Gender inequality: have your say!

Gender equality will take well over 100 years to achieve if we continue making progress at the current rate. Look at the global statistics about how men and women are treated unequally at work.

  • Icon-Money


    On average, women are paid less than men. For every dollar that men earn, women earn 77 cents. This is called the gender pay gap.

  • Icon-World


    Since 2006, the regions that have made the most progress in closing their gender pay gap are North America, the Middle East and North Africa.

  • Icon-Education


    In the past, one of the biggest reasons for the gender pay gap was because fewer women had access to education. This situation is improving but the inequality still exists.

  • Icon-Work

    Unpaid work

    Women are more likely to do unpaid work at home. For example, looking after family members or household chores. Women may be doing as much as 30% more unpaid work than men.

Comments (247)

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  • The information that surprises me the most is the one about the gender pay gap. I believe that this is not fair especially if the man and woman have the same job and do the same tasks. If the woman is performing the same task as the man, she doesn't deserve to be paid less. That is not fair at all. I believe that the fact that they can perform the same task means they should be treated the same way.
    I think that every business should be properly scrutinized to make sure that the gender pay gap is eradicated. There should be laws in countries that fight for the right of women in the workplace. Business owners should pay women the same way they pay men if they perform the same duties or else be sanctioned.
    Other challenges that women face include lack of access to standard education, lack of representation and inability to have access to facilities and opportunities that men are offered. This is a very big problem in our society but i believe that if we continue to work towards it, eventually gender discrimination will be eradicated.

    1. Rightly said intelligent_orchard.
      I also find the information about the gender pay gap particularly surprising. It's unfair, especially when women perform the same tasks as men for less pay. If they are doing the same job, they deserve equal pay. It's crucial to scrutinize every business to eliminate the gender pay gap. Countries should have laws that advocate for women's rights in the workplace. Business owners should be required to pay women the same as men for the same duties, with sanctions for non-compliance. Additionally, women face challenges such as lack of access to education and opportunities, as well as limited representation. These issues need to be addressed, and I believe that by continuing to work towards it, we can eventually eradicate gender discrimination.

      1. You actually read my mind active_beetle,because women are not treated equally and well, for some reasons men are more involved and accorded respect but women are left behind. I am glad that the journalists are trying to profer solutions to the problem and also make the women's voice heard . In addition to this, women and men should should be shown equal respect,because if women keep getting discriminated, they will feel irrelevant and wouldn't want to contribute their quota to the work front, and even if they do,they wouldnt be passionate about it but rather do it for just the money.
        The woman's place is not just at the home alone, there are so many potentials that can be harnessed if women are availed the opportunity to showcase themselves.

    2. I totally agree with you Intelligent_orchard because why should women earn less than men when they perform the same job it is just dishearting to witness this in action I believe that everyone should be given their right regardless of their gender because their are even some jobs that women perform and they aren't paid like washing dishes e.t.c and the is even more gender inequality that women usually experience like Lack of representation in leadership positions,Stereotyping and gender norms e.t.c

      1. Another thing that i saw that got me thinking was the information about unpaid work.
        It is a common stereotype that men are the breadwinners and they get paid more than women. Just because they get paid more doesn't mean they work harder. In the olden days, women stayed at home and did all the work. Some of them include washing the dishes and laundry, prepare meals, keep the house clean and so on. This might seem alright but in addition to all these chores, they still take care of the entire family including the man. Even though they have so much work, they still do it and they do it well. They take their responsibility very seriously. I can agree that a woman shouldn't be paid for taking care of her own family but this is proof that women are capable of performing tasks very well. When a woman gets a job that is similar to that of a man, she should not be paid less. What makes matters worse is that sometimes a woman goes to her workplace in the morning and comes back in the evening to her house where she has a lot of chores to finish. This means they are performing both paid work and unpaid work.
        Women should not be undermined. Just because of the stereotypes that say that men should be held in a higher regard, women are not treated well. This could lead to inferiority complex even though a woman i capable of whatever task she may be given. This is not fair. A woman performs more work in a day than a man and they don't even get the weekends off.
        They should be treated fairly. They should be rewarded for their efforts.

      2. I agree because.Even though over the past few decades millions more women have entered the workforce and achieved significant advancements in their educational attainment, women are still paid 79 cents for every dollar earned by males. All too frequently, the assumption is made that the pay gap is a statistical artefact resulting from the failure to account for variables that could account for variations in salaries between men and women rather than proof of discrimination. Nevertheless, these women only receive 79 cents for every dollar earned by men—this is true even though millions more women have entered the workforce and achieved significant advancements in their educational backgrounds over the past few decades. to account for variables that might influence the disparity in wages between men and women.

      3. GoodDay,
        I agree with you that yes the pay gap between women and men is unfair but you said that women have "Lack of representation in leadership positions". I believe that although the leadership representation of women is less than that of men, I think that women are still actively in leadership. From what I saw on google women have 35% of the active high positions in leadership while men have 65%. This may seem like a bad thing but it is actually good because it means that women are slowly coming into leadership positions until all is equal. Also women are encouraged in leadership positions at small levels too, for example in my school as we have a senior prefect male, but we also have a senior prefect female which is a way of showing equality between males and females thereby closing the gap of gender inequality.
        Also educated_fox you said that women perform jobs that they are not paid for like washing dishes. Do you think that a woman will decide to wash dishes in a house where she is not married into, living under or being paid for? I believe that if a woman is married into a family I do not think she is meant to be paid for work but the man and other family members may help her in doing the work. Also when a woman lives in a house with others where they have morning chores to do don't you think it is not out of place if she is not paid for her agreed chore? I am not saying that there are not situations where a woman is unjust fully not paid for her labor but I am just pointing out situations in which a woman not being paid for labor is not wrong.
        Thank You.

        1. Thank you jazzed tamarillo. Mothers or fathers are indeed not paid for caring for the home and doing chores. I wonder whether the question about unpaid work is not also about the fact that traditionally women have been seen as housewives (work which does not provide money for the family) whereas men were the one ensuring financial stability? How would you see it?

          1. I believe that this question shouldn't be asked because a lot of people help and don't get paid. When I do chores , I don't get paid because it's what I'm supposed to do. If someone were to have a kid, it would be their responsibility to take care of them not get paid for it since they made the decision to have a kid.

        2. Well said jazzed_tamarillo.
          The gender gap between women and men is considered unfair, particularly due to the lack of representation of women in leadership positions. However, I have a differing viewpoint and believe that women are actively pursuing leadership opportunities, even though there is still a discrepancy compared to men. This ongoing shift towards gender equality in leadership is a positive development, indicating progress towards a more balanced representation. An example from my school illustrates this point, with both male and female senior prefects appointed to demonstrate equality and bridge the gap of gender inequality at a smaller scale.

          Thank you.

      4. I agree because... women work in a place where men work with them, the men get more salary than the other gender. Some of them put more effort than the males but most brand don't think about that . I believe in the saying that says what a man can do, women can do better.

        1. You have underlined a very significant point optimistic meteor, take the example of Jessica Combs who set a women's land speed record of 548.4 mph in 2019.Women are very capable and can achieve a lot all we have to do is stop underestimating them and believe that they can do more, all we have to do is give them a chance to prove themselves.

          1. Thank you charming_artist. Apart from the fact that we keep on undermining women, women keep on undermining themselves. When they would always want to try something new, they'd think that women aren't meant to be doing this eg, white collar jobs, software developers, construction workers etc. Thank you for also saying that all we need is a chance but then there are many times we had good chances but never made use of them. I just feel it is because we are afraid of failure or maybe they feel that if they fall, people would laugh, but that's the thing. We have to take a lot of chances that involve even bigger risks, though one might fall but that's why we have people to pick us right up, people who we know and rust, people who we know will not let us down.

            1. Thank for sharing this comment, reflective_cymbals. I think you make some generalisations about women undermining themselves. If you think this is the case, what changes would you suggest to make women feel more supported to take chance on an opportunity?

              1. I feel we should always encourage her whenever she feels down casted or low. We can also listen to their opinions and tuning in to what they have to say. Then you can always remind her that she isn't alone and you are always there to encourage her and pull her back up when she falls. Lastly we invest our time in them and get to understand them little by little. This is just a tip of the ice berg of how we can support women. Thank you and have a lovely day.

        2. I agree with you because, in a typical african home the males are raised like kings and the females as maids to serve the male child.The males are given high authority over the females which is not to be so.This also extends to the work place. In my opinion, both males and females should be given equal chances wherever they are. When discrimination starts from the home, it will be hard for the female child to know that she has as many rights as the male child.I think that when more books are published on gender inequality and how to stop it, the female child will get to know that she is not inferior to the male gender.

        3. I agree with you optimistic meteor because in this modern world some jobs are there that women get paid less like that of footballers the difference of the men football and the female football payment gap is huge and its unfair according to my research female footballers are paid up to 20,ooo euros per year and male footballers are paid up to 400,000 per year this is just ridiculous

      5. I agree with you and I was surprised that women are paid less than men although they are doing the same job which is also called as gender pay gap. I think this should not happen and we need to raise awareness for this matter and to make this situation fair we should express our thoughts to the people who are responsible for the gender pay gap . Women should get equal pay as men . We should organise workshop and if needs then, take out the processions for this matter. The other challenges that women faces are the girl child is being killed in the womb before the birth which we can also call as they do not have reproductive rights . Also sometimes women ate not safe at her workplace .. I think there should be reformation for this matter ...

    3. Hello everyone,
      Coming from a different perspective, intelligent orchard laid so much emphasis of the man and the woman doing the same job.
      I disagree because he/she refuse to understand why the women may be paid less in some cases, let's look at the aspect of job efficiency, in the construction industry, this is one job that research has proven that it requires a lot of time and energy and then it has also been identified that some of the women that are given positions in construction companies do not strive for higher ones while the men work harder to grow meaning that the men ahead of them would definitely be paid more, in such cases would anyone have the right to say that the female gender is being discriminated in terms of payment? well for me, No is the answer, if you have a contrary opinion feel free to let us know. I feel that sometimes women look down on themselves because other women in society look down on them anytime they spring to action, the day that gender inequality would be eradicated is the day that women start believing in themselves and supporting themselves to occupy positions that men have occupied for long. And this cannot be achieved if women do not support themselves.

      Thank you.

      1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts - what other factors could affect women being paid less / reaching higher positions in their careers?

        1. Hi Aimee @ Topical Talk!
          Several factors contributes to women being paid less or encountering barriers to reaching higher positions in their careers:

          1. Unfair Treatment: Women sometimes get paid less or miss out on better jobs just because they're women.

          2. Jobs Divide: Women often end up in jobs that pay less than men's jobs.

          3. Motherhood : When women become moms, they might not get paid as much or get promoted as often.

          4. Less Help: Women don't always get the support they need to move up in their careers.

          5. Hidden Beliefs: Some people don't realize they treat men and women differently, which can hold women back at work.

          6. Tough Balance: It's hard for women to juggle work and taking care of their families, which can slow down their careers.

          7. .Quiet Bargaining: Women often don't ask for higher pay or promotions as much as men do.

          8. Company Rules: Some company policies make it harder for women to move up or get paid fairly.

          9. Learning Gap:Sometimes women don't have the same chances to learn new things as men, which can keep them from getting better jobs.

          To fix these problems, we need to:
          - Make sure hiring and promotions are fair for everyone.
          - Offer mentoring and sponsorship to help women move up.
          - Support work-life balance with policies like flexible schedules.
          - Create inclusive workplaces where everyone feels respected and valued.

          Thank you!

        2. There are a myriad of factors that can hinder women from being paid less or reaching greater heights. Here are a few examples:
          1. Stereotypes: A lot of people have already made it a tradition that women are not meant to have some particular jobs. Though we are working hard to eradicate it, some people still hold on to this belief and this may cause them to harass women when they see them taking a stand.
          2. Lack of support: Lack of support can come from family members, the government, the society or even other women themselves. A woman might have a dream but without any resources it will remain a dream. If we want to eradicate gender inequality then we should work on giving the women necessary support.
          3. Discouragement: When a woman decides to do something, people around her may discourage her and tell her it is a waste of time. This is really not good. We should encourage and not discourage.
          4. Lack of cooperation: Some people actually try to help women but some women do not even cooperate. They have already been made to believe that they are limited in their abilities. WE need to encourage women to believe in themselves and urge them to cooperate.
          5. Inferiority complex: I believe this is as result of of all of the problems listed below. A woman might start up believing in herself but with the presence of stereotypes, lack of support and discouragement, they will start to look down on themselves. This is not good at all. We need to help them however we can.

          1. I agree, women should never be paid less because of their gender but on how good their abilities are to the company or towards the people working there. Women also shouldn't be put short on what they want to do because it's a manly task or if it's not meant for a woman.

        3. In football the men are only paid more than the woman footballers because in men’s football more people go to watch the men so they get a bigger wage, but in woman football they do not get a bigger crowd than what the size of men’s is. In my opinion because I am a boy I watch men’s premier league all the time and I do not watch as many woman super league games as all the other people do.

        4. There are different ways women can be deprived of them. For example, women are believed to be less capable of doing some certain jobs like that of a doctor. But today, thanks to more enlightenment from the recent news about gender crisis, women are now allowed to occupy a wide range of jobs. And as we have recently seen,women are proving themselves worthy of this role. Gender inequality is a thing we've been fighting against for long and I say it's time we put an end to this.

          1. Yes I fully agree with you on the fact that people think that women are less capable. Like we women manage a lot of activities around the home and that should prove to some people that we are very capable. Women are capable of a lot like we have the ability to read facial and body clues, we women als have a lot of endurance, we are kind hearted, caring etc. I also love being a woman because, I am able to be strong and fearless, while also kind and nurturing which are great advantages of a wife too. This is something I think all humans are capable of doing, but we women hold a special instinct that guides us to help and nurture life.

            1. I also think an effect of gender inequality can be found in English! In English instead of saying him/her they say he, or instead of saying actor/actress they say actor. All these are done to reduce repetition, but I think it shouldn't be so.

              1. I don't actually understand the concept of trying to reduce repetition, which kind of repetition please. I feel its just an excuse for gender inequality, like what's so hard in putting a slash beside the he or the actor. I also realized that you hardly find she stated in most of these things. We are also very significant people, we care for the home and we are tender, we have courtesy and we are respectful but, before you all will say I am generalizing, most of the women or some of the women ae like that.

    4. you are truly correct intelligent orchard women's have gone through many struggles and challenges since many decades but are still fighting for their rights

    5. I am also surprised about the gender pay gap. Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities. I believe that everyone should be treated equally irrespective of their gender. Women should not be paid less because of their gender. The rate of improvement has proven slow and needs to be sped up. Men should not be treated as if they are more important than women. Equality should be a priority in the modern day world. I FEEL THAT WOMEN VOICES ARE NOT BEING HEARD ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

    6. I agree with everything you are saying, however I don't find this statistic surprising. The fact of women being paid less for the same job that men do has been a topic of discussion for decades, so it isn't shocking to just have a number that proves what we have known for the longest time anyway.

      What we should be thinking about when seeing this fact is that we are improving and we are slowly closing this unfair pay gap. For instance some countries have already closed this gap, for example Luxembourg; other countries are also getting closer to fixing this pay problem like Romania whose lowest pay gap is only 3.6%.

      However, when you look at the median pay for women in the United Kingdom it is significantly lower than the men (14.3% less), but this is more believed to be from the fact that more women are in part time jobs rather than full time.

      The fact that these statistics are not surprising shows that there is something wrong with society as they are beginning to see this as normal rather than unfair.

      Sources :
      - European Parliament
      - House of Commons Library

      1. Yes, people have started to see the gender pay gap as a normal part of society. It has slowly been inculcated into the system of power. Though not everyone has accepted it and are trying to eradicate it, it has slowly seeped into the system of power of some parts of the world. They see it as completely normal and choose not to do anything about it. One of the countries with the largest gender pay gap is South Korea at 31.5%. This is due to the fact that their workplaces run on a seniority system. This is a system that is based on the length of service. As the years of service increase, the employment benefits and rights will also increase. Most women decide to pause their careers due to childbirth or care. This means their years of service are less than that of a man. This is part of their system of power.
        On the other hand Luxembourg has a smaller pay gap of 0.7% because women surprisingly have higher levels of education than men. This is part of their system of power.
        Moreover, we can see from this examples some of the potential causes of the gender pay gap such as the level of education and years of service as stated above. If these problems can be addressed the the gender pay gap will slowly but surely cease to exist. If solutions are developed and inculcated into their systems of power then the gender pay gap will be closed.

    7. I agree with you because gender discrimination is a widespread issue that exists not only in my country but also in the world of sports. A prominent example of this is the World Cup, where men receive ten times more pay than women. This discriminatory practice must come to an end. Women deserve equal access to information and should be part of decision-making processes. It is time for us to recognize that women are not only an essential part of society but also make significant contributions to the economy. We must treat women with the respect and dignity they deserve.. It is high time we treat women with the respect and dignity they deserve.

    8. I agree because... ''The information I also feel so shocking and disappointing to hear is also the pay gap. I had no idea the gender pay gap was still so significant. It's truly disheartening to know that despite progress in many areas, women are still facing such inequality in the workplace. This statistic highlights the urgent need for concrete actions to address and close this gap once and for all. Equal pay for equal work should be a fundamental principle in any fair and just society. It's high time for meaningful changes to ensure that women are paid fairly and equitably for their contributions."

    9. I agree because, I also believe that the gender pay gap is unfair and surprising. I believe that if someone is doing the same job that they should earn the same wages. We are all human doing a job and gender shouldn't define how much money you make overall.

    10. I agree with you intelligent_orchard. This is one of the highest type of gender inequality I have heard for a while. You are right when saying that every business should be removed. Also one thing that surprises me everyday is that some of the organizations that women are unfairly treated is owned by a woman. I would say that maybe she is not aware but she should at least give in a lot of concentration. Even to the men too, why would you allow a lady be treated like that, its just all messed up. Women also face problems like poor medical care, child marriage, violence against them and a lot more. We really have to put all this into consideration.

    11. I concur with you yet i disagree because women do not always perform the same tasks as men as there are some jobs men do better than women such as being mechanics which is one of the reasons for the gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is also caused by the amount of jobs that men do better than women. So i think that if more jobs were to be created, the gender pay gap would be reduced. The advent of AI could greatly help to bridge the gender pay gap as so many more jobs would be created and i believe that most of these jobs would be done better than women because of their grater intelligence, patience and multitasking abilities.

      1. You make some assumptions here - like the point that men are better mechanics. Is there evidence for this? Or have you assumed this, based on the fact that male mechanics are a lot more common?

        1. I have assumed this because more men are mechanics than women but your question has opened my eyes to see that there are a lot more female mechanics than I thought there were and this statement could change in the near future as women can multitask more than men because of their blood vessel structure and women are also generally more careful than men which is a quality that is in high demand as most new cars are very delicate

    12. I agree what u said.. and I was surprised that there are some inequality with women in education. There are some women are lacking behind the education.. they are allowed to do so .. if the society would let women to gain education ultimately women would be more successful and left the men behind them . For this matter , we should raise awareness in the society, we should organise workshop and tell everyone the importance of women in education...

    13. I concur with you intelligent_orchard, because it is unfair to pay a man more than a woman for performing the same tasks simply because of their gender. We also shouldn't forget that men and women should be treated equally, especially when performing the same tasks and there is a gender bias. Finally, we shouldn't forget the important fact that women are generally better at anything men are capable of doing.
      In conclusion, I think that all people, regardless of gender, should be allowed to exercise their rights.

      1. You say, "women are generally better at anything". Can you make this claim for certain? What's your evidence?

        1. Olivia, that's a great question. "women are generally better at anything" . I believe that women are generally better at everything because they have to go through difficult situations that make them stronger at everything. Even though I'm a guy, I can appreciate the struggles that mothers and other women face that men never have to.

      2. Hi!
        I disagree with you on the fact that women are better at anything. I am a woman myself but I belive that gender equality is not about establishing the fact that women are better, it is about establishing women are equal to men. From a long period, men are viewed as better. However, what we aim to bring now is that both of them are equal and not that one is better than the other. I think if we truly want to ensure equality then we will have to accept both as equal. I agree that there are some tasks that women can do better but there are also a few tasks that men can do better. We shouldn't generalise women or men being better. I think it depends on the person and not on the gender. Hence, I do not agree with you about women being better at everything.

    14. I firmly concur with you and I was also astounded by this quote. Although a woman has to face with multitasks daily in the context of family and the household. However, on top of all that they are called to be professionally- active and occupy in the workplace. So, not paying them the same amount as men is completely unfair, it is a sight of nonchalacy and indifference for their effort to cope with daily demands and it also generates financial problems which can lead to the inability of the woman to support economically her family. Besides, what a men can do in the workplace, a woman can also achieve it too and why not ten times better.

    15. Hello intelligent orchard

      I agree with what you are saying because the roles that women play in the society is just as important as the roles that men play in the society. I am trying to say that we are never expected to discriminate any female because they are seen as the weaker gender. Instead, we should treat women as we equally treat males

    16. Hello scholar,
      I share the same opinions as you. The gender pay gap is the most shocking as it is very unfair, and impacts a lot of women's lives. It is unreasonable to pay someone less just because of their gender when they have the same capabilities as workers of any gender. Women are being targeted in this, and being a woman I find it infuriating. I can't believe that once I have a job, I might be paid less than the men at my job. That makes me feel inferior and vulnerable.

    17. I 100% agree with you intelligent orchad, I've seen some people agree with the gender pay gap and when asked why their reasoning is usually something along the lines of 'Men perform better in certain jobs than women', all of the jobs that I've seen people say that men are better at, are male-dominated industries. For example, motorsports is a male-dominated industry and I've seen a lot of people comment on the fact that men are better, but there is no evidence that this is true and is always just an assumption since it is mostly men working in this sport. Another job that I've frequently seen people say men are better at is mechanical work. In most cases, women mechanics perform at the exact same level as man, and put the same level of effort in too. The gender pay gap is something that should be completely eradicated from all industries, and there is no reason that the gender pay gap should be kept. Superiors should be legally required to pay women the same amount as men when doing the same job and task for the same amount of time. Women already face many obstacles in life due to their gender such as lack of education, or lack of opputunites in the work place/ in general life. The gender pay gap is a massive issue, and needs to be taken care of.

    18. I agree because... Women and men are humans we all make mistakes and it is not fair for men to get more money then women even if women have to take breaks and leaves for health related it is still unjust

    19. You are verry correct and right intelligent orchard.
      In the Olding days, women were not allowed to rule, also they were not allowed to play in the Olympics.
      Some of the women who fought for the gender inequality were:
      1.Élisabeth Borne.
      2.Dina Baluarte
      3.Justice Ayesha Malik
      4.Sojourner Truth
      5.Susan B. Anthony
      6. Ida B. Wells
      7. Frida Kahlo
      8. Simone de Beauvoir
      9. Yuri Kochiyama
      10. Dolores Huerta
      11.Ruth Bader Ginsburg
      12. Gloria Steinem
      13.Audre Lorde
      14.Marsha P. Johnson
      15.Sylvia Rivera
      16. Sally Ride
      17.Roxane Gay
      18.Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
      19. Malala Yousafzai

    20. i would agree with you intelligent_orchard because women were not treated the same way as men were treated. Also i think everyone should be treated equally so life can be fair for everyone and make their life easier, i'm glad that the journalists told their stories of how did this happen and how it changes overtime. This would change better for the world to be in its best place.

    21. Hello intelligent_orchard
      I agree with you that the one that surprises me is about the gender pay gap. I also think that is really unfair about it. If a man and a woman have the same job or the same tasks. Why do men have a higher pay? If they are doing the same, I am confused that they are getting paid less. I feel that it's unfair that men get paid more than women.

      1. Why do you think it happens if it is unfair? What do you think the solution is?

        1. Hello Steff
          I think that it happens because many of the females do their work at home. So let's say they clean, take care, cook, etc. So I guess that the government pays less money to women because they don't do the job as well as men. But I still think it's unfair because they are literally doing the same job. I know that women may not be doing as well as men, but they should still get paid the same amount since they are doing the same job. For me, I think that the best solution is to protest. We women have to come together to stop this. Women are doing the same, so it's fair. Also, I think the best solution is to switch so the government can pay the same to everyone.

          1. Interesting points. Can you explain further why women may not be doing as well as men?

    22. I agree with you all the way, Intelligent Orchard. Gender pay gap is an outrageous thing. A man and a woman doing a task and the man gets paid more is very sad because you never know what someone is going through. The woman could be a single parent raising 3 kids and probably have 2 jobs just to keep the lights on. Businesses find a sneaky way to do this, and it is just not fair. In businesses that do use a gender pay gap, there should be boycotts to change their ways. Thank you for reading my comment.

  • Hello everyone.
    Alright what really stupefies me the most is about education. Why will girls and women be deprived of their education. When I asked this question a few years ago, some one told me that it was because they were the weaker sex. Which does not serve as a reasonable answer. We are all born that is 1 because I've never seen babies fall from the sky so why should one be adored and the other loathed, we are all humans both boys and girls. that is 2, so why should girls be deprived of education?. Everyone deserves a right to everything that pertains to life and to the fullest. Oh well it is good news I hear that its improving. Because its like building one part of a city and suppressing another. Which does not make sense. The world wont move forward that way. We all deserve a say. We should be treated equally due to the fact that no one was born to be looked down on and no one was born to be praised. We are all humans and we should not be deprived just because of our gender.

    1. I agree because hindering half of a population is doomed to result in the entire population suffering! While it could be argued that men often express some attributes more than women, and vice versa (such as women being perceived as typically more maternal and empathetic, while men are considered more decisive and assertive), neither should be boxed into these stereotyped categories, especially in the formative years of a person's life, receiving schooling! Critically, this can cause a butterfly effect whereby these individuals limit themselves to these boxes that they have been told are the only ways to be accepted, ultimately stopping people from reaching their full potential. I'd also like to express that while this debate is primarily aimed at addressing the limitations placed on women, it is undeniable that these unfair expectations also impact the academic outcomes of men too. This just highlights how important it is to tackle this issue and move toward a more equal future!

    2. I agree because... Compared to working males, women get paid less. A substantial amount of research explains, characterizes, and explores this "gender pay gap." However, because pay discrepancies are political issues, the literature frequently gets confusing for lay readers, and discussions are frequently influenced by ideological objectives.

      The evidence for the gender wage gap is examined in this introduction using both our own data studies and the literature. Using hourly wages for our analyses—which we culled from large national and regional surveys of wages, educational attainment, and occupational employment—we will first discuss the many ways the difference is quantified before delving deeper into the data.

      In short, women in the workforce receive lower wages than men. A substantial amount of study explains, characterizes, and explores this "gender pay

      6/7 Sentences

      125 Words

    3. Hey! I 100% agree with you! Everyone deserves a right to everything! No one should be deprived of ANYTHING when it comes to any action to be partaken in! If the traces of the Stone Age show that women were hunters just like men, then why does a developed civilisation, technologically sound at that, prevent it's women from achieving equality to men?! Why does it prohibit them from claiming their equal rights?
      At this point can we say that society has really evolved, when human rights have just diminished in margin, from that time when we were nothing but savages?
      We ALL are equals, cuz we are all creations of Gods to the theists, Universe to the monotheists and Biology to the Atheists.. No matter what you believe in, there is no way to dispute that women are any less than men! Then WHY the less pay?! Why the less respect?! Why the less honour?
      It's time we recognise that men and women are different, but not unequal. That men and women each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but no one is supremely stronger!
      It's time we identify the world as it is - A co-existence of species, of different mentalities, of diversities. And that applies to Gender.

    4. Well thankful_olive it still is an issue. Why? I don't know but what I do know that in the past this was a bigger issue. Tudor girls weren't allowed to go to school! People should not be treated unfairly in such a modern society!

    5. I agree with your points that females have the right to acquire education. However some traditions and families do not allow females to attend school. This is why we need to celebrate women's international day and create more awareness about this issue.
      Education is important for everyone but it is unfortunate some families and traditions believes that female should remain in the kitchen instead of getting an education. Fortunately things are changing for the better with the creation of awareness. As a result more women are now going to school.
      We should work together to raise more awareness about the importance of girl child education.

      1. I solely agree with your points precious_swan that females have the right to acquire education and this should not be overlooked.
        But do you think awareness is the best solution to solve this problem because most rural areas around the globe will be a threat to solve this global problem due to their mind has already been fixed that girls should remain in the kitchen instead of acquiring education and other barriers that will hinder this solution such as: different languages and undiscovered rural areas?

  • The statement that surprised me most is that in a country where gender inequality is being practiced, it takes 132 years for gender equality to be practiced and it is hard for people to take that seriously because it is a long period of time

    1. Interesting. Would you think that people care little as they know change would not happen in their lifetime?

      1. Mrs Boika, your question is tricky but with my little knowledge, even if change would not happen people should try their best to make sure they maintain their position. They should not downgrade but keep trying to upgrade. THANK YOU.

  • In my opinion I think that women are treated unfairly by society which is shown in this information we are provided above. Why do I believe this? You may ask well there is many reasons. My first point is the pay we are shown in front of us today. For every pound a man makes, women get 77p. how is that fair? Women are paid less then men for the exact same job but I do understand that people may think that mean are 'stronger' and have the skills required which in some cases i would agree but what if women have the exact same skills. For example, 2 people go to work as cashiers they are a male and a female. They both have the same skills and work effeciently but that male gets more money and seen as more valuable then the female. Is that fair? Do you think it isnt? Whats your opinion?

  • In my own opinion, I think that the option "Unpaid work", because it said that women don't get paid. One of the women's work is taking care of the household, so doing this would benefit not only here but the house entirely, meaning this isn't a job for payment. Also, since the year 2023, the rate of gender inequality has increased by 0.3% making it 68.4% in total.
    Thank you

    1. @creative-personality you raise an interesting point about women's work in taking care of the household having wider benefit. Would you also see this role as one that a man could do?

      1. Hello!
        I do see this as a role that a man can do because he is also a member of the household and in each household, every member should and must contribute to its welfare. It is his home. He can't push the responsibilities on someone else. This doesn't mean that I'm saying either men do it or women do it. It means that each family member should play their own part in performing these unpaid duties.
        However, speaking as an African, in the typical African home setting, these roles are not meant for men. Domestic duties like cleaning the house and looking after children are seen as a woman's job. Please don't misunderstand. Africans respect women. It is just that in traditional African society, those are women's responsibilities. Different jobs that all contribute to societal development are shared out among different members of the society. Let me put it like this; In those days, men go to work and provide for their families, women take care of their household and children assist their parents. Although some still abide by these norms, they are being replaced by views and practices that don't relegate women to the position of caretakers only. I am glad for this opportunity to share my culture with all of you and hope to learn about others' cultures too.

        1. A well-explained and insightful comment that tells us about what it's like where you live. Thank you.

      2. Well, housework can indeed feel like a never-ending cycle of cleaning, tidying, and arranging. Simone de Beauvoir once aptly compared it to the eternal torment of Sisyphus. The truth is that housework can be incredibly frustrating. You wash dishes, only for them to get dirty again; you sweep the floor, and it's soon covered in dust once more. But it's not just about cleaning—it's about the division of labor.

        Even in an era where men have been working outside the home since 1949, women still bear a disproportionate burden when it comes to household chores. Vacuuming, laundry, cooking—the list goes on. While some progress has been made, there's still much work to be done to achieve true equality. It's time to recognize that housework isn't solely a woman's responsibility; it's a shared duty that should be divided more fairly. Highlighting the need for change in household dynamics is crucial for creating a more balanced and equitable environment.

        1. I agree with the need for a change in household dynamics, as if a task is automatically assigned to one gender, there is litte room for freedom. Is it mainly men's responsibility to get more involved?

          1. Well, I feel that people think that men have evolved over the years to be excellent at certain tasks but not household chores. They can be seen as the masters of "manly" chores, like keeping the car in good condition or doing yardwork or engineering like the stuff that involves tools, grease, and a dash of testosterone.

            But when it comes to folding laundry or cleaning the house, it's like they've stumbled into an alternate dimension. Suddenly, they're lost in a maze of mismatched socks and dust bunnies. It's as if their brains short-circuit, and they're left standing there, bewildered, wondering why the vacuum cleaner won't start.

            Now, don't get me wrong. Men are willing to help. They really are! But there are obstacles—like societal norms and financial constraints—that stand in their way. Plus, let's face it: Unpaid work doesn't come with a paycheck or a shiny trophy. It's like trying to win a race where the finish line keeps moving.

            And then there's trust. Women have been conditioned to handle household chores for generations.

      3. In the family, dads usually work hard to make money so we can live comfortably. They're also there to take care of us, like when we're sick or need advice. Dads are often the ones who make big decisions, like where to live and how to save for the future. They teach us important stuff too, like how to read or do math. Even though they're not only doing these things, it's cool that they step up and do their part. Dads are also part of moms, helping out with chores and making sure everyone gets along. They're like a role model, showing us how to be good people. And they're good at talking to each other, which helps keep the family peaceful.

        1. Hi,creative_personality.
          Your comment is correct but incomplete. It is true that father is the main driver of a family. He works hard to keep his family members alive. But, I think if father is the driver of the family then mother is the wheel of the car called family. Without whom you or I are nothing. The first teacher in our life is our mother. Both parents are the biggest inspiration in your and my life. They are really great. But in any case, in the end I want to say that both parents are necessary for a family. But, like everyone else, you only give importance to men or fathers. Hope you understand the importance of men and women in society and family.

  • The thing that I find incredulous about this debate is that almost all points made can be refuted with basic research. for one, did you know that there has been no proven link between sexism in the modern workplace and the gender pay gap. The pay gap is an incredibly complex topic that can be influenced by skills such as social skills and negotiating skills which modern society actually primes men for with the common stigmatisation of men as abusers and rapists meaning that they have to become good at talking. the point about education makes no sense to me either. According to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Centre, women outnumber men in college enrolment and outpace them in graduation with an estimate ratio of two women for every one man. this shows that when feminists kick and scream about how there aren't enough women in high skill level jobs such as stem jobs, it's because of a lack of interest rather than a lack of opportunity.

  • in my opinion I believe that women are treated unfairly in the line of work because as more women are working you find that the way they get payed compared to men is completely unfair. As an example say a woman and a man are going for the same job with the same skill set a man will be payed 23 cents more than a woman. On the other hand genetically men are stronger then women meaning that they might be better for some jobs. Overall I believe that women should be treated and payed the same as a man.

    1. Gender inequality is the social phenomenon in which people are not treated equally on the basis of gender. This inequality can be caused by gender discrimination or sexism. It is a universal issue. Women everywhere in the world want equal pay. More and more number of women are getting a quality education. But the true meaning of women empowerment will only be achieved when gender inequality will be eliminated. We need to give equal opportunities to women for equal pay, equal respect as equal to men. Also, Gender inequality can harm women's health and well-being. They may experience higher stress levels due to unequal treatment, discrimination, and limited career opportunities. Chronic stress negatively impacts their mental health, increasing their anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems. “It is time that men and boys recognize the part they must play in gender equality and join with the voices and actions of the women and girls who are trying to re-shape society in the interests of us all.” “Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it.”

    2. Thank you for your comment. You say men may be better suited for some jobs, do you think it might also be the case that women are better suited for some jobs?

      1. I'm not sure about this because... I don't think that jobs should be done based on gender. Some people says that jobs like house chores, house tidying,etc are meant to be done by the female gender, I don't think it's right because we seen women do awesome jobs not just taking care of the home but jobs like doctors, lawyers, accountants,bankers, teachers, journalist etc.
        Focusing on the job of account, recently the CEO of the Access Bank Plc died recently whom was is a male and the shocking part is that a female is know the new CEO of the industry,and people still say that women are entitled to some particular jobs,Even when it comes to teaching females are mostly found there taking my school for example 80% of the teachers in my school are females while the rest are males, people still say that women are not entitled to some jobs.
        As for the males I don't think that they're particular jobs that are to be done by them, this is because of the saying that the male is the head of the house so he should carry out all the financial needs of the family,this is not right, what if the male looses his job how will the family get to satisy their needs.
        So I don't think that there's a job that needs to be done by particular gender, although some people that jobs like counseling females are more better in that field of profession, it's not like that because a male can also be trained for it.
        I'm looking forward to seeing other students opinion about this.

        1. I'm not sure about this because...
          There are some jobs that some females can't do, jobs like labouring etc.
          They might not be able to cope with hard and difficult jobs unlike men who are strong and agile to do any work.
          But in this generation with the use of Al any job can be done with ease.

    3. I also don't support this gender inequality in getting paid for the same work. We all know that a woman has to do the household work and after completing all the works she went to do works outside. Are they working outside only to face inequalities? It's true that a woman has to tackle a lot of hazards in doing their jobs, but they have shown efficiency that they can handle both household works and outside work at the same time. While men are just doing their jobs only and women at the same time are maintaining their family and their jobs, then who do you think is doing more work? This shows how capable a woman is. Because of their hard works I guess they should get more paid. But the reality is they are not even getting equal pay as man after taking so many hazards. If we think it in a different view, we will be able to understand the depth of this issue. It literally demotivated women when they are seeing that after handling so much obstacle, they are still getting less paid than man. This is one of the reasons gender inequalities is still persisted in the society. If we want to remove gender inequality from the society, then the foremost step will be to ensure the equal pay of both man and women and to give recognition of the hard work of women in handlining both inside and outside work with proficiency. We also have to respect the choice of the women who are working to build a career alongside maintaining the family.

  • in my opinion I think that women are not treated equally to men because when men get 1 pound women only earn 77 cents so the pay is not equal they can start by paying women and men equally . in the world journalists are more dominate to men because in the world there is only 46% of women are journalists . what could be done to make this fair is 50% could be men and 50% could be women and they get an equal pay every year . the challenges that women face in every day life is women are seen as less stronger and are known for cleaning , cooking and looking after kids . so my point today is targeted at women who get less pay .

    1. The downside to this approach however is that in order to meet your 50/50 quota you would inevitably need to deny more qualified people the job roles that they deserve as it would disrupt your system or you would need to fire someone else based solely on their gender which would cause jobs to become unstable. furthermore, in order to enforce equal pay, you would need to disregard factors such as the fact that on average men work more hours, work more overtime and take less time off than women. These factors would need to be disregarded and you would either have to give more money to people that didn't earn it or take money away from people that did.

  • I have many opinions on gender equality, all supportive. I have a large grudge against the gender gap in pay, where in most occasions, men get payed more than women in the same job. I really do not see what people are trying to imply when men get more and it causes me to go crazy. If both men and women do a job in the exact same way and work the exact same hours then why does unequal pay exist?

    Some people have a lot of stereotypes towards men and women (Men having to be strong and hard working; Women being more maternal and motherly) and my personal opinion on this: completely pathetic. Not all people fit into these stereotypes, if anything, there are more people who go against these stereotypes, I've seen this myself. It is so aggravating when women are pressured into these stereotypes and feel they must follow other peoples opinions just to fit in. Men also deal with stereotypes, being told to "Man up". Why does this phrase exist? There is nothing called "Woman up", again showing the gap between genders.

    1. I agree because... The fact that women who do the same job as men and are often paid less just doesn't sit right with me. I cannot believe that for every dollar men earn, women earn 77 cents. Gender pay gap is not good. The gender pay gap limits the progression of women in their career and it also causes a lot of financial disadvantages for women. The gender pay gap does not only affect women who are working, but those who are also retired suffer. There is a very big pension gap between men and women, this leaves retired women more vulnerable than men. After retirement, men would have saved about 30% more than women. According to, "women employed in the United States lose a combined total of nearly $1.6 trillion every year due to the wage gap". This amount of money reduces the amount of money which families use to support themselves, help the community, save for future use and also invest (especially families where the breadwinners are single moms). I think this should be stopped, meaning that the wage gap, should be closed. Wage gaps reduce the pay transparency of and organisation. This will also cause a disadvantage to the company by creating a bad reputation for the company. If wage gaps are closed, companies would gain a very good image which will increase customers. and also employees.

    2. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. Do you think anything can be done to counteract these stereotypes that exist within society and the workplace?

    3. I totally agree with you. Everyone goes to work so they have money to support themselves and/or their family. The jobs you chose can depend on how much money you need, some women don't even notice they receive a smaller salary than the men in their workplace, until the day they all decide to discuss how much they receive the women will actually never know. And when they end up finding out they can't do anything but quit their job or just move on.

      Men sometimes complain when females says "girl power", if there are so many phrases with males as the main character what is so wrong if females have their little slogan.

  • A main point in our discussion was that woman having family's sets them back but I challenge that by saying do men not have family's do they not have daughters, sons, wife's? Do men not take paternity leaves? I do understand there leaves are shorter, for logical reasons, but my point stands. Men also take days off for there kids or family. Why is this a set back? Women with family's still need an income especially when there isn't another breadwinner in the house. So in my conclusion i say women having family's should not set them back as it doesn't set men back it should be equal.

  • I think the option which surprised me the most is option A . Because I knew that woman earn less than the men , but the figures shown above is too much. There should not be any gap between man and woman, because everyone are equal and god has made both men and women for some work . Even there are some work which the men cannot do, and woman can. Also, it is not a thing that only men progress and woman not does not. It is the right of each and every person to take the opportunities and succeed.

    To make this situation better and make an end gender inequality , the women only will have to raise the voice and ask for same opportunities. Because till when the women will face the problems , till when less amount of education will be provided to them ? There has to be a end to this . They also have same opportunities to live a comfortable life without problems . Is it also not a thing for payment or wages they are given but it is regarding equal rights. So it is very important to maintain equality because somewhere or the other , women are responsible for achieving success in any field ……….

  • I think that a way to solve the unpaid work done by women, would be for men to firstly acknowledge it and then I think that we should try to find what led to this. Years ago, men were working to earn a living and women stayed home to take care of the household. At some point, women decided that it was time to be able to earn their own money. They wished to have access to education and then be able to get hired. What went wrong is that men didn't wish to let them do that. After many arguments, women wanted to prove that they could do both. They could go to work and take care of the house. I believe that men agreed, since it wouldn't have made such a difference. From my point of view, our main problem is that women wanted to prove that they could do both and men actually liked the idea. Now, although we have evolved, women are still expected to do both. It feels like their duty, even if it is not. I believe that since we consider ourselves so modern, we could teach men and little boys in schools that it is also their responsibility to clean, cook and watch after the kids, not just the women's. If both the husband and the wife have jobs, then the remaining chores should be distributed evenly.

  • Gender inequality increases the rate of timidity in the society. This is so because a society were gender inequality is practised, people tend to feel less of themselves, reason being that they are downgraded because of their gender. Mostly, the female gender experience gender inequality the most because they are seen to be the weaker gender which makes it impossible to do almost everything. I feel like both genders should be treated equally to reduce the rate of timidity in the society.


  • Hello,
    The information that surprises me the most is education. I find it really unfair that women do not have access to education just because of their gender and it is really shocking how with all the advancement that has happened some tribes in Africa still abide by the custom that female children should not have access to education. An estimation of 28 million girls in Africa between the ages of 6-15 are not educated and this is really unfair. Personally, I see no reason why a child should be stopped from being educated just because of their gender. Everyone has a right to education despite their gender, everyone deserves to be treated equally because we are all human and we need to begin to look beyond gender because it really does not matter what gender you are because you still deserve justice and deserve to be treated fairly.

    1. I agree because..when it comes to education it should not be based on gender. But I would like to buttress the point you shared earlier on female education. I think that the reason why most parents don't get their female child educated is because they have this thinking that they would end up being house wives that just have to take care of the kids and so.some house chores.
      Taking Nigeria for example, particularly in the Northern part of the country the amount of female going to school is very few. This is because of the reason I stated earlier and this is common amongst the Hausa,Fulani's etc. Although the Nigeria government are already trying to encourage them about going to school.
      I think that could also be a discussion on " how to encourage females education".
      Looking forward to hearing your response about this

      1. I agree with you and many of these parents do this not because they don't want them to end up as housewives not that they do, but many of them are also afraid that their daughters could be exposed to things they don't want them to be exposed to.

      2. Hey there caring_spring,
        I could not agree more with you, most people do not send their female children to school because they feel they do not want to waste their money when their female children might just end up as housewives. This is one of the mentalities or social biases I strongly oppose. In the year 2016, in Nigeria there was a serious argument over the motion '' Women belong in the Kitchen '' as a result of a controversial statement made by the former Nigerian president.

        In my opinion, women are often limited to certain jobs cooking, cleaning, mainly household chores but a lot of people fail to see that women are more than capable of carrying out other jobs than just household chores and with education they can do even better. Everyone deserves to be given a chance to go to school and get educated. As said by John Dewey'' Education is not preparation for life, Education is life itself.'' Whether male or female, we all deserve to go to school and get proper education and as we advance, I feel we should begin to look beyond gender because I believe everyone deserves to be treated equally no matter what.

      3. I agree that education should not be based on gender. But I would like to answer this " how to encourage females education". I think that females education can be encouraged with the use of public enlightenment, if educational institution like the NUT in Nigeria enlighten the females on the positive impact of going to school, they would be anything they want to be like lawyers, accountants bankers doctors etc. they would be interested in going to school.
        I think that why parents don't allow their female child to go to school in the Northern part of the country might be because of the issues of insecurity, because it is reportef on the news that students get kidnapped mostly when they're at school.
        Tackling the issues of insecurity in the Northern part of the country can also encourage females education and the males also.
        What are your opinions on this?

        1. How could these serious issues be tackled, mindblowing_library?

  • Hello,
    I personally don't like the fact that women are unfairly treated in the world today and I despise the opinion of gender pay gap because I believe that everyone should be equally and fairly treated in the society.
    And also, I dare say that the idea of unpaid work is unintelligent because I would firstly like to ask 'why would women work and not be paid' that is very unfair and treacherous because I think that both genders should be fairly treated at all times because I don't see a reason why a woman would work and labor and not be paid at the end, that could cause hardship to the families of such women.
    Lastly, education is power and is also momentous and then I would also like to say that everyone has the right to be educated because when about 90percent of a country is literate and educated the country won't be backward but be well improved and forward, further having and advantage against other countries.
    THANK YOU!!!

  • The "Gender Pay Gap " surprises me the most since both men and women work with equal dedication and passion and if still a company prioritizes their male workers more than their female workers then it is no doubt inequality stirring up . In, many such cases women even don't get promoted or rewarded for their hard work whereas , men get promoted and rewarded even for their smallest efforts. This also happens since a whole lot of people can't accept a woman leading them . This can however be improved and it could become fair and in fact it is becoming better , the companies which once didn't hire a single woman are now having women to be seated in the top positions, despite soaring high inequality still exists . Women working as labors or factory workers are not yet paid enough and their safety and hygiene is not taken in care . Other challenges that women face are - not getting equal opportunities, not getting the chance and freedom to explore new fields, when ever a woman works outside her house she is guilt- tripped , ashamed, made to loose her self esteem and even worse harassed. If our society continues to be such stereotypical and unequal towards the women then we as a society will never grow.

  • Hi,
    I really find this topic very sensitive, I am really proud of the world as we have made a lot of progress concerning gender equality, but to me no matter what it will be nearly impossible to ever get that complete equality, unlike to equal cups of water women will always be less or slightly less than men, the sense that women are inferior to men still lingers around our world and to completely eradicate its essence will be almost impossible. The world has tried its best to make it possible but no matter what women will be either too "too weak" , " too emotional", " too this " or " too that", there will always be that problem or issue they have that restricts them from accessing opportunities and many other things. But to me these concepts are rather useless and false, men and women are the same, the only way you can differentiate them are from their physical traits, but you see there is more beyond the cover and that is what people are yet to accept. Like in the aspect of women being weak or too emotional, men do feel these emotions too but they have to suffer to hide them because of the notion the world has about them having to be emotionless and strong, women aren't weak just because they decide to express their emotions, if women are given the opportunity they will be able to do all the things they have been restricted from over the years exceptionally well. There is a saying my mom and other people always tell me " What a man can do, a woman can do better".
    Thank you!

  • The information that surprises as well as worries me most is about Pay - Gap between men and women! In a capitalist society, that is severely tilted towards Meritocracy, equal pay is not something we validly demand! What is expected though, is no discrimination amongst equally qualified people on the basis of Gender. No one has any right to deny a woman her basic rights to equal payment just because she was born a gender. And honestly, this is even baseless discrimination!
    The most vital way to achieve social equality is to first attain economic equality. The gender pay gap is a hindrance, that prevents women from achieving this economic equality. And if they can't stand on the same level as men with regards to the amount of cash they carry in their pockets and the weight of their bank balance, it will be harder for them to establish equality with men...
    Hence, I believe, Pay Gap is a crucial issue, that we HAVE to work on tackling. Or else...we have to wait longer, way, way longer, to achieve gender equality!

  • Nothing really surprises me. In my country Ghana, most men do not allow women to work and accepting women for positions is a whole other story. Women have a lot of restrictions around the world and excuses made to pass it along are that they are weak and fragile, how is a woman weak when they sit behind a desk or are they now going to say office work is a man's job. Many women are actually perfect for the jobs in which they are rejected and have a chance at being better than the men. I think that if women had the chance to show how good they are in some areas they would blow the men away, but they are not given the slightest chance. Sexism is also a problem women face. Many women face discrimination because they are "different" from men. Women and men actually stand on the same level. Men are physically strong, but women are strong in immunity (I used this because it is a common excuse. Men think of themselves higher than women but if it were to come down to listing the differences all women's shortcomings would be replaced by other strengths they have over the men, therefore there is no actual difference and their abilities may not be the same, but they have the same number of abilities. But there are biological differences between men and women. Men should not think of themselves any better than women and there should be fairness when both genders are looking for jobs, based on the position of both genders in a workplace, their pay should be equal and women souldn't be the only ones considered as house workers.

  • Hello Everyone,
    The piece of information that surprised me the most is that north Africa was counted amongst the few places that have made good progress in closing their pay gap. What makes this information suprising to me is that most times when African countries are called they are called for bad such as under development and fraud but it pleases me and makes me very proud of my continent at large that we are making good progress in life that we are counted amongst those who have made good effort in gender equality by closing up the gender pay gap in our region.

    Thank You.

  • The information that surprises me most is the one that men are paid more than women, what if a woman works more harder than a man it would not be fair at all for the man to still be paid more than the woman. I think for the one on pay, the salary of the women should be increased to 1 dollar too. On the issue of education, women should be educated too. On the issue of unpaid work the household chores should be shared equally among the family members. A lot of girls in the family also do a lot of unpaid work like babysitting their siblings. Many women are not allowed to work outside the home too.

    1. Yes,I agree with you because it also surprises me a lot. It is so gender bias because a lot of people belittle women and think that they can never get higher positions like that of the men. Well to me,I think it is their mindset, the way they have positioned their thinking and I think it is so because of the olden days and what was formally known that women's work starts and remains at home. If women do job's that needs to be paid more than the men, they should be paid and should never be discriminated anywhere.


    One of the major problems concerning the female gender that has been neglected for a long time now is their deprival of participation in political affairs in the country. Women are smart well talented and have a unique ability to multi task effectively yet with all these wonderful characteristics, men still insist on the motion that they are meant to be left in the kitchen and to take care of children only. Surely, this is not fair, they are humans like us so it is just bias to deprive them of their rights also given the fact that they are credible and well able to perform the tasks effectively. They should be left to rule and take charge. The painful fact is, if a women pushes to get into power in Nigeria, even her fellow women don't support her talk less about men. For a long time now we have been ruled by men and we have seen where it has gotten us to, it is almost a ritual to always see men in power in my country Nigeria. I feel we have had enough, we need women in our government because I feel they are ''the missing part of the puzzle'' we have been in search of.


  • This information shocks me and makes me sad every time I consider it. Women are treated unfairly and with contempt in society, and people frequently discriminate against them in the workplace. When they see a woman driving, they tell themselves to just look at her, but when they see a man, they feel proud because he is a man. However, I want people to remember that women are also human beings with the same fundamental rights as men, and I think that we, the younger generation, will change that as well as the mindset of other men.

  • In my opinion Women are not treated equality as men ' Unpaid work ' .
    This is the estimated value of Unpaid labour attributable to Women around the world . We're talking about things like household chores , childcare and caring for elderly.
    Unfortunately, housework has long been a task that's relegated to Women. So while Women in India spend 297 minutes per day on household work
    Subramania Bharati was a famous tamil writer and one of the greatest tamil poet
    Bharati believed absolutely, not only in the equality but also superiority of female over the male .
    In his essay , " THE PLACE OF WOMEN " he describes women kind as the civilised and therefore the spiritual superior of man.

  • I think that some women might choose to stay home rather than work because of the challenges in the workforce. As mentioned, women face the gender pay gap, where they are paid less than men for the same duties, which can influence their decision to stay home.

  • It really surprises me when people say that women are weaker or less capable than men are. It infuriates me that people really believe that women aren't capable of anything. They forget that women are those who brought them into the world, who cared and sacrificed for them. It's truly something that men won't be able to experience. I don't want to undermine men here, but it isn't fair that women are looked down upon. To make the situation fair for women, numerous efforts can be made such as equal pay, access to education, women empowerment, and many more. A great example of women empowerment is definitely the 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' initiative, which translates to 'Save Daughters, Educate Daughters,' taken by the Indian government to protect and educate females in India. Yet women all over the world still face challenges such as gender bias, discrimination, harassment, underrepresentation, violation of reproductive rights, stereotypes, etc.

  • Personally, I believe that the information that surprises me the most is surrounding education. In today's modern society it outrages me to see that women are still being deprived of what is in my country and what should be in every country, a basic human right. Seeing how much of a pay gap there is between both opposing genders shocks me enough, let alone witnessing women in other countries not even being given equal opportunities to men to see what they are capable of.

    I know that one country can't choose for the rest of the world, but it is vital that this becomes a situation that we can all agree upon. Men in power in countries, such as Afghanistan, aren't even giving women a chance and these are young girls who could all have very bright futures ahead of themselves if they were given the chance. However, I believe that one formal global discussion, or a few in fact, needs to take place in order to spread awareness and try to end the gender inequality in education.

    Another challenge in which women face is discriminatory behaviour. We are taught that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable towards anybody so why is it still happening? There are still too many stereotypes surrounding females that exist today, which can sometimes lead to our male counterparts thinking that it is ok to treat women differently when it truly isn't and never has been. We know that we can't make somebody think one way about things like this, but we need stronger and better ways of males being told that this isn't acceptable and further consequences will be applied if it were to carry on.

  • The gender pay gap is a significant issue that affects women, particularly in the workplace. Women should be treated equally if they can perform the same tasks as men. Businesses should be scrutinized to eradicate this gap, and laws should be enacted to ensure women's rights in the workplace. Women also face challenges such as lack of access to education, representation, and facilities that men have. Housework, a shared responsibility, is another area where women bear a disproportionate burden. Despite progress, there is still much work to be done to achieve true equality.

    The gender pay gap is a significant issue, with men often receiving more than women in the same job. Stereotypes about men being strong and hardworking and women being more maternal and motherly are also perpetuated. It is crucial to recognize that not all people fit into these stereotypes and work towards eradicating gender discrimination. By working towards gender equality, we can create a more balanced and equitable environment.

  • Truthfully, I am not surprised. Gender inequality is not today's news, it's been around since women were not permitted to go to school. But seriously the information that does not sit well with me is the gender pay gap. Its just not fair! Women are as equally talented as men, and sometimes even more talented. The is no reason to be bias to a woman, it's not like she had the choice to pick her gender. In particular, people always make the: motion women cannot drive. And it is sadder when women do it to other women.
    In conclusion, I think gender inequality has to change, there should be no biasment to women.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the one about the gender pay gap. I find the information about the gender pay gap particularly surprising. It's unfair, especially when women perform the same tasks as men for less pay. If they are doing the same job, they deserve equal pay. It's crucial to scrutinize every business to eliminate the gender pay gap. I believe that women are treated unfairly in the line of work because as more women are working you find that the way they get payed compared to men is completely unfair.
    Take this scenario:( let's say Lily and Tom are working at the same place and Lily does well with grammar completes work on time and does as asked to do.
    Lily got $4000 a month whilst Tom get $5000. This is not fair even though Lily works really hard and Tom lazies around this is not fair.)

  • I'm badly surprised by the fact that women might do up to 30% more unpaid work than men. This means they do a lot more chores at home without getting paid for it. To make things fairer, we need to talk about this more and make sure everyone knows about it. Companies and governments should make rules to pay men and women the same for the same job. Also, we should have more help for parents, like cheaper daycare and time off work for both moms and dads when they have a baby. Women also have a hard time getting top jobs because people think they're not as good as men. This isn't fair. Everyone should have the same chances no matter if they're a boy or a girl. We also need to stop violence against women and let them make choices about their own bodies. It's important for everyone to learn about these things and work together to make things better for everyone.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the relentless and persistent gender pay gap, in which women earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, nevertheless the progress being made in some areas. It's disappointing to know that this gap still exists upon all the efforts used to try and control it, indicating critical issues that need to be attended urgently.
    To make these situations more fair, proactive procedures need to be established at both societal and institutional levels. Such as supporting the motion equal pay for equal work, enforcing policies that increase economic stability, supplying affordable childcare initiatives and tackling gender criticism that reduce women's opportunities in the workforce section. Also funding education and training initatives that empower/enlighten women economically and socially can aid reduction in the gender pay gap and produce a more equally balanced society.
    Women face plenty other challenges asides gender pay gap due to gender inequality. Challenges such as little access to healthcare services, increased rates of domestic violence and sexual harassment, reduced participation in leadership positions and societal norms that result to gender criticism. Talking about these issues involves a wide and cooperative approach that highlights fighting barriers and promoting gender equality in the world at large.

  • All of this information surprised me but, what surprises me the most is women not being able to get education like men. I knew this, but I was just surprised that this problem still exists nowadays. I thought it had ended a long time ago.

    They should provide women more opportunities to be able to have better education. I think the government should allow everyone to learn no matter who they are. People shouldn’t discriminate against others because of their gender.

    Other challenges that women face are being judged and have high expectations from them. They expect women to act mature, look a certain way, eat a certain way, laugh a certain way, and do everything in a certain way. Their choices are limited, mainly controlled by men. Like when living in a household, there’s a “man” of the home.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the Pay. It is not fair to pay different amounts for the same position or job. I have realized that workers prefer males because they don't get pregnant and are always available. I think women should be given a strong education system. People think women belong in the kitchen which is not nice and because of this, parents take their sons to school and leave their daughters at home to learn how to cook. I think another problem is that women are not being payed attention to. The funny thing is that women are sometimes bias against women which makes the situation worse.

    1. You say that workers prefer males because they're always available. This might not always be true. There are reasons why men might not be able to work. I agree that being paid differently for the same job is wrong. How do you think we could address pay inequality?

    2. I'm not sure about this because...
      Some companies might like just ladies to work for them instead of men.
      Take this scenario:(Let say there is a company that work with babies they train other mothers that don't know anything about babies they can't use men for these activities.)
      So, this does not happen in all cases.

  • Hi fellow topical talkers please this is what I think.
    1. The information that surprises me the most is the pay because I never knew that there was a gap between the pay of men and women. I thought that every worker gets the same pay but when the worker has a higher position/rank then they get a higher or bigger pay. Also, I have never heard about it anywhere before.
    2. I feel that the easiest action that should be done is that no matter the gender, if they are in the same position, they should get the same pay because after all, since their rank is same, there is no job that one person is doing specially than the other.
    3. Other challenge that women face because of gender inequality is that they are bring mocked as ladies so they do not have that kind of strength men have and they are also doubted when it comes to work some people think that they are too weak and that they always have health issues but men have more strength.

    1. How could we address the misconceptions you state in point 3?

      1. Hello Harriet @ Topical Talk 😊
        I really love your question and I am happy to provide a reply. 😃
        To address this false impression, management should give women the opportunity to showcase their talent and see how well things should go. There can be a collaboration between a company and a women’s campaign that persuades people about the wonderful things women do for us. This should occur because, now the male youth have the mindset of a woman being too weak and is “uncapable”. This is very unfair so their ideologies should be corrected so that at least people can know that their youth respect women. “As women achieve power, the barriers will fall. As society sees what women can do, as women can see what women can do, there will be more women out there doing things, and we’ll all be better off for it”
        Quote By Sandra O’Connor
        SOURCES :
        Thank you so much for your time!!!

  • Hi topical talkers!
    The most surprising thing is that women still get paid less than men, with women earning only 77 cents for every dollar men earn. This shows there's still a big problem even though some places are improving.

    To make things fairer, we need to make sure everyone gets paid the same for the same work. We also need to help out with things like childcare so women don't end up doing more unpaid work at home.

    Besides earning less, women also struggle to get top jobs, face violence because of their gender, and don't always have control over their own bodies. Fixing these problems means making big changes in how the people treat women in society.

    Thank you!!

  • Nothing from here surprises me. I have heard a lot of times people say that women are not equal to men. I disagree with it because all of us have the same rights. I believe that some things we can do to improve the situation are the below:
    1.Women must be paid as men.
    2.All people , women and men , have the right to education.
    3.Stop the unpaid works of women and pay them.
    4.More and more countries have to close the gender pay gap.
    This my opinion.Thank you for read it.

  • The information surprise me was unpaid it is genuine unfair that in the same work men are getting 23 cents more than women get . I agree that woman are more weaker than man but if thy are putting same efforts than they should paid equally and if women have same skill as the man but people will choose men because in their prescription woman are weaker and men can do more work overall i feel that if woman is putting same efforts as man than they should get equally paid .

  • The information that surprised me the most is the story about EDUCATION. In the past of Nigeria, women were not allowed to go to school because they were referred to as slaves, they were meant to take care of the home and the family only but not knowing that woman can do great things like Chinyere Kalu the first female Nigerian to fly a plane even Dora Akunyili who got about one hundred awards as we can see women can do a lots of things if we let them to, just like the way these women did we won't be like this anymore. I ogre women to go to school and study to be great people.

    1. I agree because in my country Nigeria, in the olden days, women were not allowed to attend school because men said that if they go to school they will be impregnated and they should stay home and learn how to knit, cook, sew clothes, socks etc. Most africans especially Nigerians believe that women's education ends in the kitchen because a woman is believed to be a housewife.
      Gender inequality was a really normal thing before because women were not allowed to drive cars but to just enter buses and take public transports. When a woman, Funmilayo Ransome Kuti came to existence, she tried to stop this, she became the first Nigerian woman to drive a car and she also led a woman cooperation. She tried her best just to start a little way to stop gender inequality.
      In conclusion, I think that the world should be able to stop the problem that we are having now so that the world will be a better place and women especially will be very happy because the world will be equal.

      1. I agree I think that the men are scared of the women taking away there job's or taking over the whole economy normally women are believed to be housewives in our country Nigeria but now both men and women can be breadwinners in a family all women deserve equal rights as all men do the inequality of women has just widened the gap in gender inequality, racism, and gender bais.

  • All of the information listed above are useful, the first point is not fair as a lady does the same work as a man and they reduced her salary this is so not right, and this shows that you do not value the female workers, everyone whether male or female deserves to be treated equally in all aspects of their life because they are humans and the human rights is not called the men's rights but it is called the human rights because it was made for everyone irrespective of color or gender, women should be treated equally as men, lowering their salary because of their gender to me is wrong, this is a Biase activity that should be removed .
    Women also face many more challenges like lack of education and many more, to make my point clear, anything a man is allowed to do a woman should also be allowed to do, they should also treat a lady as they would treat a man.
    Thank you for seeing my points.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the fact that for every dollar a man earns, on average a woman earns 77 cents. This is surprising because on a low level scale, like this example, it doesn't matter that much. But if a man earns $100,000 a month, a woman earns around ~$77,000. This is nearly a $25,000 difference, which is enough to buy a car or a house. I feel that we can change gender inequality with a specific strategy from Atomic Habits. In the said book, the author talks about changing 1% every day, which we can do to change gender inequality. As the author had said, if we change 1 thing every day, we'll end the year nearly 37 times better. other challenges women face because of gender inequality is the amount of work they do for free. For example, before the 1900's, they had zero rights. they were forced to give their money to their husband or any other male relatives.

  • In my observation there is gender unequality exists not just in salaries I think it is about to workload too. Because women are sincere and obedient rather than men and work hard to achieve their goals but men are less interested and lazy to do work on time. That's why women face workload rather than men. As we can say who work hard then we give more responsibility to him.

    1. You've made some strong generalisations here about men and women which aren't true for all men and all women. Why should people avoid making generalisations like this?

      1. Hello, Katie @ Topical talk.
        Personally speaking, everyone should be treated fairly and should all be given equal judgements towards all affairs. In my humble opinion, I would say we should avoid making generalizations because it is simply making assumptions on matters that are not always true which could lead to unnecessary arguments. With generalizations, some people with tender emotions may feel discouraged to achieved what he/she will have been able to achieve. It could also affect our ability to relate with others as we might have diluted our mindset with our own perspectives towards different people's character.
        Thank you.

  • Hello
    In my country, one big challenge women face because of gender equality is their misrepresentation in government. It say that there has been no female president of Nigeria since our independence in 1960. It has been said that only 10% of contestants in Nigeria are women, the first being Sarah Jibril, who was said to run for president on four occasion but yet never won. The problem in Nigeria is that we have refused to give women a chance in running the country, even we as women won't vote for our fellow women because of the mindset instilled in us that women are subordinate to men.
    Thank you

    1. What could be done to make it more likely that there will be another female leader in Nigeria in future, coherent_perspective?

  • The information that surprised me was the payment gap. Absolutely No one thought that men take more than women, yet they do the same thing and purpose but women take less than men therefore sometimes women work to help their parents or children because
    no one is with them. I think that women can be tricked easily so that they have less because there is no evidence instead of that one. I think that they need to make their wages the same accurately and add overtime payments which is when you work more time than the time set in the contract you take more for example: if you take in 8 hours working 80 dollars so if you worked 9 hours you will get 90 dollars.

  • Hello,
    I want to say that all of them make me sad and I cannot undermine anyone of these pieces of information but, if left with a choice I would choose "PAY GAP." I have chosen this issue because... it looks to affect all the other issues in concerning women rights. I'm surprised by this because... I personally thought that everyone was paid according to what they can do and what they achieve.
    What I think can be done is to make this situation fairer is by applying direct assessment on the work(quality) which someone has done before paying them irrespective of their gender. This would help women that are even more hard working than men to get the right amount of money that is due to them, this will also help to eliminate pay gap as managers personally look forward to the value of the work done.
    Women also face other challenges, and one of those troubles is the type of work they are allowed to do. I have noticed this especially in Africa, for example I am a woman in some places that I go I may not even be allowed to work and if I was eventually allowed, I would only be allowed to do domestic work. I think that treating people differently because of their status is a backward way of thinking and I think that everyone is equal irrespective of their features.


  • It's important to understand that gender equality have come so far and forward from what it used to be and it have made really big impacts in various society and various job sector. Nowadays women and girls are more open about their place in society and how they get opportunities to do various things, for example in the current scenario we can imagine a girl can lead a company but if you were for the 90s , the 1980s or well before that, it’s hard for you to imagine that because they always thought women weren’t capable of handling these men or the mental work, . In my opinion this is a improvement. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that men shouldn't do these jobs and they should leave all positions to women, in my opinion it's about who should get the job and if a woman deserves that particular job, or she has the ability to do it, why not? Let her do it and pay her the same as her male counterparts. I think there are common misconceptions about feminism that need to be addressed. Feminism is not about degrading or dominating men; Rather, it is about equality and empowerment of all genders. When women advocate for feminism, we advocate for the same opportunities and respect that men often take for granted. We are simply asking for the opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle, pursue a career, have a family, and engage in any endeavor without facing undue scrutiny or barriers simply because of our gender. It’s frustrating to constantly face questions and doubts about our abilities, especially when men aren’t subject to the same scrutiny. All we ask is the freedom to prove ourselves according to our skills, merits and ambitions, just like men. Let us grow with you equally.

  • In reference to my country, the information which surprises me the most is that women are expected to do unpaid work and simply look after chores such as- looking after the family and children, managing all the household chores etc.
    Since childhood, girls are considered as a burden for the family and is not given much educational sources and emotional support. On the other hand, boys are given full freedom to complete their education with a concern that they will earn money and fulfill their desires in future. A woman, after marriage, is expected to just serve for the family and look after all the household managements. During motherhood, women are likely to look after the child 24/7. Even if she's working outside, she has to manage both the sides.
    On the contrary, when a man is working and earns money, he is respected and is given high salaries. He just comes home and relaxes. His contribution in household is negligible.
    Thus, it is a relief that these stereotypes are decreasing and the trend is changing. Hopefully, in the future, these unpaid chores of women shall be appreciated and given importance.

    1. I see what point you are trying to make, however you have also fallen into a "stereotype" trap here. In your example you mention "unpaid chores of women" and say "when a man is working he earns money". This enforces the wrong, stereotypical view that a woman should not go to work, when actually both men and women can go to work -- and both men and women could work in the home.

      1. Well, I am not being stereotypical. In reference to my country, it is seen that men are paid more when they do any sort of work but the chores of women are not respected enough and they aren't paid much for their work.

  • For years and years, there has been stereotypes both for men and women. Although, these stereotypes have made men seem better than women as women are seen as 'weak' or 'dependent.' I believe that it is unfair for women to have less pay than men, are treated differently, and have different education then men. To start, women are treated differently than men as people think women are less than them. During sport games, men get more attention as women, even though they play the same sport. Dress codes at schools are also unfair as women can't show their knees, shoulders, and more while if men show any of those no one will say anything about it. Also, women get less pay than men; this has been an ongoing thing as women nowadays still earn 17% less than men. Women also get more education than men but still get played less. All in all, I believe that there should be inequality as women can do the same things men can as we are all human.

  • One information that surprises me the most is women are more likely to do more unpaid work at home. Men are doing 30% less unpaid work than women such as taking care of their family members and doing households chores. I thought everyone does the same duty equally as my dad help my mom in household chores. As a family it should be everyone's responsibility to look after their family members . Every men should help his mother, wife or sister at her household chores.

    Various actions can be taken to make these situations more fair such as :
    1.Governments and organizations can implement policies and regulations to ensure equal pay for equal work.
    2. Encouraging diversity in leadership positions can foster a more inclusive work environment.
    3. Companies can provide equal opportunities for both men and women.
    4. Offering flexible work arrangements including remote work and flexible hours can help address the unequal burden of unpaid work often placed on women.
    5. The government should promote education and skills training for women so that they can break social stereotypes.

    There are many other challenges that a woman faces because of gender inequality. Sometimes they are not equally treated as men in their houses. They don’t get quality maternal healthcare, maternity leave and childcare support.

  • One thing that shocked me is that 380 million women and girls live in poverty due to gender inequality. This fact appalled me so much because I thought that most gender inequality resided in the workplace. It's honestly unacceptable that hundreds of millions of women and girls are struggling due to their gender. Not only is this an easy fix, but reduces world poverty by a 54.29 % decrease. A solution to solve this is to be more open to people of different genders just like a male teacher or a female mechanic There's no reason that women have to give 110% to only get a little back and if we give 100% it's not enough. But for men, can give 50% and get a raise. Opening more jobs or roles to women can also break the cycle of double standards in the workplace or anywhere can also help too. This can be said for how feminine products have taxes, and how girls are being married off under 12! Overall it's unacceptable how women are prejudiced and in general gender inequailty should be on the list of world problems that need to be fixed.

  • As a woman, the information that surprises me the most is that women are paid less than men because women do the same tasks as men. Some things that could be done to make situations more fair is give every gender the same salary and education. Education should be the same for every gender because women have the same amount of knowledge as men. Some challenges women face because of gender inequality are unemployment. This is because most women stay at home to do household chores and to take care of their children this makes them do unpaid work. Overall, women should have the same amount of diversity and equality as men.

  • It is true that in many years ago women had less rights than men.
    In 1848 was a day that marked the first change when it was signed the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments as I read it on the internet.
    Today women have the same rights as men but the inequality between the genres still exists in a way.
    In specific countries women don't have the rights as they should be but the most annoying is the fact that women don't have the right to get paid the same.
    This really annoys me because some of them are working harder than men.
    They do the chores, they look after the children, they work on industries,and they still get paid less.
    When I get older I have a dream to be the one that will stop this. Without women the world wouldn't exist so we have to treat them equally. We are all equal

  • The one that really surprised me the most was the unpaid work. This surprised me because I never really thought of this as I always thought everyone does chores and at home work without pay, but this made me come to realize that some men do often get paid for does at home chores. I believe that this can be solved by making sure that women are paid what they deserve. Especially when it comes to chores or babysitting. Some other challenges women face are a lack of recognition. Women often have to work twice as hard as a man to actually receive credit or recognition for an achievement

  • What surprised me the most is the pay gap between women and men, and this is the first time I'm hearing about it. Both sexes have fundamental human rights, and we shouldn't favor one over the other. Think about it, there's a saying that when you educate a woman, you educate a nation, showing the important role women play.

    The skills a female teacher shows when teaching young children, like cuddling, singing, dancing, and even acting like them, are unmatched when compared to asking a man to teach them. It's rare to find a man teaching in such a class, so why should there be a difference in payment?

    The only way to make the situation more fair is by appreciating the women and making payment uniform.

  • The information that surprises me the most is that education plays such a crucial role in increasing/decreasing the pay gap between men and women. Women are equally worthy of the revenue they should receive after their hard work. The main reason for this is the lack of education of opportunities for women in rural areas. People living in rural areas are of a medieval mindset and think of women as a burden on their families. Thus they kill the girl in the foetus stage. New education policies and large-scale mottos and slogans should be introduced by the government the face this challenge.
    One more challenge that I think is faced by women is the sex ratio in different regions. Gender inequality makes people think of women as inferior and reduce the number of women in the world.

    • The information that surprises me more is the " Progress in Closing in the gab in Gender Pay Wage in Northern America, Middle East and North Africa", this because the mentioned countries are mostly viewed to be strict with women in terms of; Religion, Culture and Societal views that men are more regarded.

    • "What could be done to make the situation more fair" is to continue awareness creation in showing the Potentials and Impact of women in the society.

    • Other challenges women face as a result of Gender Inequality are;
    - Low self esteem
    - Overriding by men
    - Hidden Skills and Talents

  • I believe another challenge women face is in employment. Employers often prefer hiring men over women because they assume married women may frequently be absent from work due to marital responsibilities, such as caring for a sick child or during maternity leave. So for these reasons,
    men have tendency to secure a job faster over women.

  • In my opinion, another major challenge women will face is GETTING POOR. This is because when women are poor; they wouldn’t be able to provide for their families and meet up with their demands in hard times. Majority of people in my continent believe and follow the laws of their religions. Most religions in my continent (AFRICA) believe that women should stay with the children and take care of the homes while the Men should work and look for money to take care of the family needs.
    In some Countries, Areas, Villages and Rural areas, Women secretly go to work and cannot boldly provide for their families, hence they can be easily cheated or abused and their secrete effort to work may end up becoming a wasted effort and time.

  • For me, I think the most surprising one is UNPAID WORK because if Women do not get jobs to provide for their families they will lack;
    1. Money for Protection (against sicknesses, diseases, infections, theft)
    2. Life insurance
    3. Happiness that comes with wealth
    4. Mental health and physical health balance
    Well, most local/rural communities have a belief that they have been following (e.g. the beliefs of their ancestors that is not in support of gender equality.
    Once someone has been following something or doing something for a long time, it is very hard to stop doing it or believing in it.

  • What surprises me the most is the fact that Women get paid less than men do just because the men are believed to be more superior than man. This is actually not fair because women's hard work can never be appreciated at work as the males will be favoured more. Businesses should ensure that there is fairness. When there is a woman that is working really hard and truly deserves a raise, they should get it and not sideline them because they are women. There should be gender equality. Women mainly face these challenges because they are expected to just stay at home and wait for their husbands to come back from work which is actually unfair. Women should be allowed to work if they want to and not looked down upon. Women are capable of so much more than just being a stay at home wife while their husbands go get the money.

    1. How you think think business can ensure it is fairer?

  • The gender pay gap is the thing which surprises me and i think it will surprise everyone because people don't think that women's are also doing the work equally as compares to women, then why are paid less. So many women's have made history whether it is sports, education, etc. Women's are getting educated but in some rural areas the people who have old mindset are not letting a girl child educate and this is not right. Girls below the age of 18 years are working only for money. But in my country there's a rule which say's that children's below the age of 18 are not allowed to work, and this a very good rule. But then also some people make their child work. It's a women duty to look after her family members i agree but it is also a men's duty to look after his family members. Women's should do the household chores but they should also get the freedom to do what they want. If freedom is given to men then freedom should also be given to women.

    1. What do you think could be done to make the situation regarding gender pay gap more fair?

      1. I think people should support women's in this as they are also doing the work so they should be paid equal. But as this is not happening i think there should be a law which should be passed everywhere that if women's are working in office or anywhere then they should be paid equal to the mens and the government should take the approval of this. If people will get educated then they will never do this so people should get educated. Women empowerment programmes or the programmes which show the great work done by women's should be done so people will get to know about the importance of women. The hardwork they do to earn money so people should pay equal to both. These things may help to make the situation regarding gender pay gap more fair.

  • In my perspective for there to be a perfect balance of pay the work of every individual should be measured and paid based on what was measured.
    I believe in this act we can gain some thing, so I thought of a way that both the world and women could have something to benefit from, what I thought was that there should be more businesses that women are in control, and this way more businesses means that new ideas are formed up everyday to help people ease their work.

    1. Can you tell me more about how the businesses you think women should be in control of?

  • The information about the gender pay gap surprises me the most. I believe that this could be considered clear injustice because both men and women put in the same efforts then why difference in the pay? Secondly, if you see in depth, women work more harder than men for the same work because its nor as easy to go for work as it is for the man. There are several reasons for that like family restrictions for girls, travelling late at night alone could also be dangerous for women, pressure of household chores, etc.
    For this Governments must enact and enforce laws that require equal pay for equal work, ensuring that women are paid the same as men for performing the same job. Also strict actions must be taken against any inequality

    A challenge I feel that women face due to gender inequality is household chores, taking care of the family and all is somewhere or the other considered the women's responsibility only. Why so? Even when the Man and the woman work the same, earn the same amount of money, the woman still has the responsibility of managing the house also. I think that if both work the same, then both men and women should contribute in the household chores and in taking care of the family too.

  • The information that shocks me more is that women get paid less than men. Why I find it shocking is because, women also work very hard and I also think that women work more than
    men because, if they do any outside job, they would have to come back and cook the food, do the household chores, and also take care of the children [if there are any ]. So that is why I think at best, men and women should be paid equally.


  • I don't think sexism misogyny or any type of gender inequality is acceptable whether you're a man or woman. It is also important that both genders have positive role models and influences in the media so it's very good that different female role models are emmerging

    1. What do you think people of all genders in the public eye can do to be positive role models?

      1. They can do good things like charity work or donations or just good wills to inspire people and make people look up to you so they could do the same they could also stand for stopping certain issues like climate change racism misogyny influencing positively on others

  • I think it is discraseful that women are getting paid less that men, were all human aren't we were all the same but just like different things and are different genders. People shouldnt have to work harders and longer juts to get the same amout of money as men. It knocks me sick to think that some women are stuggling to try to live just because there getting less money and some of you might be thinking 77 cents might not be allot but that is for every dollar. Like Pink products, why dose it have to be so expecive to buy sanitary products, women shavers, shampoos and conditioners. It should be the same amount are mens product. What makes a man so much different from a woman
    It should be stopped immediatley

    1. Hello, adaptable_hummingbird.
      I see where you are coming from but considering the fact that women usually choose some particular fields such as nursing, teaching, etc. It is thereby assumed by others that they may not to be able to perform other jobs done by men which could make a man's job seem very exceptional as it is seen or assumed that only men are able to perform such tasks. In some cases, some women have a poor mindset which states that "as long as they are able to meet up their needs", they are okay with their pay. I feel this is wrong because from the start, women did not really show much concern about gender equality which is currently affecting them negatively. One of my favorite saying states that "in this world, you only get what you grab for". Women can still have a chance of getting equally paid by showing their worth and importance and should try to perform in every field of work.
      Most of the fields chosen by women are seen as inferior as they can also be performed equally and probably better by men. For example, the cooking aspect. Over the years, cooking has been dominated by women but records state that men have been holding world records for cooking. Women hold a great price and should not hold back. As Geena Dunne Anderson will say, "It isn't about making women stronger. Women are already strong; it's about changing the way the world perceives that strength". We have the power to choose the end of the story, it is your choice to make a difference.
      THANK YOU.

  • What surprises me the most, is that on average women are paid less than men and the gender pay gap. Personally, i believe gender should not get in the way of your abilities, if you do the EXACT same amount of work as a man or someone of opposite gender and you are the same level, you SHOULD receive the same amount of money for that amount as you give away the same amount of your time. They dont deserve to be paid less.
    To make these situations more fair, businesses should completely erradicate the idea of gender deciding pay and pay those who do the same job with the same amount of work with the same experience, the same amount of money. Laws should be put in place to fight with womens rights in the workplace. Other challenges women face of gender inequality is education, they are not provided and they are denied education in some countries simply based on a gender. In afghanistan, at some point they ruled that women shouldnt be able to go to school and should be married off for money or forced to do house work. This is completely unacceptable and they should be given the same opportunities as men.

  • I think women face lots of challanges in society for lots of reasons. Here are some:
    1. Stereotypes- Women have it the hardest with this side of society as throughout history women have been sexualised and treated like objects. Women have always been seen as inferior made to work at home and clean. Their main job was take care of the family and clean everything relieing on no one to help. Now as women try work they are still treated inferior when they do basic jobs told to go back to the kitchen and to have children. Women who have kids and work are neglectful and abusive while those who dont are selfish and cruel for not helping the population which sickens me as we now try escape these bounds.
    2. Beauty standards- Women have been expected to look certin ways throughout time and still now. Women in korea have to be thin and pale like angels while in places in Nigiria have to be plump but not too fat. Women are told to gain wieght, lose wieght, show more skin but not too much or else you are showing off. Those influencers we see on line (not all) promote one way to look and act, to wear makeup, how dress. Young girls are already effected by this from kids younger than 10 wearing makeup to fit in and look nice. This is a huge factor.
    3. The pay gap- Women are constantly undermind in the workplace causing them work harder to be seen as an equal which women shouldn't need to do in the first place, they are equals as much as society chooses they arent. They do so much but are paid much less then makes so when you think about it is wrong. For every $1 a man makes women make 77p which makes me feel just angry.
    People say men and women are equal but after typing this it is clearly not true and we need fix it.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Who do you think is responsible for these beauty standards?

  • In my perspective it is generally accepted that women have to cope with more multitasks, such as home, family , work.
    Despite advances in women's rights , they are still have to bear the burden of household chores. Sometimes this can lead to prioritizing them over their personal and professional development.
    Thankfully these days there seems to be a more equal perception between men and women on sharing households .
    It could be promising that governments could support these women by providing them necessary grants or opportunities to balance both career and family.

  • The information that surprised me they most is they gender pay. I think that women are paid should be paid equally because both are human beings and are not supposed to be cheated. If they continue to cheat women it can lead to a protest because it is not right. To make they pay fair we can organize programs teaching that cheating is bad,form safe protest against gender equality.

  • The pay fact shocked me the most. I always thought that the gap was way bigger. But, that goes to show how far we have come, but it is not time to stop until pay is fully equal between men and women. We can make this problem more fair by raising the minimum wage,increasing workplace unionization, and making education my accessibility for women. These solutions will not stop the unfairness , but will slow and stop the unfair treatment of women. Some other problems women face are violence, inadequate healthcare, and pressures to live up to society's standards of being a female.

  • I actually disagree with"Women are more likely to do unpaid work at home. For example, looking after family members or household chores. Women may be doing as much as 30% more unpaid work than men."I feel like that's called being a wife or a mom In a traditional household the man does not do as much "unpaid work" Because they have a job. Even in non-traditional households the person that's not at work will do "unpaid work". And even the term unpaid work does not make sense because if you are taking care of a family member then you should be doing it for LOVE not some stupid money.

    1. I am quite confused on what your exact statement is but even then, women still go unrecognized for all the hard labor they go through. You always see people congratulating others (typically men, if we are talking about traditional households) for getting a promotion or for working hard but there is absolutely no praise or even recognition for mothers. I do agree that mothers should be taking care of a family member out of love but remember, there are people who are caretakers as an actual profession. These workers get paid for taking care of others but not mothers, how is this fair?

  • The one that surprises me the most is the one about the gender pay gap because women and men are the same we both are humans and should all be treated equally. However, if women or men have a short role in their job they are doing then they might be payed a more lower price than other members. Although, if a woman is doing the same job as a man then the women should not be paid less than a man just because of their gender. Also, in some jobs the people there either treat the men better than the women or the women better than the men. But on either side I think that both should be treated the same way no matter what. In addition to this, if women are performing the same role or job then they should be paid the same amount. Furthermore, women don't just face these challenges they also need to face not getting any education and not being cared for more or being treated equally.

  • Hi!
    The statistics really shock me and make me feel worried about the future. I think, we should start prioritizing about gender equality. The two facts that shocked me the most were the ones related to education and unpaid work. I think that in the 21st century as we are, there shouldn't be more difficulties to study whatever you would like or you want. Difficulties to study should be avoided and prohibited since if we don't let people study what they really want, we're harming ourselves as a society. If we have people who work on things they don't really like, we will have a society in which everyone works discontented. If there aren't passionate workers who work because they like their job, what will the world be like?
    Also, I was surprised when I read that women are more likely to do unpaid work at home, since in the environment I surround myself, that really isn't happening any more.
    To improve the situation and to make it more fair, I think it’s important to take action by starting to punish those that do not respect laws that ensure the equality between women and men. Also, it would be great if there’s a global international meeting in which some aspects such as equality are being discussed.
    In my opinion, women are at a disadvantage with respect to men not only in matters of laws but also in physiological aspects. For example, during their menstruation, some women are quite affected, so it would be a great idea if there are some benefits or advantages for them such as free hygiene products or specialized doctors.
    Little by little, we would make a better society in which everyone feels comfortable and doesn't feel in disadvantage regarding others by just being a woman or man.
    It's quite sad to think that we aren't improving a lot in what gender equality respects. That weakens us as a planet.

  • Hello
    The information that surprised me the most is the gender pay gap, which says that for every dollar that men earn, women earn 77 cents. I think this is very unfair because it does not make sense that women are payed less money if they are doing the same task for the same time as men.
    I think that to make this situation fairer and more reasonable, every business should make sure that there is no gender gap and both men and woman are being paid the same amount of money.
    Another challegne that women face is that somepeople think that man should do construction-related jobs, or jobs which are involved with cars like mechanics. People also think that women should be babysitters and jobs related to take care of small children, just because they are women.

  • In an ideal world gender equality would not be an issue. I think that we are in a changing society that on its own tries to reshape values and perceptions.
    For me these are the first stages into a transforming world where gaps between genders, races will disappear in the future. I believe there is still work to be done because it's not the same in every country where religions, wars or governments have delayed these change.
    Nevertheless I think that we are just in the right direction and people seem to understand it more than ever.

  • I would like to talk about Education.
    Some "men" say women belong at the kitchen, so they don't need Education, but this is wrong.
    Every single person needs Education because:
    It is a human right and a powerful driver of development.
    It reduces poverty and improves health, gender equality, peace, and stability.
    It delivers large, consistent returns in terms of income.
    It is the most important factor to ensure equity and inclusion.
    It opens up job prospects, encourages brain development, teaches life skills and increases likelihood of financial security.
    Take this scene:( Let's say Lily says dad pls can I go to school he says no women are supposed to be in the kitchen.)
    Education is about learnin if any mother does not have so how would she learn how cook.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the gender pay gap. From my point of view is not fair that women get less paid than men for doing exactly the same job for the same hours. Gender can't be a factor for deciding how much to pay because it does not make any kind of sense. If we want to make this situations more fair then I think that laws should be changed so is ilegal from now onwards to pay less a person for their gender. The laws changes would be the most important factor for improving the situation but another thing that we can try to do is to control certain jobs for assuring that both men and women are working. The truth is that being a woman is not easy because of all the gender inequalities that has been established mainly by society. Women may challenge hard social rules and cultural practice. For explaining myself I am going to say one example of this challenges. Maybe, society or people in general apply certain bad things to woman, not meaning only because of jobs but also because of expressions used commonly or bad ideas always related to women.

    1. I agree with with what you said, just wondering what you would suggest to minimise this gap?

      1. Hi!
        In order to minimize this gap I would suggest to raise the wage floor of jobs and encourage a greater diversity in all kind of jobs in any sector. The reason I said this two things is because there are two things which nowadays is feeling apart and maybe to include those suggestions could improve actual problems such as the pay gap between men and women. However, there are many things that can be suggested to minimize this gap but putting this two would be a good start.

        Thank you for taking your time to replying my previous comment.

  • Gender inequality is a big thing nowadays and we haven't found a solution yet. But, in my opinion genders are equal right now more than ever to the things that they can be equal at. For example, one year ago there was the men's football world cup and the women's football world cup. Men by playing in the world cup they nearly earned one billion dollars while women earned around forty to fifty million dollars. That became a reason for a lot of women to protest about that thinking that this was an injustice. The only thing that they didn't realise is that the money that men was because of the interest that they brought to the world to spectate every game. To conclude there might be some things that genders are not equal to but some other that make genders definitely equal to eachother that we haven't thought of.

  • Most of this information surprises me. Most women don't get a lot of pay, which is pretty unfair. Everybody should get equal rights. If men get paid for doing little work, but women don't get paid equal when they do more than enough work, it would be unfair. Education also isn't very fair for women. Men only get better education because they're more "hardworking". Women can do as much as a man can, so it makes it unfair if only men get paid, or if they only get good education. Everybody should be equal, no matter the cultural difference, the gender, the beliefs or how they live. The progress we've made is progress, but it's very little, so people need to work together to make a difference.

  • The piece of information that shocked me the most is that plenty of women in the past had no education and the existence of this tragic situation is still common in some places. In my perspective, most people have doubts that women can lead or women are sometimes better than men in some cases, these are all racist concerns, but according to my opinion, I think that lack of education can be one of the most pathetic problems that could ever be caused due to the presence of these reasons, such as:
    1.lack of education and cultural interests , for example some people aren't fully educated which can make them lose interest in educating their own children.
    2. Not providing much expenses for the sake of education, I believe that this reason is a major and ever so common problem, it is especially common in roughly poor areas around the globe.
    3. Disbelieving in women , this is also a very commonly found issue which is diagnosed as racism, unfortunately, a lot of people still believe that women are useless and do not deserve to be well educated like men, which is obviously extremely wrong but thankfully it is not as common now as in the past.

  • Hello,
    I personally think the most shocking is that women do 30% more unpaid work than men . I think this is because nearly a 25% of the female population is a stay at home mum which could involve taking care of the child and cleaning up around the house . This is compared to around 7% of males that are stay at home dads . This is a big difference because statistically would mean women are doing more unpaid work rather than doing the work and getting paid .
    On the the hand people might say might say that the gender pay gap is the most shocking . They might think this because men are earning 23 cents more for the same amount of work they are doing . A example of is this female footballers earn £47,000 a year in one the highest leagues compared to the male which gets £3 million pounds a year .
    Overall I believe that the most shocking is unpaid work that women do not get paid for . This is because taking care of a child and a house is a lot of work that they are not getting recognized for . I think this could be solved the government setting up a plan and making a stay at home mum / dad a career so it feels better to work so much .
    Thank you for reading ,
    Good day .

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

      1. Hello Chloe . I found my evidence at the website called,given%20up%20their%20jobs%20over%20the%20past%20year.
        Thank you for your question .

  • The information that surprises me mostly is the pay average that men make compared to how much a woman makes daily. When you look up most successful businesses in the world you usually see a male face pop up with at least 3.5 billion in their net -worth but if you look up a woman with success you will see a quarter of that amount. I believe that men make more than woman because of the stereotype that men will be greater than woman in the “man-made” world. So the overall pay would be considered less. Which brings a huge impact to gender inequality because this shouldn’t be occurring we are all human beings after all.

  • I think it's not fair because say football there are men's football cards but there aren't women's cards. I also think that on Youtube there are lots of men's football videos but not women's football videos online like say with Ronaldo and Messy they have lots off videos but not women football players like when Jill Scot played I never saw her on videos. So i think it's unfair that the men are more well known on football and in stadiums in men's football all of the seats are filed but it's not like that in women's football and that needs to change!

  • i dont think it is fair that men see women as people who can only cook and clean and look after the kids when the men at school also that women cant drive so when men see women driving they say nastey thinks to them

  • The gender pay gap has indeed really surprised me. Because women shouldn't be paid less if they do the same jobs as men and maybe a woman can be better at the job then a man. That's not fair at all if women are getting paid less for doing the same jobs and tasks as men. I think that each job that any woman or man get paid the same and not just women getting paid less than a man. So I believe that women should get paid the same amount as men so that it's fair. Women have done some extremely hard jobs. So why should they get paid less than men?

  • The piece of information which suprised me the most was the one about pay. It isn't fair that some woman don't get paid as much as men just because men have higher potential of being physically stronger. This applies in many areas of sport such as football. A woman's game is just as interesting as a man's, however, they are much,much cheaper.
    If you were to go on a sports news page, such as BBC Sport, there is much more news on men than there is on women. The Ballon d'Or award began for men in 1956 whereas the same award for women oly started in 2018, I find this truly shocking. The average man in the Premier League will earn around £3,000,000 anually and the annual salary for players in the Women's Super League is around 47,000.

    1. Hello, vivacious_engine @ topical talk.
      I concur with your stated point because... I have a hard time trying to consider the fact that we are all human beings but are being treated unequally. I feel that the issue of unequal pay in women's sport could be solved by the following steps.

      1) Be an advocate for equal pay in women's sport: An advocate can simply be defined as a person who publicly recommends or supports a particular policy. In this case, we are expected to vouch for women as much as men because over the past years, history has proven it that men have been given more pay than women in the fields of sports, which is wrong.

      2) Fair media coverage: Media coverage is simply referred to as the creating of awareness about a particular topic through forms of broadcasts and other digital platforms. Men and women sports should all be advertised equally on different media platforms to enhance the largeness of the sports community which creates a wider chance for other opportunities.

      3) Lastly, speaking on what we can all do as regular citizens, we could also play a crucial role in women's sports by raising awareness in every way because the more people concerned about the issue of women getting less paid than men, the stronger the community gets. As one of my favorite quotes by Hellen Keller states that, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Together, we can fight the issue of unequal pay to women in the aspect of sports and every other aspect.

      In conclusion, we all play a crucial role in fighting for the rights of women. Nobody is exempted.
      THANK YOU.

  • In a general view it is true that men are paid more than women. But I believe that this is changing slowly and it sometimes depends on the types of jobs. For instance in some jobs such as a make up artist, hairdresses teacher women tend to be more in numbers and they feel more respected there.
    But nowadays this is just not the case.
    They are more powerful and we can see women in jobs such as lawyers, managers and so on.
    I believe that every country has its bias and standards and that is why some women are still considered less powerful.

  • The information that surprises me most is that women are paid less then men. I think that this is injustice for women because they are also equal to men in efforts and etc.
    Government should help womens in closing their gender pay gap. Although I am not a girl but I support women because in this case are right.

  • Hi
    I think it is unfair for women because they may finish university first but it is harder to get a job because people think men would do a better job.In my opinion I think that it is very important that we know how much women get paid for instance football the men in the league get paid hundreds and thousands more then women so that is why I think it is a very important subject.

    1. I agree with you when it comes to equal pay- corporate companies are profiting equal way from both men and women. But would you argue that female football generates more or equal amount of interest and money compared to men's leagues?

  • I think that some other challenges women face could be harassment, not being paid the same and there an be lots more. For example, football. Men can get paid a lot compared to women and women get paid basically a quarter of that amount.

  • I agree, woman should be treated the same way as men.when woman get paid less then men it isn’t fair. Woman work at the same place as men and do the same thing and they still get less money.For example woman can be better at jobs and activities like looking after children and being leaders.

  • I think men and women should be equal because if we didn’t have women we would go extinct and we didn’t have men we would go extinct to. This is why I think men and women should be treated equally.

  • Hi ,
    I think it unfair that woman and men don’t get the same equality . Sometimes , women succeed more than men but then men might get the jobs or a special opportunity.
    Furthermore, most woman get paid less with the same job as most men get around 70% more money a week .

  • Woman empowerment refers to the activities undertaken to improve the social, economic, and political status of woman in the world.The female gender has faced subjugation and systematic oppression throughout history, and the situations call for improvement in their condition in society.

  • In my opinion male and female equality should be equal because even though men are genetically stronger it doesn’t mean that they should have a larger percentage of employment in media jobs.

  • The information that shocks me the most is the one that talks about gender pay gap. Since I started understanding gender inequality, I never heard of this. This is so unfair to women, why would anyone reduce my pay because am a woman? There is not even much difference between I and a man so why in the world would they do that? We need to take a stand in this topic of inequality because it is really really terrible.
    What could be done to make these situations better is for women to take a stand. We cant keep on being treated like this. No one would ever want that. I feel a lot of women need a little push for them to take matters into their own hands, but don't take me wrong I am not suggesting jungle justice. I am suggesting that a woman should stand up for all of those out there who are yet to gain enough courage to do so.
    Women also face problems like violence, sexual and moral abuse, unequal treatment at home, at work and in their communities. We women really need to take a stand.

  • In my personal view, I think that the information that surprised me the most was the lack of education. This is because, in some unaffordable countries, women mostly don't have enough money to pay for school fees as they are costly. I think what could be done to make these situations more fair is for the government to reinforce equality in the country so that women can get the education they need to do whatever they want to do in life. The other challenge women face is the lack of payment they receive. For example, in football, men are paid more than women. So initially, payment as in the money women receive has become another challenge women face.

  • The information that surprises me the most is that women are getting paid 77 cents for all of the hard work they did, when a man would get a dollar. For example if you are a women and you have cleaned the most revolting bathroom ever and you get all happy. Then you get 77 cents. A man cleans the bathroom and gets a dollar.The things that can be done is give the woman in the world equal rights. They need to get more money and spotlight for what they do for us. Another challenge that woman face because of gender inequality is sports. The sport that they specifically don't get enough spotlight for is Women's Basketball. They media says that they don't get enough spotlight because they are not fit enough or they don't play better then the men. I really disagree with that because I know there are many woman in the world that have that talent but are not getting enough or no spotlight at all.

  • Hi, the information that surprises me the most is that " in the past, one of the biggest reasons for the gender pay gap was because fewer women had access to education. This situation is improving but the inequality still exists" and this surprises me because that means the problem is not from women having lack if education it is from another problem that is happening.

    Women face other challenges too. First, there are stereotypes that put them down, saying they can't do certain things without even giving them a chance. Second, some women get harassed if they have higher roles in organizations than some men. Lastly, discrimination against women is still a problem.

    I think the solution to these problems is for people to stop believing in stereotypes. Men shouldn't feel threatened if a woman is higher than them in a job, and everyone should treat women fairly, just like they treat men. We all need to respect each other equally.

  • The information that is the most surprising to me is the gender pay gap. It's not fair that men get paid more than women. Both genders should be treated equally no matter what. If men get 13 dollars every day then women would be getting way less because they only get 77 cents when men get a dollar because of the gender pay gap. It is especially not fair if women have to do more work. Because of jobs at home, women have to do about 30% more work than men. It's not fair if women do more work but get paid less. for example, if a woman and man are doing the same job they should get paid equally. even though they work at the same job the man still gets paid more when really they should be paid the same. Out of anything people pay women more because it's not fair that men get a bigger pay at the same job when women do 30% more work than men. what i'm saying is if girls do 30% more work than men and work at a job women should get paid more than men. Women have to do so much more work when they get paid less than men. That is why this information surprised me the most. I think that we should change and stop gender inequality in more than just the gender pay gap.

  • The information that shocked me the most is the gender pay. This is so unfair to pay men more than women and the men and women work in the same organization. The women will feel left out and treated unfairly because of their gender. So to say everyone should be treated equally and no one should feel left out.
    To solve this issue, organizations and companies should treat every gender the same. No different payment and no bias. Also people who see this bias going on they should not be quiet about it but they should fight for women’s justice.
    Other problems women face are no access to politics for example if a woman wants to become a leader people won’t vote her because she is a woman. Women face the challenge of lack of good education also, and no access to some businesses. All this problems are become worse but if we stand up and protest for the right of women, justice will be achieved.

  • I think that the most information that surprised me was the first one because men take money when they work more than women.

    How do men take money more than women? That is something crazy. I think that women must take more money than men because men are stronger and can think in a solution of any proplem but women can't do anything.

    I want to make the women equal to the men because if that doesn't happen, the world won't be fair any more. Please 🙏 presidents of countries, l want you to make laws that say that the women are like men (equality between men and women).

  • I guess that gender pay gap is a cultural issue. To be more specific, it depends on where you are from. For instance, in the Middle East and the Arab countries, males are usually paid better than females. This is, perhaps, because of the fact that men in these countries, are mainly responsible for the financial support of the family.

    In my opinion, this is rather unfair since women do other jobs, like cleaning and cooking that are traditionally unpaid.

    For me, to rectify the problem, public and private sectors should adopt the principle:( Equal Pay for Equal Work )

  • The statistic that shocked me the most was the fact that per dollar makes make women only make 77 cents. With my research this showed that in 2022 the average American male earned $52,612 and the average American female earned $39,688 (which is only about 75% of what the male made). My research also showed that only 14 countries have 100% equal pay rights for both men and women which is a real shock as there is 195 countries in the world.

    In 2021 the average hourly pay rate for a male was $18.05 and the women’s average hourly pay rate was $16.02. A man would earn $108.30 for working 6 hours in a day whereas a woman would only earn $96.12.
    When these numbers are added to days months and years the $12.18 difference per day would add up to a substantial amount.

    Some people may argue that this difference is due to many men having higher roles such as being a boss ect… but my question is if a male and female shared the job of a boss of a company would they get paid the same? Surely they would? But would the gender pay gap come into place and put a divide between the wages of the two as women are seen as less as the man might have had a better education or the women may be seen as less experienced ect…

  • The information that shocks me the most is education because It's incredibly disheartening to realize that historical barriers to education have played such a significant role in perpetuating the gender pay gap. While it's encouraging to hear that strides have been made in improving access to education for women, it's shocking to think that the effects of past inequality still linger today. Education is often touted as a pathway to greater opportunities and socioeconomic mobility, yet the fact that gender disparities in education have translated into persistent disparities in earnings is deeply troubling. It underscores the systemic nature of gender inequality and highlights the need for sustained efforts to address the root causes of this issue. It's crucial that we continue working towards creating a more equitable society where all individuals, regardless of gender, have equal access to education and economic opportunities. The fact that such inequality persists despite progress in education access is a stark reminder of the work that still needs to be done to achieve true gender equality."

  • Hi, the information that surprises me about gender inequality is unequal pay. This surprises me because this is literally everywhere and is seen so often and has been happening for such a long time, and i feel like there hasn't been much change. but what mainly surprises me about unequal gender pay is that there are some jobs that women can do better than or just as well as men, but are not paid for their specialty and skills and i think that it shouldn't matter what gender a person is but instead the quality and importance of the job the person is doing.

  • The gender pay is absolute absurdity, the fact that women get payed less just because of their gender is horrible and a lot of women in fact most women work really hard to get high positions just to get paid less than the average man. This should be changed as soon as possible also 60% of women say they work really hard versus men which are only 48% similarly 28% of women say they over deliver in work versus men which is 19%. The gender pay gap in the UK is 14,3% for part time and for full time its 7.7%

  • The information that surprises me the most is the one about the gender pay gap. The role of women has been immense since the beginning of human civilization. No big work can be done alone. the work is made possible through the collective efforts of all. Today's beautiful world has been created through the contribution of both men and women. So, women should not be neglected .
    In a company, both men and women perform with equal efficiency. In that case they should be no discrimination between men and women in terms of salary as both achieve economic prosperity through hard work. Women try to establish themselves buy overcoming hundreds of obstacles. In that case,if the gender pay gap is made, they will be left behind.
    To reduce gender inequality, the first step is to change the perception in society. many people in the society think that women are weak and cannot perform. But,actually women are infinitely braver and struggler. women are capable of doing all kind of works. Gender discrimination deprives women of formal education, jobs and other opportunities. all countries must come together to close the gender pay gap. Then a world without discrimination will be created.

  • Hello,
    Today we discussed about women in media and how they are treated. Firstly, we went in a circle as a class and placed a pile of rulers in the centre of the circle. Then, one by one we came to the middle, picked up a ruler and honestly answered one of three questions on the board. After, we talked about if women are treated fairly or not. I think that women are not treated as fairly as men and are judged way more. For example, if a women wanted to do a job that most men work as(like a footballer or an engineer) they would be discouraged by the men and bullied for what they choose and want to do. Overall, I think that women and men are treated unfairly and there must be something to change. My question to you is have you ever seen an example of when a women is treated unfairly and a man is treated just fine?
    Thank you!

  • In my opinion, not all women are treated fairly, or the same as men. For example, men were always allowed to vote, while women had to wait years to be able to, and that isn't fair, at all. Other things may be that women do not get paid as well as men, even if they do the same job, and work the same amount of time. To add onto that, there are probably some jobs which may not even allow women to participate, or get a job there. They may also think that women do not have the skills that a man has, and don't accept them into the job, which isn't okay at all, because a woman should be paid the exact amount as a man, and should be able to work the same job as a man.

    Also, there is still so much inequality and it's really sad to be honest. For example, men are very frequently described as 'better than women'. No gender is better, and it shouldn't even be a thing to say one gender is better than the other, because they should be equal.

    The thing that actually surprises me the most is that this is still going on after so many years. Personally, I don't think this is okay, nor right because it really isn't, it never has been.

  • I think that some people don't care that much about women and they don't show the same respect to the than men i think that people should respect each other even if they are from a different gender so everyone is equal and sometimes people are not respecting what gender we are.

  • The facts made me speechless as the fact that fewer women access to education and have less pay than men is crazy
    all gender should be paid the same it should depend on the job not the gender and we shouldn't have the gender age gap all gender should be showed the same respect and should be paid the same

  • i think that women and men are equal and when i read about the gender pay gap. it makes me shocked because why would women be paid less if they can do the same things that men do. I believe that it is not fair for woman be be unfair treated like that because we are humans we might not be as strong as men is but we can do same things as them and now we we are paid different from men because of are gender is not fair at all. I believe that women should get paid the same as men.

  • I don't think that women do have equal rights and paying jobs like if a woman worked the same job like and some jobs like could pay less to the woman than the man because on headlines like they would usually be like that men are better at doing outside work and like building stuff and all of that and woman are meant to like stay in the kitchen and look after people and do house work and like men should do it but i'm not saying that men do it but many men do house work but mostly men and some women but there are people that are being sexist to women and men like behind the scene of movie or in the movie they could sexist towards the man or the women and it needs to stop

  • Hello
    In our lesson today we talk and learn about how women have been treated at jobs, in public areas or at relationships we also talked about the challenges women face even in standard of education.and also women work in jobs that men applied for but don't get more respect at that of men even if women work the get half the payment that men earns in think women need to be supported just as men are there are lots and lots of problems women faced that men can not face e.g ladoring and lots of problems there is also something suprising about women that 50% of the word know in india the women are force to marry who there parent pick and in some other country there are 40% of people being being murdered due to relationship

    And with this i thing women should be treated fairly

  • Even though this is a little bit out of this section,I just analyzed gender inequality and I realized that gender inequality is also in boys. Is it just me or in schools' boys are treated a little bit more hasher than girls? If a girl is to do the same thing as a boy, they might pardon the girl and give them an easier punishment. And almost every time teachers say, "ladies first." Will this not be considered as gender inequality or am I wrong?

  • Hello everyone I know that gender equality is important because according to google search results 4.00 billion percent of the population is female and I Know that both genders are Needed in this world but what I find sad is that
    women and girls are being seen as a walking servant all people think when they see a women is "cook ,clean ,nanny housewife" and a term often used as to offend females are "Go make me a sandwich" or "Get back to the kitchen".
    Its horrible to know what people really see women as they do not even get recognised for their talents and work and in Afghanistan girls are not allowed to go to school , uni or even go places by themselves and girls in 3rd world countries are not having access to sanitary items, basic needs and education its really bad as people are not stepping up that's why I know we need gender equality.

    1. Hi contemplative_literature! Thank you for your points. I am interested to hear more from you about what information surprised you and if you have any thoughts on the other two questions posed

  • Still till this day woman don't get the same amount of pay or amount education as men do. Which is unfair as girls , woman , men and boys are all equal as we are all humans ,right ? According to search 129 million girls don't have access to education which is way more than boys. Another thing that is even if woman and men do the same job woman get less pay than men , even if they do the same amount of hours they will get paid less.

  • The information that surprised me the most is the gender pay gap. This is totally unfair because if men and women do the same work why should women be paid a smaller salary, this simply isn't right. The most important thing that can make things more fair is for women to stand up and say no to this injustice. Some women have the mentality that the society is naturally patriarchal so equality is inevitable while some women are not courageous enough to speak up so they endure everything, but this thinking and mentality has to be abolished and reformed. Another way things can be made more fair is through the government imposing laws that would ensure equal treatment of both genders and they should also ensure the equal pay act is adhered to by every organisation. There should also be punishment for people or organizations that promote gender inequality.
    Women also face gender inequality in access to quality education, housing and opportunities. Women also face inequality in politics.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the progress of countries like North America, the Middle East and North Africa. I am very surprised that in 20 years only 3 countries have made significant progress on closing the gap in their genders. It just feels wrong how little progress other countries have made on this matter consing how sexist it actually is. I hope other countries can help solve this problem before it gets to late.

    1. Yes even I think if we need to spread awareness regarding the inequality in our society we need to adopt more methods like through schemes that may help girls to persue her studies and dreams to overcome poverty or we can even motivate her and respect her work instead of blaming and judging her which we don't do in case of men's...I might take time but the day it will happen our society conditions will definitely improve..

  • I think the the last option makes me ponder and repeatedly think about the cruel mentality of people regarding what is the definition of responsibility of women's..?!!,I believe in most of familes and elders think if a women is cooking, cleaning,caring,handling house stuff etc it is considered as her duty and responsibility towards her marrige which is not the problem so far but when they do not give her self respect and respect her dignity this condition becomes worse..imagine a women starts demanding salary for her daily work which is her 24/7 will you manage this situation?!'s not possible..I think a women should be appreciated for this work and dedication of her towards her duties,so isn't it our responsibility to appreciate her and encourage her to persue her dreams and make this situation fair we can encourage her to follow her passion,help her doing her work, appreciate her efforts daily,being respectful to her works and other might be a small step but can lead to an equal society in future...

  • The information that surprised me the most was the gender pay gap. I believe this is not fair at all, especially if both genders work in the same job, I think there is a lot of injustice with the terms on gender inequality and getting paid or working in certain jobs and I think that things should have changed over the years and there would be more fairness but it is not the case. I think in this case countries have to have laws in place that make sure people get paid fairly and with justice on their jobs.Women face many other challenges because of gender inequality these include the right to work in certain jobs, or girls that can't go to school because they have to do housework or young adults that can't get the education they need in colleges or universities to be able to get a well paid job.

  • The most surprising information to me is "Pay" . It's pretty sad to find out that women, on average, only get 77 cents for every dollar that men make. Even though there's been some improvement in certain places, it's still worrying that this gap stays and affects women's money matters so much. To make things fairer, there are a few things we can do. First, we really need to make sure there are rules about paying everyone the same for the same job. That means companies have to pay men and women equally. Also, we should really encourage girls to go to school and have cool jobs, just like boys do. If we want to fix why some people get paid less, we need to help everyone get the same chances. Women deal with lots of stuff because things aren't fair. They don't get paid the same as men for doing the same job, and sometimes they don't even get paid for the work they do at home. Plus, it's hard for them to be leaders or get the same chances as men in jobs. Sometimes they're not even allowed to do certain jobs just because they're girls, and that's not right.

  • The information that surprises me the most is that there is a 27 cent pay gap between men and women. This surprises me the most because I had no idea the gap was so large! I thought it was about 10-15 cents.

    To make it fair, that's easy. Just pay women the same amount. Now, that's very unlikely to happen because most businesses are trying to save those 27 times x cents, unless there is a strong boycott, and/or the government steps in to do something.

    Other challenges women face because of gender inequality is that some people think women are dumber than they are. This may be due to the fact that women have historically been doing chores around the house instead of going to college.

    These challenges are hard for women, especially in the past. I watch a lot of old shows from the 80s and 90s, and I see how they are dumbed down and underestimated. I'm sad that this was the norm. But this can be turned around if, and only if, we increase our rate of progress. And dear citizens of Earth, I hope that thee can empower thyself to help bring change, not just for this issue, but for all issues, bringing us closer to Utopia.

    1. I think your comment on television shows from the 80s and 90s is very perceptive.
      I'd like to challenge you to think from the point of view of a business owner. I am looking for a new employee for a high-ranking position in my company. I receive two applications.
      Application 1: this candidate has worked in the industry for 20+ years with no career breaks. This demonstrates to me that they have consistently developed the skills they need for this position.
      Application 2: this candidate has similar experience, but I notice that they recently took two years out of work. This makes me wonder if perhaps their skills are a little rusty due to not praticing them for two years. They might be better off in a slightly lower position in order to re-develop their skills for this job.
      Who do you think I will hire?

  • I think the one that caught my attention would be about women doing about 30% more unpaid work. It caught my attention, as the situation in India resembles it. In India, most women are housewives, and the work they do, like taking care of the house, children, and family, is not given value because it's unpaid work. On the other hand, the work done by their husbands is considered more valuable as it is paid.
    Even today, due to an orthodox mindset, many people are not open to the idea of married working women. This makes me wonder: if the work done by both the husband and wife is tough and requires skills, why is one type of work considered more valuable just because it is paid?
    As housewives are never paid for the hard work they do and are often not allowed to go get a job after marriage, a lot of their potential is going to waste. Only if society didn't have such biased standards could they have used this potential for the betterment of the world and themselves.

  • The 3rd option regarding education makes me realise why still the rate of illiteracy is on peak,we know half of the world's population are females and the illiteracy of females will obviously increase the cases of sucides,dowry, harrasment etc this is because the data says in most of these cases women's and even girls nowdays are taught be quite against the criminal to maintain her so called image in society even if she has to die for it fair?!..this situation has arrived because most of the women's are not educated and are not aware of their own rights against these crimes..and the mistake in this situation is of our surroundings and the kind of society we live in..where we are taught to remain quiet even if our self respect is not respected..we are made embarrassed in such situations to approach centres for help..and this 'we' us not me or you it's the half population of world who suffers due this issue..I believe if girls are educated and are informed about their rights these cases will surely decrease..such topics are not to be ashamed of instead to be taken seriously with confidence...

  • I get that it's unfair that women are paid less than men, but it's their decision . But then they want to complain that they don't have the same opportunities even tho they made that choice it makes no sense! Like it's been like that for nearly 200 year's and before women were simply not aloud to work it was not don. They had to do other thing's 400 year's ago in fact a lot of old lady's you see were once house wife's. Some wife's want to be house wife's now.

  • It is a fact that in many countries women don't have the same rights in the field of education in contrast to men. However all people should be entitled to gain knowledge learn to write and study. In some countries, people's wrong mentality don't let them to see the truth and understand how important is for women the education.
    It should be a global priority do as not to only get basic education but to gain emotio al and life skills.
    I have also to mention that they need not only education but also a safe environment to be educated.

  • The information that shocked me most was the "Gender Pay Gap." How come women, who work equally hard as any men (perhaps even more), get paid less? All the world is ranting on about gender equality, when in these places it is being violated? It doesn't seem fair that the men and women, doing same jobs, equally challenging, equally time consuming get paid differently. Do people still believe that men are more than women? "For every dollar that men earn, women earn 77 cents" is this so because, after doing the same task with equal challenges and hard work, women are paid less, only because they are - the only reason I think - women?

    1. What do you think can be done with regard to the gender pay gap to work towards making the situation more fair?

      1. The only one way I can think of is that employees are treated equally (paid the same sum), regardless of their gender. Unfairness should be abolished and women should be recognized of their work and should be motivated..

      2. Hi Eva,
        I believe that the gender pay gap can be stopped by;
        1.Promoting equality and fairness in work places.
        2.There should be increase in the minimum wage.
        3.Women should organize peaceful protests concerning the problem of gender pay gap.
        THANK YOU!!!

  • It's been my constant observation that every man who is against gender equality is himself insecure. He had doubts and questions regarding his own abilities and is in a desperate need of validation. Every human is. We all need to feel superior to someone in some way. So the easiest way out for most male population struggling with low self esteem is to prove women to be below them. The supposedly weaker sex.
    And every woman who supports the gender inequality has her own issues of low self esteem. Her ideology has been moulded since birth to consider herself unworthy of respect equivalent to a man. And she cannot help but believe that she deserves to be treated with pity, insult and must be protected at all times, with little independence.
    So is gender equality of problem of mindsets? Yes! But even more so, it is a problem of the societal establishment. Not just the fact that society fuels male dominance and patriarchy but also the fact, that society creates insecurities and fears that result in male dominance!
    So maybe, the surest way to tackle this issue is also the longest and the most radical - we need to change the structure of our society as a whole!
    We need to start prioritising talent, skills, and mentalities above all else! We need to create an ecosystem where no nobody finds the need to question their self-worth! Where nobody has to berate themselves for being inadequate!
    Maybe, this is the solution that we've never stopped to consider because of how far - fetched it seems. But it is also the solution that can transform the very lives of every. Single. person!

  • I believe that every person deserves recognition! No human can survive as someone else's shadow. And it is highly unfair to ask this of women! If men can't do it then why should women? Why are the ladies expected to hide behind the men, to always support them, to always stay hidden? To sit there and look pretty and never take the baton? What right does anyone have to expect submission of women?! To expect them to compromise just because they are women?! Societies thrive when both sides are ready to compromise to some extent for mutual growth and welfare!
    So how and why is it right that women sacrifice their desires and their wishes and let their wings be clipped and buried in the ground so that men can grow?! Why is it expected of women to become housewives to further the men's careers? And why is a man's indignant behaviour to such a proposal justified?! Men and women have survive together, with each other, and compromise equally! Is it impossible?? No! We've been taught to believe that it is impossible. But for this gender equality to be truly established, we need to understand that it is not just a woman's fight! It is also a man's endeavour! We need to establish a system where women do not shout for their rights alone! Men too understand their duty to the society and raise their own voices for mutual justice towards every gender!

  • Sometimes I wonder why in 2024 there are still women that can't make progress in their work life?
    Unfortunately in some countries women are not able to make a career even of they have the skills and all the specialization that is needed. They can enter the workforce but sometimes they can't get promoted easily especially in managerial positions and positions in power. This is a prejudice that needs to be overcome.
    Furthermore some women lack of education because of the norms that the country has. They are prevented from being educated. Hopefully by raising awareness through media, politicians and governments these will change.

  • I agree with unpaid work, women get paid at least 30 percent of unpaid work because men have jobs. There needs to be policies that no matter the gender salaries should be the same across the board of employment.

  • The gender pay gap is what suprised me the most because from my point of view women and men should earn the same money if they do the samen work, I think that the responsability of the pay gap problem should be solve by goverments. Nowadays, women face a lot of problems, apart from the mentioned before, such as different types of violence and being discriminated by some people, but I think that these problems will be solved with the pass of time.

  • The information that really surprises me is education. Today in society people are believed or taught that everyone is the same and should be treated equally. After reading on gender equality with education this really makes me feel biased. Why would people feel the need to belittle someone because of who they are specifically women in this case.I feel that the world should never deny a woman something they should be allowed to do or have. Hopefully society will soon realize about gender equality and how it is affecting the future!

  • The information that surprises me the most is the gender pay gap. In the case of work though both women and men do the same job the women suffers the most. There is no problem if she is not given the highest pay but she should be given the same salary a man gets. To make these situations fair every companies should make sure women are treated equally and paid equally. It would be more better if the government itself says no to the gender pay gap so that there would be no way for companies to do that. Despite the mesntrual challenges women face ,women prove every second that they are no less to men. But the gender inequality that the society possess on the women breaks her confidence . Due to this gender inequality they face unequal treatment at home and at work, they fail to get opportunities to learn and lead. They face violence and they are abused. This is the biggest problem in our society.
    To erase gender inequality from the society, everyone should learn to treat women equally.
    Thank you

  • Hiii, Hello, Namasthe and Vanakkam to everyone........
    The information surprise a lot to me is the last information which talks about the unpaid wok women do in families. We all know that women do unpaid works, but it had become a practice now a days and no one cares about their pain. This makes them to be in the house and watching the family and children. This causes the gender inequality by not letting women to job by making them to sit in the house in the name of tradition.

    The other major challenges faced by the women are:
    *Not giving importance in Leadership Roles
    *Health issues or difficulties
    *Gender-Based Violence

    To make all the above situations fair, the only solution is to give more and more importance and equality to women. This will make all the above situation fair from my point of view and my knowledge.
    Thank you.

  • The data on the gender pay gap is mind-boggling, and while some progress has been made, it’s undeniable that there’s still a long way to go.
    Equal pay policies, inclusive education programs, and challenging gender stereotypes in unpaid work are just a few of the ways that gender equality can be improved.
    Women also face barriers to career growth, leadership opportunities, and social norms that hold women back. It’s up to us to raise awareness, educate people, and push for policy changes that will make a real difference.

  • As far as I am concerned, women are paid as much as men at least that is what I see in my country.
    I belive that because there are both rech men and women and I can see nowadays that women are in top positions. I understand that in some professions it's a bit different depending on the country they live. This unfairness can be faced by the government using fair legislations that promote equality.
    Additinaly it is the responsibility of each government to set good examples by supporting through campaigns the gender equality.

  • In our society we think that gender equality is something mandatory. But if we check statistics we see that on average a woman doing the same hob as a man get paid less money. That's not fair at all. This stereotype has its roots many years ago and some even believe that men are more useful to society than men.
    That is totally wrong and it has to be eliminated. A woman should have the right to choose the job she thinks is better and fells it represents her without any prejudices as her salary.

  • I absolutely understand how unfait it is for all the unpaid work women do at home.
    Some of them have to balance work, family and house. And as I can see it from my mum they do it successfully. This make a proud child and motivate me to think that if you really want something you can do it.
    However I think that the government should give to these women more days off at work or any grants that can help them balance life especially if they have small children.
    They should have the choice to take some days off when it is at the peak of their mental health and the government even make programs free for helping them in chores.

  • I can't even think why girls should be excluded from education and hopefully this seem not to be the norm.
    I think that some of the social issues that prevented women from education was poverty and cultural characteristics in some locations.
    Worldwide oranisations should support girls' access to education and provide them budgets for school supplies.
    Each country should ensure there are female teachers ,especially in leadership in order to be regarded as role models to girls.

    1. HELLO, outspoken_opinion,
      I agree with you because it should not only be men /male that should be going to to school because women also need to learn. In Afghanistan, the amount of girls that are attending school is very small because of their type of country. Also, I think that girls should go to school because in countries like Saudi Arabia that the women depend on their husbands for virtually everything. What if the girl had not undergown schooling and since she has not, growing up she would not know much. If her husband happens to lose his job, how will their family cope because the woman is not well educated so she might not be able to get the right job that will be able to bring much money to the family apart from little side jobs. The family might have a lot of problems then so,that is why I think that it is the right and the duty for a girl to attend school freely.
      THANK YOU.

  • The information that surprised me the most was the gender pay gap, because I think that if a woman is doing the same job than a man for the same time, and in the same conditions, both of them should be paid equally, since both of them are working and need the same money. To make this situation more fair I think that companies should stop taking in account if the worker is a man or a woman, and just establish a wage for the work that is being done and pay the same money to a man and to a woman. Another problem that women face about gender inequality is that in some jobs, they prefer to hire man because they think that he is more capable of doing the job, when it's not true, but in society it is thought that certain jobs are more appropiate for man than for women, and that women should stay at home taking care of the house and family.

  • It is so hopeful that the gender pay gap is progressing to the best in many countries. There is still a long road to go but in my opinion I believe this will change in the future.
    Women tend to work more for less psyment. Politicians should provide them with some benefits in order to mix work and family.
    They should provide maternal leaves, flexible working hours and free child care.
    These are important so as to feel less stressed their work to be valued.

  • Hi topical talkers!
    Did you notice that all the points covered above, have a base reason for the minorities shown towards the women population. The reason is pretty simple. You see, from ancient times, women have been working in the dark. At that time, having a female in your family work was like a taboo on the male family member. Hence, the female population were made to perform house chores or basically just slavery. No matter how talented the woman was, she was not allowed to step out of the house boundaries. And till now, as the first point explains, women are paid less as compared to a man, even if both share the same amount of skills and capabilities. The history is a witness of how women had to protest and fight for every single right that men got easily. If we have a look at this case from a scientific perspective, we'll realise that the majority of jobs in existence can be terminated by both females and males. If trained properly, women can also do tasks that require physical efforts. To minimise the discrimination between men and women, I think that majority of the population should understand the points that I mentioned above and acknowledge and respect the females equally as men.

  • Education system is the most surprising to me because despite all the necessary efforts that are made to stop gender inequality, there are still some places where gender inequality still exists. All these are things that need to be considered by the upcoming youths who are likely to gain power so that gender inequality will be able to be totally cancelled and stopped even in some places that are primitive.

  • I was surprised when I read about the pay gap. At first, it could appear very little, only of twenty three cents. But, if we think about it, every one thousand dollars men earn, women earn seven hundred seventy dollars. That's a difference of two hundred thirty dollars!
    For solving this situation, we all need to change our minds and stop thinking women are less than men. In fact, I think women are more than men.
    Other problem women face are the steal of attention by their husband's, as it happened to Marie Curie at first.

    1. Can you explain more on your point where you mentioned "Other problem women face are the steal of attention by their husband's, as it happened to Marie Curie at first"

      1. In my opinion, some women work together with their husbands, friends or partners, usually men

      2. Sorry, I accidentally sent the last comment. I go on with the comment:
        In my opinion, some women work together with their husbands, friends or partners, usually men. When these women discovered or invented something, usually the merit was for the partner. The partner could have all the protagonism, and the women couldn't do nothing just because they were women in a patriarchy society. Sometimes, the women could give their invention to their husband because they couldn't have fame for themselves.

  • The information that surprises me the most is unpaid work, i believe unfair to use all effort to produce an outcome that will benefit the company or organization and still don't get appreciated by a pay and this would make it harder for the women to provide for their family. The women cannot rebel so they transparency overpay, closing the gender gap a human right priority. Women face challenges like molestation, teasing e.t.c.
    In class student A was put in a group with student B, C student A and B are boys and student C is a girl they were asked to solve a list of maths problems and student A openly declared that he only wanted to work with people who are smart and he was referring to student C.

  • The information that surprises me the most was about how women STILL receive less education than their male counterpart. With North America, the Middle East and North Africa making so much progress in closing their gender pay gap, one would think that more and more women would have access to better education since it is one of the reasons for the gap in income (as stated above). But unfortunately it is a luxury that not everyone can afford especially the more oppressed gender. In my country, Education is still a Directive Principle and not an actual law that should be implemented. (Directive Principles of State Policy are guidelines that a government should follow for a better governance. It is NOT legally binding but it is used for many laws.) Only elementary education for ages 6-14 is mandatory. But what about studies after that coming of age? They are as equally important and necessary for getting a better chance at a benefitting job. Many small town families take advantage of it by putting a stop on many sisters' and daughters' education. As if calling them as a "liability" was not enough,  just because "they have to be married off in the future", they put no effort in their development whatsoever. Such cases however are thankfully decreasing in number but that doesn't mean that this practice has been put to rest. It's baffling to know how many young women like me are being deprived off of education even though many of these people worship goddesses for education and money.
    I know "creating awareness" may seem like a very repetitive solution for such problems but if the people are unaware then our society can not progress further because it is the population that makes a nation. I would also like to say that the government should take strict actions against those committing atrocities towards my gender. Many of the countries have taken our bodily rights from us but now they can't even protect our right to education? I don't think this is what my female ancestors have fought for.
    Gender inequality, no matter what anyone says is still as prominent as ever. Many things have been ruined for women, just because. Few of them are walking alone (doesn't matter if it's day or night), ponytails, clothes, vans, and the list is endless. Not only are their emotions joked upon but their opinions often go unheard. Feminism, that many men are against, is in support of male rights as well and yet people seem to forget about it. It is about treating all genders equally and is NOT an anti-male propaganda. Speaking of, I have personally encountered many of such guys who say that nobody cares about their mental health or their wellbeing and so women should stop complaining. I call this, and pardon me for my language, utter stupidity because who do they think actually set this system up? This system of patriarchy and toxic masculinity? These are the key opponents of feminism and female rights. So once again I say that as long as the government provides us with help to create awareness, I think gender equality may not seem as far as it is now.

  • Hi! I would like to tell my honest opinion of what I personally think about this;I think that all genders should be treated equally although we are all unique we are all the same in our ways no one should ever be put aside or excluded from anything each gender is perfectly capable of completing every task because we are all the on the same levels we should all be pain equally and no one should named a “Karen” that’s it from me as a male bye

  • The information which surprises me the most is that 'Womenmay be doing as much as 30% more un paid work than men'. I want to say that why should only women do unpaid work more than men . Even men can also do this , but why only women. Even today our society's thinking has not fully changed . To make these situations the solution is that men should help women in doing their household chores . They should allow women to do jobs also . In this way their works will be divided equally. It will not create a problem for any 1 either women or men . Their work load will be less if, women help men in their work and if men help women in their work .

  • To be honest, the information did not surprise me at all. Without doubt, the gender pay gap has been one of the top discussion topics in my life. Whether it is people from school, friends or family the opinions on the gender pay gap range from a desire for full equality to extreme sexism. The thing with women in the workplace is that the challenges they face because of gender inequality often root in their childhood. It can be observed that almost every person encounters sexism at a young age, even in kindergarten, often without realizing. And since children get desensitized the inequality and sexism are often overlooked. Even if it is just small sentences or acts, someone rarely realized how important it is for a child to understand gender equality. If they are taught that women are supposed to stay at home and do nothing other than cleaning and cooking or to look after their children, they will keep this mindset. This also counts for young men who often face toxic masculinity and grow up thinking that emotions make a man weak and that their job is to work all day, rarely looking after their child or helping with the household.
    I think that it is really important to start fighting sexism from early age. If children understand gender quality they will grow up with an open mindset and that will ensure an anti sexist generation to follow.
    However, we have to face the fact that sexism is still present to this day. The gender pay gap has to be closed. According to specialists at this rate of progress it will not be closed for the next years. Change is hard but not impossible. If everyone works on their way of thinking and creates a more tolerant and open mindset, even the extreme sexists could be overruled. Of course sometimes it is not possible to change someones opinion but you can at least try to change the way they think about it.

  • I think the information that surprises me the most is the great difference of payment that men and women receive. I knew that there was a difference, but I did not expect that was so much as it is stated here. Because, it doesn't matter how advanced the society is, we all need money to live and we need to work for this, and it is incredible how women, working the same, are payed much less.
    The other thing that surprised me a lot is the great amount of unpaid home work that all women do, and we normally don't even count it because we are so accustomed to it that we don't even see the problem.
    In my opinion, some changes that should be done are maybe little by little increasing the money that women receive, until the pay gap is completely gone. I understand that is not easy, but if we do it little by little I think it is going to be ok.
    Also, another thing is to notice that women are doing a lot of these unpaid works, and try to see the options of each women to get paid their jobs or try to do others that are paid instead.
    But, I think that the important thing is to notice these problems and try to solve them, maybe sometimes is not possible, but with effort we can achieve them.

  • Hi,
    It is the gender pay gap that surprises me the most and it is discomforting to know that among people who do the same job and are of the same rank, some get paid more than others just because of their gender and it is not fair. I feel that females should wake up and make their businesses so that they would not work under anyone and they would get paid as they should and males could work under them and be treated equally as the females working there. I also feel that women should be able to know their rights and be able to stand up for themselves and can even go on peaceful protests when matters are severe. Also, more females can become feminists and ensure equality between men and women.

  • in my own perspective ,The information that surprises me the most: is the rate of women or girl child that are uneducated ,according to UN women headquarters ,says that women are about two thirds of the world 796million illiterate ,in urban areas 59 percent of girls attend secondary school and while in the boys 60 percent attend , in rural areas just 39 percent of girls attend secondary school . in order for us to ensure we have a society that practise equality we should ensure equal access to education in both gender,empower more women in work place so that they can meet up with men and we can have an equal society without public critism .

  • I think gender inequality is a very bad thing in my county because in some stern tribes the think that the women are not allowed to go to school because the men think that the are supposed to be married or the should be in the kitchen cook and not in school. That is why i say it is a bad thing in my county , and in some the boys think that the girls will be smarter than them.

  • Women and men should be paid the same amount. Men think that they are superior and that they contribute to society more than women do. We have to stop belittling these women because they have way too much potential and too little time to mess with foolish male concepts.

  • From my point of view and what more surprised me is the gender pay gap, I knew before that also in today's world is a gap, what that makes me suggest more questions.

    I really think although the gender equality has been reduced with the past of time but nowadays there are some people that they doing wrong with women because they think they can't but they doesn't know nothing, the gender must not to be part of the nowadays job, I know some jobs could be physical but women can still doin it.

    To conclude I want to say women are doing well to get into a good position and us, the next generation we will help them by our good education.

  • I personally think that it's not fair especially about the pay gap. I feel that this isn't fair because without being sexist women tend to do more, not necessarily all women do more but if you think about most women especially when they have families of their own then the women usually cook,clean and do other housewife things. Therefore it isn't really fair because if women are doing more then why are they not getting payed more? I feel that we shouldn't let how sexism used to be before shouldn't mean it should affect now. In conclusion i feel it should be equal and if it isn't then whoever usually works more should then earn more.
    Thank you!

  • The fact that in 2024 there are countries that don't support gender equality is worrying to me. As a female myself, I feel concerned for women in countries like Chad, Pakistan and Sudan that don't support gender equality. In Sudan, lots of things are challenges to uphold the rights for women. For example, conflict & poverty along with the lack of protective laws have made woman rights less than men's. In Pakistan, it has been ranked as the 4th most dangerous country for women in 2021. 70% - 90% of married women have experienced abuse from their spouses at any time in their lives and 32% of women that were randomly selected from health facilities in Karachi (Pakistan) have had physical violence by their spouses or male relatives. In Chad, most of women in this country face discrimination and violence. Child marriage and adolescent pregnancy are commonly practiced in Chad but there are policies that have been put to combat this inequality.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the education, I cannot believe that some women are seen as dumb just because they are women. And i am even more surprised to see this situation was worse in the past because it's currently really bad, a woman should have the same school experience as men, meaning they can do any subject they want instead of being stopped and judged at a certain subject. Also gender equality isn't just in lessons, for example on the playground the girls might want to play football or basketball, but aren't allowed because of their genders stereotypes. I think if staff at a school act sexist or seem to act sexist action should be taken immediately as woman have to deal with so much and I cannot imagine what it would feel like to be in their shoes. I'm happy to hear that they are trying to take action but it's only an attempt not a complete stop to the stereotypes woman are given. And the situation is bad at school where their are trusted staff looking out for you, sexism outside school is unimaginable and on another level, if nothing is done now our generation will never change, as kids grow based on their childhood experience.

  • In my opinion women in media are not appreciated enough and are treated unequally. I would also like to add that from my perspective woman are alot better in any jobs that they do and are alot more capable then men to do any and every job.

  • I feel that Gender Equality will never be equal. The Reason is mostly because pay will be a huge gap between them and Unpaid work, It will take over 200 years just for us and everyone to be equal. It is things to go threw for it to be equal.

  • I'm actually the most surprised about the household chores percentage of 30%. I did know about the fact that women are a lot more likely to perform unpaid labor in the house but I actually thought it would be more. Even in my house, even though both of my parents work full time in similar jobs, my mother still performs majority of the household chores. And I don't think that's because she feels obligated to do so or because my dad expects her to - he just expects someone to do them. And my mom then gets tired of having stuff lying around etc. so she ends up putting them away. Overall though I really think it's unfair how, in our societies, invisible labor gets put on women and they're made responsible for caring for the house and its family members. Today's boys and the future men need to be raised in a way where it's non-negotiable and obvious for everyone to do their part. Families should definitely assign tasks to different family members so that no one person has to carry the load all by themselves. Women already have to deal with a lot of different aspects of inequality we should at least try to make it easier on them (especially mothers) when there's already so much that they do for us and everyone around them.

  • To answer the first question above, I would say that none of the statistics from above doesn't surprise me because of how much schools in America talk about how poorly women were treated. For the second question, somethings that could be done to make the situations more fair would be by having completely equal pay for both genders that are working in the same field unless one is more popular(their time is worth more), have all levels of education for both genders, and if these things can start to happen then you can help women gain more progress. For unpaid work that women do that is more of something that is within their family like their garden, washing dishes, and cleaning their home is something that has been part of time for ages(them being connected with femininity). For the last question, women in the United States really don't have many inequalities to men other than a stereotypes, but in other countries women might not be able to go to school, walk out their house without a man, or even leave the country without being married.

  • The information that surprises me the most is that men and women are both paid differently.Why do they do this if they are working the same job? Well, the reason some people do this is because people think men are the only gender who actually do hard work or do their job when they are supposed to. It's a very unfair treatment to women and its very rude because men aren't the only people who do hard work.

  • The information that surprised me the most is the one of progress, as I consider very brave that regions which, since 2006, they have tried to make the most progress as posible closing as much as they could the gender pay gap, I think they are doing all that is in their hands in order for this to stop and being as equal as possible for a better future, not only for their region, but for the whole planet and their future generation. I consider that all of us should hear about this inequality and fight against it , as it will help all of us in the future and also to future workers.
    I think that what it could be donde in order to make this situations more fair are:
    1- Paying the same sum of money to a man and a woman if they are performing the same job.
    2- Other countries should follow the example of North America, Middle East and North Africa to fight against the gender pay gap for making more people concerned about it and keep improving and advancing on it.
    3- Letting in some countries and places the acces of education not only for women, but to poor people because learning things is free and everyone has the right to learn.
    4- Even if women work at home, give them a salary, as they are doing a frequent job which is mostly caring about people and that needs a reward as any other job.
    Other challenges women face because of gender inequality are:
    1- In some places they do not have the right to say what they want, some of them because they have prohibited, others because they are scared of saying what they think because they could receive a punishment.
    2- In some jobs, even if some women have better knowledge about the work they are presented to, or they have a better experience , some bosses prefer men for different reasons , like thay think they are going to do better thar work or just because they prefer a men in that job because thay think that women won´t be able to do it .
    3- Some places, even some schools do not want girls and boys to work together because they think that boys and girls disturb each other and because they think that women is better at working if they are with women and men are better working with men.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the gender pay gap. Women should not be paid differently based on their gender. Women have to do the same thing that men do when they work. Dangerous or easy they do the same things. If they do the same thing to be paid then they need to be paid equally. Just because men are "stronger" they should not be paid more than women, women and men should be paid equally when working.

  • From my point of view, the one that surprises me the most is the one about the progress make in closing the gender pay gap because I did not hear anything about it, and after knowing it, I think that this could be use for potenciating the purpose mainly in social media or in TV. I have also hear about the differences in salaries between a man and a woman, and I think that we need to stop this because, if we stop and think, both are doing the same job, so both must be pay the same. I think that for making things fair we must pottenciate this firstly at schools and at home, for making children and people conscious of this inequalities, and after in social media, where everyone can notice it. So, in general, I think that we need to be conscious about all this, and try to look for ways which make this fair.

  • In my opinion, As more women enter the workforce, it seems to me that they are being treated Improperly the workplace because of the stark disparity in their compensation when compared to men. For instance, in the employment of a football player, the salary received by men and women differs becauseaccording to my research Female footballersare paid£25,000 to £27,000 per year and Male footballers are paid £ .However, men are stronger than women by nature, which means that they could possibly be more suited for particular occupations. In general, I think women ought to receive the same treatment and compensation as males.

    1. Good use of evidence to back up your ideas! Please provide some sources for the information.

      1. Thank you Molly O @ Topical Talk for this question,
        Well I got some of my information by reading on the gender differences in the European football,from Plos and the Barça innovation hub to enhance my understanding on the differences between the men's and women's football!

      2. Thank you Molly O @ Topical Talk for this question,
        Well I got some of my information by reading on the gender differences in the European football,from Plos and the Barça innovation hub to enhance my understanding on the differences between the men's and women's football!

  • Because of the glaring pay gap between women and the men I believe that as more women join the workforce, they are subjected to discriminatory treatment at work. For example, there are pay differences between men and women who play football one gets paid more than the other and sorry that's not fair i agree to the fact that men football players are better because they can gain possession and etc.. but what men can do women can do better.Men are, however, naturally stronger than women, which suggests that they might be better suited for some jobs like football, basketball,weight lifting, running, mechanics and etc.. Although, I still believe that women should be paid and treated equally to men in general.

  • I strongly think gender equality is very necessary for the mental health and for peace in the society but there are some things that males are better in than females and there are some things that female are better in than males. I strongly think that females should be celebrated more for all the hard work , labor and suffering that they have endured but I also think that males should be celebrated too.

  • i think that all genders can be equal or at least close to equal because with everything you do there will, still be at least one person who disagree but if you meet someone like this it is best to ignore the, because half of the time they will probably not change there minds

  • There are many things that could be done to right these wrongs. Some of these could be paying women the same amount or more. The government should make women more in charge of things. All we have are senators and vice presidents. I think that people can't accept the fact that there are going to be more female leads int he world more sooner than we expect.

  • The thing that surprises me the most is the "gender pay gap." I think that everyone should be paid no matter their gender. Like if a woman got a job for a construction worker with other men then I assume that the men will get paid more the the woman working the same job. Also if a woman gets paid less than a man even though she is doing more work than the man, this is not fair to women. The gender pay gap shouldn't exist because its not fair to the women who work overtime but get paid less.

  • I feel like the gender pay gap is the worst one ever! If the man and the woman are doing the same job why does the man make more money? Its not like he does it better or anything. I believe jobs who do this need to be shut down immediately! Giving the man more money for doing the same job as the woman is just not fair. Its not professional at all. Also unpaid work is also unfair. If a man can go to an office and just type all day and get paid, a woman should go home clean up cook and more and get paid also. Doing things around the house is more harder than just responding to emails all day. Working at home is not easy to do on a daily basis but women still manage to do it and NOT get paid. Fewer women having education is the worst. Without an education nobody can get a job. You need education to know what you are doing. Like to be a teacher you need to know the things that you teach like math. This all rounds up to UNFAIR. women need to get treated the exact same as men because whatever they can do we can do better.

  • I think that the gender pay gap shouldn't exist. The gender pay gap shouldn't exist because if a woman works harder than a man, the woman wouldn't get paid as much as the man does. Another reason is because if the working woman has a family but gets paid so little then she could not provide for her family. I believe that gender pay gap should not exist for these reasons.

  • The information that surprises me is the gender pay gap. One reason this surprises me is because when some moms are single and they have one or more children, they would get less money and they would not be able to feed their children. Another reason it surprises me is that, when women get less money they might not be able to pay bills or even taxes.

  • To be honest, it makes me feel the most surprised about how women genuinely receive worse pay than men. It is very unbelievable to me, and it's shocking. If a woman and a man do the same job, yet the woman gets less pay, I would be very upset about that. Adding on, the woman would just be doing the same exact task the man did, so it is outright unbelievable how the woman gets paid less either way. This is extremely unfair, especially since it's still happening too.
    A way to resolve this is to make the gender pay gap just removed. Absolutely that the company, or business should make women have equal pay as men. Especially if they're doing the same job. Like said, they are doing the same task so they should pretty much be having the same pay no matter what.
    There are a few other challenges women deal with because of gender equality. An example is poor education. Adding on, the women may not be able to go to college or, get jobs just because they had less education than men. What even makes it worse is that if they did get a job, they'd get less pay than men because of the gender pay gap.

  • I would say the pay of women and men surprises me. Men normally have a larger pay than women even if they do the same tasks and work as hard. I believe that if they do the same tasks, work the same hours and do the same thing they should get equal pay. This goes for both ways, i wouldn't want men to have a lower pay than women and i wouldn't want women to have a lower pay than men because women and men could be parents, single parents. If a woman is a single mother and she had a low pay how would she feed her and her kid, same goes for the father. How would people pay the house if they had a low pay.

  • The gender pay disparity surprises me because women are paid much less for doing the same job as men. They contend that eliminating the gender pay gap would be a good way to address this unfair situation. I  also want to point out that women frequently struggle with issues like inadequate schooling, which can limit their access to possibilities for further education and employment. In addition, the gender pay gap may result in lower income for them if they manage to land a job. According to what I think, businesses ought to make an effort to compensate people equally regardless of their gender.

  • The information that surprises me the most is one about the gender gap pay, this is unfair and wrong. Just some women had fewer access to education doesn't mean they should paid lesser than the men in their work spaces. If women are able to perform her task diligently as the men ,then I strongly believe that women should be paid fairly. I believe we humans should just in things we do , paying these women less means that they will take up more jobs to make ends meat, and that is stressful and can affect her health and metal health. Here in Ghana most banks and businesses treat uneducated women unfairly, women in these banks are given low positions in banks and even that are paid unfairly by their bosses , because most of these women have to take up lower cleaning jobs to feed their families. In my opinion I strongly believe businesses should treat educated women fairly and pay them the right amount, also if the uneducated women do not understand some parts of the of the business ,I think helping theses' will the business and help women. In my opinion I believe women should treat equally and fairly like the saying goes "if you teach a man you teach a person ,but if you teach a woman you teach a nation".

  • The information that surprised me the most was the pay gap between men and women. It seems unfair that women get paid less than men even when they have the same job. They BOTH do the same thing. So in my opinion there is no reason for one to be paid more than another. No matter their gender. To make these situations more fair, people should just promote women's equalities more and more. It is important for people to know that all genders should be equal. These examples are just one of the many inequalities women face in society. For example, women get judged for everything they do. People expect women to not be good at anything and treat them horribly. Women are just as good as men are or maybe even better. It is rather unfair that women get judged for everything, but if it were a man they wouldn't get judged. People should realize that women are just as equal as men.

  • The information that surprised me the most was the gender pay gap. I think that this is not fair in many different circumstances, like for example: If a woman and a man both work in the same place, do the same job, and for the same amount of time, they should be paid an equal amount regardless of their gender. Let's say a woman is doing a more difficult job than a man that requires more hard-work, effort, and time. It wouldn't be fair for her to be paid less for doing more than a man.
    Something that can be done to fix this issue could be that businesses and workplaces apply good work ethics and pay their employees equally. These companies can establish labor policies that allow women to be treated the same way as men to help put a rid of this pay gap.
    This is not the only inequality women face. Women also have to struggle with the pink tax in the United States. The pink tax refers to the dilemma in which products marketed towards women are a lot more expensive compared to similar products for men, such as clothing and personal products. It isn't fair that women have to pay more for the same items men can buy for a lot less.

  • I think that all of these statistics are suprising. It is truly shocking how it is the 21st century and we are still fighting gender inequality. Women have always been underestimated, despite the hardwork and labour they suffer through. Women have faced these problems since the start of humanity, from being forced into marriage to still not getting the pay that men recieve.

    To make these situations fair, there is a simple answer - to not base anything on gender and instead the work that someone does.

  • The information that surprises me the most is that women do 30% more unpaid work than men. Women are the same as men and if they do extra work then they should be paid for it. People have to make the government realise how unfairly women are being treated at work. The reason we should tell the government is that they've got the most power over England and they would make the biggest change. Then the government will talk to the big news companies and ask them to treat the women fairly. Other challenges for women are like in Iran where women have to wear certain type of clothes and they can't ride a bike. All of this is due to gender equality.

  • The fact that women are paid 23 cents less for something that they have worked hard for has shocked me. When it comes to salaries, women aren't paid enough. It is sad to witness such unfair treatment at various companies and instituitions just because they are of the opposite gender. A woman can submit reports, write powerful articles, spread education, lead businesses and do whatever a man can do, yet people don't understand the fact that they are paid less. Everybody deserves what they have earned. There is no doubt that if two people do different set of jobs then they can be paid differently, but if two persons do the exact same job, they need to be paid the same amount. Manier times, women balance their work at home and at their job, yet we aren't capapble of giving them the money they have worked so hard for.

  • It shocks me that in modern day society there is still the gender pay gap. Considering many western governments and political groups always preach in their manifestos that gender pay gaps are being closed, it seems that in most work establishments it's still very active!
    This is highly unfair towards women, they will work just as hard to be chosen for their job role just as men do, they will receive the same education and do similar university courses so that they will be qualified to do their job. They will be qualified and promised good pay. However purely because someone is a man they will be paid higher, even though it's the same profession? Companies employing women and men realise that this is a corrupt action. However they won't stop as no one is actively stopping them, this is highly unfortunate since, many women activist groups can only do so much as to help the progress of gender equality. The government must take more action.

    I would also like to add on the fact that most women do underpaid work as a mother, there is afterall the term "Working mothers" however there isn't ever the term "Working fathers". Women in most cases are default parent for their children and working in companies that under pay them on top of that will not make women want to be employed there.

  • The piece of information that surprises me the most is the fact that women are said to be unpaid. I don't see what this has to do with gender inequality, no one is forcing women to stay at home and be unemployed and unpaid, and when women are unpaid and at home, they would surely get some money from a loved one or their husband.

    If women are unpaid and unemployed, they could discuss with their husband or loved ones to pay them, like in a real job or the government can bring up a program that pays unpaid women.

    Women are not given the chance in politics, and are not given the chance to lead countries.

    1. I disagree with your comment. You said 'no on is forcing women to stay at home unemployed' But the fact is that women are not even given a chance to apply for jobs simply because they are women and I also think that women being unpaid has everything to do with gender equality because when you think about it, the reason they are not being paid is BECAUSE that are women. You also said that 'women can ask loved ones and their husband's for money and although that is true, they shouldn't be solely dependent on them and they should also be contributing to their loved ones, because at the end of the day, you might not know what might happen and if their loved ones lose their job nd they don't have any more money, the women would have to find a way to help and if unpaid women are paid by the government, why don't unpaid men also be paid by the government? at the end of the day, it is all about being resourceful and independent. Thank you

    2. I disagree with your comment a lot. Most women don't work because they are told that they don't fit the jobs they sign up for and I feel what you said implies that you think women are lazy. It is very few women that stay at home without working with the mindset that you have. This has a lot to do with gender inequality because gender equality has to do with the balanced treatment of males and females. The unequal pay is not balanced therefore it is gender inequality. And what if the woman is single or divorced, how then would they get the money and if they were in any sort of relationship the man would certainly get tired of giving his female partner money. When you said "no one is forcing women to stay at home and be unemployed and unpaid" you made it quite general by saying women, what about the fraction of the "women" that have jobs?. Please rephrase your point as it is a little bit insulting.

  • I'm actually loving the one on progress, because its nice to know we women aren't just being stagnant in life and not going anywhere I would actually like o here how much more progress we have made in other regions around the world because I know that women are suffering from this round the world most especially in Oman which is in Asia some of the problems the women there are facing are restrictions on movement and on the type of work allowed. Why would a man or the government restrict my movement because am a woman that makes no sense and why would they decide on the type of work I choose to do, that is just like saying my parents are choosing what course I am to study.

  • The situation that surprises me the most is the gender pay gap. This is very unfair to women because just imagine that you are a male soldier and you are in lower rank than a female soldier but for every dollar you get, she gets 77 cents. Does that seem fair to you? I see this as a sign of gender inequality which should be stopped. Women are equally humans just like men so why are they treated like they are lower than men? I see this as a very cruel and unfair way to treat women. We should try our best to fight for the rights of women.

  • The education information surprised me the most. I knew few women had access to education but I thought it was only in my country as before now girls didn't go to school because they were considered people who helped with household chores only and were underrated.

    Women have an equal potential to men. They were made with the same abilities, so there is no difference between genders in terms of capability. Both men and women can support their families. Therefore, there is no reason to discriminate against women. Some solutions towards this topic could be:

    Empowerment for females
    It is important, to take action towards recognition of women's voices. Achieving a balanced participation between men and women will reduce the prevalence of inequality. When both genders are given equal consideration, superior outcomes can be acquired as neither is overshadowed by the other.

    Promote pay equality
    A rip has been caused by the gender pay gap, whereby females are paid less than males but each gender has the right to be paid equally, and within the work space employees are encouraged to stay true to themselves and advocate with the help of some males.

  • I disagree with the statement that says: women are more likely to do unpaid work at home. For example, looking after family members or household chores. Women may be doing as much as 30% more unpaid work than men. I disagree with this statement because according to my research Mothers experience a 60% drop in earnings compared to fathers in the decade following the birth of a first child, this is bad so women need to be paid for what they do, especially their job.

  • Gender equality is the social situation in which people are not treated equally on the basis of gender. And this is mostly towards women, mainly because back in the old times no one cared about women, they never got to do anything men do, including access to education; but we have past those times, yet people still live in the believe: Women are not better than men, even though we are in the 21st century. The situation that stood out to me was the pay gap, it is not fair at all, once two individuals acquire the same position, they should be paid equally whether or not they are female and male. First, I thought the 77 cents women make compared to a man earning 1 dollar was nothing, but it is actually than I thought. According to google: an average worker in the USA makes $38,955, and I multiplied it by 1 dollar which still landed me with $38,955. After that, I multiplied 38,995 by 0.77 which gave me 29 995.35, which is what women are paid. Then I subtracted 29 995.35 from 38,995 which gave me 8999.65. So due to this calculation men make 8999.65 a year more than women which is not fair. Women are just as skilled men, so they deserved to be paid the same.

  • When considering the information presented, think about what facts stand out to you and why they are surprising. Consider ways in which these situations could be made fairer for everyone involved. In addition to these issues, contemplate the other obstacles that women encounter due to gender inequality. Feel free to share your insights and opinions in the comment section, and engage with others by responding to their viewpoints.

  • when our media is sexist it contributes to woman not being represented well. However a lot of women nowadays are trying their best to make an impact to change this. One woman who is constantly on the headlines is media legend Oprah Winfrey. She started off her TV career when she was just a teenager, becoming the youngest person - and first African-America woman - to read the main news on a channel in the city of Nashville in America at the age of 19.

  • Gender inequality often causes women to be mistreated and limited in what they want to do. In the past and even today, many women desire to pursue activities outside of traditional gender roles, such as mining in a cave or playing football. However, they are often prevented from doing so due to the gender inequality they face.

  • Hi! I wanted to let you know that the gender pay gap surprised me the most because it makes me think that people think that women deserve less than men. One way that I think we can fix this is that everyone gets paid on judgment on quality instead of gender. Another problem that women face is when they like things like cars and robotics. A lot of men and women say that girls can't do this stuff. That is my final claim, feel free to comment if you want to.

    1. Can you explain what percentage less women get paid and how do you know

  • In my opinion, it's unfair, particularly in light of the pay disparity. This, in my opinion, is unfair due to the fact that not all women actually do more, yet when you consider most women, particularly those that have children of their very own, you'll find that they typically take care of the household, prepare meals, tidy the house and more. Consequently, it doesn't seem really fair because, given their increased productivity, why don't women receive a higher salary? even if they don't their pay should be equal to that of the men ,I think that just because discrimination was prevalent in the past doesn't mean that it oughts to continue today. In my conclusion, I believe that if it isn't equal, then the person who works most efficiently should be compensated extra.

    1. I respectfully agree with you because the significant amount of unpaid labor that women often undertake, particularly in household and caregiving responsibilities. This work, although essential for the functioning of society, is frequently undervalued and overlooked in economic terms. Just as you mentioned, even if women are not necessarily doing more paid work, they should still receive equal compensation for their contributions. ay should be based on the value of the work performed, not the gender of the individual performing it.

  • My opinion is that the struggle for gender equality is going way to slow. The thing that most surprises me, is that two people, a man and a women, get paid different amounts for doing the same job ( men get paid more )! I also feel that men are offered more opportunities to have bigger roles than women, like running a business or sharing an important decision. To make this more fair, I think women and men should be treated equally and paid the same amount, and should be given the same chances for something big. So basically I think women are definitely not treated the same as men are.

  • I don't agree with gender inequality. I don't agree with it because both genders should have a right to do anything they choose to do. I believe if a male or female wants to do a certain job or go to a certain school ect, they should be able to. Some people believe females should only do a certain job like being a stay at home mom. That's incredibly not true. Some of the richest people in the world are females. With that being said all genders should be treated equally and no discrimination should be shown.

  • The information that surprises me the most is, the fact that some women or girls are not allowed to be educated. I think that both girls and boys deserve the right to be educated so, in countries like that, government should give girls the opportunity to be educated.
    Apart from gender inequality in education, women also face other challenges.
    For example: some women are not given certain jobs and roles in society. Another example is that some men feel superior to women and decide what they want to do with them whenever they want, or, in other words abuse them. And I personally believe that women should be given the right to speak up for themselves whenever the need be.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the information about "Pay", because I don't believe some women should be paid a lower salary compared to men, since they are all working and one is a female, and the other is a male that shouldn't consider a male being page higher than a female. I think males and females should be paid the same number of salaries, because if they work, that means they should receive the same number of salaries. I think some women face challenges about gender equality like: Being less paid than men and being discriminated by others, which is a very bad act leading to some people believing they can't do things that men do.

  • The information that J found most amusing if the gender pay gap. It’s is so unfair for women to be paid less than men because they are woman. In a situation where a man and woman work at the same place and do the same job but the man is paid more than here, I think the only exception is if the man if doing better at his job.
    I believe the way forward company bosse to make sure that women and men are paid according to their position and not their gender.

    I personally think that women face because of gender inequality is not getting jobs because they are women, I feel that this isn’t right because people didn’t choose what gender they want to be when their born.

  • In my opinion I think what surprises me the most is the fact that women are more likely to do unpaid work at home. For example, looking after family members or household chores. Women may be doing as much as 30% more unpaid work than men. This isn’t fair and could cause problems like protests. We have learnt that some regions don’t allow women to focus on education thereby reducing their level of education and exposure. This forces them to always work at home during chores with little or no time to rest which is not fair. For the sake of healthcare, women would most likely live longer than men because women work every day doing chores which enables them to exercise their bodies giving them a better quality of life and a longer life span than men. Women are also most likely to follow the rules more than men as they are more cautious in all they do. The care and caution they exercise keeps them safe and far from prison walls.

  • Out of all the problems with gender inequality presented above, the one that shocked me the most was unpaid work. This is because most people, or at least the people in my community, already knew about the unfair pay in jobs where women would earn less than men. However, I never considered all of the unpaid work women do and have few acclimations for. These unpaid jobs could be doing chores at the house day after day, taking care of a child or elder and simply cooking a meal. These things go unnoticed by many people since society has deemed these actions as obligations that come when being a woman. When in fact it is not true and women do this because they care, not because it is their job, and it shouldn't be if they don't want it to. We need to get away from these harmful stereotypes and that way proceed forward to a more equal future for all.

  • In 1881 women were finally allowed to play football 18 years after men could.
    in 1928 women got the right to vote few years after men could.
    Why couldn't men and women follow the same laws?Why should anyone have to fight for their own right ?
    Its the 21st century and women are still trying to get an equal right to men. When will this ever end?

  • Hello,
    I want to share here my point that with the passage of time women also getting educated in every field of life. I put one exemple here that in pas we think that women cannot do technical and mechanical work like can't handle like men, but Arooba Faridi 25 years old youngest aerospace engineer in Pakistan who realized the world that women can also do this job same like men. And we will also say that this huge gap of gender inequality filled up with education.

  • the imformation that suprises me most is that men get payed more than women do and i think that is a bit silly because we are all human and we should have the same rights and we shouldnt be bullied for our gender or our looks because we are all mammles

  • I believe that the pay gap is the most surprising because women who do the same work at the same level as men should all be paid fairly. It is unfair if women are treated like that and they have the right to have a fair share of money for the same work. Men are not smarter than women, they are on the same level. Men and women are all the people of society and they are all humans. People of all kinds including male and female need to be treated at the same level as anyone else. They should never be seen as lowly citizens. I also believe that women working without getting paid isn't right. This shows that women has to do more work than men but they still get paid less or unpaid. If women has to do more work, they should get equally (or maybe even more) paid than men.

  • The information that surprises me is that women were not treated the same way as men were treated because we are all the same so i don't like the fact in the olden days and even now that women do no get paid the same as men the women dose not get the same jobs and chances that men get because it is just not fair we are all the same and we are all humans and people so we should all be treated equally and the same.

  • I think unpaid work surprised me the most because women stay at home to look after their family and do stuff to look after their houses but men go to work and get paid. If there was gender equality, there would be an equal number of men and women staying at home to look after children.

  • I feel like us as women should not be biased for our gender. We should be treated just like men;don't get me wrong we get treated well on other stuff, but the way that men assume we can't do stuff better or at all compared to themselves can be a little rude and demeaning. They should never judge a book by it's cover.

  • I am not surprised as women have always been undermined by men and in the work place however this must change as women can do much more than they are stereotyped and therefore should be able to show case their talent

  • The information that surprises me thermostat is the education for girls because in Afghanistan girls cannot have secondary school education so if they want to be a lawyer or a doctor (etc.) it will be hard for them because in secondary school you learn more than primary school.Women's pay should increase because they go through harder stuff like pregnancy which means they have to work more to get the money to make sure their child is health and happy. Especially around 6-9 months pregnancy women need more money to help them because, until the child is ready to start school the woman will be on maternity leave.

  • I agree that young girls have a big problem when it comes to access to education due to practices such as child marriage. In some rural communities in Ghana for example, the girl is given to some rich man to marry very early, preventing them from having any education or means of living.

    Also, research shows that in cases when the children are many, the family says the girls should stay home so that their brothers will take care of them and their future children later in life. a clear case of giving power to boys right from the beginning.

    This needs to stop.

  • The information that really surprised me the most is the one about the gender pay gap. I felt sick when i heard this and I was like wow I never knew this is really happening to women, that is a savage custom, how can two people that work in the same office be paid different amount just because one is a woman and the other is a man.
    I think there should be a law which will be guiding companies, or certain agencies should be set up which there works will be to see that women Rights are not been denied.
    And lastely, some of the problems that women still face in my country is the issue of early marriage, some young girls of 11-14 are been forced into early marriage and also some young girls are been deprived of education, this is actually a difficult situation but I strongly believe that if we continue to tackle this issue like this, in no distance time, we will celebrate our victory.
    THANK YOU.....

  • I think that the female gender is discriminated in a lot of ways. Organizations sometimes do not pay women the same amount of money that they pay the men. The funny thing is that they sometimes give the women more work than they give the men but at the end of the day, they are not even paid the same amount of money.
    From what I have seen, women are exceptional, they are devoted, focused, determined and encouraging. I sometimes wonder why people treat these set of people unequally.
    I say that we should all go out and participate in the stopping of gender inequality towards the women.

  • I was surprised at the fact that women are paid less than men and it it because there doesn't seem to be any tangible reason why they are being paid more. Other than the fact that they are women, no reason can be given as to why they are not being paid same as the men and it is not fair, especially if they equally work as hard or even harder only to be given minimum wage, but the fact is that these things do happen and it is one of the reason why some countries are not developing. I think what can be done to make the decision fair is that the women can be paid not based on their gender, but on how much they work and they should be recognized for promotions if they have earned it. Some other challenges that are being faced by women all around, especially in Ghana, is being told that they are incompetent t do some things just because they are women and women are also thought to be unimportant which is not right. It would be very effective if women were recognized for their achievements rather than their downfall. Thank you for taking time to read and consider my comment.

  • I don't quite agree that protest is the answer to all problems most especially things like these and according to the way I see things if women unite together with men hand in hand that when it would be called equality and to make this happen there have to be right on this issue if unpaid work so if a woman is unpaid any where she can stand up for herself

  • I think men and women should have equal rights like same pay for example.

  • In my opinion gender inequality is a big thing to be worried about because it's a person's identity. If the men's world cup player takes 20% of the profit that the stadium gets women should get the same. If Men get an education so should women. These things happen in many countries too this day and are the same in many countries but some stereotypes are sensible such as Men play better sports or women are better at cooking than men.

  • i think that women should report about women and men about men because women know more about women then men as men know more about men than women the thing is that in some countries men get paid more than women it should be equal because then its not fair.

  • Hi,
    In my opinion, what interests me the most is the Gender Pay Gap, this is quite shocking and concerning as men and women both work hard with full determination and dedication to the best of their ability. Some women don't get jobs or opportunities in life as such as men, there are some particular individuals who do not like women to be in a bigger position because it selfishly makes them feel ashamed or downgraded. There could be ways in which things can change if women can just get a chance or an opportunity to prove everyone wrong and show what they are capable of. Women get paid less than men in many cases; this is because they never really had the chance to give everything they've got including their intensely useful skills that many people don't have or are aware about. This shouldn't be happening in this generation and women should be highly rewarded for the skills and effort they put into their work. Men and women should both be treated equally and rewarded equally, not at any point should women be looked down upon. This is highly unfair toward women and things need to be changed immediately which can lead to bringing peace and equality to everyone.
    Thank you

  • I don't think there is gender equality in this generation even after all the protesting and disagreement.One reason for this is because even if a women is doing the same jobs and tasks as a man, the man is mostly likely to be paid more than the female worker.People still expect women to do all the housework while the man goes out and gets a job which is not fair or right.The jobs should be spread equally between them.Also in education fewer women go to school then men worldwide.This is because men are usually encouraged to go to school and work more than women.

  • I was most surprised by the percentage in unpaid work. It shows that we are far from equality if 30% of women stay home to look after their family while men go out and work to earn money and provide. If there was gender equality, there would be an equal amount of men and women doing unpaid work.

  • The information that surprised me the most is the gender pay gap. I knew women earned less than men, although I did not realize how much. What I believe could be done to make these situations more fair for everybody and more equal is to help women earn so pay by including more education. Education is one of the keys to success and is used daily by us, humans. As a female myself, daily challenges are mostly not a surprise. From being called names to being rejected for certain jobs as simple as helping out. These challenges are no surprise to me daily when a teacher needs a "big strong boy" to help out instead of a girl. Many might say that it's just how things were and now should be, although I disagree. For example, if a teacher were to call on a girl instead to help with something physical, it seems odd to most. Of course, this does not apply to all teachers and administrators, although it can be quite frequent and common.

    Therefore, I believe something should be done to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and feels safe in our world today. Everybody should not have to feel different in a negative way and should rather be treated fairly.

  • It is unfair that women and men should be treated differently because we are all created equal and should be treated in the same way regardless of our sex, race, or anything else. Itv makes no difference and children should be encouraged to have this mindset.

  • The situation which surprises me the most is gender pay gap. Gender pay gap is not at all fair. If they don't want to pay women equal to women or they want to discriminate between men and women then it is better if they don't keep women's in their office to work. If they are keeping women's to work and if they are working then they should be paid equal to men. Women's should take their stand because if they are not paying you how much you deserve then they are using you for their work.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the pay gap. I personally believe it is completely unfair if women and men are doing the exact same things. If the two people are doing the same job why should the women be paid less than the man? I think that they should equal out the pay so that they are paid equally. As well as this women are treated as lesser justr because they are female and it has been like this throughout the whole of history.

  • In my opinion, this is disgraceful we are all humans and we are all equal. What surprises me the most was when men got paid more than women. Men did the same job but got more money and what is more shocking is that this is still happening in the world. We should all get the same amount of money.

  • I feel that the gender pay gap is really unfair.This is especially ufai for single mothers in he world trying to make a living.The gender pay gap makes it hd for these mothers to buy the necessities they need for their family like food,clothes,and home things.I think that in the future we should realize how unfairly we treat people or in this case women and see what we can do better.

  • Good morning! Everyone
    Whatever is eternally beneficial in this world, half of it is done by women and half by men. This means that men and women have equal roles . Women have shown that not only men can work for the development of the world. But also the role that women can play. For example, nowadays alone with men, women are also involved in various professions such as journalist, volunteering, army etc. Moreover, women from poor families are playing a special role in earning foreign exchange by using cottage industry for livelihood. In this way, women are playing a role in the development of the world by using their skills, thinking and creativity in keeping with men.

  • Hello everyone
    I pick the option that talk on education because it's important to women just to educate their children though they teach other people. Women's have to be educated and learn many aspect because they're who care for their younger and care for other relatives within them.
    However women's face many challenges such as the educative aspects within last century , after then women's wear educatedand contribute in many aspects.

  • It's not fair that women don't get paid sometimes, everyone knows that now we have to pay more in shops. So if women don't get paid they won't have water and food to live and if they have kids then they will die bc they dont drink or eat.

  • The one that surprises me a lot is the first fact, the one of 'Pay'. I don't think that women must have a lower salary only because it is a woman and men a higher one because they are men. There are some cases that women work better than men and the people didn't recognise it. In this case, women must have a better salary because they work in a very good way, and it happends the same with men. I think that the pay must be better for the person that works more and better, not only for men. That is unfair and we have to recognise who works better and give it a reward for his job.
    Other things that are very unfair for women are that men don't respect what they like. I mean, many men says that football is only for them and when they saw a woman talking, playing or wathching football, they critisized them. I don't think this is fair because it happends the same with the colours, ''blue is for man and pink for woman''. Your choice doesn't had nothing to do with your sex, you can decide what sport to watch or what colour to wear.

  • I find it truly amazing and truly very demoralizing that notwithstanding all the headway we've made in schooling and different regions, the orientation pay hole is still a particularly diligent issue. It's simply not fair that ladies are procuring such a great deal less than men overall, with ladies just getting around 77 pennies for each dollar men acquire. It truly shows that there's something profoundly amiss with the framework that needs earnest fixing. To make things all the more fair, I think we really want to begin by being more straightforward about how individuals are paid. Organizations ought to be expected to truly investigate their compensation rehearses consistently and ensure that everybody doing likewise work gets compensated something similar, paying little mind to orientation. What's more, past that, we really want strategies that help things like adaptable working hours and reasonable childcare, so ladies aren't stuck bearing all the neglected work at home and can completely take part in the labor force. In any case, it's not just about the compensation hole. Ladies are confronting a wide range of difficulties in view of orientation imbalance. It's harder for them to climb in their professions, they have less admittance to assets and potential open doors, and they're managing higher paces of viciousness and separation. We really want to handle these issues head-on, by evolving strategies, yet in addition by changing mentalities and convictions about orientation jobs. We really want more ladies in administrative roles, more help for ladies who need to begin their own organizations, and more discussions about why orientation fairness matters in all aspects of society.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the gender pay gap. I feel that this isn't very fair and I am sure that many other people agree with me. Women are skilled and educated people so they should get paid the same amount of money as men. Women can do work that men can do. If women are not educated enough to get paid a fair amount of money, they should be able to have the opportunity to go to school. Another problem that women face is not being treated right. Women are people to but some men do not agree with that.

  • The most surprising information I have found out about is definitely the the lack of appreciation of stay at home mums. Child benefit is paid in the UK £24 per week for the first child and £15.90 for any further children if your income is less then a certain amount. That's a very small amount of money. I believe this is payable also for working parents but the benefit stay at home mums bring or even part time working mums bring to their children's wellbeing should not be underestimated.

  • Hi, in my opinion all this is very serious, far beyond a simple problem, it cannot be that societies discriminate against someone for just being a woman, since they do not choose what sex they want to be before being born, I do not believe that women be different from man on a social level, on a biological level obviously we have our differences, but it is no reason to discriminate against us, for me it is a problem that we can solve together and I hope it will be in much less than 100 years.

  • Gender equality is essential for a fair and just society. It's about ensuring equal opportunities, rights, and treatment for people of all genders. It's not just a women's issue; it benefits everyone. Let's work together to break down barriers and create a world where everyone can thrive regardless of gender.

  • That there is a gap or even a difference in what men and women get paid shocks me every time I hear it. Also what is about non binary or trans people then? That’s probably why you have to check a box that says what gender one has. I think that shouldn’t exist because it isn’t fair. I also think that the work that is being done at home shouldn’t be considered work that is being by one gender in specific. Historically it makes sense and that it still is that ankered in society is very concerning.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the progress. North America and the other continents have barely made progress in the last few years. To make these situations fair they can just lower the wage gap by lowering the pay of men. Women face a lot of challenges like people bashing women, not liking how everyone likes women, how powerful they were.

  • personally as a male, i'd say that the pay gap should be the other way round and men get less money, my explanation is that women use money better than men if i'm being completely honest. And for education i'd say that i see an equal-ish amount of women and men

    1. Do you see any problems with flipping the gender pay gap? How would this make men feel? You say women use money better than men. Do you have any evidence?

  • Women often tend to do more unpaid work compared to men, such as taking care of family members and managing household tasks. Studies suggest that women might be doing up to 30% more unpaid work than men. It is surprising to learn about this imbalance in responsibilities at home and the impact it has on women's overall workload. To create fairer situations, sharing household and caregiving responsibilities equally among family members could help alleviate this burden on women. Additionally, providing more support systems and resources for families could also address some of the challenges associated with unpaid work.

  • The information that surprises me the most is the unpaid work that women do and receive because I expected more from it. I knew that women get paid less for their labor, however I never saw it being that low. However the pay that women get is also pretty shocking to me but I somewhat expected it. To make this more fair, we need to take into consideration what women do to help the world, and pay them for what it's worth. It's disappointing to see how much we're getting paid, especially when women work way more and efficient jobs than men nowadays. Other challenges women face because of gender equality still go with jobs, just like the stereotype that women should be cooking for the men in the house.