Why do we need women?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Women has always played an important role throughout history even if they were in the background or the foreground.

Many years ago women were in the sideline but nowadays they seem more powerful than ever and they still continue to empower themselves.

It is widely known that women have contributed to many different sectors. For instance, in economy. They have proven to be successful entrepreneurs and they helped to the growing and development of many businesses.

We should not also forget that from early years, they have been leaders in a lot of community organizations.

Most importantly, they have always been the cornerstone of families as their caring and supportive nature is essential to the development of children, male and female.

By empowering women, equality is promoted and society develops more open minded attitude. They are the uniunique in their own way have overcome many obstacles.

In my opinion, we already know that women consist half of the population. If they are not empowered, then the country lacks its half population. This is not equality then, is ?

Comments (9)

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  • I agree with you, positive_world. Women were first seen as servants, even slaves. They were treated unfairly, even if they had a husband, they were still treated like that. They were normally forced to marry someone their father likes, and women was then seen as someone who has to marry someone and have children.
    It continued like that until July 1848. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and someone else set up the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls. I am not quite sure what had happened next but then there would be some changes.
    Now women are can do the same thing as men. Singing is definitely one of the most successful things. People like Taylor Swift are now the most famous singers.
    Did you see how far women had come? Women started from the sidelines but now they are treated fairly. Some of them are even more successful then men.

  • I believe that women are essential in today's society. Over half of the world's population are women and are more than capable of achieving anything. Women have been always caring for the family and would stay at home, for less than 100 years women were started given opportunities and rights by giving women the time and the space we could be very close to achieving anything, whether it's a scientific milestone for humanity, becoming a hard-working engineer or becoming a soldier to protect their country.
    These few jobs were considered to be for a manly only less than 100 years ago and could not be completed by women. The great minds of half of the population were always denied of having freedom and free will since the beginning of the human existence until NOW, so many wonderful, creative brains waisted because of a standard.
    I wonder what humanity would look like if women had the same rights as men all along?

  • Hello topical talkers,
    In my opinion we need women because if it wasn't for women we wouldn't be born and we wouldn't have babies also we need men too to be born.

  • Hello everybody!
    I'm sympathetic _ clarinet
    In my opinion, women are very important members in our world.
    Women like men and they are more important than men . And they help men in every thing. Women are the backbone of their families as they provide care,and help their children and husbands. Finally women and men help each other to make a good family.

  • We need women. That statement is underlooked. Women have always been here, but are not even acknowledged. They do not get the appreciation that they deserve. Women have many things, too many to even list. As society started, women have worked hard. They have worked hard to get where they are. They are capable of many things, and many achieved their dream. They deserve more appreciation because they have also helped society and the environment around them grow

  • As the African proverb says "If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a nation."
    I totally agree with this saying because women play an important role in the society, when women receive education they will be able to teach their children and provide them with knowledge and skills. An educated mother will make sure that her children are educated too. With time their countries become stronger and affluent. Education makes women effective and confident, it's like a weapon in their hands to fight illiteracy and poverty. No one can deny the importance of women.
    I will conclude my opinion with Harriet Beacher Stowe saying "Women are the real architects of the society.”

  • I absolutely agree with you, positive_world! I think that women, used to be treated unfairly and treated like slaves. Women don't get that much opportunities as men, when women do so much hard work. They cook, clean the house and, if your are a mother, than raise the kids. I am not saying that men aren't essential to this world because they are. Men, earn the money, which pays for the tax, the bills and the family's food (shopping). Men support the family. Women, take care of it. However, what I am trying to establish, is away to say that men receive more chances to live their dream in the interesting world while women get to live their dream in a cage. So, this is not equality!

  • women are very important for the society.
    That's because they help the government in many sectors. For instance, in economy. A lot of women make so much money improving the country's economic situation and even some of them help charity organizations . They lead powerful jobs that can influence many perceptions and most importantly they are the ones that support the family in many ways , not only economical nowdays but psychological too.
    They live in a period where they do not need a man to raise a child but they can do it alone

  • I agree that humans would be nothing without women because they are the greatest creatures.
    Firstly they are mothers and they give birth to children, something that is necessary for our species to evolve.
    Another thing is that they work daily to provide their family food and goods for their life. But at the same time they teach their kids respect, boundaries, rules. I believe statistically mothers take care of their children more than dads.
    Furthermore, women lead countries and they are successful doctors, lawyers, intellectuals.