Did you do the classroom lesson?

Did you complete the lesson about Elon Musk at school with your teacher? If so, we’d love to hear about any good discussions you had. You could tell us…

  • …how you changed your mind about something during the lesson. For example, did you leave the lesson with a new opinion about Mr Musk?

  • …about how you feel about the recent news stories about Mr Musk. For example, about how he might influence elections or about the types of opinions he shares on social media.

Comments (107)

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  • Yes, I saw many new opinions some people say that money is not a power without knowledge and I agreed with that but I said that without marketing people will not know your new product so knowledge, money, marketing and lastly business are too important . That’s what Elon Musk did he first brought the idea (with knowledge of course) then he started working to do his idea ( with money) and at the end he started influencing companies and people with his new product ( and this is with marketing and business)

  • What we did in the lesson is that during the lesson we first talked about money,political position, and social media influence and what action we will give them. My group we got political position and our group made a action which means that I'm more powerful than you.Next we talked about how Elon Musk was powerful and we had to choose between money,political position, and social media influence. Me and one of my classmates picked social media influence because social media if you have lots of followers and you post a misinformation and your followers will believe you because they are following you and think that you would never lie to them. In social media like YouTube you can earn money from how many people have seen your video(viewer),or how many people liked the video.Then we played a game where there are these cards that has true events or facts about scenarios that was about Elon Musk and we had to find if the scenario was about money, political position, and social media influence then we also had to find out how many power points it was. For my group the card with the lowest power points was the card about the refugee charity and it had two power points. and the power points was 1-5 one was no power, two was little power, three was some power, four was a lot of power, and five was world-changing power.At the end of the lesson there was another option which was a combination of them all, so the whole class picked that option. We feel like Elon Musk is very powerful because of the combination of his money, his social media influence, and now his political position.

  • What we did in the lesson, was we played a game where we flipped over cards that had one of Elon musk's true scenarios. And we had to figure out if the scenarios were based on political position, money, or social media influence. Then discuss, and figure out if this scenario was a one (no power), if it was a two (little power), if it was a three (some power) if it was a four (large amount of power) or a five (world changing power). Then the game part of it was we rolled a dice and whoever rolled the highest number wins the card. this lesson made me change my mind because at the start I believed that money was more powerful than social media influence, and political position. But now after the lesson my opinion is that political position is much more powerful, because if you are the highest political position you are the leader of the others below you. In conclusion this lesson was a one to remember as I could hear my classmates opinion that made my opinion change.

  • Before the lesson my opinion on Elon Musk was sizable. Some reasons for this is the fact he is the world's richest person,owning X(Twitter),Tesla,and SpaceX. It was hard not to feel influential towards him in my opinion. But during the lesson I learned that Elon Musk was the new President of the USA's adviser; this gave him even more power than he already had. As the lesson went on I learned that Elon Musk, was supporting a party in an election in Germany over Twitter. One more thing I learned in the lesson was that Elon musk was facing accusations of spreading misinformation about elections on X to his millions of followers. People fear that his tweets could very well interfere with the election's outcome. So I believe Elon Musk's influence can be good in some situations but very bad in others. Elon Musk can be biased at times this is what the bad part is. The good part of it is really only on the side of whom ever he is supporting. At the end of the day my opinion on Elon Musk has changed quite a lot.

  • Yes, I have learned many new things about Elon Musk during the lesson and mostly disagreed with many decisions he has made over the years, I think it's shocking how Elon Musk can involve in such serious matters such as politics and use his influence on his platforms X with his over 200 million followers. I also believe that many of his opinions that he tweets on X can have harmful effects especially when involving in such serious and sensitive topic instead of being civil and staying out of controversy. This overall can cause arguments over all of social media especially with how fast news spreads around mixed opinions and misinformation and even more if it ends up about the sensitive topic politics.

    In conclusion/summary I believe that Elon Musk's actions are not from a responsible figure with what I learned from the lesson and I also believe that his stand in politics could eventually cause a big quarrel between political figures and followers, this is why I was shocked and surprised by the actions of Elon Musk that I learned and how it could lead up to tons of drama over many platforms such as his social media platform X. (formerly Twitter)

    1. Wow, your comment really changes my opinion of him, I also did the classroom lesson but I had a very good prejudicial view of him, he is my role model but now that I see just how much damage his irresponsibility causes, I am starting to change my mind.

    2. I agree because... indeed elon is a powerful and well respected man around the globe but his tweets on X could really change how matters are going due to the amount of respect he has built but for me i would rather say that Elon Musk should stay out of some certain situation to avoid worsening them.

  • many opinions thought that his social media influence gave Elon Musk power and I agree with that to some extent as his comments reaches a lot of people and it's more widespread because a lot of people are on social media as compared to the news but I also believe his money gives him a lot of power because he is one of the reasons trump is in his position

    1. I am in accord of it. He is an entity who is presently swaying almost an entire industry of innovation. He has the power of money, political position and social media is one of the major reasons he is able to influence people.

  • Yes, I did the classroom lesson. I learned that Elon Musk got himself involved in politics. He also went to swing states and said if they vote for Donald Trump he will give out 1 million each day to a lucky lottery winner. Donald Trump also picked Elon Musk to be his political advisor. Elon Musk is also the richest person in the world. Elon musk bought a social media app named Twitter and renamed it as X. European Union leaders have criticized Elon musk for not following EU's rules for online platforms. Elon musk is also being accused of spreading misinformation about elections. I have learned a lot about the richest person in the world

  • What I and my classmates learned, first I learned that Elon Musk is involving himself in politics and understanding the potential effects on the world. After that I learned that Elon musk took over X and X was Twitter. Next Elon Musk donated money to Starlink to Ukraine to support communication during the war with Russia. Mr Musk asked his followers on X whether Ukraine should consider to give up some territory to Russia in exchange for peace. Elon Musk has faced accusations of spreading misinformation about elections on X to his 200 millions of followers. Some people have suggested his Tweets might interfere with elections or influence their outcomes. Elon Musk to X to tell his hundreds of millions of his followers his negative opinion of a refugee charity.Because of Elon Musk shared these comments, many charity workers have receive hateful comments and threats from people in the public.I learned a lot about Elon Musk.I think he used his money for good.

  • Yes, I did the lesson with my class this morning and I learnt many new things about Elon Musk. For starters, we also played that game with the power points cards, and while doing that I learnt about the misinformation he spread on social media, about the fact he suggested Ukraine giving up territory to Russia, about the fact he was messing with some polititians in EU... That is messed up, this man likes to get in everyone's business, in my opinion.
    We also talked about the offensive gesture he made (the Nazi salute), about the fact he is overusing his power as Trump's advisor, about the fact he named his child X AE A-Xii, about the fact he has Asperger's syndrome, and more...
    In short, I learnt many facts about Mr. Musk, but I also learnt about the controversy and the "little stunts" he is pulling off in the global economy.

  • Yes i did i, saw many things about Elon Musk.

    1. Could you give an example?

  • for me during the class we had set of questions that 1man or more men in government I bilevel if more people cause they can vote to make chooses but if it is one man they will be problems

  • Hello, 👋
    The classroom lesson taught me interesting and new informations about Elon Musk's life and other things about his power. I learned that Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971. Also, I knew that his father worked as an electromechanical engineer, pilot and a sailor. During the lesson, there is a question that came in my mind which is " How did Elon Musk became the wealthiest person in the world?" My teacher told me that he became rich through his ownership of the company Tesla. Before this lesson, I thought that Elon Musk's decisions are all right and he uses his power positively, but after that I changed my mind completely about him. One of the negative decisions and actions that he did is that he uses X (formerly twitter) to post, talk and share negative opinions about others, and the main problem is that some people are affected by what he is doing. About his power, I learned that he sometimes uses his power in a fantastic way that may help and sometimes (mostly) uses his power adversely. To conclude, the most interesting information for me that my teacher said is MONEY IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE, ACTUALLY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS HAPPINESS AND A GOOD HEALTH. My classmates and I enjoyed a lot, and we got benefit from the awesome informations.

    1. I agree because...
      ...money is not the most important think in life, and being happy and being healthy that counts .

  • Before this lesson, I didnt know many things about Elon Musk since it didnt seem like a very interesting subject to me. After this lesson I found out many things about Mr Musk like the fact that he owns SpaceX, X and Tesla. I also didnt know he had connections with Donald Trump and that really surprised me! Now that i know how much power he actually has i completely changed my opinion and I will do more research about Elon Musk in the future

  • Yes, we have discussed the lesson about Elon Musk in class and I did change my opinion about Elon Musk during the lesson. Before I learned more about him, I thought he is only a very rich man in the world. I didn’t even know he owns 3 brands. In my opinion he is a very successful and talented person that deserves all of the wealth and awards that he had got in the past few years. I believe he has a lot of power because of his social media,his money and his political position, although I do not think it is okay to blackmail other people for his money.

  • At first, I thought Elon Musk didn't have that much influence on other people but when my teacher told me about him and his lifestyle and what he did I completely changed my mind. He made me think that money and social media influence can really change a person's status.
    On the other hand, I think Elon Musk has a very large influence on the population, even being willing to give money so that people vote for whoever he wants to win the elections. Being the most richest man alive and known by many people for his Car Company, Tesla, he can easily influence other people's decisions just by posting something on social media through which he manipulates the rest of the population to do whatever he says and wants.
    At the same time, the 200 million followers on his own app, X, are in my opinion the most vulnerable to Mr Musk's manipulation.

    In conclusion, Elon Musk is the most powerful man alive because of its financial status and also his social media influence.

  • yes,we discussed about elon musk.i think that he is a powerful man,which is not just well know for the money ,he is also known for his influence on social media.I think he deserves the money he makes,but on the other hand i think that it’s not ok to influence people like he wanted to give 1 million dollars to a random person that votes for Donald Trump to help his campaign. This is not ok because maybe Donald Trump used Elon Musk for his influence so that he could win.

  • In the classroom we talked about Elon Musk and his companies and how he his influence grew over the years. Then we played the game of power where we decided what action Musk did was the most powerful. My class decided that his influence over the U.S. election was the most influential. Our teacher told us how he would gave 1 million dollars to people if they voted for Trump which is very unfair. We watch a Ted-ed video where we understand the types of power. We also had conversations if Elon Musk is the most powerful person and if there is such a thing as too much power.
    This lesson changed my mind about Elon Musk a lot. I didn't know that he was influencing elections from other countries and wrote hateful comments about the Welsh Refugee Council or how he supports the AFD party in Germany. He says that he is pro freedom of speech but he influences other people to vote with the candidate that he wants and this just makes him a hypocrite.

  • Yes, today in class we learnd about Elon Musk and his influence on social media. At the beggining of the lesson I tought that having a lot of power is grate , that you could change the WORLD but has the lesson continue I changed my mind and decide it that if someone would had so much power than we couldn’t have our own opinions and people will tell us what to do like they tell robots !
    We need to suport our decisions and be brave enough to say them out loud !
    I dont think people realized that for some money they were putting their future in the hands of someone they didn’t want !
    So don’t be cowards and express your opinions even if they are not the same as those of the influencers !

  • During the classroom lesson, we came to discuss the topic of who should have power, and whether it is better to have one very powerful person in charge or more powerful people.
    During the discussion, many of us have argued in favor of having more people have power. However, I have a slightly different approach to this topic. I believe the answer to this question is a combination of these two. As an argument I am going to mention one of the most succesful countries that have ever been on Earth: The Roman Republic. At that point, Rome was ruled by two consuls (each elected for a 1-year term) and then some other lower-rank officials, along with the Senate. HOWEVER, in times of crisis, the romans would nominate one person to be the dictator, and have all power for a 6-month term. This way, urgent problems could be solved fast, bypassing infighting and arguing in the Senate or between consuls, but also having only six months would prevent the dictator from solidifying his power and remaining in charge more than he was entitled to.
    As such, we came to agree that a balanced approach should be taken, regarding all kinds of power, but especially state power.

    1. Can you think of any downsides to your example of the Roman's power arrangement?

      1. Well, theoretically the Roman political system was built (and improved over the course of a few centuries) to be as performant as possible and offer as much security and stability as possible. Despite this, reality is different from theory, so of course it had its flaws.
        First of all, two consuls meant that power was evenly divided mostly only between two individuals, which meant that there could be a lack of unity which often led to violence. Again, this is best shown in an example, which is that of Julius Caesar, the famous person who effectively ended the Republic and forever shaped the destiny of Europe. As he rose to power, he found himself rivaling two other powerful figures, Pompei Magnus and Crassus. They finally compromised and formed the first Triumvirate (basically three consuls), but with the death of Crassus, Caesar and Pompei started a civil war which ended with thousands of dead and Caesar proclaiming himself dictator for life.
        This is an example (and not the only one throughout Rome's history) of how a few powerful individuals with conflicting interests could end up in a civil war.
        Another flaw of the Roman republican system is, in my opinion, the fact that positions of power (especially in the Senate) were very restricted to a small selection of people, effectively turning it, to some extent, into a plutocracy.
        There are also other things I would like to mention, but unfortunately this is the most I can write in one comment.
        Even so, the fact that the Roman Republic lasted for about 700 years proved it was a relatively reliable political system.

  • Elon Musk is the richest man alive. He also has a lot of followers on social media and he has a good relationship with Donald Trump. This means he has so much power in the world. He can influence people around the globe to do something like voting Trump for example. If he says he doesn't agree with some charity campaigns,many more people will agree with him and they will start hating that campaign.
    In conclusion, Elon Musk is too powerful and he has too much influence on the Earth. And I disagree with this because nobody should be able to have this amount of power.

  • We did the lesson on Elon Musk and it was interesting to learn about his and other people's opinions. We got into groups of 4 and discussed what we thought of different story's about Elon Musk and what they were about.I think that it is bad that Elon Musk owns X ( twitter) because he could be spreading false information to the world. People shouldn't just agree with Donald Trump because they like him.

  • We did this for English and it was interesting to know everyone s opions . Elon Musk is extremely popular and clever in a way,but I do not think he should be able to get away with falsely spreading propaganda because of his power.Going against Donald Trump for the past years then deciding to be co-workers then getting a job in parliament is unusual especially when he tried to throw Donald Trump out of the selection years before this event.There must be more to this, with all of his power he is getting away with many things . So I think power is bad in this case.

    1. Yes, I agree. It is quite strange how Elon Musk had a huge argument with Donald Trump and even tried to throw him out of the election, then years later decided to join him and support him so much. Like balanced_eel said his power is sort of bad in this case because it is allowing him to make choices that could cause misunderstandings. Elon Musk is so powerful on X, also known as twitter, that he can destroy other peoples accounts, so he could just silence anyone who didn't agree with him, meaning he can have everything his own way. Did Elon Musk use those years to plan something against Donald Trump, and is just making a false friendship with Donald, and did Elon use X as a way to spread false rumors? Thank you.

      1. Interesting insights, thank you @intellectual_map. Do you think platform X has a strong influence on world politics?

        1. Yes, sort of. I think that people can try to convince others to vote for someone or agree with something using the X platform. Like I said before, Elon Musk does the same thing when trying to convince his followers to agree with him. So I think most social media platforms can influence politics, because lots of people use it and comment on what they think is right and who they think should have most power. I think that it isn't fair how Elon Musk makes everyone agree with him on X because people should be able to say their own opinions and not just listen to Elon Musk because they like him.It is almost like he is controlling us.

  • I learned that Elon Musk has millions of followers on X. He uses his influence to persuade others to do what he wants. This makes him powerful and rich. I was su4prised to hear that he can also silence or block users because he owns X. This could be a dangerous situation and quite terrifying.

  • I saw the lesson and it was quite interesting to me. And if you did the same lesson as me then you will know. So did you know that Elon Musk owns X(aka twitter) and Tesla which is pretty cool but he’s I bit over the top with his power and greedy with his money. He works with Donald trump and guess what!!!!!!! He used to be enemies with Donald trump a few years ago but now they work together!!!!! And did you know that if Elon musk gave evryone in the world 1 million pounds then he would he would still have A lot of money still my friend humorous_swan told me so yeah boom

  • I have indeed learned lots of new things about the richest person in the world Elon Musk. He is the owner of X (twitter) and he is the creator of tesla. He is very impressive because Elon Musk has built his way up to this moment where he is friends with Donald Trump. He could be very dangerous for democracy because he was not voted into his position of power but he has the platform to influence millions of people around the world. I think maybe Donald Trump is scared of him so needs to have him as a friend.

  • Elon musk is one of the richest people in the planet, However he has so many followers on X which makes him look powerful, But he influences people by sometimes spreading fake news and sometimes on social media. Elon Musk wants to get in politics which is not the time to do so and I strongly disagree with some decisions which he has made. Elon Musk should know that money is not everything, knowledge is power not money is power , he should learn to make good decisions and stop the exposure of fake things and news

  • Yes we did the lesson on Elon musk money, power and influence and we learn so many things like the companies owned by Elon Musk for example Tesla , SpaceX and X formerly known as Twitter

  • We have completed the classroom lesson, we stood around the classroom in a circle and debated about Elon Musk's power and how he should use it. We also discussed if he should be president in the United States of America and we all said it would be a bad idea. We talked about how the population felt about Elon owning X and a lot of people didn’t like it.
    Elon is only famous because of his money and if he didn’t have the money he wouldn’t be able to do all of these big projects like sending satellites into space.

  • I did the classroom lesson and learnt that Elon Musk is the richest person in the world, earning an amazing $400 billion l. He owns the company's of tesla, twitter and space X. I think he has to much power and think he owns everything. Elon Musk has a good relationship with Donald Trump and I think that Donald Trump is a good influence on Mr Musk.

  • Yeah, I have how many new things about Elon Musk doing a lesson and mostly disagree with many decisions he has made over the years. I think it's shocking how Elon mask has got involved with loads of famous politics like Nigel Farage, I also think that it is crazy how he's got 200 million followers on twitter post on x can be harmful to other people /x, I also believed that some of his I think that's Elon Musk is not doing a really good job because he's teaching younger kids that money is all their lives but it's really not ok it helps us in life but we don't living money like Elon Musk. his posts on x can cause lots of arguments between other famous people.

    In conclusion / summary I believe that Elon musk's actions are not responsible figure with what I have learned from the lesson and I also believe that his stand in politics could eventually cause a big argument between political figures and followers, this is why I was shocked to hear about this because I thought Elon Musk could be a nice responsible man

  • In class, we discussed what we already knew about Elon Musk and if we had seen anything about him in the news. We then went through the topical talk PowerPoint and learnt some new facts. After that, we got into groups of four. We read about things that Elon Musk has done and then we had to decide whether that was influenced by money, social media or political position. Then we had to decide how many power points it was worth (how much power it gave him). We each rolled the dice and whoever got the highest number kept the card. Whoever rolled the highest number got to keep the card. In the end, we counted up the points and the person with the most won. We all got into a circle and took it in turns to stand up and share our thoughts and opinions. It was so much fun hearing everyone's ideas and sharing my own. Thank you to my teachers and the topical talk team for putting the lesson together.

  • Hello
    Yes, the classroom taught me intersting and new information about Elon musks life and the other thing of power. I knew that he was born in 28th of June on 1971 and he was poor he started work on the age 12 which I think it is early and the thing that made me feel impressed that he began to be wealthy by tesla and then he bought X and spaceX.

    I think that all of his decisions are all right and his power and money is not a problem actually it could be helpful to other but the thing that I hated is X as people write bad comment to each other and it affects their lives.

    Thank you for your time

    1. Interesting ideas secure_studio - can you give me some evidence as to why you think that all his decisions are right.

  • Our class did do the class lesson on Elon Musk. During our discussions, it was mentioned that Elon had once held a lottery of 1 million dollars for people that voted for Trump. Of course, I know that recently Elon endorsed a German party, but I didn't know he had also endorsed Trump, unfairly at that. From what I've seen, it's also illegal. I feel this shows that Elon likes to have a lot of influence politically, even if it is gained unfairly.

  • This lesson I learned many new things about Elon Musk, for example, I didn't know in 2022 he donated Starlink terminals (internet) to Ukraine and asked them to give Russia some of their territory in order for the war to end. Since the Ukrainian leaders didn't want to give up, Elon Musk wanted to stop the funds but he changed his mind.
    I think Elon Musk had a great intention in order for the war to be over but, since the Ukrainian government didn't accept it, Ukraine is still in war and many people have lost their lives in order to protect their country.

    Also, i learned that he helped Donald Trump win the 2024 presidential elections by giving daily a random person 1 million dollars if he voted for Trump and, it worked because Donald Trump won the elections and Elon Musk is now the presidential advisor for Trump. I think this is a good strategy, even though it's not fair to manipulate people like this, he achieved what he wanted.

  • My opinion changed completely about Mr. Musk. In the beginning I thought that he was a rich person that was helping people. Right now I think that he is doing very bad things for the US for example with the presidential elections. He corrupted many people to not vote or vote a specific person. He isn’t helping that much as he claims to. I am not saying that he is a bad person but he took some decisions that corrupted many people to say and vote people.

    1. I agree because... Elon Musk has basically been changing people's lives not in a good way but a bad way you might think in a good way but I have changed my mind totally on when I was supporting Elon Musk into thinking that he was doing the good things for the world people have been blaming him and I have heard my other classmates opinions. I have also heard from my teachers that Elon Musk has been a really bad influence to people and has not really improved by any chance I've also tried to disagree but when I found out by my teacher and what he was doing my mind totally said to disagree on this and I hope this man of greed turns into someone that's inspirational and sensible Or maybe even not a influence (also 6000 people have tried to get rid of Mr Musk) as many people already hate him

  • Yes, I did the classroom lesson. I learned a lot of new things about Elon Musk. Until now I thought he was a good guy, and not abusing his powers, until now I had no idea about any of this, how he's influencing the elections or that he has 200 million followers on social media and because of what he's posting he's basically using them. Being honest, before I did the lesson, I saw him like an idol, but now when I look to him, I see him like an example like "not like that".
    I don't think that things really bad would happen because of him because no person is completely evil or completely good, there are just different interests.
    If someone would come in my country and influence the elections, I'd be really mad. Although depends, if he influence the elections in favour of who I want to win the elections, then yeah, no problem, go ahead, but otherwise... but I would say that I don't wanna vote the guy, that I secretly want to win, just so I can get a chance of winning that money because if I can get money by voting who I want the why not? I think most people would.

  • We did talk about Elon Musk. I learnt about his process becoming the billionaire that he is. He created a video game that he sold for 500 dollars , you can still play the game now it's called Blastar, then he invested 20 million into a company that is now known for PayPal. In 2004, he started his own car company Tesla based on only electric cars. This was a BBC video we watched that taught us about Elon Musk before starting the main topical talk topic.

  • Yes, I have changed my mind on Elon Musk this lesson. I used to think that he's just a rich guy that names his kids unusual names, but I've learned that he is in fact a horrible person in my opinion. As I see it, Elon is full of himself, and thinks he's the best, thinking that just because he has money and is pretty powerful on social media, that he also has a lot of power in other circumstances, thinking he has political power, which, he doesn't. That's how my opinion changed.
    I don't really think anything of how he might influence elections or about the types of opinions he shares on social media, I can't comment on that. He has free will to comment online, and he also only makes this type of comments on his app, X. And if people are really gullible to agree with him or takes his side, then that's on them when the consequences come if he wins.

  • In class we learned many new things about Elon Musk like about his social media, political issues, about his X platform and his wealth. European leaders have criticised Elon Musk's company for not following rules on online platforms. Elon Musk made his rules for anybody to post what ever they want like harmful content and innapropiate words. Elon Musk shared his opinion about Nigel Farage, the leader of the Reform political party in Britan, with his more than 200 million followers on X. In Donald Trump's 2024 campaign to become a president, Elon Musk created a supporter lottery. In November 2024 Donald Trump won the election and chose Elon Musk to be a presidential advisor.

  • In todays class, we talked about the recent news related to Elon Musk, but also old ones. Until today, I thought Elon Musk was a good guy, the real life Tony Stark, that he was using his money and influence for good, but now, after exploring the topic for a bit, I realised he has made a lot of controversial decisions. Me personally, if somebody as powerful as Mr. Musk came in, and interfered with my country's elections, like he's apparently doing to the USA, Germany and the UK, I would be pretty upset, considering the fact that he isn't even from the UK or Germany. It is just mind blowing to me that someone can have so much power in a country other than his native one. Now, I'm not saying that he is all bad, even though you could argue he is, he has indeed done some revolutionising things such as landing a space craft, built the world's first fully self driving car, and many more, but I don't think it outweighs the bad he's done.

  • I think that Elon Musk having this much power over multiple topics is just a bit unfair, I think that power should be distributed equally around everyone. And with that much power, comes with as much responsibilities and since Elon has so much power, it should be put to good use. I also think that our next move should be decided by a majority but not a minority of the society

  • Yes,I pick what I think and I picked social media because the people who follow Elon trust his decisions and his opinions and have a belief that Elon is a great leader but he only lets people hear the good side of what they want to hear so they don’t get the whole picture and he manipulates the people so they can’t decide what they do and how they do it and that’s not fair people should have a voice of their own they shouldn’t be bossed around just listening and listening .Also Elon should have less power as he might overtake trump.In this year’s election he helped trump be a president but I wouldn’t really say that as a win as it was not trump alone doing the talk.Elon also bribed people on X to vote . But Elon has a net worth of400 billion dollars he has a lot of power by the money but if it wasn’t for the money Elon wouldn’t have had over 200 million followers on all social media platforms.In the lesson we also got told Elon got a political job by trump as a political adviser which means he has so much power against the U.S government.Our lesson also told us that Elon’s company called Tesla is one of the richest companies ever and the reason it rich is because Elon didn’t make it with anybody he only has people make cars for him.

  • After our classroom discussion, I realized that I had learned many facts I was previously unaware of. One significant revelation was how major influencers, social media, political positions, and money can sway public opinion. Additionally, I gained insight into how Elon Musk navigates social media algorithms to influence people with his opinions, which was something I hadn't considered before.

  • Today, we learnt in the classroom lesson about Elon Musk, who is the richest person in the world, with a net worth over 400 hundred billion dollars. He is the government advisor of Donald Trump. He took over Twitter and changed its name into 'X'. He has over 200 million followers. We did an activity about where did his money, political position and social media influence had helped him to be a successful man. It was a group activity. We got 7 cards where news were written and we had to reach and do the following questions. Then we would see which got the least points and which got maximum points. From classroom discussion I got to know more about Elon Musk. Usually I am not interested in knowing about successful people but I liked the story of Elon Musk. It was a great activity and I enjoyed it. I love the way every week we get to know about new information and send our views.
    Thank you

  • The discussion about elon musk was very exciting and knowledgeable. This lesson taught me that how elon musk uses his money, social media and political network for the growth of country as well as some growth of the world.
    I was shocked to know that he has more to than 200 million followers on X and has a net worth of 400 billion dollars.
    He used his social media network to support Donald Trump during the elections. He has gained so much fame with the help of his

  • Elon Musk has gained so fame which helped him to support Donald Trump and made it easier for him to spread awareness about mr. Trump.

  • In this lesson we talked about money, political positions and social media influence on power and what action we will give them. Next we talked about how Elon Musk was powerful and we had to choose between money, political power and social media influence . As a class we chose money because to gain power Elon musk has bought twitter and without money he would not be able to do that. In this lesson we talked about how Elon musk has faced accusations of spreading misinformation about elections on X to his millions of followers. Some people have suggested his tweets might interfere with elections or influence there outcomes.

  • We learned in lesson that elon musk uses his power,political position and money in the wrong way he uses the power and money to spread misinformation as he owns X (previously twitter) so he can spread anything he wants. he once banned someone for saying their opinion on elon musk like people have opinions and can say what they think if its got facts proven behind it . he also sets twitter/x to automatically follow him. he is companions with us president,donald trump who hasnt had the best ideas

  • When we did this lesson about Elon Musk and at the start most of us thought political position was the main one and the others thought social media influence was the second main one but I think he uses his money in the wrong way because when the election was happening Elon Musk said that he give a random family 1 million pounds if they signed a waiver plus he also used his money to buy X(twitter) and he banned or reported someone on X because he showed his own opinion about Elon Musk and when you get twitter you auto follow Elon Musk on it.

  • At first when I learned about Elon musk, I knew that Elon Musk was just a brilliant engineer and innovator who's single-handedly responsible for the success of Tesla and SpaceX.That he is a visionary genius and a billionaire with the worth of more than 400 billion US$.
    I used to think that he's someone who knows what he is doing perfectly well and helps humanity to see a better version of the technology and performs as a great leader in the field.It changed because there's a growing awareness of the less glamorous aspects of his leadership and business practices.While Musk's ambition is undeniable, learning more about his treatment of employees, and controversial statements tempers this view. I got to know that he's a flawed and sometimes a reckless individual, whose achievements are often built on the backs of others.
    Also when we think about his business field,it changed my view on him being a perfect business man since there's talk about Musk's approach to business described as aggressive.This includes tactics like aggressively lobbying for subsidies, taking advantage of bankruptcy laws, and potentially misleading investors.
    Also him treating his employees harshly and making passive-aggressive criticism through media.It's important to note that these criticisms don't negate Musk's achievements or his contributions to technological advancement. However, they do provide a more nuanced perspective on his character and leadership.
    That's it...Thank you.

  • Honestly, I've always seen Elon Musk as a very successful entrepreneur. and i thought he was only limited to business. But the recent news stories did change my opinion a bit.. although it doesn't change the fact that Elon is doing incredibly awesome right now; if not in politics then in his enterprise! I learnt about his powerful influence in social media, politics, and the economic world, and got to know about 7 different recent news concerning Elon. I also got to know about his negative traits; how his decisions made a great impact. We also learned about his recent interference in US elections, and how Donald Trump honored Elon as his advisor! Although, after knowing more about his gloomy side, the spotlight that had always been held on Elon musk, dimmed a bit.

    So, I'd like to conclude from what all i've learnt that- Elon is doing way better in business, he shouldn't be involved in politics and other activities concerning political matters or other sensitive topics.

  • Yes, the classroom lesson really opened my eyes to a lot of shocking facts about Elon Musk. I am so shocked that someone can have so much power and money and influence at the same time. But sadly, the classroom lesson also shone a bad light on Mr. Elon Musk. It is embarrassing that someone of that status will use his power to negatively influence people. Still, I wouldn't blame him, everyone wants power, and he isn't the first to abuse it.

  • I I think Elon Musk has too much power and too much money and he should use it to help poor people help everyone who can’t buy a house or support their kids and help people have more of a place to live than shelters. Give him a place to live and use his money for charity and stop doing stuff that’s illegal using his political power and money for himself and start doing stuff for other people

  • In my classroom we learned about Elon musk and also our teacher asked what is more powerful at first when I was asked I thought money but my peers made me think it was it was political position but after reading some news I found out it was social media influence because most of the story was about social media. Also I had loads of fun doing it. I think he may be too powerful from being able to give hate to a charity to possibly being able to interfere with elections with some misinformation. So in my class we learnt about him and still having fun.

  • This lesson taught me a lot... actually earlier I thought that Elon Musk is a great man and he uses his power for the betterment of the society. But, after getting to know about 7 news about him which show that he is misusing his power. I mean,how can a person convince 200 million people that refugee charity is not correct by the power of money, social media influence and political position. If Elon Musk has the power of money, social media influence and political position,he cannot misuse it . It was surprising for me that he has so much power that he made Nigel Farage, the leader of the Reform political party in Britain to resign from his post and made 200 million followers of him on X think the way he does about refugee charity which put a negative impact on charity workers. These recent news about Elon Musk's power surprised me how he is misusing it.
    I am thankful what all things this lesson taught me and I got to know more about Elon Musk's power.

  • I did the lesson yesterday and did you know the Elon Musk owns Tesla and evry one reading my comment pls answer so I’m going to have a vote so do you prefer the name X or twitter write your answer in the reply to comment and give a reason why
    Any way back to Elon Musk in the lesson we looked at money . political position and social media an I thought that political position and social media are the ones that give you power I couldn’t d- eside Wich one so yeah because social media will get you lots and lots of followers so you would get famous and powerful and political position will give you powerful to but I cant remember my reason from class yesterday so give me some reasons for political position please

  • Yes, we did a class lesson which included a quiz about Elon Musk’s money, power and social media influence. We learnt how important is fame for making a change in the country or all over the world. We also got to know about his role in politics that he is being appointed as the advisor in the US government under Donald Trump, in addition we gained knowledge regarding his net worth which is more than $400 million, there are many resources which tell us a lot about Elon Musk’s power, money and social media influence. It’s us and his 2 million followers who decide if we should agree with his views or not!

  • Today we discussed about Elon Musk and his powers, like him being a political position and his social media and I learned many new things. My opinion is that, I feel like being a political position gives you more power because if you are in a political position you are probably well known, so if you go on social media you are able to gain fame and make money. Some people in my class, say that if you have a social media account you are able to make money and get into a good school to become a politic. Yes I agree, but your chances might not be as big because you are not the only person to become a politic you have to compete with others to get the job. Also being a politic isn't as easy as other jobs you have to decide what solutions fits for which situations and if you do one mistake you might change the world but in a bad way. Elon Musk is the richest person in the world he has a good relationship with Donald Trump so he has a lot of power but with that much power it might not be easy to handle it all. Even though people might think that having power is a good thing but if you do one wrong move you might get a lot of hate comments.

  • I learned a lot about Elon musk and how cruel he is sometimes(in my view)and can be I didn't know how tesla's were made until we discussed and figured out what happened I have learned so many things like how Congo has been harmed and it's really surprising to know that he is interfering with politics to and it also makes me feel angry as he Changed twitter (which I genuinely liked) into X so plain and boring we also played loads of games like doing a dice round and seeing how effective it is choose a card and see how powerful it is like 5-1 . Oh yeah we also went into groups of 4. And also done from is the richest man on earth why can't he donate Congo which has helped him along the way to make Tesla's and also donate to charity it would make a big difference and he anyway he has over 400 million which is totally crazy or shall I say more because I don't know how rich he is, even if he donates to at least 2000 Charities across the Earth there would still be millions and plenty for him to have a lifetime of supplies that I know about but in my point of view Elon musk in my opinion is really rich but not as powerful as people as people try hard and are persevered but this person, this greedy person doesn't even try and that's why I say that he's quite selfish and cruel (no offence to the people who support him)

  • Yes ,it was interesting about money, political position and social media influence and Elon Musk

  • The discussion we had was on the actions that Elon musk has chosen to do and one of them was recently eliminating one of the departments. The Department "United States Agency for International Development." Knowing about this should make you rethink about him if you support him because that department only provided good for us, which was aiding/helping out civilians that need it, for example if a place got impacted by a natural cause then that's when that department comes in and helps out in what has to be helped out on. At first I saw Elon Musk as an intelligent man and someone who is helping us advance technology for example E-Vehicles but he is also making so many bad choices. The USAID was the biggest foreign aid agency and he took that away from us, why would someone rip away benefits to us the second he gets the throne to be able too. I think Elon Musk is a smart person but using his potential/talents in a bad manner.

  • When doing this lesson I told my classmates about a fact that could change any perception we could have of Musk. Many have criticised him or developed conspiracy theories about Musk because of his "weird" or controversial salute and comments, but not many know that Musk has Asperger's syndrome and he could have problems to distinguish between what is and is not appropiate. I thinkany people would be surprised about this fact or even change their opinión about Musk.

  • Yes I did it was fun but very interesting at the same time.

  • Today in class we talked about Elon Musk and his influence and power on the world, we also talked about his controversial acts and his most controversial one his salute that happened. He said 'MY HEART GOES OUT TO YOU' then proceeded to do a nazi salute.

  • From my perspective, yes Elon Musk has influenced the US Elections by giving $1 million to any random person each day if they voted DONALD TRUMP. This way people got influenced and in the greed of money, voted Donald Trump as the president of the US. This way using Money power he influenced the masses.

  • Yes, I did do the lesson about Elon Musk. I learned some good information about him
    I know that he own’s twitter (X) and he is the richest man in the world. I didn’t know all this information until I learned about it and it is really interesting to know. He is also Donald trumps friend which is really amazing. We learned in my class about how social media can be so dangerous and so powerful. It can so powerful because for example Elon Musk can say to all his millions of followers to vote for Donald Trump. Elon musk can also be so overpowered because his followers are just doing everything he saying which is using them but he can what ever he wants with them

  • We were learning about Elon Musk, for an example he is the richest man in the world. he owns twitter. His friend is Donald trump because they work together and we were doing a quiz about what is more important money, social media influence or political position. I picked social media because you get famous and rich. I think Elon Musk should have power as long uses it for good. I wonder how did he get so rich?

  • In our recent classroom discussion about Elon Musk , we explored his impact on technology , business and even politics . At the beginning of the lesson , I mostly saw him just as a billionaire entrepreneur , but at the end , my perspective had changed . I realized that he is not only an innovator but also a highly influential figure whose decisions affect industries , markets and even global discussion topics like AI , space exploration and also wars.

    One of the most interesting debates we had was about his role in the recent news . Some of us felt that his involvement in the politics , such as his opinions on social media and his influence on elections was very concerning as billionaires hold so much power . Others argued that he is simply using his right to free speech like everyone else. This discussion made me think more deeply about the responsibility that comes with having such a huge platform .

    Overall our lesson on Elon Musk gave me a new perspective . I used to admire him mainly for his work with SpaceX and Tesla , but now I also see the complexities of his influence , which are both positive and controversial.

  • In the classroom lesson we learnt about Elon Musk who is the richest person in the world for now.He has over 200 million follows on social media so if he writes something controversial on social media 200 million people can see it, and are influenced by it. he has over £400 billon and he is friends with Donald Trump, therefore Elon Musk is very powerful. This power nearly caused Mr Farage to quit his job as a politician.Why is Elon Musk interfering with our country?He doesn’t even live here.?

  • I my lesson I learnt that Elon Musk is friends with Donald Trump the powerful president of the USA. Elon Musk is famous on X he is very rich so much money he has 200 million followers which makes him rich in his country people trust in him because he’s a very rich and powerful. but he’s controlling politicians even in other countries. Elon Musk needs to stop now before he takes our country over or even the world. Elon Musk could be more better If he stopped interfering in other countries. One man should not have this much power

  • I did the classroom lesson on Elon Musk and I learnt that the being very wealthy and rich does not necessarily make you the people’s choice of politician. However, people will vote for you or follow you just because they see you on social media or think that they have to follow you to be the same as everyone else and this goes on and on. Global warming is growing and this is bad for the environment and AI which is something Elon Musk believes in is bad for the environment. All in all I think that people should not be given political if they are too big on social media.

  • The classroom lesson to me made me realise that rich people aren’t that important and the only way they can be successful is get about 9000 likes on social media and become really important . I think that the only reason Elon Musk made friends with Donald Trump is because he wanted to get closer to being a Prime Minister and be even more important. I think Elon Musk just wants himself to be the best and most important and not even try to help others. He only has his own interest at the front of his idea and plan. He therefore is not thinking about the world as a whole and the greater good he is focusing on his own agenda and his own benefit. We should be working together to build a better world that is safe for the future

  • I learnt that that Elon musk is the richest man in the world and he is friends with Donald trump and turned twitter into x and made it the app he made he has interfered with many countries and he once made someone nearly lose their job~ Nigel Farage because he interfered. Therefore I think that he should not have loads of power and have access to social media the way he does and while he’s at it he might start a civil war and he should stop interfering. I am worried that we will have to move to a new country we should work together not apart so we can be a untied world not just a MUSK world!

  • today in lesson we learned all about Elon musk's power, I believe that is power does come from political power, money and social status combined. He has made relationships with powerful people who specialize in specific things like the government, this means that all of these put together puts Elon has the most powerful person. He made a social media platform that gives people from all over the world acess to his extreme views especially young people who are easily influenced.

  • I enjoyed the lesson today. My classmates and I talked about Elon Musk and what we heard about him on the news. Next, we talked about how much power he had. Last we talked about if we thought anyone was more powerful than Elon Musk. I think Donald Trump has more power than Elon.

    1. Thanks for sharing. Could you explain why you think Donald Trump has more power than Elon Musk?

  • We did do the clasroom lesson and learned had diffrent points of opinion, we all agreed he has a lot of power thanks to his wealth, political power and social media power. It is shocking all he can do and the power he has today, and now he has more power because he is close to the president Trump.

  • I enjoy the class lesson about Elon Musk. First we talk about the power of money and social media and political positions. We have different ideas about power. Second we were talking about the news about Elon Musk. Then we were talking about the card that is power and social media and we heard that Elon musk was giving money away to people that would vote for Donald Trump.

    1. Thank you for sharing. How ethical is it to pay people for votes?

  • Yes, I've learned more about Elon Musk then I've ever knew about. I never knew he was involved with political and social media. Elon Musk actually influences the world, he doesn't just makes things. He's involved with life just as much as the president is. Although he owns Tesla, X, and etc, he's a government advisor for Trump. The cards taught me more about Elon Musk involved with money, politically, and social media.

  • Many things we discussed in class were the amount of power Elon Musk has in the world right now. We talked about his power through money, political position, and social media influence. Next, we were given cards and determined if the action was related to money, political influence, or social media influence. Through the cards, we determined that Elon Musk has a lot of power, given that he can change people's opinions on certain political events, such as presidential elections and other global topics, using social media. But social media isn't the only reason he has this much power. Due to his political position, he has many connections to other powerful leaders, and since he is the richest person in the world, he is indeed very powerful.

    Finally, we asked around the class whether Elon Musk has the most power or if someone has more power, and whether there should be one leader or many. I decided that no, Elon Musk does not have the most power it is Donald Trump, and yes, Elon Musk is the richest, but we can't disregard the fact that we are comparing him to a literal president. For the next scenario, I decided that there should be many leaders because not everyone has the same opinions about certain things, and if we only had one world leader, it would be more of a dictatorship. So to keep it from becoming that, there should be multiple leaders.

  • We talked about what makes him powerful and how some of these things affect the other things on the list. We also talked about his political relationship .For example first we looked on the internet to see what his relationship with president trump was like in the previous years .Then we compared those interactions to the one from more recently. Overall we found out that Elon rigged the elections many times and his relationship with Trump was an off and on situation. Also people caught time where Trump would talk down on something and Elon would support him on camera but still do it anyway. This is what we discussed in class.

  • In our class today we learnt that Mr. Elon Musk owns a lot of brands like Space X , X (social media platform) and Tesla which is a very famous car brand. I have also leant that Donald Trump (president of the USA) has asked Elon Musk to advise him. He also made a lottery for swing states to give out one million a day if they vote for Donald Trump

  • In this lesson we talk about the power of Elon Musk and in my opinion he has all the oportunities to have that power, first of all he has a lot of money and his political position with the president Trump is so good and obviously he has a lot of social media influence, but i think his best attribute is the way he manipulates the masses of people, his charisma makes people love him and that is why he has a lot of followers around the world, i don´t agree that there are people with as much power like him.

  • Today we did the classroom lesson. First, we talked about what Elon Musk is known for and why he's been on the news lately. Which was because of the latest relationship with Donald Trump and the political parties. Next, we did an activity where the teacher asked each person in the class what our opinion on what makes you the most powerful between money, social media, or political position. The majority of the class responded with money. After that, we played a game called the "Game of Power". You have to get into groups of however many you like, then, you will get cards on the topic, afterwards, you read the card and decide on what your team thinks has given them power. You can decide on money, social media influence, or political positions. Next,your group decides on how many points you think the example on the card should be worth. Everyone from your group has to roll the dice and whoever has the greatest number, get the card. Lastly, the person from the group with the most cards says how many points they have. After we played the game of power, we were all asked what we believed gave Elon Musk his power. Everyone had different answers and reasons for our choices. They were pretty reasonable and influencing. the last thing we did was state our opinions and our reasons why we agreed that there should be multiple powerful people or just one.

  • Last week, in English class, we learned about Elon Musk and the power he has. First, through group and then independent activities, we mostly discussed the connection between money, politics and social media and how it affects who will have the most influence and power in the world. At the beginning of the lesson, I had a completely different opinion. I believed that money alone did not give real (political) power, but as we talked and exchanged ideas, my perspective changed. I guess it opened my eyes, now I see how wrong I was, now I understand how influential all these factors are, especially money, which I thought did not play too much of a role. In the end I changed my mind and realized that in the game of power, money is exactly the most important.

  • Good Morning,
    My class and I did the classroom lesson today and it was extremly interesting. I already knew some facts about the subject and had an opinion, which was that Elon Musk uses his populartity in Social Media, to influence peoples political opinions and convince them of his own opinions, thoughts and beliefes. But i thought it was very interesting and also exiting to here what other people had to say. Many of my classmates believe that it is because of Mr. Musks money that he has gained so much power and been able to reach such an unbelievable populatity. I think it is very important to learn as much as possible about political and problematic subjects because it teaches and prepares us for our futur and generally gives us important life lessons. I am very interested in all of your opinions am am exited to read all of your comments about this subject.
    Thank you.

  • I changed my mind about in which way Elon Musk influences the world the most. I tought that it was through his money or his social media influence. I was wrong. It is everything combined. His social media and his money make him very powerful and let him have a big impact in peoples opinion.

  • In my class we had a discussion about whether Elon Musk’s power is determined by money, influence on social media or political position. At first I thought it had to be influence on social media, because it is scary how many people are influenced by only one post or a tweet that was posted by Elon Musk or someone who shares his opinion . He not only influences others opinions about him but also their political orientation.
    After listening to the opinions of my classmates I have actually changed my mind. I think all three combined play a big role in his success to power. Due to Mr. Musk growing up already rich he had the privilege and self confidence to do whatever he wants without worrying that others might have the courage to stop him. Since he also bought the platform Twitter, which he changed to X, he could gain access to influence people’s mind. And through the high amount of influence he could gain he got a political position, also thanks to Donald Trump. So my opinion is that mostly money lead his success to power because it also lead to the two others factors, which all three together give him a overwhelming amount of power, which could lead to difficulties in the future.
    An example is when he shared his opinion with Germany that the right winged party AfD should be selected because he thinks that it is the best party. Now the question is whether he has no intention of playing any role in the German Politics or whether he wants to weaken Germany as it would make the United States more powerful.

  • In the lesson about Elon Musk, I changed my opinion regarding what gives Elon Musk the most influence from money to social media.
    I was surprised by how much it can pressure persons or groups on the internet by influencing his audiences opinion.
    I personally am really concerned about his moves and actions for example the german party AFD.
    The AFD is concidered a right wing party and many people are concerned about the elections were the AFD is suspected to be one of the greatest powers which is only being held back by the other partys that don't want to form a coalition.
    This shows how much his opinion, which is not always helpful, can influence his audience that follows him on X into doing things that are dumb. This in general is really concerning regarding the future were his influence is probably is going to grow even more.