Comments by accurate_wombat Comment Post Date I disagree because... what exactly is diversity, according to ''Diversity is a term... Representation or diversity witch is more important 08/12/22 Around the world, girls and women face unique challenges to participating in sport. These... The Female World Cup 2027. 08/12/22 A common stereotype in the sports community is that women’s sports are inferior to men’s sports.... The Female World Cup 2027. 08/12/22 I get what you mean to be honest, the cost of healthcare too is a problem. According to the... Can doctors maintain a steady hand whilst the cost of living goes up? 08/12/22 The thing is young people are political but not just in the way that other people think, we are... Are young people political? 08/12/22 Yes, we are political I mean we are not just given the chance we need to be political; I mean... Are young people political? 08/12/22 I agree because... when we really think about it not the whole world is actually experiencing... Food for thought 07/12/22 45% of young Americans say that politics has a negative impact on their mental health, and it... Pick a percentage! 07/12/22 The topic that was special to me was US midterms, I had a huge understanding about if young... Competition #6 Favourite topic 07/12/22 when we say we are a woke century I do not exactly believe that because minor things that need a... The Female World Cup 2027. 07/12/22 Another thing I think needs to be adressed is the pay gap between the two genders which play THE... The Female World Cup 2027. 07/12/22 It's no secret that politics can make people miserable. National politics in the U.S. is... Pick a percentage! 07/12/22 The percentage that actually surprises me here is the 28% because I did not think people... Pick a percentage! 07/12/22 The percentage that surprises me the most is the 36%, but I can actually relate to how they feel... Pick a percentage! 06/12/22 Yes, I actually do believe that politics have a negative impact on the health of youths.... Pick a percentage! 06/12/22 well i get what you are saying but, what do you expect, in my country I feel all these... Pick a percentage! 05/12/22 To be honest there are a number of ways that fast fashion and every other topic discussed, the... Fast fashion 05/12/22 One of the main causes of doctor shortages is their payment, we see this everywhere to be honest... Dr.Shortages 05/12/22 When talking about the importance of democracy it is important to define it accurately.... DEMOCRACY, PATRIOTISM, EQUALITY 05/12/22 Yes, I can the world cup or should I say the legacy of big events, big and uncalled for event... Fast fashion 05/12/22 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >