loved_kiwifruit has not published standpoints yet. Comments by loved_kiwifruit Comment Post Date Comment: With protest it is very hard to be on a side so I think you should protest to an appropriate... Post: Protest songs: what would you choose? Date: 16/12/22 Comment: I think that COP28 should be online to save planes traveling all around the globe . The should... Post: The Final Say Date: 16/12/22 Comment: I strongly agree that if world leaders \ country leaders were in the position that some people... Post: Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? Date: 16/12/22 Comment: I extremely agree that Black Panther is a very good role model for example he doesn't want to be... Post: Is black panther someone that we all should look up to. Date: 09/12/22 Comment: If you're an astronaut then probably your dream is to go to space or explore our universe but... Post: Space tourism : should all people be allowed to go to space? Date: 09/12/22 Comment: I'm not surprised that there is doctor shortages all around the world as the amount of people... Post: DOCTOR SHORTAGES THE PROBLEM EATING US SLOW BUT SURE Date: 09/12/22 Comment: I was told I would be best in creativity [ not sure what job though ] I'm not sure if they read... Post: Competition #5 Journalism jobs Date: 02/12/22 Comment: When buying a shirt from somewhere like Primark you wouldn't buy a cheap plastic one because... Post: Sustainable style - be a designer! Date: 25/11/22 Comment: I believe that space is important for a positive human future! I think that although you learn... Post: Space: a positive human future? Date: 05/11/22 Comment: I truly believe that a persons clothes anywhere in the world that you can have as much clothing... Post: Sustainable style - be a designer! Date: 04/11/22