Can news reports make a difference?

Josie Delap and Gregg Carlstrom are Middle East experts for The Economist newspaper. Watch their video about how news reports can affect a news story.

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  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I believe that the impact of reporting about a news story is a 8.5. I believe this because each news story or article won't be the same or have the same perspective as everyone is entitled to their own opinion and might believe in different things. This also impacts how the readers and audience thinks of the situation or news as it depends on the author of the news stories and articles they've seen and what the author believes in. For this reason, I think a good tip to give to Josie and Gregg about covering sensitive news stories like what's happening in Syria is they should make the news story not biased or on one side. Informing the audience and readers on the situation, but also allowing them to process and think of the situation on their own so that way they can understand more of the subject. In addition, news stories that aren't bias tend to be better when talking about a sensitive topic as it avoids offending certain audience members or people who disagree.

    1. I like your use of scaling, and also how you point out the importance of perspectives in a news story. If somebody's perspective uses false information, do you still think it should be included in news reporting?

      1. Hello, Steff!
        I believe that a news story that includes false information should not be used in news reporting as it can damage the knowledge and beliefs of those outside of the country, and therefore impact the actions taken to assist those in need of help in Syria negatively. This is because no matter how neutral and unbiased a news report is, the entire reason it is reported is to spread verified and reliable information, inciting positive action and donations by other governments and people to assist a negative situation. If the information is inaccurate, frankly, what's the point of reporting it? As well as that, people worldwide base their own opinion on news stories as they cannot get the information themselves. To post inaccurate information is to lie to countless people who read news stories, regardless of whether it is known that the information is inaccurate or not. Miscommunicating a single number could lead to many unaccounted for in terms of humanitarian aid. This is taking into account that news reports are vitally important to the news story itself (8/10, is my opinion), the statement being proven by previous humanitarian aid exploits of other conflicts such as this. It can mean the world for those who have loved ones stuck in those areas, as well, for example Syrian refugees that have friends and family still in the damaged area. If I were in their shoes, I would be devastated, having been lied to about loved ones on the basis of their lives. Therefore, a news story that includes false information should not be shared, as lying has a butterfly effect.

    2. Hello dynamic dusk !
      I agree with what you said and I heavily believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and so just like you said, there should be news stories that are not biased. I feel that now there are a lot of biased news story or reports on topic that sometimes spread wrong images and information over a topic and that can even include wars and so having a unbiased news report can be very important because it can provide the truth without giving one side more glory and support.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d rate the impact of news reports a 9.
    Since people outside of Syria don’t know what’s going on in the country first-hand, they need sources such as news to get information on it. With the help of news, people will be able to develop their opinions and act accordingly based on their own thoughts/feelings/morals.
    Making the articles on Syria as neutral and objective as possible will help the reader develop their own opinion instead of being influenced.
    When it comes to sensitive topics that are harder to understand and comprehend, it may help finding similarities between the reported incidents and other occurrences in history in order to have an idea of what the issue in hand exactly is.
    It helps figure out one’s opinion on an incident by comparing it to other already existing knowledge which is what the brain does unconsciously to begin with.

    1. Great suggestion, how do you recommend journalists should deal with difficult stories? Particularly international ones. Is there anything you would recommend?

      1. I personally think journalists that deal with difficult stories should do a heavier amount of research than usual so they are more open minded on what they are journaling about and so they can be as accurate as possible.

      2. I definitly agree with wise coyote regarding your questions; I find that doing extensive research on difficult topics, especially their backrounds important. Giving insight on the situation overall helps people understand the exact issue(s) on hand. It is particularly important to do so when the news are about a country that is very different from the country the news is getting reported in, whether these differences be in politics, economy or something else.

    2. Great comment nice wombat! your comment really has risen sparks in me!
      Could you answer whether what role does history comparison play in helping people understand the modern conflicts? and how does the lack of international media coverage affect global communication and responses to Syria?

      1. I might've not made it too clear in my original comment, so thank you for these questions!

        1. Since complicated situations (within a country or between multiple counties) have occurred regularly in history and seem to be "repeating" themselves, even if only vaguely, maybe if finding similarities between something that has taken place in the past, that is fairly known now, and a current complicated situation will ease having to wrap one's head around such a situation. Since the brain takes in information everyday, it is used to dissecting this information and "making comparisons" between situations you have been in in the past or other past-collected information and the new-found information.
        Taking this into consideration, regarding situations containing topics that are harder to grasp, giving examples from the past will help this process of dissecting and comparing the news.

        2.Taking globalization into consideration, it includes having alliances between countries be made all over the world, such as NATO. Within these alliances, there are many laws for things such as wars, possibly needed immigration and more.
        In this case, I want to highlight the laws for immigration; These laws have allowed people from all around the world (including Syria) to immigrate to other countries in order to stay/be save. Not clearly communicating why this has to be the way it is, will cause an uproar within communities that will lead to discrimination against immigrants and more.This "communication" includes media coverage.
        I hope this answered your questions!

  • Hi everyone,
    On the scale of 1 to 10 I will rate them 8.5 because news report can make a great difference. News report can make a great difference because it raises awareness, creating dialogue, accountability.
    Raising awareness , by reporting news can make people know what is happening in the worlds today, so news report is making a great impact.
    Accountability: news report have make journalists to keep account of the news that the passing to the citizens .
    The impact of news depends on it’s accuracy, the way it’s consumed, but it certainly has the potential to drive significant social, political and cultural change.

  • in my perspective i will say that from a scale 1 to 10 1 will give them 9.5, Because reporting about news stories helps individuals to be informed and not to be deformed about the happenings in the world. People need to learn from this news and find out away to stop risks.

    1. I really appreciate your way of thinking but there is something I'd like to point out, though news helps people stay informed about war torn countries such as Syria, they can also contribute in influencing the watcher's opinion through their wording or way of describing activities happening in the country. How do you think they should report about something as sensitive as Syria without being biased towards one party or another?

      1. benevolent_duck this is an interesting point. What are some ways people can know whether the news they are reading/watching about Syria is unbiased?

        1. Well, the ways I think the citizens of Syria can differentiate between biased and unbiased news reports is actually quite straightforward, as the defining factors of a biased report is that it will mainly focus on the rights of the subject (whether it's a person or thing), it will always present the subject as if the chances of it becoming the source of a bad outcome are extremely low. But if a news report is unbiased, then it will show both the sides of the story, the subject and what stands opposite to it, it won't try to pander towards one subject as a whole but will keep switching between the two in a way which would allow the watcher to create an opinion of their own.

      2. Hey benevolent_duck! I do agree with your opinion and this is exactly what I was thinking because media can definitely be biased towards one party and only cover their point of view and not the other's perspective. Now this can negatively affect and influence other people's mindset which is very wrong and this is the reason that will 8/10 negative impact and a 4/10 positive impact to the people. If the news does cover all the points from everyone's perspective and make a balanced report which can positively influence the audience's mind then it will make a huge impact.

  • Hello!
    I believe that news report has a 10/10 impact. In my opinion I think that a news report can decently change the way people think about a certain topic and I also believe that this can be good or bad. People everyday get news from news reports and they learn about what is happening in their area and around the world and this gives information over what it is presenting. This could be good because it can inform people on things that are bad and can help people know what is right because they are trust worthy sources. But unfortunately some news reports are not trustworthy and there are news reports that spread misinformation and this is why I say that it could also be bad, because it could cause someone to believe what is being expresses and they can go about their day thinking that they now something new that has happened or have a new changed mindset about a topic when in reality, what they saw was fake.

    1. Your comments about trustworthy news sources got me really thinking!
      How do you think people can verify if a news report is trustworthy or not?

    2. I agree. News have a big impact. It is how people get their opinions. If news are manipulated in a specific way, this can shape people's opinions, sometimes for their entire life's, with it being very hard to change this opinion. Though the rise of social media also has a role in this. Through the algorithm, people are essentially in their own "echo chamber". This means they are only served content or news by creators they like. Through this, they think everyone has their opinion and only they are right. And because people generally like having easy explanations and one scapegoat to blame, they don't really think about the way news is served to them. As we have seen so many times, the framing of a news story makes a big difference. And the social media algorithms encourage framing and not objective reporting.
      It's time to force social media companies to refine their algorithms to encourage objective reporting of news stories. Unfortunately, with Donald Trump elected, rather the opposite of that will happen.
      It is dangerous if a countries' leader can decide what news is served on social media used by billions of people. I don't know about you, but it feels a bit authoritarian.
      And it is even more dangerous, if a non elected, high ranking government official owns a major social media platform AND decides which opinions can be posted on there based on his OWN opinion and interests, which are NOT objectively based and rather irrational!

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I believe that reporting would impact nearly 8.5. The new ruler Al-Sharaa has made many statements about development of Syria. News reporting would make it easy to get views form the local residents, actual conditions of development as well as other important points. If there would be anything other countries could just help, they could then do. But, without actual reporting, its impossible to help one. In addition to that, reporting could help in other ways too, like no-biased reports, which always forces the leaders to work properly. They are what we call one of the pillars of Democracy. Post-conflict developments always speed up when the media partners are in power as well as work properly.

  • If i had to scale the importance of news from 1-10, i would give it a 8, because whether its fake or true news it can make people act certain ways such as, wanting to take action if something bad is happening in your country or possibly think only positive about your country if that's what the news is about. Another reason why it's an 8 and not a 10 is because it can also be ignored by people, there are ignorant people and people who simply don't care.

    1. Hi, do you think people go to different platforms for news in the current world? How do you think journalism has changed with new technologies?

  • That's a difficult topic. You have to consider that people think different about the situation in Syria. There can be countries or people which support the radical ideas of the Assad government. So the news differ in every area of the world. Because of that news can have a slight opinion. Unfortunately news should not consist of an opinion. News should be a neutral way to present facts to the people. These news can affect people or even convince them of the same opinion. That's why radical organizations rise very quickly and reach widespread support in a short period of time, because of their countries news. Over all news have to be checked, to see if there is a standpoint in it. With news people can be very direct to other people to show a personal aspect, which convinces them of their opinion.

    1. Thanks, encouraging_llama. Your point about news and opinion really made me think. Can you think of a time when it might be a good thing for an opinion to be shared in the news? Or could you think of a way that a journalist could share an opinion in a way that is more acceptable to you?

  • News report make a big difference in the situation therefore I would rate them a 7 out of 10 because they are a good source for the people to inform themselves and know what is happening around them and all over the world. They aren’t a 10 out of 10 because they still don’t change much about the actual situation. Taking the syrian war as an example, news about the war inform the people all over the world about what is happening there but they don’t change the actual situation and stop the war. On the other hand they can be effective for example when people take action into their own hands and start protesting or doing something against the situation. For that the people have to be informed and know the situation. In conclusion you can say that news stories are effective, not in the actual situation but in how the people react to the situation. They can cover a sensitive story by talking factually and not being clearly on one of the sides of the story but covering both sides regardless on their opinion and emotions so that other people don’t get offended and feel misunderstood by the news.

    1. Brilliant comment, can you find an example where news has led to people taking action, is there an example close to where you are from?

      1. One example would be demonstrations. Close to where i’m from there often are demonstrations for example because of the war in Gaza and the Ukraine or against the current president in Venezuela. I think it’s a good way of people using their knowledge (they gain from the news) and take action to support the people and change the situation.

  • from scale 1 to 10 I would say 8.5 because people outside Syria need to know what is happening there to know what to do weather sending help, transferring money, food and water or helping military. On the other hand, fake pieces of news and rumors could be reported which I don't see as a big problem. I think it could be handled and solved.

  • I believe reporting about a news story can affect the news itself about a 8 out of 10. When reporting news stories, the purpose is to notify the police about problems locally, and depending on the news, globally. However, sometimes news reporters can relay the news in a biased way that may make viewers feel negatively. And because of that, it can make individuals believe news is worse than it really is. Or make them feel as though the news isn't as bad, even if it is serious. Also, news reporters can only speak on one side of the story and not allow the audience to understand the full situation.
    Some tips I would give Josie and Gregg about how to cover sensitive news stories like what's happening in Syria is to try and detach feelings and emotions from the news. Sometimes news stories can evoke strong emotions that can be seen when reporting and cause reporters to show their opinions and influence the viewers. However, always pay attention to your body language and tone. And don't add words or information that is not factual or is solely dealing with the topic. When reporting, there should always be room for the audience to have opinions on both sides of the story to give them an even chance to pick either side.

    1. Very interesting! What approaches would you recommend to try and detatch feelings from news stories? However, I don't really think that's possible. If you're adressing the issue of certain news stiring up drama, yes, that could be changed. But most of who will read the news will have some sort of personal relation to it. Therefore, I think we should not avoid to show feeling, but the feelings of the people who were affected by the story. I think it is essential to report objectively, but there has to some message in a news story. And mostly this can be achieved by showing some kind of feelings (of course not exaggerated) for the viewer to take a full grasp at a situation. And I agree with you: There has to be some room left for the audience to form their own opinions.

  • In my opinion, on a scale of 1 to 10, the effect of reporting a news story is a 7/10 in most cases, as news anchors (such as the BBC) help spread information and inform watchers. Furthermore, a large quantity of people may be informed about a news story for the first time, or they might learn something new about a story they already knew about. However, the most determining factor when it comes to how a news story can "affect" is predominantly predicted by your audience.

    For example, reporting news about Palestine/Israel won't have any effect; however, reporting it in the Middle East will. The same goes the other way around; if you report about Ukraine in the Middle East, the impact will not be nearly as much as in a place such as Europe.

    Additionally, the news is supposed to merely give you information so YOU can make a conclusion for yourself. The news is not supposed to give you "this is bad, this is good" type situations. So, the effect depends from person to person, time to time, region, economic status, social status, and much more.

    In conclusion, the news' effect on people can only go as far as its audience and target viewers. You won't exactly get traction by broadcasting the World Cup in North Korea, will you?

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I believe that the influence that news reports have on a news story is a solid 9. I say this because depending on the source, different reports and articles will use different wording and use different stories to inform the audience. No news source will have the same report as the other, leading to conflicting stories and lots of confusion. My advice to Josie and Gregg to cover the diplomatic and delicate news stories like Syria is to present only the facts, even if you don't agree with them, and take in the opinion of multiple citizens so that they're will be a variety of not only opinions, but different perspectives on the current situation. Taking in the opinions and interviewing multiple citizens is a great way to have diverse responses and not sound like you are only supporting or using stories from one side, leading to a story being less biased. Only stating the facts can help maintain objectivity throughout the news piece, helping your story to be easier to understand and not feel one-sided.

  • Based on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say news reporting has a 7/10 impact on the actual news story itself. It's especially important in cases like Syria right now, where it has been heavily damaged by war, because that extra pressure from the media can be the reason Syria starts to receive support and help. News reports like these also influence people watching them, because most of them can instill a sense of urgency or righteousness to support the cause. Many news reports have a call to action on the situation. However, not all people can immediately agree with stances news reports give, as people who already have radical views on the topic don't usually change their opinion situation, or some people don't feel the need for action.
    When covering sensitive topics like these, a good tip I would give to Josie and Gregg is to not instill their opinions when covering the news. This can muddy the information on the topic and lead to misinformed stances. Rather, giving their opinion afterwards can create balance and discussion without bias.

  • Yes recent news such as social media, websites, channels, and news papers.These sorts of media can impact how we see the world.Overall how these types of media are described we can see basically see what's going on in world from someones perspective.The person explaining might make jokes, comments, personal concerns.So news is a very important subject on how we see the world.We may also see what's going on I mean billboards, sponsors, and everything else will impact how we see the world from the perspective.

    1. Hi Bold Skill!
      I agree with you on media being a big impact in lots of peoples lives. I also want to add on and say that when a person sees something on social media or an advertisement, it can be persuasive and can cause a person to lean towards one side or be influenced by what they are being shown. When it comes to news reports it is something that no matter what should be trust worthy, but unfortunately that is not the case all the time. With there being so many people on social media everyday it is bound that news will be shown to users on certain apps like TikTok or Instagram. According to the National Center For Biotechnology Information, 88% of fake news comes from social media. This is very bad news because this in other words means, the platforms that so many people use on a daily basis is the one place where the most misinformation is spread. So what I trying to say is, it is news reports can be very impactful on someones views but it can be a bad thing if the news is false.

  • I can describe reporping a news as best as creatingnof an awearness or educating the public on what is really happening across the globe, therefore i will rate reporting a news story 8 out of 10, meaninig that it makes a great impact on how the people think conerninig a particular issue as well as how behave.
    Now using the syrian as an example, the news reporters are the ones to announce to the phblic on what is going in the country and remember that the citizens will only see what is happening from what the reporters has described to them, therefore, how we think or behave concerninig a certain issue is based on what we hear from the news reporters.
    Most often we get to hear of news whether near or afar, we can not travel all the times to the particular place of event all the time to confirm this, so we get to believe what we have heard from the reporters, you can now see that the reporters serves as an eye through which the people see what is happening and through what people have heard, people get to act on it.
    The news reporters plays an important role on how the people think or behave over an issue.

    1. You mentioned that people only know what is happening because of the news reporters. Do you think they have a responsibility to tell the full story, and what could happen if they don't?

  • Definitely it would make a very big change if the reporters are pressured to not describe everything for people , cut the important parts and share something which is totally beneficial for themself everything would be different . When the reporter want to report something there must not be any risk for them because the must report the reality people as well need to understand fact it is thier right , it is really unfair if they get risk just for making people understand .

  • As for me I give it one. News reports can make no difference whatsoever in the lives of Syrians because some might actually like where they are

  • I believe that on a scale of 1 to 10, an 8 would be a good measure on how much reporting about a news story can affect the news story itself. This is because as people tend to tune in to news channels, this may influence them to think a different way on this topic, changing their viewpoints as well as behaviors. However, there may still be people who are entitled to their opinion, making the news report seem indifferent. I presume that when reporting on certain subjects, such as the sensitive one on what is occurring in Syria Josie and Gregg are covering, they must be careful of their viewpoint. If they become prejudiced when reporting on a topic such as this, some viewers may then become offended, losing the interest of many. This is the reason Josie and Gregg must cover both sides of the topic, while using a variety of sources.

    1. Do you think people tend to listen to news more that aligns with their viewpoint or goes against the viewpoint? What are the benefits of both?

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I think the influence of reporting a news story is a 9. I believe this because when you report a news story you also gave your personal opinion. Most of the people when hear an opinion, they just believe it because people don't have a critical thinking anymore, if they heard something they just assume it is right. For example in my country there is this TV channel called Realitatea where they promote a candidate named Calin Georgescu. He is communist and supports Russia, but on this TV channel they only talk about he will make Romanian's economy grow bigger, how he will stop the inflation or create more jobs for people. These are just lies, however when people hear about this they actually believe it instead of doing more research.
    This is why I think news reporting is so influential because some people will just believe your side of the story and they will not want to hear the other one.
    A tip that I would gave to Josie and Gregg is for them to try to not give their opinion when they report a news story, so the viewer creates its own opinion and develop more critical thinking.

  • I think on a scale from 1 to 10, news reporting can make a difference of 9.5. This is because every news we see or read or listen is dictated by someone else's point of view and contains different perspectives and opinions of everyone and everyone is dependent on the news. For example their are 2 artical-
    1. Syrians are finally at democracy. The rule of assad regime is over after 12 years. The transition between opposite sides will lead the country to growth. The current president Al-Shaara is working hard for the rebuilding of the nation.
    2. The war is over but the damage is done. Has the Assad family accepted defeat? Will the transition be effective? The Syrians still have fear in their minds to know if it is safe.
    If these 2 news are delivered by 2 big news channels anyone would be confused on what to believe. I think on sensitive matters like this the news reports should not be biased and contain both side's point of view.

  • I think news can make a difference because it tells us what happening around the world like:
    1. Terrorism
    2. Stealing
    3. Kidnapping
    So, it tells us all these bad things and sometimes the news tells us the weather so that we can know what to wear for that weather so that we cannot become sick and sometimes it tells us how to avoid bad things like the things I listed above and it also shows the location of where it is happening

  • On a scale from 1 to 10, I personally would consider the impact of journalism a 7. Actually, reports are supposed to be written in an objective and neutral manner. However, I do not believe that this is really possible. Every journalist has an individual opinion.
    By focusing on the emotions of people or on the statistics, the way news is reported can have a profound impact on what the listeners or viewers think of a situation. This can be done by leaving out certain information or by going very deeply into detail.
    In addition, the usage of rhetorical devices can influence the public. Consequently, those terms receive more attention.
    Furthermore, people with a high level of authority are able to influence a great crowd. For instance, if any celebrity said the Earth was flat instead of round, even though scientists already refute this, I am confident many people would suddenly agree. Musk, for instance, stated that his gesture was not a Nazi salute. Personally speaking, this is not really convincing due to his support of the German right-wing party "AfD". Nonetheless, there are people arguing it was not this particular gesture. I am uncertain as to why this is not always regarded as the Hitler salute.
    If you do not agree with my standpoint, please let me know and reason yours. I would appreciate hearing different opinions.

  • Reporting about news story can definitely have a big impact on the news story itself, maybe around a 7 or 8 on the scale.News reports can change the way people think and behave by shaping their opinions and influencing there actions. when covering sensitive new stories like what's happening in Syria, Josie and Greg should remember to prioritize accuracy, empathy and fairness.they should strive to provide context, avoid sensationalizing the news and consider the impact their reporting may have on those directly affected. It's important to approach these stories with sensitivity.

  • On a scale of 1-10 I believe the impact on reporting about a news story is an 8.5 because although the news report will have a big impact on what the people know, the news report can also be biased. Meaning the reporter sees the world around them differently than what the people who live there see. The reporter can report on what the problem of the big story is but can't really include any evidence of how this story is affecting the people. A story that is biased tends to be offensive to some people whereas, another group of people may find it helpful and appealing. In conclusion I believe the impact of reporting on a news story especially with it being a sensitive news story like what's happening in Syria would be a 8.5 due to biased opinions and different points of views. A tip I would give josie and Gregg about how to cover sensitive news stories like this is to interview people of Syria who are willing to give their personal understanding and feelings in the situation. Then they would be able to appeal to both views of the public without offending the people.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I believe that the imapact of reporting about a news story is 9. I say this because each news story won't be the same without the aduiance. I thinks for Josie and Gregg on covering news stories like Syria include double check sources and information to avoid sprading misinformation, focusing on people interest stories that hightlight the impact of the conflict on ordinary people, to avoid entering dangerous areas and taking necessary cautions to protect themselves and to collaborating with local journalists, news story should not be biased.

  • Yes news can make a difference in Syria through the opinions of the public who influences government and others, so that the war in Syria could end and peace could be restored.

  • I would rank it an 8. News stories can completely shape our perception of things. Just based on the types of words used this can change the way we see things and this can be weaponised by the media to back the side they support instead of reporting properly without bias. There is also the problem of misinformation which is often falsely reported as truth by news outlets and is taken as truth by people, having a huge effect on the way people vote giving the media the power to influence politics easily. I think Gregg and Josie should cover stories like this based purely on facts without their bias. They can do this by giving readers a background story of all sides so readers can independently decide who they should support. This does not mean reporting good things about one side and bad things about the other but instead providing a summary about major news and facts about both sides. They should approach the conflict itself by explaining the prelude to the battles, the battles themselves and any additional information. This way they are not influencing peoples minds but instead giving the facts so people can independently form opinions.

  • On a scale of 1-10, I would rate the impact of reporting a 9. I think that news stories can be both positively and negatively impacted, depending on the point of view of the journalist who wrote it. A recent example of this is the L.A. wildfires currently happening in California. The majority of the press surrounding this story is very sympathetic towards all the people affected. A lot of people from all around the world have been donating and sending help and prayers toward California. Another example includes the Israel-Hamas War. Depending on the journalists political views, then the readers may receive different/twisted information. Some tips I would give Greg and Josie about covering sensitive news stories is to ensure that they are providing accurate information, as well as being empathetic towards people who may be revolved in the news story.

  • In my opinion, it can lead to an impact of 7 to 7.5 but before I say why I need to give some advice to Josie and Gregg that are :
    Firstly, being unbiased, when reporting about what is happening in a situation because their job is to only report facts without adding his/her own point of view even if the reporter agrees with another side .
    Secondly, it is better to include or give evidence from inside the situation such as recording a video or take photos of what is happening but if something happened, as Gregg and Josie said, and they couldn't enter because of the war, no problem to include only facts about time or even get facts from eyewitnesses to get the largest amount of facts you can get for example: on Monday, 27th of January at 8 am a huge explosion occurred in city centre mall that led to 5 deaths and 2 injuries .
    So my rate is 7 to 7.5 because unfortunately, some reporters are biased when telling a report. And also fabricate facts or exaggerate so audience or readers have types: the first one have not background information and if there is a war they only know there is a war so believes anything they hear or see, which is affecting negatively by being scared or changing sides with wrong evidences .
    On the other hand, there is a type that has much information about the topic by following a lot of reporters and thinks that fabricating or exaggerating in facts are disrespectful for his mind, so they doesn't follow this reporter again. So, the information the reporter says can change the thoughts of people or making them unsure of the reporter .

  • If journalists are pressured to report a story incompletely or only showcase parts that benefit them, this can make a huge difference. When the media report something, they must say full truth, not what they think is more beneficial. People have the right to know the reality, and if journalists are only put at risk to help better understand the truth, this is completely unjust. The media must bravely and responsibly convey the truth to people, even if it brings risks for them . For instance, news reports throughout story have been able to bring out significant changes. Media exposes about corruption or inequalities can push societies towards legal and social reforms. For example, exposes such as the Watergate scandal in the United States showed that media reports can lead to the political reforms. This shows that the media not only reports news, but can play a crucial role in social and economic changes . Also if media reports are pressured to only show what benefits certain groups, thus can cause serious damage to democracy and freedom of speech . Accurate and brave reports from journalists can led to public awareness and ultimately bring about positive change society . It is essential that journalists can transmit the facts to the people without distortion, without fear of political or economic threats. This is not only the duty of the media, but their ethical responsibility. Therefore, media freedom must be supported globally, and journalists must have legal and social support so that they can continue to report the truth even under pressure .

  • I think the news van have a big impact on the Syria 🇸🇾 war because if we donate money to the Syria people we can help the country to rebuild all the houses, schools, hospitals and lots more important buildings. This will help all the people to live a peaceful and happy life once again.

  • News reports can definitely make a significant difference, but their impact can be both positive and negative. The way news is presented can shape public opinion, and at times, mislead people because media outlets often report news in ways that serve their own interests or political agendas. While news should always focus on the truth, even if that truth goes against the interests of a particular country, this is not always the case. People have the right to be fully informed, even if the truth may be against their country’s interests. The problem arises when news reports distort the facts to serve political or economic motives, leading to a misunderstanding of reality. For instance, the war in Syria was initially reported as something beneficial for the country, promising stability and peace. However, this narrative was far from the truth. In reality, the war resulted in destruction, displacement, and the loss of countless lives. The way the media reported the war made many people believe they were fighting for a just cause, leading a significant number of individuals to join opposition groups. These groups, influenced by misleading reports, contributed to further instability and suffering. Misleading reports from media outlets like BBC and CNN created a false understanding of the conflict, which had disastrous consequences for Syria. While misleading news reports had harmful effects, media can also bring about positive changes when reported with honesty and transparency.

    1. How do you think the media can improve its coverage of conflicts like the war in Syria to provide a more accurate and balanced perspective?

  • Now I will continue my opinion here because there wasn't enough space in the previous text.

    News reports that are clear, truthful, and objective can raise awareness, rally support for humanitarian efforts, and even influence political decisions towards improvement. For example, when media focuses on humanitarian aid or military actions in a way that accurately reflects the true situation, they can encourage people to support policies that lead to peace and stability. However, it’s crucial that these reports also show the full scope of the consequences—both positive and negative—so that people can make informed decisions. In conclusion, news reports certainly have the power to make a difference, but this impact depends on how media outlets present the information. Responsible journalism, free from political manipulation, is essential for informing the public and shaping an informed, fair society. The media must deliver the complete truth, without hiding crucial details, even if it is uncomfortable. Only then can the media fulfill its role as a tool for positive change and social progress.

  • Referring on a scale of 1 to 10, I would range the importance of reports between 8 to 10. This is because reporting as we learnt from Josie and Gregg, has a huge impact on the minds of people as they get to see real time news and ground reports of how harsh conditions are, which may effect their perspective. Along with this, their is a bad side of reports, that being false ones. Reports can be helpful but the ones which are false might lead the readers into the wrong direction. Reports can change mind of people even at the last moment, For example in elections, 1 news report can turn the table.

    So one advice I would like to give to Josie and Gregg is to spread awareness regarding fake news and tell people to stay safe from such differentiating opinions.


    1. I agree with you that the news has a big role in the public view or perspective. It keeps people aware about local, national and global events, fostering awareness and understanding.
      News highlights cultural trends and social issues, impacting social trends and norms leading to behavioural changes in our society
      In essence news is a powerful tool which can be used to change worldviews and opinions.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10 , the impact that news reports have according to me , would be rated 8 since this news, depending on the coverage could either occupy a small, hidden, ignore column of the newspaper or turn into a big bold headline on the front page, such coverage not only tends to draw the attention of the reader but also helps them to better understand the depth of the situation, from a readers perspective a news in the small, side column might appear less important to me rather than a news on the headline, also the news report should be more focused towards empathy, compassion and support for the people amidst the crisis and should act like the conveyor of the truth and raise awareness, this would not only help the common man to connect to the situation bu can also give rise to a new campaign or donation for those in need. Some tips that I would love to give Josie and Gregg in order to cover sensitive news like that of Syria they should give a rather balanced report, conveying both the sides of the story equally and let the reader make up their mind. They should also try to keep their reports as simple and transparent as possible since the situations in Syria are often quite complex for an avid reader to understand and get that sense of connection also there must not always be too much of negative reporting regarding the situation since it could lead to people developing a certain stereotype regarding the place thus creating a feeling of uncertainty or even hate for the residents when encountering them .

    1. This is an interesting comment. Can you tell us where you did your research or got your points from? We want to know that everyone's work on the Hub is completely original, or that you can provide a source for other students to check out too. Thanks!

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say news reporting is a 7.5. News reporting does have a huge impact on our perspectives, but how to know if the news reporter has effected the audience that much? There are many factors that empower the person reporting the news to make them more convincing towards the audience, which allows the audience to get more motivated as they continue watching the news ,and perhaps change their perspective at the end. I think what could effect the audience utmost is the way of reporting the news, to create a vivid description of the actual story.

    As we all know, stories all around the world are reported, but have we ever thought if the news reported can seem irrelevant to some people? This makes it seem like a sort of bias According to one side . This could make people behave in a way that is against the news or stories reported as they may seem one-sided.
    I would like to give Josie and Gregg a tip, news should be reported in a completely neutral tone , especially if the case may seem quite sensitive for some people, this helps audience on both sides ( agree or disagree) feel equal and unbiased.

  • I believe that reporting dose make a difference because if you report people can understand more and even help on a scale from 1-10 I put the impact of reporting at 9 but if the impact was direct it would be a 10

    1. Clever_hummingbird - can you explain what you mean when you say "if the impact was direct"?

  • I feel like news reports could make a difference because they make people aware of what is going on in the world, and they can send things to help or say things to make more people aware of what is going on.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I believe that the impact of reporting about a news story is a 7.3. I believe this because each news story or article/story won't have the same perspective as others as everyone is entitled to their own opinion and free to express their views and or beliefs. This also impacts how the reader and or audience thinks of the situation and news as it depends on the authors of the news stories and articles he or she has seen and what the author believes or opinion. For these reasons, I believe a good tip to give to Josie and Gregg about covering sensitive news such as what's happening in Syria is to be more causes of giving off a wrong view on their perspective on the subject and keep their biases broad. Informing the audience and readers in such a cause of keeping the information as neutral to personal beliefs much as possible to keep the audience being influenced from being misinformed or told the situation as full as possible to keep from confusion or in inraging an audience member.

  • I would rate a 8/10 . To justify this I would give an example of an Bollywood movie “ The Sabarmati Report “ which represents the role of democracy’s 4th pillar media and reporting. This refers to a real life incident in India where the passengers in a train having their last ride . There are still many fake reports which tell that this was an accident but actually a group of people were involved in this due to some conflicts. The fake reports lead to criticism towards are honourable leaders even when they were not at fault. By this case we can understand that reports and media are a major resource to people and they can flip perspectives in fraction of a second.

  • I'd say 8/10 ..Reporting on big stories like Syria is very powerful. It can change how people think and feel. So, journalists must be careful. They must tell the truth, show all sides, and be kind. They must also keep people safe. If they do it right, they can help us understand and make things better!

  • In my opinion news can not make a difference because news casters can only tell what is happening in the country or in a particular area. I think news reports can not make a difference because not all people listen to news and news can not change the problem of the country.
    During the Assad regime, some people were imprisoned for speaking and they lost their freedom of speech.

  • In my opinion, new stories have a higher impact than we think, I would say 10. Since, there has been a civil war in Syria, media and new stories have had a heavier weightage than we think in shaping crowds opinions. This may have resulted in the increased aggression of civilians amongst themselves and media and new channels in reporting it all have played a pivotal role. Just as many adults rely completely on news channels and media for information. It changes peoples perspective and disallows them to use their brainpower to make a right decision.

  • A 9/10 is the perfect rating for the impact of a news report on a story. A news report is essential as it tells us the details and what exactly happened in the incident. There are number of individuals and groups which publish articles and reports on the same topic. But, the difference is that the reports may include different point of views which can change our thought process and allow us to think accordingly. Sometimes, even a single point in the report can change our agreement over a topic and we decide accordingly. So, I hereby would like to suggest Josie and Gregg that they cover each and every possible point and state all the positive and negative aspects of these kind of sensitive stories. This will allow the readers to think, keep their points and decide what is right. A one sided story may lead the readers to think only about one aspect of the story and agree on the wrong side.
    At last, I would like to conclude that a news report should cover all the aspects and let the readers decide, so that a write decision can be taken by the people to make the society promote justice.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10 I think that it's a 10 because you can earn a lot of new things on a news article because for example if you read a news article about wildlife you can learn about how a Tiger lives in lots of country's in Asia and say someone was talking about it you could tell them what you know about it.

  • I strongly agree with what the video represented. Being informed and having knowledge about everything that is happening in other parts of the world even though it isn't happening to you should be compulsory as it doesn't only open our eyes and makes us see the world in a different way, it also makes us take better decisions which is also really important for our country but most importantly for ourselves.
    Therefore, on a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate the importance of the impact of reporting about a new a 9. I can confidently say that I have investigated about news impact in people's life and ideas is an impact not much taken into consideration. For example, there are people who have grown surrounded by certain ideas pushed forward by the type of media outlet they consume.
    Elaborating on this idea, I would like to say that the majority of people are quite confident that everything that their reliable media outlet publishes and defends is always right. However if a different outlet media were to publish another idea that wasn't as theirs, they would defend the one that is reliable for them without even informing themselves.
    In my eyes, it is a necessity to always verify before talking about a piece of new and take into account also not taking away the importance of a report. Despite the danger the media can mean, being informed should be always a priority.

    Because of this and in my perspective, media outlet should be really conscious about the power they have and the impact they can provoke in people's ideas and even behaviours.

  • On a scale 1 through 10, I believe the impact of sharing or reporting about a news story around the world would be an 8.7. I believe this way because knowing what is really happening around the world can change a person's perspective about that certain place. Take me for example. Before I learned about something devastating, I thought South Korea was amazing! So much nice food, clothing, and more. Though, after learning about, "The Sewol Ferry Tragedy." I changed my mind about that. Looking and researching the information through news apps on Google, I wouldn't say amazing. Three-hundred four casualties out of the 476 people on that ferry, and 250 were students. The fact that the captain left those children to sink was horrendous. The worst part is, nobody but standby divers and citizens tried to save them, and they were unsuccessful. Not even their government. This truly changed my opinion about South Korea. Sharing this type of stuff could have a big impact on people. People may not want to visit. This could affect their economy. When travelers visit, they get money. Though hearing the negative side could decrease that money amount given by travelers by a lot.

  • I feel like having news reports about Syria will make a difference because if more and more people make news reports it can spread awareness about Syria around the world. If they spread awareness around the world people could try to help the rebels and refugees and so the people in Syria can get a better life. They could stop having wars, stop poverty in Syria and much more to help them.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10 I think the news reports impact 9/10. News reports inform people in the way that they see and act on how things are developed by the context they have. If all these crazy things and ideals leader Assad did and had where not posted, peoples reactions and protests will not have been existed like they were, big, disastrous and famous. Some news reports that posted events were being influenced by the government, thats why fake information that is being manipulated by the government, could change peoples ways of perception. With that being said, news impacts a countries economy, believes and social behaviors.

  • I believe that on a scale of one to 10 8.6 is the best answer for me to describe how much of an impact the news has. Within the news reports they can get people’s attention about what’s happening in your local area as of right now. For an example, when the snow fell this year in the south. Everyone immediately hit the news to see what was happening. Why or other things are happening in the local area. It is very common that after every major event we have such as school shootings, snow outs, or hurricanes everybody is very quick to run to the news. However depending on where you live the news can probably have a bad effect. For instance, in the beginning of the school year my teacher taught us that there is a country that where the news reporters are speaking their mind and discussing the local news the government got very upset with what they were saying to the point where they had to start using AI bots to ensure that none of their news reporters were injured. In the end, news reports can have both a different impact depending on the environment.

  • I think on the scale of 1 to 10, the reports can affect the news and people about 7 because as soon as people see about all the bad things that are happening around the world, they will feel sympathetic. However, they might also be happy if the reporting is about good news and something exciting that might happen in the future. The news impacts on the readers. For example some people might believe in something in the news and some people might not. This way, their voice will be heard from what they think. The news is kind of like topical talk as we can discuss our opinions however the only thing is that they don’t have an app where they can do this.

  • I would rate the impact of new reporting on a story around a 9 out of 10, especially in conflicts like Syria where media coverage does not just inform people, but it actually shapes events in that country. From the early days of the Syrian Civil war, the way it was reported influenced the world's reaction, whether it was other countries intervening, refugee policies or even how Syrians themselves saw the war.

    There is the issue of fake news and biased reporting, which has made the Syrian war one of the most misreported conflicts ever. Opposing sides in Syria have used the media to spread propaganda, almost as if it is being used as a weapon to make one side look like they are in the right and the other in the wrong. This makes it really hard to know the actual truth.

    Personally, I think that media is both a powerful tool and a dangerous weapon as it can expose injustice, but it also manipulates public perception which causes more conflict rather than resolving it. That is why I think that people should always question and actually research what they read, because news is not always the truth - it's someone's version of it.

  • I think a news reports does affect the readers on a scale of 8 because the news reporters can dramatise the story or not tell the complete truth. If a news paper was more dramatic then that article would cause more worry among citizens in Syria and readers across the world but also I believe people need to know the truth. Furthermore, news papers can easily change peoples minds I know this because when in our class we came up with titles regarding Syria the more sadder ones caused more diverse opinions and different views. I would advise Josie and Gregg to put there views through the people who are being affected by the article not just there views.

  • Ranging from 1-10, i'd rate the impact of reporting a news story a 7. I believe that its really important to inform people about the events unfolding in the world around us. I think they play a big role in shaping our views about the news and can manipulate our thoughts; so we cannot trust the resource entirely, we should rely on a balanced report which is an overview of all the viewpoints.

    And as for the tips, i think the news stories should highlight the solutions and what other people (like us) can do about the situation at our level. For example, like in the Israel-Palestine conflict, we can donate to reputable organisations to help Palestinians recover their loss.

    Transparency included, i believe the public should know about each and every detail whether we're unsure of it; its okay to reveal such information; like we don't know what is going to happen next but this might be possible and accurate. and maybe the news shouldn't include their opinion in the reports so that we can freely create our opinion on the story.

  • I would rate the impact of news reporting a 9 out of 10 because the way news is reported can change how people think , influence people and even affect what happens next . News can bring attention to serious issues and make government take action. For example , in Syria the way a news story is told can affect how people react to problem . If one side's problem is shown more, the people might support them without knowing the truth.

    To cover sensitive news story like Syria , journalists should stay fair and truthful by sharing the facts without taking sides. It is also important to use trusted sources and check , whether the news is true or not before reporting it. A good news report should tell different views , and include opinions of different people. Journalists should also be careful about their words , and think about how their words can affect people. News is very powerful and good reporting helps people understand the truth without spreading misinformation.

  • On a scale on 1 to 10, I think that if we used them in the right way, and there is a great involvement by the media, I think the impact can be a 10. Because news and projects like this festival make people know, about the situation of Syria. In my case I didnt know anythin about this conflict before of having our lesson in class, and this has sparked my interest and empethy for Syrian cytizens and refugees. So I think if news are spread in a good way, all of us can know about this problem, show empathy and to be able to contribute all our grain of sand, thanks to the information reicived through the news.

  • I would give news reporting a rating of 8.7 out of 10 because it has a great impact on society, changing people's views and opinions on different issues. News reports bring more attention to important matters and can change the public attitude. In this current generations, even small issues can become big issue by people , so reporters must be careful with how they represent the news.

    To Josie and Gregg, I would suggest focusing on important and deeper about stories, and issues in Syria. They should tell the public about what is happening, how it started, and give the solutions to solve the problem. And more careful to avoid spreading misinformation and to put full potential to reporting on major issues like Syria.

    News reporting has the power to change government decisions, especially when there is strong evidence. It can also encourage people to take action. news reports can affect industries and companies. If reports are telling poor-quality products, businesses can face many losses as a result. And finally news reporting has a good impact on public opinion and can bring the real changes in society.

  • In my opinion, on a scale of 1-10, I think that reporting about the news story can be about an 8. This is because news reporters and news stations like to change the story depending on how interesting it is. This is not for all news stations and reporters, but a lot to do. They do this for the audience to spread the false news. Some tips are to spread what actually happens, if it's quite sensitive and all scary, you could put a warning. Kids could be around, get scared, and tell their relatives, friends, and others about what they think happened and not what actually did.

  • News reports really can make a difference, not just to us but the evacuees who escaped from Syria. As they are not living in their hometown, Syrian evacuees barely know anything about their country. They must be so worried because their family are there as well as friends and citizens. So the only thing they can know what is going on in Syria is by newspapers and reports on technology. Newspapers will tell them a brief summary of the president on paper while they can also find out on a mobile phone or television whether everything is going well. Now that I have written down my point of view, I would say the impact is about 8 or 9 because it tells the 6.3 million citizens out of the country exactly what is happening. They need to know, it is after all their home country where they group and lived until the civil war. Meanwhile, citizens who are living in Syria also need news reports because their family might be in another country and something bad might be happening there and they must know if the person needs to rescue them or go live there or make them return. News reports are extremely important so let’s keep it going.

    1. I absolutely agree with your opinion, humble_elderberry. This is because we know that news reports can help everyone who was born in Syria. For example, evacuees can read newspapers or watch television programmes about what is happening in their hometown (Syria) and if they need to return or rescues their friends or family. Also, it is an immense help to citizens in Syria because they can know what his occurring in their families country, if there is a natural disaster or a new president has been elected and just lots of information. The only thing is that they don’t give very detailed reports so it’s hard to get lots of information. So I agree that the impact is an 8 or 9 maybe an 8.5. Your comment was amazing and it really links to my perspective. Thank you.

  • On a scale from 1 to 10 I believe that news reports have a 8.5/10 impact. Through their enticing language and ability to expose their content far past the place it was published, it is hard not to believe the things you see on the internet. The bias in media is undeniable and all types of people gather their knowledge from these exact sources. News reports are the foundation to many peoples research and, once an article has been put out expressing their view on the matter or spreading fake news, people who are less educated on the topic find it easy to adopt these views as their own. It is a constant domino effect and has continually proved to change the way people think. News articles are designed to be eye-catching and entertaining to read, they are not designed to spread reliable information.

  • on a scale of 1-10 I feel news reporters help would be a 5 as we may be able to change peoples views about refugees as at the moment some people may be classed as an illegal immigrant even though they were just looking for safety. I also think that in places like America with Donald trump as president we have seen that illegal immigrants have been taken back and I feel that is wrong as they may not be able to go home as it is not safe. We see this in Syria as even though there is a new president it doesn't ensure peoples safety as new problems may arise causing even more danger. I feel that people should be made aware of what the situation is like and be allowed the decision to stay were there settles as long as they are paying tax and helping with the economy or go back home if they feel safe. News reporters can help with this by spreading news about what life was like and why they had to move here in the first place and make people think about how they would if they had to move beck to a country that has just recently finished a civil war

  • On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate the impact of news report 7.5. Though news reports are delivered to us in hope of making us more aware and sympathetic about the people barely surviving in a post war country, there will always be a small group of people, who will ignore these circumstances and continue to live in their own world. An example of this was the anti vaxxer epidemic during the Covid crisis, these people continued to craft conspiracies of their own while the government attempted to keep the situation under control. What I'm trying to say is, no matter how factually correct or incorrect or even biased a news report is, the mere presence of these types of people is enough to rot the trust of people in news stories and instead believe the political claims made by their favorite celebrity or influencer.

  • Hello
    In a scale of 1 ro 10, for me the imapact of reporting about a news is 9 . On the first hand people should know about their own country first.. What's going on in their country.. So in this news plays a major role about making to know about their own country.. And i think that while reading news paper we can also develop our political knowledge. For example people's across the world might have known in Syrian there is a war happening through only news or newspapers.. And i give only 9 out of 10 because everyone we everyone don't have the same opinion.. And in social medias too we are getting some news.

  • I think a news 🗞️ article will make a 5️⃣ five in impact as many people read the daily newspapers , listen 👂 to it or watch the news 📰 meaning somehow with all of the damage done by the civil war still doesn’t stop 🛑 the media from opinionating people . Most of the time people believe anything that the media says even if it sounds ridiculous , which is why a five 5️⃣ . Bye please 🙏 comment below 👇 if you can 👌

  • In my views, news reports act as the major pillar of communication between the masses and the masters.
    Maximum adults including the young natives depend on new channels for source of information. These statistics presented by the NEWS CHANNELS could shape their perception single-handedly. This could furthermore be resulted in the wrong news reporting to the audience. In my say, it has a profound impact undeniably and I would give it a 10.

  • in my perspective, 8 is a reasonable rate because news has a way of letting you know what is happening all around and even if you don't know what is happening either friends and people around will let know that something is going on and in that case people all around the world will know and will be concerned about what is happening for example what is happening in LA and Syria. When people know, they can find a way of supporting you. Another good aspect about news is that when people are aware about something using the case of Syria, many asylums fled to different countries and those countries welcomed them but imagine if they were not aware of what is happening in Syria, they wouldn't have allowed them in. So these are my reasons for saying that news has a good impact on the news story itself.

  • I think that news reports can have a major impact on the Syria war because there can help help donate to all the people living in this tragedy so all the safe countries can donate to them this will help them to get all the things they had but lost like there house, hospitals, and lots more important builds. I also think that news reports can have a massive impact on the war because it awaits where’s us what is going on over there, and when we here about it we can try to help them to rebuild there country and help them to get all the medical supplies, food supplies, water supplies and the suff they need to live a happy and healthy life once again. Thirdly I think that news reports can have a big impact because the safer country’s are a where of the war so we can offer to have them in the safer countries until there country is safe and secure again.

  • On a scale from 1 to 10 I think 8.2 as it can help others do things to prevent it from happening again like the melting ice caps in Antarctica. We can prevent these by reducing carbon emissions.
    The Syria 🇸🇾 people are not being told what is going on the news about them after the civil war.

    The Assad regime is not a good regime.

  • The way news is reported indirectly influence how events unfold. it shapes public opinion affect government decision and even alters the behaviour of people involved on a scale of 1 to 10 its impact is easily and 8 or 9 especially in crisis like war or humanitarian disasters a well reported story can bring attention to overlocked issues drive support or put leaders to act but there is a down side. missinformation can escalate conflict biased coverage can disord reality and sensationalism can reduce real suffering to Just another headline that's why good journalism isn't just about facts it's basically about telling the truth responsibly without making things worst.

  • On a scale 1 to 10, I believe that the impact of reporting about a news story is a 5. There has, and always will be propaganda. Many news stories are tweaked a certain way to reach a certain audience. The tone of voice, the aspect they focus on, and the visuals used will all affect how the audience feels. Whether sympathy, outrage, or simply indifference. However, people will always have their own beliefs. It is in our nature to believe what WE want from a situation. The propaganda only adds fuel to our beliefs, solidifying them. Now, with our strong opinion, the news spreads from person to person creating a biased form of news spread throughout society. It is an unstoppable loop, even if we were to have unbiased news, even if we use REAL news considering all points of views... it is undeniable that people will remain with their beliefs. We're humans, we have different ideas, different points of views, different ways of interpreting, etc. Despite all of this, I would still recommend that Josie and Gregg, as well as any other reporter of any sort, to provide unbiased news. I would also recommend that they get many points of views not just one, as well as report the WHOLE story not just a snippet. At the end of the day, providing people with the REAL and honest news will give the people a real understanding of the situation, even if some are still swoon by bias.

  • Hi everyone, as Josie mam said it is important to document what is happening on Syria but it is extremely hard for the journalist to report. But they have to take risk and monitor and report, its like "face the bulld by the horns", and Gregg sir told that if Syria one to recover it need billion dollars but no other country is coming front to give that amount thinking that Syria won't be able to give it back, and due to heavy conflicts and chaos and unstable environment, loss of power and control of the government but we need to make them believe that Syria recover and form a proper Government and give back there money without fail .

  • On scale of 1 to 10 I believe the impact of the style of reporting on the news story is 9. If a news story is biased, it will affect how the people think of it. The spread of fake news is a big problem in the world right now and the impact of this is that people start believing things that are not true. Presenting the story from different angles gives people a better understanding of the world. Personally, I like to read and watch news stories that are balanced arguments because I can learn much from this.
    If a news reporter says things about the country which isn't true then our problem arrives; the country that the journalist is reporting about might get angry and worst case start a war. Also the news company might get into trouble for letting someone post a biased story in the daily newspaper. There can be backlash in social media and even lead to riots.
    The situation of Syria is so sensitive that journalist have to think carefully about how they report the past, present and future so the world can make a sensible decision.

    1. Interesting thoughts - can you think of an example of a fake news story that has been spread, and the impact this has had.

      1. An example of fake news is the riots that happened in the UK of summer 2024. A man had done a very bad crime and he was sent to prison for 52 years but what made the riots start was the spread of fake information on social media.
        It was posted that the man was an asylum seeker ( which isn't true ) and it made many people who looked at the post think that all asylum seekers were bad and would do evil deeds. So they made gangs on social media and on the 30 of July they attacked many places where asylum seekers stayed committing arson and other crimes.
        The impact that this had was that many people started to believe fake things about asylum seekers. Also, lots of asylum seekers have had their homes destroyed and have felt like they don't belong in England.

  • In the scale of 1 to 10, I believe the impact of news reports is a 10. News reports can change the public opinion by inspiring action, share important information and change how people think.

    For example, news can inspire action. If there is a conflict, news might show only one side in a positive light while focusing on a negative of the other. This can convince viewers to support one side. News also can help by sharing important updates, like during the COVID 19 pandemic . News reports provided information on how to protect ourselves and the latest updates, which made a big difference in keeping people safe.

    News reports can also change how people think. For example, in a war between two countries, news from one side might be biased, presenting their country as good and the other as evil. This can influence how viewers see the conflict.

    In conclusion, news reports have a huge impact by changing how we act, think and what we believe about important issues.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I think it's 9 because news reports has a ability to make a really good impact if they provide the right news with elaborated content, so that the people can connect really well to the problem and has a chance of taking initiatives that help solve the problem. Also it has a ability to change other's perspective and if it's in the right way, it helps us to fight together in a same perspective for a common cause (ex: conflicts in syria). Also, if it covers the thoughts of the people who suffered in that war can help us to know that the conflict is serious and it's in need of taking some actions.

  • I think they can and sometimes can't because telling someone about it can help but some people have no heart and wont help

  • Yes, I think that news reports can make a difference. This is because when bad reports are constantly given about certain groups of people that do not uphold the standard of the nation in public, it could cause them to get embarrassed and focus on making a positive difference, instead of a negative one. Another way the news can make a difference is by advocating for different things such as;
    1. Advocating for freedom
    2. Advocating for the right to vote
    3. Advocating for education
    4. Advocating for right to people speech
    5. Advocating for social justice
    If this things can be done and heard through the news, there will be an overall improvement on the society and its people.
    Thank You!!!

  • From my point of view, I would give it around 8.5 to 9 because the media has the power to change society’s opinions and thoughts. How we see the things matters a lot. In today’s generation, people will change small issues to big issues . For example, in our state of Tamil Nadu, there was an incident involving TTF Vasan, a famous bike rider, who was involved in an accident. The news make it into a major issue, and a result, is government canceled his license for 10 years. This shows how media reports can change the individuals life. News reporters need to be very careful when spreading important news, as they might try to avoid spreading misinformation that could harm society.

    I would advise Josie and Gregg to get deeper research into societal issues, especially in regions like Syria. There is still we are not getting of detailed information about what’s happening there, and if they can explain these issues in a well deeper and clear manner, and give solutions. it would be more benefits for their audience. Lastly, I would like to make a small request to news reporters: please be careful about spreading misinformation that could harm society and individuals life .

  • On the scale of 1 to 10 I would rate a 9.5 out of 10 as basically everywhere around us we have the radio and the news, you can watch the news anywhere you can watch it on your radio or the TV or your phone or your laptop. Anywhere you want and yes it gives people hint of what's happening in the world right now and how horrible it is when people are listening to this they can even form parties to debate on whether they agree or disagree with state when other people give it's a really good way to experience how you feel and what your opinion is and I think That the news can spread a word and maybe even some people can help. We need Syria to be safe and become normal again because we need to make the world a safe environment.

  • News coverage doesn't just report what happens, because media coverage can shape public opinion, influence political decisions, and even unify whole countries. On a scale from 1 to 10 for me its importance is a 9.

    I think news is like a mirror that not only reflects reality, also has the power to create change. When a crisis is reported widely, it can light a spark in people’s hearts, inspiring people to come together and take action. Today stories spread quickly, turning local issues into global conversations. This means that a single well told story can motivate millions to help, protest, or simply rethink their views.

    Responsible journalism is key here. When news is reported with honesty, it informs us and can even bring us closer together. It can show us that behind every headline are real people with real lives. By using personal stories, the news can inspire empathy and make us be in their shoes.

    I think Josie and Gregg can make a difference by being careful and clear. In conflict zones, it’s easy for certain voices to dominate the narrative, so they should make an effort to include perspectives from different people, especially those directly affected. By giving a voice to citizens, workers, or local journalists, they can make us see a real picture of what’s happening.

    At the same time, while its important to cover serious problems, they should go further and highlight stories of hope and love to show that, as Dumbledore said in one of my favourite books "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.".

  • In my opinion, I would say that the effect of how a new story is reported on the actual new story itself. So on a scale of 1 to 10 on how much of an effect the way you report a new story is an 8 or 9 out of 10. I say this because from the news, you can cause a ripple effect just from people seeing how a new story is shown which is also affected by the language they use. For example, sometimes police departments will need to find someone who is wanted for a crime and need to lead them into a place, or even scared them out of hiding. So to do this they might use the news to their advantage, and display pictures and small bits of information they have about this criminal to scare them or feed their egos so they attempt to commit crime, but get caught in the act. On the other hand, the police can also use the news to get civilians to be on the lookout for things much like this. This same thing can not only go for criminals, but regular new such as rapid changes in politics (such as ones Syria has had/having), natural disasters, and overall changes in the country that might heavily effect the citizens of it.

  • Yes news reports can make a difference because most countries think that Syria is still under the rule of Assad the former president of Syria. other country don't want anything concerning them with Syria .So if the news of Syria would change countries who allow Sylvia stay in their hometown and Syria will be happy ,because most Syrians have gone to other countries that is becoming refugees in other countries because of the crisis in Syria so if the new change they will be able to stay there I live their life happily

  • On a scale of 1 to 10 I would say it has a 9 of impact, from my point of view I believe that social media can make a great contribution to the issue of the war in Syria. In the politial as well as in the social the social spheres the media can convey a message to millions of people, it can move people as well as countries. Just by showing real images of what is happening and promoting donations for the refugees. Another support thaht the media can provide is a union btween countries in order to rescue all the people who are suffering in Syria. In the world we are there to help each other and the media is a way to cummunicate on a large scale, they are there to inform us of important things and from my point of view this issue can harm the lack of emphathy in the human race. Today for them tomorrow for you.

  • I believe that it would be roughly a 9 because it shares awareness and gives another persons opinion on it too. The way they phrase it can also make others feel and think about the topic even if they werent before hand. News reports share storys that need awareness and need thought and it does just that so i think they have strong impacts on the workd and peoples thoughts.

  • News reporting can have significant impact on the events it covers, potentially shaping public perception, influencing policymakers and even affecting the actions of those involved in the story. On a scale of

    1. It was sent by mistake. Sorry for the inconvenience.

      News reporting can have significant impact on the events it covers, potentially shaping public perception, influencing policymakers and even affecting the actions of those involved in the story. On a scale of 1 to 10, the influence of media could be rated around a 7 or 8, depending on the context. Coverage of conflicts like Syria, for example, can bring international attention to humanitarian crises, drive diplomatic responses and shape narratives that influence public opinion. However, the media must be cautious; sensationalism, misinformation or biased framing can distort realities on the ground. For journalists like Ms Josie Delap and Mr Gregg Carlstrom, covering such sensitive topics requires a commitment to accuracy, deep contextual analysis and ethical considerations. By rigorously verifying sources, providing nuanced perspective and amplifying local voices, they can contribute to a more comprehensive and thoughtful understanding of the situation.

      In conclusion, news reporting has a powerful influence on the events it covers, shaping public perception, policy decisions and even the actions of those involved. While media coverage can bring much-needed attention to crises like Syria, it must be handled with care to avoid misinformation or harmful biases.

  • In my opinion, I would give a rating around 8 to 9. In today's generation, news reports are giving more impact on society, and people often make small issues into issue. News reports have the power to change public opinion, but sometimes reporters gather disinformation about society and individuals. One major issue in our country is the spread of disinformation, which can cause more impacts and harmful things.

    For example, in India, misinformation about the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) of 2019 is a big protests and violence, Indian government giving result over 50 deaths. This highlights the dangers of misinformation, as news can change people's opinions in an instant.

    I would give some tips to Josie and Gregg to provide more information in-depth coverage, as there are still many people who don't fully understand the issues, like the situation in Syria. They should explain how the problem started and give possible solutions. If we can address the issue of disinformation, our country could become one of the best in the world.

  • Isn't it great to read spiced news articles while having a cup of tea? Is it less than any thriller movie? The credit for this spiced touch should be given to journalists like Josie and Gregg. This sometimes becomes the reason for change in people's perspective and mindset which enables them to judge and give their decision on the news story accordingly.
    Hereby, I want to say that an 8 out of 10 will be a perfect rating for the impact of news report on a news story. This is because a news report with the help of journalists, beholds the power of changing the mindset and agreement of thousands of people on a particular topic at a single time. The different aspects, different points of view and maybe the emotional connection of the report may directly trigger the person's mind and persuade him/her.
    Often, a single news story is published by several journalists in different reports which make people take different decisions and have different perspectives.
    Hereby, I would like to suggest Josie and Gregg that they cover all the points of the news story and make it more interesting so that people take interest and can have their points of view and decisions.

  • According to me the news reports can make changes in country Syria. If news reports write the news on country Syria might other country help them and the problem in Syria will spread all over the world and every one of other country may help them by food water medicine etc .

  • I would say news reports can have a big impact, maybe around an 8 out of 10. News is powerful because it can change the way we see things and how we feel about them. The way a story is told, what details are shared, and even the words reporters use can really affect how we think. For example, if the news only talks about sad or scary parts of a story, it might make us feel worried or upset. But if they also show the good things happening, like people helping each other, it can make us feel hopeful and maybe even want to help too.

    I think news is even more important now because we hear about things all the time, especially with social media and news channels on all day. If the same story is told in different ways, it can make people feel different things, sometimes even confused or angry. So, news reporters have a lot of power to change how we feel and what we think about a story.

    That’s why I think it’s really important for reporters to be careful with how they tell the news. They have the chance to help us understand what’s going on, and how they tell the story can make us feel sad, happy, or even ready to do something to help. It’s not just about saying what happened—it’s about saying it in a way that helps people understand and maybe even do something good.

    Do you think reporters should be extra careful when telling sad stories, or do you think it’s important to show everything, even the tough parts?

  • I think the effectiveness of of new reporting is a 9. I think this because the impact the situation can have on people upon hearing it is larger than expected. I also believe by spreading the tragedy people will act upon themselves and do good by making donations or as even small by telling someone else.

  • I would surely give around 8 to 9 points for new reports. because news has a great impact on shaping people's opinions. It provides valuable information about society. however, sometimes reporters are gathering and spread misinformation, which can negatively affect individuals and society at large. In today's generation, small issues are converting into big issues . and if reporters are spreading inaccurate news, it can have deeper consequences.

    For example Gujarat riots issue in 2002, where some media has spread biased and incorrect information, leading to communal tensions. Unfortunately, such incidents have happening in many places around the world. Reporters must be very careful when collecting information and should have a strong evidence to support their reports in any difficult challenges .

    Governments also put some restrictions on reporters, which limits their freedom to report. However, I would give tips to Josie and Gregg to focus more on important news like ,situation in Syria. They should provide news about causes of the conflict and give potential solutions, providing more creative and different news .

    News reporting has immense power to influence society, both positively and negatively.

  • Hello,
    I think that reporting can make a big difference which is 10 because as we know there are still some people who don't know about what is happening in Syria so this helps them know and take actions. But it depends on the style of the report, for example, if the report is really informative and full of useful informations that helps them to understand what is happening, the impact will be 10, of course. But if it is boring and full of unimportant details, the impact will be 0 not even 1.

    However, we still must say that reports have a huge impact because until now many people are affected by them. According to the research I did, reports affected most of the people but there is no specific number but I also knew from this research is that there are millions of people affected by reports.

    To conclude, I believe that reports can make a big difference.

  • In my opinion, on a scale from 1-10 I believe the impact of reporting about a news story is a 7. To spread a message about something raises awareness and eventually more people will realise and understand the issues within a news story. I strongly believe that the people of Syria should know what is going on within their country and the other countries around them- whether that is from journalists within Syria or journalists from around the globe. I think what we need to keep in mind though is not to jump to a conclusion.

    This is due to the fact the way the Syria people have suffered already and any wrong decisions due to irrational thinking or choice making will just make the situation worse. Not only is it the people, but like mentioned in the video, there are many roads that need restoring almost as if the country may need a full reset.

    Reporting more about this allows the people of Syria to be entitled to their own opinions and believe what they think is right. For example if one journalist makes a claim or states their opinion, it can really shape and influence many people including the Syrian people. This will then lead to change and this change can either be good or bad.

    The articles shouldn’t be biased and should remain neutral to avoid any criticism and negative comments as this would just lead to more chaos and the country would consequently suffer as a result.

    The tip I would give Josie and Gregg is that whilst stating facts, they should state their personal opinion and views as I think that is what matters most and will have the biggest influence on people

  • I believe a 9 or 1o would be appropriate, due to news changing the way we think, and helps spread news across the world. for an example, one persons most trusted new website using their opinion on news, could shape the said persons perspective. news reporters are very brave, especially when reporting in a country that doesnt typically allow forms of article or public news around them. like, when people do news for russian, cuba, ect. i belive those are brave people, due to the government and news surrounding those countrys.

  • Hello! On a scale from 1-10, I believe that the impact of reporting about a news story is a 7. I think that when someone or something, is showing a news story or facts about a certain topic, this acts as a silent influence to what people think about certain problems in the news. Although everyone is entitled to have their own opinion, when you read or listen to the news, you can view what others think about certain topics which might change how you feel or think without you even noticing. This also impacts how certain people may respond to different news stories. If a certain government leader sees a news story about their country, they may take action to fix the problem or target the person who made the comments. When Josie and Gregg are covering certain sensitive topics, I think they should really focus on the impact that it may have on others. I feel they should share their opinion, but also reflect on others to show how problems are affecting the entire world. In addition, I don't think they should make their news stories biased or targeted to keep fairness and respectfulness in line. In conclusion, news stories and reporting s have a large impact on what people think about problems as well as what people do in response to these stories.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say 8 for when news reports can make a difference or not. I say this because if it weren't for any news reports, I would not know much about things going on around me. Same goes for Syria. I wouldn't have known anything about the rule, or the refugees, or anything. If other people can see this type of news reports, it's almost certain that at least someone will take action. For example, they could start a fundraiser to donate to Syrian refugees or something in that nature. However, news reports can also spread false information and the stories could be biased or one-sided. As an example, news reports could show only what people who have left Syria feel like, not the people are still in Syria, scared for their lives. This can impact the amount of information that other people get.

    1. Thanks for sharing your views, what other sources of information do you use to understand what is going on in the world. Do you trust these more or less than news reports?

  • I believe this is a 10 simply because it can easily change people's perspective on certain topics. Due to this they have a lot of power in the community sharing their personal opinions and connecting to the people watching them. Though not everyone has the same opinion regarding the situation in Syria but it's easy to connect with the audience watching them. Some tips I would prefer to give them is to give information but also and some emotion to really get the feeling of the situation involving Syria. But overall, this was explained and spoken well and in the future I hope maybe they would consider my advice.

  • On of scale of 1 to 10, I believe that reporting about a news story can affect the news story itself around a 8.7. I believe this because I know and understand that news reports can give and make a huge impact on people around the globe and shine a specific spotlight on these certain topics as a whole. News reports can change the way people think or behave because they can help them further understand certain problems or issues that they couldn't understand before. Within Syria, I think news being broadcasted would make a difference majorly. I feel that the news will give Syria the help, support, and light to show that they do need help and it could make a huge difference.

  • Reporting a news story does a lot about the popularity of it. To be more specific, sometimes reporting things, can help it reach more people. Sometimes, this causes groups or masses of people to come together and donate, or push for something they support. Due to this, I would say that it would at least be a 9.5. News reporters can have a massive impact on the popularity of the knowledge on a topic. Having such an impact on things can change the course of almost anything and create a turning point.

  • Out of 10, I would give news reports around an 8.5 rating. News reports have the power to change people's thoughts and can create awarness in society. However, some reporters spread disinformation and fake news, which can negatively impact individuals and society as a whole. Content creators sometimes have harmful minds, constantly spreading negative news about individuals, which only adds to stress and depression. For example, even Elon Musk has faced struggles with his businesses, such as SpaceX and Tesla, as well as his personal life, due to the negative media coverage.
    As a result, many people are beginning to view news reports badly and avoid watching them altogether. Reporters should realize that they have a huge responsibility to provide accurate news that reflects society fairly. Like Misleading or harmful reports can have significant consequences. Therefore, reporters should have strong evidence to back up their stories, making their reports more stronger.
    I would give advice to Jossie and Gregg to delve deeper into their reports and focus on spreading valuable content that benefits society. They should also take extra care when reporting on sensitive reports, such as what’s happening in Syria.
    News reports have great power worldwide, so creators should be focus and responsible when publishing news. If they follow these methods, they will earn respect in society.

    1. How can news reporters ensure that their reports are accurate and responsible, and how should they handle personal accounts that may offer different perspectives?