amusing_bee has not published standpoints yet. Comments by amusing_bee Comment Post Date Comment: I would have a blindly-judged art competition. All the artists would keep their artwork a... Post: #41 - Ideas to Include Date: 26/6/20 Comment: My virtual festival would have a futuristic theme to link with the virtual-ness of the festival.... Post: #39 - Your Virtual Festival Date: 12/6/20 Comment: Earth In Progress This is because the cracks represent all the flaws of the human race, like... Post: #32 - Give it a title! Date: 20/4/20 Comment: My seven word answer is... It gives people information and connection globally. I think the... Post: #31 - Say it in Seven! Date: 16/4/20 Comment: I heard recently that a 103-year-old Iranian lady won an amazing battle with the coronavirus... Post: #28 - Good News Stories - Winners Announced! Date: 27/3/20 Comment: My chosen job is alien exploration. This could be developed in many areas, as this could cover... Post: #14 - Space Job Skills - Winners Announced! Date: 13/12/19 Comment: One opinion I feel about space is that the sun isn't what we think it is. This is because humans... Post: #10 - Brain-stand! Winners Announced Date: 15/11/19 Comment: my first words would be: Wow. And all this time I thought Antarctica was the most serene,... Post: #9 - Time-Travel Challenge - Winners Announced! Date: 08/11/19