by this disease.

  • The news that caught my attention the most was that typhoid fever killed almost 2.8 million people. It stood out to me because it made me fell afraid that such amount of people were killed by this disease.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was and It stood out to me because I just can't believe it Google develops AI that can predict the death which is named as mental brain.
    Google has actually developed an AI system which can predict with 95% accuracy when a patient will die. The AI was trained on data which had been taken from thousands and thousands of patients .They used machine learning(ML) algorithms to analyse past medical report .

  • The story of the Covid 19 pandemic was one of the news that really caught my attention because the way it affected many people including me. When i first heard about i thought that it was a joke until i watched the news. I thought that it will never stop, but now it has stop

  • I recently heard that the president of south Korea made a policy that any individual more than the age of 30 must join the military. these includes the idols in Korean pop groups and entertainment industries. it actually caught my attention because I am a big fan of Korean dramas and pop groups. This would actually disturb a lot of fans and make them feel bad. Life would really be boring without Korean pop and dramas.

  • One news that stood out to me was when the election of the president was taking place guess what, i expected professor Dr peter obi to win surprisingly enough it was his excellency bola Tinibu whom won the election.
    what a shock it was.

  • AI is the best idea ever made because, one it helps doctors in some angles their may have not remembered some things in the human body ,secondly in some part in our education we may not understand and then at that moment we need AI ,and lastly in some part of our life as pupils or adults we still need AI, so know I believe that I have made important point thank you

  • The news story that caught my eye was the story of how during the COVID-19 they would talk about how the stores were always out of toilet paper. This stood out to me because as a kid who was only seven I thought to myself why would anyone need to buy so much toilet paper. Now as I think back a laugh because I researched it and it was so obvious people were staying home more so they needed more toilet paper about forty percent more toilet paper than usual since they did not go anywhere. In conclusion this story made me feel good inside during the depressing and confusing time of COVID-19.

  • and unforgettable moment in my life is the 2019 COVID 19 pandemic. During this period was when my mom usually tells us to stay inside due to the fear of getting contaminated so due to this my mom who was usually busy had more time to spend with us and as the years went by during the end of 2024 i heard of a competition called the topical talk festival where people around the world discuss on various topics and problems and give solutions to them so hearing of this made me remember the number of people that suffered due to both bad governance and pain caused buy loss of a loved one so I saw it as a good opportunity to share my ideas with he less privilaged

  • The news story that caught my attention most was that covid-19 killed a lot of people including some of my family members and the XEC is also a other virus that is causing people to feel pain or die, this stood out to me because the new virus XEC it is emerging and causing infections around the world. I found out that causing this virus are chest pain, loss ability to smell something, and body aches there are more reason why this is happening. this really stool out because I saw a lot of people dying because of this virus and if we keep letting this happen then there will be a other virus

  • The news story that caught my attention was when I head that a whole street was burnt down because of some criminals who went to a pipe line and broke it to steal petrol. It stood out to me because that pipe line was connected with other pipes that passed through different states, and because they broke the pipeline petrol started leaking and, many houses got burnt down different houses in that particular street. I am happy the government took care of the problem and compensated the families that had that loss.

  • The story that caught my attention is the Kenyan story that was helighted in the year 2024. Where young girls were rapped and killed and later dumped into a slum in Rongai Nairobi Kenya. This was the most saddening story of my lifetime and it really caught my attention.
    It left me thinking wether women have rights to live or can be mistreated that bad.
    And I learnt that evil is in the society.

  • The news story that caught my attention was the cloudburst incident of a city present in the heart of the Himalayan Ranges, called Kedarnath. It was an incident in which all the potential disastrous forces of nature had their appointments on the same day and the same place. The fact that astonishes me is that no radar systems of the present day could predict this event, nevertheless the meteorological devices used a decade ago. A landslide bringing a belt of ice nearly spanning thousands of square feet fell in the residential areas. These event was termed as a 'cloudburst' comparing the scenery of the falling snow to a cloud shattering into a million pieces and finding its way to the ground. It just shows me that only ten minutes of nature's pure will can convert blooming human development into dust. To end, this event impacted me in a way which prevents me from excessively exploiting the resources provided to us by our mother nature. I will forever be grateful for the essential utilities provided on this planet by our environment.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was The Discovery of the Gravitational Waves(2016). for me, this was an iconic moment in science because it changed the way how i see the universe. The discovery confirmed Einstein's general theory of the relativity, which predicted gravitational waves. This was the first observation of the binary black hole merge. Also, it showed that black holes can merge within the current age of the universe. It stood out to me because it was more than just a piece of news, to me it was a groundbreaking moment for understanding the universe. The idea that we actually can listen to the cosmos, we can hear sounds from events like billions of years ago, completely amazed me. It made me stop and think about how small we are, yet how much we can achieve with curiosity and determination. This story reminded me why science and innovations are sooo powerful how they help use unlock secrets and bring us closer to understand our place in the universe.

  • the news story that caught my attention most was the launch of ISRO'S chandrayaan-2 on july 22, 2019, which aimed to explore the moon's south pole. Inspired by this , I made a rover model using waste material.

  • The news story that caught my attention the most was the story of the rescue dogs that were on duty for rescuing the survivors of the 9/11 attacks. The aftermath of the attack was followed by a series of lives lost and as these dogs came across these dead bodies with almost no one left to rescue these dogs soon became depressed and were traumatized by the horrific scenes and were unable to recover, so the other rescuers set up a pseudo - rescue mission for them where they rescued the officers which eventually replaced fear and trauma with a sense of utmost joy and reconciliation with their true selves. It stood out to me because of the amount of understanding and sympathy it carried, where dogs also gave us an insight of how these disasters leave a lasting impact on these voiceless, innocent beings and their strong connection to human feelings and emotional vulnerability. The rescuers however, played their part in helping dogs in moving on and helping them to regain their joy and true selves. This story indeed proved why a dog and a man are considered best friends.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the Biafran war in those days where people eat reptiles to survive. everybody having that sense of insecurity among them selves, people dying, hunger it was very terrible.

  • The new story that caught my attention was the story of the new president of Nigeria whose name was Bola Ahmed Tinubu who was the formal governor of lagos state from the year 1999 to 2007

  • The most intriguing piece of news I've read lately is the "Honeytrap."

    A YouTube investigative news report by MegaLag, it discusses the browser extension Honey that comes from PayPal. It claims that Honey basically is a legit browser partnership coupon helper, but it makes money by stealing affiliate links.

    Essentially, if Honey pops up and you get the coupon and hit "apply", it actually applies it—but it simultaneously opens another browser window behind the scenes that's not content to leave the affiliate tracking cookie where it is. Instead, it swaps it out for Honey's tracking cookie so Honey can ensure it gets its cut from this transaction in the end.

    Honey sold to PayPal for $4 billion USD which means that the heads at PayPal had to be in on the more nefarious dealings and yet, they let it continue for their own gain. Additionally, Honey has a "partner" program which lets you pick what coupons the customer has access to (for a share of the sale) which extorts smaller businesses, forcing them to partner with Honey, or face having to deal with less profit coming in from sales.

    Furthermore, it sullies the brand of honest affiliates. Brands notice that affiliates are generating fewer sales—and subsequently, less commission—and at times, the affiliate is dropped entirely. This billion-dollar conspiracy shortchanges the ethical affiliates and stains their reputation. Brands miss out on projected sales through affiliates and, at times, their partnerships.

    The "Honeytrap" reveals the dark side of affiliate marketing, but how many more exist—and escape?

  • The thing that really stood out to me on the news is floods affecting different parts of the world making most places unacceptable due to the floods leaving most people stranded and also it is really concerning because it could reach up to anywhere and it left most people in traffic this is really sad 1.because those people have places to be and it has happened to me too and 2. Because there is a lot of danger in the floods and maybe it is due to rain maybe its not but for now we're not sure YET and we're not sure if there is going to continue being more and more and more flood(I hope there's not) but for now my prediction is that there is most likely not to be over the next tree to four years

  • Although AI is helpful and the whole world has improved technologycally but still there are people who don't have the access to internet or AI app and they don't benefit on it's not fair that the world world has moved to the next level and other people or countries are left behind.

  • My news story that stood out to me is that sadly are queen elisabeth passes away and I know me and loads of people specially her family are really sad but they can carry on from what the queen wanted us to do

  • The News alights that has sofar captured my attention were the news of a 19 year old Sudanese beautiful girl that was the talk of the Africa media news last year.
    I was interested with how much cows the locals pleaded and bided in asking to marry the lady.
    To my experience, I always thought marriage is marriage with or without dowry prize. Until then I learnt that some cultures value bride wealth and marrying requires hight intense preparations.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was that the COVID 19 pandemic because it didn't affect me that much.Here in Kenya it's difficult to find water and detergents.For that reason we were given the items and even digital devices to read at home.This brought a big change into my life and even my family.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was when I was on my way to a place my dad stopped the car to get something then my mom was with two bunches of bananas and then some boys who were poor came to my mom and asked her for one bunch of banana and she gave them, the reason why I shared this story was so that we all can know what is happening these days people have lack of food and we should learn how to maintain the lives of others and ourselves in different positive aspects to improve the world and make it better

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the war between Ukraine and Russia. It stood out to me because I didn't know Russia was bad but when I heard about the war I found out Russia is very evil, and I didn't know what Ukraine was.

    1. We should be careful when making sweeping statements like "Russia is very evil", which would be hurtful to lots of Russian people. Are you talking about the government, Putin, or the activities that the Russian military has carried out?

  • I recently heard that Donald Trump was re-elected and sworn in as the 47th president of the united states of America on the 20th January,2025 for a second term in office.

  • The news story that caught my attention or affected me the most was the disaster that occurred in Valencia last October. First of all, many people have referred to it as a natural disaster but from my point of view everything could have been avoided and it is mostly human error. I would like to emphasize that this wasn't caused entirely by climate change as Valencia has always faced heavy rainfall at this time of the year and it's not the first time floods affect the region. The more than 200 deaths and huge material loss were caused by the political negligence of the Government and regional authorities. The regional authorities warned the people about the incoming disaster too late, so many people thought it was just another normal day and continued with their ordinary activities until it was too late for them. The Government took five days to send the army to help (in a village, the first people to arrive were some french firemen) even the president dared to say that if they needed help they only had to ask for it! I believe that the decentralization of Spain has something to do with this as the regions lack of resources to manage situations like this and the central government doesn't want to take responsibilities. I remembered seeing the news at social media because at TV no one was speaking about it. Also, the images were terrifying as people, cars, bridges were swept away by water. Thankfully, the city of Valencia wasn't affected as the city's river had been separated from the city after a flood in the 1950's affected it. This must be a lesson for our future.

  • The news story that stood out to me was Donald Trmp being president again he stood out to me as he was a very strong speaker and I felt he would make what he said work and he's trying to make it work as he's trying to stoop the war in Ukraine and Russia before it gets worst as they've been fighting for nearly 11 years. Also he's trying to stop illegal immagrators coming to America which I don't reallly support.

    1. Thanks for sharing! The re-election of Donald Trump as America's president has been on many people's minds! You are probably right that he is "a very strong speaker" -- but, I am wondering, is it how a politician speaks or what they say that should matter more?

  • The news story that caught my attention the most was the war between Russia and Ukraine.It stood out to me because of all the destruction caused all because of some land which in my opinion is very bad as if the war does end it will cost a lot of money and will destroy the economy.This is why this story caught my eye.

  • one news event that stuck out to me is the wars in gaza with palestine and isreal, it stuck out to me because of how they are being treated and the fact isreal isnt stopping is truly heartbreaking. its so important to me because you have to put yourself in there shoes and imagine what you would do.

  • A story that stood out to me in my lifetime was the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban. Up to that point I thought that there was some sort of universal law banning any country or organisation from war. I had heard things about the Taliban because of the story of Malala but I had never thought about it that much. Seeing such violence and chaos happen in a modern era where I thought these sorts of things just never happened really caught my attention and shocked me.

  • One news story that has definitely stood out to me in my lifetime is when I first heard about George Floyd. 25th of May 2020. I still remember the day. I was devastated, shocked and confused. I didn't understand why it had happened. It made me realise that people have different opinions of one another. Some good, some bad. However, when I saw all of the protests online, it made me believe that there is still hope and kindness in this world. The importance of standing up against racism and discrimination is so important for our generation!

  • The news story that caught my attention was specifically, the war in Ukraine, against Russia. It talked about lots of citizens living in underground train stations and trying to survive in terrible conditions. It is important to me as it made me feel sad and frightened If I was sitting in their shoes I would be scared and so fearful of the reality of surviving a war. War is never a good outcome!

  • The new story that really affected me and stood out in my life was COVID-19 this stood out to me because it put a stop on my and everyone else's life. From being locked away in our homes and people panic buying toilet paper. Our lives were changed in many ways, some good and some bad. People gained respect for the world around us and the people around us. It stood out to me because I couldn't see the ones who I loved most like my nan and now whenever I see her I always show the love I have for her and do the simple things that stand out the most like making her a cup of tea. The pandemic has taught me a lot about the importance of relationships and not taking things for granted.

  • One news story that has stood out to me over my lifetime is the invasion of Ukraine from Russia. It was a real shock all around the world but also a real scare. If Russia could do that to Ukraine that easily we all thought that they could do that to other countries. This is why it is a big news story in my lifetime

  • I think the biggest news story that caught my attention was obviously the outbreak of the Covid-19 Epidemic. The Virus has caused changes in the way that we all live our lives, mainly in our social lifes, as we weren't able to go outside and meet up with friends, family and other relatives instead we "forced" into using our digital devices in order to talk to friends and family, so in my opinion I think the that Covid-19 Epidemic has been one of the reasons why we now have to rely on our technology.


  • I think that the COVID - 19 pandemic affected me and my family in a negative way as we lost contact to a lot of family members , everything was disparate, and many more things. During that period there was a sense of the fear like when will the vaccine be ready for the masses, I was first first handedly affected by this tough time. One of my close relatives was severely affected by covid-19.

  • 8th of September Queen Elizabeth tragically passed away. I was sitting on my sofa when the news popped up informing us of the passing while she was ill. 11 days later the ceremony and burial of the Queen occured. According to sources she was suffering from bone marrow cancer which made her incredibly unwell. She passed away from old age and sent shockwaves throughout the UK.

  • 8 of september 2022 i heard the horrible news that Queen Elizabeth II died. This was very tragic because for the whole of my life she has been Queen. It was very sad because she was very kind and was a very good Queen. 11 days later many people inculding myself watched the ceremony and funeral of her death too bone marrow cancer and old age. She will always be rembered in history for ruleing this country for many years.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was when Trump was re-elected. it stood out to me because a lot of people don't like the way he does things even though when he was President before he formed relations with certain leaders, that many other nations have not supported, meeting and forming 'friendships' with leaders like Putin and Kim Jong Un. When Trump was President, there was no war going on between Russia and Ukraine and when it changed a bit later in 2020 Putin invaded Ukraine. The President of America holds the position of great power and influence, this should never be underestimated.

  • A big news event in my life was covid-19. In January 2020 the disease spread worldwide, resulting in the COVID-19 pandemic. And it was a very big deal because there was a lockdown and then having to have 2m distance between people.

  • The news story that really caught my attention was the wildfires in Los Angeles. This is very disturbing as thousands of people lost their homes and some people have lost their lives due to this. Since 7th January 2025, 31 wildfires have affected LA and the surrounding area. High winds have been spreading the fire quicker than they can be put out. The most concerning thing is that there are still more fires to come.

  • When I heard about President Trump's withdrawal from the 'Paris climate pact' I was instantly fearful for what is next to come. Climate change is a huge issue in today's world, with the raising of sea levels, due to ice melting, it poses a huge threat to our wildlife, not to mention the rise in climate temperatures around the world. If all the ice melts, the sea level would rise to about 70 metres in height, submerging most of Europe, Canada, Africa and Russia. This can cause mass migrations around the globe. Also, America is one of the richest countries, if they decide to "drill baby drill" as Trump said, there would be a massive surge of CO2 emissions posing a threat to the human race as a whole.

  • A news story that caught my attention was when Donald Trump was nearly assassinated. However, the shooter, (Thomas Mathew Crooks) missed by an inch, the shots fired hit his ear. This caught my attention because instead of cowering down and hiding he stuck his fist up in determination. Some would say solidified his spot as president against Kamala Harris this also interested me because it showed me how easy a big political figure that someone disagreed with could be assassinated. I believe this should be a major turning point in security and the gun law in the USA. Hopefully gun laws and licencing are better controlled and gun violence reduces across America.

  • The news story that caught my attention was the one about the fire in LA . There are winds from Califonia that are pushing the fire deeper into LA. This is very worrying as 110,000 homes have been completely obliterated by this fire and 28 lives have been lost trying to defend there homes.

  • "the news story that caught my attention most was covid 19 it stood out to me because we told how dangerous it was and how many people were dying or really ill i had never experienced something like this before. Then all of sudden we had to stay in are house most of the day and some of my family got sick then i got sick but it wasn't that bad i just didn't know when i could see my friends or go outside again. When we were told we could we had to test often and everyone was wearing masks."

  • The most recent story that caught my attention most was the footballer Mykhhailo Mudryk being banned for 8 years as he was caught doping. The use of banned substance in sport offers and unfair advantage. He is continuing to deny any wrongdoing and vowed to prove his innocence, but he has not played for Chelsea since November. Also, it has been rumoured that he has been 'dumped' by the Russian model, Violetta Bert, demonstrating the far reaching effects of this illegal choice. However, according to Game, Set and Match, Bert has moved on from Mudryk and is now dating Juventus midfielder Weston McKennie. The media focus on the dating lives of these famous footballers sometimes get more attention than the controversial news of illegal acts that ruin the sporting game of football.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was Earth hottest and getting hotter It stood out to me because this means that in years time our Earth will be twice as hotter then past 11,300 years .glacier will be meting in faster rate this will cause water levels to rise many costal city will be eradicated. Also speices will die.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was HMPV.Human metapneumovirus is an virus that was found in China. I've been lately hearing about this around social media a lot. it stood out to me because a lot were thinking that the history is recreating again. of course when the first time I heard about it I also thought this, but I searched through it and found out that it is actually an ancient virus which was discovered by chinese researchers in 2001. moreover they also discovered that it is almost 200-400 years old. first it was found through birds, the through bats and now in humans too. This virus keeps malfunctioning, so thers no vaccine for it but it is not really that dangerous. It is only dangerous for children's under 5 years and old people with week immunity system. now this thing is not that dangerous but people makes it seem dangerous. Because this virus comes from China. As in 2019,Corona virus was made in china and it break out made people die, people started to assume that any sort of virus discovery made in china is considered danger. But any dangerous virus can come from anywhere from the world. We should always take proportions and try to be safe, along with that, we should research before making anything viral. English isn't my first language and I am not very good at it but my main message is don't trust anything blindly and viral it.

  • July revolution was one of the best news stories I have ever read in my life. The July Upsurge was a tremendous uprising that took place after the great liberation war of Bangladesh. It was a student-public uprising. It took the form of an mass revolt based on the quota movement of Bangladesh. Many people were killed in the July Uprising which stirred my mind.Needless to say, this movement helped a person realize his desire for liberation and rights.But beyond all of this, what impressed me most about this revolution was the passionate leadership of Generation Z's youth, who spearheaded the movement with remarkable energy and vision.

  • A news story that stood out to me was one I saw in The Metro newspaper recently that I pick up regularly from the train station. It was a very small section titled "Warning: Being poor can be damaging to health" and the section was discussed studies and reports that found where individuals live can have a 'profound impact' on one's health. It discussed how factors like access to affordable leisure facilities can impact an individual's health regarding getting adequate exercise.

    It was an important section to me and a breath of fresh air because of how the title had got straight to the point so explicitly. In my experience, I've constantly seen such issues sugarcoated by individuals, firms and even governments wanting to avoid the issue of poverty and the issues that stem from it and never discussing it so bluntly. Reading it felt insulting because it was a statement that I personally felt was obvious and had the reaction of "You only realised now?". However, thinking about it further made me feel grateful that I've been educated to the extent that allows me to make connections between such characteristics and other aspects of life and I hope that everyone else has the privilege one day to have such a harsh initial reaction to a title like this.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was that the ice glaciers present in greenland are rapidly melting. This news stood me out. That is because the melting of ice glaciers can lead to rise in the sea level on a large scale. Due to this even the coastal areas may get submerged in near future

  • Some articles say that there is a big problem of water scarcity in India that the ground water level is reducing as India's population increases and some of the companies take million liters of water per day as some of the water bodies are pollutes by factories if these situation continues the next generation will face big problem. As the UN sustainable development goals (clean water and sanitation) can't reach success if these situation continuous...

  • The news story that caught my attention most was about a new virus that was found out in China. I was thinking about the time period of COVID - 19 how we all suffered and the struggles of government and as well as people to provide us vaccines and basic amenities. Many lost their loves, some lost their loved ones. Our generation had prob lems in education but we became familiar with technology. If it happens again , many people will face the same issues like us and I do not want new generations to suffer like us.

  • the news story that caught my attention the most happened today, my best football club Borussia Dortmund sacked their Manager Nuri Sahin immediately after they lost their fourth match in a row against Bolonga. It stood out to me because it is usually very hard to find a manager in football at that a good one although I acknowledge the fact that he was not really coaching them well but its still a worry to me as they go on to find a new manager but for now their first team would be under the management of their U19 manager Mike Tillberg

  • The news story that caught my attention... kidnapping around the world , kidnapping has become a hobby for humans just for the need of money, we need to stop this from happening, some kidnappers kill when they are not paid. A way to stop this from happening is for the government to increase the level of security so that we all can live in peace without any disturbance to any one so let us join hands to help the government increase the level of security , let us all stand to end this defend our nation.

  • The news story that caught my attention was when I found out that Elon Musk`s mother was the richest mother in the world. Why it caught my attention was because before, I thought his mother was dead!!!!! But, now I know.

  • my story involves the ozone layer depletion presently caused individuals, which include bush burning. This goes a long way in depleting the ozone and causing climate change. THANKS...

  • The news story that caught my attention is the news that NLC (Nigerian Labor Congress) criticizes FG`s Eight billion Naira allocation to sensitize Nigerians on need to pay electricity bills
    The sensitization aims to address the challenges of power theft, poor payment habits, and the protection of handling assets.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was...
    USA withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO). It stood out to me because USA is one of the biggest contributors to World Health Organization ($6.8 billion). So I'm worried, what will the World Health Organization be if one of her biggest contributors is gone. I believe this move might have a significance effect on WHO as there will a reduction of funds which will affect WHO's ability to render assistance to troubled areas in cases of pandemic, natural disaster etc. This move might also affect the strength USA's influence and global leadership when global issues need to be addressed and the country might lose access to WHO's global data.

  • One news report that stood out to me was the murder of George Floyd. This was a big one for me because I then realised the problems that people of African descent go through much clearer. I understood that police brutality especially towards young black males was a major problem in today's society.

  • That was last thursday day, when Donald Trump became the president of one of the strongest countries in the world but what cought my interest most in the inauguration of Donald Trump is the audience as it was mostly made of the most successful celebrities such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and past presidents like Barack Obama . Those celebrities that I am impressed by them, I take them as amazing examples that I want to be like and everyone know that they are not successful by luck no, it was by hard work.

  • One news story that caught my attention the most was about the recent LA wildfires that have been occurring. As a resident of California myself, it is very frightening to know something so tragic is happening so close to me. I've also noticed the impacts it has not only on the environment but the media. I enjoy listening to music and scrolling through social media apps in my free time and when I do these activities, I get ads talking about ways to prevent wildfires, how to help the victims of such events, etc. My deepest condolences to the victims of such tragic event.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was: "The European Commission will ensure all new cars and vans manufactured from 2035 will be zero-emissions". This means cars will have to be either electric or hydrogen-powered. It stood out to me because I thought it would be a better idea to decrease or limit the CO2 emissions, but not to set them directly to 0. Still, nowadays hydrogen cars are too expensive for an average person and share the same problem with the electric ones: the low-mileage autonomy. Another problem of electric cars is they produce high levels of CO2 for manufacturing their batteries, in fact several researches have proved that an electric car produces about a 70% more CO2 emissions than an internal combustion car. However there is another alternative: biofuels. This kind of fuel is made out of organic waste, and produces half of the CO2 emissions of an average combustion car. The only issue of this type of fuel is it is difficult to obtain it in large quantities, but in my opinion it is an alternative that does not get enough attention and it should have more research about it.

  • The news story that was most significant to me has too be Covid 19 it stood out to me because I was aghast at how many people it affected all over the world and the lives it consumed was absolutely dumfounding and the death toll was scary. During this disconsolate period I lost touch with nameless friends and family and experienced depression. I had great sympathy for a news story that involved people committing suicide because of the relatives lost because they were victims of Covid 19. I think this was the pandemic were most people were affected because it took years for people to recover from the trauma of in my opinion the most tragic event in my lifetime.

  • I think the daily news I saw on the television one time that caught my attention the most was the effect of climate change on animals, as it was demonstrating how climate change can have a negative impact on various animal species. It is very heart breaking seeing lots of poor animals losing their habitats because of things like , pollution, contamination and more. Climate change is mostly happening as a result of human activities which makes me feel a combination of balanced feelings, I feel guilty because of effective human activities , but I also feel a sort of push to try to save the animals. We owe those animal's lives so that's why we should try and reduce the factors of climate change. We should use cleaner energy sources to halt the harms of air pollution that mostly comes from large factories. Recycling also plays an important role because if we continued watching litter flow through our oceans this could lead to a whole habitat loss for marine creatures. Let's help bring back the endangered animals to life by working together to build a better environment for both animals and humans.

  • The things that have been catching my eyes recently the most are the Los Angeles fires which have caused devastation to the whole city, consuming over 2,399 acres of land. These fires were caused by arsonists around two weeks ago, not knowing the immense damage it is causing LA currently. It stood out to me because I have realized that the world around us is slowly starting to become an unsuitable place to live for the human race. If such things continue, the world may slowly deteriorate until there is no longer places to call home. Many celebrities have lost their valuables as well as their own childhood homes in these detrimental fires. These fires contribute to the already circulating pollution in the world, further causing the air we depend on to become more and more toxic over time. The thick smoke from the fire contains toxic chemicals, making it hard to breathe, which in most cases, have killed individuals. Derived from a new channel, at least 25 people have come up deceased from the blazes. These fires may also contribute to the Earth's climate, emitting even more greenhouse gases into the world's atmosphere. The reason for the fire that is slowly consuming the city is because of the wind and the arid climate of Los Angeles. The wind speeds control how fast and where they fire may blow, therefore causing the fire to spread in certain locations as the wind picks up. In addition, LA also has tropical and drier conditions than most cities, therefore making it more vulnerable for things to catch fire. This is an important matter that isn't spoken on enough.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was COVID-19 it stood out to me because there were a lot of changes and things that i realized. It was a important event in my lifetime because that's when human connection started to shut off and connect in different ways and that was online, people would be gritty and buy everything in the store for themselves and not leave resources for others, we wouldn't want to go out of our house, we started becoming unhealthy, it was a crazy time and it also felt like years went by during that quarantine period.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was The Palisades Fire in California U. S. A. It stood out to me because there were lots of people who sadly lost their homes and many people were in terrible conditions due to the fire. It was a terrible thing for all the people who lived in the place where the fire started. More than 10 million people across parts of southern California were under red flags. I am really thankful for those firefighters that fought against the fire. They thankfully stopped the fire. It was a really tragic event. I really hope there won't be another one of these fires happening any time soon. Everyone is doing such a great job by donating money, food, and shelter to those residents that lost everything. Blessings to all those people and thank you for listening.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the king’s coronation it was the first time I had seen a coronation. My favourite bit was when he held the Crown Jewels. There were lots of precious stones and jewels in the crown and sceptre. It was important to me because he was the first male monarch of my generation.

  • The news story that caught my attention the most was floods it stood out to me because during the time floods were frequent, my family almost lost our home in a flood. It didn't get to our house but it destroyed our farm and the crops we planted .
    This subject is important to me because multiple people lost their homes and belongings because of these floods.
    The effects of these floods can vary from losing belonging to losing lives, it is a sad reality. but I'm happy i made it out.

  • the news story that caught my attention the most was the people stuck in space right now. I was concerned that since they have been in space for almost a year, I was wondering if before February when they might likely return, they might run out of supplies and food stuff or something else occurs that won't be actually be good for them as humans. to me it is important that every one is safe and I think we should try all we can to get them out of there as soon as possible.

  • One news story that stood out to me was the one talking about how Covid-19 had spread to the U.S. and the damage that it was causing. For my family and me, it was a hard time since none of us could go out and I had virtual school at the time and because of this, I wasn't focused and my grades were turning from A's to B's and even 1 C. Me and my family were living in fear thinking any of us could get it and if of us did, we believed we would die as the majority of people that got it on the news had passed away and it was a lot of people all around the United States.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the massive hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica. It stood out of me because the hole was mainly caused by human-made chemicals which are called (CFS). These chemicals when released into the atmosphere they go up into the stratosphere. The process releases chlorine into the atmosphere which reacts with the ozone which depleted the ozone layer. This situation made me think more about my conservation on how much water I use, how long I use the stove, and how many recycled things I use every day. This situation was very concerning for many years, and I hope that people will take more of a strict approach to climate issues when it comes to our world.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the planetary alignment phenomenon happening nowadays. It is a phenomenon where the planets of the solar system align. what is happening now is especially rare because all the planets of the solar system are aligned together in a straight line! This means you can see seven planets in the sky with your naked eye: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. All of them are visible and you don't need a telescope to see them. This phenomenon begins on January 21 and ends in February 21, 2025. You observe them just after the sunset. I've been eagerly waiting for this phenomenon for a long time since I've been absolutely fascinated by space from a young age. I actually saw the planets in the sky and they looked astounding! Don't miss this opportunity as it's a very infrequent. It happens only once every 180 years or even more!

  • The news story that caught my attention most was about the wildfires in California. The fires spread throughout many cities in California. The news intrigued me because although California has had fire incidents in the past, the mass destruction that these wildfires have caused had me shocked. Many people have lost their property and are at a loss as to where to go and what to do. However, seeing a plethora of people donating and providing to the communities was uplifting. Also, I was intrigued because there is no definite answer as to why the fires happened. So overall, that news left me shocked and devastated, but hopeful at the same time because I believe California will push through and thrive again.

  • One news story that caught my attention was when it was brought to the publics attention that Donald Trump had an assassination attempt on him during his campaign. Normally we would hear assassination attempts done to presidents after they have gotten elected, take John F Kennedy for example(RIP). When I heard the news I was shocked and wondered how much hate a person could have for another to go out of their way to attempt to murder them. Although many of us may not like our current president, I still don't think what happened to him was deserved or rather should have happened at all today or in the past.(other president that have died from assassination attempts)

  • The story that caught my attention the most was when I heard people talking about child trafficking and that the people involved were caught. The story stood out for me because I got thinking about the trauma the children and their parents must have gone through. It really made me sad. Child trafficking is a global problem and it affects millions of children around the world. A number of factors encourages child trafficking and it includes poverty, conflicts and lack of education. I am of the view that everyone should come together and help fight against this problem, we can do this by educating children and families and even the public about protecting themselves. In school we are taught about strangers and safe strangers and what to do when we come in contact with strangers. It is important that we all come together to protect children so that they can have a safe and healthy childhood. Children have rights, let us all uphold the rights of children.

  • The news story that caught my attention is the biggest fire in Los Angeles. They are provoked by climate change and global warming. Those fires burnt down houses and forests. It has an impact on the population's lives.

  • When bad things happen, like in Palestine, people can feel really sad and want to help. Some people donate money or things to help people who are suffering, kind of like sharing your toys with a friend who needs them. Others choose to boycott, which means not buying certain things to show they don’t agree with how people are being treated. It’s like saying, "I don’t like this, so I won’t support it."

    But not everyone donates or boycotts, and that’s okay too. Some people might not know enough, or they might feel like they can't make a difference. But even if they don’t donate or boycott, they can still care and do other things. You can learn more, talk to others, or just show kindness to people who need it.

    If you care, you can find your own way to help, just like how others do. Even the small things matter, because every little bit helps make the world a little better!
    So why don't you share or even donate you can be the one who make palestine better or free .
    The whole world or specially us ( Arabian people ) will be really pleased.So just try to share and thanks 😊.

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸 ❤️.

  • The story that has suprise me the most is the investigation into 'mysterious' deaths of 17 people in India.

    1. It would be interesting to understand why this story surprised you, let us know !

  • the news story that caught my attention most was Australia budhfires (2019-2020).It stood out to me because 2,500,000 acres of area was burned and millions of people died.

  • The news that had me on the edge of my seat is when I heard about the new slangs of the generations _ Gen Z and Gen Alpha. They really left me speechless.
    While I currently use them a lot in the informal chats, I feel that the origin of the language had improved as if you made an update to any of the programs on the mobile phone.
    For example the word skrrt means: to escape a situation, to express excitement, used as a filler word in rap or even to describe that something is cool 🆒 ; all these meanings came from skrrt, do you just imagine how many times it could be used in one sentence, three 3️⃣ or four 4️⃣ times_ what’s a blast! 💥

  • I think the new that has surprised me the most is the number of people who have died in the war . In this case in the Ukrainian-Russian war. In the article it said that 280,000 combatants (200,000 Russians and 80,000 Ukrainians) have died in Ukraine since February 24, 2022 and 800,000 have been wounded (400,000 on each side) and I think it is a very shocking news and it is very sad to see the conditions in which they are in other countries and it helps us to see how lucky we are.

  • The story that caught my attention is the high rate of inflation in my country. Life is becoming more difficult for an average person in Nigeria. This stood out to me because a lot of people cant even afford one of the most basic and important need of humans which is food. Everything is so expensive now in my country from food, to petrol, to electricity and even transportation from one place to another. I feel so sad about the inflation situation in my country and hope the government will begin to make policies that will help cushion the effect of the inflation on the mases.

  • The news story that caught my attention was one that was published this summer about the spread of avian flu in Antartica that said that is greater than expected , with significant dispersion in the north of the Antartic Peninsula and with confirmed cases in penguins, Antartic pigeons and sea lions. It stood out to me because has caused significant deaths among these animals. This is a worrying situation because many cases are being detected and it can kill more animals

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the one of NASA in 2020 when they announced that water was discovered on the sunlit surface of the Moon for the first time. When I saw this news for the first time I was very shocked and also very amazed as it was a great discovery. This news is impactful because it changes our understanding of the Moon and opens new posibilities for space exploration and even colonization.

  • The news story that I liked the most and caught my attention in 2024 was that Spain started being the country with the most number of transaplants and donations. Approaching 6000 transplants in 2023, Spain had already been the world leader in this field for 32 years.
    All kinds of transplants were performed, for example there were more or less about 3600 kidney transplants, liver transplants about 1200, lung and heart transplants around 400 each one.
    I have chosen this news because it seems to me very important for our society, because thanks to some people, others can be saved of deadly diseases.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the COVID-19 pandemic. It stood out to me because it affected the entire world. At first it felt distant, something happening far away. But by March 2020, it become undeniable. The news was full of numbers, lockdowns, and closed boarders. Streets emptied, and the world shifted overnight.
    What surprise me was not just the virus, but how it changed my life. I found myself stuck at home, unable to see friends or family in person. Virtual connections replaced face-to-face interactions, and it was strange to live in a world of uncertainly. I missed the small things, simple moments with loved ones, spontaneous plans.
    As time passed, I learnt to adjust. The pandemic taught me resilience, to appreciate the little things, and how quickly life can change. It was a hard lesson, but it showed me that even in chaos, we can find strenght and a new sense of gratitude.

  • When I was like nine years old I went to vaccation on August. My family and I went to a very beautiful place located in a town placed in the Granada's coast. I was having a great time ther, when suddenly, a news appeared overshadowing the others, they were saying that a truck went into a crowded street in Barcelona running over people. Yes... killing people!
    It got astonished watching how the cameras recorded that truck going into the pavement and running over inocents. Some people could scape, However, others like a three-year old girl not.
    My grandma, who was in Madrid, called us by phone worried about that, because she didn't know where we were exactly. After talking with my mother she get relaxed and everything was okay.
    Nevertheless, the holidays were not the same as before. That news changed my apreciation of life.

  • The news story that caught my attention was............when i heard about a cousin who killed her cousin sister, i was shocked and feeling sad because she was only eight years old when her nine year old cousin killed her, i heard that they fought about who would charge their phones first,i could not just stop asking myself why someone would kill her cousin just because of the argument of who to charge their phones first, i think she must have developed hatred for her cousin.

  • My story is about the ozone layer.
    The ozone layer protects the earth from excessive heat from the sun .Each year the temperature is increasing because the ozone layer is no longer thick enough. Why is because every time something is burnt the smoke goes to the atmosphere which affects the ozone layer. So we should stop excessive burning of things in order to protect our planet and the people within it.

  • I read a book a it caught my attention it talks about a scenario carbon emission and the depletion of the ozone layer carbon emission should be limited per person and if someone want to release some they have to buy the star from those who has not reach their limts . while the depletion of the ozone layer and global warming is the case of climate change and people has been getting skin cancer because of the son we should take this serious because it is dangerous

  • The news story that caught my attention the most was the Chandrayaan-3 mission by India. It stood out to me because it was a moment of pride for our country. India became the first country to land near the south pole of the moon, which is a great achievement . This news inspired me because , I came to know that how by doing hard work, and by being determined about our goals, we can achieve great things . By reading this news , it made me curious to know more about space and the interesting things about space exploration.

  • The news story that caught my attention was california's wildfire.That makes me so sad for the people. Wildfire is rapidly growing.It burns many houses and we can say there's nothing left. If we compared the previous time to now we understand that it stays for long time.

  • One story that caught my attention was the ban of TikTok by some countries like India, United States Canada, Pakistan etc. TikTok is a social media platform designed for teenagers and young adults with a focus on short form video creation, trends and challenges etc. Though TikTok also attracts older users, families and professionals who use the platform for education, business and entertainment, these countries either placed a total restriction or say it can only be used by government devices. The major concerns of these countries include data security and privacy, potential of foreign countries interfering in election process, contents that are bad for teenagers and young adults, misinformation etc. All these reasons have great impact on any society or nation with a mind to build a great society

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the wild fires in LA. It stood out to me because when I was watching the live fire there were so many and so many people had lost their homes, families and etc. It made me feel so bad because so many people had nowhere to go and so many firefighters were risking their lives

  • I chose the story of climate change and shrinking animals it made me feel bad because I love animals and this world all of us will inherit it and we must preserve it I want it to stop and we should stand up with shrinking animal that will be bad for the environment and if climate change continues we may destroy this earth that we love by our own hands and will impact all of our lives so I want to stand up to stop it from happening I love this earth I will not harm it

  • When bad things happen, like in Palestine, people can feel really sad and want to help. Some people donate money or things to help people who are suffering, kind of like sharing your toys with a friend who needs them. Others choose to boycott, which means not buying certain things to show they don’t agree with how people are being treated. It’s like saying, "I don’t like this, so I won’t support it."

    But not everyone donates or boycotts, and that’s okay too. Some people might not know enough, or they might feel like they can't make a difference. But even if they don’t donate or boycott, they can still care and do other things. You can learn more, talk to others, or just show kindness to people who need it.

    If you care, you can find your own way to help, just like how others do. Even the small things matter, because every little bit helps make the world a little better!
    So why don't you share or even donate you can be the one who make palestine better or free .
    The whole world or specially us ( Arabian people ) will be really pleased.So just try to share and thanks 😊.

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸 ❤️.

  • The recent news that caught my attention was the truck accident that occurred on 20 december. It was a catastrophic accident where an lpg tanker collided with a truck on December 20 and set the jaipur ajmer highway on fire which spread like water.When the lpg tanker collided, the gas released and caused a massive explosion. Everything in the radius of nearly 700 m was burnt .this caused the death of 14 people and many injuries to others.this was very shocking to me as I never thought that gas could cause such a huge accident and turn the road into inferno.i was also very disturbed on hearing this news as people did not get even a minute to think and react and lost their lives without any fault.this is a concerning news and I feel there should be something done to stop another accident like this.

  • The news story that caught my attention the most was the LA fires. this stood out to me because of the increasing number of wildfires we face nowadays and because of the large scale of the fires. Cal fire and U.S forest have responded to 241 wildfires since January 1st. At least 28 people have died due to the fires fuelled by severe draught conditions & strong winds, and many more a still missing. The Palisades fire is the largest and most destructive fire. It has been burning since it broke out on Tuesday 7th January and has now burned over 23,000 acres including homes and businesses in Pacific Palisades and along the Pacific Coast Highway. During the worst of the fires, 180,000 people were under evacuation notices. Crews from California and nine other States and Mexico have been fighting the fires with around 1,400 fire engines and 84 aircraft. According to the US national weather service, severe weather warnings are expiring across Los Angeles, giving the locals some much needed hope that the threat of wildfire in the area is getting smaller.

  • The news story that caught my attention was the story about a new sea snail discovered in the midnight zone called Bathydevius Caudactylus. It stood out to me because it made me wonder how much of the ocean we have not explored. Turns out 95% of the ocean is not explored which is also really scary because there could be scary sea monsters that could be the closest things to aliens.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the covid-19 pandemic. It stood out to me because I thought this virus was just another sickness like the flu and wouldn't impact the world like that until schools were getting closed down, lots of places on locked down, people not leaving their houses, and impacting the parts of the world. During this time I wasn't able to see some of my friends and family because of the sickness. Though this time was very sad I was able to do things I couldn't before like binge a TV show and actually finish it and spend time with my siblings and family. To sum it up, the pandemic was sad and caused distance between friends and family members, but I found the fun in it to spend more time with my family and get to do new things.

  • I am from Tamil nadu a state from India,the news that revolves in my mind and on which I have done soo much discussion with my parents and so much research work was, here in our state from 1925 the state government started mid day meals scheme which is nothing but free food for children studying in government schools which was later upgraded in the year 1982, now from 2022 along with mid day meals the state government has also introduced morning breakfast scheme. This shows the importance government gives to education, if development is to be achieved, the is no shortcut for It, education is the only means.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the beginning of the war in Ukraine. For us, Romanians, the conflict started by Russia firstly seemed like a threat, especially as their ships started to appear in the Black Sea. Also, Ukraine used to export to Romania meat, sunflower oil, nuts and now, without importing from them, our country and some other neighbours of them started to deal with huge inflation. Aditionally, as Russia is considered the offender, many sanctions like trade embargo have been applied to them, countries can’t buy energetic resources from them anymore. Sharing an important border with Ukraine, our population began helping refugees by integrating them in the society, hosting them and introducing the kids to our schools while also adopting subjects in their native language. This was the opportunity for us to prove that we are a solitary and strong nation. Later on, as the leader of Russia didn’t show any signs that he’s going to conclude to a peace treaty, Romania and other NATO countries started to indirectly send help, like weapons and training the Ukranian troops. The daily reports of the still on-going conflict stood out to me because it made realise how favoured I am that my country isn’t part of a military combat and how priviliged we are that our nation is included in the most powerful and influential coalition in the world: NATO. Despite the cruelty and the harshness of the war, Ukranians demonstarted their courage and intrepidity, which is why I consider them heroic people. This conflict made me realise much about the reality of the world.

  • The news story that caught my attention most was the fire in Los Angeles. It stood out to me because it's chocking,and very sad for the people who live in Los angeles. It's sad because those persons have to leave their house and all of their good memories . It's also very sad because Los angeles is very popular and in this city there is a lot of culture.

  • The story that caught my attention was that the United States grounded SpaceX's starship rocket because it failed a test flight on January 16, 2025. It stood out for me because it felt right knowing that the country is concern about the safety of the people on ground and the aircraft since the remains scattered over a large area. I heard that the people around that area were told not to touch any of the debris. It is also a good thing to know that the regulatory body is committed to ensuring safety and reducing risks linked with space exploration. The grounding will also ensure that the space industry will pay more attention to monitoring the launch of any space vehicle.

  • The news story that stood out to me was about Global warming. This stood out to me because I was learning about this previously in school. There are hundreds of icebergs melting in cold countries, causing habitats to be near-vanished, deforestation is another big one, many people are cutting down trees for land, just for it to be abandoned. Pollution has been taking over the oceans, causing many animals such as turtles, fish, starfish, squids and many more sea creatures to get caught in bottles, wrappers and other things that were carelessly thrown into the sea. Finally, I would like to discuss all the fossil fuels being released into out atmosphere, many people burn these fuels causing it to fill the air.

  • The news that stood out to me the most was a lot of animals having different shapes of pupils.For example, The pupil of an octopus's eye is square, the pupil of a Goat's eye is rectangular and a cat's pupils of their eye is slit shaped
    At that time, I didn't know that it was possible.So I was really fascinated to hear about it.
    Apparently Goat's rectangle eyes helps them look around the whole field and makes them aware of any dangers nearby.And since a cat is a part of the predator team,the slit shaped eyes helps them detect a pray and the distance of their pray.