Protest songs: what would you choose?

In Iran, women face strict laws about how to dress and behave under Islamic law. Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman, was arrested by the morality-police for not wearing a hijab according to the rules in Iran. She died in custody. Eyewitnesses say this is because of police brutality. This has sparked a wave of protests against the Iranian government.
Some protesters have spoken out against the government by sharing a song by Shervin Hajipour, an Iranian singer. He released Baraye which means "Because of…" in Farsi. The lyrics to this song express different reasons why Iranians are angry and want to speak out – for example because of gender inequality and having to live under Islamic law.
People from around the world responded to the song and many people, including school children, have shared videos of themselves singing along to protest against the government.
Over to you!
- Do you think songs are a good way to share a message? Why or why not?
- If you could share a song with the world to spread a message that's important to you, what would it be? What's your message?
Have a go at answering the questions in the comments below. Don’t forget to let others know what you think by replying directly to their comment.
Comments (125)
I think a song is a good way to share a message because sometimes you can find your Woods better în lyrics.
I agree sometimes lyrics can better express your feelings. What song is this for you?
What do you mean by woods?
think songs are actually one of the best ways to convey messages because most of the world now lives in the modern era and therefore the songs can be accessed and listened to by almost everyone in the world. So a song with lyrics carrying a strong sensible meaning, and a video portraying the lyrics or the subject of the song, can convey a message to crowd where even though they don't understand properly the language but understand the picture they can o the needful. This makes songs effective because most people can't reach out to their offenders forexample the gov't perhaps and tell them their views but can rather sing their hearts out and the message reaches the concerned masses. If I were to sing a song, it would be to the government telling them about there policies that affect us and how the affect us.
Yes, I think that sharing your message through a song with one voice from all the peoples of the world will draw the world's attention to you and to your difficulties in life and to your suffering, whether visible
Or transparent, I think it is a great way to tell the whole world about what is inside you, as our strong people do, who always try to spread their pain through a song that bears the pain of their nation and their country, in order to tell the world about extending their sufferings that the occupier made in the souls of our countries out of his crime and to deliver this song to the world Unity and cooperation between the nations of the world is necessary to help each other, because no matter how different their religions, races and homelands are, they remain righteous brothers united by the blood of unity and pride. 🌏
Some good points here! Is there an existing song that you think has drawn the world's attention to other people's difficulties? For example, 'we are the world' after the earthquake in Hati in 2010.
What is an important matter you believe the world should unite on?
*1* Do you think songs are good to share a message? Why and why not?
I think that because songs and chants are the best and best way to convey the message, and the songs interest the listener, so this person can easily convey his message.
*2* If you could share a song with the world 🌏 to spread a message that was important to you, what would it be? What is your message?
This is my song, tell me what you think of it
My homeland... my sanctuary... my ends... I love you as I love my mother..
You are my blood... my soul... my heart... my pulse... you are a precious thing
How do I dispense with you
Qudsi, I long for a visit to you in which I will kiss and hug you as you are my mother
I love you I love you I love you
But their barriers... their convoys... their siege... their oppression... their brutality... their killing... our prevention.
They are the occupation
I grieve for my country, it is my pulse and my heart, so how can I lose something important in my life?
What if you lose something dear to you?
What is your reaction?
My country is my homeland You are my heart You are my pulse You are my soul You are my blood You are a precious thing Yes you are more valuable than everything in the world Yes more valuable than gold and more valuable than silver and more valuable than oil................
yes it is
Yes, of course music and songs are a good expression medium. In Nigeria when we were facing police brutality a musician Demi Lovato released a song commander in chief and it was touching the lyrics alone was expressing thing we couldn't say. If I could spread a message through a song it'll be love each other no matter what race, ethnic group, religion or family. Because loving each other is just a step
You raise a great point around 'expressing the things we couldn't say'. People are affected by music even when they do not understand the language, so purposeful and powerful lyrics can have an even greater impact. Is there an existing song about love you would recommend and why? I quite like what a Wonderful world by Louis Armstrong
This is an interesting point - did you know Demi Lavato wrote the song 'Commander in Chief' in response to President Donald Trump US 2020 elections. It's a great example of songs being used to express an emotion and convey a message. I noticed you said 'loving each other is just a step', a step towards what do you think?
To be honest it's just a step to show what we can achieve with equality.
Can you please tell us more?
Yes I fully agree. During the end SARS protest in Nigeria so many lives were taken and a musician called Burna boy sang a song(20.10.20) addressing the ills in the country and how the government do not help in solving problems but allow them to get out of control before trying to proffer a solution. The song also served as a condolence to families that lost their loved ones and a remembrance to those that were lost because he titled the song after the date of the incidence(Lagos toll gate massacre). Music is actually a good way to pass a message because after the release of the song (20.10.20) on the 21st of October 2020, the government of Nigeria come out on 23rd October 2020 to address the issue and also apologies to the families that lost their love ones. We can see that the release of the song helped in passing a message to the Nigerian government.
I think that songs in our time have a great impact in communicating, clarifying and strengthening a certain idea and expressing feelings of contentment, anger, love, objection...etc in a smooth and simplified manner in all areas of political, religious, scientific, intellectual and patriotic life that push him to think carefully about many different things
Great comment champion_conclusion! Why do you think songs are so powerful to people around the world?
If I could share a song with the world, it would be directed to the governments of countries, which in all would be a message of spreading peace and love between peoples and countries.
Music is present in every part of our lives. Our spiritual rituals are framed with songs, children learn the alphabet through song and the malls and cafes we visit during our leisure time are rarely silent.
I agree especially because I know that unfortunately even in our days not all people can read. So songs were a good way of spreading messages when people didn't know how to read. National anthems are just one example. Also when people used to go to war they had songs to make them feel more brave.
I think the idea is that by repetition an idea gets into peoples mind and stays there.
If I could create a song for the world, it would be about how to unite, let nothing separate us, and then spread peace, security, and love. I'll name my song "Hands Hold"
Music can affect people on a deep emotional level, which is why it can be a powerful tool in building empathy and shaping our perceptions.
The combination of the right lyrics, rhythm and instruments can build a group identity, stir strong emotions, engage audiences and amass people to take action. This makes music the perfect partner for social change
I agree because we discussed this quote from the UN in class too. And our teacher is from Scotland and we learn a lot about what happens in UK. We know their national anthem says that they will become a nation again. So this is a song that makes people in Scotland think about their Scottish identity and not as British. So this may help to bring political changes to make Scotland leave UK. Maybe they will have a new referendum soon.
Yes, I think that the method of songs is a good method because it is a distinctive and entertaining method, so I advise everyone to follow this method. If I am going to share a song, I will share it about orphans so that all continents unite to help orphans in all countries
If I could share a song with the world, it would speak to the heart and mind of every human being in all parts of the world, and talk about love, and love is strength.
Yes, of course music and songs are a good expression medium. In Nigeria when we were facing police brutality a musician Demi Lovato released a song commander in chief and it was touching the lyrics alone was expressing thing we couldn't say. If I could spread a message through a song it'll be love each other no matter what race, ethnic group, religion or family. Because loving each other is just a step
Yes, a nice idea, because most people love songs, music 🎵 and melodies, and this method generates great strength for the message that you will spread, because many people will sympathize with it.
Yes songs are a good way to pass a message. 90% of the world listen to songs everyday and songs can be passed down from generation to generation the message in a song can never be damaged because once an individual memorizes the lyrics he or she can sing it anywhere at any time. As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote, “Music is the universal language of mankind.”Music (songs)has often been called “the food of the soul”, and many listeners can attest to that sentiment. It can cheer you up when you're sad, invoke memories, inspire creativity, give you energy for a better workout, and make you feel calmer during stressful times.
If I was to share a song with the world to spread a message it will be on the damage they are causing to the ozone layer and the inequality between men and women.
Great comment emotional_meaning. Why do you think Henry Wandsworth Longfellow called music a "universal language", what do you think that phrase means?
It exists in every society, with and without words. Interestingly, it varies more within societies than between them, and it supports certain types of behavior and it makes everyone feel a sense of connection.
I think songs or chants are one of the means
Excellent for spreading an important message because it is art
Art’s role in this life is to address everyone and send messages freely and to all groups without any specialization or imposition of restrictions
Music is a wonderful way to express feelings and nourish the soul with fun and activity. It is possible why they cannot express their opinion freely using it. It is possible to bring joy and happiness to people’s hearts. It is a special way of communication. I say that music has a great impact on community communication
I really like your point about using music to communicate things people can't say freely.
Sometimes the lyrics of the songs may be the spark for revolutions against injustice and tyranny.
Can you give an example?
Do you think songs are good to share a message? Why and why not? I believe that songs are the best way to convey a message, whether to a people or a person, and you can share your message through a song with one voice from all the peoples of the world, it will draw the world's attention to you and to the difficulties you face in life and to your suffering. As does the strong Palestinian people who always try to spread their pain through a song that carries their pain and the pain of their state Palestine 🇵🇸 to deliver their message to the world in their different religions, ethnicities, etc.)
I thing songs is a good way to share a message because if someone does a song on some news then maybe the person who is singing someone might want to go to their show because they are their favourite singer and they share that news to the people who watch it and they might pass it one by telling their friends,family people in their area and pass the news on and people will know about and start joining in with the rest of the people by that it was wrong and she shouldn't get arrested just because she didn't wear her hijab.
Has a song by an artist you like ever made you think differently about something?
The idea of songs is a beautiful idea, because people love music, songs and melodies, and if I can share a song with the people of the world, the song will be directed to the government of the state, which will be everything in spreading peace, love and friendliness between peoples and the state, and the combination of words and songs leads to building a collective identity.
Is there a particular song or songs you have in mind that can spread this message?
If you could share a song with the world to spread a message that was important to you, what would it be? What is your message? If I can share a song with the world, it will be directed to the governments of countries, which in everything will be a message to spread peace and love between peoples and countries, the song “Win are the Millions” I also believe that this song or message will reach the world because it aims at demonstrations, crowds, etc. and this Good thing, music also affects people on a deep emotional level, which is why it can be a powerful tool in building empathy and shaping our perceptions. Music is present in every part of our lives and children learn the alphabet through songs. Songs have a positive impact on a person's life .
If I can deliver a song to anyone, it is to the leaders and presidents, that they may unite and allow the space to spread peace and love without fear or death and to make the world live in freedom
The songs are good ways of conveying information, not just the words, but the music and the way of singing enables us to understand the songs, as I cannot speak English perfectly, and when I participate in this conversation I use the translator, but I like quiet English songs, because they convey concepts to me new, and introduce me to the culture of foreign countries (because I am an Arab)
Good music calms the spirit and I think the majority would agree. We can all share a positive message with some lyrical good vibes. If I could send a message around it would be about world peace because it is through world peace that discrimination of all sorts, gun violence, hunger, and poverty can be curbed because we all will face our problems as one people.
As Jackson Pollock once said, "Love is friendship set to music." Good music encourages love and togetherness even with differences and diversity. Something everyone needs is a song to tell their story. No matter the culture, we all are a people. Music is something we all share.
Yes, I think that songs arre a good method to share a message, because songs can seed feelings and emotions in us, and I belive that if I could publish a song as a message, in this case I will send it to the world governments or to my head of state to make them feel the emotions and thoughts of the ordinary people
Do you think songs are a good way to share a message? Yes, a good way to get a message out because a lot of people around the world listen to songs and care about the lyrics and what the song is talking about.If you can share a song with the world to spread an important message to you, what will it be? I will publish a song about the heinous crimes and injustices that are happening in my country.
Songs are definitely a strong way to pass a message because it speaks to all when words fail, and wherever you go in the world, it is understood and is a universal gift, its power to connect people is without question and no doubt effective. I would share a song talking about unity and equality to people of the world because it breaks my heart to see where people are treated unfairly or when people argue about things.
Yes I think that it is a good way to share a message because you can make many different sounds and tunes. I don't really have a song to send a message but I usually just tell my family members different messages.
Do you think songs are a good way to get the message across?
Yes, because the songs combine words that are difficult to pronounce with feelings that are difficult to elicit. It's something that describes your feelings without saying, I think it's a good thing and it can also change a person's psyche, whether it's negative or positive.
If you could share a song with the world for you, what would it be? What is your message
The 2018 World Cup song, there is no message in it, but this period I like to listen to this song because it excites me and changes my mood, and there are many songs in addition to the song (KU LO SA)
A song is a great idea it can spread awareness all over the world and if I were to wrote a song to spread a message my message to the would be "A gender shouldn't determine how you should look."🇮🇷
Songs are a very good way to share a message because the people take it in a very entertaining way and they like to hear the songs and also according to the music sometimes they put enthusiastic music that makes the song more popular and spread and the more spread the message will reach Faster and larger, and thus it becomes very easy for them to send a message with songs.
I will make the song talk about science, not despair, always looking forward and not looking back, I mean looking to the future and not paying attention to the past (there is nothing more important than your future).
This is an interesting idea. Do you think we should reflect on the past too, to understand what might happen in the future?
Songs are one of the most important ways that can affect the world in a profound way because they affect the emotional side by choosing the right lyrics of the song that explain and highlight the feelingsTherefore if I was at any protest I would choose a song that had meanings that could deeply affect society and could influence government decisions.
What song would you choose, or what would you choose to right about to convey a message through song?
I will go to the dry deserts of Africa, India and Pakistan, and I will choose 100 sites and dig in each site an artesian water well, because water is life.
I will not buy the ticket because the cost of going to space is very expensive, and this is limited to the very wealthy
Yes, songs are one of the important ways to share a message and a cause. Examples of this are many Palestinian songs that urge other peoples to help the people of Palestine. It also showed them the extent of the tyranny and barbarism of the occupation in their harsh treatment of this people. Some songs published and chronicled the names of the martyrs who gave their lives A redemption for Jerusalem is in memory, and therefore recently a song appeared in the voice of the Palestinian grandmother, Umm Al-Abed Which sparked a great controversy in the world, and the name of this song was “Tighten each other, O people of Palestine,” and it expressed the extent of determination, determination and also the tragedy that the Palestinian people go through. In addition, if I could share a message, I would share with you the Palestinian cause because it needs support from the Arab world and the world. Come together, let us be one hand to end the Zionist occupation and to restore Al-Aqsa to its place and sanctity
Yes, I think that songs are a powerful way to share any message, because songs link feelings and emotions, and songs can make you happy or sad, and they can make you angry or calm, as they have an important role in influencing us. The song talks about the importance and love of the homeland and attachment to it
I think yes as songs make you happy and you remember them easily. Also if you were meeting in secret and you got found out you could just say you were singing. No harm in that.
songs are the best way to deliver a message to the world. It is possible for a person to express his opinions and feelings through songs and music.
Like the Iranian singer "Shervin Hagpour" who expressed her feelings and messages to the world about equality between women and men
Yes as it is a way to share a message without any violence , because children should have a right to speak up for what is happening in Iran . It shows that if the government can shut down social media (for people not to find out what had really happened) these children can speak up for the cruelty and unfairness of the morality police. If I was one of the young children who had participated in the song , my message would be about woman rights , for women don't get paid the same amount of money as men do. And in this case, my message in a song would be asking to reveal what had truly happened at the police station by the police officers , who had brutally wounded Masha Amini , since police had told people that the young woman had a heart attack , however people claim that they had seen it and heard gun shots.
The Internet is one of the most important mediums that operate social networking applications and transform the wide world into a small village, and it is a right for all peoples of countries from large to small, and one of its benefits is to facilitate communication and exchange of information and help to learn new information, study, demand and delivery services. There are countries that prevent their peoples From using the Internet in all its ways, and this is what causes the spread of ignorance and the lack of expression of people’s innovations and ideas easily, the difficulty of communicating with each other and the lack of awareness. Parents should monitor their children on the Internet to know everything that children watch to secure their minds and ideas appropriate for their ages and protect their future.
Songs are among the most tools that help in communicating different messages and needs very quickly, and they are able to convey different meanings and theories in the simplest ways due to the interest of young people and children in them. Songs are better than any other means of conveying events and ideas. You don't know that with these words and melodies, we can make our story reach all over the world, and the songs were able to convey the Iranian problem of Mrs. Mahasa Amini to the world. The songs emit in the person the wonderful feelings mentioned in them, which makes the person understand them quickly, and among the songs that carry very wonderful meanings are the songs of the Palestinian artist Muhammad Assaf.
Yes, songs are good ways to spread messages across to people. Songs can be used to tell stories, express emotions, or convey a belief in faith. Sometimes they give instructions or help make difficult, repetitive work a little less tiresome.. For instance here in Nigeria at about 2 years ago, members of the Nigerian Army opened fire on unarmed End SARS protesters at the Lekki toll gate in Lagos State, Nigeria. People were sad about this that the government will open fire to unarmed protesters. Various Nigerian Artist sang songs like 20-10-20 by Burna boy. This are easy ways to convey messages. If I could share a song the message would be wishing peace, love, health and prosperity and also conveying message on how the common people are faring.
Yes, songs are a very important way to send messages because they touch feelings directly, and many songs have had a very big impact in changing a certain reality.
Songs are a very way to send messages that touch feelings directly, and many songs have had a great impact on changing the reality and I, in turn, like to direct peace songs to decision-makers everywhere so that peace prevails all over the world.
I think songs are a good way to share a message because music allows others to express themselves in ways using just mere words cannot. If I could share a song with the world to spread a message that's important to me, the message I would spread is that no matter race, gender, ethnic group, and religion we are all human and that's how we should all treat each other as.
Are there any songs that have made you think differently?
I think songs are a good way of communicating and most people love listening to music in their free time but of anyone wouldn't like to listen to a song without any meaning .One of the songs I enjoy listening to is 'earth song' by Micheal Jackson, It has an emotive lyrics ,it shows you what is real happening .Songs are a media of updates to the governments . if I were to sing a song, it would be about the rising temperatures
I think that protest songs are a good way to convey a message around the world because it is one of the right ways. If I can share a song with the world, it will be delivered to the heads of states and their governments, where the focus of the message is to spread peace and tranquility among peoples.
I think songs are a good way to share a message because most songs are to express what people are feeling. And since most people listen to music, hearing a message in a song could have a huge impact. Especially with the situation going on. I know that there are a lot of females going through the same thing.
Are there any songs that have made you think differently?
Actually I think songs are the best way to share a message because songs bring out the message clearly and repeatedly and the beats/rhythm give the person listening the interest to continue listening and by listening they react on the message that is in the song
First of all, songs are the best and reliant ways of sharing a message since people would rather sing than reading and grasping words because of the good beats and rhythm and this would make one sing it all over and over and it would be dedicated to the governments, citizens and all the corrupt leaders and the message behind it will be about having peace, love and harmony in the country.
I would share a song to all the corrupt leaders, people, governments telling them to promote love and peace in their countries with the use of good beats, rhythm, instrumentals and these would soften the hearts of the people and this would engage them in good voluntary activities that will promote development in the countries.
i really think that songs are a good way of sharing a message. This is because some people are not confident enough to stand up and talk in front of others. When sing we are able to really express our emotions about a certain event in a way that we truly understand. in this generation, most people especially the youth have stopped using press media nor do they want to listen to long speeches because they consider them boring. but with the help of a song you can attract the attention of most people because they will be enjoying the rhythms and the words in the song. the video of the song it self will tell more about the event . as people listen to song they will be able to understand it in their own way. and the emotions put in the song will touch their hearts . with a song people even get creative .they can even use cartoons to make the little kids understand the situation. so i think people use use songs to communicate more
if i was to use a song to spread a message then it be about harmonious living among people and how we can use religion to spread love , peace and respect for human rights
I think songs are a good way to share a message because when you make a touching song, it brings family and friends together in a way that couldn't be done differently.
If I could share a song with the world, it would be about how we have to fight for the rights of not just woman, but people of different races and religions with knowledge and truth.
Great comment contemplative_signature!
I think it's a good idea to protest with songs and to convey your messages to other by singing them in rhythm and with lyrics songs are really connected with souls they can make people to understand what they cannot understand in simple words
Protest songs can be an effective way to express our feelings and creat a sense of community . Even a 500-page book doesn't have as much of a 5-minute song effect, and that shows the power of these songs.
If I can choose a song I will choose "shedo baadkom " it means be together . This great song became a trend afew days ago because it reflects the current situation in Palestine
Songs are definitely a strong way to pass a message because it speaks to all when words fail, and wherever you go in the world, it is understood and is a universal gift because music is the food for the soul, its power to connect people is without question and no doubt effective. I would share a song talking about unity and gender equality to people of the world because it breaks my heart to see where people are treated unfairly or when people argue about things. songs really help because they government cannot really put a limit on it since even though you ban it in the country those outside the country can really get its message
I think songs are ideal for passing on important information cause they are something that anyone anywhere can receive very fast. With such a strong tool, I would send a message for everyone in power to exercise gender equality of both men and women and my message would discourage all governments that have policies that exercise inequality for example Iran. If the people were governed by laws favoring both genders, then maybe Mahsa Amini wouldn't have died.
Musicians make songs at least every month , many songs are released by different musicians and I personally , I was touched by a song from one of my favorite musician called "LOVE YOURSELF" and some of the lyrics in it were "WHO ARE YOU ?AND SPEAK OUT YOURSELF" those are the most quoted words and I picked something from that song and I think many more people picked from it , that was a message sent through a song.
Songs are the best way to share a message to anyone of any age because everyone loves songs. If I were to compose a song the message inside the song would be for everyone to love and take care of each other even if a you have a grudge with someone.
Songs are considered one of the most effective means that help in conveying messages and different needs to meet the benefits and needs of people quickly and convey the intended meanings and theories in the simplest ways, for the interest of young people and children in them. Songs are better than any other means of conveying events and ideas. You don't know that with these words and melodies, we can make our story reach all over the world, as the songs managed to communicate the Iranian problem of Mrs. Mohasa Amini and present it to the world. Which makes the person communicate with her and understand her quickly and interact with her as well, such as the Palestinian song “Shudda Baadakum” and the songs of the Palestinian artist Mohammed Assaf.
YES!!! I think that songs are a good way to share a message because it could make you feel happy and be able feel lost of joy and cheerfulness.
I see your point and I agree with it up to a certain point. I mean I know that in some countries it is illegal to have songs where you offend different categories of people but not in all. So yes, music can make you feel happy but it can also put you down. For example, there are songs in my country which use language that is offensive to the Roma but this doesn't mean they are unpopular or illegal. Also my country lived through communism and songs and poems were used every day to remind people how great their supreme leader was and how their country was the best in the world despite the fact it wasn't. We see similar gatherings where I assume they sing such songs in countries that live under a dictatorship.
This is an excellent point. Songs can also be offensive or make people feeling negative emotions as well as good. Do you think songs should ever be banned?
I feel one song can be perceived differently by different people and different communities. For instance, in a community where women equality is incorrect to dream of, people might associate negative feelings with a song that promotes it while others might strongly support the same song. I feel songs should not be 'banned' considering only one perspective. We should let the people form their own opinions about it which they should be allowed to express.
Banning songs might be taken in a negative sense as well. People might feel that their voices are being suppressed and they are being barred from feeling a certain way about something.
Yes, I do think that songs are a good way to send messages ,they are a way to show emotions to people indirectly. And to show the world what is going on with your life and what you are going through.
Some people have problems expressing their feelings directly face to face , so song writing was always a solution .
If I wrote a song to iran it will be a song mixed with sadness , loneliness, then hope and happiness, at the end I'll give hope that the only way of helping iran is to stand up together hold hands and fight as one .
First of all every one has equal rights. Every one should be given his rights as described in different religions. There are many ways to bring proposal up. Song is a best one among these ways . But that song must engaged people to woke up and amass people to take action on it. If I get a chance to express my feelings in the form of songs then I will directly send it to state and government to think about feelings of ordinary people in deep.
Heart Touching Song tell the innermost feelings of human heart &soul...Songs are the shortest medium to express our pent up emotions..
My land is my pride
Tis my land i am to die or lie
My entity owes to my land...
In my opinion songs are a good way to share a message. Because they are basically texts but they also have rhythm.
I think that girls in our days are under pressure to look good, to be skinny and it affects their mental health. This is why I would share the song Victoria'a Secret by Jax. So that all the girls in the world know that their value goes beyond the way they look.
I think that songs are good ways of sending messages because some people don't listen if you're talking to them, so to make them listen to you, you can show them a song that explains the situation with a lot more arguments and examples.
For example, the song "I am woman" made by Emmy Meli is a good example. She wrote this song to empower women and it did because it went viral on TikTok. The song is about what women could be if they had the confidence and all the things they can do. Also body positivity because some men think that women should look and act a certain way. This song tells us that women can be whoever and whatever they want to be and I think that is a strong message. TikTok is a really good platform for people to tell their message to everyone. Another example is "Victoria's Secret" made by Jax. The song talks about a child of who she was the babysitter and she tells her that social media is fake and that she should be happy about the way she looks. I think it is important for women to feel good about their body.
I believe that songs are a great way of sharing messages and songs help us get through difficult times. We also have to think about people who can't read or even can't see. Music is a good way of reaching such people.
There's many songs about sexism or about the impossible beauty standards that might help young women with the problems they have with their own bodies. As a young woman, a teen girl, I have my problems with the way I look or dress and knowing there are other women going through this and speaking up about it makes me feel more comfortable in my own skin.
I think that songs are the best way to share a message with everyone. For example Guerrilla by Ateez is a song that's describing an apocalyptic world where people don't have the right to listen to music or talk about it, but there's this group of people called the Guerrillas that make and want to listen to different types of music. They try to pass this idea to the other people and the Guerrillas grow and fight against the government. They succeed and get their rights back. So in conclusion the song is telling the listener to fight for their rights with help from their close ones.
Songs are a good way to share our thoughts and ideas because they are catchy! Whenever we hear someone humming a tune we automatically start humming it ourselves. This is because of many factors both at the phycological level.. due to how or brain functions and even because of repetition of certain verses in the song. If I could share a song to spread a message it would be about humanity how humans should respect every living creature and rekindle their sensitivity towards even plants and animals as now we don't hesitate to shred apart a bird's nest if in our property and never consider the amount of days and efforts taken by the bird to build it! We should let go of our selfishness and rather re-embrace our goodness as "Goodness is a flame that can never be extinguished"- Nelson Mandela
A song is a good way to share a message as when you listen to it, you know how they are feeling and you imagine that if you were in that place, you would be feeling the same. I have made up a song with a message before, so I will share it with you now.
When people are saying negative stuff about me, I defend myself or ignore them. Do the same.When it happens in another country, we will speak out as one. Many voices speaking out as one can make a very huge different as we are fighting as one. We can be heroes, just for 1 day.And if we do, we can beat discrimination, forever and ever. We can all be heroes, just for 1 day.
I love that you've been inspired to write you own song peaceful_twilight! What a great example of creativity. I have awarded you a star for using our creativity skill!
Thank you so much!
Songs are a good way to share a message because they have a melodic line that can make us understand things more clearly.
A song that spreads a message is "Erika", is a song that was used by the Nazis, but it was about flowers an joy. This means that not all songs can be good for us.
Did you know that emotions can be felt through songs? My teacher always asked us why we could memorize song lyrics so readily but not historical facts or mathematical equations and I told her music has a certain repetition and rhythm that makes the tune easy to remember. It is also a connection between us that fosters our capacity for empathy towards others. Songs also serve as reminders of the values embodied in all of our national anthems.
My song would talk about how difficult and challenging life is but we shouldn't give up. This topic reminded me of a song by Em Beihold- Numb Little Bug
"Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive..."- Em Beihold
Our religion Islam is the religion of ease, not hardship. We know that Islam imposed on us the veil, but it allowed us to wear what we believe in and what is his nature in our hearts. What happened with this young woman was a mistake. The person has complete freedom to choose what suits him, even if it is related to religion, so there is no compulsion with religion. As for the songs, the songs were found only for enjoyment and listening to them, not to convey a message. Whoever wants to deliver a message to people can say it in words, not in songs. The songs are not considered a response to any protest. If the songs were a message to reach the world, I would like to send you my song that Filled with pain, I hope you will spread peace in the homeland, I hope the world will unite together, I hope that the colonization of weak countries will end
I think a song is a good way because it's catchy and can send a powerful message towards the public community. Also, ever since the internet has become more and more popular, it seems that more people are likely to see that song and listen to it. It is also a safer and easier way to protest against something than actually protest physically, as you have less chance of injury or harassment. Also, it's not just local, but others around the world can join in the fight for justice.
Music- a combination of a few notes and lyrics- can lead to change like no other art form . It acts as a mirror to the injustices and malpractices going on in the world. It can influence us, even make us better versions of ourselves . We are often not able to express ourselves through words and music serves as a better medium in this situation. So according to me, music definitely shares a message.
“Is This The World We Created...?” by Queen is a song that talks about the disturbing world scenario and how it is far far from ideal. It is not the epitome nor is it what our ancestors dreamt of it to be. It actually forces us to realise our shortcomings and at least take an effort to do something better.
“The times they are a-changing” by Bob Dylan can also be a protest song, because of its lyrics sharing the message of a changing world.
Do you think songs are a good way to share a message? Why and why not?
Yes, because the songs contain words that contain feelings that are difficult to convey. The songs convey a message that is difficult for a person to explain, and the songs are a beautiful thing that changes from a bad mood to a good one, or what turns you on from pains.
You make two interesting points @accomplished_frog. Music often has the power to both communicate things that are difficult to sum up in words alone and it can also change how people feel just by listening to it. If you could share a song with the world to spread a message that's important to you, what would it be? What's your message?
In my opinion I think songs are a good way to share a message to show a equal message. To the world Making a song to protest could spread the word of equality and a message that people might not understand. You could put the song on multiple platforms such as on social media tiktok, And instagram . even if it isnt long it still will be a perfect way to spread the word of safety and equality.
Music is something that can stir up emotions in people, it speaks to many hearts , it is sentimental and it helps to drive messages in the minds of people especially when it is the right kind. If I were given the opportunity to address a message with the help of a song, it would be to our leaders, letting them know the problems that the common man faces and how it's not to late for them to make changes, to do the right things and to be the leaders we want them to be.
Yes , songs are great way to convey message because songs are being listened by almost every 10 to 9 people. Also lyrics of song touches heart so much if it has deep meaning inside.
If i convey my message to world through song it would be of for everyone to have peace and love with each other and try to understand each other's problems and pain,because everyone in the world depends on another.
In my view songs would be one of the better ways to communicate a message to others since songs can carry our emotions and inner most feelings that cannot be express by simple actions and words that people cannot feel or shared. Music after all brings a sense of unity and belonging that cannot be brought about by protest it brings a feeling of love and togetherness.
If I could share a song with the world to spread a message I think i will collect all the misogynistic comments from the world from social media and make them a song to show everyone that women are strength, not weakness, and that hateful comments are only a source of strength. Songs really speaks!
Songs can be a means of actual expression and awareness of the masses. Through songs, we can put our hands on the sites of oppression and pain and embody it in a song that is able to reach decision makers more than other means. And the song in our current time is able to communicate our voice to the world as any social and artistic means to make a change.. .
What song would you choose?
A patriotic political song that talks about the suffering of our Palestinian people called (Where are the millions, where are the Arab people)
i think that yes songs can be a great way to share a message, as people tend to a musical ear, for example listen to songs while driving, while relaxing, and during a specific mood. So if there was a meaningful song that goes viral it can let the nations in motion and to respond the call of the message as it can influence the international public points of view and by so to send the call to the governments to take actions.
Have you got an example of such a meaningful song?
if i could share a song with the world to spread a message it would probably be about the suffering of aqueous living things, because nowadays we only highlight the suffering of human because of pollution, but what about the animals in the marine? thousands of them are going extinct, if they did so we may also go extinct. As they say, if butterflies go extinct we all go, since they pollinate flowers so bees go and extract that pollen to feed themselves and make honey, without pollen also bees will die so bears will not find more honey so to be extinct and thus animals who feed on bears go extinct... to be us. so imagine that all marine animals go extinct and animals and living things who feed on clean marine (drinking water, eating fish or even marine plants..) then probably life on earth will end.
Does anything eat bears? I thought they were an apex predator, but I suppose they get eaten after they die.
A great comment, though.
I think music is great way to spread a message all around the world spreading awareness to people as a person who loves listening to music its a great way.
maginificent_contribution is there a song you would choose that expresses a strong viewpoint?
It is possible to compose words and phrases against violence that raise the status of Iran. We bring instruments, music and rhythm so that the government hears and dismantles these protests. About Iran
Yes,I think that songs arre a good method to share the message, because it's speaks to all when words fail and songs can also seed feelings and emotions in us and also we have to think about people who can't read or even see. songs is a good way of reaching people.
I think it is a good way to send a message by rapping is by telling people how you fell or you are feeling hurt or want to tell some one that you are being harassment or being hit in one of your song to inform someone so they can call the cops.
Yes, I think that sharing your message through a song with one voice from all the peoples of the world will draw the world's attention to you and to your difficulties in life and to your suffering, whether visible
Or transparent, I think it is a great way to tell the whole world about what is inside you, as our strong people do, who always try to spread their pain through a song that bears the pain of their nation and their country, in order to tell the world about extending their sufferings that the occupier made in the souls of our countries out of his crime and to deliver this song to the world Unity and cooperation between the nations of the world is necessary to help each other, because no matter how different their religions, races and homelands are, they remain righteous brothers united by the blood of unity and pride. 🌏
Only all good songs are a good way to share a message. If i could share a song that's important to me, It would be... if you can do one thing, don't think that you can't.
The combination of the right lyrics, rhythm and instruments can build a group identity, stir strong emotions, engage audiences and amass people to take action. This makes music the perfect partner for social change
Yes, I think songs are good way to share a message because most people in the world listen to music and love so I think its easier to send a message to people through a song and they get in which not only will they get it but it can also go world wide causing people from different states and countries to come out and help. My message to the world would be a request not even a request but a shout out for women and black people to be treated equal as the rest of the other people are as in in terms of jobs, payment, leadership among others.
Songs are a good way to spread positive messages because the lyrics have deep meanings that can help make the world a better place.
Songs is a good way to convince a message over the world because as the popular the song becomes the message will be spreading and if I could share a song i will be sending it to the people that are with violence with all its shapes and the people who differentiate between the two genders and all the governments that spread corruption With the aim of spreading awareness and peace even if it's in indirect way
if i am being honest i don't really know.
I think A song is a good way to share a message and it is so clever. I would do that same thing though.
For me, I suggest the use of protest songs is an effective way of communicating and expressing distress. The death of Mahsa Amini was caused by police brutality, which is rampant even here in Kenya. when we use songs to pass out our feelings, it is evident that most messages are passed through songs. and I strongly believe nobody should monitor another person's dressing code.
I agree because... more people will be drawn to it because it was in form of a song it will reach people even fast if the song was sang by a famous musician who has many fans and a lot of fan base
sharing a message through a song is a right idea because many people listens to music more than they do a lot of things for example you can be washing plate in your house and you are bored definately you have to listen to music.
Songs have been a lot of peoples inspiration, to me songs will draw a lot of people more to this problem because over 90 percent of the world listens to music.
If I could share a song with the world about equality of all men and women. and also all humans are equal and all the professions are equally honorable.
i think songs are good way to share messages because songs and communication are closely linked and there are many skills that are common to both. There is a lot of research which supports, that exposure to songs from an early age is beneficial for communication development. songs offers many benefits to children who may have limited speech or are pre-verbal ,because songs can seed feelings and emotions in us, and I belive that if I could publish a song as a message it change a person's psyche, whether it's negative or positive.
Songs help us express ourselves in a better way. If I could spread a message through a song it would be to break the stereotypes that still float in our society and to maintain equality and harmony.
I think songs share Universal language of love. They have power to bring joys to the hearts even in the darkest and gloomy situations of life.
Songs and smiles need no translation or interpretations. They share the frequency on which the whole Universe can dance.
Songs can have the most powerful impacts on the memories as the song enchanted can be remembered by generations. They are more effective source of motivation for a common cause. Songs are most peaceful medium to record the protest.
A song can be an effective tool for common people in non-violent struggle. Through a combination of music, which evokes emotion, and lyrics, which present the message, protest songs aim to motivate people to take action by changing the way we feel about the division between us and them . Rather than simply amplifying the words , music is important for expressing political messages, because it creates a sense of emotional connection.
As for me , the song '' change is gonna come '' is best song to motivate people who are in protest.
Songs are a great way to share messages and songs help us get through difficult times. We also have to think about people who can't read or even see. Music is a good way to reach such people. There are many songs about sexism or impossible standards of beauty that might help young women with the problems they have with their bodies. As a young woman, a teenage girl, I struggle with my issues with the way I look or dress, and knowing that there are other women who are going through this and talking about it makes me feel so much more comfortable in my own skin.
This is ironic but I would choose the theme song from one of my favorite cartoons ''we bare bears'' because to me it sends a message, to me it is not just about three bears having fun, I think it symbolizes three bears trying to adapt and make it in the modern world.
I feel naturally songs are good ways to express your feelings for example if am feeling down I can listen to a song and it will brighten up my mode songs can do a lot of things it can serve a as source of healing, entertainment, tell stories and express emotions. The song I would share with the world would be Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen, the song tells a story of broken love, true love remembered and mourned, guilt, penance, and of finding peace. I love this song because it brings peace to me when I hear it and if anyone is going through a hard time I would love it if they also listen to this great song.
If I could share a song with the world, I would like to direct it to the governments different countries, a message that will spread the fight against corruption, gender equality, solutions to climate change(yes to afforestation ) and promote peace between countries( Russia and Ukraine).
Songs greatly influence people's mindset.During the fight for independence in my country,poets such as mahakavi Bharathi wrote songs to stimulate a sense of patriotism among public.The public after hearing these songs got really inspired and fought back to get freedom for the country.A song which is backed up by a well written lyrics that carries a message and a good rhythm will definitely reach to people.Thus they are a good medium to carry a message.If I could share a message to the world through a song it would definitely be to the world leaders and government and the message would be about spreading love,peace and harmony among countries instead of waging wars and battles.
In my opinion, songs are an excellent way to share messages to the world. In fact, most popular artists compose music and songs to share their opinions and sometimes even vent to their followers. Songs are an amazing way to express yourself, whether it be by the actual music that is being composed to the lyrics and the stories being told. For example, Atsuover (or formally known as Anne) is a music artist who composes music to express herself through lyrics and even the music itself. One of her songs titled “making day” talks about her imposter syndrome, and how it affects her daily life.
If I had the ability to compose a song to spread a message to the world that is important to me, it would be a song about discrimination against all communities, gender (all 64+ of them), religion, physical appearance, all disabilities (mental, emotionall and physical) and overall everything that is a problem for every person in every single community. To me, every single human deserves rights. My message would be about the discrimination around the world.
Songs are a good way to share a message, because a lot of songs have meaningful messages behind them, and a song based off what's going on now would definitely be a good way to inform people of what's going on in Iran right now.
I think that songs are the best way to share problems, because the songs describe the feeling and ways to solve the problem, and also because it spreads quickly, like the problem of the Corona virus.
I think that writing poems and songs are a really good idea to reach out to other people. They tell others, in and out of Iran, how they feel in these perilous situations. As the Iranian government was trying to restrict the internet so that the silenced women wouldn't have any way of sharing their perspectives and opinions, no one knew much about anything, but these heart-warming songs tell other people about how they feel. Also, I think that this was very brave of the little children as they know that there is a risk of them being injured or taken away by the morality police because of their opinions but they still chose the choice to be children of courage and speak out for themselves and everyone else. Personally I wouldn't take this threatening risk so I think that these brave children are really inspiring to other suffering places, such as Afghanistan.
I agree because... writing poems are just like singing
Yes I think songs are a great way to share messages because we don't have to read the message we can listen to it.I would talk about why I want to go to my friend house or if his or her parents allow people to visit.
People have the right to feel and do what they would like and not be bossed by the morality police. People are their own people, they should get to do what is best for them and they should not have a prision sentence for not wearing a hijab right.
Songs are an amazing way to spread messages, in fact people already use messages in songs back in WWII someone did use messages to send information to soldiers-in secret. Also this will help people to send message to countries or other people if there government does not let them speak out. It magistrates even save life’s !
Songs is a very good way of sharing messages because songs have the wonderful ability to spark emotions when you listen to them. Within the lyrics there are often messages that are brought to the ear through music. Many have messages and advice for life that can be useful for those who listen to them
If I could share a song with the world to spread a message that's important to me, it would be;
Man in the mirror by Michael Jackson created in 1987. This song teaches a lesson about life reflection and how it impacts the society.
My message would be;
1.Change comes from inner reflection.
2.If you want the world around you to be become better, you need to start with yourself.
3.Improvement is easy if you are looking at it the right way.
Songs are a great way to express our views. We have seen it even during the Indian Independence movement. In fact even today, 75 years afters becoming independent, we Indians still sing the songs that were written during the freedom struggle and every time we do so it brings back the memories of those great fighter who fought for our nation and freed us from the evil rule. Songs evoke strong patriotic emotions among people and encourage people to raise their voices against the evil. Songs also unite people. Hence songs should be part of any major revolt.
I think songs are actually one of the best ways to convey messages because most of the world now lives in the modern era and therefore the songs can be accessed and listened to by almost everyone in the world. So a song with lyrics carrying a strong sensible meaning, and a video portraying the lyrics or the subject of the song, can convey a message to crowd where even though they don't understand properly the language but understand the picture they can o the needful. This makes songs effective because most people can't reach out to their offenders forexample the gov't perhaps and tell them their views but can rather sing their hearts out and the message reaches the concerned masses. If I were to sing a song, it would be to the government telling them about there policies that affect us and how the affect us.
I believe that songs are a great way to communicate either personal feelings, issues in the world or we can express ourselves through music. Music is a part of our everyday lives and almost everyone in the world listens to it. If a famous artist such as Michael Jackson (if he was still alive) created a song about issues in the world, it would really get out there. Jackson had a big influential status so a lot of his fans including myself would most likely look into the issues he sung about but also, the songs artists make go viral around the world so these issues would raise awareness.
I don't think that protest songs do much against oppressive policies. While they certainly help spread the word among people, it does not affect policymakers in any way. On the other hand, a staged protest or rally shows the government what the people want, and reminds them that at the end of the day, power resides with the people.
If I could share a song with the world, it would be directed to the governments of countries, which in all would be a message of spreading peace and love between peoples and countries.
The combination of the right lyrics, rhythm and instruments can build a group identity, stir strong emotions, engage audiences and amass people to take action. This makes music the perfect partner for social change
Yes, I think that songs arre a good method to share a message, because songs can seed feelings and emotions in us, and I belive that if I could publish a song as a message, in this case I will send it to the world governments or to my head of state to make them feel the emotions and thoughts of the ordinary people
think songs are actually one of the best ways to convey messages because most of the world now lives in the modern era and therefore the songs can be accessed and listened to by almost everyone in the world. So a song with lyrics carrying a strong sensible meaning, and a video portraying the lyrics or the subject of the song, can convey a message to crowd where even though they don't understand properly the language but understand the picture they can o the needful. This makes songs effective because most people can't reach out to their offenders forexample the gov't perhaps and tell them their views but can rather sing their hearts out and the message reaches the concerned masses. If I were to sing a song, it would be to the government telling them about there policies that affect us and how the affect us
With protest it is very hard to be on a side so I think you should protest to an appropriate level for example with the war in Ukraine people should not get arrested for something they believe . You should have your own belief and not be arrested just on what is right !