Space innovations: what do you think?

In order to get people into space, scientists and engineers have had to get creative. They have invented lots of new things for astronauts – but many of these things have changed the lives of people on Earth too. For example, satellite navigation helps people to find their way around every day, and artificial limbs give disabled people more mobility.

However, space innovations do not benefit everyone equally. For example, not everyone can afford space innovations like high speed internet and remote medical care.

Look at the pictures below to explore more examples of space innovations!

1. CAT scans 2. Water purification system 3. Land mine removal 4. Camera phones 5. LEDs 6. Athletic shoes 7. Memory foam 8. Foil blankets 9. Duster Busters 10. Scratch-resistant lenses 11. Ear thermometers 12. Home insulation 13. Wireless headsets 14. Freeze dried food 15. Artificial limbs 16. Ballpoint pens 17. Computer mouse 18. Baby formula

Share your ideas in the comments below. Remember you can let others know what you think by replying directly to their comment.

Comments (149)

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  • I think you being beneficial is you having the resources and knowledge, skills, passion for space so once you have this attribute so you ready

    1. Totally agree. Plus having the curiosity how these innovations may be made in different ways not to affect the Earth negatively. Sometimes we need poweful safety system not to use the satellite navigation, for example, to spy. Othertimes we need to think more about our health espically while talking about dried food as an example.

      1. Very interesting commentary both! How do you think space exploration could become more sustainable or act to promote sustainability on planet Earth?

        1. Its all about the natural resources. Earth sadly losing its treasures due to increasing consumption rates, wastage of resources and the side effects of climate change. Its the need of the hour to develop new skills and search new resources from outer world. Also due to pollution and climate change issues the future of the planet earth seems to be dark for its habitation. Nuclear war heads on the other hand could be the cause to erase the human race from earth. Space exploration can give a safe route to some courageous human survivals.
          Space exploration can lead to the sustainable energy resources and ways to transport them to earth. Space explorers can get the opportunity to learn the skills of adopting resilient lifestyle.

  • I think this will be a great idea. The Surge of space innovation that comes with interest will create new opportunities and inspire the next generation of doers. If this happens the boundary between science and social impact are blurred. Space Innovation leading to scientific discovery will benefit the whole world and also support science innovators. So we should all participate in this innovation to enhance the project of space exploration. Technology development and spin-offs from space research can find their way to the community worldwide and can also come with lifesaving benefits. We need more students that will discover and invent in communication,robotics, satellite and earth observations. Space exploration is very relevant to everyone online it just needs discipline and interest.

    1. You said that space innovation is closely related to every person who uses the Internet, can you explain how?!

    2. I love the idea of having innovations for lifesaving sake. For example
      automatic helicopters with small cameras helps us to fly through the forests and dive deep in the oacons to understand more about what live there and how they adapt with the environment. Without such space innovation let's say we will be disconnected with the other creations who may suffer from something and for sure we can help.
      In this context, some eagles far on the top of the trees have the problem of swallowing plastic bags as well as the tortoises on the other side of the world which really suffer alot from the same problem. Without having such innovations we were about to lose these species .

    3. Great point! Do you see any drawbacks to space exploration too or do you think the benefits will ultimately outweigh any negatives?

    4. I agree, scientific discovery and social impact can go hand-in-hand, which is exciting! How do you think we can drive more interest in the discovery and invention of these things? I appreciate your phrase: "inspire the next generation of doers."

  • 1: Who has benefited most from space innovations?
    Who invented the formula for artificial infant formula because it gives the mother more flexibility and freedom of movement and the mother does not need to change her diet due to breastfeeding

    2: Who are the people who benefit least from space innovations?
    Those who invented ballpoint pens, we must write with pencils, which means that it is not very important in our daily life.

    3: What is the most important space innovation for me?
    For me, the prosthetic limbs because they help to walk, so the missing limbs do not feel a shortage of healthy people
    Also, the composition of milk for children is very important in our lives, because without it, life would be more difficult for mothers
    4: Do you use any of the things in the pictures above?
    Yes, use your mobile phone, glasses, blankets and pens

    1. You said that the people who write with their pens are the least benefited from space innovations, but I disagree with your opinion. From my own opinion, I see that there is a close link between writing and space innovations. They are a complementary topic to each other, as space innovators are the ones who do research and projects, but who transfers them to the world?!
      Those who write, of course, convey the suffering, experience and attempt of the innovators of space, so they are the means to deliver the greatest amount of benefit to the largest number of people around the world. Rather, space motivates them to develop their writing skills and so on. Therefore, I see that they are among the beneficiaries of space innovations.

      1. But I did not say that all kinds of pens are not important in our lives, but I mean that we can write with pencils..... I really know that pens are the reason why some scientists have reached their inventions

    2. Hi Committed_tsunami!

      Really good points, especially number 3 regarding the prosthetic limbs, I totally agree! Do you think this benefit is available for everyone who needs it? or just a specific group of people depending on their class/geographic location?

      How could space innovations be made accessible for everyone?

      1. I do not think that it is available to everyone who needs it. Yes, it is a specific group of people according to their class and geographical location
        Maybe Making a lot of them and giving everyone in need prosthetic limbs

    3. Great comment! So your view is that different space innovations are ultimately beneficial but for different population groups and different circumstances, is that correct?

  • I see that the people who benefit most from space innovations are governments, because they see space innovations in general as a battleground for who is stronger and more developed, In addition to the fact that space also reflects the relations of some countries with others and popular events, and affects their role in this field, Among the evidence for what I am saying is the recent events in the world and how one of the most important countries in the field of space withdrew from the International Space Station,
    And this space is already (the Cold War)

    In my opinion, the people who benefit least from space innovations are the poor people, where many of their youth have great ideas and innovations, but because the government cannot invest their ideas because of weak capabilities, The people cannot benefit from innovations, whether by buying them from rich countries or applying the ideas of their youth, so young people who insist on their goal are forced to apply for scholarships and travel to rich countries and make their ideas succeed there,Thus, young people migrate from poor peoples, and the condition of the poor country and its people remains the same without noticeable change

    One of the things that I use from the picture and the most important thing for me is the pen, because as a student I use it for about 6 hours a day, and because I am an aficionado of writing, I need it to write poetry and various topics, And even for our world it is the most important, where all the ancient schemes that paved the way for today's advanced inventions, were written by pens, without pens it would have been difficult,Nowadays, it is not that important for some people to have mobile phones, but writing freely on the mobile phone is not that comfortable,Therefore, even modern phone companies, such as: Apple, Samsung, are producing styluses for phones to facilitate touch, and there is a great demand by young people for this type of device.

    1. This is an outstanding comment, broadminded_memory! You have considered different perspectives as well as your own and have backed up all of your points with examples. I thought that your point about how space innovations are a "battleground" for countries to prove who is stronger or more developed was particularly interesting. I wonder if others will agree or disagree? I'd love to see some responses for both!

    2. "I see that the people who benefit most from space innovations are governments" what if the government is poor, we can say that they are beneficiaries.

      1. Can you explain a bit more about what you mean, emotional_meaning?

        1. Sorry I meant we cannot say they are beneficiaries. Countries that are undeveloped and do not have enough revenue are not beneficiaries to space innovations because they cannot afford some of those innovations in their counties.

          1. Ah I see what you mean! What could be done to help make this situation more fair? I wonder if anyone else has any ideas?

    3. Hi Broadminded_memory!

      You have considered some really good points

      Do you think that the young people migrating to other countries to take advantage of these developments can do something to help invest into the country they have left? especially once they are skilled and qualified?

  • 1. I cannot say who benefits the most from these innovations, as these tools are all life things that help all people do things easily and also help treat patients, so everyone should benefit from them, but from my point of view, the most benefit from these innovations are Those who have a lot of money, as everything in these pictures needs a lot of money, so I find that this is unfair. There are many people who need these innovations, such as: patients who suffer from persistent disease, but they cannot find the appropriate treatment for him, and the reason is money Or those who love sports, as they need good sports shoes, so they cannot buy them in soap with disease in their feet, what do you think? Do you agree with me or what?
    2. I cannot say that the poor are the least benefited from these products, as there are many poor people who use these products, but they are not of the highest quality, because everything suits them. Money, so it is difficult for the poor, he cannot use these products
    and innovations
    3. The most important space innovation for me is the pen, as there are many poor people who have become one of the richest people because of this pen. It allows everyone to express the opinion and the general situation of the country or the world and to take notes. Thanks to this pen, many people were able to become scholars. Discovering these innovations, and what do you think, can something be discovered without the pen? And if your answer is yes, how will that happen?

  • The people who benefit the most?
    sick peopleBecause there are many patients who need equipment and machines that are not found on planet Earth and are mainly in space and help in a great way in their recovery and knowledge of their condition and disease and they live reassured in the event of knowing their disease and its type. This was notThe innovations make it difficult to cure the sickPeople who benefit least?
    People who do not research and do not care much about space science and innovations and are satisfied with the innovations of the earth. When they search more in space innovations, they find that they are important in some areas of human beings that did not exist on Earth and that they facilitate their lives, so their love for innovations becomes greater and they strive to obtain them and benefit from them.

    What space innovation is most important to you ؟
    Patient-assisted innovations such as CAT scanners, ear thermometers, and prosthetics
    Because it is important for patients to help them live normally like other humans and live with pleasure and joy and not feel inferiority from their disease

    Do you use any of the things mentioned in the picture
    Yes, like wired headphones, ballpoint pens, computer mouse, and sneakers
    I found it very important in my daily life
    I also found that I got used to it a lot, and it is one of the things that makes me most happy in spending my day

    1. Hi willing_woodpecker! You said that some medical machines and equipment can be found in space but not on Earth. Are you sure about this? Can you give examples please?

      1. yes sure
        Because space innovations are mainly from space, not from Earth, and examples such as prosthetic legs, CAT scanners and thermometers

  • 1 _ Who are the people who benefit most from space innovations?
    _ Young people: because they are the ones who care about modern things, keep pace with development and understand how to use, not like adults who only understand what was in the past (their present).
    2_ Who are the people who benefit least from innovations?
    Scientists are the least benefited because they don't care about what's going on and are just busy working to develop the world further.
    3_ What is the most important space innovation for you?
    For example, do you use any of the things in the picture?
    _ Devices that have cameras because they help us take pictures and save them until needed.

    1. Hi great_mango, do you think it is fair to say that young people are the only ones who care about modern things? I think we have some experts who might disagree with you! How else could you phrase your idea to make it more fair?

      1. Because young people are the basis of society, so they like to develop society, always think of inventions and love progress and experiments .

    2. That's an interesting perspective. Do you think some of the innovations pictured above are suited to young people? E.g. baby formula? Medical treatments?

      It's also interesting to consider where scientists get their ideas from? Where do you think they get their inspiration?

      1. That's an interesting perspective. Do you think some of the innovations pictured above are suited to young people? E.g. baby formula? Medical treatments?

        _ not suitable for young people, of course, but they love progress and development and love experiments. For example, with regard to infant formula and medical treatments, they can use it, but not for them, but but children and others, but they like to bring and experience everything that is modern .
        .It's also interesting to consider where scientists get their ideas from? Where do you think they get their inspiration?

        _Scientists get their ideas and inspiration through questions, for example, a sick man wondering where the disease came from and how we can treat it. By searching for strange things and so on, and from here they can invent things that benefit them and others.

        1. I really like your point about scientists being inspired by questions.

    3. Do you not think that the elderly also benefit from these innovations??, as most of the leaders, presidents and governments are the elderly, and I think that they are the people who benefit the most from them, as they are working to exploit them as much as possible to compete with each other and launch a peaceful attack or military

    4. I agree that the young will benefit most but that isn't necessarily because us adults only live in the past! It is mainly because the young have longer to enjoy the benefits of innovation and because innovation tends to bring about further innovation!
      Scientists benefit from innovations too as they can help them do their work in improving understanding of the world around us.
      I think that if you look at all the things that have come to be because of space exploration you will find many items that you use or benefit from in day-to-day life. Indeed, you're probably using one now!
      Would you like to be involved in such innovation yourself one day?

    5. I really agree with you. Young men love to take an interest in development And relying on modern machines to do things, but scientists are not the least benefit Rather, the most beneficial because the development of devices and machines helped scientists discover new, more advanced things

  • The most benefited are the category of infants the mother may be in a situation that does not allow her to breastfeed her child so formula milk is used as an ideal alternative .It contains and mental developer for infants and is considered a good nutritional supplement because it contains fatty acids that are not formed by the human body

    The lest benefit is the developing countries that have not yet reached this development and are unable to import these devices from abroad

    The most important for me are phones equipped with cameras as they are important events in our practical or scientific lives.

  • I think my favorite innovation is the water purification system because it has great importance in making use of rain water and getting rid of pollutants such as bacteria and viruses to get potable water that is pure enough to be used as well. Some countries are prone to war, and I think that developed countries are the most used of these innovations, while developing countries are the least vulnerable to these innovations.

    1. The point you made about developing countries is interesting - can you explain why they might benefit less from these innovations than others?

      1. Because developing countries are unable to buy these innovations because of their poor and low financial situation, or their inability to import these innovations because of weak crossings or because the occupier controls these crossings in the occupied countries

    2. This is a very valid point; however, don't you think that those innovation could be more beneficial to those countries that have issues?

      1. Yes, of course, these developing countries are the most in need of these innovations, but the problem is that they are unable to obtain them and are unable to provide them to all needy people. But in my opinion, the developed countries should provide and support these developing countries with these innovations.

  • Scientists spend a lot of money and time to help them discover space and scientific expansion in the field of astronomy and its sciences, and to discover scientific techniques that help us in daily life.

  • Scientists spend a lot of money and time to help them discover space and scientific expansion in the field of astronomy and its sciences, and to discover scientific techniques that help us in daily life.

  • Scientists spend a lot of money and time to help them discover space and scientific expansion in the field of astronomy and its sciences, and to discover scientific techniques that help us in daily life.

    1. Totally agree, but in your opinion, Which people benefit most from space innovations? And which poeple benefit less?

  • The discovery of space has helped create a positive human future by exploring many devices and technologies that have helped educate a large number of people. Space exploration alone has provided a great deal of important knowledge to educate people and increase their awareness about the basic understanding of our planet and the universe.

  • Space has become to some extent known to scientists, using satellites and high-tech telescopes, man has been able to explore many secrets of space and many scientists believe that the future a large part of it will be in space and seek to explore other life in outer space that is better than Earth through which problems can be avoided And the difficulties faced by man on earth.

    1. Could you elaborate on this? What problems do you think can be avoided? Also do you think there is life out there?

    2. That's an interesting take. Do you think it will be possible for humans to move from Earth someday ?

  • Achievements and innovations benefit society in raising their status among peoples. Space is a void in which there are only galaxies, celestial bodies, and planets. Man cannot live on it. Even most of the scientists who went to space, a few of them, returned safely to Earth, and this indicates the danger of ascending to space. Moon but we'll get onA large number of fans to go up to the moon are like the poor, and they are the most popular group of people who love science and learn about scientific things because of the lack of internet and phones they have. They resorted to books and their imaginations to invent things and learn about science. If their intellectual skills are developed, we will produce a generation Full of scientists and achievements

  • Beit Hanoun Prep Girls A School .
    1. In my opinion, most people can benefit from these innovations, and there is no doubt that life will be difficult without them.
    2. I do not think that there are people who cannot benefit from it, but it may be who are not able to use it in their daily life.
    3 . Yes, I use some of them, such as phones, lamps, etc., but the most important innovation for me is lamps because light is the basis of this life.

    1. Hiya fearless_engineer!, you think that most people can benefit from these innovations, but don't you think that there are some people that are in need to these innovations but cant afford their price? and you think that Light is the basis of this life , don't you think that water is the basis instead ? and the " water purification system" is the more important innovation so that you can drink pure water to stay alive in healthy condition?

      1. Of course, there are people who need it in their lives, but they cannot buy it. I agree with the opinion, but I am talking in general about most people, and I know that some people need it and cannot buy it.
        Regarding the importance of water, I do not deny that, but imagine with me how life would be without light....
        You will see it dark, oppressive, black here. I realized the importance of light in life. Because many people neglect its importance, no person can accomplish his work without light, as doctors need light greatly in their work to treat people and perform surgeries, so I thought about human lives and people in this situation.

  • I think the rich people, the presidents, and the owners of companies are the people who benefit the most from innovations, because satellites and going to space require a lot of money, but there are people whose financial situation is weak, but they have inventions that exceed the rich, but they can't go to space, or people who can't buy these innovations, because I can't buy a robot or TV screen My life is full of inventions, for example I hold the phone to find out useful news and my motherNext to me, she uses the vacuum cleaner to clean the house, my sister wears unbreakable glasses, and we watch wars of people losing parts of their bodies, so you have Palestine full of wars, some of them lost an arm and some of them lost a leg. Because I write my homework in it and they are known at school and we have benefited from the spaceKnowledge of the solar system, planets and distant galaxies and works to protect the Earth from asteroids that cause disasters, and in space there are many raw materials such as gold, silver and platinum, and useful medicines have been discovered for humans, such as the treatment of osteoporosis..

    1. Thank you for sharing these examples of how space innovations have benefitted you and your country, centered_robin. Are there any space innovations in the above examples that you benefit less from? Why?

  • 1-The people who benefit most from space innovations are the heads of state themselves. I chose the heads of states because they are considered the upper hand controlling the flow of things in the state. They are also the support and stop the space innovations, so countries competed a lot in this field, because the success of one operation guarantees the reaping of enormous money for the benefit of the people. The state and thus raising the economy to obtain economic integration for the entire state, and thus the state guarantees its position among the countries of the world. It has become economically and socially important. It has also gained popular prestige and friendly neighboring relations in its favour, and many areas have opened up for it.

    2-From my point of view, I see that the least benefit from space innovations is the people who live in developing countries, where the state's shortcomings and economic weakness do not have the ability to participate in innovative subscriptions, for example, or to have a hand in a deal to develop one of the innovations, so it is unable to Being an active party among other countries, and at the same time, it will not be able to provide the necessary environment for its people, and if it is among its people who are interested in the issue of innovations, he will not decide to do it in his country, but will travel to a developed country that supports his project. Therefore, these developing countries do not have the opportunity to experiment, only have a chance Hear about these achievements!

    3-I chose to choose camera phones as the most used innovation for me, this was a really great innovation for the whole world, although I am not very supportive of social networking sites, but camera phones was a beautiful innovation because it gave us the opportunity to keep our beautiful memories or strange things We did it and wanted to make it a beautiful memory, as crime and case investigators use it to facilitate investigations by taking it as evidence, and presidents and officials use it in depicting what is important to them, and it has many important uses that benefit humanity.

    1. You mentioned that some people who innovate might choose to leave their country to share their ideas elsewhere - and you're right, this does happen. Can you explain why people might do this?

      1. Yes, of course, I can explain what drives a lot to travel abroad. My focus will be on the youth of my country because they are the greatest example of this. We are considered a developing country in which you do not find many supporters for you and your productive projects, and many young people in their twenties are studying and obtaining university degrees, but after The doors are closed in their faces due to the lack of job opportunities!
        We are facing a very large unemployment, which prompted many young people to travel abroad in search of work or a salary higher than what they get in their country. Also, the view of the people of the state for the state itself is somewhat wrong. If a person wants to do a project he is afraid to present it to the government of his country because The possibility of its support for it is very weak due to the government's shortcomings and its weak budget. Many people resort to going to a developed country that adopts their ideas and supports them to achieve them and the results will come.

      2. I agree to what inventive_conclusion said and in response to this question, people who innovate might leave their country to go elsewhere that is to countries that are developed so that there innovations can be put into place and they achieve from it and earn icome.

    2. I'm interested in who you think benefits most from space innovation. The three people mentioned in the article are all individuals rather than heads of state. Why do you think they are interested in space innovations? Do you think their interest is philanthropical at all?

  • 1. People who benefit most from space innovations ?
    He is the one who invented sports shoes because they make the lives of many people who suffer from joint pain , vision or any other pain easy and make them more flexible and smooth .
    2. The least benefited
    He is the one who invented the headphones because many people do not prefer them because of their long-term negativ effects on the ear and weaken the human sense of hearing.
    3. The most important innovation for me ?
    Resistance lenses because they help to see well for those who have weak eyes , where they do not feel inferior .
    4. Do you use any of the existing things ?
    Yes , I use the ballpoint pen because I am a student and I need it so much at school
    And I use a computer mouse because I learn programming in school , such as creating games and weaving stories
    And use the phone to learn and learn about the languages and cultures of other countries and also use it to study .

    1. Can you give some evidence for your claim that headphones have "long-term negative effects on the ear"? I am not sure this is true.

      1. That is , it can cause hearing loss due to excessive volume , ear infectio tinnitus or hyperacusis . There are many people I know who have used it , resultingin hearing loss

  • I think the people who benefit the most the most from space innovations are the ones who care the most about evolution and progress,and of course they are scientists, inventors and the majority of inventors because they need these innovations to develop them further and less useful are those who live in places that know nothing of development and progress, such as those who live in forest. The most important system is water 💦 purification, because water is the basis of life.

    1. Who might benefit from water purification technology?

      1. Those who will benefit from this technology will be countries where water 💦 is not available. It is possible to turn polluted water with this technology into pure water 💦 that people can drink, such as some countries, suddan, for example.

  • • In my opinion the rich people and developed countries benefit more from space innovations, rich people can see a space innovation and be able to purchase it without the pain of I have lost alot of money but an individual that lives below a dollar cannot see a space innovation and purchase it because they do not have enough money to feed with, underdeveloped countries like Burundi have limited space innovations because of their poor economy but countries like Luxembourg have alot of space innovations because of their high and rich economy.
    •The poor and underdeveloped countries benefit least from space innovations. The poor(living under a dollar per day)can hardly feed so it will be hard for them to afford space innovations. Underdeveloped countries hardly have good infrastructure because they generate small revenue.
    •The water purification system is the most important to me. According to Audrey Hepburn "Water is life, and clean water means health." If we have clean water some of our world problems will reduce, if we have clean water there won't be food crisis because our crops will grow well in our farms, if we have clean we would not fall ill easily, if we have clean water we would preserve alot of aquatic organisms.
    •Yes I use some of these space innovations like the Water purification system, Camera phones , LEDs, Athletic shoes, Scratch-resistant lenses, Ear thermometers ,Home insulation,Wireless headsets,Freeze dried food,Ballpoint pens,Computer mouse .

    1. Great comment @emotional meaning. You've demonstrated the Topical Talk skills of listening, speaking and creativity really well and given lots of relevant evidence and examples to support your points, well done!

  • As a result of technological development and the prevailing trend among scientists to explore space, we may find a safe life in the future far from the planet Earth, which has been greatly offended by man.

  • * For me, they are entrepreneurs and marketing, because they are good products, and this is what they want to promote the product and convince people of its usefulness or not they have and are good at persuasion to convince the audience of the products, and for them it is the treasure that will make them richer and more famous.

    * They are the ones who do not know the existence of these products from the origin and who do not live in our civilized world, such as those who live in remote islands or arid deserts or tribes that inhabit forests and high mountains, so they do not know about them until they benefit from them

    * Pens because they are one of the easiest ways to write down information and save it, and from my point of view, because they are the best in expressing opinion, such as writing stories, poetry or novels, and it is the best way to express feelings and write diaries, and it is very important in the student’s life, as he uses it for 12 year and for 6 hours a day, other than home study hours and external lessons, so he should take good care of the type and quality of the pen, because it was the way in the development of civilization, starting with the stone pens that were used for engraving on the stone and ending with the electronic pens accompanying electronic devices such as the iPad and the phone

  • The discovery of space has many benefits for humans, such as economic, cultural and scientific benefits. Therefore, space is worth spending time and money on to create a positive human future. This led to very important technical and scientific inventions and achievements. And when they overcame this challenge, they were able to develop technologies and make them amazing for humans to benefit from on Earth.

    1. Hi giving_mood! You're right that there are lots of benefits to exploring space. Can you think of any specific examples?

  • 1. In my opinion governments of developed countries and rich people that engage in space innovations benefit more from it. We notice that countries that invest in space innovation make a lot of discoveries to the glory of that country. When they invest things it leads to the growth of their country and this results in the pull of skillful human resources in developing countries looking for better opportunities and with the influx of human resources the economy of that country will further develop.

    2. In my opinion the developing countries and poor people benefit least from space innovations due to brain drain developing countries are left behind in the world of technological advancement and it results in stagnation in economic growth. Also, as a result of lack of resources to engage in capital intensive projects like space explorations many developing countries see space exploration as pointless because they feel it is a waste of money travelling to outer space. In my school I conducted a research with 10 teachers where I asked them whether they see the need for space exploration. Out of 10 only 2 saw need for it the 8 others saw it as a waste of valuable cash that can be used to do other important things. This lead to lack of an imaginative mindset in the people of a country and it dangerous for developing countries especially in the fast technologically advancing world we find ourselves in.

    3. I think the space invention that is most important space invention for me is the smoke detector. It's very important because it saves the lives of many people to think of the many people that would have died in fire accidents if not for smoke detectors. I have an aunt who was saved from a fire accident in her workplace by a smoke detector. She was able to get out just in time because of the smoke detector's early alarm.

    1. Well done @amazing_computer, on your outstanding comment. You've showed all of the Topical Talk skills of listening, speaking, creativity and problem solving. You have also provided plenty of relevant and interesting examples and evidence to back up your points. I also see you've really engaged with the subject in by surveying and discussing this with your school teachers in your own time which is fantastic!

    2. That's a really good comment.
      It has always bugged me that if aliens looked down on earth and saw individual countries competing with each other to explore space rather than working together, they would be very confused! If countries did work together it would lead to much less duplication of effort and money spent.
      Obviously, space exploration is very expensive, and it is fair that we should ask ourselves whether it is worth it. Perhaps the money can be spent improving things here on earth? That said, part of what makes us human is our desire to explore and learn new things. The innovative products above show that not only do we explore but we also learn things that can improve lives on the ground too which you point out with the story of your Aunt.
      Leaving aside rich countries versus poor ones. Do you think that as a species we should continue to explore space?

  • The people who benefit most from space innovations are the rich, meaning those with a lot of money, and the people least benefit from space innovations are the poor, meaning those with little money. Indeed, space innovations do not benefit everyone. Ballpoint pens, baby formula and computer mouse

    1. Nice comment, but not all space innovations have a high price. Baby milk is very necessary. The rich and also the poor use it, and also the ballpoint pen. I think they cannot do without it in their lives.

      With my wishes of good luck and success

  • 1. I see that space innovations have changed the course of humanity in all fields of education, architecture, art and medicine, especially in the recent times, in which we have noticed a huge technological revolution in the fields of life. All of the peoples and societies benefit the most from this development, and even if the person’s capabilities are very simple, he is indispensable for The simplest innovations
    2.Although space innovations have spread to all fields and become available, the poor are the least benefited from them due to the weak economic capabilities necessary to keep pace with the continuous development of great space innovations, especially educational and medical treatment

    3.From my point of view, I see that the most important thing for me is the innovations in the medical field, because human health is the real treasure that he owns and tries to preserve. For example, prosthetic limbs that give people of determination movement with ease and ease without feeling inferior. And glasses and headphones to hear what Important events revolve around them. This innovation also helps to limit the spread of epidemics and diseases for a healthy and healthy environment capable of changing the course of life

  • Well, the most benefiting from space exploration are the scientists and the discoverers themselves. First, it will help
    Information discovery and technology development
    Space travel helps the use of modern technological methods, and the application of these methods on planet Earth as well, and encourages people to technological innovation.
    Space travel helps predict weather conditions better, more accurately

  • I think the people who benefit most from space innovation are the people who live in cities and who really care about the evolution of modern technology.The least beneficiaries of space innovation are people who live in villages and forests and are not interested in the most important development, technology and innovation for me are camera phones so that we can take pictures to remain a beautiful memory.

    1. Do you think there are innovations which are more beneficial to those who live in villages and forests than those in cities? What sort of challenges need addressing in rural areas and for which new innovations are needed?

  • I think that doctors are the people who benefit most from space innovations, as they use devices to diagnose and treat people's diseases using these devices as well, so space innovations have a major role in the development of medicine.
    In my opinion, the people who benefit least from space innovations are the elderly, as the elderly do not keep pace with the developments of the modern era and its modern devices.
    The most important innovation for me is shoes as it is a means of transportation that cannot be moved without The innovation that I use daily is the ballpoint pen. I use it to express my feelings, write my thoughts and draw my paintings
    As the poet said: He who owns a pen has two tongues

  • From my point of view, I see that innovations and development are a practical thing these days in developed countries and not in developing countries that do not think about planning to invent anything. To photograph everything accurately and in high quality 2 Though there are many other innovation that helps people on the Earth for example automatic helicopter with small cameras helps us to fly through the forests and dive deep in the oacons to understand more about what live there and how they adapt with the environment 3 I choose to choose camera phones as the most innovative innovation for me, this was a really great innovation for the whole world through which it saves pictures and photographing beautiful natural places

  • The important space innovation for me is the selfie because it is used to take the picture. Often when me and my friends are on a trip or in a group we work together, and we want to immortalize this moment to always remember it and also to beautify the photo with filters

    1. Great point @agreeable_dusk, about how selfies help you to immortalise memories with your friends! One of the Topical Talk skills is creativity, can you give me 1 example of a downside of selfies?

    2. This is a lovely comment, photographs are for life!

      Do you think filters can have any negative impacts on people?

    3. That is a lovely thought! How do you think the selfie was invented? Did it require any special tools, engineering or science? What other innovations that needed to happen before the selfie could be invented?

  • Innovation number 18, which is milk, is the best innovation than other innovations
    For example, if we look more closely, we will discover that plants have ingredients to survive, for example, they need to breathe oxygen and glasses that they derive from the sun and for hardness they derive from the soil and to grow quickly they need natural fertilizers that keep their glasses and because the milk that all our children eat since their birth from their mothers is rich in everything the child’s body wants to grow.
    But because of the deaths of their mothers due to an unintentional medical error, or sometimes he talked about the ignorance of some doctors, so artificial milk was made as a substitute for mothers’ milk, as its benefits were numerous because it contains calcium that benefits our children for a healthy healthy growth, so it is a very important innovation for me.

  • 1/ The country that benefits most from space innovations is the country itself.
    This is done through the support and development of these innovations by the owners of the highest centers and specialists in the country.
    This support and success results in this country's economic, scientific and other strength and a wide and good reputation in this field.
    Which opens the door to competition between them and other countries.
    2/ As for the people who least benefit from space innovations, they are the people who live in occupied countries, where they cannot benefit from their resources and multiple possibilities in the production and development of innovations.
    3/ Every person who has an innovation from the image benefits from it well, but rather in an excellent way. From my point of view, the lamp is the most innovation that humans benefit from, because of its great importance in our lives, as we can consider it as our third eye and it is used in multi-functional energy generation.
    And frankly, we must thank the great scientist Thomas Edison for this great invention.

  • 1- In my opinion, the most benefiting from space inventions are the developed countries, because of their great impact on increasing the progress of countries. Where space inventions constitute the amount of differentiation between developed countries, and developed countries have worked to develop these inventions more and more, and their development is considered a battle between developed countries. Those who are able to develop them better win the battle.
    2- The people who benefit least from space inventions are the developing countries, where they do not have the ability to develop and use them normally, although their youth have mature minds and have important inventions, but they cannot develop them because they live in poverty. And the inability to evolve, which is the main reason not to take advantage of space inventions. 3- For me removing landmines is the most important because it saves many lives. Mines left over from war. For example, if children play and accidentally stop a child on a mine, it will lead to the loss of life or amputation of his feet, and thus he will live a difficult life unable to move, and working to remove it will generate life for many people, and we as students use pens to a large extent in Writing, teaching and other things. The pen is of great importance.

  • 1_ I think that the people who benefit most from space innovations are the owners of capital and the owners of companies, because they found that the demand for those inventions gave them space for competition and inventions that serve the existing development.. 2_ From my point of view, I see the least benefit from these innovations are the poor and crushed classes in developing countries. , are unable to buy these innovations, but most of them do not know about these innovations and their importance due to the lack of technological connection and communication with the modern world with its innovations and developments 3_ I chose medical glasses as the ideal solution for most cases of vision and vision correction, in our time many use social media Screens, reading and mobile phones affect the health of vision, so many things require preserving our eyes, so that we can be able to see the future through screens, and that poor vision does not stand in the way of the world in front of us,,,

  • 1.Who invented the formula for artificial infant formula because it gives the mother more flexibility and freedom of movement and the mother does not need to change her diet due to breastfeedingAlso, the composition of milk for children is very important in our lives, because without it, life would be more difficult for mothers

    2 .In my opinion, the people who benefit least from space innovations are the poor people, where many of their youth have great ideas and innovations, but because the government cannot invest their ideas because of weak capabilities, The people cannot benefit from innovations, whether by buying them from rich countries or applying the ideas of their youth, so young people who insist on their goal are forced to apply for scholarships and travel to rich countries and make their ideas succeed there,Thus, young people migrate from poor peoples, and the condition of the poor country and its people remains the same without noticeable change

    3.The most important space innovation for me is the pen, as there are many poor people who have become one of the richest people because of this pen. It allows everyone to express the opinion and the general situation of the country or the world and to take notes. Thanks to this pen, many people were able to become scholars. Discovering these innovations, and what do you think, can something be discovered without the pen? And if your answer is yes, how will that happen?

  • Great topic indeed.
    Let me start from the last point,there is no innovation that benefits everyone equally. So it is a general rule let me say.

    Secondly, those who benefit most are us the new generation. In one hand it makes our life easier and faster. On the other hand that means we should be responsible to make the life for the next generation easier too by developing more and more innovations.

  • I think that the people who benefit most from space innovations are people with special needs because they helped them integrate into society. For example, there are many space innovations that are used to help people with needs, such as implantable hearing aids, orthodontic braces, prosthetics, and scratch-resistant lenses that helped them advance in society. .
    I think that there are two categories of people who benefit least from space innovations. The first category is the residents of remote countries because of their distance from all forms of civilized development and their lack of use of technology, and the second category is the people who cannot afford the price of space innovations.
    I think the most important innovation for me is the non-scratch lenses

  • Actually it is a very exciting topic that I became curious to know more about it ,
    I think that exploring space ultimate goal is to save humanity and this creates a competition between governments to innovate more and more things and that help people, doctors, children in many fields.
    This process of continuous innovations accelerates the revolution in improving agriculture, medicine, teaching ,arts , and many other fields that helps humans to enhance their lives to the best and this explains the war that is held between countries about reaching and achieving more victories for humanity through space.

    1. That is great that this topic made you curious to learn more about! How could you go about that?

  • 1 -Young people because they are the most interested group in society with technology and advanced tools such as many space innovations.
    2- people who are financially weak because they definitely won't be able to own any of these innovations.
    3- The ballpoint pens are the most important to me because I use them regularly.
    4-Yes definitely use, as l said earlier, ink pen and wirelees head phones .

  • I think that the most benefit from these innovations are the economists, as discovering and promoting any of these innovations will make a lot of money, so economic companies compete to discover these tools, such as Reebok and Nike, which compete in the manufacture of sports shoes

    I think that the least benefit from these innovations are the developing (poor) countries, as I belong to a developing country and it does not contain many companies while not exploiting the youth of this country, because it is occupied and the occupation closes all ports to us, so I think that the occupied countries also do not use These innovations are abundant.

    What I use most of the tools and the most important for me is the sports shoe, as I spend a quarter of my day at school, they must help me a lot, and also do not cause diseases because they are very comfortable, and when I go to sports I wear sports shoes, to suit the sports Which I play, and also without it I would have found many people with diseases because of uncomfortable shoes

  • I think the most important innovation for me is Photo 18 infant formula, which increases their physique when they are young and strengthens bones and builds muscle, so that when they are older they have strength. The physical structure that is resistant to diseases and viruses

  • Space exploration alone has provided a great deal of important knowledge to educate people and raise their awareness about a basic understanding of our planet and the universe. Some of the direct benefits of space exploration include increasing knowledge about space, discovering distant planets and galaxies, and giving us an idea of ​​the beginnings of the universe

    1. Great comment original_history. How do you think space exploration has benefitted your life specifically?

  • I think that everyone benefits from these innovations because they facilitate life and the more the world develops
    I also believe that best innovation is the crealion of tools that help patients to facilitate their lives, such as hearing aids and prosthetic limbs, without them patients world suffer for life
    I use a lot of these innovations like ballpoint pens , sneakers and a computer mouse

  • I think that the beneficiaries of space innovations are humans who benefit from space and modern technology such as crash cameras in accidents such as fertilizers and laser photography. photography from space

    1. why do you think that industrious_sealion?

    2. I agree because... it is but why is it amazing?

    3. Hi industrious_sealion! I agree, space IS amazing. Why do you think that?

  • I'm not sure about this because it help people on earth and of earth so i am not so sure about what benefits and what does not!

    1. Which of the pictures above do you think benefits you the most and why?

      1. Number 1 because if we did not have hospitals people would die and even if we did but did not to have right thing to check on people we could not see what was going on in there body.

        And probably the one that is least important is because that is just cloth and other materials where as machine is made out of metal which is hard to find

    2. I'm not sure about this because...There are benefits, but it is the rich countries that benefit from them. Most of these inventions, poor countries cannot bear the cost

  • I think, learning about other planets and asteroids is interesting. We can learn from it what is going to happen and how it can be prevented.

    1. I really like you point about using space travel to prevent what is going to happen highspirited_elephant, do you think you could give an example of this?

    2. I agree because... if we did not have technology we can never know what will happen next!

  • I think that poor people benefit most because without space innovations they would basically have nothing but rich people can pay people to make this stuff for them . I use most of the items in the pictures and probably couldn't live without like trainers. If people did not work in space we would maybe die because of asteroids and gravity .

    1. why do you think you couldn't live without trainers? Because there is way more important stuff and trainers are just so people can keep there feet comfy, there are just at the bottom of the list for most important stuff to live with for example artificial limbs!

  • A: I think NASA workers benefit most from space innovations because its helped them since the moon landing in 1969, like Neil Armstrong said: " One small step for man one giant leap for mankind."
    B: i think people who don't have access to the internet benefit least from this because they they cannot see what is happening in the world. I think this is really unfair because the fumes from rockets affect those peoples homes and they have food shortages and it is really expensive to buy food referring to the cost of living crisis headline. and they don't deserve this.
    C: The MRI scanner because it saved my mothers life in 2021 because she had a brain tumor and my household benefited greatly from this.

    Thanks for reading

    1. You use brilliant reasoning and give great examples in your answers. You also think of others like those whose lives are affected by the cost of space travel by making links in your learning. Well done

    2. You raise an interesting point about pollution from rockets! Nobody really mentions that when referring to space exploration. There has from time to time been talk of "space elevators" as a way of taking things into space instead.

      Do you think we should continue to spend money on space exploration?

      1. I think that yes, because in the future it can help us in many things. When we go deeper and explore space, I think that our lives will change because some things will be developed and technology is used more, so it facilitates our work

        1. I think you are correct here and I fully support your opinion and your vocabulary choice is absolutely splendid I say

      2. Indeed, because without it we will not have Internet so topical talk cannot function as it should and more people would be depressed because of our generations phone addiction.

  • Space is one of the most attractive and picturesque natural features in the sky . It in cludes planets , stars , glaxies , meteors , and meteors , wich illuminate and decorate the sky for us at night . Some scientists have discovered are : venus , Earth, Mercury , Jupiter . In the future , scientists will discover new planets and things in space probe , wich helps to explore planets and other celestial bodies in space .

  • From my point of view, I see that the people who benefit most from space innovations are the scientists, such as they benefit when solar and lunar eclipses occur, as well as trips to learn about the different planets and use their own methods to monitor mysterious celestial bodies, record the movements of the sun and the moon, calculate the diameters of the Earth and the planets that they saw from the Earth and reflect on their place in the universe. In my opinion, the people who benefit least from space innovations are the poor, whose youth possess wonderful ideas and innovations, but because scientists cannot invest the ideas of these poor people due to their weak exploratory capabilities, the people of the poor country cannot benefit from the innovations, and the poor countries are forced to buy innovations from rich countries with rich young people who have the ability to Discover innovations or apply what the youth of rich countries do. Young people who insist on their goal are forced to apply for scholarships and travel to rich countries, and the people of the poor country migrate to the rich countries, and there is no noticeable change in the innovations in the poor country... What is space innovation? Most important to you? The most important innovation for me is ballpoint pens. It is as if I, as a student, use ballpoint pens continuously in school hours. The use of pens helps us memorize information. The pen is one of the most important tools of science and knowledge and preserves the treasures of nations. For the world around us, it is the most important in drawing manuscripts and drawing maps without pens. All of what was previously mentioned is difficult for the nation to use, draw and write, and for some of the world it is not important for them because they use mobile phones. However, modern mobile companies produce pens for modern mobile phones to facilitate touch, and there is a demand from many young people for this type of mobile phone considering its easy use.

  • •I think the people who benefit the most from space innovations are scientists and explorers because technology gives scientists inspiration and curiosity about innovations, and there are many scientists who are helped by technology in their discoveries.
    •The people who benefit least from space innovations are the poor because they do not have capital and a source of income.
    •They also find a living with difficulty, so how can they buy expensive space innovations?! There are many useful innovations for me, and because I am a student, I write a lot so a ballpoint pen is the most important, as well as wireless headphones, a computer mouse, camera phones, and dried foods.

  • Space is a high-tech arena as rival ideologies collide to showcase their technological prowess under the watchful eyes of the world
    Governments and heads of state benefit from these innovations because they are considered powerful and sovereign
    And the least benefited are those poor developing countries that cannot provide an appropriate environment for self-development and the advancement of the ideas of their children
    One of the most important innovations and inventions that made human life easier are the implanted hearing aids, as the hearing abilities of patients have improved significantly, including patients who were born deaf.

  • For me, people who live in developing countries benefit least from space innovations
    Some people are looking for space innovations, but they cannot, so they go to countries that support their project
    It is also difficult for developing countries to bear the costs of space innovations

  • The pen is one of the highest innovations in space. It is true that the pen is inanimate, but it carries a human spirit. It is the preserver of science, the recorder of ideas, and the link of intellectual communication between scientists. It is the linking channel between the past and the present. For me, the pen is an important thing in my life, because I use it to express what is inside me.

    1. Very interesting point! Do you think there is another innovation out there which are similar to the pen, in the sense that you describe?

  • NASA is using laser imaging technology, known as LIDAR for short, on missions in outer space. LiDAR, to simplify the concept, is a method of measuring distances using laser light. This technology can be employed in preparing highly accurate maps, in addition to many other uses.

  • Without the discoveries of the space agency, we would not have discovered the means of communication and communication. It is noteworthy that the discovery of many exoplanets in space occurred using the Kepler and TESS space telescopes, which are designed specifically to discover distant worlds.

    Among this world's exciting discoveries of exoplanets, scientists have found, some 322 light-years from Earth, an extreme planet called WASP-189b, orbiting one of the hottest stars in the universe, HD 133112.

  • 1: In my opinion, the people who benefit most from space innovations are governments, NASA and developed countries because they are the first to benefit from these innovations because they use them in their support to raise the state’s status and position.

    2: The people who benefit least are the poor because of their poor financial condition, although they may have ideas that may help humanity, but they cannot share them publicly, so they have to leave their country to share their ideas that may contribute to the advancement of humanity for the better. Therefore, we must support them and help them.

    3: Also, in my opinion, the pen is the most important and preferred innovation because we use it to build our knowledge. Without it, man would not be able to write on paper his innovations and ideas that helped humanity because it was a reason for raising our knowledge and progress, and it was a reason for victory in many wars. And the battles between nations, and the Messenger Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) was one of the people who sought and loved knowledge the most, and he recommended it to us as mentioned in the Qur’an in Surat Al-Alaq.

    1. You say that the pen was a great invention for sharing knowledge. This got me thinking that some inventions are great for a while, but then new inventions are even more monumental. For example, a horse and cart was a great invention for travel but then the invention of a car was even more impactful.

      Is there anything that has taken over the pen for sharing knowledge?

  • The important space innovation for me is the vacuum cleaner
    Because it helps to save time and effort, works efficiently and comfortably in use, as it can be used anywhere, and it is small in size and light in weight and helps to find lost things and its price is appropriate

  • The fruits that humans reap from space flights revolve around increasing scientific knowledge in this field and its secrets, the possibilities of new research and the possibilities of developing industries, and providing inventions that can be employed directly in the service of humans, including the use of Earth’s orbit to receive hundreds of satellites, which had a great impact on humanity, as It shortened the distances between humans through the advanced communications network, and added a lot to their knowledge of the land, such as improving weather forecasts, observing and exploring the earth's resources, and aiding in navigation, rescue and hunting.

  • Many scientists spend a lot of money and time in space science Space is of great importance, including: - When they wanted to develop spaceships, they invented modern streets, which reduced accidents And when they developed space science, they developed computers In the field of hearing, Adam Seih was suffering from hearing loss, so he invented the cochlear implant process, although he is not an expert in medicine, but this is from his experience in space Space can create a positive future for human beings. Space is the basis for the invention of the 3D printer, and its impact in the future is preparing a new era of energy, revolution, health and new resources. Space is very interesting so we find News in space. In the bulletin, we can learn about many information, for example, when a hurricane or earthquake occurs One of the most famous of these channels - NASA - Minute physucs Planets
    Planet is a celestial body Planet Earth
    We live on planet Earth because it contains water and air, and also for this reason it is called a world cookie.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! You mentioned that space scientists developed modern streets when they were developing spaceships. Can you explain why?

  • I think everyone is getting the benefit of space innovations; of course some people get more benefit than others. In my opinion, people who live in modern cities get more benefit than those who live in rural areas as the space innovations are easier to reach and get in modern cities.
    Personally, most of the innovations are very important to me, especially, the wireless headset, the mouse and the camera phones as I use them almost every day and I can't imagine my life without them.

    1. How do you think we could make innovations more accessible to everyone, so more people can benefit from them?

  • I think the people who benefit most from space innovations are the state and the rich people. The people who benefit least from space innovations are the poor because the poor do not have the money to buy space innovations. The most important space innovation for me is the water purification system because water purification is an essential thing in life. I use In my daily life, many space innovations such as phones with cameras because I use the phone a lot and also use wireless headphones and also pens I use them a lot because I spend most of the time in school and I use the pen and also when solving my homework I use the pen

    1. How do you think we could make innovations benefit more people in society, including those who are poorer?

      1. It is possible to reduce the price of these innovations to make it easier for the poor to own them, or it is possible for the rich people to donate and open projects for the poor to occupy the labor force of the poor to get money.

  • I think you being beneficial is having resources around you, the knowledge you have, skills and passion for space so once you have this attribute your ready.

  • I think the rich people benefit from the brain scan, the robotic legs, the mouse, the water purifier , etc... That's because these things are still very expensive . However, just like with air travel the hope is that they will become more and more affordable.But the poor people don't benefit from them because they are expensive and they can't afford it.The innovation that is the most important for me is the phone because I use it every day for hours.

    1. How can things be made more affordable?

  • The people who benefit the most, from my opinion, from space innovations are all of the people who are more cultured and care about the future generations and the fate of the world. On the other side of things, the people who don't benefit from space innovations are the people who don't care about the future of our planet and the people in it.
    The most important space innovations for me is the satellite or the Voyager 1 and 2. For me, I use a mouse, phone, vaccine and lots of other things, but, the other things are very important too, for the people who need them.

  • I think that the space innovations are a great idea for people but some of them are expensive and not many people can afford them.The people with high budget can use them mostly.The people with low budget can't use this space innovation very often.
    I think one of the most important space innovations is the water purification system because it is affordable and good for your health.The other ones are important too but for me the most important it is the water purification system.Some of them are very expensive.That is my opinion.For me the most important one is the CAT scans because they can help me find things about my body and health.

    1. Very good point about the water purification system active_iceburg!

  • I think that exploring space has been really helpful for developed countries because ill people can have those CAT scans or other treatments that can cure them. That is a good thing for them because it can save their lives but for the other countries that don't have enough money for this equipment, which is really expensive, it is not as important because they just don't have it. As they have other problems they have to solve then they cannot justify this financially. You can't use something if you don't have access to it. For me though, it is really important because I use technology a lot. I can't live without my phone. Also, now we have lots of systems that make our life easier like radiators that keep you warm so we don't have to have a fireplace in your home and the light bulb so you don't need a candle.So in conclusion exploring space can lead us to more useful things but to be helpful for everybody, these things should be more affordable.

    1. Excellent point about technology and innovation making our lives better. I really like that you have thought about the affordability of these innovations too.

  • In my opinion not all the people from every country benefit from cat scans. People from Africa do not even have them, but people from America have them, although they're not free. In Romania you can use it for free , beacuse the state pays for every state hospital.
    For me the important things are the leds. Not in all the countries you can have leds because you do not have a place to charge them. They help you to see in dark, they are like a sun but smaller.

    1. CAT scans are available across Africa. Perhaps you mean that thy are not easily available to many?

      1. Yes this is what I mean because in Romania not every has they money for this scans. But I think it could be the same in United State's so I know that it is not just countries who are more poorer. I am believing all countries should have these are they are very important. We must know about our helth it should be our human right.

  • 1.I think all people can benefit out of space innovations because, some of them (example: athletic shoes, LEDs, ballpoint pens) are everyday items that every average human being uses and others (example: CAT scans, water purification system, land mine removal) are items that people who are on their last day can use or people who are in remote places or even at war can use.
    2. People who benefit least from space innovations are people who don't afford or don't have any acces to space innovations (example: communist countries, poor countries, at war countries, etc.)
    3.For me there is an innovation wich happened a long time ago but helped us evolve as a species a lot. Christopher Columb travelled the world to search for spices and when he found them, he brought them to the people's eyes and because spices were very expensive at the time, they helped economy grow.
    So for example I didnt know what LEDs where, but now I love them and use them in my room:).

  • For me, rich countries benefit more, since they can bear the cost of innovations in space, like America, because America is a rich country, and also because of the presence of NASA, which discovered many and many planets for us in space, and also there are poor countries that cannot afford the cost, such as Burundi, this country cannot Paying costs for innovations in space and also space innovation important to me is the James Scope, who astonished us with space because he discovered many, many galaxies in space, and this made us think that there could be other worlds than this one? The space is wide and very large and endless. I also like the speed of the Internet in space because of the presence of satellites

    1. Good point unique_reality, So even though richer nation pay for innovation in space, can everyone benefit?

      1. Of course! All countries, rich or poor, will benefit from innovations

  • 1 - The people who are most likely to benefit from space innovations are the ones responsible for space programs, because anyone who travels to space will likely benefit from this trip. Thus, space programs are a wide range of devices, programs, and processes that have produced a myriad of direct applications to the investments of this country. responsible for these programmes.
    2 - The people who benefit least are those who specialize in fields other than space. For example, if news comes about what NASA will plan for the coming years, only the specialists will be interested in the news. The biggest example is on us, if we had not created our application, this "Global Conversation" When I learned from several projects or in the space hub or in general about the outside world because we were among the people who were not interested.
    3- One of the innovations that most caught my eye is a very simple innovation that is not found in the pictures above, but I can suggest it to you and take advantage of it, which is the so-called “weather balloon”. Another thing about him and the cameras, that is, in this way, we gained two things 1- We can send anything that comes to mind on this balloon, as I saw a few days ago a YouTuber who sent food on this balloon, and his work was very simple. 2- One of the things that we also benefited from is that the cameras will send us a modified and similar version of outer space.

  • I think that the people that gets least use of the space innovations are the poor, because neither they can afford buying them nor they can afford education that give them the chance to innovate themselves, as both things will need money to be affordable.
    For me the most important innovation is the third innovation which produced the water purification system tat we can use to to purify salted/sea water into pure and consumable water. I also like the innovation number 16 (Pencils) as I personally use it alot since I'm a school student myself

    1. Interesting points you make! I like pencils too!

      You mentioned that those who are poor are not able to innovate themselves because they may not be able to afford education. Why is education important to innovate? Do you think it is possible to be innovative without attending formal education?

  • All people benfit from space innovations'In my point of view: all of these innovations are important •Every one choose what suites him•Water purification system is important to everyone to make water pure to drink•Another innovation camera phones allows us to take photos we like'leds are very important when electricity turn off •Every innovation like a weapon with two edges, we choose the positive affect •

  • The most benefited are the rich classes , governmenta and companies:
    Because they have enough money to buy and develop inventions , support and publish inventions and encourage people to do so .
    Cooperation between the international community grows and the ability to discover many things in space and work on the sustainability of space flights and cultural development of mankind and a source of inspiration for society.

    The least benefit from inventions are the poor and young people:
    Because they do not have the a bility to buy inventions , and this causes a negative impact on young people , especially because they will become disinterested in other young people's inventions , so young people will migrate to other countries to work and also the poor cannot meet all their needs because of the lack of money .

    For me the most important is memory foam because it helps a good sleep and relieves neck and helps patients to improve and relax and help in improvement . A mong its other uses , it a bsorbs body heat , giving the mattress surface an ideal temperature throghout the night it repairs the skull and reduces the possibility of a stiff neck and can fill the shoulder space .
    Correctly and prevent cervical spine problem , it is an excellent option , l recommend using it

  • There are many people who benefit from space innovations, for example, ballpoint pens helped a lot in the process of study and education, and the water purification system also makes us have clean and healthy water, and also prosthetics helped Many people have to coexist in a healthy and orderly manner in society, and I also think that most of these inventions do not benefit the people much.

  • I have always had a lot of pain in my feet when I play sports, because I have flat feet, so the most important space innovation for me is the Athletic shoes that I can not do without. And it was not only useful for me, but it was a hidden main reason for the fame and superiority of some athletes in the world such as: Cristiano Ronaldo and Pavo Nurmi

    1. Very interesting point. How do you think shoes help athletes with their performance?

  • I am not very sure but I think that astronauts benefit from innovations. I am not the most sure on the second question. The most important picture for me is the picture 7. No I do not use any of these things from those pictures above

    1. I agree because the dangers of space flights might be for something no one will ever use

  • I feel like the people who would benefit the most from the space innovations would be people who work in space programs ( NASA,ESA and CNSA) , rich people and rich countries. Rich people and countries have enough money to spend on space innovations without worrying about feeding the people in the country/families and medical crisis.
    On the other hand the poor people and countries struggle to get money for food let alone afford space innovations so they don't really benefit from it. The space innovations that I really found helpful were camera phones because you can take pictures of family members with it and if they pass away you can you always go back to the camera and look at the pictures you had with them.

  • The people who benefit most from these space innovations are the wealthy and rich people who don't suffer from the extremely expensive cost of them. Therefore, the people with less wealth, for example, people in Pakistan, are probably the people who benefit the least from the space innovations. They can't afford this which makes the innovations useless to them. One of the space innovations that are most beneficial to me are ballpoint pens. They are like an everyday object as I use them everywhere; in school and at home. Without them I can't communicate. Another really important innovation to me is the headphones as I love listening to music whilst doing homework. It does a great job at calming me and soothing my mind.

  • 1. The people with a lot of money benefit most from space innovation because they can afford it as it costs a lot of money.

    2.The people with less money benefit least from space innovation due to the cost. This is bad for them because they cannot find out important things. For example if they do not have access to the CAT scan then they will not know about potential health issues they may have.

    3.The most important space innovation for me is the purifier for water purification because I can't live without drinking water. In Romania I use a special jug to purifier my tap water as it is not always safe to drink.

  • From my point of view, space innovations are beneficial for the whole people on earth. All people use space innovations in their daily life. For example, each one of us has a mobile and uses it to contact others and search about any things that he wants while he is sitting in his house. Unfortunately, people in developing countries are the fewer people who benefit from space innovations because of poverty. For me, all the space innovations are important Because it has entered into all spheres of life, such as education, health, and communications, and none of which can be dispensed with, it has become an urgent and not unnecessary necessity.

  • 1.I think people in the army benefit the most because: Land mine removals help them a lot, if they lose limbs they can have a prosthetic one, scratch resistant lenses could help if they need to take pictures of a battle front, foil blankets would help them if they need to camp and if they can’t get fresh food they can get freeze dried food instead.

    2.I think fishermen would benefit the least from these things as they don’t use any of these things because fishermen just use tools and radio.
    3.I benefit from computer mouses, home insulation, LED lights and ballpoint pens.

  • I like phones because I like watching tiktok and it keeps me intertanied and relaxed. And also like phones because I like using WhatsApp so can contact my friends and make plans with them

    1. Phones are certainly a good way to keep in contact with your friends. Do you think that this is the most important invention for you of all the pictures? If so, are there any other reasons for this, apart from contacting your friends?

  • 1) The students benefit most because they have pens to write with. If I do not have a pen then I cannot learn. Learning helps me make good decisions. I think everybody should have the right to learn, but this is not happening everywhere. I know that in some countries girls are not allowed to go to school.

    2) The poor countries benefit least from space exploration because they can't use things like the water purification system or CT scans because it is expensive.

    3) The most important space innovation for me is the scratch -resistant lenses because people don't have to change their glasses very often, especially if they don't have the money.

  • Talking about expensive innovations like commercial rockets, scientists are the most benefited by the space innovations as it helps them to study space in a broader way, they can explore things deeply to take the best out of it. They also keep finding ways to help the human civilisation through their research work and it is what they have committed their lives for. Private space companies are also benefited by the space innovations as they are honored and given huge contracts for their innovations by the government. Talking about the affordable innovations like machines, most of the people are benefited by these innovations because it helps their life to become convenient and better and it also leads to more new innovations.

    People who benefits the least from space innovations are the poor people as they don't have the resources to even learn about the space and it does not benefit them at all until they are not included in the innovations happening in the space industry. The innovations are only enjoyed by the people who are educated and working.

    Water purification system is one of the most important innovation for me because leading into the future, there will be a massive shortage water supply as we only have around 0.5% of water on Earth that is drinkable (fresh water) and from that too around 68% is present in the form of glaciers and more than 30% is ground water and around 0.3% is found in water bodies such as lakes and rivers. So we need to have a backup technology to help us with the shortage of water and it can even help dry countries to get more water supply easily.

  • I think that the richer sections of society have definitely benefitted from these innovations more so than the less affluent, but they have made no small impact on the lives of the rest of us. Inventions such as the internet, computers and modern-day smartphones have made it possible to share ideas and opinions with people all over the world, which has resulted in breakthroughs in the fields of science and technology. These scientific solutions have been implemented in underdeveloped areas, which have have vastly improved the lives of the lives of the poor. Most of these achievements would not have been possible. I, personally could not imagine a life without the internet, as most school assignments are given out online now, and even for leisure activities such as gaming and watching YouTube.

  • i think space innovations are very important because it keeps us aware of our word and if anything bad is happening like climate change

    1. You mentioned that space innovations are important because they can keep us aware of our world. Can you think of other benefits they can bring to us?

  • 1. The ones who produces these goods are the ones who most profit off of them in financial terms but the consumer is also benefited a lot by these products and it makes their lives easier and provides them comfort.

    2. The ones who are oblivious to the fact that innovations like these exist are the ones least benefited.

    3. The water purification system is the most important out of all these. It provides us with drinkable water which many don't have access to.

  • According to me the astronauts and scientists benefit the most from space innovations. New space innovations helps scientists to speed up their space missions and also they help in increasing the success rate of a mission. astronauts have been greatly benefitted from these innovations as it has made their life easier in space. Various innovations like artificial limbs, scratch resistant lenses, insulin pump and provision of medical treatment in space etc. have greatly helped the astronauts and has made easier for them to work in space. A common person is also benefitted from space innovations like the creation of internet, which is used in almost every household.

    1. Those are very interesting points. At the same time, it is worth remembering that many of these innovations used in space can also be used in our daily lives, outside space. Can you name some?

      1. Yes many space innovations can be and are being used in our day to day life like satellites that circle the globe provides us with nearly accurate weather reports which warns us of any impending storms and also these innovations are capturing young minds and helping in generating employment in the field of scientific research.

  • A) I think the upper class of society and the regularly salaried class benefit most from these innovations. The major basis for this is the effortless accessibility and affordability of these resources. Unless you have your pockets complete, nothing can be afforded. Most of the goods mentioned above are there with me only because my parents have the cash on hand and resources to spend as well as because being a city girl I have the access to the showrooms I can get these.
    B) In my belief, the labour class, and lower class are the least benefitted from these innovations. The cause is, often people in this section of society aren't mindful of the existence of all this. And even if they are, it's not all of them can afford it. The small stuff like ball pens, shoes, LEDs, and mobile phones are affordable but still, there are people out there putting their heart and soul into it just for the sake of being able to afford this to join the mainstream and have the opportunity to mingle with them.
    C) I use almost everything given above but personally, the most crucial thing is the water purifying system. My paternal clan is from a village - cum - town that has modern-day facilities. But the one and the most significant thing it's lacking is pure water. My family has to either carry big jugs loaded with water or has to purchase packed water bottles from confectioners. It is of course problematic for us and them both and sterile water is something you can't live without at all.

  • The most important space innovation for me is the CAT scan.
    The CT scan also known as A Computerized Tomography, is a type of medical imaging procedure that doctors may use to view bones, organs, and soft tissues inside a person's body.
    I use image 1 in my country the procedure is often carried out on patients by people called radiographers or radiology technologists.
    CT scans help in detecting tumors and carcinogens that may be present in the human body. For example, People who have cancer can start treatment on time by discovering the illness using the CT scanner that is able to help physicians see through the human body.
    Our modern technology helps us a lot to cure sicknesses just like the CAT scanner. They also use the laser scanner to cure deep-cut injuries faster and when they are cured there will be no signs of injuries.

  • Space- An unknown and beautiful truth of the world. It has got no limits. Almost everyday in our life we use space innovations either knowingly or unknowingly. For example google maps or the solar energy we get from the sun in the space.

    Directly or indirectly almost everyone on this planet gets the benefits of space inventions but the people who get the most benefits are the rich people having big companies or the government of the country. They have got the money required to make the technologies. By this the companies and government are able to give services to the common people at a high price which makes them more profitable. Examples are phones and CAT scans used in the hospitals. The government of the country is able to progress and keep a check on other countries through space inventions.

    The people who get the least benefits of space inventions are the poor people . They don't have the appropriate knowledge and resources to take part in the making of space inventions because of which they are left out.

    For me the internet is the most important space innovation. It helps us to socialize. Recently in the era of COVID-19 it helped me to connect with my friends . As a student it also gives me access to various online platforms which helps in my studies and makes my life easy. Moreover through some apps like google maps we don't even have to remember where each and every place is.

    Yes, I use many things from the picture above but the thing I use the most are the bollpoint pens as I am always interested in solving various equations of physics.

  • In my perception, all the people benefit equally from space innovation since it contributes significantly towards the economy and sustainability. However, few people who think that these innovations lead to squandering of natural resources may find difficult to adjust. Nonetheless, as a stationery nerd, pens allure me the most and define the thoughts I could not say! In fact, our phones if used considerably, speak our identity more than words.

    1. decisive_reality thanks for your comment! Do you think the phone is a more significant innovation than the pen?

      1. Well to be honest, Phone is a great way for communication. Nonetheless, most of the people nowadays squander this economic resource than reaping great benefit of it.

  • As now every country is focusing on space research for development from some new space materials and new knowledge for the help of people in the country but as a result, only the richer people and government can use the benefits from these to buy those benefits like faster internet and to keep a track on other enemies countries to be ready for any war and for that you need plenty of money and the poor and middle-class people are not able to afford these things. From this space research, many people get opportunities and ideas for innovations but the government only invest in the indeas of richer people but not poor people because of their weak capabilities and having no money. Due to this many new ideas and innovations which can be very useful for the country never came to be practical. So basically I think these researches only seem to help the government and the rich society.

  • I think that the issue of space is a vague subject and is full of knowledge and question marks. Accordingly, there is curiosity about what is going on around us in space. The United States was the first to discover clear telescopic images and books, and if it were not for space scientists, the internet and satellite channels would not have been discovered.

    1. You're right that there are still lots of questions around our knowledge of space. Can you think of two big questions around space that you would like scientists to find the answers to?

    2. Thank you for your contribution here! You make the point that there are lots of questions around the issue of space. Can you elaborate on why or give an example?

  • I think that the countries that have benefited most from the conquest of space are the countries that started this project in the second half of the last century, especially the United States and Russia (the former Soviet Union). Hegemony and control between the two powers. Then many countries in Europe and Asia joined them, but they did not reach the strength of those two forces. We understand from this that these forces are the most benefited from the conquest of space in terms of scientific, political and economic terms. As for the developing and poor countries that suffer from poverty, hunger and political conflicts, they do not have the scientific, economic and technological ability to conquer space or even benefit from the achievements of the great powers in this field.

    1. You make a good point about how unequal the benefits of space exploration have been so far. How do you think the future of space exploration could be made more equal?

  • - Which people benefit most from space innovations?

    I feel like the people who benefit the most are the people with health problems who also have money to spare. Health devices are the most crucial type of equipment in the world so it would absolutely help those people in need. But since this type of equipment takes a lot of time to produce and a lot of resources and money to make, people that have a medium or high budget will be the only one who will benefit from this.

    - Which people benefit least from space innovations?

    Sadly, I think that poor people benefit the least. All of these innovations are greatly pricy and expensive. People with little to no money will be spending almost on all of their money to survive in their harsh conditions, on food, housing and other important things.

    - Which space innovation is most important for you? For example, do you use any of the things from the picture?

    To be honest, I think that the most important things to me are LEDs and home insulation.
    I don't often think how grateful I am for having home insulation. Without it, I would be currently freezing in my own room, living a horrible life. Sadly, as I mentioned before, poor people sadly don't have this innovation so they reside on very poor heating methods which often don't work, like a fireplace.
    I use LEDs pretty much every day, it's a good way to cut down your electricity bill, which can help you out a lot. Also LEDs have a longer usage than normal lightbulbs, which saves even more money by not spending as much money on new lightbulbs. Furthermore, since the world has been going into an environmental crisis recently, LEDs are easily disposable than other source of lights when their lifespan ends. Other lights contain very lethal elements to the environment like mercury vapor lights who their main element is mercury which when not disposed properly and not handled by a profesional and are just thrown out, that can cause some environmental damage but on the other hand, LEDs can be disposed very easily with little to no effort.

  • I think that all these inventions are really important, actually they are amazing. Most of them help us have safer life. For example, CT scans have saved a lot of lives. But unfortunately they are expensive. So it is rich people who benefit the most from these innovations at the moment. But as history shows us, as time passes, innovations are no longer new so they become more affordable.

    In my view, baby formula is the most important proud in the list. It is very helpful for premature babies and also for babies whose mothers are underfed, which happens a lot in poor countries. During the pandemic there was a shortage of baby formula in the USA and that had a lot of negative consequences.

    As my mum is a doctor I know that if babies are not well fed they risk not developing well. This could be a problem later because our health systems would need to care for a lot of patients. Also, the babies parents would have mental health problems.

    1. Thank you for bringing your knowledge about the usefulness of baby formula to other Topical Talker's attention. That makes me think that some inventions are more valuable in different parts of the world.

    2. Thank you for your contribution! You mention that innovations are expensive and they become more affordable as time passes. Do you think it is possible for certain innovations to be cheap from the start? If so, do you know of any examples?

  • I think the government benefits the most because they use most of the above things to provide social services like health services .I think poor people benefit least from the space innovations because you cannot get any of the above for free in the current world. Some people who can afford going to government social service centers which are free in our country can get the things in the pictures. To me what is most important is a pen because I spend most of the time in boarding school and of I study, research and write

    1. That's an interesting point you make that government benefits the most - I think I probably agree. But I wondered what your thoughts are on how the government can channel these innovations to support poorer parts of the society? Do you think that is possible or that it happens sometimes? If so, can you think of an example? If not, can you think why?

      1. Thanks for this opportunity ,the government channel these innovations to support poorer parts of the society by providing free social services in rural areas .Of course it is happening because in the village where I used to spend my holidays the government has constructed there government schools and government hospitals to simplify this means sectors where all materials are free and are provided by the government.

  • Of course not everyone benefits equally especially according to their class or standard but at least 10% of even the people in the last class get to use or benefit from the innovations for example,ballpoint pens have been used by a very good number of people of different standards or classes maybe for educational or non educational purposes, camera phones that are used for communication and other purposes have even been improved and made more efficient to cater for all the classes for example touch screens and those with buttons, baby formula to cater for the feeding of babies and children in hospitals and maybe those whose mothers can't provide breast milk and many other uses.Actually,I have used some of these innovations like camera phones, water purification system LEDs, athletic shoes among others. Therefore, to me,all the space innovations play a huge role in the survival of us humans that is athletics shoes that protect our feet from injuries ,LEDs that are used in lighting,CAT scans that are used in treatment among others whereby they also provide employment to the scientists that come up with their ideas .

  • Which people benefit most from space innovations?
    I believe that most of us utilise one or the other above listed innovations. Infants and mothers use baby formula, students often use ballpoint pens in my country, a lot of us use camera phones, home insulation, frozen dried food and so on. The youth have a great deal of usage of headphones and computer mice.

    Which people benefit least from space innovations?
    The poor tend to use these facilities less because of lack of financial ability. In many countries, there is less or even no awareness regarding these innovations. So, in my opinion, they benefit the least from space innovations.

    Which space innovation is most important for you? For example, do you use any of the things from the picture?
    According to me, scratch-free lenses is one of the most important innovations, owing to the fact that I use them for a major part of my day and are hence, irreplaceable for me. Moreover, camera phones help capturing memories accurately and in communication through social media and video calls. Apart from these, I use headphones, athletic shoes, LEDs and ballpoint pens as well.

  • Which people benefit most from space innovations?
    The direct benefits of exploration include the generation of scientific knowledge, the diffusion of innovation and creation of markets, the inspiration of people around the world, and agreements forged between the countries engaged in exploration. It is benefited to the nation and it will help in developing the nation's economy and value

    Which space innovation is most important for you? For example, do you use any of the things from the picture?
    Every innovation is important for me . the most used is our mobile phones . others are like shoes , headphones and many more . yes i use many things from the above list and space innovations plays a crucial role in our life . we should use them wisely..

    1. Very interesting! I like that you say there so many innovations that are crucial for our life.

      Can you think of anything in your life today for which a new innovation could help?

      1. the biggest innovation is mobile phones which is imp for us . and there are many others the list is never ending

  • I kinda agree with that but i think only a few innovations benefits all the people around the world equally.
    As a person into space science i'll say that yes we should prioritize solving the current affairs on this planet first like climate change for instance .
    If we can not take care of a habitable planet how come we are dreaming of terraforming
    a completely inhabitable planet i.e Mars .
    The amount of funds used in space programs are insane this might not seem beneficial but in the long run being good in space innovation can save our humanity .

    1. Hi attentive_physics! (Cool username by the way! I like physics too!)

      You mentioned that only a few innovations benefit everyone. Can you say more on why that is the case and how that could be addressed?

  • 1. Which people benefit most from space innovations?
    People with home insulation. This is especially useful during cold seasons, as it reduces heat from leaving the house. As a result, heating and cooling costs are reduced.

    2. Which people benefit least from space innovations?
    People who use ballpoint pens. The inconsistent ink flow and the consistent pressure needed in writing.

    3. Which space innovation is most important for you? For example, do you use any of the things from the picture?
    Wireless headsets. I use them a lot to concentrate or get in the mood. Most times I use them so I won't disturb people with what I'm listening to.

  • I believe only the rich people benifit from space innovations. The poor does not have the money , the rescources and the time to use space innovations , i mean sure its pushing the boundaries of human knowledge but if the weekest and the poorest man one can think of does not benifit from it then it is'nt making much of difference in our society. The rich do benifit from new space invention , their buisnesses and jobs only get easier and more enjoyable with new inventions. Space innovation do add something to our life , but I belive the money and the time invested in making them can be invested in solving other major problems in out society for example water scarcity , gender discrimination etc. On the other hand inventions like artificial limbs have really changed the lives of so many people and given people a chance at a better life in a way.

  • I am scared of space. Is it never ending I have so many questions about the space it just mind blowing. I am very nervous about living on Earth.

    1. How do the reasons why you are nervous of space, but also nervous about earth's furture, differ?

  • Honestly people who benefit most are the people in generation Alpha which has had a lot of innovations and this is making their life easier. Right now everything has some content of space innovation which has evolved over the years and has got serious in our generation compared to the past generations. Things like camera phones and high quality internet have fostered research since they've made it easy and fun to do as people don't have to go the field in order to do most of the research. Still people in this generation have benefited most due to the evolution of health service delivery which has greatly improved the health of the people in this generation for example when COVID 19 came it was so fast to get a vaccine for it due to the availability of the necessities thanks to space innovation
    The people who least benefit from these space innovations are those who cant afford the expenses for getting them, the poor people in brief. Most of these innovations' prices are not conducive for everyone and it makes the poor people not able to afford them
    the most important space innovation in the picture for me in the picture is a phone because I use it to communicate with my people and also study with it in holidays on Zoom plus research. I also use it as a source of entertainment when I'm bored

  • Scintists spend alot of mony and time in the discrovey of space .
    This is a great benefit for scintists because it helped them to know plants and galaxies better also help them know what is happing outside the earth and increased their scintific experiance .

  • One of the greatest space invasions in the satellite it boated the communication between humans and led to the invention of the internet satellite tv this basically was one of the greatest innovations in my opinion.

  • Implanted hearing aids

    Adam Kissiah, a former instrumentation engineer at NASA, invented and developed cochlear implants in the mid-1970s.

    Kissia was motivated to develop the device due to his hearing loss.Most of people who suffers from hearing loss can use it nowadays and the favor goes back to the space innovations ofcourse, You can not immagine how is the life of those prople without such innovations!It is so hard!.

  • I think it’s good that we have space innovations because it helps the humanity with everyday things

  • picture 15 benefits people who lost their feet.What I use the most is picture 4 because i like to take pictures and call friends

  • What I use the most is picture 4 because i like to take pictures and call friends

    1. i would agree on this because phones are sometimes improtant for calling the police if your in danger

  • In my country, the rich have upper advantage of benefiting from those innovations since most of them a very expensive that only a person with surplus money would go for them for example home insulation is over $24,000,home purification systems cost about $2,112 and L would say that a person who can't afford a good livelihood wouldn't afford such things and therefore wouldn't benefit from them.
    Personally, the artificial limbs are most important to me. Besides helping 100 million people worldwide who use them, they have also enabled by young brother to live in a much better life since they help him with his amputated leg. As a family, we are so thankful for this innovation because it helped change my brother's life positively.
    In a community perspective, many mothers who can't breastfeed their babies due to different reasons for example complications like birth defects, HIV, corona virus and many more, use baby formula since its a healthy alternative that provides babies with the nutrients they need to grow for example protection from allergies, asthma and diabetes. So basically a space innovation like baby formula has helped lives thrive in my community too.

  • The people with beneficial knoweldge, skills, and resources are the people who benefit most from space innovations
    people with no skills or experience less benefit space innovations
    For me, the prosthetic limbs because they help to walk, so the missing limbs do not feel a shortage of healthy people
    Also, the composition of milk for children is very important in our lives, because without it, life would be more difficult for mothers

  • Personally, I find Artificial limbs the best invention that humanity needs, because it gives them the chance , to walk and move again after they lost the ability to do , due to diseases or wars, so after this invitation he/she can go shopping ,doing some sports and exercises, and the kids can run and play ,also the most importantly, he/she will be able to work successfully and become productive person in our socity ,not a handicapped one needs others in his daily life with simplest activities ,He/she will finally love their selves and feel more confidence and perfection, that he/she is a human who enjoys all rights like all other human beings in this universe

  • i think 4 because using phones are very useful because if your in danger you can call people to help you like the police and you can also call friends and chat with friends so sometimes phones are improtant

  • What i think about the benefits is that they are all helpful for the people around the world, some of them are doctors builders and people who likes to take pictures, they are helpful because we need these the most and the people.

  • i picked number 13 and 6 beacsue i like music and shoes

  • I feel like the people who benefit the most from space innovation are the people who have a disability I feel this because they use a little more energy .The people who benefit less from space innovation are the people with less money who can't afford space innovation.Also the space innovation that is most important to me is number 4 because it helps me if there is an emergency or a problem I can use it to call for help.

  • The people I feel like benefit the most from space innovations are people with disabilities. I feel that way because people with disabilities use a little more energy. The people who benefit the least from space innovations are people who are poor because they can't afford energy. The space innovation that is the most important for me is number 4 because if I am in emergencies then I will text or call a family member. And I always use my phone everyday, and I can also educate myself on my phone.

  • the people that benefit space innovations are the army space force and people that have a good understanding of space and innovations and The state and thus raising the economy to obtain economic integration for the entire state, and thus the state guarantees its position among the countries and inventors like NASA

    the people benefit least from space innovations more like poor people, where many of their youth have great ideas and innovations, but because the government cannot invest their ideas because of weak capabilities.

    innovation is most important for me is the pen, as there are many poor people who have become one of the richest people because of this pen. It allows everyone to express the opinion and the general situation of the country or the world and to take notes

  • It's possible we could have sent a rocket to orbit Mars and return to Earth 30-40 years ago, but that's about it. There are many issues that we still don't have an answer to today regarding Mars, let alone back then. We don't have a technology to safely land larger craft on Mars due to the thin atmosphere and don't have a technology to take off again. It worked for us on the moon because it has less gravity and less atmosphere so is much easier to land and take off with less thrust than would be the case on Mars. Mars also has frequent dust storms with toxic dust that would cover everything - all the equipment, supplies, space suits, you name it. We don't have an answer for that. Radiation risks both in space and on the surface - don't really have an answer for that either. Perhaps the biggest difference is that if anything goes wrong on the Moon, you have a chance to send help since it's so much closer. On Mars with current technologies or those from 30 to 40 years ago, anyone needing help would be on their own. The distances are so much greater and the technology demands and challenges are infinitely more difficult. It's like swimming from Cuba to Florida - challenging but it's been done (that's the Moon landing), versus swimming around the World without any places to land or refuel (that's more like landing on Mars and returning).

  • Innovations in the field of space are categorised as some of the biggest achievements of the country. These constant innovations not only help the uprising astronauts and space enthusiasts to help achieve their dream but also fascinates the younger generation or as some the GEN-Z to make the impossible seem possible to them. But with everything positive comes negative, like in space innovations. The innovation of these space products comes with a life threat to the people indulged in making these innovations a success. Apart from that, the labour don't get enough wages according to the work they do which turns their life more miserable to live. The most important innovation for me is the "Water Purification System" as obtaining clean water is a big problem especially in the Asian countries. With this system, the amount of people diagnosed with food poisoning have reduced by a great extent. This system is beneficial for mostly the urban areas but with improvised the technology the rates can come down and be scaled even to the rural areas.

  • The scientific people benefit more from space innovation. because they use the previous innovations to find the next. Special people, like who are deaf by birth or - as said - limbless persons are possibly the beneficiaries if they use the listening device and artificial limbs for astronauts. Was the landing on Moon without the help of computers we use today every where? Computers might have been invented at that time as well - but solely for that purpose. But later the computer became a utility of today's life. So, we all are beneficiaries of the exploration. It is because of space exploration that we today know as what are the risks of exposing naked eyes to the sun during an eclipse.

  • i think the wireless head set is more useful to me i have benefited alot from this space innovation because before wireless head set came about we were all using a wired headset and to me it was discomforting because we had to plug it to our device and if we were not careful the wires most at times got damaged(mostly cut), but when wireless headset was introduced it was easier for me cause i didn't have to be bothered about the wire getting damaged cause all i had to do was to connect it with the use of bluetooth or use a memory card so i could listen to audio.

  • I believe that the people that benefit most from space inventions are people that make stuff like glasses , shoes , technology , make houses and much more . In my opinion the people that least benefit from space inventions are people that make pens , bottles ,computer mice and more stuff that people don't really use . Some of the stuff that are really important that I use every day are stuff like shoes , school suplies , computer , and my phone .

  • I was shocked to see that these little and basic innovations were just because of the space, we live in. Now, who can say space doesn't have a positive future?
    In my opinion, people in need are the most benefited from space innovations and for me, every space innovation is equally essential. But, maybe the one on number 4, which is camera phones, is slightly more paramount because it helps in capturing those precious and lovely moments that we spend with our loved ones!

  • Inventions benefit us in daily life, as they contributed to achieving success all over the world. For example, we will say balanced food. Balanced food maintains the health and freshness of the human body. Also, for you to learn more about it, there is the balanced food triangle. Well, and also infant formula, it is rich in calcium to strengthen the bones in the human body. We also have vegetables, fruits and vegetables, as they are rich in vitamins and carbohydrates that help the body to carry out vital processes well. There are many things that benefit us in daily life. Like also the invention of the laser to break up the stones in the liver. And also heart catheterization instead of open heart surgery for the scientist Forsman, who took the Nobel Peace Prize. Also from NASA, there are many good innovations that led to the development of astronomy.

  • I think Space innovations are amazing because of the possibilities of what we can learn but on the other hand space flight can be dangerous like apollo 13 which was aborted after an oxygen tank in the service module failed 2 days into the mission.

  • Did you know that you use in your daily life technological innovations of the American Space Research Agency (NASA)? First, taking pictures using the selfie camera is one of the most important innovations of NASA spacecraft. Also, the vacuum cleaners we can't live without are also NASA designs that have been used to extract samples from the surface of the moon. Swimwear was also designed by NASA with the aim of reducing drag and friction with water. Last but not least, have you ever asked yourself where did firefighter clothing and equipment come from?? Yes, it is also one of the wonderful innovations of NASA, as it was designed because astronauts faced extreme temperatures when entering the atmosphere, and these clothes were known to protect humans from fires and extreme temperatures.So, in my opinion, the whole world benefits from space innovations, as it has become an indispensable part in the life of every one of us. There are housewives, firefighters and teenagers also benefit because of the ability to communicate all over the world through the communication sites that are widely used by teenagers. And meteorologists benefit from it by predicting temperatures and weather conditions that will occur. So, no one can deny the benefits of space innovations to each of us, as each person benefits from them according to his needs. Tell me, how much do you benefit from space innovations? And can you live without them??

    1. This is fascinating @educated_parrot. Which space innovation benefits you personally the most? Who do you think benefits least from space innovations?

      1. I see that most of the space innovations benefit me because I use them all for specific purposes according to my needs. First, I take advantage of the selfie camera, by taking pictures, for example, of myself alone or with my friends and relatives, in order to immortalize this memory, and when I see the picture, I feel as if time has brought me back to take me back to my happiness on that day. Also, I benefit from vacuum cleaners, as they facilitate the cleaning process, and therefore I can save time by using them instead of using manual brooms, and in my opinion they clean more than manual brooms. The temperature forecast is also one of the most important innovations that help me plan my next day better. The most important innovation for me is the ability to communicate between all parts of the world. For example, if one of my loved ones is away, I can talk to him and call him, and that eases the pain of missing a little.
        While I see that environmental resource management is the least benefiting from space innovations because of the discovery of missiles that contribute greatly to environmental pollution. Thus, cunning human thinking led to the use of this invention as a means to kill millions of people, which made the World Health Organization harmed by one of the space innovations.

  • Overcoming the challenges of working in space has led to many technological and scientific advances that have provided benefits to society on Earth in areas including health and medicine, transportation, public safety, consumer goods, energy and environment, information technology, and industrial productivity. In many aspects this technology helps people in day to day life aspects .The technology mentioned above are many useful to people example CAT scans , Water purification system, Land mine removal , Camera phones , LEDs , Athletic shoes, Memory foam , Foil blankets, Duster Busters, Scratch-resistant lenses ,Ear thermometers ,Home insulation ,Wireless headsets, Freeze dried food, Artificial limbs , Ballpoint pens , Computer mouse and Baby formula. CAT scans plays a major role in providing detailed information to diagnose ,plan treatment for and evaluate many conditions in adults and children. During world war many countries placed mines which is danger to people who are living now. In many places we don't have best drinking water with the water purification system we are able to drink pure water . The people who are lost their legs due to accidents and many reasons they are able to walk with artificial limbs .when we try to explore space more we may face many hard situation these situation makes us to create new technology and innovation which also helps us in day to day life in many aspects. As we explore space more and more it is making us to think in a way that how we can manage critical situations in space as when we are in earth we can solve and manage difficult situation and may not. so that when we explore space it's make us to innovate new things which can help us in many situations .

  • In my opinion, the people who benefit least from inventions are the poor because they do not have the price to buy these inventions, as their income level is very low, one or two dollars per hour, and most of the modern inventions are very expensive and exaggerated even for the middle class, and even poor countries also cannot secure these inventions and provide them to citizens, for example we see X-rays are not available in most hospitals in poor countries, and this is one of the reasons for the low level of medicine. Thus, the people who benefit most from these inventions are the rich or rich countries, so these countries thrive because of their ability to buy various inventions that may benefit citizens and provide them with a healthy atmosphere. The most important invention for me is number 13. As for my country, "Lebanon", it is suffering from a new epidemic crisis that is spreading massively, which is "cholera". The main cause of the epidemic is polluted water in all regions. This invention is very useful at a time like this. Also, tomography or x-rays, its presence is very important in hospitals to facilitate the work of doctors, and there are doctors who specialize only in x-rays, so it must also be developed. Also, dried frozen food helped a lot to secure a more comfortable atmosphere for seafarers who sit for a period of no less than 4 to 5 months in ships at sea , as dried frozen food lasts for a long time.

  • In my opinion, the people who benefit least from inventions are the poor because they do not have the price to buy these inventions, as their income level is very low, one or two dollars per hour, and most of the modern inventions are very expensive and exaggerated even for the middle class, and even poor countries also cannot secure these inventions and provide them to citizens, for example we see  X-rays are not available in most hospitals in poor countries, and this is one of the reasons for the low level of medicine.  Thus, the people who benefit most from these inventions are the rich or rich countries, so these countries thrive because of their ability to buy various inventions that may benefit citizens and provide them with a healthy atmosphere.  The most important invention for me is " water purification system" .  As for my country, "Lebanon", it is suffering from a new epidemic crisis that is spreading massively, which is "cholera". The main cause of the epidemic is polluted water in all regions. This invention is very useful at a time like this.  Also, tomography or x-rays, its presence is very important in hospitals to facilitate the work of doctors, and there are doctors who specialize only in x-rays, so it must also be developed.  Also, dried frozen food helped a lot to secure a more comfortable atmosphere for seafarers who sit for a period of no less than 4 to 5 months in ships at sea , as dried frozen food lasts for a long time.

  • Space innovations have become an integral part of our daily lives, through which we achieve most of the successes in life. Each person benefits from these innovations according to his needs, but the people who benefit the most are governments, because they see space innovations from their point of view as a battlefield that reveals who is stronger and more developed, in addition to that space reflects the relations of some countries with other countries, and affect its role. And from the evidence of what I say; Recent events in the world and the withdrawal of one of the most important countries in the field of space from the International Space Station.
    From my point of view, I see that the people who benefit least from these innovations are the poor, because many of their youth have wonderful ideas and innovations, but the government cannot invest their ideas due to weak capabilities, so people cannot benefit from innovations, which forces some young people who pursue their goal To apply for scholarships and travel to rich countries to make their ideas a success there, and thus young people emigrate from poor peoples, so the condition of the poor country and its people remains the same without any noticeable change. For example, we rarely see young people in poor countries because they are forced to emigrate in order to achieve their dreams, which deprives the countries of emigration from the brains that would have changed their situation, and thus the situation of poor countries remains the same.
    In your opinion, what do you benefit from these innovations? And does any of it harm you?

  • The people that benefit most from space innovations are the people in the urban settlements and the people that benefit least from space innovations are people in the rural settlements. the most important space innovation for me would be the use of satellites. what marvels me is how it was made, how it was lunched and how it gets to the right place in space. Satellites are very important and the have advanced the world . The are the reasons for communication in planes , here on land, it help in direction, I think crime solving organization love satellites as much as I do because it makes work easier for them. It also helps us to understand climate system and allows us to monitor greenhouse gas concentration, weather patterns, sea levels, temperature, vegetation health, melting of glaciers and polar ice, bleaching of coral reefs, ocean pollution, and changes in wildlife migratory patterns—among others.

  • I personally I think space exploration is needed because if food supply in our world slowly gets lower and scientist. Knows how to get on to space without dying they can tell us we can come to space then we will be safe it . May take up a lot of money but whats more important you losing money or your life so this is why space exploration is needed.So please agree with me.

  • I think exploring space is beneficial because people might want to know what is out there and if we are the only living things in the universe . It will help us with our knowledge.

  • I like . This helped scientists to discover and learn about the secrets of the universe and to know many of its laws, processes, origins and area approximately. An example of space innovations is the refractory telescope, which works with special rays that help to see distant images in the universe. Also, the farthest point that the telescope has reached is a galaxy close to the edge of the universe and its age is more than hundreds of millions of years, and its image is not clear, enlarged and inverted, as well as examples. . The Apollo 11 vehicle is considered the first spacecraft invented by humanity, and the first space flight to the moon through it was in 1962 AD and the first two people and two astronauts to walk on the moon are: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Edwin .... and many other space innovations such as the International Space Station and the Hubble telescope ..........

  • The two things which i used the most are water purifying system and ball points and pens. Water purifying system in such a way that we use purifying system for drinking water and it need a lot as everyone at home drink water
    And the second thing which i uses the most is ball points or pens because as being a student i use ball point much for writing and as my handwriting is not so cool so i have to use it to improve my writing.
    And I will also write to make a comment on '' who people are least benefit from space innovation ''
    I think the poor one are least benefit from the space innovation as they cant afford most of the innovation due to their poverty. The innovations which could be given to them are of
    1: Artificial limbs
    2: Water purifying system etc
    Because at least the purified water and artificial limbs should be provided at least to everyone

  • In my opinion, all people are benefited from space innovations in some or the other way and it dends on what kind of innovation is made. For example- computer mouse, wireless headsets, camera phones etc. have created an impact in the world of technology and computers while other innovations like CAT scans, ear thermometers, artificial limbs and many other have made life easier for the physically disabled and doctors. At last, such innovations have benefited the world of scientific knowledge and it has inspired many people across the globe. Most of these inventions use high technology and hence are expensive. Poor people who lack the resources and the money to buy such expensive innovations have been benefited the least since they do not have the facility to access most of these. For them although all this is available yet they can't use them without having the proper facilities and the resources to buy them. Many of the above stated examples of space innovations are products which we use in our everyday life. Water purification system, ballpoint pens, camera phone, memory foam, athletic shoes, home insulation and wireless headsets are things usually everyone in today's generation owns. All of them are such significant factors of my life that I can't even imagine life without them. With their invention, life has become much easier and has reduced human effort. Apart from that such innovations reduce the disease rate as well by providing us with clean drinking water, identifying illnesses, etc.

  • People that benefit from space benefit from space innovation are possibly workers, because without some of the space innovations, they wouldn't be able to do their work, or have a harder time doing it. People who benefit the least from space innovations are people who of course, don't use them. They don't benefit because of course don't use the space innovations. The space innovation most important to me is athletic shoes, because I like running and athletic shoes help me because they won't be messed up after.

  • 1 -Young people because they are the most interested group in society with technology and advanced tools such as many space innovations.
    2- people who are financially weak because they definitely won't be able to own any of these innovations.
    3- The ballpoint pens are the most important to me because I use them regularly.
    4-Yes definitely use, as l said earlier, ink pen and wirelees head phones .

  • I think all of have benefited and still benefiting from space innovation because it has helped with;
    Our health care system
    In Protecting our planet and our environment
    Creating scientific and technical jobs
    Improving our day-to-day lives
    Enhancing safety on Earth
    Making scientific discoveries
    Sparking youth's interest in science
    Cooperating with countries around the world.
    Everyone for me benefits from sapce innovation, or we can say sometimes the poor don't benefit because space has helped us to advance in the technological aspect of life and since almost everything is technological like the health care, the prices for it will definitely increase and not all will be able to afford the price of such advanced reasources.
    The camera phone is important to me cause I can use it to capture wonderful friends and family moment, I can use it to communicate maybe during emergencies.

  • I think this will be a great idea. The Surge of space innovation that comes with interest will create new opportunities and inspire the next generation of doers. If this happens the boundary between science and social impact are blurred. Space Innovation leading to scientific discovery will benefit the whole world and also support science innovators. So we should all participate in this innovation to enhance the project of space exploration. Technology development and spin-offs from space research can find their way to the community worldwide and can also come with lifesaving benefits. We need more students that will discover and invent in communication,robotics, satellite and earth observations. Space exploration is very relevant to everyone online it just needs discipline and interest.

  • I see that the people who benefit most from space innovations are governments, because they see space innovations in general as a battleground for who is stronger and more developed, In addition to the fact that space also reflects the relations of some countries with others and popular events, and affects their role in this field, Among the evidence for what I am saying is the recent events in the world and how one of the most important countries in the field of space withdrew from the International Space Station,
    And this space is already (the Cold War)

    In my opinion, the people who benefit least from space innovations are the poor people, where many of their youth have great ideas and innovations, but because the government cannot invest their ideas because of weak capabilities, The people cannot benefit from innovations, whether by buying them from rich countries or applying the ideas of their youth, so young people who insist on their goal are forced to apply for scholarships and travel to rich countries and make their ideas succeed there,Thus, young people migrate from poor peoples, and the condition of the poor country and its people remains the same without noticeable change

    One of the things that I use from the picture and the most important thing for me is the pen, because as a student I use it for about 6 hours a day, and because I am an aficionado of writing, I need it to write poetry and various topics, And even for our world it is the most important, where all the ancient schemes that paved the way for today's advanced inventions, were written by pens, without pens it would have been difficult,Nowadays, it is not that important for some people to have mobile phones, but writing freely on the mobile phone is not that comfortable,Therefore, even modern phone companies, such as: Apple, Samsung, are producing styluses for phones to facilitate touch, and there is a great demand by young people for this type of device.