Comments by decisive_reality

Comment Post Date
I genuinely do think that a certain decade will come where the development in technology shall... What makes space 'out of this world'? 15/11/22
According to me, food is area specific and depends upon the agricultural growth and seasonal... The food crisis: why can’t we just share? 15/11/22
The major problem India is facing is due to unstable mindsets and unnecessary wars between... Competition #2 Questions for leaders 11/11/22
Well to be honest, Phone is a great way for communication. Nonetheless, most of the people... Space innovations: what do you think? 07/11/22
Cosmology is certainly an important aspect of my life since it allures me the most! Nonetheless,... What makes space 'out of this world'? 03/11/22
In my perception, all the people benefit equally from space innovation since it contributes... Space innovations: what do you think? 03/11/22
So this question is certainly the best one till now! If I get a chance to win 450,000$, I would... Money, money, money! 03/11/22
So in my perception, 95% closely associates with social media screen time for teenagers.... Competition #1 Interpreting statistics 03/11/22