outspoken_meerkat has not published standpoints yet. Comments by outspoken_meerkat Comment Post Date Comment: I think Matthew Paul is an amazing person who has done something useful He published his book... Post: Matthew answers your questions! Date: 01/5/23 Comment: I prefer this competition because I feel excited when I share comments. Topical Talk These are... Post: Balanced discussions on the Hub Date: 01/5/23 Comment: Professor Harrison is one of the world's best-known environmental scientists and is currently... Post: Who inspires you? Date: 01/5/23 Comment: The main factor in celebrating Land Day for the occupied Palestinian people is to confirm that... Post: Is one day enough? Date: 28/4/23 Comment: The increasing frequency of extreme weather events, droughts and floods is in line with what... Post: Classroom spy... Date: 28/4/23 Comment: This topic caught the attention of me and probably many people For example, if a person goes on... Post: Pick ONE person Date: 28/4/23 Comment: As the teacher said, preserving the earth’s cleanliness is a collective responsibility.... Post: Classroom spy... Date: 12/4/23 Comment: Yes, communication sites are a double-edged sword, so we must beware of people who use these... Post: How to stay safe on the Student Hub Date: 12/4/23