King Charles

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In this Standpoint. I'm going to talk about King Charles the new King of England.I have always had a big interest in the British Royal Family,I love History and the "History of The Royals",especially Queen Elizabeth and King Henry the Eight.
In Ireland we don't have Royals,we have a President, Micheal D.Higgins and a Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar and a big government supporting them.I think there can be lots of different opinions about if Royals are needed in this day and age.Many Britons were unhappy with the recent coronation of King Charles.According to a new poll 51% of adults were against the government paying for the coronation ,32% think they should and 18% were unsure.I think Britons should be able to choose if they could contribute to the coronation,taxes should not have been automatically taken off them.As you may know,everything has gone up in price and many families are struggling to pay for expenses.Maybe Britons could have made donations instead?
The late Queen Elizabeth supported over 600 charities such as "Soldiers Charity","The British Diabetic Association" and "Cancer Research UK" Their total expenditure in 2021 was £16.4 million.
Buckingham Palace is also a huge tourist destination and generates £49,859,000 each year to the British incomy.
But the British Royals have caused many lives,taking over several countries such as Ireland (16th century)and America(American Revolution).It is estimated that 100 million lives were lost because of British Colonialism.
Which leads us to my opinions on Royals …I think the Royals have changed.I think that Royals do amazing work for charity and although some of their actions may be questionable they let us experience amazing things.Like seeing a golden carriage, I bet you never saw a carriage before last Sunday!We also get to see tiaras and ball gowns that you only hear in fairytales.
Although Royals aren't really relevant to the running of his/her country they are relevant to the lives they have helped and saved.The British monarchy provides a huge revenue and is huge for the running of the British Monarchy."Is there a need for Royals"In this day in age,yes!But in the past I think we could have done without them.But the Royals have shaped the world we live in today.

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  • I must respectfully disagree with your statement that the British monarchy is relevant to the lives they have helped and saved. While it is true that members of the royal family have engaged in charitable work, this does not necessarily mean that their presence as a constitutional monarchy is essential or even beneficial.

    The argument that the monarchy brings in significant financial benefits to the country has been heavily debated and is not universally accepted. Some studies suggest that the cost of maintaining the monarchy outweighs any economic benefit it may bring.The idea that the monarchy has played a significant role in shaping the modern world is also questionable. While some monarchs throughout history have made important contributions, many others were more concerned with preserving their own power and privilege than with advancing society.

    1. I'm not sure about this mirthful_mode as I do sincerely believe that selfreliant_dragonfly does have a correct point here ( by this I am not saying yours is wrong as different people have different opinions). The Royal Family is the reason why we have settled disputes along the 54 countries part of the Commonwealth institution. Now, if another country part of the Commonwealth is in trouble with rebuilding infrastructure or other issues, the UK will be there for them and provide because that is what a team does. It seems to me based on your comment that the UK makes its decision for its own mutual benefit. But, I believe this is incorrect. We stand up for others. We fight for what is right. The UK and the monarchy should not be judged for simply trying to help us as well as the other countries. Yes, I do agree with your statement in the last sentence. You have changed my mind as I now believe that monarchs occasionally have greed and the hunger for power as their Achille's heel but you saw how well Queen Elizabeth stuck to her duty. For that, we should respect and continue to believe in the role of royalty. At least for Queen Elizabeth whilst commemorating her achievements.

    2. Hi Mirthful_Mode - there's a big debate at the moment whether the cost of the monarchy is justifiable. If we disbanded the royal family, would all of the costs associated with the monarchy simply disappear?

      1. While it is true that the monarchy incurs substantial costs, such as security, maintenance of palaces and properties, and the salaries of staff, disbanding the royal family would not necessarily result in all these expenses disappearing.
        For instance, many of the royal palaces and landmarks are historical sites that would still require upkeep and preservation even without the monarchy. Additionally, some members of the royal family carry out official duties that are necessary for the functioning of the government, and other public officials would need to be appointed to take on those responsibilities if the monarchy were abolished.
        there may also be economic implications associated with removing the monarchy, as tourism and related industries generate significant revenue for the UK economy.

      2. If the decision were made to disband the royal family, it would indeed have significant implications for the costs associated with the monarchy. While it is difficult to predict the exact outcome, I can provide some insights into the potential financial implications.

        Firstly, it's important to note that the monarchy is funded through the Sovereign Grant, which is an annual grant provided by the UK government. This grant covers the costs of the royal household, including staff salaries, official functions, and the maintenance of royal residences. In 2022-2023, the Sovereign Grant amounted to £87.5 million ($116 million).

        If the royal family were disbanded, the funding for the Sovereign Grant would no longer be necessary. However, it does not mean that all costs associated with the monarchy would simply disappear. Some expenses, such as the maintenance of historical royal palaces and properties, would still need to be addressed. These properties are part of the cultural heritage of the United Kingdom and would require ongoing maintenance and preservation, regardless of the presence of a royal family.

        Additionally, there are other financial implications to consider. The royal family contributes to the tourism industry, attracting visitors from around the world who are interested in the British monarchy and its history. The tourism revenue generated by the royal family's presence, including visits to royal residences and exhibitions, would likely be affected if the monarchy were disbanded. This could have economic consequences for related industries and local communities that benefit from tourism.

        The royal family is also involved in various charitable and philanthropic endeavors. They support numerous causes and organizations, and their presence often helps raise awareness and funds for charitable purposes. If the royal family were no longer fulfilling these roles, it could impact the charitable sector and the support provided to various initiatives.

        While the exact financial impact of disbanding the royal family is uncertain, it is clear that there are costs associated with the monarchy that would change or remain, such as the maintenance of historical properties. Additionally, the economic effects on tourism and the charitable sector would need to be considered. The debate about the cost and justification of the monarchy involves weighing these factors and considering the overall value and role of the institution in contemporary society.

  • II agree with your statement that the British monarchy, despite not having a direct role in the running of the country today, still serves an important purpose. One example of this is their significant contributions to charitable causes both within the UK and around the world.

    For instance, Princess Diana was well-known for her philanthropic work, particularly her efforts to raise awareness about AIDS and landmines. Similarly, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have used their platform to raise awareness and support for various social causes, including mental health issues, gender equality, and poverty.

    The royal family has also played a significant role in promoting British culture and tourism. Millions of people visit the UK each year to see royal landmarks such as Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, which generates huge revenue for the country's economy.
    It's worth noting that the monarchy has a rich history and tradition that has helped shape the country's identity over centuries. From Queen Elizabeth I's reign during the Elizabethan era to Queen Victoria's rule during the Industrial Revolution, the royal family has been a part of some of the most significant moments in British history.

  • Certainly, the royal family contributed to the creation of a young society, but as we know there are two types of kings, and they are:
    1- The unjust king: He is the greedy king who oppresses his people and does not provide them with food and drink and imposes taxes permanently, which leads to poverty in the state.
    2- A just king: He is the one who takes into account the affairs and problems of his people, solves them, supports charitable institutions, imposes taxes on those who can pay them, and works to achieve happiness for his people.
    This is the difference between kings, so whoever is just is loved by the people and vice versa

  • While there are differing opinions about whether Royals are necessary in modern times, note that the institution of the monarchy has existed for centuries and has played a significant role in shaping the history and culture of many countries, including the United . the British monarchy attracts millions of tourists each year, generating significant revenue for the country's economy. It's also seen as a symbol of national identity and unity by many citizens.

    On the other hand, some argue that the concept of monarchy is outdated and irrelevant in today's democratic society. They believe that the monarchy represents a form of elitism and inequality and does not align with the principles of equality and fairness.

  • from my point of view The British royal family has had a significant influence on charities over the decades. They have used their platform and status to bring attention to various causes, raise funds, and support charitable organizations. This influence can be seen in the patronages and affiliations they maintain with numerous charities and non-profit organizations.

    Pros of the Royal Family's Influence on Charities:

    1. Increased visibility: The royal family's involvement in charitable work brings increased visibility to important causes. Their patronage often generates media coverage and public interest, which can lead to greater awareness and support for the organizations they support.

    2. Fundraising: The royal family's involvement in charity events and initiatives can significantly boost fundraising efforts. Their participation in galas, auctions, and other events often attracts high-profile donors and helps raise substantial amounts of money for charitable causes.

    3. Advocacy and lobbying: Members of the royal family can use their influence to advocate for policy changes and draw attention to societal issues. Their support can help shape public opinion and put pressure on politicians to address critical social challenges.

    4. Inspiring others: The royal family's commitment to charitable causes can inspire individuals to get involved and contribute to philanthropic efforts. Their involvement often serves as a role model for others, encouraging them to make a positive impact in their communities.

    Cons of the Royal Family's Influence on Charities:

    1. Criticisms of selective patronage: The royal family's selection of charities and causes they support has faced criticism for being selective or politically motivated. Some argue that they may focus on popular or high-profile issues, neglecting lesser-known but equally important causes.

    2. Dependency on royal patronage: While the royal family's involvement can provide significant financial and publicity benefits to charities, it also creates a dependency on their support. Charities that rely heavily on royal patronage may struggle to maintain funding and public attention once that support diminishes.

    3. Political implications: The royal family's involvement in charities can have political implications. Their support for certain causes or involvement in advocacy may be viewed as interfering with political matters, potentially polarizing public opinion.

    4. Inequality concerns: Critics argue that the existence of a monarchy perpetuates social and economic inequality. The vast wealth and privileges associated with the royal family can be seen as a symbol of an unfair and outdated social system, detracting from efforts to achieve a more egalitarian society.

    Views on the Royal Family from the World and Politicians:

    The views on the royal family vary across the world and among politicians. Some see the royal family as an important symbol of national identity, tradition, and stability. They argue that the monarchy brings economic benefits through tourism and boosts the country's soft power on the global stage.

    However, others view the monarchy as an outdated institution that perpetuates inequality and undemocratic principles. Some politicians may argue for the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic, believing that it would be more in line with modern democratic ideals.

    Overall, opinions on the pros and cons of the royal family's influence on charities, as well as their broader role in society, are subjective and dependent on individual perspectives, cultural values, and political beliefs.

  • I believe that the royal family are of no use and have not benefited us in any way! They just use our taxes for nonsensical traditions. They have not had a good past and are THIEVES!!!!

  • Hello.... 👋
    ⏩ Your wonderful point of view, I couldn't stop reading from the beauty and magnificence of the formula and words......!
    ⏩And I agree with you, the royal family is one of the most important foundations of states....and I am also one of the families whose news I like most to follow is the British royal family.....specifically Queen Elizabeth II and her son Prince Charles...
    ⏩And what I love about Queen Elizabeth is her clothes, specifically her hat and the bag she always carries.....
    ⏩ Among the tasks that I know about kings: The king and his immediate family undertake various official, ceremonial, diplomatic and representative duties.
    ⏩ The queens and kings in this era showed everyone what had not been seen before...
    ⏩Although here in Palestine we do not have kings, but a president, but I wish we had kings and such....😁
    🔲 End.... Goodbye 👋

  • The role of kings improved in this time. The kings of yesterday were not interested in their people, and they only cared about expansion and increasing wealth. Among these examples is King Louis XVI when he convened the Council of the Classes of the Nation. He did not care about the voice of the common people, and what made the French revolution to break out, as well as the revolution of the American colonies and Britain When George Washington led the colonists to rebel against Britain because Britain did not care about them and did not reward them in their war against France. All this is due to the kings’ lack of interest in their subjects, or today, the kings began to collect donations, help the disease, and led the country to develop. How did Queen Elizabeth become a queen that some people loved from the best of everything she did for Britain, but we do not forget that in the end the family is everything.

  • The British monarchy, with its centuries-long history, continues to hold an important role in the world for several reasons:

    Symbolic Representation: The British monarchy serves as a symbol of continuity, tradition, and stability. It represents the historical legacy of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms. The monarchy embodies a sense of national identity and unity, providing a focal point for citizens and residents to rally around.

    Soft Power and Diplomacy: The British monarchy wields significant soft power, particularly in terms of diplomacy and international relations. State visits by members of the royal family often serve as opportunities to strengthen political ties, promote trade and cultural exchange, and enhance diplomatic relationships with other nations. The monarchy's global visibility and influence can help facilitate dialogue and cooperation between the United Kingdom and foreign countries.

    Tourism and Economic Impact: The British monarchy plays a crucial role in promoting tourism and generating economic benefits. Visitors from around the world are drawn to iconic landmarks such as Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, and the Tower of London, which are associated with the monarchy. Royal events, such as weddings and jubilees, attract global attention and stimulate tourism, benefiting local economies and the wider tourism industry.

    Charity and Philanthropy: Members of the royal family actively engage in charitable endeavors, raising awareness and funds for various causes. Their patronage of charitable organizations and involvement in philanthropic activities significantly contribute to addressing social issues and providing support to vulnerable communities. The association with the monarchy often brings increased visibility and credibility to charitable causes, encouraging public participation and donations.

    Cultural Heritage and Preservation: The British monarchy serves as a custodian of the nation's rich cultural heritage. Historic palaces, art collections, and royal regalia are preserved and showcased, contributing to the cultural and artistic landscape of the United Kingdom. The monarchy's connection to the past helps maintain and protect historical artifacts, buildings, and traditions, ensuring their preservation for future generations.

    Constitutional Role: The British monarchy has a constitutional role in the governance of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms. While largely symbolic and ceremonial, the monarch's involvement in the democratic process, such as the granting of royal assent to legislation and the appointment of the Prime Minister, serves as a reminder of the separation of powers and the stability of the constitutional monarchy.

    It is important to note that the monarchy's significance may vary among individuals and nations, and opinions on its relevance can differ. However, the British monarchy continues to be a notable institution globally, representing tradition, heritage, diplomacy, and cultural influence