Challenges to journalists

People in different countries often see different news. This is partially because news stories might feel more or less important, depending on where they are happening.

But it's also because the journalists reporting the news face unique challenges that might stop them from sharing the full story.

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  • One of the most significant challenges faced by journalists in today’s world is the spreading of fake news.. While sharing information of social media platforms,there may be some information spreading unwantedly..

    1. I agree because... fake news has a very bad effect on the people and when fake news are spread the people would loose their trust in the social media and this could cause the people to loose interest and when important news is been shared it would not be taken seriously and it would be bad for the society.

    2. I agree with you because a lot of journalists face a lot of challenges like fraud, spreading of fake news just as you have said. people should be wise enough to know if the news they are spreading if fake or real.

    3. With the developement of Generative AI who knows what false infomation could be spreading, as image generation becomes more and more efficient, people stop trusting social media, and the need for journalists becomes higher and higher as they slowly become the only reliable source of information.

      1. Do you think journalists could also be at risk of believing false information that is being spread? What can people do to check the information they read is reliable?

        1. Well that's really the job of a journalist isnt it, to research, write and edit news stories, so with the amount of in depht analysis they do, the chances are very slim. To answer your second question i've always resorted to checking multiple sources or major ones like CNN or the BBC or even ask an AI model since they have a larger library of the news and would be able to cross reference.

    4. I agree because... `false news spread might be the contribution of other dangers for example when journalists go out looking for stories the fact that they cant find a good scoop endangers their job which can lead them to writing fake news. apart from that many journalist endanger there lives because of their limited freedom of speech they cant just say anything in the open.

      1. Thank you for your insight @remarkable_petal! Do you think journalists will ever run out of stories?

        1. It is a possibility with all the risk journalist take to get news, fake news is made in replacement of real news so if there isn't a news source it is possible the mass media could be populated by rumors and fake news spread

        2. Journalism is one career that needs alot of creativity. I Think at no point should a journalist run out of stories. Even the unavailability of a news story should be a point of discourse to a journalist.

        3. Actually, I think that journalists never run out of stories. Coming from a happening country like India where each day unfurls a new challenge, a new opportunity and a new threat, journalists here never run out of stories, however they might feel oppressed sometimes since they are unable to truly give balanced news . Apart from India, we live in a happening world where each small city has something new that's bubbling up, many political shifts, conflicts and booming economies that its not possible for the journalists to ever run out of stories however there are challenges like censorship across different countries that does not allow them to give a complete coverage, but this problem might be overcome by simply presenting both sides of the stories without any possible offense and loopholes that makes it clear to every reader and government that this story is not defamatory rather for information purpose only.
          THANKYOU !

    5. I agree because... fake news is one very crucial disadvantage when trying to get the full story of what's going on around us . Also, things like natural disasters and riots by people can stop journalists from telling us the full story.
      For example, a reporter wants to tell us about a deep flood that happened and the person cannot swim, a very strong wind could blow and in the process of running, he or she falls, drowns and dies. This is a problem that journalists face in some cases.

    6. I agree with remarkable_petal because, in some countries, spreading news that is fake could be an offense and they could be imprisoned or have to do a series of punishments. Also, in most places, journalists are not always allowed to access first-hand information which would lower the chance of it being true.Most of the time, journalists speak the truth, and write what they have learnt/been told, but if they had been told false information, and they included that, that would put them at risk of being punished and spreading fake news.Also, I agree with crafty_meteor, that if the readers of the news found out it was fake, and it happened multiple times, they would lose trust in it and news that would affect them would be thought fake, then they would be in for a big surprise and it would end in complete mishap.

    7. I totally agree with you. Did you know that three billion and half news published every day on social media like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and so on. Around twenty-three percent of these news are fake. Also, Texas university reported that fake news is one from the most dangerous problems that face the word and the journalists.

    8. I agree with you remarkable petal sometimes journalist face different challenges just like fake news sometimes journalists are the people who post the fake news

    9. you totally went straight to the point because a lot of journalists have complained about the fake news that people who are not too sure of what is happening have posted not minding the ideals and what people will say about the news they have heard. some people have actually posted news that made people feel baized. And this is one of the challenges that journalist are facing in reporting news because they don't really know if their reports are actually true. so I think AI can be brought to place in a case like this. It is really going to be a detector that can aid in supplying the journalist with fact and not myth, to tell weather an information is true or not. this can actually be of help to the journalist especially to the local journalist and to the masses.

    10. I totally agree with you, but we don't really talk about the problems journalist face aside spreading fake news. we need to know that this journalist faces a lot of harassments both online and offline. journalists are usually murdered because of the nature of their job.
      on October 19th 1986 Dele Giwa, A Nigerian journalist was killed after he received a letter bomb in his home. His death was one of the coldest death that shocked the whole country. We don't remember all this things but they are all reality.

    11. Journalists face violence and intimidation and I am going to tell what is the hardest part of being a journalist. a. pressure deadline b. maintaining objectivity

    12. I agree because I think journalists have many big problems, especially when it comes to the media. Because of the rise of social media in recent years, fake news stories are able to spread across global platforms more easily. This can cause journalists to become aware of this fake news and hurrying to make an article before verifying if it is true. I also think that due to the rise AI, it will be easier for people to create fake news stories that look and seem verified. AI could also potentially begin to take journalists jobs.

    13. I see your point but I disagree with you because journalists are profetionals exposed to society and I think that they must verify the information they give out to people before spreading out anything. I believe that it is their responsibility to use the "power" they have to inform people with no bad intentions or even mistakes, if possible. I think that because when you expert at something related to the outside world you should be extra cautious about the information you share, as it influences the opinions of listeners / viewers.

    14. I agree because... fake news can spread easily but had to stop because people are sending to their cousin to Nabor to people in your office so I advise that journalists should stop spreading fake news because it will confuse citizen in other country and make them and make angry and if you are saying the news that really happen the will not believe and they will think it is fake news THANK YOU FOR LISTENING TO MY COMMENT

    15. Hi remarkable_petal. I agree with what your saying, a lot of fake news is being spreading about and it is not good. I believe that this leads to confusion and disagreement online. Hence fake news spread on the internet inteferes with the work of journalists and makes their work more difficult and a greater job to do. I think their could be solutions to fake news and if we all tried as a society we could raise awareness and let people know how to spot fake news more clearly and quickly.

  • These problems can be overcome by handling the social media carefully... Like we know social media is a platform where we need to be very careful. If we are careless about it it can also cause severe issues.. So we need to think before we post something in social media this can avoid wrong information in social media

    1. I agree because according to what you said earlier the news the journalists get are always veted and they also say or talk about what they have heard or the information they have gathered from anywhere . im just trying to say that i dont think that the spreading of fake news is their fault all the time .

      i would love to hear your own opinion

    2. Hi remarkable petal, I solidly agree with this your incredible idea.
      Of course this is the real fact about spreading fake news on social media platform because when a fake news is been posted about someone or something that is not actually true, it makes the person or people involved or been talked about emotionally depressed so I suggest before people post news on social media, the officials of that media should confirm the news and ensure it is the real fact before been put down as a hypothesis.
      Also, the people posting the news should always verify all the statements been used in the news before they post anything. I believe that by doing so, we help journalists overcome most of the challenges they have on news.
      I believe that with this, the will be no or less fake news been spread on any of the social media platforms.
      Thank you very much.

      1. Well done for replying to someone else's comment!

    3. I strongly agree with you. I say so because social media is a very strong tool used for influencing and providing information but when people don't get the right information, they begin to broadcast false news making a lot of people to believe it whichever can also cost these journalist their jobs because when this continues to happen, a lot of people will start to run away from listening to journalist which can reduce the rate of how they get their money leading to negative acts making the society unsafe. So, yes, if we are able to control how things are posted on social media. I believe it can truly be overcomed.

    4. I agree with you because if you are not careful, social media platforms could release wrong information, And is why the use of social media should be carefully controlled. Information on social media can make people or a person to become emotionally depressed from watching fake news. I suggest that before people share or give information they should confirm from the right channel before spreading news to social media platforms.

  • These problems can be overcome by handling the social media carefully... Like we know social media is a platform where we need to be very careful. If we are careless about it it can also cause severe issues.. So we need to think before we post something in social media this can avoid wrong information in social media

  • One of the challenges journalists face when reporting local news in my area is that journalists fear that when they broadcast the truth of what government are planning to do in the country that is very bad to society or country, they fear that government will kill them or imprison them for a period of years or lifetime, that is why the broadcast fake news to the world.

    1. I agree with you responsible_eagle, some people in authority tend to do things that are unacceptable by the locality or community and threaten journalists to keep them secret if they find out... and I will like to ask firstly, if all the people in the government are into this, and secondly, if there is something journalists and citizens of the country could do to prevent this act of corruption in the country or locality?

    2. I completely agree with you as sometimes when censorship and media regulation of media is in the hands of the government they tend to use this power often suppressing the truth that can possibly blow their cover, in such cases journalist's right to freedom of speech and expression is often invaded by governments in measures that can be brutal. I respect your point of view however my perception regarding this is slightly different as sometimes just to get a huge amount of viewership, journalists often "expose" information that might lead to breach of national security since they don't know who is watching the news and who is not. One such instance was during the 24/11 attack on the Taj Hotel in Mumbai where the journalists were allegedly reported to be reporting every single detail and whereabouts and positioning of the military and the survivors which led to tremendous loss of life, however such instances can be avoided through thorough researching and better understanding amongst the media and government to prevent the breach of tactics and avoid the invasion of right to freedom of speech and expression.

    3. I agree because in Russia if you speak out against their Government you get death threats or arrested. Then as you said because these people are so scared to speak against their government they give fake news.These two things go hand in hand. But these journalist should have the freedom to say the truth and not lie.

  • Some challenges faced by journalists in reporting local news in my area include:
    1. Security concerns: In time past my city is known for religious crisis, this places the journalist risk being attack or killed, there is also the challenge of kidnaping, they are at risk of falling victims in the hands of kidnappers.
    2. Access to information: Journalist are denied access to conflict areas this always affect them, it prevents them from getting first hand information
    3. Lack of press freedom: The government can use their political power to control media houses. Due to political differences, the government shut down a radio station some time back.
    Some of the challenges can be overcome by improving security in the state and the government encouraging press freedom in my area.

    1. Which one of these things do you think is the greatest challenge and why?

      1. I believe lack of press freedom far more outweighs the others and can also result in security concerns and safety because when journalist operate in environments where freedom of expression is restricted such as from government or powerful individuals, they tend to place a limitation on themselves, here they avoid reporting on sensitive issues or materials because they are might be afraid of the repercussion, they fear for their lives. Sometimes they might be incarcerated for reporting certain news items or made to appear before the judge, physical harm might be inflicted on them and the fear of losing their jobs in the presence economic can be worrisome. Self limitation is a serious issue among journalists as it stops them from fulfilling their roles as the underdog of any nation.

        1. i partially agree with you because oppression from the government is one of the greatest challenges that journalism in Nigeria faces today. On the other hand, perhaps it should be taken into consideration that journalism today is not as transparent as it was before because when journalists are granted freedom of speech, it often comes at a price and that price is usually spreading propaganda. So, i think that if a journalist is given freedom of speech one should verify what that journalist is saying. Although this may not necessarily be true it is better to take precautions.

          1. I agree that it is important to double check your sources when reading the news to be sure you are reading correct information. Do you think spreading propaganda counts as freedom of speech?

            1. I think spreading propaganda is equal to ruining reputation. If a surcesounds a reliable then it cannot be trusted. That is an infringement of the freedom of speech

  • Imagine spending hours researching a story, only to see fake news spread like wildfire on social media. It's a journalist's worst nightmare.That's why it's crucial for us to fact-check and verify information. We owe it to ourselves, our readers, and our communities to get the story straight.Let's all do our part to stop the spread of misinformation. We can make a difference, one shared post at a time.

    1. I really like how you think from the journalist's perspective of how difficult it must be to work hard reporting the truth, only to see misinformation be spread. What do you think people can do to help stop the spread of fake news?

      1. Thanks for getting it! It's really tough for journalists to see misinformation spread like wildfire. We can all help stop the spread of fake news by being more careful about what we share. Let's make a habit of fact-checking, reading beyond the headlines, and supporting journalists who work hard to bring us the truth. Together, we can create a world where facts matter..

    2. Exactly! Fake news spreads faster than the regular real news.

      1. It often can do @powerful_orange - why do you think this is?

        1. To me, fake news spreads faster because most people hear what they want to hear and not the truth, this can be as a result of trying to confirm their existing beliefs even though it is false or maybe because only few people know the truth and people might not bother trying to find the truth. Some people share fake news to gain social attention and enagagment online. For others it could be because they don't have time to think critically or even evaluate the information before they pass it on. The increase in social media platforms have also helped in the spread of misinformation.

  • My area is Chennai(Tamil Nadu), in Chennai journalists face problems like pressure from poweful people which stops them from reporting the truth. For example I was researching about the problems faced by journalists in my area, I came across the problem faced by the journalists during the 2023 port protests, journalists were threatened by those involved with the project, which made it hard for them to report it fairly. Another major problem is safety. Journalist sometimes face violence when covering sensitive issues, in my area a journalist faced violence while reporting on illegal mining in Tamil Nadu.

    1. This is a very interesting insight into your community. Why do you think that sometimes journalists are threatened for reporting the news?

      1. I think some journalists are threatened because they report on things that powerful people like businessman or politicians don’t want the public to know. If a journalist writes about corruption or unfair practices, the people involved feel that the journalists reporting the truth could harm their reputation, businesses or political interests. So they threaten the journalists to not report the truth.

        Journalists talking about sensitive issues like human rights or government actions when they report on these things it makes those people involved angry, especia When they are doing something wrong . So they threaten journalists to not report the truth.

  • One of the problem's journalists in my country Nigeria face these days is a lack of cheap and affordable transportation because of the high increase in the price of Petrol. A lot of them find it difficult to catch up with some important news updates because of this. Coupled with that, we face issues with very bad roads in my country, and that could be a challenge to journalists who need to report about live news happening in some very remote areas. Getting to those areas would become expensive and very difficult for the journalists. These 2 factors alone are very serious challenges that Journalists are faced with in my country.

  • Local journalists can have problems like political pressure and incomplete information. If journalists collaborate with other news organizations can alleviate some of that pressure. Social media can be used as an investigatory process to acquire more data. These solutions can help many journalists improve when they are reporting local news.

    1. What are some risks to journalists when using social media to investigate news stories?

      1. Hello Steff! Thank you for replying to my comment. Some risks to journalists that may use social media may end up getting false or incomplete information, so social media is not always recommended to be a first option.

    2. i agree with you but i think social media is not as accurate and reliable as it should be because fake news is one big problem in social media but i think if the local journalists have have sent people to some places as the event happen at that time to see it for themselves it can reduce the amount of fake news being told .

  • The most significant challenge faced by journalist is:
    Fake news is spreading around the world because people want to get views and become popular like the journalists that tell the truth.

    1. Hi generous_context, do you think journalists tell the truth all the time?

      1. No journalists do not tell the truth all the time.

        1. I wondered if you want to share any examples?

    2. I agree with you beacause nowadays there are many cases where journalists spread fake news mostly for views, as you said. So its pretty hard to tell if the news you read are true or false, thats why when I find information that catches my interest I always do some research before spreading it to other people.

  • One of the challenges that journalists face is the loss of their lives, this is very dangerous because they might be digging or reporting unwanted information which might report to their loss of lives.
    Journalists are very special because they have the boldness to face challenges like none others risking their own precious lives...

  • I think, journalists face a lot of problems like: abuses , embarrassment, harassment and I think is not fair. It even gets worse with female journalists who face untold hardship in the industry. We might be living in the age of information, however, it takes journalists to get the information out there in the public, this means without them, we will not be adequately informed thereby making it look as if we are still in the stone age.
    Sometimes, in certain part of the world, there is no freedom of information and this has resulted in journalist been jailed and sometimes even been held hostages and used as a means of negotiation by terrorist organizations.

  • In my own point of view the major that journalist face is lack of freedom by the government especially in my country we have heard cases that some journalists get arrested because of certain truths they bring to light, the government can use their power to influence or make the press feel free to say what they want to say because it might be concerning them a solution to this problem is that they should be freedom of press or journalists to be able to butress their points even though it might be concerning the government.

  • One challenge of journalists in this era is the influence of the government on the journalist to keep some information or news away from the people. These leaders or politicians tend to threaten the journalist team not to release some news about themselves, highlighting the aspects that they have failed to do their job, and some of these journalists that persist are often secretly kidnaped or even killed without trace. Some of the times they are not just leaders, most celebrities, musicians and people in authority do things that might not be accepted the society and secretly threaten or bribe journalists to keep the news undercover.

  • Some of the challenges journalists face are, being able to differentiate between fake news and real news, too much information coming at once which overcrowds their head, change in audience requests.

  • I personally think the most threatening problem faced by journalist is lack of courage and confidence to stand for the truth due to pressure from government officials and in order to secure their jobs they would end up spreading false news. so I would like to suggest that they should strive and fight for the truth no matter the situation. they should portray courageousness, confidence and honesty while doing their job. Thanks.

  • One of the greatest challenges that journalists come across is the large amount of news that they frequently receive. That is why they might find it hard to choose which information to share, and that brings the question of importance to the debate. How to decide what news should be reported and shared is a big challenge for all journalists. They need to determine what news is important to their audience, what is relevant in their area or country, and what news could benefit them.

    1. I agree because...
      Journalists often have many topics to choose from, but not enough time to cover everything. Additionally, they must filter out misinformation before it reaches their audience. The choice between a "relevant" and "irrelevant" topic can vary tremendously, depending on the news organization.

      In America, Fox News is an example of a very right-wing media. The reporters constantly praise Trump and his policies, and often brag about his many executive orders, speeches, and achievements, while ignoring topics that make Trump seem bad. They also like to slam the Democrats, Trump's opponents, with charges of "opening the border, letting millions of illegal migrants and dangerous criminals in". On the other hand, news like CNN and Vox consistently praise the Democrats and talk about the benefits of their policies/ideas, like legalizing abortions. However, it is difficult to find a single day in which they do not criticize Trump over a few statements he made, which they regard as "racist" or "disrespectful". The problem with this discrepancy between news is that it can cause division in America, division that makes people argue and hate each other.

      When people watch Fox, it's easy for the to believe that Trump is a hero who is taking many steps to improve the American economy and border. When people watch CNN, they will be led to think that Trump is a hateful man who is introducing only dumb policies. This is why what journalists choose to cover is very important: it can cause bias, division, and it can change the perception of everyone watching the news.

  • Journalist are expected not just to supply the society with news or to entertain the society ,the biggest challenge for them is to also verify the news they are providing. Chexking the authenticity of the news, when one person narrates an incident, he/she will be doing it from their perspective which will be biased for sure, so the journalist should look for more than one source to collect the information and present the news unbiased.

  • I think one of the most significant challenges a journalist faces is trying to be unbiased. For example all journalists have a certain opinion on a situation so they try really hard to not let that opinion take over the whole report they are written. Another example is let's say the recent election Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris, let's say a journalist writing about the two electoral candidates thinks Donald Trump is better they try not to put so much good information that the audience that is reading can clearly see they want to vote for Trump. So what they try to do is not only look at the pros but they also look at the cons. It can be hard for journalists because even though everyone is entitled to their own opinion they have to watch what they put in the paper or blog because one to many good facts about someone can lead to a really big decrease in publicity because some people don't like that person.

  • I think journalists in my local area face a big challenge trying to get recognized in my local area and getting their publications noticed due to the reputation of the sites publishing their work. They tend to publish on more niche news sites such as KentOnline that rely strongly on advertisements to run however the advertisements often make the news sources very inconvenient to navigate for less digitally literate individuals such as the elderly and annoying for younger readers. As a result, journalists in my area at least seem to not get very much exposure unless it's regarding changes in traffic since we're quite close to a major motorway in the area.

    Local journalists could try to make connections with more national news firms like the BBC or The Metro to gain more respect from local residents and overcome their exposure issue. Although such larger firms often focus on much more national issues that could pose a challenge to journalists trying to specialise in reporting of local news.

    Another potential solution that journalists could consider for local news is use of social media as platforms such as Facebook and TikTok are very well known and locals in my area are quite familiar with the format and how to navigate such platforms. Unfortunately, this could come with suspicion from consumers of such news as users are very conscious of fake news on social media.

  • You're right, journalists in different region face different challenges in delivering local news. In the period of 24/7 news cycles dominated by international and national events, local news is struggle to attract attention and compete for resources...

  • I think one of the ways journalist can overcome this challenges are:
    providing reliable news so that people will not be confused and mislead.

  • I believe that many journalists have faced many major challenges in this industry. One problem that many journalists face is the limited resources that they have. They don't have as much information to prove something which makes society not believe in what they say. This could also be problematic because when growing up in the media its difficult to gain the community's trust. Another major issue that they face is the lack of information. Journalists could either spread fake news or have misinformation published, which confuses the public. To overcome these challenges journalists could build a stronger relationship with the audience by being more transparent in what they say. They can also have more credible information if they partner up with other journalists and have more than just one idea for their news. Thank you for listening.

  • Some of the challenges faced by journalists are:
    1.language barrier.When journalists go to more remote areas they either receive the right information,wrong information or misunderstanding due to lack of right interpretation.
    2.Political interferance.Most politicians interfere with the information being given by the people who the politician interfered with which the people blame the journalists

  • Some of the main repercussions a journalist can have is that it's competitive,dangerous,demanding and exposing in a way. Journalists can work under tight deadlines which can be very stressful and downgrade their work which can lead to more demands for better work and basically a endless cycle of stress.Not only that it could keep them from home for long periods of time which can bring them further down the rabbit hole.Next the competitive aspect is also very challenging especially in a small town as there is not a lot of news to cover and it takes patience and commitment to get good topic and most newer journalist don't get to choose their topics but are given one and as they go up on the ranks they get to choose but its harder to differentiate themselves from others.Finally exposure is a good thing for journalists it makes them target for people who don't agree with their ideas as if they write about a controversial topic they can receive unflattering feedback and make themselves targets to others and can be subjected to online harassment,threats and assault.

    1. You have introduced an interesting new idea about journalists who work in small towns having to be patient and work harder to find big stories, this is a great example of thinking form different perspectives. If you were a journalist, how would you respond to people to disagreed with your perspectives?

      1. Honestly I wouldn't respond at all, everyone has different opinions and I as a journalist have to respect them look at their point of view as it's part of my job to interpret and understand different situations,views and issues.

  • One of the many challenges that journalists face in local and global areas is when they spread fake or biased news to the public. This could be happening because people might feel as if news is more or less important based on how they see it. These challenges could be overcome by journalists showcasing everything that they see instead of what they preferred that they saw.

  • Journalists face a lot of challenges. Some of them are insecurity, governmental pressure, underdevelopment , false news etc.
    Insecurity: Journalist sometimes face physical danger when going into dangerous zones when fights are going on to get information to bring to the people. It can result to loss of their lives , harassment , threats etc.
    Governmental pressure: Due to the fact that our leaders are corrupt and they have authority, they shut up journalist from doing their job which is displaying things about them and most of them have bad things hidden which they won't want people to know. This can also lead to their silent disappearance in the country.
    This can be overcomed by regulating the way people post false news online and the governments also need to do the right thing.

  • ethical dilemmas journalist sometimes has to negative ethical dilemmas such balancing the public right to know with the potential harm that certain information might causes

  • Journalists face a lot of threats, among which the greatest is censorship. Journalists face many challenges like fake news, misinformation and the most important of all poor Mental health and well-being. They face poor Mental health and well-being due to tight deadlines and
    high- pressure situations.
    These challenges could be overcome by supporting the organizations that protect journalists' rights . For better mental health journalists should prioritize mental health and well-being and seeking help. We should also raise awareness about journalists' situation and Mental health so that maximum people could approach for help and for journalists' rights to freedom.

  • In this world the journalist are facing the tasks like spreading a fake news and spreading into society. Sometimes The fake news can create a great impact in the society. And the reporters are have mind like this for example they are a spreading news about someone until they are getting others so most of the reporters are have the same mind.
    So they can overcome from this challenges like.

    They should must think and write about the information and spread into the media because in this present world the media is everything . And the way how people are seeing it are the matter. So they can be serious while researching. And my opinion about the journalist are I think some journalist are good but some are be not telling a proper news . They can change this problem will lead to be overcome from this.

    1. How might journalists might avoid spreading fake news?

      1. Journalist might avoid spreading fake news like collecting a proper information and they should research more details ,go deeper while giving a statements because their writings have power to create a great impact on society , especially in this generation,media has great power . so journalist should collect wide variety of news . And they should be very Clear stating something that is very important and slow when gathering information. While collecting news they want to be more accurate and first the journalist should be very clear and remember the sources in finger tip . And they must think whether the news is relatable and the evidence are in a proper way. They can ask experts to provide correct news which can then be posted into the society. If they follow these measures, they can avoid spreading fake news.

  • I honestly think that journalists often find themselves in situations where the community puts pressure on them because they sometimes report on some kind of sensitive topics( injustice, people's rights...) that can cause great excitement or critisism from the community or some companies and so on.I think that they can somehow try to get around that problem by watching what they put on the Internet or what they say in the public.

  • I think one of the challenges to journalists is lack of freedom
    Some news some journalists report might be so sensitive to the government and with that, they gradually begin to loose their freedom to the government.
    Secondly the press faces harassment by the government to not report some certain news to nthe people or individuals of the state
    Lastly, they also face threat

    1. That's an interesting point you made. Why might journalists feel pressure to report a certain way?

      1. I think the feel that way because they feel like the government could come at any time and arrest them for reporting such a sensitive news about them.
        They also feel that the people in the government might come after them because of the news they reported concerning or the might even harass, threaten or harm them in public

      2. I think the feel that way because they feel like the government could come at any time and arrest them for reporting such a sensitive news about them.
        They also feel that the people in the government might come after them because of the news they reported concerning or the might even harass, threaten or harm them in public

  • I believe the challenges faced by journalists when reporting in my local news is fake news, fake news has been such an impact on us because now days people believe anything that there eyes see on social media and i bet that's a downside on the journalists because their news is being left out in the sea or if it comes across our eyes we decide to not believe that and go for the misinformation. I think this can be fixed if people decide to have more of a strong critical thinking, less or no social media news, and somehow getting the news of journalists more out there.

  • I think one of the most important challenges they face is how they get the information, due to several reasons: some people could tell fake news, which is a big problem, also some places are difficult to go due to a natural disaster or criminals which could continue there and journalist could risk their own life, some information could be restricted and unless you have a good contacts it may be difficult to obtain it.
    The solutions I could give to all this problems are that always check the veracity of the information, have a good informant is also a very important thing, and finally I don´t think that risk your own life is neccesary to get a report.

  • I think the problem that faces most journalists is the spread of fake news and rumors consequently that declines truth.

  • I think that journalists in my area when reporting news face challenges such as not being able to spread the full story. A lot of the news in my area is about crime, and I am sure that sometimes it can get gory or explicit. So, to not cause public panic or distress, I think that some journalists provide the more mild side of stories. And I think these problems can be overcome by allowing the people to see the reality of the situation if they want to because not everyone will want to hear or see in depth about some news. But, for the people that do, there should be sites or other sources they can use to fulfill their curiosity and wonder.

  • As a person who lives in a sparsely populated and not especially rich province of my country, journalists often face many difficulties. Local newspaper often lack several things: relevant news (as I live in a province with 300000 people almost the size of Slovenia and there are only very local or rural news that may not attract most of the population); and resources (journalists with low salaries) but mainly money. As less people buy physical newspapers, this have to live from the digital media and therefore from normal and institutional publicity. As a result, they not only sell publicity as news but also cannot afford to make critics to the local governments or town halls as some newspapers may be sustained or live from them giving journalists very little room for doing their work well. This may result in sensationalist and click-baity news to attract readers. Lastly, this local journalists and newspapers may cease to exist as the young people of these small provinces move to the big cities while the older ones die, resulting in less need demand and need for local news and big news outlets absorbing them.

  • I can't imagine what it is like being a journalist from perspective of heavy pressure and reliance to solve nowadays mysteries I can assume it is a difficult job.When misinformation is a thing nowadays word goes out like a light.Its hard to explain what really happen when rumors and fake news already arise.Also to mention, the death threats, the gaslighting, & the horrifying reality of what journalist really faces.Its like people cut them out to to speak unless they have figured what really happened.Having close family members or friends to help support through the difficult task is the absolute best bet. Addressing the rumors can help but can backfire really quickly.

  • One problem that journalists face when reporting news and information is that they face intimidation, threats, and hatred. Social media has grown popularity, meaning a variety of people are joining in on social media. Journalists often speak about different topics and information, which is often posted online, leading to certain outcomes. For example, one may speak out on a topic but because social media includes a variety of people, they would face hatred and intimidation from some people and some may agree with the journalists' information. In addition, spreading misinformation can enrage people and cause others to begin showing hatred towards the journalist. Furthermore, to elaborate more about the challenges that journalists face, I've decided to connect real-life problems to this topic. Our world is so based on gender, nowadays women are seen as less than men and are treated as less, meaning women journalist have to face the issue of being neglected or seen as a "joke". In conclusion, journalists face many challenges such as hatred, threats, and intimidation.

  • Journalists face many challenges when reporting local news. On of those challenges include low funding. In many places there are children/teens who aspire to be new reporters but their place of home may not have enough funding for a report center at all. A way for them to overcome it would be to seek funds or maybe fundraise as a mean of getting the funds needed. As well as communicating with the locals or other news reporting location for support.

  • One of the most significant challenges faced by journalists in today's world is political threats and intimidation. while journalists spread their facts across the internet they might get verbal threats online and they might not even know who they are getting it from but they persevere and keep picking them self's up then they go find another report. They might get hurt several times but they might fail the first time but they succeed in the end.

    What do you think challenges journalists?

  • Just imagine you have just heard a story from a journalist and in your mind you believe in such story just for you to discover later on that you it wasn’t accurate, will you put all the blame on the journalists? I think no, because the journalists only delivered what he had heard but at same time, before a journalist publishes a story, he is supposed to have verified such stories and make sure that it’s true and on the other I don’t even think that a journalist will try publishing a story that his not sure of so I’m saying that the most significant problems faced by journalists today is the intimidation of the governments, this is because the government have a way of controlling the news and that means that you will say what they want you to say and also they are some activities carried on by the government which of course they won’t want the mass to know about it therefore threatening the journalists who get to to know of this secrets not to reveal such news to the public and the journalists will be left with no other opinions rather than to act in accordance to how he has instructed to act.
    I think the best way to tackle this issue is for some journalists to appear anonymous, that is not revealing important facts about themselves after the news but if this is adopted, many people will spread fake news since they won’t be known so I think before a journalist gets to cast a news, such person most have gone through the authorities and be approved worthy of being able to give a resourceful news.
    I think with this, we will have more reliable news.

  • I think that one of the biggest challenges for journalist in my area is that people are quick to judge anyone. Some people just don’t understand that journalists are also humans with feelings that are doing their job as best as they can. Journalist always need to be extra carefull of what they’re talking about because they can easily become a victim of death threats, violence and many other bad things. We should be thankfull for sacrifeses they made just so that we can see the truth about what’s going on in the world around us.

    1. As a journalist, I appreciate your comment. Thank you! Do you think there are times when journalists can be biased, though?

      1. Yes I think there are some times when they can be biased. For example if the topic is about their country or something they are passionate about, feelings can get involved and sometimes they may forget to be objective. However, I believe those things are rare and unprofessional. They need to focus on telling the truth based on facts and research.

  • In today's world, many journalists create news in order to inform people of a variety of topics. However, these journalists may also face many obstacles when reporting local news in my area. These obstacles may include receiving faulty news or misinformation, which may cause their trustworthiness and accountability to dwindle in the eyes of the readers'. These problems can be overcome by, firstly, having a valid source to support just how accurate the information is they are receiving as well as checking this source multiple times. Additionally, another challenge a journalist may encounter is a numerous amount of threats, in which individuals do not agree with what the journalist is saying using their freedom of expression. These threats can tremendously affect their mental well-being, causing self doubt and paranoia of people targeting these journalists. This can be resolved by monitoring what information they put out to the world, being mindful of all audiences, as well as strengthening their awareness to the things going on around them.

    1. Great comment! Do you think the companies that employ these journalists, such as newspapers and TV, have a role to play in helping keep them safe?

      1. In my opinion, I think every employee is entitled to some rights and privileges from the employer. The right to safety and protection or safeguarding is an entitlement of an employee that should be guaranteed by their employer.
        Unless by whatsoever cases that the agreement signed doesn't take into account the protection right, journalist have a right to be protected against any harm. Therefore its okay to say that those employing organs should take the role.

  • Spreading fake news is a very bad effect on the people because one, they will get wrong information, two, they will think that the news they will is also fake as well and disregard it and finally they will lose their trust in the news.

  • A major problem faced by journalists is time standard. Meeting with difficult deadlines which can also affect their health.

  • One of the challenges that journalist face in my local area while reporting news for the masses is that the journalist fear that while reporting the exact incident that occurred in a particular place they might be killed by the government for revealing the truth or the government may make their lives a living hell due to the reports given by them. This challenge can be overcome if we practice democracy(the government of the people, for the people and by the people) that means if the citizens can protest about such injustice in the country it can help to curb it.

  • From my perspective of view , i think that journalism is an very risky job...i believe so because while i was researching i came across few heart sinking incidents that make me wonder whether the journalist around the world are really safe or not ? .... like the imprisonment of a journalist for five months while reporting on a gang rape case in uttar pradesh raising corcerns about targetting of journalists for doing their job . Further more journalists especially womens , who cricitize the government are facing relentless online harassement . Jornalists are also very vulnearable to stalking , rape threat , and vicious trolling too..To stop such incidentes to happen in the future i believe that strict laws should be ennacted , ampilification of their voices are a must and educate people to respect every individuale irrespective of thier occupation , and also promote media literacy to educate people to evaluate the news that they see and read ....
    Thank you .

  • A journalists job is not what you think , its not only about exposing the news to the public but its also about facing challenges to do it . the journalists nowadays are influenced by the politicians and reputed influencers because of that they are under the circumstances of not bringing out the true content of the scenarios that really happen . thus they publish framed stories or they just share half of the incidents. due to that people cant visualize what really happened and relay on the news that has been published in the social media. the journalists are given bribe so that they will not expose the news. some journalists falls into this trap very easily and some journalists try to reveal the content but they get constant threats and attacks. some crimes happening in local areas are secretly hidden by the politicians and influencers because of that we don't get to know about the real content .they just fools us by just spreading fake news .

    1. How does political influence impact journalism, and how can we ensure accurate news?

      1. Profession of a journalist is so complicated beacuse they are the one who carries in and around city news to the public.
        Politicians sometimes influence the journalists beacuse if a case involving their action is to be published it would riun their career and reputation. Some of the journalists are threatened, blackmailed and sometimes even became victims of physical assault while some of them are given bribes to not to expose the reputation wrenching proofs and truths.
        For example murders happening beacuse of influential person in a local area is only known by the local people and do not reach out to the people beyond the place becsuse of political influences.
        In this generation of fake reporting and misinformations it is ofcousre challenging to ensure the accurate news. But in some cases we can identify the true content when it is apporoved or confirmed officially by the victim or the government.

      2. Profession of a journalist is so complicated beacuse they are the one who carries in and around city news to the public.
        Politicians sometimes influence the journalists beacuse if a case involving their action is to be published it would riun their career and reputation. Some of the journalists are threatened, blackmailed and sometimes even became victims of physical assault while some of them are given bribes to not to expose the reputation wrenching proofs and truths.
        For example murders happening beacuse of influential person in a local area is only known by the local people and do not reach out to the people beyond the place becsuse of political influences.
        In this generation of fake reporting and misinformations it is ofcousre challenging to ensure the accurate news. But in some cases we can identify the true content when it is apporoved or confirmed officially by the victim or the government.

  • In my opinion, the challenges that might face the journalists in the Middle East are a lot. Here are some of the problems and the challenges that they might face:

    *Lack of freedom (restricting their freedom in speech to practice their professions honestly by the governments or other concerned companies).

    *Reporters without borders stated in their report in 2024 that the Arab Middle East is considered the most dangerous among regions of the world. Furthermore, if any journalist reported the full story, they might be executed.

    * In the Middle East, governments guide the media to serve their interests.

    I hope that in the future, the situation of the press in our region and the rest of the world will improve.

  • Many of the journalists around the world face treats intimidation and violence while reporting on sensitive topics or from conflict zones

    1. Journalism can sometimes be dangerous. What do you think about this?

  • One of the biggest challenges journalists face is economic pressure the shift to digital media has disrupted traditional businesses models, leading to reduce resources and job security for you

  • Journalists face alot of problems in my area of residence ,the challenges they face include
    1.Some journalists lack support to impliment their dreams
    2.lack of impliments for public adress
    3.Rumours affect the journalists as they can send romours instead of facts to the people
    4. some journalists face difficulties in understanding our official languages that is English and kiswahili
    5.Fear of National and County governments as they fear being abducted
    6.Some journalists face rivalvy among the community as most people dont trust them
    Those are the challenges journalists face in kenya particularly in my samburu Community

  • Journalist across the world face a number of challenges. From the ser up I come from, there are significant challenges experienced like language barrier, collecting news especially local voice news from the locals who do not understand English or swahili here is a challenge to a journalist who might not be speaking in the dialect of the ground person.
    Sometimes there is exegerated news by journalist and that tints the original image of the news on the ground.
    Also some journalist face harsh climatic terrains and distance coverage in trying to reach people living in the most versed and vulnerable areas of my country.
    Insecurity in some regions is a challenge to dedicated journalists since tribal clashes and cattle rustling may hinder there access to some parts of the country.

  • I think that journalists are facing the obvious challenge of censorship. Many journalists are being silenced, arrested or even killed in countries where free speech is not a liberty. There are still missing journalists in Syria right now even after the overthrow of the Assad government. Another example of this is in West Papua, a part of Indonesia in which foreign media are banned from entering the place. Governments are abusing their power to cover up their corruption when it should be the duty of governments to serve the people and not hide the truth by limiting access to places where corruption is ongoing like in West Papua. From examining the examples, I think the biggest threat to journalists is censorship as journalists are forced to risk their lives just to expose unfortunate truths.

    1. Some great points here!
      Do you think the rise of high powered free speech advocates getting increasingly involved with politics and media will make any difference to the sense of confidence journalists might have in places such as the ones you mention?
      Also might be worth considering here how social media is becoming more and more widely available.

  • According to me , the biggest challenge that journalist face is not being independent. Journalist belonging to news channels are often dependent on big business houses for the investments due to this they are often seen under pressure from these houses and often forced to publish news in fever of them . Journalist not being independent is a also a big challenge for the citizens as viewers should be allowed to shape their views but they are often guided to follow a particular side of the news only as journalist not being independent sometimes makes them publish false news or not the whole story.

  • I feel like a challenge many journalists around the world face is persecution and censorship of speech. This certainly would be discouraging, being threatened by your own government to hide the truth from the people, even being hunted down by gangs and governments alike for the insights you've provided and remarks you've made. However, with more protections provided for journalists, and more laws protecting the free speech of all people around the world, I think these challenges could be overcome one day. Because together, we can all make a difference, we can all protect our world and it's standards if we could all find and spread the truth.

  • Journalist around the world are facing unprecendent threats and challenges in their pursuit of truth .Many are subjected to verbal abuse , threats , intiminaton and etc for doing their work . The risk of online harresement , cyber bullying has exacerbated the risks faced by the journalists particularly women and minority groups .

    1. Can you think about how these challenges can be overcome?

      1. Thank you for replying to my comment . As a student i believe that we (students ) play an important role in safeguarding our journalists. i came up with an solution for this , this might be a long shot but still i would like to suggest . In this developing AI era .... I suggest that we should definitely make use of this super power . We should make a AI enhanced fact checker , when journalists use this all the facts and figures will be checked this might reduce fake news from spreading from my view . I name this the fact checker .
        thank you .

  • I think in my country's most busiest cities, where its adrenaline never stops functioning, the biggest problem faced by journalists is something far far worst than sensitive topics like fake news etc. The most severe of these problems is political pressure. The political power commands all the journalists and their institutions. These reporters face extreme threats from political organs like extremists, popular leaders etc. These people often received spine-hilling warnings regarding their own families if they publish or report something that sinks political interests of some powerful personalities. There has been several cases in which reporters were severely harmed due to some public statements. The news channels which they work under often operates under oppressive warnings. This is a critical issue which doesn't allow media to be as transparent as possible regarding a matter.

    1. How can journalists stay safe while reporting on sensitive issues?

      1. Hello Aimee. Journalists can stay safe by making sure they are in an safe area where they can work efficiently and peaceful to be able to produce spectacular work. Secondly, journalists don't have to necessarily report close to where the danger is, they can report from far away and get good information from many people, not just themselves.


  • Journalism is a dangerous job. Especially when it comes to field work. It scares me when I see journalists on the streets in the middle of a war during shootings and bombings in a country. They risk their lives for their work and they know that they can be seriously injured and even end their lives.

    1. One could argue that the dangers faced by the journalists are unfortunate but they are an inevitable part of reporting from conflict prone zones .
      From this perspective , its unrealistic to expect that journalists can be completely protected from harm , and that the risks they take are a necessary part of uncovering the truth .

  • One of the best challenges journalists face is Physical harm and violence, Journalist often risks to their lives on sensitive topics, conflict or human rights,abuses

  • Journalists are protected by the First Amendment, despite this, they still face problems like life-risking situations, family separation, and low pay. In order for journalists to get the truth, they might need to see it themselves. For example, the recent fires in Los Angeles (LA), California. Many journalists need to go to LA to get their news, risking their lives to the blazing flames and great smoke crashing over the city. Furthermore, journalists must leave their families behind for days, weeks, maybe even months, in order to go out on these news expeditions. According to Digital Context Next, 64% of journalists work more than 4o hours a week, more often then not lacking time for sleep or meals, much less time for family during certain days. A third problems journalists face is a low wage. Indeed's "Journalist salary in California" mention how the average wage for a journalist is $53, 411 yearly. This is very low if we considering how high the prices are in our area, it's barely enough to live in a some-what "comfortable" state. These challenges are almost nearly impossible to overcome because of how our society is built up, however, we could ensure that they have insurance in case they get hurt and increase their wages. Without journalists, we wouldn't be up to date on the things going on around us, they risk their lives to inform us from the comfort of our own homes. The least we can do is ensure they live well and free of the fear of medical bills that are associated with their work. After all, WE, as a community, are the ones who benefit the most from their work.

  • In my locality one of the problems journalist face is... Accessibility
    It is because... The evolving world is turning digital many people are still use to newspaper, while most news are turning digital. In many villages, local communities people do not get the full information because it's digitalized. Even though journalists try send it to them the journalist are in the city not in local communities or villages. So it can take hours or days to get to the villages(Because of bad roads and the weather). When they get there to distribute the newspaper and information it is already outdated and late. For example my grandparents still prefer information from the local newspaper and do not know how to or have access to the internet to get updated news about a countries like Syria, Bolivia or SpaceX etc.
    I think Journalist also have a challenge not having enough money or funds to carryout their work effectively. For example funds for travel to access news location, funds to procure updated journalism equipment etc.
    Another major challenge that journalists face are news bloggers
    Bloggers are usually not trained in the art of journalism and post news without the complete information, before journalist are able to gather the complete and accurate information or news for the public consumption.
    Thank you!!!

  • The difficulties that a journalist has are mostly keeping up with all the news that is happening around the world and agreeing with people they interview and their opinion and accepting the subject and sometimes pretending to be intrested in a subject they don't really fit in or like it and that I personally really find it difficult.

  • One of the top challenges journalists face is Physical violence. Journalists often risks to their lives on sensitive topics conflict or human rights abuses. Many face.
    Physical attacks or assaults
    Kidnapping or abduction
    Imprisonment or detention
    Even murder

    1. What measures can we take to ensure journalists are safe while reporting on sensitive issues?

  • Although journalism and the press are experiencing relatively much stability and safety in their job, especially in the "western countries" such as the US and European countries, such as my region, Germany, it has to be recognized that journalists and people working for the press in areas like the Middle East or in dictatorships such as North Korea or Belarus, where freedom of speech is cared about less or not existing, suffer from enormous pressure or even violence against them, in case they publish or represent an opposite opinion to the propaganda the government of the dictatorship wants the people to believe in, as the press does have a significant impact on the people and their opinion due to the press' reach.
    Incidents such as the arrests of journalists who are supposedly spying on Russia or working for terrorist or extremistic groups in Russia emphasize the problematic of the freedom of press.
    Moreover, studies carried out by the organization "RSF" (="Reporters without borders") who deal with the freedom of press show that a total of 529 journalists are currently in jail, which underlines the instability of a journalists' job, as by publishing an opinion at the wrong time and the wrong place could cause an arrest for several years as well as a possibility of being terrorized or even killed.
    In order to overcome those challenges, legal measures and regulations are necessary to preserve the safety of journalism and a transparent, free and confidential press.

  • Journalists may face difficulties when covering a specific news story. For example, when covering criminal incidents, security intervention can be an obstacle to reaching the truth clearly. Journalists may be prevented by security personnel from accessing the scene, forcing them to use risky methods to get the scoop. Additionally, there are social issues and news stories where journalists must be careful not to invade individuals' privacy while still covering all aspects of the story. They must also consider local customs and traditions that may prevent them from getting the full truth. Therefore, journalists must be patient, choose the right time and people for their sources, and gather information carefully.

  • I think that one of the challenges that journalist face is constant fear. Most of the times when journalist are confronted on an issue and explain their view on that topic they are some times persecuted by family members friends and people of the society.

  • When reporting news in my area, I believe journalists face many challenges like backlash, health risks, and even fake news. The backlash and fake news often come from the people disagreeing or not being happy with the news they hear. For example, a few weeks back, there were rumors spreading all over social media, the news, etc., about the increasing dangers for immigrants which turned my city (like many others) into turmoil coming at journalists and news reporters. They later on had to clear that it was a misunderstanding. Also, journalists have been reporting a lot about the Los Angeles fires which could put their health are risk if they are to go near the fires because of the toxic fumes. These challenges of fake news, backlash, and health risks could be overcome by more thorough investigations but with proper supplies like the ones firefighters have (an example for my case).

  • Journalists have a tough job.They face serious dangers, meaning they could get fired for what they write. For example in some countries, journalists have been jailed for reporting on government corruption or any info that's considered confidential. They also deal with intimidation, where people try to scare them into not telling the full truth. Did you know 50 journalists were killed in 2021? They were killed because of extremist groups,reporting on confidential info,crime,conflict, abuse of power etc. Fake news and misinformation make it even harder because it spreads lies and confuses people who are watching or reading. Studies show that fake information spreads faster on social media than the truth. All these challenges make it really hard for journalists to report what's really happening.

  • I think one of the most efficient thing in the news is ,that Sometimes , some journalists and reporters spread unreal news that are interesting , so they become famous by spreading fake news that would create a lot of severe problems , for a lot of people . For example , there are 2 countries living in peace with each other and a journalist spreads fake news , that one country will attack the other and this might lead to world war . To outcome this AI could be used to see if this news are real or not so the company is sure that there are no fake and unreal news .

  • Journalists in my area face many challenges when reporting local news. Sometimes, they can't share the full truth because of pressure from powerful people. Also, getting accurate information can be hard if sources refuse to talk. Another problem is that some people don’t trust the news because of fake information spreading online.

    To solve these problems, journalists need more freedom and protection to report honestly. News organizations should also double-check facts before publishing. Lastly, teaching people how to spot fake news can help build trust in real journalism.

  • Journalist face a major problem in delivering the correct news because the news is spread from one place to another in between the news may varry,another thing is the fake news which is told by the other students I suggest that journalist take only one primary source of news and report on them ,it will be less stressful for them also I also suggest them to differentiate between the article and what they understood and what questions they have .

  • At present,our country is celebrating its unique cultural festival called, maha Kumbh Mela. In this great festival, more journalists will gather together and capture the best moments of this festival to reach this to the people. With over 10 million people, journalist get into trouble because of the great crowd. Also, they face the risk of being targeted and, the concern,that spreads the true news, very slowly and the fake news spread in a very quick manner. Mainly, the festival do not have proper safety concerns and give pressure to journalists to meet deadlines...

  • one of the main challenges we face from journalists is exaggeration (when someone says something better or worse that it is). one of the weak example is if a journalist interviewing someone ( in this case a football player) he is making him the best of his kind which he isn't. and one of the powerful examples is when they are maybe talking about a fire they exaggerate by saying it was very powerful or harmful, same as giving their opinions which we don't really need.
    the solution for this is searching in a global trusted website for information.

  • One of the most significant contributions endured by journalists of today is then spreading news that isn’t real they say fake things just so people think it’s true and after a while it triggers people like something bad is going to happen in the future and it causes people to to loose interest in the news which would be bad for the universe

  • One other problem is that journalists is being endangered , because most of journalists are sending news from wars and damaged countries, for example ,Gaza , the journalists were standing in the war saying and describing everything but behind them are bombs shooting and houses and apartments falling , they can be hurt in any way. So I think that there must be a way that keeps journalists safe and comfortable .

  • Journalists all around the world face some challenging hardships that could stop them from sharing a story with the whole truth. I may not know what difficulties journalists face in my country, but I do know what some journalists face in other nearby countries like syria, for example. Syria has been under the attack of bombs and others, which makes news reporting a very difficult situation there. In addition, some journalists might be in literal danger while covering the cases happening in Syria. Imagine being a journalist covering some news in an unsafe environment of what the government (which used to be under the rule of Bashar al Assad) is doing to citizens . As we all know from the topic "Syria: a turning point," the previous president ( Bashar Al Assad) had a very unfair rule, crossing the boundaries of the Syrian people's rights . Syrians were speaking for their rights, and as a result, a war started. Bashar Al Assad was sending innocent citizens to prison. So imagine how hard it was for journalists to perform their job surrounded by all of this danger.

    But thankfully, the Assad regime has fallen, with hopes of seizing a safer society in Syria. These were some challenges journalists reporting in Syria faced during the war. But what difficulties do they face now after the war? What do you think?

    1. I really agree with your opinion regarding the weakness of journalists, particularly war zones in Syria. Just like Palestine. In Palestine a similar scenario is happening in which journalist lives are threatened daily in an attempt to report reality regarding events transpiring. Some journalists have been injured or even killed. Long after the Syrian war, journalists will go on getting threatened. As in Palestine, in which reporting is still under attack, Syrian journalists will perhaps have to struggle government manipulation and security concerns.

  • One of the most biggest challenge s journalists face is spreading fake news. While people believe them and spread them even more to their parents, friends and relatives. But of course journalists do not have intentions on spreading these fake news.

  • Fake news are widely shared on internet . It causes a lot of complications one of them is disturbing people's privacy by posting or sharing awful or unacceptable news about people's lives. Another complication it makes it harder for people to see the truth.

  • Where I live their are multiple dangers to being a Journalist such as:
    1.They may be assaulted or kidnapped for their reporting.
    2.They may be forced to disappear or detained without cause.
    3.Laws on cyber crime and anti-terrorism can make it difficult for Journalists.
    4.Economic difficulties.
    I think they could overcome these challenges by:
    1.Advocating for press freedom.
    2.Prompting independent media
    3.Improving financial sustainability.
    It may be difficult at first but it will all be worth it if it works.

    1. This is a good comment, it would be a great comment if you could explain your thinking in more depth. For example, do you have any ideas for promoting independent media or improving financial sustainability?

  • I think the biggest challenges a journalist could face is originality in todays age. This issue can sprout for all form of journalists as well, either newer ones, older ones, or not well know ones. For an example, if a newer journalist gets into the industry, their may not be a lot of material for them. If your an older journalist, your content can be stolen, and the same goes for unknown journalist. Credibility and reliability can be issues to. I believe these challenges could be overcame by continuing to report original and organic material.

  • Most of the news watched by us is given by professional journalist. Its totally a challenging and risky job. Everyday They are facing new challenges to collect news from different spots. Finding the truth of the incident in a very short time is one of the main challenges of journalists. And the next challenge is giving those collected message to social media in a proper manner in appropriate time. This will helps to reduce the spreading of fake news.

  • One of the challenges that Journalists face in Jos, Plateau State of Nigeria is lack of security, Journalists especially the ones who work in conflict and war zones can easily be killed, injured and affected in the middle of the war when there are smoke bombs and guns and if this continues to happen many Journalists will lose their lives.
    Ways we can overcome this lack of security in Journalism are:
    1. We can setup security trainings for the Journalists so that they can know how to defend and protect themselves and how to use protective gears to protect their body.
    2. By creating backup teams to protect them if they are being attacked and if they are injured.
    3. The government should create an atmosphere where there will be security of lives and properties so that Journalism will strive.

  • In my country , reporters , even TV news reporters , might face a lot things as some people try to stop them from sharing facts .This could be as killing reporters because they said news that shouldn't be said for example , an Egyptian journalist , who was killed on 1992 because of his reporting of real news that it was not supposed to let out was Farag Fouda .Mohamed Elwi is a reporter , who was killed on 30th of december 2023 because of saying a report that they didn't want to be known ; moreover , some people escaped from the country .
    So news in Egypt might have a lot of issues that should be uncovered and we should try to stop the violence on the reporter , which is killing or harming them , also some escaped because of those people , who were scaring them by harassments and more worse things .

  • Journalists are facing the challenges, such as collecting and spread of misinformation, which can affect the society and individual life . In current world, social media plays a major role in changing the people's thoughts, and journalists have the power to create an impactful news that can affect the society. Therefore, it is essential for journalists to be very conscious and careful when reporting news, as their work can benefit or harms the society.

    Before spreading an information, journalists should collect the strong evidence to support their claims. Another major problems is journalists face a government restrictions. When a story reveals negative information about the government, higher officials will not allow its publication, not giving the freedom of the journalists.

    Journalists should also update their skills to improve the accuracy of research and investigate the issue effectively. Additionally, many journalists will face violence, harassment, and bad comments, which can affect their work . If journalists can stop the spread of fake news, society will be more benefit, and create a world peaceful.

  • I agree because journalists face a myriad of challenges that require them to adapt and navigate through new territories. from the rise of digital media to the changes in news consumption, the modern journalist must confront these obstacles head-on.

  • Hello topical talkers,
    I think that one of the problems we face because of journalism is that they forecast things which are silly and unimportant to humanity like trends concert etc. these things will not be useful in a way so we can avoid them by watching what we need on social media. thank you!

  • In my country (Egypt), journalists face a lot of challenges, from censorship to public threats. One of the bigger, more significant hurdles to journalism in Egypt is the government itself. Laws such as the 2018 Cybercrime law and the Anti-terrorism law criminalize anything that is deemed critical by the State. These charges are often very vague such as "spreading false news" or "undermining national security". Regulatory bodies such as Supreme Council for Media Regulation (SCMR) exert very tight control over media licencing and content, silencing any organization from fully expressing their views.

    Journalists also need full economic stability, and that is very hard to find in Egypt. As most news outlets are either state-funded or financed by businessman with political ties. Journalists working for these outlets often face editorial intervention, forcing them to censor what they really want to say.

    We can overcome these challenges by making international bodies such as UNESCO pressure the government so it actually respects its Right to Information law which is currently heavily underutilized and weak. Crowdfunding journalists will also help them not get censored. Funding NGOs so they do the jobs of the government and give journalists without fear of physical/virtual extortion and assaults. Starting public awareness campaigns to help make people aware of censorship in Egypt. There are so many things journalists can do with public support.

    In conclusion, while Egypt might be very poor for journalism, it doesn't mean we can't change it so it becomes better.

  • In our country India, journalists are facing more challenges, and I felt that,they are in the trap of trouble,because of lack of people 's corporation and support, spreading of fake news ,and its also because of the intense crowd.I have an present, example for the this topic, India is celebrating its cultural festival in the holy river of gangas named,"mahakumbh Mela", where millions of people will gather at one single place, the journalists are tend to capture ask the people about the best moments, to reach the people, but, due to the intense crowd ,they are suffering a lot due to lack of people 's support. They had gone to capture the golden moments, but , heart breakingly, about 40 people lost their lives, the journalists are troubling a lot while reporting this local news, Maha Kumbh Mela. According to my point of view, this challenge can be overcome, by avoid spreading fake news and awareness to people about the crowd.When I saw the recent image in that fest, I really felt so pity, because I saw journalists, holding the mikes , and suffering to breathe in that great crowd.By seeing this,stagnant tears in my eyes because, the persons gone to capture the moments, are now suffering to breathe , this is the present great challenge in our country which is really heartbreaking...

  • Actually journalists face really hard challenges because of many reasons such as :
    1 Sometimes journalists go to the place that the accident happened in it or go to the place that they are talking about and this is really dangerous.

    2 Journalists can sometimes say fake news by mistake and this is something can be dangerous or I mean a challenge maybe.

    3 When journalists talk in TV or say something they can stop by mistake or say something wrong and when this happens people can make fun of them so in my opinion this is also a challenge because they have to be careful while talking.

    Finally this my opinion about the challenges that the journalists face.

  • I believe that the journalists in Egypt face extremely disastrous calamities that affect their abilities to report the news freely and effectively. Firstly, governments in Egypt give them limits on reporting news moreover sometimes governments can prevent the journalists to report some kind of significant, sensitive and important news. Also, when journalists in Egypt try to report news that will harm Egypt, they receive threatens and governments will make them under pressure not to report this news. Furthermore, In Egypt, after the university, students must be trained well for the real job however for the journalists, there are few trainings for them subsequently some journalists cannot report news since they were not trained well. Thirdly, journalists in Egypt face much wrong information. They may not trust themselves when facing wrong information consequently they can report wrong information. Furthermore, if they reported wrong information, they would have terrible reputation.

    To conclude, in Egypt, i believe that governments must not warn the journalists not to report the truth in addition they must continue with continuous learning and developments to get trained well. Journalists also must participate in workshops and seminars to be professional in their job. Egyptians also must not say wrong information on Facebook, YouTube or X and they must encourage them. Journalists must say facts only not opinions because they are the window that we look through it to see the right news.

  • I agree with you because journalists are really facing challenges. One of the hardest is social media. Social media is taking massive control over the latest generations, so when people find any news on social media, they believe it and spread it. The negative aspect is that the news may be fake. The main reason for this problem is that most people who find this news never check if it's real or not. Anyway, journalists are facing another problem due to social media, which is that newspapers are totally ignored by almost everyone because social media has become the main source of news for people. The solution to that problem is to remind people that accurate news is written by professional journalists in newspapers.
    Thanks for reading!

  • In today's world, journalists face a difficult challenges, like collecting of disinformation And spreading into society. which has a great impact on society. One of the main issues they are facing is the pressure from higher officials to prevent the spread of certain information, about politicians. This often leads to restrictions on their work. Additionally, in some cases, journalists may focus on individuals' lives, and continuously spreading such information about them and destroying their reputations.

    And one incident happen in Tamil Nadu in 2016, journalists spread false information about the health of Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, leading to more panic and creating a major issue at the time. And there are more examples like these how such incidents are happening globally.

    Journalists must know the impact of the news they are sharing. Sometimes, the information they publish can have a both positive and negative effect on society. If journalists were more conscious while spreading a disinformation, it would be helpful for them to avoid these problem and and create a good reputation of both media and public.

  • In Egypt I do think that journalists face a lot of challenges that may affect their work, I will share with you some of those challenges
    - Transparency: I think it is a big problem as resources may not tell the whole truth.
    - Non independent atmosphere which affect the convey of the whole truth.
    - False and fake news spread very fast especially through social media platforms.
    - Safety of Journalists.
    - Insufficient Salaries

    How we could overcome those challenges:
    - Assure the independence of media and press.
    - Laws to protect people who work in journalism.
    - Establish laws to prevent the spread of fake news.
    To sum up Journalists in Egypt is doing great job but I hope we can overcome all those challenges so that we can reach a free atmosphere were actual news and information spread smoothly.

  • Another challenge facing journalists is their enemies, when a journalist is sharing news about a war and the view point of this journalist is from the country who is receiving the war and bombs , so of course the country who is making the war or that is in charge of this war will want to stop the journalist from spreading news..
    This was my opinion but the fact is that 91 of the 117 journalists killed in 2020-2021 were killed out of their offices ..
    most killings occurred outside their newsrooms or offices.
    The fact is that there is no safe space for journalists. We really need them , they play a great role in promoting media literacy, their lifes are endangered. And we must save it....

  • Journalists reporting local news face several challenges that can hinder accurate and timely reporting. Limited resources, such as tight budgets and small teams make it difficult to conduct thorough investigations. Political and economic pressures from powerful figures or advertisers can influence editorial decisions , leading to biased or suppressed stories. Access to information may also be restricted and journalists often face safety concerns, especially in politically tense or high risk areas . Additionally competition with sensationalized social media content can undermine serious local reporting.

    To overcome these challenges local outlets could collaborate with national or international media to share resources and expertise. Investing in local investeigative journalism, possibly through community funded initiatives ,would ensure that important stories are researched and reported without external pressures . Journalists can also benefit from digital tools that help verify and gather information effectively. Strengthening legal protections for journalists would safeguard their safety and press freedom . Lastly promoting media literacy in communities would help audiences recognise credible news , supporting the values of quality local reporting.

  • I think that journalists nowadays will face a lot of challenges: especially with AI. This is because the development of AI means that people are beginning to not be able to tell the difference between real and fake news. This could cause people to lose trust in journalists as they'd be unsure whether its real or artificial intelligence.

  • In my opinion, Journalists face lots of challenges when reporting their local news, it's their job to report activity in the local area but certain challenges can make it hard for them to do what they get paid do. Some of these challenges involve fake news and the reason for this is because of social media and what some people post. Lots of people are believing everything they read online and a lot of this is fake and not true meaning that people are being manipulated into thinking the wrong facts causing uprisings and sometimes wars against countries.

  • An example of the challenges that journalists face is the fact that there is a wide spread of misconsceptions and fake news. On this matter, there is a lot of fake news spread on social media platforms such as facebook, tik tok, x, and instagram. I think that it has recently become a greater problem with the fairly new addition of social media, and the internet and the people in charge of moderating what goes out, are sometimes either biased (whether that be conscious or not) or simply make a mistake. Fake news is also a problem, as it may cause a large, wide panic that spreads like wild fire, and distress around the globe when its not necessary true.

  • One of the biggest challenges that journalists in the world face now is the decline in trust in the media because it greatly affects journalists in their work . when people don't trust the media, it's tough for journalists to get their stories and the real facts across folks might think the news is just spin or biased, so journalists feel the heat to prove they're trustworthy .they work extra hard to present it all clearly and fairly.
    I believe that journalists have to work hard to earn back the public's trust and give them real ,reliable news.

  • Journalists in Bangladesh face numerous challenges while reporting local news. Their work is often risky,and they sometimes put their lives in danger to deliver accurate information to the public. Below are some key challenges they encounter. Journalists often have to gather news from fire incidents, disasters or conflict zones, which puts their lives at risks. Additionally,in many cases, authorities, political groups, or powerful individuals conceal information, creating obstacles to truthfully reporting the news. At times they face legal restrictions and harassment while collecting news. The lack of technology also make it difficult for them to gather news and conduct live broadcasts effectively. Journalists are the voice of society and ensuring their safety and independence is essential for a free and informed nation.

  • In my opinion, journalists' most concerning challenge are fake news.Fake news is when false information is shared, usually online, and it can be very harmful. One reason why fake news is bad is because it can make people believe things that aren’t true. If people believe these lies, they can make bad decisions or act in ways that harm even themselves.Also,fake news hurts our society because it spreads lies and can lead to bad decisions. It’s important to check where the news comes from and make sure it's true before believing or sharing it. This way, we can help stop fake news from causing harm all over the world

  • Journalists can faces challenges like the taking the side of someone when they are reporting a story. Journalist might be influenced by their personal view when they are telling a news story. In addition, because of public opinion or media owners journalists can pushed to prefer a side more than the other one, making difficult for them to be impartial. Another thing journalist might face with is time pressure. Since the 24 hour cycle was implemented or to be the first one to report breaking news, journalists are under immense time pressure and this could compromise the accuracy of the news that they are reporting. Also as the journalists might rush to report the breaking news, they won't do too much research so there wouldn't be too much information about the news story. Also journalist can have financial constrains, many news organization are experiencing financial difficulties which leads to budget cuts, making for journalist harder to achieve their work. Also another problem that journalist have is the public trust. Since fake news have risen on social media, more people believe that journalists aren't saying the truth and that they spread fake news.
    I think that the time pressure problem could be solved if more journalists worked together and make sure that every part of the news it's researched and the news story to have all the details. Also the financial constrains could be solved if the news organization are collaborating with independent journalist or nonprofit news outlets. It will be hard to solve public trust because you have to earn people's trust.

  • Challenges I think a journalist face is covering the latest stories because there is always something going on and I would think it is hard to keep up.

  • I think the most critical problem faced by journalists today is the competition to be most updated,be the first to report something.

    With the developments in the fields of AI and digital transformations,the pressure of balancing fake and genuine reports is overwhelming.
    There may be ethical concerns,but when calculating financial aspects these concerns are usually neglected.
    The only priority is to remain on top and gain maximum benefits.

    In countries like China and North korea,the journalists face another issue which is the restricted use and liberty of media,which sometimes is good but most is more than to bargain for.

  • Hello,
    I'm living in a city in Germany. I would say, that journalists don't face too big challenges, compared to other countries or local regions. The biggest challenge, is probably, the German philosophy of "data protection". Means that they can't freely say any names or show pictures they took. So they can't give any information about individual persons. But don't get me wrong data secure is something good, no one's data's should just be published, but in some cases id would be interesting or would make the article more interesting.
    But here there no bigger challenges like that they would be chased by the government if they would like to report freely.
    One challenge I could imagine is, that big companies could set journalists under pressure, to only publish positive things about them. But this doesn't really happen often here. Or you don't hear about it.

  • Some of the challenges that journalists face is political threats journalists often face political pressures and legal challenges, especially when reporting sensitive delicate matters about the government. This can include legal action, harassments and sometimes threats to their safety.

    Another challenge journalists face when reporting news is false information and false news The advance of digital media has led to a very great increase of false information and fake news , making it harder for journalists to maintain credibility or reputation and trust.

  • The challenges journalists face when reporting local news in our area is: finding new topics to do, to not repeat the same topics, to do a different variety of topics, to find topics that haven't already been covered in the past, to do topics from different points of view, to do exactly what the viewers expect and to not spread fake news. Fake news is a huge problem in the media and in TV. This is because either they are being pressured into spreading fake news across the world which makes the viewers (us) believe it. However some news topics are just plain fake and you can see right through them. That makes people mad and to stop believing in the news so things like the news like weather can be real but the viewers may think its fake and if its something like a tornado and it is real then peoples life's are at risk and they could potentially die in not believing the news and this is just not believing in the news and this shows how the fake news can effect life!

  • One of the challenges faced by journalist today is receiving wrong information about a current situation,and the other challenge is the spread of fake news. They can overcome this problem/challenges by ensuring that the information they receive is legit and also asking around to see if they are corresponding or if it just fake news.And finding a resource person who is able to get the correct information about a situation and how it occurred.