Comments by accurate_wombat Comment Post Date Well in my opinion, the excess demand for them causes the shortage of them, yes, what do I, mean... What causes doctor shortages? 17/11/22 Yes, of course the obvious answer is all jobs are important, we live in a world where one cannot... Pick a side! 17/11/22 I mean there could be policies in a work place that says, we could pay workers per the cloth... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 17/11/22 I would like to see this in a different light, I would like to talk about an animal that is... Expert challenge: protect the animals! 15/11/22 Yes, leaders can make mistakes, I agree that leaders should not break their own rules, but... One rule for everyone? 14/11/22 No I would not want to be a leader to be honest the, according to the Harvard business review... Would you be a leader? 14/11/22 yes, cartoons are a good way to share news, because we can represent things to even to children,... What does the cartoonist think? 14/11/22 gender equality is a no for me. I feel that it would just make things worse than it already is.... Gender inequality: have your say! 11/11/22 The question should be are young people given the opportunity to be political. I mean it all... Are young people political? 11/11/22 We have been talking about fast fashion, yes but have we ever said which clothing accessory take... Who is responsible? 11/11/22 To be honest I feel another reason for fast fashion is the fact that no one looks at the quality... Reduce, reuse, recycle! 11/11/22 the constant fashion changes cause a lot of environmental problems, it is responsible for around... Who is responsible? 10/11/22 This is one view but I believe that that in order to make it more accessible it should be held... Are COP events sustainable? 10/11/22 Ok I mean if you think about it earth is basically tapped out of resources so think what if... What makes space 'out of this world'? 10/11/22 Thinking of being a leader and actually being one are two different things. We all think that we... Would you be a leader? 10/11/22 diversity is important because it teaches us how to act, it influences our choices and gives us... Why is it important to see diversity in films? 10/11/22 To be honest i believe the character she hulk would change the world, yes it seems illogical but... Who could change the world? 10/11/22 yes there was no internet but there were few educated elites and there were rallies and... Should the internet be a human right? 10/11/22 Climate change improved the ecosystem. It helped to create jobs, we cannot argue with the fact... Climate reporters! 10/11/22 yes the reason why someone helps are important, for some people helping other feel good it hep... The food crisis: why can’t we just share? 10/11/22 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >