Standpoints by talented_hen Written by: talented_hen The Enhanced Games: Dope in or Dope Out 20 March 2024 2 comments Comments by talented_hen Comment Post Date Comment: Me personally, I do feel represented in the news in terms of both gender and non-genderal ideas.... Post: Do you feel represented? Date: 26/3/24 Comment: Hello! I understand that some drugs can be harmful to athletes, although that does not change... Post: The Enhanced Games: Dope in or Dope Out Date: 21/3/24 Comment: Wow! Amazing Standpoint! I completely agree with everything you said, especially when you point... Post: Human Abilities or Artificial Knowledge? (my standpoint) Date: 21/3/24 Comment: I completely agree with you, engaging_twilight. Many may not know about the internal conflicts... Post: Unfair advantage? Date: 06/3/24 Comment: I agree with you, selfassured_bat. Drugs are not just a short term ideal and can have long term... Post: What do you think about the Enhanced Games? Date: 05/3/24 Comment: I totally agree with you. Not telling anybody about drug usage could also lead to health... Post: Should people know? Date: 05/3/24 Comment: The information that surprised me the most is the gender pay gap. I knew women earned less than... Post: Gender inequality: have your say! Date: 05/3/24 Comment: I agree fully with your statements, as you are correct in my opinion. Health issues can be... Post: What do you think about the Enhanced Games? Date: 04/3/24 Comment: My personal opinion about the Enhanced Games is a bit of both C and D. Yes, it would be... Post: What do you think about the Enhanced Games? Date: 01/3/24 Comment: I agree with your comment because as much as doctors may monitor these Olympians, they can't... Post: What do you think about the Enhanced Games? Date: 01/3/24 Comment: Many might comment or talk about superheroes that could help humanity and help solve crimes.... Post: Competition #4 winners Date: 13/2/24