sensitive_guitar has not published standpoints yet. Comments by sensitive_guitar Comment Post Date Comment: 1-The book, called Democracy in America, was written by Alexis de Tocqueville. 2-It is about... Post: #9 Think of a link Date: 29/10/21 Comment: Reports R: Raise your hat to journalists who set their words on papers. E: eye of knowledge... Post: #8 The News Date: 22/10/21 Comment: I certainly agree with your comment, but those who aspire to be presidents must have an audience... Post: #7 Share the expertise Date: 19/10/21 Comment: People grow up with their goals and the greatest man's manifestation of increased his dream in... Post: #7 Share the expertise Date: 19/10/21 Comment: I think the ones who should read the words are scientists, because they can employ satellites to... Post: #7 Share the expertise Date: 19/10/21 Comment: I think these words should be addressed to young people, because they're the younger generation,... Post: #7 Share the expertise Date: 19/10/21 Comment: I agree with you, and l also think that those words should be heard by who feel that they can... Post: #7 Share the expertise Date: 19/10/21 Comment: I think the ones who should hear these words are the presidents, because they were thriving, and... Post: #7 Share the expertise Date: 19/10/21 Comment: I think the people who should be channeling this information are the leaders, because they can... Post: #7 Share the expertise Date: 19/10/21 Comment: I have heard to Al Jore The most important thing he said that : And especially for developing... Post: #7 Share the expertise Date: 18/10/21 Comment: I think Non-governmental organizations working to achieve equality between governmental... Post: #6 Dream jobs Date: 14/10/21 Comment: Nature will be more vulnerable than ever. With the control of intelligent machines, our lives... Post: #6 Dream jobs Date: 13/10/21 Comment: Wow! It is a great job. I think that Environmental engineering helps mitigate the effects of... Post: #6 Dream jobs Date: 12/10/21 Comment: 1- My dream job is to become a researcher in geology. 2- This job will be beneficial to the... Post: #6 Dream jobs Date: 12/10/21 Comment: The TV channels we see extras are in the break so instead of extras I'm going to play some... Post: #5 Innovation for your nation! Date: 05/10/21 Comment: A program Classroom that is used by using a link dedicated to their classes. Post: #5 Innovation for your nation! Date: 05/10/21 Comment: The Gaza Strip has been suffering for more than ten years from a stifling economic crisis that... Post: #5 Innovation for your nation! Date: 01/10/21 Comment: Ajournalist must be courage because he must represent any case to defend his opinion . Post: #4 Because... Date: 30/9/21 Comment: Honesty is the most important quality a journalist should have because a journalist who acts... Post: #4 Because... Date: 27/9/21 Comment: All amenities must be provided for those who stand under the sun so that they can establish... Post: #3 Caption this Date: 22/9/21 View more >