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Did you complete the lesson about eco-anxiety at school with your teacher? If so, we’d love to hear about any good discussions you had in the comments below. You could tell us…

… about any good debates between you and your classmates. For example, about whether or not eco-anxiety can sometimes be useful?

…how you changed your mind about something during the lesson. For example, did a new perspective make you think differently about how to cope with eco-anxiety?

Listening icon

…about how you developed your listening skills. For example, which steps did you practise in the lesson? Any why is listening an important skill for engaging with the news?

Comments (97)

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  • Hey there! I just had a great conversation with some of my classmates about eco-anxiety. We talked about how we can care about climate change without letting it stress us out too much. As citizens of this planet, it's important that we all do our part to control global warming. I'm not saying we need to launch big campaigns or anything, but there are small steps we can take, like
    1) ditching plastic bags,
    2) taking public transit
    3) using less fossil fuels, and so on.
    Let's work together to make a difference!

    1. That's fantastic! It's great to hear that you and your classmates are actively discussing and addressing eco-anxiety. What's one small change you've made recently to be more eco-friendly, and how has it made you feel?

      1. Hi there Divya
        The changes we can make to be eco-friendly in my opinion are.For people who are suffering from eco-anxiety we can make a community for them where they can talk and express their feelings and stress.And to prevent eco-anxiety we all have to take care care of our environment by 1.Gardening
        2.Planting trees
        3.Reduce the amount of rubbish we throw away
        4.Use less amount of water
        and many more.
        5.Reducing, recycling and reusing
        6.Saving electricity
        and many more.
        Thank you!

      2. My family and I have made a conscious effort to boycott plastic. Although we still use it on certain occasions, we are striving to completely eliminate it from our daily lives. While this may seem like a small step, I believe that it's these small actions that can make a big difference in the long run. I hope to take significant steps in the future to protect the environment. Saving nature is a noble and important cause. I urge you to join the many others who are already working to make a difference. Knowing that you are part of this important effort will undoubtedly bring you a profound sense of fulfilment and satisfaction. Trust me, it is a feeling like no other.

        1. Wow, contemplative_fly! This is a bold move. Could you share more about how easy it's been for you to boycott plastic? Does this mean that you don't own anything at all that is made of plastic, or are there some things that you can't do without?

          1. hell, Dibya .
            I have made some small changes in my life to be eco-friendly. My classmates and I have made many changes to balance the environment. The changes are –
            1. To undertake tree plantation program at different places.
            2. Dispose of all garbage in the area in a designated place.
            3. Reducing the use of electrical appliances in daily life.
            4. Distribution of leaflets etc. to make people aware about climate change.
            Thus my classmates and I have taken some steps to become environment friendly through mass awareness and change.

      3. Our family recently embarked on a mission to become more eco-friendly these are the things we did:
        We've switched to using solar panels instead of diesel generators when we have power outages.
        We've minimized our waste by recycling diligently and repurposing items whenever possible
        We've cut back on unnecessary outings to reduce our fuel consumption
        I believe that the small changes we have made will make a big difference to the environment.

      4. Hi Divya, there are lots of little or big changes we can make to be eco friendly. In my opinion, we should focus on reducing the use of plastic at first and do things like recycling or reusing. We should also save the natural resources, plant more trees and try our best to reduce the use of non renewable resources. As for the people having eco -anxiety, we should hold some programs or make some online site where they can express their feelings or their opinions on environment. Although I am too young to bring some big change to be eco friendly I try to do small things like recycling , reducing and reusing things . I also try to sometimes convince people to make some positive change in the environment.
        Thank you

    2. Yes, I agree with you that we can care about climate change without letting it stress us and it is very essential for all of us as citizens of the earth to make efforts to save the climate. We can do it without letting it stress us by following all the rules and orders like ;
      Avoiding bush burning
      More of afforestation etc.
      These are just few changes we can adapt to save the earth.

    3. I agree because these are just some simple steps we could take and it could definently benefit the world by alot even though they are small steps it just goes to show that alot of small people could join together and become greater than a big person.

  • I have never thought that we as young people are so environmentally aware of what happens in our planet. In our lesson we discussed about eco anxiety and and we concluded that we are all aware of what is happening but not stressed. That's because we are ready to help and follow anything is needed to protect our planet.
    We recycle even at school, we do not use plastic straws, we cycle a lot, we respect nature and that made us all so happy.

  • In my school, each child had a paper, which told us our roles in the world. Some children were either parents, doctors, someone, whose country has been affected by climate change, scientist, teacher or student and we had to argue whether and why Eco-Anxiety is bad. If you thought that it was bad, you would go on one side of the classroom and if you thought that it was good, you would go on the other side of it. In my opinion, I thought that it is good and useful to have Eco-Anxiety as it shows how much you care about the dying world.

    Imagine the world was ending. If a thought struck to you that you had to improve your actions on helping the world otherwise something bad would happen, that is kind of what Eco-Anxiety means. Some of my classmates role's were parents so they thought that Eco-Anxiety would be bad because it would make their children scared and make lot's of people feel traumatise, devastated and overwhelmed. However, if you are a parent, well your child would have a head start of what the real world looks like, feels like and sound like. Maybe, knowing what is happening to the world, they might one day change it.

    We are living on this unhealthy planet, so we are the ones who should take care of it and make it clean. For example, we could stop using plastic bags, driving vehicles, that produces pollution, taking public transit, using less fossil fuels, not wasting food, using to much electricity and most importantly, we could stop throwing litter. If we all do these examples, our world would stop suffering from the venomous, disastrous climate change. If you ever wander why there are wild fires, droughts, floods, avalanches, all these things, just ask your actions.

    The question is, in the future, will climate change continue and increase the damage that it is developing to the world already, or will it decrease the damage and make the environment and world more healthy.
    No one knows. Despite this, if we do, - from now on- reduce the things that are creating more vandalization to the world, in the future, the chances are that climate change will stop.
    We have to remember, to be eco-friendly. We are citizens of this planet so we have to do our part of helping the world.

    When I participated in this stupendous lesson, I had to listen. Listening is really important as it shares you, other opinions and ideas, that children thought of. Maybe, they can make you rethink your opinion.
    Anyway, I hope you like my opinion.

    1. Well done for reflecting on the lesson. It sounds like you gained a lot from taking part - especially your listening skills.

  • Hi Topical Talkers! If you haven't done this lesson yet but would like to, ask your teacher to download it and take a look.

    1. Greetings, Katie! I am really excited to share that we had done this lesson with our teacher recently that lead to the good debate between me and my classmates on the topic that 'How can individuals and communities get involved in climate activism and make a difference?' And we got some crucial points:

      1. Educate yourself: Stay informed about the latest climate science and environmental issues. This will help you understand the challenges we face and how you can contribute to solutions.

      2. Reduce your carbon footprint: Make sustainable choices in your daily life, such as conserving energy, reducing waste, and transitioning to renewable energy sources. Small changes can add up to make a big impact.

      3. Support renewable energy: Advocate for renewable energy policies and initiatives in your community. You can also consider installing solar panels or participating in community solar programs.

      4. Engage in sustainable transportation: Opt for walking, biking, or using public transportation whenever possible. If you need to drive, carpooling or using electric vehicles can help reduce emissions.

      5. Support sustainable businesses: Choose to support companies that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. This can include purchasing from eco-friendly brands and supporting local businesses.

      6. Get involved in local initiatives: Join local environmental organizations or community groups that focus on sustainability and climate action. This can provide opportunities to collaborate on projects and advocate for change.

      7. Use your voice: Speak up about climate change and the need for action. Engage in conversations with friends, family, and colleagues, and share information on social media to raise awareness.

      8. Vote for climate-conscious leaders: Research the environmental policies of political candidates and vote for those who prioritize climate action. Your vote can make a difference in shaping policies and legislation.

      Also, I think listening is crucial in discussions because it plays a fundamental role in effective communication. When we actively listen to others, we show respect and create an environment where everyone's thoughts and opinions are valued. By truly hearing what others have to say, we gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives, experiences, and ideas. This understanding allows us to engage in meaningful dialogue, find common ground, and work towards mutually beneficial solutions. Additionally, active listening helps to foster empathy and build trust among participants, as it demonstrates a genuine interest in their viewpoints. It also enables us to critically evaluate our own arguments and respond thoughtfully, leading to more productive and respectful discussions. In summary, listening is the key to fostering meaningful connections, promoting understanding, and creating a space where diverse voices can be heard and valued.

      1. I agree with this post. We need to use our own voice to respond to actually take action for things that need to be changed. We will be surrginling a lot in the future and our generation as well. The economy will be failing a lot also if nothing is going to be changed. We need to listen to those who are trying to make a change and I think this topic needs to be talked and discussed on a basis due to the impact that can happen. We all need to be more educated as well and like the post has said we need to stay informed on what is going on and it will help us better understand everything in general.

        1. Our planet is in a critical state of environmental crisis. The ozone layer, which protects us from harmful solar radiation, is being depleted by human activities. The climate is changing rapidly, causing extreme weather events, melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and threatening biodiversity. The air we breathe is polluted by emissions from factories and vehicles. We cannot ignore these problems any longer. We have to take action and responsibility for our impact on the Earth. We have to educate ourselves and others about the causes and consequences of environmental degradation. We have to make changes in our lifestyles and consumption patterns to reduce our ecological footprint. We have to demand that our governments and corporations adopt policies and practices that are sustainable and respectful of nature. We have to work together to save our home planet before it is too late.

      2. I agree with you. Both using our own voice and listening are two important factors that can help us, as a society to understand environmental issues and take the appropriate actions. Our voice is the biggest motivator for making other people listen to us, think and make them move to a positive direction towards nature.

    2. Greetings, Katie! I'm excited to share insights from our latest lesson on weather activism, where a dynamic debate spread out among my classmates. We explored the query of 'How can individuals and communities get involved in climate activism and make a difference?' Here are the important thing takeaways:

      1. Stay Informed:
      Regularly update yourself at the today's climate technology and environmental problems to higher make a contribution to solutions.

      2. Eco-Friendly Lifestyle:
      Make sustainable picks in day by day lifestyles, which include reducing waste, holding strength, and embracing a green life-style.

      3. Advocate for Renewable Energy:
      - Support policies selling renewable power and do not forget private tasks like putting in sun panels.

      4. Green Transportation:
      Opt for sustainable transportation alternatives like on foot, biking, carpooling, or using electric motors.

      5. Consumer Choices:
      Support companies committed to sustainability, choosing eco-friendly merchandise and nearby manufacturers.

      6. Engage Locally:
      Join nearby environmental agencies or community projects operating in the direction of weather movement.

      7. Amplify Your Voice:
      Actively communicate out approximately weather exchange, interact in conversations, and leverage social media to elevate awareness.

      8. Vote for Climate Advocacy:
      Research political applicants and support people with sturdy climate change movement agendas through your vote.

      In addition our chat highlighted key importance of active listening it is like the secret ingredient in our communication recipe – an environment where everyone has a place at table when we listen actively, it’s as if something finally opened up both treasures and different worlds to have honest engaging conversations with teamwork: active listening is not a mere skill. It becomes an art to the human mind, where emotions are sprinkled carefully in making social aspects appealing and loving for someone who wears it on their sleeve – or builds them over time themselves!

    3. Hi Mrs Katie nice opinion. We recently had the discussion in class and it was in a form of debate were we all discussed how eco anxiety had affected our lives and how we view it in our own point of view and we suggest on how we could reduce climate crisis and we suggested that:

      1)make your voice be heard by those
      in power.

      2)eat less meat and dairy

      3) reduce your energy use and bills

      4)respect and protect green spaces

      5)invest your money responsibly

      6)suggest the government to act on climate

      7)get your electricity from the wind and sun

      8) take the train not plain

      9)drive less

      10) recycle more
      And lastly become a member of people who are ready to take great actions in seeing climate crisis are resolved.

  • We recently engaged in a debate on whether it's better to hear only the negative or positive aspects of climate change. Some argued on the negative, emphasizing that it raise awareness about the severity of the issue.
    I and others advocated for focusing on positive news to inspire hope, highlighting the efforts of those already working to fight climate change. Ultimately the debate ended in a tie, with our teachers commending all participants for presenting compelling arguments.

    1. I agree with the debate ending about whether listening to positive or negative side ended in a tie because listening to only positive can be good obviously with mental peace but their will be lack of awareness while listening to only negative side can provide us awareness but lack of mental peace. So I,believe in life their should be balance between positive and negative.

      1. I agree that hearing positive news improves one's mood and encourages confidence, which benefits one's physical and mental health. As you pointed out, if people are unaware of terrible news, they won't be aware of other situations when this could be a problem. However, the mind is kept in balance by hearing both positive and terrible news. Do you know that humans have evolved to tolerate threats and that we enjoy learning new things? As a result, when anything strange or concerning occurs, such as a threat, our mids become alarmed. However, the reason for this is that we have evolved to tolerate unpleasant news.

      2. I agree because from the debate I participated in, both side's gave me a new view about the positive and negative view of eco-anxiety which has given , an equal balance on both sides just like to much of everything is bad to much of good and bad news is bad.

    2. Hello,
      ambitious_panther, I feel personally I think that you cannot only focus on positive news about climate change when even organizations that are fighting are climate change still contribute largely to it. for example, they drive cars to work, don't they? and cars still contribute largely to climate change. The efforts being put by worldwide officials are not efficient enough to completely eradicate climate change.

      It is easy for people to judge themselves for living lifestyles that are ignorant of how they may affect climate.

      Even though climate change may look like a concern large expanse, it is still possible to take personal steps to reduce climate change.

      >firstly, try as much as possible to erase any carbon footprints.
      >Secondly, if you want to go somewhere ranging from 1kilometer to 3kilometers why drive and make people more hopeless about climate change. Adopting methods of transportation like cycling are of vast advantage both to a person and the life of others.
      > This is a message to those who have a lot of knowledge on climate change, please if you go to areas where people around do not have knowledge about climate change, please try to go an extra mile to educate them on the damage they might be causing to humanity.
      >In some aspects we can us the AI's provided around us to find out what we can do to help completely eliminate climate change, because it hurts me anytime, I hear negative about climate change, when we have something as effective as AI's. This is a big step to give us hope of saving humanity.

    3. Hey there! I think both perspectives have their merits! Hearing about the negative aspects of climate change can indeed raise awareness and emphasize the urgency of the issue. It helps people understand the severity and motivates action. On the other hand, focusing on positive news can inspire hope and showcase the progress being made by individuals and organizations in fighting climate change. It can encourage more people to get involved and make a positive impact. Ultimately, a balanced approach that acknowledges both the challenges and the solutions is important. It's great that your debate ended in a tie, showing that both sides presented compelling arguments. Keep up the thoughtful discussions!

      1. I agree because... I used to believe that sharing positive news about climate change would inspire hope and motivate people to find lasting solutions. However after considering your feedback, I now see the value in presenting both positive and negative news. This balance approach can Foster awareness and encourage individuals to address the negative aspects contributing to the climate crisis

    4. I agree because the effects of climate change news on people can vary widely depending on factors such as personal beliefs, values and personal experiences. However, some impacts can be observed. These impacts include:
      1. Climate change news usually highlights the severity of environmental challenges. For many people, this can lead to heightened concern about the future, particularly if they feel a personal connection to the affected regions or geographical areas.
      2. Climate change news can serve as a motivator for individuals and communities to take action. These actions may include adopting sustainable practices, supporting affected regions with funds or resources.
      3. Climate change news can also influence economic decision making. Businesses and investors my adjust strategies based on the pereived risks and opportunities associated with cliate change impacts and adaptation.

    5. Hello ambitious_panther, thank you for sharing with us about the debate your school had because the issue of news about climate change is very critical due to the fact that this earth is the only place we have to live in, so it is our duty to protect it. I would also like to say to your school and teachers a job welldone because of this topic about news on climate change is a key factor in us solving the problem of climate change.
      So to me, everyone deserves to listen to both good and bad news about climate change, this is because if one hears about only bad news, everyone will be over protective about the environment and there will be something like a development freeze whereby nobody in the world will be willing to try something new but will be thinking it will affect the environment, so even in us protecting the environment, we can still be innovative. And if we hear only about good news, we will undermine the effects of climate change.
      In conclusion, we should get to know both good and bad news about climate change for us to know how our environment is improving or retrogressing.
      THANK YOU.

  • I would like to talk about how I developed my listening skills .and why listening is ab important skill for engaging with the news.
    Listening is part of our everyday life.
    We always listen, either at schyot any des

    1. I agree @loving_honeydew, listening is really important. Did you practice any listening skills in the lesson that you especially liked? Did you discuss why listening is important for engaging with the news?

      1. To begin with,
        I would like to thank you for your interest in my opinion.
        I especially developed my listening skills by talking less and observing.
        I have noticed that observation opens your eyes to see a lot of things,you could naturally ignore.
        An example is price inflation.
        One might think that price inflation is caused by the scarcity of e goods .
        But if you observe and listen more you might also learn that other factors might also be the cause.
        My School has been a great help in implementing the skill of listening to us students.
        We have been advised to at least use an hour a day to listen to the news,as it is a great way to get familiar with not only our country but it's issues .
        And by doing we could bring out ideas in which we could use to make our country a better a place for all .

  • When we talk about climate change and health,we usually focus on the physical health of living things,both plants and animals.
    By using eco-anxiety to engage sustainable actions, you can also indirectly boost your mental and physical health,so "act green if not for the planet but also for your own wellbeing.
    In some serious cases eco-anxiety can cause a sensation of suffocation or even depression. Among one or two groups,it is quite a sense of guilt about the situation of the planet, which can be aggravated among those who have kids,when thinking about their future.

  • During our class discussion, i initially believed that informing people about the negative effects of climate change might include fear leading to disbelief.However to my surprise, many individuals were enthusiastic about exploring ways to prevent the adverse impacts of climate change. This shift in perspective has altered my view on sharing the negative effects of climate change.

    1. I agree because... The news about climate change has reached even to the smallest of villages. Of course this would strike fear in people. They also would want to participate in saving the world.
      One of the consequences of this is biodiversity loss which would largely affect many villagers which make them have sympathy for the earth.

  • The discussion about eco-anxiety and climate change , got me thinking about the profound impact climate news has on our lives. After further research, I discovered an unsettling fact: Climate anxiety not only exists, but it significantly increases the risk of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse disorders, and other negative behaviors—and it was a surprise discovery. The mere prospect of experiencing negative climate impacts is discouraging. Imagine millions of people struggling with climate anxiety—a situation that prompted me to question whether there is a correlation between our climate and seemingly unrelated factors like workplace productivity, crime rates, and even academic performance. Although seemingly different topics in theory, they may be intricately connected. Either way it's a very serious topic and most people are not even aware of the term eco anxiety so we should discuss and aware people about it

  • Hi my classmates and I had a very good debate. In my perspective eco-anxiety is can sometimes be useful though it brings trauma to many people. Research has said eco-anxiety is the fear of environmental damage, and this action could cause depression, aggression and reduced feeling. It is true that it can affect children like me which can have a bad impact on our lives. We see floods and forest fires, and other harmful climate issues, people say the world might not be habitable in some years from now, so we have to find a way stop this problem. We can help reduce eco anxiety among young people by proper education about what it is and its effects.

  • I think managing eco-anxiety involves adopting a multifaceted approach. Stay well-informed about environmental issues through reliable sources, cultivating a nuanced understanding of the challenges at hand. Engage in positive actions by actively supporting sustainable initiatives and connecting with a community of like-minded individuals who share your concerns.

    Incorporate mindfulness and meditation practices into your routine to cultivate mental resilience and cope with the emotional aspects of eco-anxiety. Implement small yet impactful changes in your daily life, such as reducing waste or opting for sustainable products. Recognize that individual efforts, when combined, form a powerful force contributing to a more sustainable and resilient global ecosystem. I think by this step we can manage ecosystem.

    1. Being Eco-anxious is a good thing meaning we are self-aware about what is going on in our ecosystem, making us conscious of the actions we take each day. because every big step from a baby step. if everyone in the world were conscious of what they do daily there would be a difference in the deteriorating condition of our ecosystem, because the work for a better climate does not lie only in the hands of climate scientists but in the hands of everyone, even if climate scientist invents a machine to reduce climate change. We the people habituating on earth remain wilful to our ecosystem that machine should be considered meritless since our actions caused our ecosystem great harm. imagine if everyone in the world planted a tree per day every year imagine how much we would be impacting the improvement of our ecosystem

    2. I'm not sure about this,. I appreciate the thoughtful approach to managing eco-anxiety in your comment but staying well-informed and engaging in positive actions are valuable, the suggestion of mindfulness and meditation might not resonate with everyone especially those who can't afford to, some individuals find other strategies more effective. For instance, actively participating in nature-related activities or community projects could provide a different way for emotional relief. What are your thoughts on tailoring eco-anxiety coping mechanisms to diverse preferences and needs?

  • In my school we had a discussion on the topic "How to prevent climate change",and here are some tactics that can help you prevent climate change;
    1.Keep calm and plant trees: because when it comes to protecting the climate trees are the real OGs, and planting them has consistently ranked as the # 1 climate change solution;that because trees help clean air, stabilize the soil and protect biodiversity habitat.
    2. Learn how to recycle properly; nowadays it's hard to know what even is recyclable these days. But recycling means an effective and important way to reduce your carbon footprint.
    3. Become a tree ambassador; this means that making an impact isn't about one person taking one big action, it's about a community of like-minded people coming together and taking small action everyday. If you aren't afraid of rolling up your sleeves to make an impact to work at home or at school; consider yourself becoming a one tree planted tree ambassador!
    There's a saying that " he who plants a tree loves others besides himself"
    So what can you do today to stop climate change in ur track and help the climate crisis? Most of us cannot simply go off the grid or become zero-waste ninjas, but there are still plenty of simple action that anyone can take to make a difference. And who knows? Maybe you will inspire a movement of your own!
    " Climate change is real, it's happening right now, it's the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating ".

  • Greeting!
    I feel good about learning about climate change, although I am concerned about the effects it is going to bring to the world. This is because it is giving us signals that we need to do more to protect the environment rather than destroying what is left of it. Although, in some areas that have been affected greatly by climate change, the outcomes are detrimental and serve as lessons to other unaffected areas to learn and even take corrective measures. But in another way, I am concerned about the negative impacts that climate change has brought to the world because those affected parts didn’t have the opportunity to make it right before the disaster struck. I honestly wish individuals, groups and nations would adhere to things that will safeguard the ozone layer, rather than deplete it.
    This knowledge has made me more environmentally conscious and ready to make where I reside safe not just for me but others. I have made it a point of duty to educate my peers and even some relatives who still feign ignorance about the effects of climate change.

  • I used to feel so much worried about climate change and its effect in the society but after the class this morning, I'm think that Eco- anxiety is good to be discussed because it helps us to be self aware of our environment.
    Now I think the best thing to do now is not to worry but to look for some ways we can help to prevent to this climate changes; some of the ways it can be controlled include.
    1: inventing of new technologies that can help cushion the event of climate change.
    2: planting of some trees. e.t.c
    For example, I think currently now in Kenya, a woman has taken it upon her self to plant trees as much as she could.
    So I think we should focus on the things that we are going to do in other to prevent climate changes from taking over this planet

    1. Well said educated_harmonica, I would like to add on what you said, another key factor in solving climate change is listening to news, I chose this point because this a very critically undermined factor, this is a key factor in solving climate change because if you don't listen to news, you can't be able to know new laws on climate change and even new strategies to solving this problem.
      Another factor is the usage of renewable energy, because these energy sources are natural and don't affect the environment due to the fact that they emit little or no carbon. We all now carbon as a dangerous gas that can cause climate change and make the environment uncomfortable. Examples of renewable sources of energy are wind and solar energy. These steps are huge steps in saving our world from the effects of climate change.
      THANK YOU.

  • I am really excited and elated about the lessons we have with our teacher today and I go to find out that people are anxious or worried and the eco anxiety. This might be the increase of the awareness of the people.

    There are too mich bad news about the eco- anxiety and that's why many times when they talk about floods, earthquake etc people out of the pressure of anxiety might have given up whereas it is not like how they imagined it to be.
    What am trying to say is that we should reduce the way climate news has been shared or broadcast or rather, it is important to regulate the way we spread news about the climate change.

    1. I totally disagree with you when you say that we should reduce the way climate news has been shared. We need more aggressive awareness as some people in my country see it even aware of the consequences of their actions because some major parts of our cities are filled with dumpster, both solid and liquid waste. The funny thing is that it causes not just pollution but a foul smell to the neighborhood.
      In conclusion, being aware of climate news will always help all parts of the world and will be a way to deal with climate change and eco-anxiety.

  • Hi guys, discussing about eco-anxiety was very interesting. Most of my classmates and friends said that eco-anxiety had a very bad effect on us but, I strongly disagree, because when people see a person suffering from eco-anxiety and how their carbon footprints has affected the world they live in, they would want to stop causing alternations to our atmosphere. thus to create awareness on the effects of our carbon footprints and reducing the risk of eco-anxiety is a great and welcome initiative.

  • Initially at the beginning of this lesson I thought eco-anxiety was this incurable phenomenon, that would give someone permanent mental damage until quite recent when we had a discussion about the symptoms and even ways of managing eco-anxiety. We talked about how it causes depression, grief, and even guilt due to your carbon footprints, but even so there is also the possibility of help such as going to therapy, relating with friends, even going on a hike would help people in this situation to recover from eco-anxiety we also realized and related eco-anxiety to psychological disease that is caused by the worry over the environment and this made me understand that eco-anxiety is not a permanent but is very curable.

    After the lecture on eco-anxiety in our school, this is what I took away:
    Eco-anxiety is the feelings about climate change and what climate change could do and I can liken it to a mental health disease. Other names for eco-anxiety are climate change distress, eco-trauma, eco-angst and ecological grief
    To be honest, I am very guilty when it comes to climate change because I have one way or another contributed to it through burning of waste which always brings about pollution especially plastic waste Styrofoam's. Now, I just want to make a change because I have realized what climate change is and what it COULD DO TO US HUMANS.
    I have also realize that eco-anxiety can result to ;
    Hopelessness, depression, fatalistic thoughts, frustration, suicidal thoughts, guilt, shame, post-traumatic stress, anxiety and panic, grief sadness and regret over loss of natural environment and I realized that I have been 'eco-anxious' unknowingly.
    Another thing that our lecturer told us was the way we can reduce eco-anxieties symptoms by forgiving ourselves, going on hikes or taking walks and even talking with others about it.
    There are both negative and positive effects of eco-anxiety, those are; eco-anxiety helps us to create awareness and know all about how people are suffering from trauma due to climate change, but it does not help us in a way which is that it makes people have anxiety and depression.
    In summary, eco-anxiety helps us to be able to be aware of the dangers we cause to our climate and also helps us try to find solutions to those dangers. All in all I think I have a positive feeling about this.

  • after the lecture i was aware of that there are symptoms of eco-anxiety:
    1: Hopelessness.
    2: Post-traumatic stress.
    3: Sleep issues.
    4: Feeling of depression.
    5: Guilt or shame. Etc.
    I have experienced some of the feelings above like hopelessness, and post traumatic stress I watched a move titled[2012]. I experienced sleepless night because I imagined that I was the person that the flood washed away.

  • I agree that eco anxiety can be sometimes useful because using eco anxiety can boost our mental and physical knowledge and enhance the knowledge that we already have about the atmosphere and the environment around us in the society. It can also be used as a tool to motivate and encourage ourselves to be more sustainable.
    Thank you.

    1. I disagree with your comment stellar_reflection because eco-anxiety is a psychologically destructive emotion.
      Firstly, Eco-anxiety according to Iberdola is the"chronic fear of suffering an environmental cataclysm." This emotion usually leads to restlessness because they are thinking about the environment and are emotionally downcast if they hear bad news on climate change only. This emotion is one of the main causes of why climate change is still persistent in our society. According to NASA we have only till 2050 to create a no/low carbon emission earth, so this emotion has to be dealt with because time is not on our side.
      Hopefully for us,this emotion can be dealt with if people are taught about ways of how to tackle climate change and showing them good news on climate change to boost their emotions. This will increase their confidence level and will give them hope that this world can be a better place.
      THANK YOU.

  • Prior to now, I had never heard of eco-anxiety, the the Economist through Topical Talk Festival offered me the opportunity. My classmates and I had a lesson on Eco-anxiety and all there is to know; the emotional trauma resulting from earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes etc as a result of climate change.
    I live in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria which produces chunk of the vegetables consumed and exported from my country. But due to climate change, we have experienced drop in the quality of the vegetables largely because the soil has been washed away by adverse wind and flood. This resulted in farmers losing bulk of their crops and becoming indebted to banks and other financial houses. This led to wide spread depression which I can now say is eco-anxiety.
    Most farmers really depend on harvest to pay the bills and right when harvest is about to come their crops are been cared away by either one way or the other. This causes high rate of suicide among farmers. This can also lead to lose of income for farmers.
    Exposure to eco-anxiety has now made me to begin to think of my little way of contributing to the fight against climate change alongside my classmates.
    We are currently thinking of a club initiative whose sole aim will be to sensitize other students in the school neighborhood on the need to joined the fight against climate change.

    1. The idea of club quite caught my attention. The club can actually go all out to collaborate with the following ministries and people group:
      Ministry of Health: The club will advocate for them to publish annual report of eco-anxiety patience. This will bring to the fore the reality of people being affected by climatic changes.
      Trauma Centres: The club will promote a centre for those that have been affected physiologically for counselling.
      Ministry of Environment: The club will push for tougher measures against environmental offenders though this ministry.
      Urban Planning Ministry: The club will ask them to begin to come up with a more eco-friendly urban plans for emerging cities.
      Religious sector: The club will engage our religious leaders to speak to the adherence of their faith on the need to be more climate sensitive and friendly.
      In conclusion, I strongly believe the idea of a club will be a major driving force to achieve a more meaningful positive climatic change agenda especially among the young people.

  • Well, what I have chosen to share are the benefits of eco anxiety. In my class we were recently thought the benefits of eco-anxiety and I think it was a very good discussion. Before the discussion I thought that eco-anxiety only had a bad side, but this topic changed my whole idea on eco-anxiety.
    I have seen a rather good benefit of eco-anxiety. One of such is that people express a strong sense of guilt about the situation of the planet. This is caused because...people feel like it's their fault. People often tend to take matters into their own hands when guilt begins to disturb them, hence making areas with those type of people develop rapidly (in terms of climate).
    Heightened eco-anxiety also predicts greater engagement in pro-environmental behavior. People who have a lot of eco-anxiety tend to be productive in their environment.

    1. Thank very much for bringing up, I also thought eco-anxiety was all about the bad news you see in the news. But after our group discussion in class, I began to realise that putting the climatic situation before people has made people to begin to responsibility for the actions especially when it has environmental side effects. This is one of the reasons why many nations have signed MOU concerning carbon emission, going green etc all geared towards improving the earth.

      1. Can you explain what MOU is, openhearted_music?

    2. Hello @glad_outcome I am in agreement with you on the point you have stated about eco anxiety being a way of expressing feelings about climate change.
      Eco anxiety has made many people to be able to take actions against climate change due to the fact that it makes them care about the world and don't want to see it get destroyed, this is also like you have said about people feeling that it's their fault that the world is in the state that it is in this point can be further explained as those with this emotion are having this sense of responsibility to take care of the earth because it is the only place we have to live in and will begin to show people the right path to follow, which makes battling climate change to be made faster.
      THANK YOU.

  • I admit that I was among those who believed that the climate would never return to its previous state. However, my teacher informed me that there is a good chance that things will return to normal, but only if people cease releasing harmful substances into the atmosphere. We should also try reforestation and raising public awareness of climate change so that people understand the serious risks they are taking and take action to stop it. At this point, the ozone layer and glaciers are melting, and we must stop this because it puts all life—human and animal—in jeopardy.

  • well there is this catchy phrase that my teacher used while teaching us about climate change,'Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get' it is really stuck to my head. climate change refers to meaningful long term changes in the world.The global climate is the related system of sun, earth and oceans, wind, rain and snow, forests, deserts and savannas, and everything we do, too. in my opinion, this is a very interesting topic and it is also important aspect of life that we all need to know, then we all know about the changes that are happening around us it makes things easier for us and easier to corporate with the change in weather. So i think schools did a good job by adding this topic to the curriculum.

  • Hi Katie,
    This is a gladning report I've just brought back from my class discussion.
    Eco anxiety sounds frustrating especially when it comes to being afraid that the universe might burn down tommorow because of the depletion of the ozone layer.
    But its of so much help to us because, without knowing the dangers of what we do on a daily basis, We feel relaxed, and convinced that nothing is happening. For example Iif no one tells you that release of to much smoke im the air deplicts the ozone layer, You are obviously gonna fell 'relaxed turning on the smoking generator for hours, driving when you could walk, and all that. That is the awareness that Eco anxiety brings.

  • Tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, deforestation, pollution, erosion and volcanic eruptions are some causes of climate change and these things could result to eco-anxiety. The term eco-anxiety was a new concept to me. My classmates and I had a long and thorough discussion on eco-anxiety.
    I earnestly did not think that it was a major problem that people faced in their everyday life until one of my classmates shared a story with us on how a friend's colleague lost three children to a flood and became very depressed, this story changed my perspective about eco-anxiety because I saw how real it can be and looking closely I realised that there are quite a lot of young people who are suffering from climate related depression.

  • Greetings Katie
    It was really enticing in our class today. First of all, different steps was considered to be the most important thing in the topic which are: ability to listen, critical thinking and so on, then paper was shared to all of us to look at and identify things that contributes to climate change. This was done to test our thinking ability then i was able to identify 24. After that, piece of paper was shared with different characters which led to debate. In order to develop our listening skills, a vedio was played through the projector and we listened, this helped to develop our listening skills. I discovered that listening is very important in this news because listening to other people's comments or opinion, will make you understand more and learn more things that you don't know before.

    1. This is a great summary of the lesson, thank you. Well done for reflecting on how you developed your listening skills!

      1. Thank you so much Katie I really did enjoy the class because I was paying a Very good attention to my teacher during the discussion in the class and I learnt a lot more about climate change which I never knew I was going to learn. That is the benefit of paying attention in the class.

        1. Great! Do you have any tips for other students about how to make the most of Topical Talk classroom lessons?

          1. Hi there!
            First of all, when any discussion is being brought up in the class, I know the teachers will take their time explaining it to the students, the next thing is your attention to your teacher. Then when you learn and ask questions, you will learn more. Also take time to listen to all the steps that the teacher will give like thinking skills, listening skills, creativity etc. Then, when you bring it up during topical talk, take time to answer questions that are related to what you are asked to talk about, go straight to the point when answering the questions. Do not take your comments too personal because it will make you to say things that are too sensitive. When you put all these tips into consideration, you will make a good topical talk.

  • Hi there!
    While I don't engage in debates with classmates, I can certainly provide perspectives on the topic of whether eco-anxiety can be useful. Some argue that eco-anxiety serves as a catalyst for positive change, motivating individuals and societies to address environmental issues urgently. It can drive activism, sustainable practices, and policy changes. However, others argue that excessive anxiety might hinder constructive action and lead to burnout, emphasizing the importance of balance in addressing environmental concerns. The debate often revolves around finding ways to channel concern into effective and sustainable efforts for environmental stewardship.

    1. I agree with what you have said. Sometimes people who are not always informed about such topics forget that there are problems that face us all. That's why we should raise awareness every now and then for this topic to not die. Fear can both have good and bad effects on each person because we are different in the way of thinking. Fear can make people get started with themselves to ensure that they are doing their duties and advice others to do so. Fear can also result in surrendering, so some people would think that they can't help with anything. This is where we should be positive and tell them that if there is a problem then there is a solution. This can make them excited to do their part and become effective in this matter. The balance between positive and negative outcomes raises awareness and improves how we see these problems and what to do by planning and taking action.

  • Hi,
    Eco-anxiety is quite an unpleasant emotion but sometimes can still motivate individuals to gather useful information that can be used to solve climatic problems in the world today. Even as it has quite an advantage, it still has its bad side. Anxiety on its own isn't good because it can cause depression, panic attacks, sleeplessness, mental breakdowns and disorders, etc which are all dangerous to one's health. Eco-anxiety can make one feel a sense of guilt or overthink the situation of the community which also is bad for one's mental health and then leads back to depression.

    So yeah, eco-anxiety can be useful sometimes, (that is, in areas of creating awareness and motivating behavior of gathering useful information), I feel most at times it has a negative effect on the people of the society.

  • in my class, we engaged in a thought-provoking discussion about eco-anxiety. A lively debate ensued, involving me and my classmates, focusing on the contrasting scenarios of a world without climate change and a world affected by it. Thanks to the guidance of our teachers, I've gained valuable insights into the intricacies of climate and its profound impact on people.

  • Hi Katie,

    I wanted to share with you something I learned in my class about eco-anxiety. It can be both a positive and negative influence on individuals and communities. On the one hand, it can motivate people to take action and make a positive change. On the other hand, it can cause fear and anxiety about the future.

    It's surprising to learn that over 59% of young people express apprehension about climate change, with over 45% reporting that this apprehension negatively affects their daily lives and functioning. Similarly, nearly 62% of people worldwide express anxiety about climate change, and 67% report feeling sad and afraid.

    In our class discussions, we explored ways individuals and communities can get involved in climate activism. Some of our ideas included attending climate marches, signing petitions, and planning events. We also learned that choosing leaders who are climate-conscious can have a significant impact on climate action.

    Through our research, we discovered that reducing greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved through simple lifestyle changes like eating less meat, choosing local foods, and purchasing items with less packaging. It was amazing to learn that if more people become climate-conscious, we can make the world a cleaner and safer place. We only have one planet, so we need to take care of it.

    Let me know if you have any thoughts on this topic.

  • Pay attention to the arguments presented by both sides, analyse their strengths and weaknesses, and formulate your own counterarguments. Listening critically helps refine your thinking and prepares you to respond effectively. This is what I think about 2hy listening is important

  • It was actually a very rewarding experience talking about climate change and how we can take action in order to get more people aware of protecting our planet.
    We definitely will expand our discussion into bigger projects at school such small protests, making posters and so on.
    It was also surprising that when we talked about whether bad or good news for climate change we got equally divided. This means that most people would agree that finding a balance in between them would be ideal.

  • Coming from the cleanest city of India I have seen how public policy and mentality together can prompt achievement towards the global goals. We all know charity begins at home but I have actually seen what happens if you take small steps towards making my city clean. I have attempted this with my involvement with Interact Club, the youth wing of Rotary by doing tree plantations.
    I feel that we all should take small steps like stop using plastic, using bicycle for short distances, reusing non biodegradable items, separating wet and dry waste, et cetra towards a greater cause.

  • Hello everyone!

    We had an interesting class discussion about the use of plastic in our country. Unfortunately, it seems like there are no options for paper or reusable bags when buying things. To make matters worse, the high-end stores that offer them are pretty expensive, so most people end up using cheaper rubber bags, which causes more pollution. However, some shops are doing their part by offering goods in paper bags instead!

    We came up with some great ideas to help reduce climate change in our country. First of all, let's make our voices heard by those in power! Secondly, we can all try to eat less meat and dairy, cut back on flying, and leave the car at home. Additionally, we can start buying things with less packaging and sort our cans into different bins. We can also reduce paper waste by recycling and using reusable bags and food containers.

    If we're travelling to short distances, why not ride a bike instead of driving? It's a great way to stay healthy and cut down on our carbon footprint. Making changes to our routines can be tough, but we only have one planet, and it's our responsibility to take care of it!

  • It was a nice topic for discussion about eco anxiety.
    What changed my mind during the lesson was that at first I thought that we are overwhelmed by bad news but after we talked I understood that I was mistaken. We are just being informed about climate change and mostly news propose us types of solutions and how we can be active. So this is just a good thing to know how to be prepared and how to learn how nature works.

  • "Renewable energy sources play a crucial role in combating climate change. The shift towards solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power has significant benefits for the environment. These clean energy alternatives produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Solar energy harnesses the power of the sun, while wind turbines convert wind into electricity. Hydroelectric power utilizes the force of flowing water, and geothermal energy taps into the Earth's heat. By embracing these renewable sources, we can reduce our carbon footprint and pave the way to a more sustainable future."

  • Hi there!
    A compelling debate topic for classmates could be centered around the question of whether eco-anxiety can be considered useful. On one hand, proponents might argue that eco-anxiety serves as a powerful motivator, compelling individuals to take proactive steps towards environmental conservation and sustainable practices. It can be seen as a catalyst for increased environmental awareness and activism. On the other hand, opponents might contend that excessive eco-anxiety can lead to feelings of helplessness, burnout, or inaction. Striking a balance between acknowledging the urgency of environmental issues and promoting constructive, sustainable actions could be a key aspect of this debate. Exploring the psychological and behavioral implications of eco-anxiety could provide insightful perspectives during the discussion.

  • Until now, the perpetual influx of informations from several and different sources such as books, newspapers and media, increased my anxiety about ecological issues. However, on the occasion of a recent discussion my class had in the lesson of environmental education, my classmates and I had the opportunity to approach more closely the ecological problems on our planet, like the greenhouse effect, global warming, deforestation and biodiversity loss. So, we deduced that eco- anxiety must be productive and we own to future generations to act with a sense of both collective and individual responsibility towards addressing environmental challenges and finding immediate and implementable solutions. Initially, with the help of the teachers, we decided to separate into groups and take action. We made brochures about strategies for the better and greater public awareness and sensitization in ecological issues with a chance of participating in action we had organised. Some of them were the cleanliness of the beaches of our region in a daily basis with a purpose to elimination of the pollution. At the same time, we organised the collection of recyclable materials and invited cooperative companies for the reuse them. Moreover, we undertook the reforestation of areas in my country that had been recently affected by arsons and fires. Inside of this, we generated a charitable action in which many schools and students participated with the main goal not only to see the problem but to deal with it. Indeed, how difficult is it for eco- anxiety to turn into solutions? How many actions like this one might exist and how many of you have ever taken part in one? I urge you to take action!

  • Listening is an essential skill when it comes to addressing the topic of eco - anxiety. Eco anxiety refers to the stress and worry that individuals experience due to the environmental challenges and threats facing our planet.

    Here's why listening is a valuable skill in the context of eco anxiety :

    1. Empathy and support : Listening allows individuals who are experiencing eco anxiety to express their concerns amd fears. By actively listening we can provide them with a compassionate and supportive space to share their emotions, which can be comforting and validating.

    Knowledge and Education : Actively listening to people experiencing eco anxiety allows us to learn more about specific environmental issues that concern them. By listening their perspective we can expand our knowledge.

    Problem solving : Listening helps identify potential solutions and opportunities for change. By understanding the concern we can work together to brainstorm ideas and develope strategies to address the environmental challenges that we face.

    In conclusion,listening is an essential skill when it comes to eco anxiety. It promotes empathy, understanding and support while also facilitating knowledge building, community building and problem solving.

  • Hi everyone!
    During our school discussions, we talked about some simple yet effective ways to tackle climate change. For instance, we can reduce our water intake by consuming foods that require less water to produce. Did you know that it takes about 1847 gallons of water to produce just one pound of beef?

    We can also make a conscious effort to buy products with minimal packaging, wash out recyclables such as jars and cans, walk to nearby places instead of driving, or share a vehicle to reduce carbon emissions. It's also essential to turn off taps completely when not in use to avoid wasting water. That said, we should still have fun with water, but we need to use it responsibly.

    Another way to reduce carbon emissions is by using LED light bulbs, which last longer and produce less carbon emissions than traditional light bulbs. We can also switch to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro power instead of relying solely on fossil fuels.

    We can also make a difference by composting our trash instead of sending it to landfills. While making these changes to our daily routines may seem challenging, it's essential to keep in mind that we have no planet B. So, let's take care of our one and only home, Mother Earth.

    I'd love to hear your opinions on other ways we can create a positive impact on our environment. Let's work together to make this world a better place for ourselves and future generations

  • Rather than engaging in a debate, we held a conversation about global warming in class.
    Both humans and animals are impacted by global warming, and as a result of climate change, they face new obstacles to their survival. This is caused by things like burning trash and cutting down trerd, etc. Rather, we should plant more trees and recycle more. Something that seems insignificant at the time but really changed my perspective was the realization that every little thing may have a big impact. You can start a chain reaction in the school by persuading your classmates about global warming; if they do, they will inform their friends and family about it as well. Thus, my family and I planted a small plant. By removing all trash, we help to clean up the environment.

  • During the lesson, I experienced a change in my perspective regarding how to cope with eco-anxiety. Initially, I had a rather pessimistic outlook, feeling overwhelmed by the scale of environmental challenges and the negative impacts they have on our mental health.
    The lesson highlighted the importance of focusing on progress rather than on perfection. It made me understand that I should acknowledge the measures being taken in addressing environmental issues rather than being disheartened by the lack of immediate changes. This perspective encouraged me to reshape my thinking and appreciate the positive strides being made globally.

  • Hi!
    Me and my whole classmates talked and debated about eco-anxiety. We talked about climate change. I think climate change is such a big problem for all of us. We should think and plan about eco-anxiety like climate change.
    We should take proper steps on it. We can plant trees or stop deforestation. It's a hard work but if we do all together we can. Because of climate change, the temperature is increasing. Sea level is rising. Carbon dioxide is increasing. Tree is good Against this.
    We all should do for this.

    Let's do all together Against
    eco- anxiety like climate change and more!

  • Hey everyone!

    I wanted to share something interesting that came up during our recent class discussion about climate change. We found out that a lot of people in our class (around 85%) didn't know that there's actually some positive news out there about climate change. This got me thinking about how this lack of positive news might be contributing to eco-anxiety, especially since seeing ecological damage firsthand can also be a cause. I did some research and found out that there's no set number of people that are experiencing eco-anxiety due to personal experiences.

    In my opinion, if we had more positive news about climate change, it could help ease some of the anxiety that we might be feeling. After all, eco-anxiety can take a toll on our mental and physical health.

  • Hey everyone,

    I wanted to share some interesting insights from our class discussion on eco anxiety. We learned that this type of anxiety can have both positive and negative effects. It can be really tough on our mental and physical health, but it can also motivate us to take action and make a difference in the fight against climate change.

    Did you know that 59 percent of young people are very worried about climate change? It's not surprising that many of them are starting rallies and advocating for cleaner energy sources like renewables.

    Our class and online discussions have also provided some great tips on how we can reduce our carbon footprint. We can make our voices heard to those in power, eat less meat and dairy, cut back on flying, leave the car at home, reduce energy use, and respect and protect forests and trees.

  • Recently me and my classmates had a disscution about wheather eco-anxiety is good or not . We said that we can care about climate change without stressing or worrying bout our future. We have small steps we have to make like : ditching plastic bags , using less fossil fuels and so on. Together we can make difference so let’s do it!

  • To enhance my listening skills, I try to practicing active listening by giving your full attention, avoiding interruptions, and summarizing key points.I always follow theses step to improve my listening skill.

    Focus on the speaker: Remove distractions and concentrate on what the speaker is saying.

    Maintain eye contact: It shows attentiveness and helps you stay engaged in the conversation.

    Avoid interrupting: Let the speaker finish their thoughts before responding. This shows respect and allows for clearer communication.
    Use non-verbal cues:
    Nodding or other gestures indicate that you are actively listening and understanding.

  • My mindset changed a lot after the lesson we had in school regarding climate change.
    I initially didn't feel safe anymore because of the scary news i see on TV and social media about the climate and the habitats of earth. I felt like the whole world was gradually coming to an end,we were watching it and couldn't do anything to save it. But when we had lessons about eco-anxiety and watched videos from eco-experts, I learnt that what I was feeling was actually eco-anxiety. It then dawned on me that there are lots of people out there who were experiencing such fears too. The thing on my mind now is to work on enlightening people especially my age-grade because children are indeed influential in the world and are great agents of change. I would first of all want people out there to know that being eco-anxious is not totally a bad thing. As a matter of fact,it is something you should be proud of because, you are concerned, that is the first step of preferring a solution before you even have a real decision of the approach to take. I would also want people to know that the use of recyclables should be accepted instead of things that we just use once and throw away. I will further organize my peers to always cleans our drainage to prevent water from getting logged especially during the rainy season. I will make sure people around me are educated about healthy environmental practices.

  • I had a great conversation with my friends about eco anxiety. There are some new perspective that came to my mind about eco anxiety :

    1. Connect with others : We have to seek out communities and organisations that are working towards environmental sustainability. Engage in discussion, share experiences and collaborate on projects. By Connecting with other individual, we can find support, inspiration and solutions.

    2. Advocate for policy change : We must recognize the need of systemic change by advocating for policy reforms and government action. Write to our elected officials, participate in protests and join advocacy groups that works towards policy change.

    3. Promote corporate responsibility : We should hold Corporation accountable for their environmental impact. Using our consumer power to influence corporate behaviour by choosing eco friendly products and services.

    4. Support environmental justice : we have to recognize the interconnectedness of social justice and environmental issues. Support initiative that address environmental justice and work towards equitable solutions for all.

    5. Focus on long term solutions : While immediate action is crucial, it's important to think long term. Support research and development of sustainable technologies, renewable energy sources and climate friendly products can help to prevent it.

    We all must work together to prevent it and make a sustainable world.

  • Climate change can affect our mental state through factors like extreme weather events, environmental stressors, and descriptions of communities. increase anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder are observed in Individuals affected by changes. additionally, the uncertainty and awareness of global environmental issues can contribute to eco-anxiety affecting mental well-being on a broader state.

  • Hi,
    My discussion points regarding eco-anxiety and actions to mitigate environmental damage are largely accurate and align with common environmental conservation principles.

    Here's a breakdown of my points:

    1.Stop cutting trees: Trees play a crucial role in oxygen production and regulating the climate. Preservation of forests is vital for maintaining ecological balance and preventing soil erosion.

    2.Stop using plastic: Reducing plastic usage helps minimize pollution in oceans and landfills, protecting wildlife and ecosystems from harm.

    3. Reduce reliance on motor vehicles: Encouraging alternatives like walking, cycling, or using public transportation for short distances can reduce carbon emissions and air pollution.

    4. Stop wasting food: Food waste contributes to methane emissions in landfills, a potent greenhouse gas. Minimizing food waste helps combat climate change and reduces resource consumption.

    5. industrial emissions: Industries are significant contributors to carbon emissions and other pollutants. Encouraging the adoption of sustainable practices like the three R's (reduce, reuse, recycle) can mitigate their environmental impact.

    Overall, my discussion points highlight the interconnectedness of human actions and environmental consequences, emphasizing the importance of individual and collective efforts to address eco-anxiety and promote sustainable living practices.

    So let's start protecting our environment!!..

  • Hi,
    First of all thanks to this platform to understand the most important topics to discuss and also can get expert opinion. I want to share that I have learned the concept about eco-anxiety today because I was not well aware before with this issue in detail. I learned that eco-anxiety can effect on our mental health and we have to think to overcome it.
    In this session we discussed that which elements can effect the climate change. We also discussed the following ways to control eco-anxiety:
    Limit Media Exposure: we should set boundaries on how much negative news or information about environmental issues we consume. Focus on credible sources and balance media diet with positive stories and solutions-oriented content.

    Practice Mindfulness: we should engage in mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to stay grounded in the present moment and reduce feelings of overwhelm about the future.

    Take Action: we should channel our concerns into positive action by getting involved in environmental initiatives.

    Focus on Solutions: Shift your focus from the problems to potential solutions. Educate yourself about sustainable practices and innovations, and explore ways to incorporate them into your daily life.

    Connect with Others: Seek support from friends, family, or online communities who share your concerns about the environment. Sharing experiences and discussing solutions with others can provide a sense of solidarity and reduce feelings of isolation. (And I must say, this platform is the best exemple to understand well)

    Practice Self-Care: we should prioritize self-care activities that promote mental and emotional well-being, such as spending time in nature, engaging in hobbies, getting regular exercise, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

    Seek Professional Help: If eco-anxiety significantly impacts our daily life or mental health, we should consider seeking support from a mental health professional who can provide coping strategies and tools to manage our emotions effectively.

  • In my class we had many great conversations especially in the section where we had to tak on an opinion of a certain character and say whether as that character we thought eco anxiety was good, bad or it can be useful. The character I got was the climate scientist developing new technologies to help with climate change.
    Here is what I came out with:
    Eco anxiety can be useful because it helps to highlight the areas of concerns people have so scientists can help to and start to develop new technologies that can help the planet in the areas that people have the most concerns but as a planet we do not show enough positive news surrounding climate change. Many begin to feel down due to that constant bombardment of bad news. As a planet we need to show more positive news and most importantly highlight the progress that has been made.

  • During today's lesson, I was able to change my perspective on various points related to eco-anxiety. I used to think that this term is just used to convey negative feelings and bad news, but after today's discussion I understood how important it is to address this issue. I learnt that eco-anxiety can be a good thing if it makes people act in a better and cautious way. By looking at many news articles, people tend to get depressed. With such brutal and real news, people start acting upon situations like these. It is vital to know that by communicating and spreading awareness, we can actually help each other and make a difference.

    I luckily witnessed a debate in the class as well. Both the teams presented strong and immaculate view points, which influenced the entire classroom. We got know about the impact of eco-anxiety and the role we play in this world as a citizen. They put arguements on whether sharing loads of news articles about eco-anxiety is good or not. The entie discussion definitely changed our views.

  • Today I had a little talk with my friends on Eco-anxiety.And in the end of the discussion I came up to my own point of view on what Eco-anxiety means which is described below:
    Eco-anxiety involves the feeling of grief, guilt or hopelessness about the future of the climate due to planet changes.It can also be called eco-trauma.These feelings could arrive in telling people to leave their homes,or feel concern on the future harm of their children.
    Thank you.

  • Hello!
    Today in class, we had a discussion on eco-anxiety, and we explored many aspects of it. Whether it is negative or positive, how it could be useful, and in what way it affects our mental health. At first, I thought that eco-anxiety was something good; it made you aware of the criticality of the situation and forced you to take a step forward to do something about it. But from today's class, I think my perspective changed quite a bit. I realized that, just like any coin, eco-anxiety also has two sides to it. The other side, which till today remained unexplored by me, tells you about the negative impacts of eco-anxiety. How it affects someone's mental health and that many times while feeling anxious, people tend to feel helpless as well, and in this state where they are overwhelmed, instead of taking action, they tend to take a step backward. Since everybody has a different coping mechanism, they react to this anxiety differently. So, eco-anxiety does not always help people do something for a change; it also makes them feel incapable of change, which results in them taking a step back.

  • Recently, we had a lesson in class regarding eco-anxiety, climate change, and how different groups of people perceive it. All of us worked in pairs, assuming roles such as psychologists, common citizens, climate scientists, and more. As everyone shared their arguments on climate change from the perspective of those characters, I found my perspective widening. I realized that everyone perceives climate change differently. While a climate scientist may prefer to focus on the bright side, believing that harnessing advanced technologies can effectively combat climate change, the common citizen is too apprehensive about the future.
    The common citizen is fearful for the future of the coming generations, worried that they will soon be living on a planet devoid of flora and fauna, with their cities submerged. This illustrates that everyone deals with eco-anxiety differently; some use their worries to fuel their desire to work for the environment, some are simply overwhelmed by the drastic deterioration and find solace in passivity, while others may feel vulnerable.
    Furthermore, the discussion made me realize that one way we can all cope with our eco-anxieties is by listening to what others have to say. Listening will not only help us become more aware of the situation and deepen our understanding of it but also inspire us to work towards a solution.
    Our diverse perspectives on climate change and Eco-anxiety should bring us all together to collectively address this pressing issue.

  • We have opened a debate in my class about whether if hearing news about eco-anxiety from all around the world is good or bad for people.
    Some of us think that hearing news about it is good , as people will be concerned about it and many people will try to improve their lifestyle in order to improve the place where they live.
    Others think that if we continue hearing all the bad news about eco-anxiety, eventhough there will also be good news, people will get more stressed about how is world today and eco-anxiety will be greater at least for people which is more sensible.
    In general, we think that people should be concerned about eco-anxiety in order for them to do as much as they could to improve the place in which they are living and also to improve their lifestyle, so as to make a better world or at least to try it.
    I believe that if all of us try to improve our lifestyle or do something to fight eco-anxiety , little by little world will became a better place for future generations

  • I have just finished a conversation with my classmates about eco- enxiety. The average of 30 to 35 years of weather at a particular place is called climate. Climate change is adversely affecting the world. One of the causes for climate change is man-made activities. For example - indiscriminate cutting of trees, excess use of plastic, excess fuel consumption, etc. As a result, the balance in the environment is lost. Global warming is increasing due to climate change.Sea level is rising. If this continues, human existence will be at risk. Some small initiatives can be taken to overcome this situation and deal with climate change. For example –
    1. Reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.
    2. Reducing the use of fossil fuels.
    3. Increasing the use of renewable energy. For example: wind energy solar energy etc.
    4. Abundant planting of trees.
    5. Minimizing energy use in daily life.
    Climate change is destroying the environment as well as threatening human life. We must work together to tackle this problem. Then in the future a clean and pollution-free livable world will be built.

  • We completed our discussion in the school on eco-anxiety. First, we saw videos related to eco-anxiety and then we engaged in fun activities. The first activity was where each of us was given a role, for example, I was given the role of a climate scientist. Someone was a journalist, a student, a teacher, a psychologist etc. and then we expressed our views on eco-anxiety. We talked about whether eco-anxiety is good for us, or bad, or both. Relating to this we conducted a debate. There were 2 teams, one in favour and another against eco-anxiety. The students expressed their opinions and thoughts with proper reasons. For example, those against eco-anxiety said it creates mental pressure on people and hence isn't anything useful. However, those in favour said it makes us feel aware of our surroundings and leads us to take part in climate change. Our class was filled with students with varying opinions.

    1. Thank you for sharing this, forgiving_hedgehog. Did you have a favourite part of the lesson?

      1. Thank you for your question! Although I enjoyed our entire discussion, there was one part that stood out to me. As a student, I often view things from a student's perspective, but when we were each assigned different roles, I gained insight into different perspectives. I came to understand that eco-anxiety impacts people in various ways. For a parent, it might be concerning because of their child, while for an activist, it could be positive as it raises awareness and encourages action. This made me realize that we are all affected differently by the same issues. Therefore, this was my favourite part of the discussion.

  • One debate we had in my class about eco-anxiety is if there is too much bad news on the economy. I said that there wasn't too much bad news about the environment while others said that there was. I claimed that there was not too much because the news helps spread awareness and gives us hope and inspiration to do better for the eco-system.

  • Hi everyone
    To develop my listening skills, I practiced several steps in my lesson. Firstly, I focused on actively listening to audio materials, such as news interviews. I made sure to pay attention to the nuances of speech, pronunciation, and emphasis. Additionally, I practiced note_talking while listening, which helped me retain information and identify key points.
    Listening is an important skill for engaging with the news because it allows us to stay informed and understand different perspectives. By honing our listening capabilities, we can comprehend complex topics ,grasp the underlying meanings in news stories, and critically analyze the information presented. It promotes effective communication and helps us make well _informed decisions. Thus, improving listening skills is a crucial for staying informed and engaged in today’s world.

  • In class today we were having a debate we all had different rolls some were teachers, doctors ,climate psycoligist, and pcycoligist they were many rolls and we had to debate and see if we thought Eco-anxiety is good ,bad ,or useful. Some of them went well some were a little mixed up but either way we all thought that this lesson was very fun to learn. To me the docters had many good points some doctors said "I think that Eco-enxiety is bad for people because if people have Eco-anxiety the will go to the doctors and tell the that they can not control their anxiety if that happens all around the world thedoctors would have too many patients and they would have to keep hiring and hirig people and that why i think Eco-anxiety is bad for people ." to me I like what the doctors said. Everybody thought that that lesson was very fun.
    Thanks for reading!

    1. We are very happy you enjoyed the Topical Talk classroom lesson, dependable_cricket. It sounds like you had some great discussions and considered a variety of perspectives.

  • Hey there!

    I wanted to share my thoughts on eco-anxiety with you. It seems like there's so much negative news out there about climate change that it can be overwhelming and scary. I did some research and found out that people all over the world are feeling anxious about it. In fact, in some countries, up to 62% of people reported feeling anxious about climate change. That's a lot of people!

    But, I'm also optimistic that we can make a difference. There are lots of things we can do to help reduce our impact on the environment. For example, we can cut down on waste, eat less meat and dairy, and use renewable energy. It's also important to make our voices heard by those in power and elect people who care about the environment.

    Remember, we only have one planet, and it's up to us to take care of it. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can make a big difference for future generations.

  • Hi!I have found out some things you can do about climate change,like
    1)Make your voice heard by those in power.
    2)Leave the car at home.
    3)Reduce your energy use, and bills.
    4)Respect and protect green spaces.
    5)Bank and invest your money responsibly
    6)Cut consumption and waste.
    7)Talk about the changes you make.
    8) STOP using plastic bags instead use tote bags.
    9)Change your home's source of energy.
    10)Walk, bike or take public transport.
    So wherever there is a human ask them to make a difference and change Climate change and people having Eco anxiety.

  • Hello!
    About 45 minute ago in my class we had a discussion on eco-anxiety but my teacher suggested that I and my classmate should have a debate. The major topic in the debate was can eco-anxiety take over the world which will make the citizens of earth loss control. So at the end of the debate my team which was the opposing side had more point than the opposing. After the debate my tutor made it clear to us that eco-anxiety will not take over the world.

  • Hello and today we leard about the eco-anxiety and we talked about climate change and how it can affect people mental health. I think eco-anxiety is a bad and good thing because people will start to care more when they hear about eco-anxiety.

  • Hey! I recently had a good conversation with my peers about eco-anxiety. We discussed the potential benefits and disadvantages of climate change and debate whether there is either bad or good news on eco-anxiety. As citizens, we must acknowledge people and take action immediately. We can start this by
    1) stop using coal, fossil fuels
    2) reuse, reduce, recycle
    3) take account of traveling
    and much more!

  • Hey! I recently had a good conversation with my peers about eco-anxiety. We discussed the potential benefits and disadvantages of climate change and debate whether there is either bad or good news on eco-anxiety. Everyone can help with climate change. From the way we travel, to electricity, to eat, we can make a difference by
    1. Save energy at home! (Much of our electricity and heat are powered by coal, oil and gas.)
    2. Walk, bike, or take public transport! (Cycling is environment friendly, less fuel!)
    3. Reduce, reuse, repair, recycle! (It prevents pollution, it also saves energy!)
    By doing these simple steps, you could help our planet be greener!

  • well, my classmates certainly discussed whether Can eco-anxiety sometimes be useful. and turns out we came up with a ton of points which are very helpful. we came up with the points such as Eco-anxiety serves as a powerful motivator for individuals to take action toward environmental conservation and sustainability. It raises awareness about pressing environmental issues and encourages people to educate themselves about the causes and potential solutions.
    It fosters a sense of urgency, prompting individuals and organizations to prioritize environmental protection in decision-making processes. through eco-anxiety, people may develop a deeper connection with nature and cultivate a sense of responsibility toward preserving the planet for future generations. after hearing all this I did have a new perspective as Initially, I had focused primarily on the importance of taking concrete actions and mobilizing for environmental change. However, this new perspective prompts me to reconsider the balance between activism and self-care in coping with eco-anxiety. Listening carefully to what the speaker was saying I realized that Listening to news stories and narratives helps individuals connect with their communities and the world at large, fostering a sense of belonging and shared understanding. By listening one can develop diverse perspectives and viewpoints presented in the news, one can develop a broader understanding of complex issues and foster empathy towards different communities and experiences, and at last, I would like to end with"Through open discussion on eco-anxiety in schools, we cultivate not only understanding but also resilience, empathy, and a shared commitment to shaping a sustainable future for generations to come."

  • In class, this lesson led to a debate in which my classmates and I discussed on: whether there is too much bad news regarding climate change or a need to increase the negative news on climate change. While many agreed that too much negative news floating around can increase the amount of stress and anxiety about events, the other majority said that there should be more negative news regarding climate change. For that is, the negativity increases awareness of the severity on climate change and stress people enough to make a change. It is similar to a class assignment, you are motivated to do it in fear of failing. With this, I learned that you can implement even the smallest methods into your life to cope with the stress of the negative impact of climate change.

    You can utilize more reusable packaging such as reusable bags for groceries and jars/cans. LED lightbulbs can be used as an alternative because they run for longer time periods and require less energy compared to incandescent lightbulbs. Simply changing your consumer choices to more eco-friendly ones helps in making a change in your part. You can opt for more renewable energy sources and aim to reduce your carbon footprint.

    Although, simply engaging in the community and being educated to understand the challenges is already helpful. Discussing with friends and family to spread awareness makes a change as well.

  • Hi everyone!
    A few days ago, I had a great conversation with my classmates about the topic "eco-anxiety". We had talked about climate change. We had then talked about eco-anxiety and what it is. In addition, we had worked together to determine the everyday signs of climate change in a picture. After the lesson, we got split into teams for an activity in which we then debated whether or not there is too much negative news about climate change. During the debate, I had heard plenty of good reasonings from both sides, both sides were pulling me onto their side, it surprised me.

  • I completed the lesson about eco-anxiety at school with my teacher and I found it very informative and engaging. Here are some of the highlights of the discussions we had:
    -We debated whether eco-anxiety can sometimes be useful or not. Some of my classmates argued that eco-anxiety can motivate people to take action and reduce their environmental impact, while others said that eco-anxiety can paralyze people and make them feel hopeless. I agreed with both sides to some extent, but I also learned that eco-anxiety is not a binary phenomenon, but a spectrum that can vary in intensity and duration. I think that a moderate level of eco-anxiety can be helpful, as long as it is accompanied by coping strategies and support networks.
    -I changed my mind about how to cope with eco-anxiety after hearing a new perspective from one of my classmates. She shared her personal experience of volunteering for a local environmental organization and how it helped her to channel her eco-anxiety into positive action. She also said that being part of a community of like-minded people gave her a sense of belonging and purpose. I was inspired by her story and I decided to look for similar opportunities in my area. I realized that coping with eco-anxiety is not only about managing my emotions, but also about finding meaning and agency in my life.
    -I developed my listening skills by practising the steps that we learned in the lesson. These steps were: paying attention, showing interest, asking questions, paraphrasing, summarizing, and giving feedback. I found these steps very useful for improving my comprehension and retention of the information, as well as for building rapport and trust with the speaker. I also learned that listening is an important skill for engaging with the news, because it helps me to filter out the noise and focus on the facts, to critically evaluate the sources and the arguments, and to empathize with different perspectives and experiences. Listening is not only a way of receiving information, but also a way of learning and growing.

  • Hey everyone,

    I believe that small actions, such as turning off unused switches and planting trees, can make a big difference in fighting climate change. In our class, we discussed the importance of balance in both the media and our lifestyles when it comes to addressing climate change. This means that the news should be presented in a balanced way, with both positive and negative aspects.

    While reading comments on the hub, I came across some great suggestions from users like "marvellous hedgehog" and "contemplative fly" which caused me to reevaluate how we can care for our planet. Research shows that if the planet suffers, we all suffer. 3.6 billion people are impacted by the effects of climate change. In a recent survey, 62% of respondents reported feeling anxious about climate change, while 67% said they felt sad and afraid.

    We need to take action to keep our planet safe.

  • Hello;
    I think nature is the future. Without nature future is nothing. The thing that got me thinking the most is how we can change ourselves. There is no change. We are constantly destroying the environment around us, as a result of which our lives, including the lives of all living beings on earth, are being threatened. If we can change ourselves then we will be fully able to protect the environment as we should. We all have to work together to prevent the extinction of various animals and plants around us, besides we have to work against plastic.

  • Hey everyone!

    I hope you're all doing well! Today, I'd love to chat about something super important to me: tackling climate change. It's a topic close to my heart because it's affecting countries all around the globe.

    So, I've been diving into some discussions and research, and I've come up with a bunch of simple yet effective ways we can all pitch in to make a difference:

    Recycling: Let's give our waste a new life and reduce our impact on the planet.
    Choosing Active Transportation: Who's up for a walk or bike ride? It's not only good for the environment but also for our health!
    Tree Planting: Let's get our hands dirty and plant some trees to soak up that carbon dioxide.
    Starting Climate Chats: Talking about climate change can spark ideas and inspire action in our communities.
    Energy Saving: Remember to flick those switches off when they're not needed and let's opt for energy-efficient appliances.
    Reusable Cutlery: Say goodbye to single-use plastics and hello to reusable cutlery – it's a small change that makes a big impact.
    Minimizing Packaging: Let's be mindful of packaging when we shop and choose products with less packaging where possible.
    Reducing Meat and Dairy: How about trying out some tasty plant-based meals? They're good for the planet and our health too!
    Composting: Turn those food scraps into nutrient-rich compost for our gardens.
    These are just some friendly reminders of how we can all play a part in fighting climate change. Every little bit counts, and together, we can make a big difference! Let's do this!

  • In my school, we did lessons where we had to spot things in a picture that could potentially remind daily people about climate changes. For example: The news, billboards, and even from your smartphone. We also did an activity, where we were roleplaying certain people related to climate changes like climate scientists, news reporters, and people in a country affected by climate change, and my classmates, who was roleplaying as a news reporter made me change my minds about how I see climate change by stating that the media don't cover things that the people that are affected by climate changes have to deal with on a daily basis.

  • Today, my classmates and I did a lesson on eco-anxiety. Before we started the lesson, we watched a video and answered some questions on it. After that we all got an image with about twenty five ways to be alerted of climate change. We had to circle all the parts of the image that alerted us. Then we had to talk about what we think about climate change. Lastly, we all picked a card with different roles, and we went around and explained what we think should happen to put an end to climate change to other people and their roles. In my opinion it was interesting. I believe that it was interesting, because we learned a lot of new things and we got to role play different people in different scenarios.

  • In my score class , we had a lot of fun with the eco - anxiety lesson! Here are some things we did in class!!
    1). We split up in groups and each group had a piece of paper with stuff that could remind anyone daily about climate change. Then, everyone in the group had to circle at least 25 of the reminders.
    2). In those same groups, each group received a card that had either a journalist, scientist, a person who is severely affected by climate change, and a teacher. Each group went around to other groups and asked questions while answering!

  • In our classroom after we did our lesson on Eco-Anxiety, we were circling things that reminded us about climate change in a picture. For example, billboards,the sun, power plants and even cellphones. After we were done with that we roleplayed as different professions, ex. climate scientists, journalists, parents, and people that live near an area that has been affected by climate change. And we would pair up and discuss what they were or we were worried about.

  • Hi everyone!
    I wanted to chat with you about something that's been on my mind lately - the harmattan season we're experiencing in our country. Usually, it's not a big deal, but this year, things are a bit different. We've just found out that the air quality has taken a hit and it's carrying some nasty stuff that could make us sick. And you know what's interesting? This just so happens to line up with a massive increase in plastic usage🥤. Can you believe it? We're talking about 84000 tonnes of plastic, and only a tiny fraction of that is getting recycled (9.4 percent, to be exact).

    So, here's the thing: we had a little brainstorming session, and we came up with some cool ideas to tackle climate change. Stuff like recycling more, planting trees, switching to green energy, using sustainable transportation, and even just being mindful of water usage by turning off taps when we don't need them. Every little action counts, right?

    Let's all pitch in and make a difference. Together, we can create a greener, healthier future for ourselves and our planet♻️🌱🌍.

    1. Thank you for sharing some ways people can make a change!

  • But for scientists and Indonesian other jobs that help people get better yeah they will get more money because of how much patients are coming from climate change or like when they get a bit too hot or maybe the temperature is getting low or hi

  • I think its important to take care of our planet and to just do the little things because they will help.We should all be helping out and doing our best for this world because there is not another one.It can be stressful,thinking about what will happen to our world but we need to realise that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are trying to help.(I'm not saying that we should not be trying to help).I'm just trying to encourage people to do their best for this planet.Overall I do not think that people should be stressing about this.I fell like everybody should be at least dedicating a bit of their time to do what is right for our world.

    1. I agree with you on your statement about this world being the only place we have and trying to encourage people to protect it, but one of the key factors that is taking us backward is the fact that in as much as many people know about climate change, there are some people that know about it, but can't help because they don't even know what to do to fight it, this is very saddening, because to me I think that everyone deserves to know about climate change and help in the fight against it, so to me, we the younger ones shouldn't just wait and rely on our parents, but we can help beat this problem by:
      1. Carrying out school excursions to less privileged communities telling them about climate change and how to fight it.
      2. Planting of trees in our community, this is a point that has been continually emphasized and is a step that everyone can take whether young or old.
      3. Regular sensitization programs on climate change, with new ways to combat it and the progress being made in the community in combating climate change.
      4. Adding climate change in schools as either co-curricular activities or as part of the school curriculum.
      5. Creation of TV shows that talk about climate change and also social media pages for both kids and adults.
      With this, everyone can be able to both know about climate change and how to stop it.

  • Hi! I did a really fun activity for eco- Anxiety. What we did was everybody in the class got a note with a role. Some of the roles were psychologist, doctor, a student, a parent, a teacher, or a person living in a country with climate change. We needed to act out the roles without going out of your role. I was a doctor for the activity. After we all knew our roles and what we were meant to do, 2 or 3 of my classmates talked about what they think about climate change and if they think it's good or bad while staying in their role. After that 5 of us went around the room with our role. then the other four went to one of the five of us. The two people together had to discuss climate change while staying in their role. After we discussed for two minutes we rotated. the one person who didn't have a person to talk to had to wait till we rotated. I had a lot of fun learning about eco- Anxiety with all the fun activities we did.

  • Here at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School on the subject of Eco-anxiety some activities we did was to get a piece of paper and spot twenty five things involving Eco-anxiety something was billboards, people talking about it, and even pollution.Another activity that we did was getting a random card and role playing with whatever will we got from the card. The role I got was teacher.I had to debate against a person who lives in an area affected by Eco-anxiety and it was very hard to debate about Eco-anxiety with a person who is more experience than me so he won that round.

  • Hello,
    I had an incredible conversation between my classmates about eco-anxiety. We talked about how climate change affects the planet and how we can help out in this situation. We talked about how it's important to help out the planet because to be honest humans aren't really doing anything so we have to take control of global warning. Some of the little steps that we have to do to help the planet are things like
    1) getting rid of plastic
    2) take the public transportation
    3) using less energy
    4)cleaning up after yourself and more
    Thank you for reading and let's keep helping our planet!

  • Hello everyone,
    During a recent discussion or debate with my classmates, we engaged in a discussion about whether or not eco- anxiety can sometimes be useful. Some of my friends agree that eco- anxiety can be useful because, it raises the awareness and motivates action to protect the environment. It can push communities to make positive changes. And on other side, some friends, said that eco- anxiety can be overwhelming and hinder people from taking action. They believe the focusing on hope and empowerment is more effective. However, it’s about finding a balance and using eco- anxiety as a catalyst for positive change without letting it consume us.
    Thank you !!🙏

  • In my opinion I think students shouldn't Know about whats happening to the earth other wise it might worry them and distract them from their studies.

    1. Thanks for sharing! So are you saying that you would rather not know yourself?

    2. I disagree because everyone deserves to listen to news because as we all know, news is information about societal happenings and trends, so if someone doesn't know about news, how he know what to do in the society and the threats in that society, in all respect I understand where you are coming from, but let children at least know basic information on climate change, know how to fight against it. I am saying this because whatever children learn or adapt to in their early life will become a part of them, so if they know about climate at a young age, they will become adapted to these processes and when they grow up tackling climate change will be an easy thing for them because they already started fighting climate change at young age and have already reduced the effect of climate change. In conclusion, I think that children deserve to listen to news about climate change at that age because it is a huge step in combating climate change.
      THANK YOU.

  • Hello!!
    During the lesson on coping with eco- anxiety, I gained a new perspective that changed my mind about to approach this issue. Formerly, I had believed that particular actions alone could not make a significant impact in combating environmental problems. However, after learning about collectives efforts and power of grassroots movements, I realized that every action matters. This is perspective made me think differently about how to cope within eco- anxiety. As a replacement of feeling bury by the evilness of the climate crisis, I focus on taking small steps within my community and encouraging others to do same thing. By working together we can create tangible change and reduce the anxiety related with environmental issues.
    Thank you!!😊

  • At our school, we were learning about how eco-anxiety is severe and whether or not there is too much negative news. I really heard some good points and students were having a pretty good debate because they provided reasonable evidence. For example, one student was a parent, another was a teacher. The student playing as a teacher thought there wasn't enough negative news. The student playing as a parent thought there was too much negative news. The parent explained that her child has been experiencing mental issues and fear due to negative news. The teacher says that students should know more about the truth of the world. After hearing their debate, I was confident that there is too much negative news about eco-anxiety.

    1. Thanks for this great description of the role-play task.

  • I personally have been mind-blown after hearing about eco-anxiety; topical talk is the first place that I am hearing about eco-anxiety. Hearing different topical talkers and their own perspective of things has impacted greatly on me changing my mind about the way I think of eco-anxiety.
    After my welcoming of eco-anxiety, that made fear grip me because I was thinking ahead of what was going to happen to the Earth in our nearest future, I think that the world should do as much as it can to resolve the current climate issue that the world is experiencing. I think that we should resolve for not just us but also for the people around the world that are experiencing eco-anxiety in their lives.
    Would you not want to wake up and live in a green world were nobody has to worry about the internal being if the Earth, a world where everybody does not have to worry about a thing, A GREEN AND PERFECT EARTH.

  • Hi! I talked about eco-anxiety with my classmates and we came to a conclusion you are able to do something about climate change without letting it make you feel uncomfortable/stressed. This happens to a lot of people because some people are afraid that their future might be ruined but it’s okay to worry and do action but you shouldn’t just worry and stress yourself out.

  • Hi guys,There are several issues currently making headlines in both local and national news that young people should be aware of and one of the major issues is climate change and its impact on the environment...We had a discussion on the wildfires in California,Australia and the Amazon rainforest and those are just some of the examples of how climate change is affecting our planet...I just wanted to share with you all that wildfires will most likely become more frequent,longer and more severe due to an increase in global meat demand,greater accessibility of untouched areas due to road expansions,the recent decline in commitment of national governments to forest protection, and the change in weather conditions due to climate change...Thank You!

  • In my classroom we got a paper to find all the things that may remind people about climate change, while looking for the different ways I noticed that people gets reminded about climate change way more than I expected, going from recycling bins to people protesting. After looking at the paper we acted out different roles and seen different sides like how parents may be worried about their kids knowing about climate change or how someone being affected by climate change may want more people to know about it. We discussed climate change, while speaking to the students in the role of parents I realized why people may not want others to know or worry about climate change.

  • eco anxiety changed my mind in the lesson.It made me think differently about the enviroment so it must be really bad.

  • We have been writing persuasive texts about different things. I wrote it about why children should take action.

    Should children take action?

    After a few years of observing the actions done to stop climate change, I have come to the conclusion that many children aren't having a voice. I believe children's opinions and thoughts can make a big difference. Kids have inventive and imaginative ideas that if shared could really make a huge difference. Nearly 710 million kids are being affected by climate change. It might seem that adults have it under control. The truth is they don’t. They might be close but it isn’t enough. We need to hear children. Maybe their voices will be our saviour.

    Children are the future, the new generation, Children have to build a home they want to live in. They are more advanced, they know how to control new technology. They will now more than any adult will ever in their entire life. I know you agree, and you should. Children have to help, they can and they will. They have to step up; be a new leader. The leader to save us all. We all know there is no planet B. We have to save the one we have now. Do you want a future? Do you want to live? You do, so listen to kids, let them speak, they can help.

  • In class we have been writing persuasive peices of writing. Here is what I have done so far.

    Are people’s changes enough?

    After years of observing and researching climate change our actions are still not enough. People are experiencing more and more disastrous consequences. Without a doubt, an abundance of living things are being affected by climate change. We are not trying hard enough, small changes help but we need to help immensely. We are confronting an important issue and if people don’t deal with it you won’t have a future to look up to.

  • In my class we talked about, if there was too much bad news about eco-anxiety but with a twist. we were split into different roles. I was a journalist and had to debate with a therapist about bad news. After the class I had to debate if there was too much bad news or not in my role as a journalist and I was the only one who said there was not too much bad news. to sum it up I had a very interesting lesson about eco-anxiety.

  • Good Day Everyone
    Well, I always believed eco-anxiety was not a good thing and could never be useful. However, when I had a discussion with my classmates about it, someone raised the question of its usefulness. Most of us denied and said the eco-anxiety could not be good in any way. But some students listed the benefits. Although they were not much, one important thing was that they encourage and motivate us to move to sustainable practices and work towards our environment. Without eco-anxiety, one would not be this determined to to work towards our planet.
    This really got me thinking that things that seem really bad like eco-anxiety too has a positive effect which is usually not considered good. As Farrah Fawcett has rightly quoted "Everything has positive and negative consequences".