Comments by accurate_wombat Comment Post Date well maybe he does not actually relate, also all the categories he mentioned cannot be related... A speech that got people talking 28/11/22 we learnt that big time events like the world cup can have huge impacts on the environment, it... Watch our live lesson! 28/11/22 This is ironic but I would choose the theme song from one of my favorite cartoons ''we bare... Protest songs: what would you choose? 28/11/22 I agree because... young people could actually have a wider view on things because of the... Older or younger lawmakers? 28/11/22 I agree because... sometimes we have to let certain things go and move on, imagine in after the... One rule for everyone? 28/11/22 In your field of work are there any sexuality-based problems. ...Dr Mamta Patel Nagaraja from NASA! 27/11/22 NO it is not important for a positive human future, sometimes I think it is best to leave... Space: a positive human future? 27/11/22 I have chosen not one character but three to be precise I have chosen the three bears from the... Who could change the world? 27/11/22 If you ask me not having one rules for everyone violates the concept of rule of law, we have to... One rule for everyone? 27/11/22 I feel like we are all taking this too likely, Mr. Infantino can relate that is why he is so... A speech that got people talking 27/11/22 sometimes I wonder why we never focus on the important stuff Infantino is trying to say that... A speech that got people talking 27/11/22 Hosting big events could be very detrimental to developing countries I mean a part of their... Coming to a town near YOU! Or not? 25/11/22 Young people could be political, but we are not because we are not given the chance to be... Are young people political? 25/11/22 I think the character May parker, Spider-man's aunt could change the world. She might not be a... Who could change the world? 25/11/22 My hero is elastgirl also known as Helen parr, she is my hero because she is the definition on... Who could change the world? 25/11/22 I get what Mr Infantino was trying to say but the truth is that it could be also seen as rude... A speech that got people talking 24/11/22 If we go to look at the full speech of Mr Infantino, we will get more light, I want to look at... A speech that got people talking 24/11/22 In my opinion Mr Infantino is just talking about accountability, we never hold the people who... A speech that got people talking 24/11/22 I disagree because... he isn't trying to say that opposing them is bad I rather feel like he is... A speech that got people talking 24/11/22 I feel they might feel weak, when they treat people nice, or they are ignorant to the fact that... A speech that got people talking 24/11/22 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >