Eco-anxiety; Being Encouraging

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


Climate change is a topic that has begun to take the world by storm. Everywhere around the globe, people are hearing news about global warming, both good and bad. Some people are negatively affected by the bad news they hear. It causes them to stress and to worry. This is called eco-anxiety.

Not everyone suffers from eco-anxiety, so not all of us may fully understand what they go through. That is why we should always consider those who suffer from eco-anxiety. Sometimes, it may be hard to get why they are so worried, but it's perfectly normal to worry. It's about the condition of our planet and they are truly concerned.

Whenever we come across someone with eco-anxiety, not only should we consider their feelings, we should also be encouraging. It is never a good idea to be discouraging to someone who is already depressed. Some ways to be encouraging are by cheering them up while they are feeling down, and giving them bits of good news about climate change, just to make sure they do not feel hopeless. In fact, just being there for someone suffering from eco-anxiety is enough. Supporting them, giving thekm advice, being a good listener, and so much more. A little goes a long way.

Be encouraging. Let us all be a beacon of hope for others struggling to see the light.

Comments (4)

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  • I agree, being encouraging in hard times like this will help to boost the solving of the issue of climate change.
    I think that this message goes mainly to those who have had bad experiences on climate change. Encouraging them is the perfect thing to do if we want them to heal. They are currently suffering from trauma and they need all the help they can get. Little gestures like playing with them, smiling and even cracking jokes with them is something that can help boost their morale.
    This also applies to the news consumers. Encouraging news consumers to do something about the current situation is another way of hastening the cure of climate change.
    People all have different approaches to eco-anxiety and I know that no matter the experience encouraging someone will never affect that person negatively, meaning that encouragement might actually be the ultimate solution to curing eco-anxiety.


    1. I agree with you @glad outcome we must encourage other who go through eco anxiety and fear of climate change. If we are not encouraging people who go through eco anxiety will give up and feel as if there is no point worrying about it we should encourage others so that they will encourage others and sometimes I feel we should have just left the world the way we saw it.

    2. I totally agree with this comment. During these troubling times, we need to support those who are feeling eco-anxiety. Truly, I think everyone should spread some encouragement specifically those who are struggling and to everyone else. By spreading good news and improvements to climate change we can help those with eco-anxiety to to find a voice to face the worry by taking action. I think by spreading good news we can help anxiety become new voices and ideas. It all starts by making people who are struggling with eco-anxiety to a little better by share the good things, instead of forcing them to constantly hear the bad.

  • I agree with glad outcome because we should not only think about ourselves but others.If we encourage others it will make us to be anxious to find a solution rather than sitting and just worrying.Eco-anxiety is very dangerous because it can cause depression and worry,some even think it is the end of the world but we can make the world better we can make good climate by following all rules that will not affect the weather in any circumstance. Encouraging someone will also make them fortified and remove stress.

  • Eco-anxiety means having a conscious feeling and being worried about the climate. People all over the world face eco-anxiety in different ways. The places where climate has shown its destructive nature, there the people truly feel the eco-anxiety and how it can mentally affect a person's life. Its true that those people need encouragement. But some sweet talks are not enough for them. We need to take steps to help those people overcoming their eco-anxiety. We all need to be conscious about the climate and work together to protect the climate. We need to change our habits to prevent climate change. We have to make them assure that they are not alone. We have to make them understand that we all are worried about the climate and are willing to work hard to protect it. We have to make them realize that actually this eco-anxiety is a sign that they love the world most. We have work together with them and have to turn their eco-anxiety in tangible actions which can prevent the climate change. Actually, in one-way, eco-anxiety can be a good factor. Because it let people think about the climate continuously and to take steps to protect the climate. In their way of overthinking about the climate, they may come up with innovative and realistic solutions which can come to help for the whole world.

  • Eco-anxiety means having a conscious feeling and being worried about the climate. People all over the world face eco-anxiety in different ways. The places where climate has shown its destructive nature, there the people truly feel the eco-anxiety and how it can mentally affect a person's life. Its true that those people need encouragement. But some sweet talks are not enough for them. We need to take steps to help those people overcoming their eco-anxiety. We all need to be conscious about the climate and work together to protect the climate. We need to change our habits to prevent climate change. We have to make them assure that they are not alone. We have to make them understand that we all are worried about the climate and are willing to work hard to protect it. We have to make them realize that actually this eco-anxiety is a sign that they love the world most. We have work together with them and have to turn their eco-anxiety in tangible actions which can prevent the climate change. Actually, in one-way, eco-anxiety can be a good factor. Because it let people think about the climate continuously and to take steps to protect the climate. In their way of overthinking about the climate, they may come up with innovative and realistic solutions which can come to help for the whole world.

    1. I agree because people in places that are badly affected by climate change don't need small simply , sweet reminders , they need support and aid from people all around the world. I think that eco-anxiety creates the loudest voices. Without those with eco-anxiety , how will we know the concerns to help them and the environment. Their worries can make the brightest solutions that will solve problems that affect their lives. Eco-anxiety is not something to get rid of but to accept and open doors for new ideas.