Is Eco-anxiety a serious concern ?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Some might argue that our environment isn’t important to our Wellbeing or feeling of happiness. However, this is incorrect do you realise we are all affected by how our environment looks and feels. If it is destroyed, we will all be displaced, and we will have no place to call home. You might not see the long-term impact of just putting a Recyclable bottle in a non-recyclable bin, but this all adds up and leads to Climate Change. Can you imagine the Earth being even 1.5C warmer the number of species and objects that would have to adapt would be astronomical and this includes us. Can you imagine your homeland sinking under water, the places you have cherished all your life lost to the sea levels rising. You may think this is a distant reality however this is already actively happening. Tuvalu (an island in the South pacific) will be under the water by 2030 at this staggering rate of sea levels rising. Imagine if that was your home the place you always lived and cherished gone. We need to act now to stop this. And sadly, the impact is occurring now. The effects of tides, waves, and storms, greatly increasing the frequency and severity of periodic flooding is a problem that is currently happening let's save this Island from being lost from the sea. Plus, our biomes will change. The things that make our earth so varied and inhabitable lost and merged with other biomes. Not to forget without these regulated surroundings animals and species will be lost and become extinct. Therefore, we must ignore these non-believers like Donald Trump we must do what deep down we know we must do save the Planet save the world we believe in and protect this planet for future generations. So, to summarise Eco-Anxiety is a very topical and relevant issue that we should always be concerned about. I think people are starting to get worried about this issue and support is not current. I hope to raise awareness and make a positive change to people's views. I will now end on my motto. See the problem, Say the problem, Sort the problem. This personally is the approach we should be taking.
Thank you for reading .
Comments (4)
So i think that eco-anxiety is not that serious of a problem but it is a good thing, I think that because when people have eco-anxiety they think about the environment and will actually try do do something about it instead of doing nothing about the ecosystem which will help the Earth be a better place. Which will lead to being more greenery in places, more help for people living in countries where there is a lot of floods, and where volcanoes erupt oftenly which will also support them because they are in need.
I agree because... it is quite alarming when you think of what could happen in the near future due to the poor effort a lot of people are putting into our wonderful planet. It is sad to think of the amount of lives, homes and accomplishments we may end up losing in the long run; even more sad to hear that there are still people who don't know global warming exists as well as people who just don't want to believe that it does.
As far as I am concerned, eco-anxiety is something that we need to raise awareness about world wide.
We should help people with chronic eco-anxiety feel better and know that they have every right to feel worried, and let them know that their anxiety could motivate them to take action and impact the problem we are facing.
They are only worried about the state of the Earth; that is most definitely not a crime.
It all depends on whether you have experienced a major climate change effect. This can cause a lot of eco anxiety to the ones who were victims of it.
I am not sure if all people feel the same because some may think that climate change is a far away issue while others feel it as a very important one.
The thing is that eco anxiety is a new term that seem to be a daily feeling in the near future. By being part of eco organizations or eco groups we can understand not only the problem but the ways to reverse it.
Although the term “eco-anxiety” has been gaining traction in the media and amongst experts, it remains a poorly understood concept.The American Psychology Association (APA) describes eco-anxiety as “the chronic fear of environmental cataclysm that comes from observing the seemingly irrevocable impact of climate change and the associated concern for one's future and that of next generations”. I think people should think more seriously about eco anxiety as eco anxiety can lead to symptoms such as panic attacks, weakness, irritability, sleeplessness and loss of appetite.