Are young people political?

If you did this lesson in class, you would have discussed the BIG QUESTION for ‘US midterms: are young people political?’

This topic’s BIG QUESTION is:

Are young people political? Why or why not?

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  • Are young people politicians?
    My answer is yes, because it must be because young people are the force of the future, and they are considered the mainstay in the progress and construction of every society. He urged others to actively participate in his progress.

    1. I disagree because it's like a 50/50 or 40/60 because young people these days are very distracted by other stuff like games and school, and home. While young people are also ignorant and less experienced than older people, so they aren't very used to stuff like politics etc. But sometimes the young people grow up in an environment for this type of stuff so they end up very political which probably passes on to their kids. The probability of this type of stuff is around 30-27% chance and a 59- 60 when they get older. In conclusion their are at least a equal amount of young people who are political and those who are not.

      1. Do you think adults get distracted by things too? What do you think the biggest issues for young people are compared to adults?

    2. Well i disagree, because young people don't focus on things like that. Young people are usually online in there free time. Young people tend to push things like that aside. Not to mention, young people only vote 51.4 % of the time. Now that is a good percentage, but that still means that 49.6% of young people are not voting. What are those 49.6% of people doing? Also 49% of young americans aging from vote for the presidential elections. That also means that 51% of young americans are not voting for the president. Even though the president will run their country.

      So in conclusion, i do think that young people can be somewhat political but i just think that older people (people 30+) are overall more political than young people.

      1. I disagree because... I do not think that the elderly are more experienced than the young. It is possible that the elderly may develop Alzheimer's, diabetes, heart disease and other diseases that may lead to death and this can reduce the experience that they have

    3. I disagree with you agreeable_dusk. I don't think young people are political. In the world today,youngsters engage more on social media activities and are not really interested in politics.

      1. What evidence do you have to back this up?

        1. I generalized my opinion to my school populace. In my class we are 75 and we engage more on social media talk than political talk. For example the news of the popular artist who lost his son was the main discussion in my class and the national elections in my country are coming up next year but we don't hear anything about it in my class.

          So this proves we aren't into more of political activities.

          1. A frustrating circumstance I'm sure @compelling_interaction.

            How would you see we encourage young people to engage in political activities? As I am sure you know, politics and social media are increasingly interwoven. If you observe that your peers engage ever more in social media could this also mean they become more political?

    4. I agree because... young people are the force of the future ,and they are considered the mainstay in the progress and constructing of every society is actu true according to the comment..

    5. I agree because I'll give you a little example. Many of us have older brothers. When parents are busy , away from other children . then the older son playing many roles in the family; He takes care of his brothers, takes care of the house when his parents are absent or sick, caters for the various needs of the house, and takes full responsibility for the family's burdens and many difficulties. He is the first to practice parental policy. And he manages to drive the house so beautifully and perfectly. This is the case for young people who hold political office or have political responsibilities. I think they will play an active role. They are the symbol of enthusiasm, renewed energy, activity, ambition and creative ideas.

      1. This is s good example of young people taking responsibilities.

    6. I agree with u that young people are the force of the future and they are politicians but not all of them and some of them are politicians but they dont know how they act . And i want to shed lights on something in your comment that if the state did not encourage them to take responsibility and provide them with what is necessary to carry out their duty, which is of no use to them .

  • Politics is the base and strength of any given country. Politics acts like pillars of a country and if those pillars are broken then a country wouldn't exist.

    To make the pillars strong the young people of the country needs to be political.

    According to me yes young people are political. In most of the Democratic countries families are always discussing about politics on the dinner table like what are the pros and cons of a particular government? What all things have they changed in the society? Which party should we vote in the next elections?This thing makes young people more interested in politics.

    Moreover If we cast our eyes over the crowds that gather at protests , look at some movements like black lives matter and watch students all over the world strike for climate change. We will get to know that the young people are political.

    I feel that the young people are more in tune with politics online than in real life. They’re not disengaged with political issues, they’re just disconnected from the system.

    1. Yes i agree they are politcal after 18 years they should be able to vote and aslo when you siad you people are more in tune with online then in real life your right people nowdays often use the internet instead of real life so they can share their ideas and get a better understanding.

  • I would say that this question goes both ways because the young people of this current generation are two minded they can choose to be political and then choose not to the next time they are asked. Another factor could be that some young people became political due to peer pressure, like no one wants to feel left out in their friend group and if your friends majorly talk about politics, a person could be pressured to learn about politics such that they can fit in with the rest of the group.

    1. Of people born in the late 1990s and early 2000s say thry are in volved in a social cuase all believe young people influence how the world creates and changes

    2. I agree because... The youth can influence each other to either be political or non-political.The youth have a role to
      play in politics to either bring votes to the party or not to bring votes to the party.If I were a leader i would focus on the youth in order to win and also make an impact on them to create a change in them which would be reflected in the society.

  • Yes in my opinion ,young people are political because in schools democracy is exercised to show students that their is freedom of expression where by student contest for different posts like here in Uganda at my school St.Andrew Kaggwa Gombe high school ,we are allowed to be political through electing leaders of our choice so meaning that young people are political

  • yes, i think young people are political because now days at schools,some students decide to take on posts like headgirl,head monitors,dormitory leaders.These first carryout campaigns to look for voters and this is done by using convincing words to their fellow students,some use gifts to soften the hearts of the voters,others design posters with thier desiring words like ''VOTE FOR PEACE, VOTE FOR CHANGE".

    1. Hey Polite Football, do you think the exposure of politics and voting inside of school makes young people more interested in politics outside of school - such as following your own country's politics or even the international political situation?

      1. Yes, I think exposure to politics and voting inside school makes young people interested in politics because they get to learn how the campaigns are help and how the general elections are organized. They also enjoy to see that the person they supported won and this makes them get interested and later even get involved in the country's politics.
        But the good thing is that by the time they leave school they will have known how the election process takes place. That's why you realize that young people have the best ideas when it comes to politics. They can make decisions that would help to develop the country and it won't be hard for them because they know how to handle the people of this generation since they are socially influential with everyone.
        But there are also more chances of them making mistakes because some of them are careless and playful. That's why if they are to come into leadership they should also have an older person to guide them because older people are wiser and have more experience in politics and if that is done the young people won't make many mistakes with their guidance.

  • There is a group of young politicians and there is a group of non-political youth because young people have a major role in building the future. Young people are an indispensable group and have the ability to bear

  • Are young people politicians?
    My answer is yes, the youth must participate politically, because the youth stage is the stage of giving and creativity, and this creativity and giving is a precious revolution that cannot be compensated. Young people can change society. Therefore, they are the ones who make the future. Involvement in politics is the low level of culture among young people, and engagement occurs for many reasons, including many of the pressures they are exposed to, whether family or social.
    Young people also represent a large proportion of society. They are the crown of the nation and the main effective and vital driver in all political, humanitarian, economic and cultural fields. They are the ones who reform and change their societies for the better. Youth are the present that makes the future. Understanding the mainstay in the progress and construction of every society. There are many examples of people leaders Including Napoleon Bonaparte and Yasser Arafat and others.

    1. I agree because the fact that we are allowed to offer some certain subjects like government which broadens our scope about politics makes us politicians and even also with the influence of the social media has given us various platforms to express our opinions. In my country there is an Instagram page that gives room for youths to run for political positions and act like they are in charge for some period of time.

  • Yes, I think they are politicians because after the reduction of the age of nomination to 25, the percentage of political participation was increased, which led to development in the economic and political fields, and because of the issuance of the United States resolution "International Year of Youth" in 1985, young people have the right to make decisions and have the right to participate in politics, which gave them opportunities to influence various aspects of life, which led to the development of society

    1. Very interesting point Storytelling Cherry, do you think that reducing the age to vote from 18 to 16 would further influence young people's impact on the development of society for the better?

      1. I don't think so, I think lowering the voting age to 16 will have bad results for society because it's a teenage period in which a person is not responsible for his decisions. I think that the appropriate age for voting is 18 years because a person goes through many experiences that he learns from and is responsible for his actions and his ability to make the right decisions that help in the development of society

        1. I disagree because...
          How will that 18 year old learn how to vote if they aren't involved earlier. For me I think lowering the age the age to vote from 18 to 16 is actually a very good thing because at 16 we believe the person can make his or her decision because you realize that there are some people that are even 14 but they follow politics and they can even tell you that for me I support this one and I don't think that one will bring change to the country. So when you involve 16 year olds to vote by the time they make 18 they will have gotten used to the system of voting and they will be better than the ones who started voting from 18 because to start voting they are first guided which the 16 year olds will have finished. So I would advise the government to involve the 16 year olds earlier so that they can guide them as soon as possible before they even make 18.

  • So are young people political short answer is :YES .
    But there are few up and downs
    ## UPS:
    ●they are more open minded and fresh this helps them to think out of the box .
    ●they can be quick in applying new strategies for solving problems like climate change.
    ●they can be more open towards their public .
    ● they will definitely focus on making strategies for their youth.
    ● experience, it's abig down point for them it is the thing that matters a lot people who are experienced politicians can solve some problems more effectively.

    Politics is wide topic but it's definitely not age restricted. According to me the answer is yes .i myself am very interested in politics.

  • Are young people politicians?
    My answer is yes because many people believe that youth are leaders of tomorrow however,they are leader of today , and it's unique experiences and different origins that will help shape their political attitudes therefore , it is imperative they learn more about politics and get involved to channel their energies for positive change , Thus , becoming vanguards for the promotion and protection of democracy

    1. How can young people learn more about politics?

      1. Young people might not have the cagnivity ability to understand our complex political system, but they are very aware of issues of justice and fairness . Talk with young people about the role of president to : to lead our country and help make decisions . Discuss the idea that we vote for leaders who we think will do the best job . Try creating voting opportunities for young people and the whole family by holding votes on where to go out for eat , what family game to play etc

      2. Young people can learn about politics first of all when they are still in school. You see that most learning institutions like the primary, secondary and universities involve these young people in politics . How? They allow their students apply for the posts of leadership, then they allow them have their general campaigns, organize for them their general elections and finally their swearing in ceremony. In secondary and university institutions you see that they further go ahead and the students' Disciplinary Committee where they hold meetings for all the prefects in the school and handle most of the cases in the school then when they fail to handle a certain case then that's when they take it to the teachers' Disciplinary

      3. Young people can learn about politics first of all when they are still in school. You see that most learning institutions like the primary, secondary and the universities involve these young people in politics. How? They allow their students apply for the posts of leadership,they also allow them have their General campaigns, organized for them General elections I'm finally their swearing in ceremony. In secondary and University institutions you see that they father go ahead and have students disciplinary committee where they hold meetings for all the prefects the school and handle most of the cases in the school and when they fail to handle a certain case they take it to the teachers disciplinary committee. So they grow up knowing how the system works. So I advise most of the learning institutions to involve their students in politics. The government can also start educating the teenagers about how the political system and how the national election process takes place in the country so that by the time they make 18 they will know what to do.

    2. I agree because in my eyes i agree with what @charrsmatic_eel said because he listed great details and he talked alot about politics and different origins.

      1. Yes I am interested in politics because In my view politics help us to socialize and educate citizens we also learn decision making process

  • In my view of heads of state and their policies, most of them are old people, ages 40 and up, but there were leaders in other countries when they started politics, they were 28 years old. Like Korea, but I think young people are not politicians

    But the elderly have high experiences with the passage of time. Young people in their states only want to control and rebel against the state, and they do not bear this great responsibility, but the old people mix with leaders from different countries and they can control state affairs without disputes and provide aid to the state, so the young people are not politicians.

    1. Do you think the priorities of people of varying ages may influence their level of political engagement?

  • Obviously it would be Yes, young people are political. As young people are much more sincere, focused to their future and have been gaining a lot of skills , knowledge and have experienced the life. If we are focusing on young people to be political, probably they can as they see the future of the country, and obviously the youth are the star of tomorrow who can be making the world bright and shine .And there's no doubt that the youth are much more creative and explore a lot by their own and also they can change the old society into the new society of positive thoughts. And also the youth can take the country to progress, prosperity and development. So, I think young people are political

    1. Great explanation but I have to disagree.Yes,young people are gaining knowledge but it really depends on what knowledge they're taking in.In my old elementary school they never taught us about politics,the government,slavery,women's rights,or LGBTQ+ rights.And yes I know that is just that school I used to go to but in Florida they made a law to not talk about problems in history or problems that are going on now to children so they won't be able to learn anything about those specific subjects.Social media is also big thing to young people's knowledge.I've heard so many false information about the government and politics and saw so many people actually believe it.Some presidents like Donald Trump has lied about inventing something he obviously didn't.Based on an article i've read and the news has stated that"Politicians and their supporters accuse those in the mainstream media of peddling fake news,a term President Donald Trump claimed,in October 2017 interview with trinity broadcasting network,he invented.In fact he didn't." So many people actually believe that he did and most of them were adults! And i'm sure if a young person saw that they would believe it too.

      1. Great comment spirited_plum!
        You've engaged with other Topical Talkers and used example from your own experience and from the news. I'm particularly interested in your point about schools banning certain subjects or discussions. Why do some people think this is a good idea?

        1. Well,In florida they thought that not telling children about slavery will make the kids feel less guilty on what happened in the past!I guess having kids upset about what happened back then is bad,but they still need more knowledge and learning this stuff is important.The florida's "Don't say gay bill" was made so kids wont know about them,since to them its "sinful" and "disgusting".They think telling kids that being gay is a good thing more kids will come out.Kids should be happy about who they are and need more knowledge to stand up for what's right and call out for what's wrong.This shouldn't be a law but sadly it's already is one.

          1. Thank you for sharing examples of ways you see the adults who make laws trying to control the political conversation around children and young people. Do you think young people are political, regardless of what adults think or do? Why?

  • Yes, young people are political.
    As much as I say yes, I don't mean that all young people are political because I personally I am not really political but I say yes because I study with people who are political , this is because of their personal experience with this world. I mean when you just interact with them you can really see your future leader, not only in their words but in their advice as well, when they are advising you or anyone else you really see a future leader who is going to solve global problems like food crisis.
    Young people are also political because they are able to contest as prefects in their schools. As I said earlier that not all young people are political because even during these contests not that everyone is interested but those few that are interested contest and people select whom they really see changing things for them just like how it is during selecting of country leaders not forgetting they both have campaigns where they all tell the people what they are planning to change and develop. And when they are chosen they work hand in hand with the administration to solve people's problems and develop the school in many ways just like how it is with the politics among old people.

    1. Well i think they cant, because young people do things like get on tiktok or facebook in there free time and kind of push things like the mid-term elections and the real elections themselves. I do think some young people can be political but im still saying no.

  • This depends on their age because they have different thinking capacities like ( 10 and above) are able to think for themselves but indeed young children are political, in ways like democracy is practiced in some schools where children are allowed to vote for their own leader and they put a minimum age they should be to vote because if you look at the 6-9 yr olds they are not able to choose for themselves because as long as they are given a snack or sweet they can easily vote for you but 10yrs and above even when given a bribe they can take it but when they reach voting time they see vote who is worthy of that position.

    Politics are also practiced in schools like when they organise political debates and quizzes they give reasonable opinions during the process and they can also make their own choices and solve problems easily.

  • Are young people political?
    My answer is no, because young people see what happen to their elders when its the voting season. During this time of "voting" the candidates start their open campaigns and this is the same time people start protests and with protests we all know the police or the riot control is forced to act and people die in this session making these young people timid or for that matter frightened of voting candidates representing the same area they come from.
    So, in my opinion young people aren't political. Or they are political, but maybe they are just so frightened of the outcome of the protests.

    1. I disagree because... 5,000 people from the age of 11-15 engage in human rights. Such as BLM, Women's rights, And more. Young people are also the reason people are talking about social media. Young people have a voice and I know that because I have one or two, I have an opinion and so do other young people. And 59% of voters aged between 17 and 29 said that they plan to vote in midterm elections. The people that aren't even able to vote yet still think and have an opinion about the senator, Governors, and presidents.

      1. I disagree because older people from 40 to 80 have always been very more political from all of the knowledge
        they have contained from all of the years they have been alive.

  • yes sometimes but other times no according to news most young people make a lot of mistakes but other than tthat sorta.

    1. i agree with this comment because some young people actually like doing things to be political but others would rather sit on their phone taking pictures and dong meaningless things

  • are young people political This is a question many people have been asking ! And in my eyes it goes two different ways . Because politics are like pillars that hold up the country and if any of them are broken the society and country would not exist.

    And to make all of these pillars strong we need young adults that are political .

    And according to my opinion yes they are. Even though you may have seen multiple documentaries about it being good or bad, And since people may understand this information they happen to talk about it , Like at the dinner table or even on live tv.
    Without no one spreading this information it will not be heard and if its unheard a lot of pillars will fall down / Pillars are known as the stable holding of the community and if any are broke or not correct, most countries wouldn't exist or be the same .}

    Moreover If we just cast our eyes over the crowds that gather at protests , / We can look at some movements like black lives matter and we can watch students all over the world strike that strike for climate change. We can and will get to know that the young people are political.

    plus I feel that many of the young people are more in tune with politics online than they are in real life. They’re not disengaged with political issues, But they’ just happened to have disconnected from the system.

    1. What issues do you think young people care most about?

    2. I really really agree you are right we need right built pillars or it will fall and that is like society

      1. Can you explain what you mean by pillars, clever_wasp?

  • Are young people political?
    I think young people are rather political because young people like to talk about women's rights, lgbtq+ rights, blm, and abortion rights and love to share their opinion on topics like this. According to statistics, 70% of people born in the late 1990's and early 2000's say that they are involved in a social or political cause, also 52% of all people, even young people themself, believe that young people influence how the world creates change.

    1. Well done for researching and finding relevant evidence (remember to tell us where you got your facts from next time). There is an interesting gap between the two statistics you found. Nearly 3/4s of young people say they are political, but only half of them believe they have actual influence. Why do you think this is?

      1. Thank you for the insight and constructive criticism. I think some young people don't believe that their opinion has an impact because when they share their opinion they get shut down and also the change does not happen right away so they think that the change will never happen, but they still like to voice their opinion.

  • Young people are yes are political because according to me people with intense preferences tend to become more engaged in politics; they are more likely to donate time and money to campaigns. or to attend political rallies the more money. that has one and the more highly educated one is. the more likely he or she will form intense preferences and take political action. In conclusion yes young people are political.

  • Young people are not political. This is because most young people don't really understand politics. And since they don't really understand politics they just go off of what they see on ads, the news, or what they hear from other people like their parents. And plus most young people don't really talk about politics unless its about something like Trump is bad or Obama good, they don't really know any more than that.

    1. I think you've made a couple of interesting points here. Firstly- that young people might be easily swayed (although I think adults might be to!). Secondly, that young people only engage in the extremes (good or bad). Why do you think this? How could young people become more engaged in local, day-to-day politics?

      1. Young people can become more engaged in local, day to day politics first of all the the government should involve the young people in the country's politics as early as maybe 16years of age. This is by organizing programmes for them to educate them on the politics of the country and how the national elections of the country are carried out. And by the time they make 18 they won't have any difficulty in choosing the right leader. The National Curriculum Development Centre can also add politics as an optional subject on the curriculum of the secondary schools. This where they will teach them the qualities of a good leader and they will also discuss about how different countries' politics differ so these young people will have prior information about politics and am sure that if this is done they will make good leaders in future.

    2. I agree with you because young people can't be politicians because they didn't understand politics (I didn't to) and they didn't have people to support them.

  • No i do not think young people are political, because young people tend to do things like get their phone, hang-out,gaming and things like that in their free time. They tend to push thing like that off to the side and forget that things like that are important. Also younger people are also busy with things like school, collage, and getting a job. Young people also only vote 51.4% of the time, and that's only people aging from 18-20. I just think older people (people 30+) are more educated in things political.

  • young people are not political because they would want something that just benefits them,they just do what they want to do i mean even adults act like that its not just young people

    1. Do you think life priorities may be influencing how political people are?

  • Yes, they have the right to vote and 36% of young Americans are involved in politics but 45% thinks its a negative effect on their health.

    1. Why do you think politics can affect young people's health?

      1. Probably by stress, what other people think, if the person they voted for didnt get elected, stuff along those lines probably

  • I believe that young people are not political.Young people including teen and tweens are not as political as most adults since young people are normally on social media watching videos that are meant to make them laugh.Most young people don't watch the news like adults do,they don't read informative articles based on politics like adults do,I'm sure that young people don't pay attention to the government.Lets be honest even if young people see anything politics related or anything government related I'm pretty sure they won't care.Based of something I read it states that,"36% of young Americans believe that being involved in politics rarely achieves anything.This percentage has increased from previous years."Based of that information it shows that most young people don't care about being involved in anything political.

    1. Thanks for your comment! Well done for using a statistic to support your reasoning. It seems like one reason why young people aren't involved is because they don't think it will make a difference. How can we change that mindset?

      1. Well,we can change their mindset by giving them more information about voting!
        They think it won't make a difference but it really does,we just need to tell them how big of a difference it will make.In order to do that teachers should teach more about politics in their classroom,If they do that they will have a better idea on why voting will make a difference!
        Young people should know why voting can help their government,even if it's not as big of a difference,even the little things count.

  • Are young people political?
    Yes, young people are political. One reason is because there are many ways to be political. For example, if you like art, you can make a poster. Another reason is some people make accounts on social media. Another reason is that young people believe the current government cares about young people like them. Some people are not interested in political activities, but some people are political. Young people globally said they would boycott a product,company, country or state because of a political, social or environmental stance.

    1. Why might a 'boycott' be a way to get attention?

  • Are young people political?
    Yes I do think young people are political. At the age of 18-29 some young people are in college and they are political. Some people may also think that all young people are on social media and yes this is true but so many young people spread news on social media about the law, global crisis, and voting, etc. The people on social media are young people and the young people spread news to other young people and the cycle keeps going more young people become political and get more and more political overtime. It is also known that 79% of young people get news daily and nearly three quarters say they get their news from social media. So social media is not bad for young people who use it all the time.

    Young people do watch the news young people also vote and sometimes people forget even though they say it on the news... EVERY.VOTE.MATTERS

    1. How reliable and fair do you think social media is as a source of information?

      1. I think social media is a reliable source at most times and I think social media is fair people have their opinions on social media .

        1. You're right that social media can be a reliable source, however it is also important to check the information you find there, because like you mentioned, it is also a place where people like to share their opinions - and opinions are not always factually correct.

    2. I agree with you on this well most young people do share news on social media with the use of their phones, laptops and so on. Well most at times when people say young people are always on their phones, I would say most of the people are there on social media sharing important news on arising matters in the world. I think that most young people are political but they are not given the opportunity to participate in elections, from what i have seen in my country most young people would like to participate in politics but because the older one's in the society see young people as unexperienced and unfit to do the job they most at times hinder opportunities for young people and also discriminate them. Well I would say that peer pressure also influences young people to not be politically active. Bad governance also contributes to young people having political apathy.
      I think it is time to start giving young people a chance to participate in politics let their voices be heard a peaceful protest through all platforms like the media, workplaces and so on would be very helpful in letting our voices be heard.

  • Are young people political?
    My answer is yes, to this day you can go on any social media instagram, facebook, tiktok anything and find "blm" or "our bodys our choice" stuff about lgbtq ect this shows that young people are political even if its just a little text in a bio. Not only that young people above 18 or so can vote and there is a slight chance they do vote.

    1. It sounds like you think that being political isn't all about voting! Why do you think the issues you've mentioned are so important to young people?

      1. Sometime as a young person myself, i want rights like not wanting people to control our bodys and wanting to get the right to be a human like everyone else and do what we want without being judged. Even adults want to be respected and have rights. so if thats considered being political then yeah, young people are political.

    2. i agree with this
      because most adults believe young people have bad things in their heads and think they don't want to do anything while others vote and take a stand to help people around them just to do something about it because not all people are the same yes they might have done some bad things but they can make a change aswell

  • I say yes young people are political, because many people on social media make protests with young people who are political and support other non-political people. Seeing my family members that are young in the 2020 election I see them cheering and supporting Trump instead of Biden.

  • Yes, young people are politicians, because the youth stage is the stage of creativity and thinking. At this stage, young people have wonderful ideas and innovations for the development of society, and they are understanding in all situations because they have many skills and wonderful scientific news.

    1. Great explanation but I disagree!Young people could have wonderful ideas to improve society but, young people get their ideas based on other ideas or things they've learned in the past.If young people don't get the right information they don't have ideas to develop anything.A lot of schools and religions don't talk about politics so young people cant have "wonderful ideas and innovations for the development of society" if they've never been taught about politics or told how to be politicians.Honestly anyone can have "many skills", "creativity and thinking", and "wonderful ideas" but being those things don't always mean you're a politician,you can be all those things and not pay attention to any politics.
      My reasons aren't really the best here but I just wanted to argue that being creative doesn't mean you have to be involved in politics.

  • Teens need to have the enought knowledge about politics to make them participate and also this is going to help the country when they are selecting new presidents for the country and not having someone that is just going to make bad decisions for the country politics not only mean laws, taxes or some legai issyes that can be seen as boring. Politics have a direct influence in out Lifes and as soon as we being yo understand this and care about it We will be starting to build a better life a better world

  • Are young people politicians? Yes, they are politicians, and they are also the youth of the present and the future, and they are the mainstay of building and developing every society. Also in the youth stage is the stage of creativity and giving. Young people think with positive thinking and different from all the old thinking, they think about something new, but some young people, we can say 20% of the world’s youth are not considered political youth, they may be lazy at this stage and do not like to work

  • Are young people politicians?
    Yes, first we look at some countries. If the percentage of young people exceeds half of the percentage, then this is the stage in which countries rise because of them
    They also have physical strength and wars are waged against them and they are able to defend
    There is a problem of mistrust between young people and governments and parties and they are working to increase political problems, which reduces the chances of young people to become politicians.

    1. Hi accomplished_frog -- if there is a problem of mistrust between young people and their governments, wouldn't that be solved if many more young people entered government?

  • Are young people politicians? Why and why not?*
    I believe that not all young people in society are politicians. There is a political type and there is a non-political type. But I support the political youth because of his prominent importance in society because if he is a president, he can easily control society.
    Knowing that the political youth is the young man who deals with people in a soft and gentle manner and can easily take his things without relying on violence

  • Young people are not political because they do not know politics as well as the older people do because they have witnessed a lot more than as, there are even some that were around the time Uganda got independence and when Museveni fought in the bushes and when he came into power so they have more knowledge and wisdom about politics than the younger people who just get information on politics from news, there are even some who land on them on some social media apps by mistake and then after they say that they know politics yet politics needs experience and determination which younger people do not have. So they don't qualify to be political in anyway.

  • Yes, of course
    Young people are considered a vital and effective element in society and have the ability to influence various aspects of life, including politics
    Young people face many different issues that only young people can solve and understand. Therefore, the participation of young people in political life is very important to help young people and enable them to improve their living conditions and enhance their political presence.

    1. How do you think social media impacts the way in which young people are, and can be political?

  • I think young people can be political
    In our time, all ongoing political events are very widely covered in the media.
    In order for young people to form their own opinion about current political events, young people must be well educated, know history and draw conclusions.
    Practice shows that it is much easier to influence the worldview of younger people.
    Very often, incorrectly formulated slogans can motivate young people to take to the streets and participate in uprisings, strikes, various and unauthorized political events.
    Only thinking educated literate people can assess what is happening in the country, draw the right conclusions and actively participate in the political life of the country

    1. You make an interesting point that all political events are widely covered in the media. Do you think that this is helping young people to be more informed about politics, and do you think people want to understand politics in more detail?

      1. Yes, I believe that young people should learn about ongoing political events not only from YouTube videos and other social networks, but from newspapers and magazines in which these political events are covered, because only in this way can conclusions be drawn to compare information to be a politically literate person and it will depend on it what will a person become in the future

  • No, Because they haven't got the full awareness and their knowledge is not thecomplete for such things and their strong excitement is pushing them for trying to change for the sake of change only and all the time the change is their main goal but it is so far from what is really needed. In my opinion, its negative effect is more than its positive effect. I think that what happened in my country more than ten years ago, when I was ababy and recently, I am trying to know about the revolution that happened and the leaders of the revolution. They were people who made a big change. This change has changed my mind completely and if you consider me as a young person I should possess the flexibility or the ability to discuss and change ideas in order to participate in political events.

  • Firstly, young people have different perspectives and a host of different ideas. By allowing them to voice their opinion we could be opening and moving the political world forward. This is not only good for society, but necessary for society. If the young did not engage with politics, even if it is through pressure groups, there would be many issues with our political establishments in trying to keep policy fair and sustainable for future generations. For example, equal rights for women required many young women to engage with the issue at hand. Why? Because they had strong feelings for the issue at hand, and that is something that countries should work to increase--interest and opinion on political matters

  • government are necessary because they maintain law and order laws are necessary for society to function Life in a society without laws would be unsafe and unpredictable of state and their policies most of them are old people, ages 40 and up but there were leaders in other countries when they started politics they were 28 years old Like Korea but I think young people are not politicians and because of it

  • Younger like 40 year and older people shoud be poltics so thy will not forget suff and older people forget suff easyer and yonger people might get picked more and older poeple might get picked less and because younger people make more progress thean older people and get to thair density

    1. I'm not sure about this because... you kinda don't make sense like when you mean older people forget stuff what does that have to do with voting?

  • i think older people can be better govment people because they older and the proay no more than the younger people

  • i think older people can better govment people because they no more thing then the youger people

    1. Are you sure this is always true, poetic_seagull?

    2. Poetic_seagull, thank you for your comment. Although older people generally know more because they have more experience - for example they may expect that a proposed economic policy will fail because they have seen it fail before - older people may also be more stuck in their ways of thinking.

      Could young people help to change society? How could they do that?

  • Are young people politicians?
    No, young people are not politicians because older people are the ones to vote cause young people don't have the knowledge to vote.

    1. What could young people do to get the knowledge to make a more informed choice when they vote?

    2. If younger people don't know how to vote, how could they learn?

  • Are young people political? Yes, I think that young people are political. Because if you look at the votes from yesterday then you will see that young people had a lot in this election. Also we kids use democracy everyday. For example a group of kids decide if they want to eat ice cream or doughnuts so they will have a democracy to see which they will eat or how many people want what. SO do you think young people are political? Add a comment to explain if you do or don't

    1. I agree Astounding Deer, I also think young people are political and becoming an increasing influence in politics as demonstrated by the votes the other day in America as you mentioned. What is it, you think, that is making young people increasingly vocal about their politics?

  • Are young people political? My inference would be that young people are not political. Most young people between the ages 18-29 tend to focus on their social media accounts, their looks, and lots of them get plastic surgery to look like a celebrity. Some young Americans believe that voting and being involved in politics rarely achieve anything, these numbers seem to increase over the years. Young people also say that politics has a negative impact on their health. I say that young people need more experience of voting in order to understand how it changes things and they need to vote.

    1. How could people put issues on the political agenda?

      1. Some young people could be selfish and only participate in things that include them. For example, a person could be raising some money for their family but some people won't participate because they don't want to waste money on things that won't help them. People might want the government to focus on its peoples health since lots of ads say show that some parents are crying for their kids health because they have cancer or some other dangerous medical issues. However, depending on the person you voted for, they could actually focus on those things which proves that they're a wonderful person to vote for. All this goes back to the reason young people are not political. They don't think that voting does anything for their health but depending on the person they vote for, that problem could be solved.

        1. Do you think these political adverts are good or bad?

  • In my opinion young people are not political because people who range the age 18-29 do not really care about how their city is and how bad or how good it will be, Young people can have mixed emotions about there city about how much they love it and how much they hate it, 36% of young Americans believe that being involved in politics rarely achieves anything. This percentage has increased from previous years. if young people don't believe that politics can help them that can mean that young Americans do not care about politics.

  • In my honest opinion,I argue that young people are not political.To begin, voting isn't really fun for young people,a lot of young people think that voting takes up too much time and think there's no need to do so.Also,young people aren't taught about voting in school or get little to no information about politics.based off an list from an article i've read it lists,
    1.young people are often seen as groups and not individuals.
    2.parents influence if young people should vote.
    3.political parties aren't what they claim to be.
    The list goes on but i'm just going to give and explain those 3 reasons."1.young people are often seen as groups and not individuals".Too me this means,that young people are often seen as one type of category and portrayed horribly.
    Young people are often portrayed as "self-centered", "carefree", "irresponsible" and "menaces to society" according to the internet,which is definitely not true. Young people want to be seen as themselves and not by stereotypes created by the internet."2.parents influence if young people should vote."Again,in my opinion, this means most young people that want to vote or thinks about being involved in politics and the government are often told by their parents or an adult.They're often told, "vote for someone" or "have you voted yet, you're at that age to vote". And for some people that gets really annoying and causes them to feel forced to vote for someone.If parents aren't involved in anything political their kids probably won't either.Lets be honest if your parents never brought up anything about politics you probably wont know anything about it either."3.political parties aren't what they claim to be."This is self explanatory but still, candidates,republicans and anyone apart of the government or politics have lied about something to get them you to vote and believe in them.according to an article it claimed that"Trump promised that his tax plan would benefit the middle class,not the rich." and the article also said"That no-tax-cut-for-the-rich pledge was crafted so as not to alienate his working-class supporters.but it was false."
    There are so many news reports,articles,and interviews about presidents,republicans,and candidates lying in order to gain your trust.These are just some reasons that young people don't get involved with politics.There's still so many reasons that i will list in the future but this is all for now.Feel free to argue if you like.

  • "Are young people political?"
    In the past i've listed many reasons why young people are not political,but how do we change that?
    (DISCLAIMER:This list does NOT change MY opinion!!!To me young people are NOT political this list is to inform some ways that young people can start being political!!!!)

    I came up with a list of how we can start getting young people into politics so WE can do something about all the problems that are going on in the world.
    1.Being involved in assemblies and discussions about the whole voting process.This can help young people understand what to expect when you vote. TV programs about politics and voting.Watching these can help you get into politics.
    3.council meetings which involve young people.Adults should start involving younger people in meetings about politics so they know more about that subject.
    4.Schools should start having lessons about voting,Schools should start having mini elections(we had a mini election at our school so that's something more schools should do)
    5.get young people involved with activities to do with voting.Getting younger people involved in voting activities will make it fun for them to start voting. homework associated with politics.Having homework associated with politics younger people will give them more information on politics.

    These are just a few ways to get young people into politics ,but these are the most important to me!
    Once again this list does NOT change my opinion on young people,I still think they are NOT into politics.These are ways they can start getting into politics.

    All these things i've listed can also go back to my opinion that young people are not political,most of the things i've listed talks about how making young people involved in political subjects can help them be more interested in politics.Since young people are not as involved there not interested in voting,so that's one reason that they're not as political as adults.

    1. Is there anything that could change your mind, spirited_plum? Why not ask Amelie Zilber what she thinks!

  • Maybe, cause to be a politician you must have a political point of view and information about your country or district but today's generation is so' in social media that they don't take such things seriously. They can't differentiate between truth and lie. Mostly the supporters of the different political parties don't know the background or the storyline of the discussion by hearing a few unpleasant words about their party they get hyper and protests take place. So, the country's leadership can't be given to such a generation.

  • Are young people political? Yes, I think, young people are the most valuable stage of life. Giving is the invaluable and irreparable wealth. Countries rise up and they are the present that will make the future. There are some young people who care about politics and really want to be Politicians, but there's a class of them who don't care about politics, who are thoughtless and irrational in their thinking, especially in our time, so I think not all young people are politicians, but I hope they become so and they can.

  • The question should be are young people given the opportunity to be political. I mean it all sums up to our leaders. Yes, young people are political but because they are not taken seriously, they slowly loose interest. I mean its the law of life not practicing something we take part in makes the zeal and love for it, we would eventually have no passion for it at all. In my school for example we have something called students week, where the students control the school, we teach and also do some basic work. If counties could do that more and more young people would have the zeal for politics. Also I feel young people leading would be good they have this love for everything they want a better place and also peace and progress so, yes, young people are political if and only if they are given the chance.

  • I live in joint family with my uncles nd grandparents . When we live we ve to listen every one in family whether u ve interest or not ..this has made me strong nd patient towards different issues .. how i believe iam more political than others as my uncles are in favour of x party or political leader nd my grandparents r in favour of Y leader as compare to them my parents like z leader nd i often listened them to discuss his vision his chrismatic personality revolutiionary views . I am teenager nd my parents company is very important for me so if iam given a chance to vote i ll vote the leader who is favourite to them . Yes i am more political in this sense

  • I think that young people could be political and are involved in every affair of the country,because they are the upcoming century of politics and order of the country so they choose how their country could be better under which ruler and at what time that ruler is more suitable alongside that they will outlast the old and after they become old ,the young people in that century will choose their future in a country that they want to make better.

  • Yes , young people are more political I would like to give an example, I am in grade 6 like other students , i have many heroes found in my books when pakistan came into being those heroes did marvvellous to get separate homeland i love to read about them and they were political. Histories of every country are full of such heroes and all those heroes are still found in our books in videos, films ,magzines Their births are celebrated till now so politics is not away far from us .
    Now a days ,in my country if I listen the speech of to day 's political leaders on social media. I become more political. In my country tiktokers play background romantic songs that I love to watch .

  • Yes, because politics is related to all matters of life, and youth have a broader background about life and its affairs, which improves the political situation somewhat. Therefore, young people must have a space in politics and political life.

  • Young people are the consciousness of the political mainstream class. Politicians rely to run their politics after knowing the mind of the young people. It is tantamount to say that young people provide the saddle on which a political person sits. Young people make the direction of the politics to go in. To some extent young people can be taken as being political because when they sense that politician not following their expectations, they change there choice for the future - and reject the politicians politically who deceive them.

    1. Can you explain what you mean by "young people provide the saddle on which a political person sits"? And could you give some real life examples?

  • Getting involved in politics is not as easy as some people think. Therefore, it is not easy to say that young people have a desire to get involved in politics, and in order for young people to participate politically, they must assume many of the tasks that fall upon them and succeed in these tasks.

  • I think 🤔 that young people are not so political as elders because they want freedom from all the rules and regulations and want live a life on their own rules.

  • Since the last twenty yrs ,in pakistan nd is am sure in other countries too, schools conduct elections for student council . Now the elected students start to make mini posters nd badges for students with attractive nd catchy descriptions of voting in their favour .what schools r doing to create sense of responsibility ,confidence nd above all leadership . Hence from this age students begin to learn politics on small forum . Mini leaders during election busy in campaign involving their parents, siblings nd friends. The voters talk at home also nd with friends about who r their favourite candidates .this never ends here students unoins in colleges nd universities also allow sts to b a part of politics. Now social media is giving exposure abt politics to the young people. So younger r more political.

  • My answer is: Yes, young people are politicians, because young people think about politics a lot in order to achieve their goals, which is to develop their country and work for its prosperity. Every young man thinks about making his country the greatest and I am one of these young people. That there are young people who do not think politically, but they are few, and I hope that all young people think politically.

  • Are young people politicians? Yes, they can be successful politicians, when we change outdated political concepts in their minds towards politics, and when we push them to political and partisan participation. Effective, young people need to enhance the desire and enthusiasm for political participation, as young people are strong and effective political actors if they find opportunities..

  • Youth participation is one of the forms of participatory democracy, and it is also one of the forms of good governance, and it is a form of popular oversight, and the participation of youth will enhance political development, and activating the political participation of youth will reduce the state of political vacuum experienced by young people through their marginalization and lack of attention to their issues in programs And the activities of political parties, which requires a review of how to activate the energies of youth and re-attract them to parties and public work, and activate the role of civil institutions, by reformulating their priorities and programs in line with the national agenda, in order to achieve integration in the work between them and official institutions.
    And if youth issues are many and varied, the issue of youth participation has become the topic of the hour today, and more than ever beforePolitical participation plays an important role in developing the mechanisms and rules of democratic governance among young people.

  • I think that young people are not political, including teenagers, because young people are not like adults. I watch my father every day watching politics, but young people from 18 to 29 do not watch. They are not interested in politics. They watch fun and interesting clips on mobile phones with the aim of laughing far from politics, despite the fact that the number of young people in Gaza More than females, and most of them have smart devices on which all social media programs are installed, but they do not follow politics on a daily basis, but one day may pass knowledge of politics in times of war and bombing in Gaza. They participate in channels on social media, especially on Telegram, such as the Gaza Now channel, and the channel Al Jazeera on TV

  • The youth of today have been subjected to many frustrations by the politicians. The youth built their dreams on the promises made by the candidates in the elections or by some politicians to achieve their dreams, such as obtaining a job or housing or making projects to employ the unemployed youth. Therefore, the youth are not politicians because they are tired of that promises that do not fulfill their future dreams, and this is very dangerous because they will waste their free time on undesirable things.

  • Are young people politicians??I think that some young people are politicians and the other type is not. Sometimes there are young people who are interested in politics, publishing news and documenting events, and some of them do not care about that at all, but from the age of 18-25 years, the life of adolescence begins, which is the most important. Sometimes there are young people who are interested in politics and are interested in daily news and like to open the doors of political knowledge
    Some of them are not interested in politics and focus on studying other sciences such as medicine
    And I think that there is a group of young people who are interested in politics and others are not

  • In my opinion ,most young people do not understand the meaning of politics . They are policized and influeenced by what they see on social media or what is on TV. Other, like teenagers , are looking for trends and fame, so they don't care about politics

  • In my opinion, no, because in adolescence, young people become not responsible for their decisions, and their decisions change from time to time, and they are in the stage of recklessness, so they cannot enter into political decisions, because this makes society dangerous, and decisions are bad. On the other hand, I think that it is possible to benefit from young people when they are over the age of 18, to be able to build the future wisely and to be responsible for any decision they take, whether political or otherwise, and also they go through the stage of giving, which is the most extreme stage, and they are a precious and irreplaceable wealth, while With their goodness, countries rise, and they are a vital and very important element in taking any international decision, and they are the present that makes the future.

  • Most of our youth are apolitical.
    Our youth are in constant engagement with social media, and their only concern is to show themselves on Facebook, Instagram, tuktuk, or any other site.
    They are in restaurants to show what they eat and drink, or their pictures in stores, what they buy and wear.
    Or with joys, how they rejoice and dance.
    This became all the interest of young people
    They do not look at politics or any instance,
    They do not know the news of what is happening in their home and family, so how can they know the news of their country or the problems of their society
    Our youth in our present time is the phrase they deserve (blind imitation), so there is a cloud over their eyes, and their minds only think of trivialities.

  • I see that it is time for us as young people to break perceptions and stereotypes that we can't get involved because we don't know because we aren't old enough because we don't because we aren't enough it's quite the contrary we do know and we are are enough it's time we get involved and have a say in our future because we are the future and I am excited about the future that I see the one that is more youth friendly one that encourages us to get involved to voice our opinions and concerns without shutting us down you have to start somewhere and somewhere is often messy and full of mistakes but in order to learn from these mistakes the way l did you must be willing to continually question your own point of view maybe change your own mind and in doing so change other Minds too but remember you have to start somewhere to get anywhere✨

  • Yes, I think that young people are politicians, because the youth stage is the most difficult stage of life, and they are the crown and glory of the nation's with their righteousness countries will rise. The youth in any society is a vital element and they work on the civilized development of the society and it's the present that make the future and that the Participation of young people in politics is the finest expression of citizenship that helps to exercise political power. And they are an effective and decisive element , and they have the energy and the a bility to give. The participation of young people is one of the forms of good governance and enhance the political developments of their country.

  • It is possible to take advantage of the advanced programs implemented by some countries to encourage young people to participate in the formulation and decision-making, for example by establishing a Shura field for young people, so that they are given an opportunity to express their opinions and discuss various issues related to their future, in addition to establishing national youth parliaments from the age group of 18 24- To provide an opportunity for young people to contribute to programs that need young people, programs that absorb their energies, aspirations and vision for the future, so that they have a role in the reconstruction of the country.

  • I feel like most young people want to be political but they are not given the chance and opportunity to be. In most countries in the world using my country Nigeria as an example they practice gentocracy where they mostly allow people who are elderly to rule because they are stereotyped to this mentality that the young ones are not fully equipped to rule the nation. Well from what I have seen some young people have tried coming out to contest in elections but they didn't really progress. The best way to solve this is if they could start giving young people a chance to contest in elections because every body whether young or old as far as you have attained the age range is allowed the right and has to contest in elections, so let the voices of the young ones be heard.

    1. How might younger people be voted in?

  • Why younger r more political ??
    The reason of this being more political when the nation needs revolution as in my country now says ex-prime minister Imran had announced real freedom march against ruling prime minister..younger r more political becoz they see that this person would achieve a real freedom from the corruption that the previous nd current ruling leaders have done nd becoz of their corruption we r economically weak . Other instances I would like to give of Palestine nd occupied kashmir ..where younger r more political than any other country the reason is revolution they want for them nd for their nation and besides if they had seen their forefathers in need of basic rights not given to them due to some political leaders .
    One more thing recent times many young political leaders r also members of national provincial assemblies ..some federal ministers r also young .. they they deliver speeches they use some verses that r liked by younger people.. its trend here in pakistan a lot of youngers use social media apps insta grand nd tik tok by lipsing nd dubbing those political leaders . This is for what I believe that younger r more political

  • I think that young people these days do not have much interest in politics
    Most people are busy with social media or scientific studies, so they feel that time is running fast and they do not have time to talk about politics or track it except in global matters some of the time, such as the American elections or the conflict in some countries, but many young people do not have the information that makes them talk about politics, so they feel reluctance to rest. And not exhaust himself.

    1. cultured_spring an interesting viewpoint. Do you think there could be some changes to ensure politics was more interesting for younger people?

      1. I think that it is possible that politics would be of more interest to the youth if we involved the youth in the decision-making of some institutions or conferences.
        Or there will be television programs led by young people and take into account their views.

  • Are young people political? From my point of view, I think it's possible... Who among us did not play a political role in the school when he was the class leader or class secretary, or even involved in resolving disputes between friends, or even a problem with the school itself or with our brothers? All of this represents our political role as a teenager.... However, the question remains that experienced adults have more background due to their age and background information. Advances in science and technology and the revolution in communications, the Internet and social media have increased the interest and knowledge of politically educated young people with new policies. They are the most ambitious, have enthusiastic energy, curiosity, and are oriented towards self-assertion, and they are always critical and have the ability to change and progress, and this is one of the most important political advantages; Because politics is constantly changing. It is hard for conservatives and traditionalists to deal with this change... so it is easy for young people to deal with.... Most of us know about Mary Black, a 20-year-old British MP..... I expect young people to be the hope of the future.

    1. I agree with you shy_cranberry. I also think young people are political. Most people don't know that even holding the post of a class representative or even being a prefect can be politics. I do think young people are political. The problem is that most times, they are not given the opportunity to prove themselves. They often are not considered for political positions in the world. Statistics show that "73% of youth who are eligible are restrained from running for political offices". In my country, Nigeria, gerontocracy is practiced(a government based on rule by old people). Most public office holders in Nigeria are not less than 40 years old. There has only been one public office holder by name Seun Fakorede who became a commisioner at 27. This is not good if the interest for politics in youths is to be sustained.

  • Are young people political?! Yes, they are politicians because they have the greatest power and opinion in society. If you come to society, you will hardly see that there is a woman ruling the people, but the youth will work to strengthen the voice of women in society and promote their rights. And that young people like to mix in society. If an election campaign takes place, the young man will make propaganda for his friends and for the city in which he lives.

  • Yes young people are political but the reason it looks like we are not is the fact we try to get involved and we are told we have no idea what we are doing ,were are too young, what confuses me is the fact they say 'YOUNG PEOPLE ARE THEY LEADERS OF TOMORROW ' when is our tomorrow going to be , what kind off leaders would we be if we do not experience for ourselves what leadership is. Why reject us all the time when we come up.

  • Are young people politicians?
    My answer is yes, because the youth in our society are what is said to be the brains, because they are the main supporter of society, and because they are the future that can change some countries politically.

  • my answer is yes because young people are the future

  • No, I do not think that young people are political because we are too young the only thing we could probably do is protest with our parents/families if our parents let us. It also depends on age 18 - 20 or older is when you can get more political. This is my opinion to others hope you like it.

    1. loving_date do you think there are other ways to be political other than protesting? For example can you have political conversations?

  • Are young people politicians? i say yes because young people are a part of the progress and construction of every society, & young kids or people are the force of their own worlds.

  • I don't think young people would be politicians, because first of all, only adults, elders, or teenagers/pre-adults would be politicians, just not normal children or pre-teens. This is because children or kids have the lack of knowledge of what politicians are, but in social studies, SOME children or kids get taught about famous or important politicians if so. So changing my original question, it would be between a maybe, since we learn those in classes.

    1. awesome_harmonica do you think further education about who and what politicians are would help?

      1. Yes, it would indeed, but sometimes, there are a few curfews in education, or instead; Students. Most times, students will try and act like quote on quote "grown-ups" which is difficult for education. Most students act up and act smart, thinking they do not need education. In other words, further education could be a great alternative for learning who and what politicians are.

  • I think they should not be political because as a kid have a different mind set so a lot of kid will choose a person just because they lock good or false information that kid will not understand and unlike kids, adult look deeper in to it.

  • Young people are not political. This thing is because young people don't really understand politics. Because most of young people don't watch the news like adults do,and also they don't read informative articles about politics, since they don't really understand political they just go off what they see on ads or what they hear from their parents. Based on this information it's show that young people don't care about involved in anything political.

    1. i disagree with your statement because it's not like young people don't listen to the news or read articles or don't understand. It's that the state of the political world has only gotten more toxic and polluted There are so many lies that people just don't want to listen. According to the information i have 45% of young americans say that polatics have a negative impact on their mental health.

      1. This is an interesting response discreet_walrus. What do you think would encourage young people to feel more positive about politics and want to engage with it?

  • yes,because young people are now focused on their future also young people think better than old people sometimes young people think about their jobs and way much more also at school they have young people to fell free and express their feeling.

  • Yes, I think young people are focused on their future and have more thoughts than older people, they think a lot about their future, how they will do at work or at school, and I think they would feel free to express what they feel. the care of its laws and the president.

  • If we are talking about kids I will say no because they might vote for some dumb stuff like saying they might make everything made out of legos like money and stuff but now if we are talking about young people yes I would let them because they might be more responsible instead of voting for dumb stuff.

  • I think that young people can be political , I think that because some young people do the early voting but some young people either do not vote at all or vote late , But young people relationships with politics is complex and problematized and young people have not felt included in the political realm. Young voters care about all the same issues that any other voter would care about.

  • Yes,I think young people are political because young people are can' t be forced what to do in the future they have the right to be there self or be what they want to be in life.young people could make a big change if it's to protest about the payments being to high.

  • I don't agree that young people are political, yes some young children and teenagers are mature but they copy certain things off of social media and what their parents do, like being respectful and responsible but at the same time disrespectful and immature.

  • In my opinon I think young people are political because they should be able to vote and be involved. They should also be heard. By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens' interests.

  • Are young people political? Yes, I think that young people are political. Because if you look at the votes from yesterday then you will see that young people had a lot in this election. Also we kids use democracy everyday. For example a group of kids decide if they want to eat ice cream or doughnuts so they will have a democracy to see which they will eat or how many people want what. SO do you think young people are political? Add a comment to explain if you do or don't

  • Young people are politcal because they vote.

  • Education – without information and knowledge, meaningful participation in politics can be difficult. Social isolation – there is a limited network to support and encourage political participation. Personal factors – people may have limited confidence or motivation to political

  • I say no because they have their own chose if they want to, but I say it their chose.

  • Are young people political? Yes, young people are political, although young people spend a lot of time on social media, 79% of young Americans get news from social media. Also 59% of voters aged between 17 and 29 say they plan to vote in the midterm elections. Based on this, young people are political. Young people might focus on themselves, but they also focus on politics. Some people might think that young people aren't political but that may change over the years.

    1. Interesting statistics, where do they come from?

      1. They came from some cards in a lesson that I learned. This lesson was dated October 26th 2022. The lesson was titled US MIDTERMS: ARE YOUNG PEOPLE POLITICAL?

  • Yes, i think young people are political. Voting has been a thing seen only for older people, like in 40 to 70 ect., but young people have been shown to care about political topics and vote. Social media has also been a tool for young people to be political, as well for anyone. The spread of information has a cause for good and bad,and with the belief for young people to make a way for the future they are more active even if it's for a bad cause.

  • Young people are political. How would they be political? When you think of politics, the main thing people think of is voting. Even though it may be one of the main things of politics, it's not the only thing. You can voice your opinion on social media or even go out and protest. Up to 52% of all young people believe we can influence how the world changes, by doing protests and talking on social media. Small acts like; just saying something on social media could change someone's view on something. Therefore, young people can be political without voting. As long as they have a say, voice, and word in what's going on, they most likely are political without even knowing it!
    Focused_Artist will be back next time with more! :)

    1. I look forward to hearing more focused_artist!

  • Yes, Young people are political because According to what i know 79% of young Americans get daily news nearly three quarters get their news from social media. Also 70% of people born in the late 1990s and early 2000s say they are involved in social or political causes. 59% of voters aged between 17 and 29 say the plan to vote in the midterm.

    1. This is all strong evidence enterprising_octopus. Tell me about your sources for these numbers.

  • Are young people political? In my opinion, yes. I think this is because a lot of people aged 18-27 go on social media to talk about how they feel about different situations that are happening in the world. A lot of young people go on platforms and see other people, getting influenced to talk about how they feel. A lot of stuff going on in the world, and young politicians have their opinion on it. A lot of people are going through stuff and see how it affects the world and decide to become political themselves. This information supports my claim.

    1. Thanks for this admirable_thought. Where else, other than social media, do you think young people inform themselves about politics?

  • Young people are definitely political. In our country, India students actively take part in politics. Young people have led numerous revolutions and mass movements in our country. I believe India's freedom would not have been possible without the active involvement of young people. Young people are adaptable to change. They have ideas and a free mind. Hence they obviously should involve themselves in politics. In democratic countries, a massive chunk of voters is young people. Young people are free thinkers. Although inexperienced, young people have fresh ideas and modern and rational thinking when. Hence young people are political.

    1. It seems like young people have the power to change things!

  • I believe that young people are not political. I think that most young people including teens spend most of their time on social media, not on the news or something that talks about the world. Young people have a lot of disadvantages when it comes to political stuff. First of all you have to be 17 years old to vote meaning that all you can do if you are under this age is try to convince people to vote for the person that you would have voted for. Another reason why I think young people are not political is because they don't have as much experience as adults or old people do.

  • I believe that young people are not political. I think that most young people including teens spend most of their time on social media, not on the news or something that talks about the world. Young people have a lot of disadvantages when it comes to political stuff. First of all, you have to be 17 years old to vote to mean that all you can do if you are under this age is try to convince people to vote for the person you would have voted for. Another reason why I think young people are not political is that they don't have as much experience as adults or seniors do.

    1. Young people range from ages 10 to 24. Yes not all young people seem political to you but most of these people comment of political issues, bad policies brought by bad governance, societal problems and talk so much on human right, LGBTQ+, women right and by doing these they are political. You most not vote are contest in elections before you are political, your opinion on political affairs also makes you political. In schools we can also see how political young people are, teenagers that run for class president are being political.

  • Are the youth political? From my point of view, the youth are a link between the present and the future. They preserve the identity of the nation and highlight it, strengthen the cultural and social aspects, offer their lives in the sacrifice of the country, sacrifice the precious and precious, and defend the rights in full in order to make a more beautiful country.

  • Yes, I think they are politicians because after the reduction of the age of nomination to 25, the percentage of political participation was increased, which led to development in the economic and political fields, and because of the issuance of the United States resolution "International Year of Youth" in 1985, young people have the right to make decisions and have the right to participate in politics, which gave them opportunities to influence various aspects of life, which led to the development of society

  • No,because volunteer to Register Other Students to Vote. Your students can still get involved in the election process by registering others to vote and promoting voter registration efforts. There are no eligibility requirements in California for volunteering to register others to vote.

  • Being a superpower country U.S.A's young people vote at the age of 17 years. This is political because according to me their minds are too young to be involved in politics. They get politically influenced by that lifestyle in their country.

    1. Can you explain more about what you mean? I'm interested to see if any of our Topical Talkers from the USA agree or disagree with you!

  • I won't vote for one thing young people could be political and also can't
    "Young people as political"
    Young people are political not only in sense of choosing a leader ,discussing about country's afairs they are also political in school
    Like deciding for a new proctor all students vote and majority becomes the leader and there are also many other examples such as deciding a party or lunch everyone gives their opinion for votting
    If we talk about real politics mny young People could be political because majority youth when take part in politics their mindset is that this country is for us so "we should take part or decide that what should be better for our country" and they really do
    It totally depend on interest.
    " Young people not as political "
    And i also think that young people can't be political because in teenage majority don't have sense of humour they just take decisions in emotion and also are not interested in news like me just see news for timepassing or to see ads and majority youth use social media and are not interested in politics
    If i talk about myself i am interested in politics but i am emotional too so i can't say anything..

    1. So is your opinion that emotions and politics do not mix? Can you explain this a little bit more? I'm also interested to hear what other Topical Talkers think about this.

      1. Yes this is exactly what I said because i personally have an experience that the decisions which i made in being emotional were mostly wrong.
        It's not wrong to have emotions but if you have so you also have to control them
        As haste is always the devil's work

  • Young people are both political and non-political simultaneously. They are political because they keep an idea of the political sense of a certain party or personality. So, they vote for a party owing to their political taste.
    At the same time, they are non-political because they are not the rulers but are ruled once a regime comes into effect. Consequent to the results of an election they have to bear the brunt of the policies of the regime of the time.

  • Are the youth political? In my opinion, whether the youth are political or not, this depends on the society in which they live, for example the economic and military situation. International or global level in a big way, if you put a young man in an international rank as a minister or president to manage its economic affairs, you will find that the majority of them will fail, because he cannot rule an entire country and its people, either in a military situation or in a state of war, you find them asking about war, because this determines their fate And it threatens their lives. They feel fear and seek safety and luxury only, so you find them agitated in times of war. They attack, defend, or get angry and revolt. This is a natural reaction for all human beings. I do not have a specific answer to this question, and my words do not apply to all young people. You find some young people. They have creative ideas that they can change the world with. We have to put our hope on them, even if they are immature today, because they will save us tomorrow.

  • Yes, because young people are the main supporters in building the walls of society and making it more advanced than before, simply because they are the strength we have for the present and the future.

    1. Thanks for this daring_snake. Can you explain what you mean when you say young people are the main supporters in building the walls of society?

      1. Of course, young people are the main supporters in building the walls of society and making it more advanced than before, because they are simply the pillar of society and because of their intellectual enthusiasm helps them greatly in various economic and social aspects. In addition to that, young people have
        The spirit of initiative, competition and innovation, and we want to encourage them to launch their ideas and create initiatives and associations in various fields, all of which contribute to the development and building of society.
        I hope I conveyed the idea in the correct sense.

  • I think young people are not politically involved that much. You said they should participate politically but because of social media, I don't think they should.

    Yes I agree where you said young people represent a large proportion of society but their minds are being taken over by social media. media consumes them and that's what guides their votes so its like they do not have an opinion of their own. for example, Kanye West, a big celebrity who is problematic in his own ways decided to run for president and the younger generation made jokes about it and wanted to vote for him juts because of who he is. in fact, if Kanye did become resident, he would be no help to America since he is literally just a musician. he may be talented when it comes tomes to music but definitely not when it comes to being in charge of a country. I feel like a lot of young people do not care as much as they should

  • I think young people are not politically involved that much. You said they should participate politically but because of social media, I don't think they should.

    Yes I agree where you said young people represent a large proportion of society but their minds are being taken over by social media. media consumes them and that's what guides their votes so its like they do not have an opinion of their own. for example, Kanye West, a big celebrity who is problematic in his own ways decided to run for president and the younger generation made jokes about it and wanted to vote for him juts because of who he is. in fact, if Kanye did become resident, he would be no help to America since he is literally just a musician. he may be talented when it comes tomes to music but definitely not when it comes to being in charge of a country. I feel like a lot of young people do not care as much as they should

  • Yes, I agree that young people must be in political activities as they are well educated and they have the courage to bring some changes in the country. They are the driving force for the country. In country like Nepal young politician should do politics because our old politician mostly do corruption and they are not educated. Only in some old politician have vision but our political parties are disturbing them and they cannot perform well. Young leader are required as they don`'t do corruption, they have the vision for a better future of country . Politician buys the vote of people in money so good people cannot come forward.

  • Young people are actually political. Young people of the 21st century love to challenge the world and challenge themselves, they speak fluently on development, technological and economical issues and they try their best to find a solution these problems. Young people are equipped with so many skills and programs that develops them into active and responsible politicians. An example of these programs are Global Conversation( it develops creativity, critical thinking, it teaches us how to analyse problems and proffer solutions), Junior Achievers(it educates young people on technology, skill development, economics and business, agriculture). All these programs train young people to be credible politicians.

  • Young people are politicians, and I relied on that through:

    Young people at the age of 18-29 have political thinking, as we find them active in demonstrations and even on social networking sites, they talk about all rights, such as women's rights and children's rights, they talk about international laws and crises, they share their opinions, and they vote on such issues.
    The young group spreads the news and other young people receive it, and so the cycle continues until it reaches and covers vast areas, and thus they influence the world

  • In my opinion yes , they are because young people are the basis of the future, as they are considered the only reason of promotion of our society .

  • Young people could be political, but we are not because we are not given the chance to be political, our views and opinions are not taken seriously because ''we lack experience '' give us a chance before we are condemned at least.

  • Young people’s relationship with politics is complex and problematized. They are seen both as the group who disengages politically, yet also at the forefront of major political movements.
    Young people are political, For instance here in my school, we elect prefects. During the period before the day of election, the candidates are to campaign and give out their manifestoes. There was a lot we were excited about especially to stand for as a young candidate for people to choose us to be their representatives. This is a way that taught us that we can be very competitive in the political aspect.

  • I personally think that young adults should have permission to vote as long as they were sensible ,because if they weren’t sensible it could completely ruin the country and if they purposely make horrible decisions it could completely ruin the country that they live in

  • Are young people political?
    my answer for you is yes and no ,you might be thinking but there can only be one. But I think it depends who you are and your personality .For example I'm not political I'm in to my fashion .But some people believe we should be political because we are the hands of the future.
    So we now know it depends who you are.

  • I think youth are not political Youth including teens and teens are not political like most adults because young people usually watch on social media videos meant to make them laugh Most young people don't watch the news like adults do They don't read informative articles based on Politics as adults do I'm sure young people don't pay attention to government let's be honest even if young people see anything related to politics or anything related to government. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care. Based on something I've read, it states, "36% of young Americans believe that being involved in politics rarely achieves anything, and that percentage has increased from previous years." Most young people don't care to get involved in anything political.

  • Are young people politicians?

    My answer is Yes, because young people could be thinking about it. They are the future and they could grow up to be an governor, Make laws, President, Etc.

    1. Can you explain in a bit more depth @trusting_television? In what ways are young people political? Is that different to the older generation?

  • Why young people are political is to make a difference in the longer term, to engaged in formal political processes and have a say in formulating today’s and tomorrow’s politics. Inclusive political participation is not only a fundamental political and democratic right but also is crucial to building stable and peaceful societies and developing policies that respond to the specific needs of younger generations. To be adequately represented in political institutions, processes, and decision-making, and in particular in elections, they must know their rights and also be given the necessary knowledge and capacity to participate in a meaningful way at all levels.

  • Political engagement can be defined as when someone takes an interest in politics and partakes in them, examples are regular voting. the question is are young people political to me the answer is no, because a lot of youths are disengaging from democratic activities and are going into professional careers. According to reports 73% of youths who are eligible are restrained from running for political offices.This is part of the problem hindering political engagement for youths.

    1. Can you share where you found this number please, inspirational_forest?

      1. I did some research and came across that information. Actually, the number is used to represent the percentage of eligible youths who are restrained from running for political offices and are not holding political appointments.

  • Yakubu Gowon, who at the age of 31 became the head of state and compare to the present leaders he really changed the country. We say the older the better but is that really true?

  • I believe that everyone is political, but not everyone likes to share their views and opinions due to various reasons. This could be because young people sometimes struggle to stand out from others and prefer to 'fit in' with people who perhaps have different views. It could also be because they feel as though they do not have much of a say in the politics world, despite this changing as younger people's voices are beginning to be heard - such as Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg who have inspired many across the world. Young people are political within their daily lives perhaps without even noticing, but they do not feel as though their opinions would have an impact upon these political situations/issues.
    On the other hand, especially in some areas of England, there are 'Youth MPs' who proudly speak out about what actions should be taken towards some issues, such as topics surrounding mental health, schools, the environment etc. With topics like these being spoken about by young people, it most likely creates an impact because they are all closely related to their daily lives and so they are able to share their personal experiences. Anecdotes are powerful when it comes to politics, while more famously, Malala Yousafzai shared the changes in her life after experiencing the impacts of the Taliban rules, but fortunately was still able to continue to live her life and inspire people by speaking out not only for herself but also for children who felt 'voiceless' about the lack of education that is received - for example in lower income countries such as Pakistan.
    Moreover, lots of young people unfortunately go through experiences in these stages of their lives where they feel as though their rights had been taken away or are not as prominent as adult's rights. This causes them to feel a lack of inclusion within the politics world and hence do not show and voice their views. This causes people to believe that young people are not political or are less political than adults.

  • Are young people political?
    Yes, I believe that most young people are political in some way. Whether that means actually voting or just having an opinion on local matters. Every young person has an opinion and ideas as to what they want to see change in society, in a lot of cases however they feel their voice does not matter. In the last general election, there was seen a total of 47,587,254 votes, compared to 46,400,000 votes in 2o15 (an increase of around 1,100,000 votes). This is most likely due to an increase in the input from people aged 18-24 in politics. I think socially, young people are becoming more aware that their votes do matter, they can make a change. When young people think / know they have a voice they are more likely to use it. A lot of young people do get political material off of social media, unlike a majority of adults who get it off things like the news. In the Uk, '43% of those born between 1981-1996 get their news off of social media'. To me, this shows that political matters are becoming normalized to discuss between people thus, opening up the idea to many young people to get involved in politics. As time goes on, I believe that the number of young people voting (in events such as general elections) will continue to increase as younger generations realize how important their vote is and want to get involved. I strongly believe that in the next general election there will be even more of an increase in votes, especially from those aged 18-24.

  • Are young people political?
    Yes, I believe young people are political; They are the next generation of our world, and therefore are highly aware of what comes next; Despite this, some may be less likely to vote or participate in political discussions. Firstly, this is a result of the lack of experience in politics. As a younger person, your first experience in politics may be daunting due to it being a new experience; this means that some may be less inclined to participate leading to a greater overall perception of the younger people being less political. Furthermore, this acts as a negative feedback loop as political areas are less populated with younger people. Additionally, there is a stigma surrounding younger people in politics; those with more experience and age may perceive themselves as more important and are less susceptible to change regarding politics. However, more and more younger people are engaging with politics, and it is having an effect upon society; social media platforms give the younger people more of a chance to engage in discussions.

  • Are young people political? From my point of view, I think it is possible... Who among us did not play a political role in the school when he was the class leader or the class secretary, or even a participant in resolving disagreements between friends, or even a problem with the school itself or with our brothers? All of this represents our political role as teenagers.... However, the question remains that experienced adults have more background due to their age and background. Advances in science and technology and revolution in communication, internet and social media have increased the interest and knowledge of politically educated youth in new policies. They are the most ambitious, have enthusiastic energy and curiosity, and are oriented towards self-affirmation. They are always critical and have the ability to change and advance. These are among the most important political advantages; Because politics is constantly changing. This change is difficult for Tories and Traditionalists to deal it is easy for young people to deal with it.... Most of us know about Mary Black, the 20 year old British MP..... I expect young people to be the hope of the future.

  • To my mind it seems to me that young people are quite political, whether of legal age (18+) and or minors (10+). Usually, minors have opinions due to all the commercials and marketing that is often meant to be advertised to older audiences. During elections, I customarily overhear conversations about commercials, often in structures like: "Who would you vote for?" "(Insert person) or (Insert person)?" ect. I do not partake in these conversations because I am not as political, but I have heard many. I personally cannot say much about how these conversations play out. Legals, the audience that these campaigns are targeting with these commercials do also take an effect on them too. Their personal opinions and views change after viewing these ads sometimes, and they discuss a lot about it. So yes, young people are very political as of now.

  • My answer for the question: Are young people political?
    Yes. I have had experiences in the past with a member government's child. We were discussing the abortion crisis in America and they had some valid logic. I have also seen many people protest about this and they are very good at discussing politics and why this world is twisted and how we could fix it to be beneficial. Thank you for reading my comment have a good lesson

  • Firstly, young people have different perspectives and a host of different ideas. By allowing them to voice their opinion we could be opening and moving the political world forward. This is not only good for society, but necessary for society. If the young did not engage with politics, even if it is through pressure groups, there would be many issues with our political establishments in trying to keep policy fair and sustainable for future generations. For example, equal rights for women required many young women to engage with the issue at hand. Why? Because they had strong feelings for the issue at hand, and that is something that countries should work to increase--interest and opinion on political matters.

    1. I agree because not every body has the same perspectives of things and people need to know that this is okay!!!

  • Are young people political?
    At the age of 18-29 some young people go to university and are politicians.
    Of course they are politicians, young people in the youth stage have wonderful thinking and high-quality thinking, and they are also the strength and hope of the future
    I do not mean that all young people are political because personally I am not really political, but I say yes because I study with political people, and this is because of their personal experience with this world.I mean, when you just interact with them, you can really see your future leader, not only in their words but in their advice as well, when they advise you or anyone else, you really see a future leader who's going to solve global problems. Young people spread the news to other young people and the cycle continues with more young people becoming political and getting more and more extra political work.
    Therefore, I believe that young people are politicians, as this is the most important stage in their lives, as they choose their lives and their future at this stage

  • Yes, young people are political. I believe that young people are political because in many countries just like mine young people literally participate in politics for example at school or in colleges when they are choosing leaders and also I believe that a person of 18 and above or any applicable age in a country is political as long as they have the requirements just like they can get involved in stricts or riots or give their opinions via social media.

  • I feel like young people should vote when they react the age of 18,if young people don't vote less people will come up to vote.

  • Are young people political ?
    The answer would be yes . Politics at the end of the day runs a country , people express their opinion , the majority party makes bills and amendments and implements them on the common masses while the opposition finds flaws in the administration and brings them to light and even mentions how they can change that. In this young people do play a part ,a very important one . They are the lighthouses which will guide their country to a better future and for that they should know who rules their country , how well does he or she runs the country and do their method fit in the child's perspective.

  • Young people can be political because you have to be 18 in the US to vote and according to and in 2021 and in 2022 out of 258,327,312 people. Only 27 percent of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 voted for the 2022 midterms which is 69,748,374 of the population that voted in the midterms and since that many young people voted then young people are political.

  • are young pepole politcail?

    many may so no many may so yes but some say it has a negitive to there heath some say they love voting most say they get most of there news from social mediea. So a lot of pepole have differnt concepts but in my opinoin il'l say it depends on the age because pepole 18-29. Can't partcipate in some tradtionl potical stuff so it depends on the age in most sistuions.