Comments by interesting_seed Comment Post Date Thank you . I would like to dwell on the continuity of the monarchy, because it is associated... Are royals relevant? 27/4/23 In my opinion, laws are made only for the sake of discrimination, because laws only complicate... Suggest a discussion! 26/4/23 I respect your opinion and I agree with the idea that laws properly preserve life, but on the... Suggest a discussion! 26/4/23 I would like to know, from your point of view, "What are the most important customs, traditions... Suggest a discussion! 26/4/23 The answer to the question From my point of view, adherence to the rules of the royal family is... Suggest a discussion! 25/4/23 I agree with you on the issue of abolishing the rule of the monarchy, because from my point of... Reflect on the lesson! 25/4/23 The system of government in my country is a democratic system based on the people choosing the... Are royals relevant? 25/4/23 I have a question on the occasion of King Chasler III's accession to power 1_ What are the... Can everyone strike? 24/4/23 I think the Metaverse will be very cool because through it I can get to know a lot of new... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 24/4/23 Iwant to study law to be a loyal public prosecutor for my country. I want to make my country... Start of Festival survey 21/4/23 There are many skills that I feel I will learn and acquire, the most important of which are: 1-... Start of Festival survey 21/4/23 Strike, although it is a right for the worker and is found in the laws as a right to preserve... Test your knowledge 21/4/23 I agree with you. There are institutions where a strike should be a last resort, such as health... Lessons learned! 20/4/23 Serious harm means the great harm to students from teachers' strikes, as the educational level... Test your knowledge 20/4/23 There is something I want to discuss. If there is no strike, do you think the state will be... Suggest a discussion! 20/4/23 Through the many strikes that occurred in most countries and the teachers' strike in schools in... Lessons learned! 20/4/23 Good.. The reason why people choose to strike is to meet special needs. Is strike the best... Lessons learned! 20/4/23 The strikes that occur in most institutions are due to several reasons, the most important of... Test your knowledge 20/4/23 Sometimes, employers take advantage of a strike and hire employees who need to work for a lower... Suggest a discussion! 20/4/23 Strike: Cessation of work due to economic crises. Does everyone hit? It is not certain that... Test your knowledge 20/4/23 < 1 2 3 4 >