which is better robots teacher or teachers

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  • Hi everyone,
    I think teachers are better than robots teacher because teachers have feelings they can excuse you if make anything wrong but robots teacher take orders from people also but they implement the orders only they can excuse anyone and finally in my opinion teachers can teach better than robots teacher

    1. Yes, teachers have feelings because they play a crucial role in the development of AI. And with an AI teacher, they can create sensitive questions that even a secondary-level student might find difficult to answer. However, while a human teacher may explain a subject multiple times, an AI teacher cannot teach a subject more than a human teacher.

  • Hi topical talk
    I prefer humans teacher over robot teacher because robot teachers will not understand humans students in terms of education and other aspects but human teacher will understand humans students because they are of the same kind and species. And robot teachers will not explain the questions that was asked by human students but human teachers will explain the questions to the understanding of the students.
    For me I will prefer human teacher over robot teacher.

    1. I agree with you enigmatic_singer because if AI bots are teaching the will not be able to break it into a way that children will be able to understand. Take for instance an AI bot is teaching a subject and the children do not understand. They AI bot will not be able to break it down into a place where they will understand. Also they AI bot will do what it is programmed to do. Take for instance that an engineer is called to teach children what is like to be an engineer. The engineer will be able to tell them what is like to be an engineer but if it was an AI engineering bot it will not be able to tell them anything because they were not programmed to do it. What I’m trying to say is that we should an AI bot is only programed what is programed and cannot break down any thing for a child to understand. An AI bot would not put enough encouragement needed.

  • Hi Topical Talkers,
    Humans will do the teaching jobs better than AI in the sense that humans explains a particular topic fluently and also teaches the students based on life experience so they will understand better. For the fact that humans are good in teaching does not mean that AI is not also good in that, AI gives or supplies students with further or deep research according to the particular topic and it also give students answers in full detail and also the sources where it is been gotten from.
    AI machine and robots might not be the best way for teaching because they don’t express humans emotions in the sense that it can’t be able to detect whether a student is paying attention to class or not. The AI machine can’t also detect when a student s does not understand the topic and it won’t go deeply in explanation in the sense that it functions based on what is being programmed to them.
    Also, students won’t find it interesting looking or seeing AI teaching them in class because they believe that another way of understanding what is been thought is through gestures perform by humans of which AI machines don't express.
    Furthermore, AI machines doesn’t accept or reply to questions or thought that is not part of what is been programmed to them to do but humans does that.
    In conclusion, I still believe that human teachers are better than AI teachers.

  • I think that robot teachers may be better in accomplishing tasks and save time, but they can't make relationships between their students. Human teachers can make a personal connection with their students. Robots don't do well like humans in emulating emotions. Finally, instead of replacing on of them, we can work together and make robots assist teachers in some fields as they can't fully replace humans.

  • Hello!
    I think that teachers are better than the robots teachers,our teachers have feelings they will understand us. But the robot won't understand us and he can't explain a subject multiples times but the teachers can. In my opinion I prefer humans

  • Hi everyone,
    I think teachers are better than robots because teachers will still understand whether you have received the information or not, and they will be able to understand you in many ways, but the robot will still be programmed in one way, which is to understand you. But the teacher robot receives orders from the human, and only carries out what is asked of it. In my opinion, teachers are better than robot teachers

  • Hello everybody,
    I think that teachers are better than robot teachers because robot teachers are strict and they follow orders that are programmed into them, but since they can not override what they are meant to do, they do it strictly and emotionless.
    For example, if some students did not submit their projects on the due date, the AI does not give them some time, but instead gives them an awful or terrible score and still remains emotionless, meaning that there will be no sorrow or pity but goes on with life. With this discouragement from the AI teachers, the student himself will feel that he will not be good enough and this will cause a lot of issues and problems for both the student and the student's parents.
    So, generally, I think that teachers are better than robot teachers because they give time and they understand the problem of the students and in which area they do, try or thrive best. This means that not all students are food in Maths or English, but some of them so well in Art, Creativity, and sometimes sports. So it is better to understand your student and that is exactly what teachers do.
    These are my reasons for why I think that teachers are better than robot teachers.

  • Hi every body,
    In my opinion teachers are better than robots, because they have feelings, and in any education process, the students must be emotionally and Psychologically ready to understand the information deeply, and teachers can provide that for their students,
    Also teachers can support their students more than robots, because they are humans like them, and they can understand them well.

  • Robots plays an important rule now , but is robot teacher better than teachers? . Robots are made by humans so the programmer is teaching the robot what to do .I think that human teachers can explain in various ways as human can convey information for other human better than robot to human .Although human teachers are perfect but they can be tired of explaining serval times but robots donot take rest so they can continue . We have to appreciate both so human teacher and robot teacher at the same time is wonderful . Human teacher explain and robot teacher help the student if they misunderstand anything and help students at doing their homework