Comments by accurate_wombat Comment Post Date When we talk about diversity, we should talk about the movie eternals, the handled diversity in... Films that make a difference 29/11/22 To be honest, I have thought about the movie the Incredibles as a diverse movie, I know sound... Films that make a difference 29/11/22 Talking about the diversity in movies, we are not talking about the fact that women have only... Films that make a difference 29/11/22 When we speak about movies that portray diversity it does not just mean one that represents... Films that make a difference 29/11/22 Akeelah and the Bee that stars Angela Bassett, Laurence Fishburne and Keke Palmer, who plays... Films that make a difference 29/11/22 When we talk about diversity, we do not just mean in skin color, if you ask me, it also has to... Films that make a difference 29/11/22 The movie, the princess and the frog is well known for the fact that princess Tiana is the only... Films that make a difference 29/11/22 A film that made a difference to me is the woman king, it was very inspirational, and it was... Films that make a difference 29/11/22 Akeelah and the Bee that stars Angela Bassett, Laurence Fishburne and Keke Palmer, who plays... Films that make a difference 29/11/22 A show that represents diversity, is the movie Coco it represents diversity in tradition, and it... Films that make a difference 29/11/22 To be honest I feel glad that someone has been able to do what I could not do, I feel happy and... The power of youth 28/11/22 The percentage of people who believe that politics have a negative impact on their mental health... Pick a percentage! 28/11/22 To be honest I feel like it should vary it should be free under some conditions, like if the... What should be free? 28/11/22 To be honest I am surprised but I am not surprised by the fact that people think that being... Pick a percentage! 28/11/22 A film or cartoon that5 makes a difference to me is the princess and the frog, why you might... Films that make a difference 28/11/22 Are young people given a chance to be political. In modern times young people... Suggest a discussion! 28/11/22 If you think about it fast fashion is not really that bad, think about it fast fashion causes... Who is responsible? 28/11/22 It is basically a home, a place that organisms adapt to in order to survive. Expert challenge: protect the animals! 28/11/22 yes some rules are important than other for example a rule that says we should keep the... One rule for everyone? 28/11/22 Obviously yes there is, the decision-making process could be a lot faster, it could downright... Political split: pros and cons! 28/11/22 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >