Comments by lovely_planet

Comment Post Date
I agree with you that poverty is one of the main causes of crime, but we can also work to stop... Prevention or protection? 29/1/24
I agree with you,reformative, security and punishment are the I feel we should focus... What’s the purpose of prisons? 29/1/24
I admit that I was among those who believed that the climate would never return to its previous... Report back 25/1/24
In my opinion, the climate has enhanced vegetation activities, agriculture in certain high... Finding a balance 24/1/24
This quiz has taught me something really valuable, and that is the importance of artificial... Test your knowledge 23/1/24
I agree with opinion C that going to school will still be necessary in the future because,in... Will schools exist in future? 23/1/24
I don't think AI can be used to build friendships or relationships since it doesn't grasp human... Jobs of the future 22/1/24