playful_otter has not published standpoints yet. Comments by playful_otter Comment Post Date Comment: I have chosen the number 21 because we can see are grandma, grandpa and we all can see are... Post: #24 Numbers in the news! Date: 01/3/21 Comment: The number 21 makes my feel happy because I can see all of my friends and family and on that day... Post: #24 Numbers in the news! Date: 01/3/21 Comment: I have learned that is a social event for everybody. Post: #23 Ten or less! Date: 22/2/21 Comment: I think to stand up to animals because people are hunting them and if all the animals such as... Post: #20 Ranking reasons Date: 05/2/21 Comment: So pls stop hunting the animals so you can get money you can just try to find a simple job pls. Post: #20 Ranking reasons Date: 05/2/21 Comment: If the police put cameras in every house so they can see if any robbers come in Post: #20 - What One Change....? Date: 29/1/20 Comment: I love to write 100 or 1000 word Post: #17 - Winners Announced Date: 07/1/20 Comment: I would be a space person because you will not know what is up their. Post: #14 - Space Job Skills - Winners Announced! Date: 09/12/19 Comment: Maybe it has something dangerous and someones potey. Post: Weekly Competition #30 Date: 29/4/19 Comment: Maybe a abandoned houses with a abandoned car Post: Weekly Competition #30 Date: 29/4/19