grateful_apricot has not published standpoints yet. Comments by grateful_apricot Comment Post Date I strongly believe that the services provided by doctors and teachers are crucial and should not... Can everyone strike? 22/4/23 Strikes are often a result of workers feeling that their rights have been violated or that they... Lessons learned! 22/4/23 I am eagerly anticipating the possibility of the Metaverse having a feature that enables us to... Metaverse poll results! 21/4/23 I recently came across the concept of green roofing which can be a potential way to bring a... The law in your hands? 21/4/23 Personally, I think, the impact of individuals going on strike on a country can be both... Suggest a discussion! 20/4/23 Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and it requires urgent action to... Earth Day poll results! 20/4/23 The question of whether people in the metaverse should be held to the same standards as in the... A new realm to rule? 20/4/23 I think, the question of who should have the power to decide how the metaverse is governed is a... A new realm to rule? 19/4/23 As a country that is heavily reliant on fossil fuels, the transition of India to a low-carbon... Climate change in your country 19/4/23 Climate change is a significant issue in our country, and its effects are already being felt in... Climate change in your country 19/4/23 I agree, No right should be obtained by a cause that leads to loss of life. But for emergency... Can everyone strike? 18/4/23 When joining a new job, it is important for an employee to check the working conditions to... Working conditions 18/4/23 I would support the Doctors/Nurses' decision to go to strike, even if I were a patient in... Can everyone strike? 17/4/23 'Is metaverse a boon or bane?' The realistic answer would rely on the use of metaverse. We can... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 17/4/23 My first impression on imposing laws on people, is that, It should consider the topographic... The law in your hands? 17/4/23 From what I learnt, workers have the right to protest for their working condition, wages,... Can everyone strike? 17/4/23 As a biology student and a keen observer of climate change debates, I am eager to put forth my... Classroom spy... 17/4/23 Metaverse has its own pros and cons concerning different factors. Thinking of the marvellous... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 14/4/23 Seeing in the general point of view, metaverse is like an another dimension to live our life. If... A new realm to rule? 14/4/23