accurate_chocolate has not published standpoints yet. Comments by accurate_chocolate Comment Post Date When the government is made up of elderly people, it makes the political community benefit from... Older or younger lawmakers? 24/11/22 Indeed, it is not easy because that requires studies and experts in this field, but this can be... Expert challenge: who owns space? 24/11/22 I agree because... Yes, this is a problem that causes many problems, due to the large amount of... Who is responsible? 24/11/22 I disagree because... This is what I meant when a person is well off, he is able to buy clothes... Who is responsible? 24/11/22 Commenting on your question, most of the time we notice the presence of food in the trash bins... Expert challenge: what could you do? 24/11/22 The truth is that hunger is one of the catastrophic issues in our lives. Hunger is the worst... Expert challenge: what could you do? 22/11/22 I disagree because.. The idea is that if a person is able to constantly buy clothes, this is... Who is responsible? 22/11/22 Certainly there are other obstacles, the most important of which is the lack of oxygen in space,... Money, money, money! 21/11/22 In fact, the amount of 450 thousand dollars is a very large price for a ticket to space, as this... Money, money, money! 21/11/22 Why or who pays this amount for a "ticket" Money, money, money! 21/11/22 I'm not sure about this because Considering what you wrote at the bottom of the post about... Who is responsible? 21/11/22 From a religious perspective, God is the one who owns space, but from a scientific perspective,... Expert challenge: who owns space? 18/11/22 Why can't we just share? In my opinion, every person in our world provides enough food, because... The food crisis: why can’t we just share? 18/11/22 Should workers get enough wages? In fact, all workers must receive salaries sufficient to... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 18/11/22 Ithink,We or anyone outside of Iran should speak on their behalf, because the government forbids... Iran: Should people speak out? 17/11/22 Are young people politicians? My answer is yes, because the youth in our society are what is... Are young people political? 17/11/22