Unfair advantage?

One of the biggest arguments against using performance-enhancing drugs is that it gives athletes an “unfair” advantage.

This got us thinking. Are there other things that might give an athlete an advantage over others in a sports competition? For example…

  • Icon-trainer

    The latest equipment – such as trainers that include springy soles

  • Icon-Time

    More time to train than others – for example, because you don’t have to do another job

  • Nutrition-Icon

    Better nutrition – such as fresh foods, vegetables and supplements

  • Fitness-Icon

    Access to expertise – for example, from a coach or a teacher

  • Figure-Icon

    Physical advantages – such as longer limbs

Comments (221)

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  • I think all of these things should be there . We need time to train, eat fresh fruits, and proper diet, have an expertise of a coach or a teacher , and use proper equipments with care, all these things matter a lot, and these will make you a better sports person and athlete. Obviously performance. Enhancing drugs will be an unfair advantage for one. Because the person who is not taking these drugs will feel sad as he has been working hard , without doing any cheating for winning. And if one does then it will be wrong for the other who has not done that. Also to make the competition fair it is important to have a proper set of rules which need to be followed by everyone because rules only sometimes makes the game more interesting and difficult so that the results are accurate……
    Also, we should not be dependent upon anything. We should do what is right and don’t take a shortcut for achieving something.

    1. I agree and the concept of no shortcuts is a very important concept and has been shared by many teacher and coaches but to make sure that there is a fairness among athletes I feel every competition should have their own criteria, this would allow for the physical advantage to be leveled out. For all the equipment during exercise and the event, the host should advise and enforce for the use of specific tools to level the playing ground.

    2. Nice one glorious truth.
      I think I agree with you because,athletes use fresh food to get good health and not to be sick always.Using enhanced drugs might even be a way to cheat in any sporting activity.And also if you have a lot of time to practice, you'll surely win.
      THANK YOU 😊

      1. Athletes eat healthy to stay strong and play their best. While they might get sick sometimes, using special drugs to enhance your ability to do work without hard work is like cheating. These performance enhancing drugs are not fair because they break the rules and spoil the joy of the game.

        Instead of using performance enhancing drugs, athletes should focus on eating well, practicing hard, and playing fair. This way, they can be the best and have a healthy and happy sport career. because cheating is never the right choice.
        Thanks for listening!

        1. I agree because cheating is not okay and if its going to have a disadvantage on their health, why would they do it? Sports should be about showing your best abilities and being proud of them, drugs is just an unnecessary addition. Taking drugs for improvement on your sport activities is not fair on other participants who either chose not to take them or cant afford to get them. I feel that if drugs are added to sports, were not showing the hard work and effort needed to put into sport, what is this teaching the younger generation?

          1. I agree with you considering the fact that enhancing drugs is indeed illegal. People need to figure out that keeping your body well in shape in the only legal enhancing drug in sports. If you keep proper nutrition and proper workout plans will be a natural enhancing drug and succeed in every sport they do.

        2. I completely agree with you. Athletes are always training 24/7, even when they are not in the gym, they are still doing something to maintain their fitness- whether its eating healthy or doing some recuperation. Sometimes like all human beings, they get sick too. When timing is especially unfortunate, they can get sick before important events. However, this is never an excuse to dope.

          Despite the seeming advantages, there are also disadvantages which outweigh the advantages. Such as it leading to mood swings and aggressive behaviour. Not only are there physical negatives, but doping also such negatives connatations within the sporting world. Doping is treated with such a disdain. Take Paul Pogba, the French footballer for example. After being caught doping, he's now ruined not only his physicality but ruined his career as he has been suspended for four years.

      2. You made a good comment but you know that in a game, one team must definitely win so my question now is, all the team that loose during games, does it mean that they don't practice before.

        1. I agree because all sports have winners, but in the end, everyone can be a winner if they give their best. All teams practice and eat healthily to be in their best shape and perform well in the sport. It doesn't necessarily mean that the opposing team doesn't practice, but it could mean that they are not on the same level as the winning team and cannot defeat them.

    3. Indeed your right glorious truth because if some one takes drugs the others might feel down as in the person taking the drugs has been pampered over them,and it is really an important part that is to eat good food that are healthy, train properly by the instruction of a good coach in order not to cheat make certain rules and regulations that govern the game for example if to say the game was ""relay race" the number one rule of this game is to make sure you hold the baton properly before passing it to your partner, make sure you maintain your lane in order not to get disqualified. This types of rules should govern the game because their is no way you would follow the rules and some one will tell you you cheated and cheating is a very bad thing that no one wants to be caught doing.

    4. Definitely all of these things should be there. I say so because, we need time to train ourselves on how to eat and to be an expertise. We need to take care of all of these things because they matter to us a lot and this could make us become more healthy and better . Enhanced drugs can be unfair to some people because, those who are not taking this drugs feel the sports will no more be interesting because sports require strength and effort but here it is artificial strength. I think the game could be fair if we bring in everyone's opinion.

      1. I'm not sure about this because what if this is being categorized where we have those who want to take enhanced drugs compete against each other and those who don't want to enhanced drug compete against each other, i think that will be fair

    5. I do agree that everything you have mentioned is needed for a successful career for an athlete but the enhancing drugs will give a person a bigger advantage, in life there is no shortcut

      1. I totally agree with you because, most people that try to use shortcuts always end up in a mess. In this enhanced games, people are allowed to use shortcuts and I think they might also experience negative effects or even get addicted to this drugs.
        For example, if athletes that take part in running, might get addicted to performance enhanced drugs and might end up depending on these drugs to walk or even need to use a wheelchair in the near future.

        1. Would you change your mind if the risks of these drugs are low?

          1. Hi Harriet @TopicalTalk
            There are several reasons as to why I would change my mind about low-risk drugs, as they can lead to increased health and well-being. This is because individuals can access medications and supplements that can improve their overall health and well-being. For example, herbal supplements and vitamins are often used to promote good health and to prevent illnesses. At present, there is a lack of high-quality research into the effectiveness of these supplements, in part due to the perception that they are not 'serious' enough to warrant investment in research. However, if people and health professionals had a greater understanding of the potential benefits of herbal supplements in preventing illness, this could increase the amount of quality research conducted in this area. As a result, individuals would have access to more information and evidence on the effectiveness of these supplements, which could improve health and lead to a reduction in illness. Secondly, changing minds can improve the quality of life. By changing perceptions and challenging the way people think about low-risk drugs, there is scope to increase the treatments available for pain and anxiety, such as through greater recognition of the benefits of non-addictive painkillers and anti-anxiety medications. For instance, research shows that complementary therapies—a type of treatment that is not typically offered within conventional Western medicine, such as acupuncture, massage, and certain herbal remedies—can help people manage a range of painful physical conditions. However, these therapies are not widely available on the NHS. If minds were changed to recognize the benefits of such therapies, this could open up new treatment options for a wide range of conditions, helping individuals to manage their pain in ways that suit them. Any improvement to health systems and treatments that result from this process would be to everyone's advantage and would ultimately contribute to the wider public health. Lastly, changing minds about low-risk drugs can enhance safety and security. This is because individuals (for example, in my country, Ghana) can make more informed choices about their medications and treatments. For example, if there were changes in thinking that resulted in greater awareness of the potential dangers associated with commonly used over-the-counter medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, this could have a significant positive impact on public health. Recent research has suggested that these medications are linked to an increased risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular complications. However, these medications are still widely accessible without a prescription. If people were better informed about the potential risks of NSAIDs through campaigns that seek to change attitudes and knowledge about these drugs, this could lead to a reduction in the number of people inadvertently putting their health in danger through their medication choices. Thank you.

            1. Not that I disagreed with you comment am only trying to modify that. Have you forgetting that everybody's body system are not the same?
              You might take the drug and you won't have any systems at that moment but if I do, I might begin to develop lung or liver cancer.You said it increase health and well-being, do you think it does not have a side effect? Or do you think you can't be addicted to it in the sense that you won't practice again because feel there is always drugs to help then?
              I think nice-eagle is right in what he/she said about the risk of these drugs I also concur that it doesn't change anything and the drugs should be banned totally not reducing the risks and I also think they should judge the scores through how you performed in game naturally.

          2. Hi Harriet@Topical talk,
            Even if the side effects of the drugs are low, there is no how it is not going to affect the person in future remember that everybody's body systems are not the same in the sense that it might benefit the other person and cause a very dangerous harm to your health, also, mind you that not everybody are coming from the same background because another man's food might be another man's poison.
            I think the best way to correct this situation is by having Individual lab test to know the suitable drug for a particular person so that people can be in the safer side to avoid health issues.

            1. Hello passionate_reindeer, I agree with your statement because even while the side effects might not show right away like you said it could occur in the future hurting the person.

          3. Hello Harriet, I would like to answer your question.
            Even if the effects of the drug are low, they would probably affect in the future. We don't know how it will affect the athlete in the future. Their body would be sensitive due to that they have to take the drug in every competition. I also think that this would be very dangerous to their body. Imagine having difficulties in the competition but still competing. It would be terrible for their mental health, physical health, and everything. I also want you to imagine what if they were in a bad condition and they wouldn't be able to compete again. It would ruin their career. They would be sad because they worked hard to get there. Even tho the effects of the drug are low, they would also be bad conditions.

            1. I solidly agree with you because all performance enhancing drugs has side effects in future which is very bad. Your body system might not respond or react that particular but when it becomes chronic that's when it will start causing some toxic harms in our body systems. Currently we have lost about 44% of athletes today in the process of this performance enhancing drugs.
              In conclusion, I will say that reducing the risk won't change anything.

              1. I agree because, no matter how hard you try to find a drug that has minimal side effects or no side effects it is impossible to find. Every drug has a certain side effect of it's own. According to https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/prednisolone/side-effects-of-prednisolone-tablets-and-liquid/ some examples of side effects of drugs are:
                Weight gain.
                Problems sleeping (insomnia).
                Feeling restless.
                Sweating a lot.
                Mild mood changes.
                THANK YOU.

            2. I completely agree with you, engaging_twilight. Many may not know about the internal conflicts that happen in somebody's well being and also health. Not to mention the long term conflicts that may occur later in their life. When using drugs, there's no telling on how it may affect the user. As everybody's body is different and special in their own way.

          4. Even if the risk of the drugs is low, I will never change my mind. I believe that sports are where the physical fitness, ability and talent of a person is judged. So, if you take drugs, it will be a partiality. Usually, an athlete works hard to keep himself fit and healthy so that he can play well. Health is an important factor for an athlete. Playing games by taking drugs will not show your ability and strength. So, it will be unfair for the audience as they will not be able to see your potentials and ability. Also winning the game using drugs will not give you the satisfaction and pleasure which you will get by working hard and with your full potentials. Besides, if the risk of drugs is low, it doesn't ensure that it will not have any effect. What if by taking drugs it hampered your body and you can't get back the strength? It will destroy your whole career. For this reason, we should not take any risk. We have to play games by our own ability and enjoy the game.

          5. Hi Harriet@ Topical talk,
            I wouldn't change my mind if the risks of these drugs are low because all human's body systems are not the same so in that case, another man's food might be another man's poison. You might take the drug and nothing will happen to you but if i do, there is a possibility that it might cause a very big danger to my systems and mind you, not everybody are coming from the same background so that case the person might not be taking whatever you are taking which makes your body very different from his/her own. All performance_ enhancing drugs has side effect. You might not feel it now till when you become older maybe that is when the signs will start developing in your body.
            i think the best way to solve this problem by just banning the performance _enhancing drug totally so that there will be no room for cheating and unfair play in sports so that the scores will be judge by how you performed naturally without anything booster.

          6. Even if the risk of these drugs are low there is no reason for using these drugs.If a person wants to achieve a goal the person must walk towards it.When athlete uses drugs for a period of time , the drugs might not have any effect on the athlete's body. And the athlete might feel that the drugs are not effective any more and therefore increase the dosage of the drug and unknown to him or her increasing the risk too.

            1. I agree because most of the people that are using all this drugs are able to die at a young age even if the drug effects are slow it can still kill them. This would make the sports look like something bad.

          7. Hi, Harriet@TopicalTalk,
            I feel it can be easy for certain people to believe that changing their minds when the risks are low suggests that others who are doing this are not doing so for reasonable and acceptable reasons. This is known as paternalism, where others, perhaps with power, use the facts in order to benefit or harm the person who has little or no power. But it's also easy for certain people to simply dismiss the possibility that low-risk problems are bad because, first of all, they're unhealthy with little or no enjoyment, and if the risk is low, there's actually nothing really to be gained. However, it's thought that this isn't necessarily correct because, under modern principles, patient autonomy is now the biggest factor that determines how risk is calculated and what can be done when there's an instance of a risky healthcare process. It is up to a patient to decide if something is going to affect their body and put them at risk, no matter how low that risk actually is. This is further supported by a case that was decided concerning a woman named Margaret Sidaway. She had a rare and degenerative disease that rendered her paralyzed and in severe pain. The doctors suggested that an operation be completed, which has only a 0.5% risk of making the condition even worse. However, Miss Sidaway decided against the operation, but the doctors never told her about the very low risk of anything going wrong. She took the case to court, and while it was found that there was a strong legal rule to the effect that the doctors had to disclose any information that was material, so that the patient could make a proper decision, it also showed how different risks and questioning the impacts could change someone's life due to the fact that the legal test recognizes the sovereignty of the patients. As a result, the idea that low-risk problems cannot be reasons for changing one's mind is seen as more and more incorrect, and no longer can one really argue that low-risk problems are bad because, first of all, they're unhealthy, and also that if it's low-risk, there's really nothing to be gained. Nowadays, there's more emphasis on patient autonomy( especially in my country, Ghana), and what's been seen as less acceptance of that clinical judgment should instead be a priority in deciding issues relating to low-risk problems. The reality is that changes of mind in the face of risks are not only understandable and rational, given the variety of reasoning points around risks. This also allows for the support of the modern principle that low risks are still risks and should be calculated and considered to the point of whether or not an action should be taken based upon that particular risk to the patient concerned. Thank you.

          8. I'm not sure about this because although the risks are low, we are taking artificial substances to obtain fisical capacities better than the natural species of the human being does not have, and related to this, athletes may develop an addiction to said substances that could provoke serious damage in their bodies and in their economy due those drugs aren't cheap.

          9. Hi Harriet @Topical Talk,
            Please I would like to respond to your tentative question, that says if you would d change your mind if the risks of the performance enhancing drugs are low.

            Ok, it will benefit the athletes because it is going to keep them more healthy because and they will live longer.
            Then on the other hand it is not good because not everybody’s body systems are the same in the sense that you might take the peels without having any sight now but when I take it then it becomes a problem. I know an adage that says, another mans food is another man’s poison and also the one that say all fingers are not the same. So when everybody takes the drugs and I don’t because of health issues then it becomes a problem.
            In conclusion, even if the risks are less, it will still affect some people and when they don’t take it then it becomes cheating in games.

      2. Totally, I agree with you because there is so much need for an athlete to get all these things for a brighter path. There may be shortcuts, but indeed it is not a way to become successful in life because you didn't work for it. In conclusion, as you've said, there are no any shortcuts in life, you have to work very hard.

      3. I disagree with knowledgeable message because if athletes take drugs it will not be fair for others who practiced from there childhood or for days. Some athletes just take this drugs, not worrying about the effect of the drugs.

      4. I disagree because these drugs have side effects on the people that are taking it which may make them to die or make their performance in what their doing low which can cause their career to be sorting end by taking all of
        these drugs.

    6. I do agree that everything you have mentioned is needed for a successful career for an athlete I feel discouraged when I hear athlete using steroids and performance enhancing drugs because it would discourage people who are considering a career in athletics it gives people an unfair advantage but it also causes harm to that person it takes the fun out of a challenge if you now how to cheat it also discouraged other athlete's. All rules should be properly followed when a sporting event is happening and good sportsmanship should be shown.

      1. HELLO knowledgeable_ message,
        I agree with you because athletes taking enhancement drugs is not good because it kills the fun. It does this when the athletes take the enhanced drugs there is a 90% chance that the game has been won by the athletes that take the enhanced drugs.
        Clearly, there is something that should be noted. That will be that people should never take enhanced drugs in the Olympic Games because that can cause them to lose a lot. I say this because lately, Paul Pogba( a footballer) was banned for 4 years from the Olympic Games. He was banned because he took enhancement drugs outside the Enhanced Games. He suffered the consequences for his actions.
        So, I just say that people should mind using enhancement drugs outside the Enhancement Games.
        THANK YOU!!!

      2. I agree with you because using steroids can be very harmful to the body I for one will recommend proper nutrition for the body and exercise they will help in the growth of the body and it won't be recommended as cheating.

    7. Not all athlete who take these drugs take it with the aim of cheating , i feel some people take these drugs to enhance their practice lets say for instance i know that an athlete discovers his endurance is not in a fair range and it has been affecting his training then he decided to take performance enhancing drugs to improve his endurance so as to train better don't you think , that athlete has solved a problem he or she is facing. if Thomas Thiel did not think of the advantages or the people these drugs would help do you think he would have invested billions not only did he think about a problem most athletes must be facing he also discovered a reliant solution. if training, eat fresh food and proper diet really makes you a good athlete do you think enhanced sport would have been a success, some researchers discovered a problem and found out a solution so there i think using performance enhancement is fair because not every athlete has the same strenght capacity

      1. I disagree because, when you take drugs it is not to train or enhance your physical abilities, it is to try and win over the competition. It is good to try and win, but using drugs should be illegal to use in the competition.
        Imagine if this was allowed into educational facilities, the winner would be which team has the better cheaters on their side.
        THANK YOU.

    8. HELLO!
      I agree All of this are supposed to be done, new equipment should be worn if an athlete wants to wear it he should not be stopped, and everybody must have time to train whether you don't have a job, eating nutritious food is good for the body and nutritious foods are not enhanced unlike other drugs, every athlete should have his personal coach that help he/she train to get better without the use of enhanced drugs, physical advantages are natural so it should not be considered as cheating. But using enhanced drugs is cheating.
      THANK YOU!

      1. What if performance enhancing drugs were available to everyone? Then would it be cheating?

        1. Hi Katie@TopicalTalk,
          I genuinely feel In the field of competitive sports, performance-enhancing drugs have managed to become a major topic in the past few decades. It is defined as any substance or drug that, when taken, has the potential to improve certain aspects of a person’s performance. In other words, it helps the person perform better. However, the use of such drugs has been highly debated over the last few years. One of the main arguments is whether these drugs actually work. It is a common experience that human ability is often limited. For example, a person may not be able to run as fast as someone who has a bigger body structure. Supporters of performance-enhancing drugs often point out this fact to justify their actions. By taking anabolic steroids, the ability of the user can be enhanced to a higher level that overcomes the limitations usually caused by human genetics. However, other people may argue that they may not always work as they are intended. Some critics point out the side effects, such as being addicted to the drugs and possible damage to the organs. Another definition of the word "drug" is that it is a medicine or other substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. From a medical point of view, caffeine found in a cup of coffee is considered a performance-enhancing drug. Therefore, most scientists miss this point. They often refer to "drug" as a chemical compound used in medicine that has a physiological effect. This is why caffeine or creatine, often found in dietary supplements, are not considered performance-enhancing drugs. Lastly, the drug should be listed on the World Anti-Doping Agency's prohibited list. Athletes have to be aware of these rules and regulate their behavior. Athletes should only use the medications as indicated by their healthcare provider. Instead of taking performance-enhancing drugs, the practice of which is actively discouraged and penalized in competitive sports,. This is because the drug is often associated with serious harm to the athlete's health, and sometimes it may become addictive. By creating a culture among the young athletes of using artificial means to improve their performances, we are actually neglecting the importance and value of hard work and dedication in sport. On the other hand, the argument against performance-enhancing drugs is that there is no absolute proof that they will increase athletic performance. It is also being questioned as to why efforts should not be made to rid sports of the injustices that already affect them. It is always going to be argued that an athlete using such drugs would not have achieved the same record without them. Also, some medical point of view is that in low doses, the drugs actually promote overall health by increasing the recovery of muscles and increasing mental processes such as alertness and stamina. So, if the drugs are to be used in sports, there should be no ban on these drugs when used in minimal doses for medical reasons. It is suggested that before any drug testing, the athlete should have the proper documentation to justify that they are taking the drugs for medical reasons. Thank you.

        2. Hi Katie@Topical talk,
          Absolutely No, I don't think there is any way it going to be cheating because it is meant for everyone to take in the sense that the both teams took part while taking the drugs but when is going to be cheating is when only one part of the team took the drug then it is been considered to be an unfair play among the team and it is against the law for one part of the team to take enhancing drugs.
          Also, when the drugs is available for everyone to take I think the both team's powers will balance and what will determine if they wins or not is how hard they has worked while having training. I think making the drugs available for everyone is the best option for a fair play in games than making it available for one part of the team.

        3. Hi Katie@Topical talk,
          One the other hand it might be cheating because, some people's body systems are not the same. People hat knows the side effect of the drug might not agree to take it in the sense that they might be affected by the drug so they might not agree to take them and when others takes and they don't, then it becomes a cheating.
          I think the best thing to do is to banned the use of the enhancing drugs so that people can participate through their strength to enable equal powers from both sides and fair play.
          I believe that will be better to make everyone happy in the game to avoid lung, heart or rather kidney cancers from affecting the athletes.

          1. I solidly agree with you nice eagle because, there is no way it won't be cheating if any one is left behind because there is a possibility that some that took the drug will perform better than the person that didn't do so.
            If the Olympics organisers want to aquire fair paly in games then the performance enhancing drugs should be banned totally from athletes. The game suppose to be a friendly game in the sense that athletes are supposed to lay a full concentration on their strength and also be hardworking for a better result.
            The performance enhancing drugs are supposed to be monitored by professional doctors and it should have limitations because too much of everything is bad. Also, According to what nice eagle mentioned early all performance enhancing drugs has side effect so it doesn't matter whether it has a low risk or not.
            In conclusion, I will suggest that they stop athletes from taking enhancing drugs immediately before it damage their body systems.

        4. Hello Katie,
          If performing enhancing drugs were allowed for everyone would it be cheating? Yes, it would be cheating. This would be cheating because not all the contestants have the same body system. Some of the contestant's body systems would not be used, to taking drugs because they have a healthy body. I think they should completely ban drugs in the enhancing games because some of these people came here to show how strong they are and not to cheat. That's why I think that they should ban them because they have to play fair and not cheat. I know that everyone would be happy to see a fair game and to enjoy it.
          Thank you

          1. Yes i agree with you because it will be unfair to those who don't use these drugs. I say so because athletics is part of entertainment ,which is suppose to be contested between two opponents of almost same capabilities and strength but it will be a different thing entirely for these thing to be introduced as part of sports.

        5. Making performance-enhancing drugs widely available could level the playing field. Some athletes might opt out due to health concerns, while others would embrace them. However, if certain athletes gain an advantage from these drugs while others abstain, it could compromise fair competition.

          Athletes who achieve greatness without performance-enhancing substances are celebrated for their natural abilities and remarkable accomplishments. If these drugs were universally accessible, the distinction between inherent talent and artificial enhancement might bedim, potentially affecting the reputation of exceptional athletes.

          In summary, while granting universal access to performance-enhancing drugs could eliminate the concept of cheating in the context of taking enhancement drugs, it would also raise significant ethical, health, and fairness concerns.

      2. I agree with you that athletes might have an advantage thanks to regular training, but I think that using equipment would be unfair to those who don't have access to those equipment. Most good athletes are good at what they do because of regular training, family genes or even natural or learned skills. But the Enhanced games allow people to use shortcuts. If people with good natural or learned skills use these drugs it may have a negative effect on them rather than helping them. Some may develope problems as a result using the drugs
        In summary I think that good nutrition is what makes a good athlete.

    9. I agree with glorious_truth because in our lives we need to train , have daily checkups , eat healthy food to help our lives. It is advised that we eat healthy food to keep us safe , well active and strong . In my opinion, using enhanced drugs is not advisable because of its associated negative side effect on peoples health . Every athlete should be given equal treatment and no one given a better advantage to the other.
      Severe punishment's and bans should be meted out to athletes who flout the rules on the use of drug enhancement drugs.

      1. Hello fascinating opinion l agree that most of these advantages are fair because fruits are healthy, equipments are fair mostly when these equipments are for people who are dislocated,physical advantages mostly from family members or are natural ,extra training is required for an athlete and a good athlete has to have a mentor to teach them whats right and wrong. finally, the last advantage which is enhanced drugs can be fair when everybody has enhanced drugs that are healthy and safe .

    10. Hello glorious_truth,
      I think that the use of illegal drugs is an "unfair advantage" because people that want to be athletes work and train very hard in order to accomplish what they want to accomplish. It come with a lot of personal sacrifices and a lot of effort. But people that utilize drugs to enhance their physical fitness do not put in effort and might end up being successful which would make the hard workers feel cheated. This is also similar to cheating in examinations. People that cheat and pass in examinations are crooks. But people that fail without cheating has basically passed.
      Nothing in life is simple. People have to work hard to succeed in whatever they do in general. The same thing with sports. Working hard, training every day, and eating a balanced diet are some of the few ways that an athlete can get a chance of winning a game. Using enhanced drugs makes someone to be lazy and unproductive and can also result in health hazards.
      THANK YOU!!!

    11. The source of an athlete's victory, especially new and fast rising athletes, should properly be investigated so he or she will not claim the victory that belongs to someone more worthy and faithful. Athletes should know by through these actions, they are committing 3 crimes:
      - They are cheating; illegal acquiring of victory that isn't theirs.
      - They are thieves because they rob innocent and hardworking people of their rewards and victory.
      - They rob themselves of their full health due to the negative drugs' side effects.
      Athletes should be enlightened on the negative side effects of drugs and how unfair it is to other athletes who have worked harder for a victory a cheat has denied them of. Athletes that use these illegal advantages should be exposed, warned or suspended from sporting activities. If with these punishments, they still persist, they should be denied their victories or be completely expelled from sporting activities. They should be enlightened on better, safer and more fair ways to be physically fit and acquire victory by fair means such as:
      - Going on strict and healthy diets, especialyl those advised by doctors.
      - Exercise very frequently.
      - Eat balanced diets containing carbohydrates for energy, protein for strong bones, water for proper hydration and fruits and vegetables and their products (smoothies) to provide needed minerals and minerals.
      Some coaches also encourage these unfair advantages and pressure their athletes to partake in it even if they don't want to. Some even threaten their athletes. These coaches should also be enlightened on this fair acquisition methods of victory and can be suspended if caught engaging in such activities. If they persist, they can be banned from sporting activities.
      Thank you.

    12. I confidently agree with you glorious _truth because athletes need all the things you mentioned below and you are clearly true athletes need constant training and exercise, athletes need good nutrition for them to be physically fit.
      And my last talk is athletes should not depend on enhanced drugs and the enhanced drugs may have some side effects.
      Eager to see corrections.
      Thank you.

    13. I agree with you and I would like to say that it necessary that an athlete should eat to remain healthy and strong so that he can be able to play on the field ; about the equipment, I would say that it is ok if an athlete is wearing the shoes of whatever brand he/she wants.. it is an athletes choice ..I think that if an athlete is consuming the drugs then he /she should inform other athletes to maintain fairness and integrity on the field .. and obviously athletes can search for the better coach from expertise.. lastly I would say that there should be no discrimination, there should be equal rules and regulations..etc..

      1. I agree with you because the athletes that take drugs would have more physical capacities, an as a consequence, more opportunities to to win their competences than does athletes that would perform in a natural way, without drugs, only their talent and training.

    14. I agree glorious_truth because those that take enhanced drugs have higher chances of winning than those that eat healthy and natural fruits in which case, there is no fairness. Sports competition is all about sportmanship and level playing ground.
      In conclusion, enhanced drugs have after career side effect sometimes leaving the athletes in vegetative state and despair. I think it is not worth the risk.

      1. Yes I agree with you on what you have said and indeed I think that sport is all about sportsmanship, energy and determination. There is no need for you to use the enhanced drugs when you know that sport is not all about that. Absolutely, i don't think that there are needs for these drugs because they bring latter effects to the body and we might be shocked to see players disabled or fainting or possibly even using wheel chairs because of the dangerous side effects. Overall to save lives.

    15. I agree because sportsman are kinnda players of life . As normal people do care about their own job,plays are determined towards their game and if somebody uses drugs to make them feel strong ,it is unfair .Yes mentioned things help players to be best but what about their hygiene and excersice .I think players can practice a lot more by themselves than their teacher or coach (same as in real life)Giving 100 percent in your choosen field is a lot .So courage and confidence matters a lot .As alchemist books says if players are determined to play and break a leg ,they even don't need other support .Hence players mut be abide by some rules and regulations.
      Thank you 😊

    16. I totally agree As an athlete the things you do matter a lot well there are a lot of things that give athletes a better advantage than others e.g. Longer limbs, Access to a professional coach e.t.c. But one of the major thing that gives athlete higher opportunity an others is the enhancing drug as you have mentioned earlier it has a lot of negative side effect to people for example:
      Increased aggression toward others.
      It also causes memory problems.
      It causes loss of appetite.
      Drugs also shorten the life span of people and it gives athletes advantages over others because it makes the stronger and gives them more energy. I believe that every athlete can be successful, there is no need for anyone to take drugs or any substance to help them achieve a lot as the saying goes "Practice makes Perfect".

    17. I agree because... If the athlete do not get proper nutrition and skills it means that he/she is not taking good care of him/herself. I also agree because those who used enhanced drugs may not want to put in their effort because they rely heavily on it, which is a sign of cheating while others put in hard work, skills to win the competition.
      Therefore i feel human beings should believe in themselves, work hard not to rely on any substance to make them win.

    18. I agree because, people In the Olympics should not use enhancing drugs because If they use the drugs It can affect their body. Instead of using drugs they can take their fruit and vegetables. It could help them be strong and fit In for the sport. I advise the sport keeper should always check If they take in drugs. If they keep on cheating It will not be fair to other players because they should think about the people who are competing against them. If they use the enhanced drugs they should be arrested and taken to jail, I also think they can exercise their body In other to have strength they can win If they are focused on what they are doing. they could win even If they don't cheat If they keep on cheating other contestants in another round would love to cheat.
      THANK YOU.

    19. I agree with the things you listed because yes the athlete has trained very hard for the moment only to be taken by someone who uses the enhanced drugs to win. It is not fair to use enhanced drugs to be better. People trained to be there and to win. While someone would use drugs to be better. As your last line said "Do what is right and don’t take a shortcut", I also agree with that..

    20. I side with your point truth be told there are some athletes that will feel as if all of their training is useless, I do not feel that there is anything wrong with these advantages aside from enhancement drugs being used in the Olympics which would be an obvious challenge to those that do not use them so they will feel that their progress and everything they did was for nothing so they may quit the Olympics and find something else to do. That was someone's dreams that got crushed my point is it is an unfair advantage to those who participate in sports.Sports is about your skill and not about the skill that substances give to you.

    21. I agree because this will stop a lot of people from cheating and people winning fairly.

    22. I agree also Some athletes have access to the latest equipment – such as trainers that include springy soles. These can give them an edge over their competitors, but is this fair? I think that there is nothing wrong with using technology to enhance performance, as long as it is within the rules and regulations of the sport. Technology is constantly evolving, and it is part of the challenge and excitement of sports to adapt to new innovations. Rather than banning or restricting these advantages, we should celebrate them as achievements of human creativity and ingenuity.This is a controversial topic that has sparked a lot of debate among sports fans, experts, and officials. Some argue that these innovations are part of the natural evolution of sports, and that they enhance the performance and spectacle of the athletes. They claim that banning or regulating them would stifle creativity and progress, and that everyone should have the opportunity to benefit from them. Others contend that these devices are unfair and unethical, and that they create an uneven playing field for the athletes. They say that sports should be based on talent and hard work, not on technology and money, and that these devices should be either prohibited or standardized for everyone.

    23. Well glorious truth, I absolutely agree with this statement that you have. The Enhanced Games should not have performance enhanced drugs to support them in and kind of physical activity. According to some research, athletes have used these drugs to help them better perform or reach their full potential in physical activities when it comes to Olympic activities. But like you said, these drugs are very unnecessary and even unsafe when it comes to sports. In closing, these drugs that the Enhanced Games allow should not be tolerated or even legal in sports and physical activity.

  • I believe that the examples mentioned above are all personal choices and therefore, no action should be taken against them. It is not unfair for a player to have longer limbs or follow a strict diet, as it is their choice. In fact, such choices give players an advantage over their opponents. If someone thinks that it is unfair that their opponent is taller or has a certain body structure, it is their mistake as they should have considered all the possible advantages their opponents might have.

    1. I really agree with you that it is their choice and they have the right to do what they like. But at the same time, I think it has a lot of negative effects on them too because when they begin to take these drugs, their body structure begins to change and when that happens, when they grow older, they will surely face issues with their bodies. For example, athletes, when their body structure changes and they begin to face issues, they could begin to use wheelchairs because they will not be able to take hold or be able to lift their body parts. This will really be a big problem and make them to lose their career.

      1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

        1. Some athletes have indeed faced significant health issues due to the use of drugs, although they may not necessarily become disabled. One notable example is Lyle Alzado, a former football player who admitted to using steroids during his career. Alzado later developed brain cancer and tragically passed away at the young age of 43. While not all athletes using drugs suffer severe consequences, but some of them die due to addiction.

          1. I strongly agree that some athletes have faced significant health issues. i learnt that not only the likes of Lyle Alzado. According to "The Mirror", there are more examples of former football players who admitted to taking steroids, like Dave Kitson. HE also admitted that he took steroids during his career. Abel Xavier also took steroids during his career. These athletes face one health challenge or the other. Some players are open and talk about this while others die in silence as a result of shame or fear of discrimination or segregation.

    2. I agree because... as you’re saying there should be no action for using or doing all these things because it’s their choice to do it or not. In fact, such choices give players an advantage over their opponents. If someone thinks that their opponent is taller or has a different body structure to them and think its an advantage they’re wrong. Having sports equipment good nutrition and training is expected in sports. Different physiques have advantages and disadvantages. long limbs don’t necessarily mean faster speed. So it is a persons choice. so it is a very fair advantage. Thank you for listening 😁

    3. I completely agree with you. It would make sports even more unfair than they already are by saying to someone that their legs are too long to compete in a running race. Things like this that are genetic should not be allowed to define whether they can enter a competition.

      As you have said whether someone follows a strict diet is up to them. If someone wants to go into a sport professionally then they will use every opportunity and advantage that they have. If someone has access to the best coach then they will use this to their advantage, almost no one will turn down this chance just to make sure it is all fair for their opponents and their opponents would do the same thing.

      One of the examples was more training time and when you think about it every athlete has a different number of hours that they have trained across their life. Something like this would be impossible to curate because of the different levels of commitment someone has to their chosen sport.

      When it comes to sport everyone is trying to be the best, so they will do whatever they can to achieve this goal. So in conclusion, these personal choices that some athletes make are all to better themselves in their sport and they should be allowed to do this without any repercussions.

      1. I agree with what you have said. However, I noticed you said "they will do whatever they can to achieve this goal" but what if by achieving it they have the opportunity to use drugs? Would it be right for them to use drugs to have an advantage? I think it is unfair that some people have an advantage and not everyone is going to be able to get them. Some athletes might have access to personal coaching but what about the people that don't? Even if they were able to have the same opportunity then the others are at a disadvantage. It is likely that many people are not able to afford personal training etc. would never get the chance.

        1. I see what you are saying, but in the world of sports everyone will get given different opportunities depending on their skill level. Yes their skill level will depend on how good or bad their past training was, but we can't say that just because someone has grown up in a wealthier community than another we won't let them compete against those who have grown and recieved training in poorer communities.

          Everyone is trying to get the best training that their budget will get them. So for some people this might be lower. It would be cruel to tell someone that they aren't able to compete because they received better or worse training than their competitors. Wouldn't you agree? I'm sure most would feel incredibly disappointed if something like this was said to them. Most of the time when you are competing against people they are at around the same skill level as you. When you are at the Olympics you put in your best person that your country can offer, not someone who is ok.

          So in conclusion, in any sporting event the best people win no matter who had personal coaching or who didn't. It always comes down to the person who is the best to represent their team.

          1. I understand your point but what if the country's players are at the same advantages as each other? What if there isn't any chance for any members of the team to have more of an advantage? It isn't ever going to be equal, but shouldn't there just be a ban of using those privileges to get it as equal as we can? What if instead of having wealthier teams compete against each other and less privileged against each other, just ban any sort of drugs or personal training? That way it's as equal as it can really get and more fair than sorting teams into advantaged and disadvantaged.

    4. Hello, i really like the points you make and i agree with you, people can't choose how long their limbs are or how tall they are but these are factors that could actually benefit a player and give them a uperhand but i think in this case it shouldn't be seen as any different from any other player and like you said if a person thinks it's unfair they should have considered the possibilities. As for examples like nutrition, that is a choice and is something that can give an upper hand but is not something that is not accessible to everyone, anyone could have a diet/nutrition that could help them in a sport and so i don't think there is anything wrong with that because it is something that anyone can do.

    5. I agree and at many times if someone has an advantage it is usually the product of hard work, so calling it unfair that someone goes by a more committed diet than yours is actually quite baseless, I'm not sure about the longer limbs ,but I feel people of equal height should be grouped together in their own categories of that competition, just to make it fair.

  • I think the motive of choosing sports field should not be only to win medals or to represent our country ..also it is a way to improve our health condition,live a healthier life,spread awareness regarding various sports and others...if you only want to win medals in sports then this method would be a blessing for you but on the other hand if you play games for you sportive spirits and health then this method is not at all appropriate for you..I believe if a person actually wants to win medals the way to the victory should be appropriate with hardwork , determination towards our goal...these inappropriate methods might be required for those who can't trust on their own work and abilities but we can gain success with our hardwork..it might take time but it be called actual success....

    1. Can you work really hard and also use an advantage to win?

      1. Hi Tiff
        Yes I can work really hard but not too use advantage to win
        In my school if we want to play any sports competition especially (football) we will work very hard with my class, we will do team work and have unite to be for us to carry the trophy back to our school. But it is not good for us to use advantage to win as long as we have work very hard you will not need advantage to win because the game will not be fair for other contestants involved in the game.
        Well, some people prefer to use advantage to win and it will work for them, why some it will not work, that is why we should work hard and be fully prepared for any game and also not depend on using advantage to win.

      2. Yes,
        It is not against the rules to train more than others, so you can work hard to gain an advantage to win over them. But using an advantage can seem unfair to others and we are meant to be fair in the Olympics.
        Thanks for listening 👍🏻

      3. Hi Tiff@Topical Talk,
        I think while it is necessary to aggressively pursue success, working hard is essential to achieving it. The reason for this is that with hard work, you do not have to wait for luck, which may never come; instead, you get better at doing what you do. In reality, there are numerous examples of people who have achieved something just because they worked hard. For instance, everybody at the office always talks about a certain manager. You see, most managers in her department are afraid of the always-loading work, and they keep talking about how bad the economy is and how people are getting laid off from left to right, but she never takes that excuse. Instead, she works hard and helps her group better use one of those company-sponsored programs, and, as a result, they finish the same work with higher quality and fewer hours. Nowadays, hers is the only group that has progress tracked and posted on its office TV and every other manager has to do every work on this program as it will be the standard for this industry. She has become famous in the company and will be promoted soon. Such cases of luck resulting from hard work are very common. The harder you work, the more bacteria you get out of your life. If you are too lucky, it is very likely that you are not working as hard as you should. The concept of luck and hard work is something that people have debated for a very long time. In my opinion, I think that people need to adapt to the changes and give their best all the time, because doing that is a way of making sure the results will come out positive. One might say working hard is the key to success, but success does not just come from hours of work at work. Success can also come from doing a good job on a project. Thank you.

  • I think if they use drugs or steroids then its an disadvantage to the other people who want to compete. If they use a type off drug then you are putting yourself at risk for an example if your taking a drug and you win a race 1 your putting yourself at risk and 2 you are not actually winning. You have an advatange but think what if there is a disabled person competing or someone with a metanic leg then its really not fair on them . So my point today is explaing why you shouldn't use drugs because YOU ARE AT RISK .

  • I think it does have a very unfair advantage for athletes because these athletes are given a massive head start before the race has begun with enhanced speed and agility from these drugs. Athletes who have worked very hard to get to where they are where as these athletes with enhanced skills just got a enhancement drug. The ones who want to play fair are then immiedietly beaten by someone who hasnt even worked hard which sounds wrong but in my opinion it is very true as now we see it becoming more apparent in sports. We should try to do blood tests much more often where we can identify these cheaters. We can put a ban on those we do identify which gets worse after everytime we catch them doing so which makes people relise that it will not be allowed in the future.

    1. Good points raised

    2. Hi busy_trumpet your suggestions and opinions were great. I think we can do away with all drugs in one more way. And that is to boycott or stop production of these medicines. If these drugs are not produced then the players will not be able to cheat in the game. Because players can only collect these medicines if they are not produced. As a result, they end up having to resort to different trainers and exercises. This will allow for fair play competitions and real winners will be able to claim their prizes. What does your idea say about it?
      Reaply as soon as possible.

    3. I agree because many people have worked for their whole life to win the olympics, and they can just easily be beaten by someone with an enhancement drug. Blood tests are already being done to stop drug users, but we have to increase their usage like you said busy_trumpet.

  • Personally, from the perspective of a young person who plays many a sport ,football and tennis included, I see these performance enhancing drugs to be EXTREMELY unnecessary and game ruining. If another player in my league arrived at the game having took performance enhancers not only would it be morally incorrect, but they could be in serious risk to their health.
    You may be thinking how does this affect young people ? This is only for high end athletes, however the issue is many young people, such as my self, look up to these athletes and therefore would be influenced to take drugs to which can be of serious danger to their future and or present self.
    In conclusion if athletes did in fact chose to take these drugs it wouldn't only be them affected , but future generations of athletes who view their natural self as not good enough, and natural talents will be un recognised if they are not willing to take drugs as others are.

    1. I agree with you, as a young person who played tennis and would play soccer with my cousins, these performance enhancing drugs would be unnecessary and affect whoever, young or adult, using these types of steroids could decreasing their health. If someone were to have a heart condition, if they were to use these drugs, their condition could get even worse. Imagine someone in a race using these drugs and passing out or having a heart attack in the middle of the race. People shouldn't take these types of drugs because it can affect them and people who actually tried their best wouldn't be recognized for who they are.

    2. I agree because many people hire trainers, eat healthy food, and work hard to be in the Olympics. People who use drugs are negative and it is very unnecessary. It is also very unfair to those who have been training their whole life. In result, people such as in security should check people for enhanced drugs.

    3. I agree with you "reasoning_tiger", using performance-enhancing drugs in sports like football and tennis is not only morally wrong but also dangerous to players' health. Young athletes, who admire these high-level athletes could be tempted to use these drugs, risking their well-being for short-term gains. If doping becomes common, it could create a harmful culture where natural talent is undervalued, impacting the future of sports for generations to come.

  • I think it is unfair we are even thinking about doing something like this why pay to win at a sport you could just train hard to win at its actually pathetic and like I said unfair we want to take the work out of sports the whole point of sports is to work people play any sport for fun and to try and get better we are taking the work out of it with using performance-enhancing drugs and there are no positives that would come out of it ever it's just a mess and the fact it is so expensive but training is free so why pay loads for something you can do for free... like take running as an example you don't need fancy equipment to run you can just go outside and run for a bit and you don't need to spend a penny and guess what, you would get better at running over time instead of taking a performance-enhancing drug and I think it is unfair on people who train hard to be able to do the things they can. I cant see the point of it so here is my question to you: Do you think science and sports be mixed together?

  • I personally believe that sports should not have physical advantages because it can effect someone's mental health. An example to this is if a basketball game has a girl who is 5'4 and a boy who is 5'11 the boy could easily just throw the ball over the girl. Therefore I believe that the height advantages should be ruled out and taken care of.

    1. How could a height advantage be taken care of?

      1. Hello, Tiff @ topical talk.
        In my humble perspective, considering a sport like wrestling, the wrestlers are paired according to their weight because it is said that with this, their body weights may be considered balanced which enhances a fairer gameplay. I feel winning a sport is based on skills, strategy, and other personal aspirations i.e. strong desire to achieve something by putting in hard work. Many other people may consider height as an advantage in some sports such as athletic sports and basketball. I feel we could curb such issues by also pairing according to weight because I feel some athletes may be taller than other athletes in height but may have more body weight than others which will be to their disadvantage as the other athlete may have less body weight which makes it easier for him/her to carry his/herself. In such cases, weight should be considered for fair gameplay. ln my opinion, I believe that despite physical advantages, sports success can still be achieved by setting personal aspirations as we may consider one of the shortest basketballers known as Muggsy Bogues who stood out in basketball among taller basketballers like Manute Bol.
        It is your choice to stand out in what you are doing; It is a personal decision.
        THANK YOU.

  • I think that these things are perfectly acceptable within the realm of sports as they differ fundamentally from the advantages given by performance enhancing drugs. The people out there who believe that the things mentioned above are unfair advantages miss a very important detail. That detail is that to ban these things would be to ban people from using the best and most efficient ways possible to gain proper muscle. Life has never given people the same starting line and if you don't like that then that's just tough. Being able to afford the best coach or the highest quality equipment is, at the end of the day, a right afforded ton those born lucky. However, even if you can afford the best, most expensive stuff, it still takes grit and determination to learn and apply skills to the sport. we're not given the same start line but those that start ahead wont win if they don't run. doping disrupts this idea as all of a sudden the ones that can afford more drugs get stringer faster than anyone not on drugs could do. it takes the "hard" and "work" out of hard work

    1. Hello candid earth

      I am in accordance to what you are saying because, when one is opportune to have good equipment and a good couch I feel it is fair because he or she did not go against the rule of that sport. based on my personal analysis I feel that:

      1.)The latest equipment: I feel that there is nothing wrong there because coming to think of it, no rule says that athletes should not get the latest equipment to train, so I feel that this is fair to all athletes.

      2.)More time to train than others: this is trying to say that the athlete has zeal toward his or her work and this is also trying to say that the athlete is hard working which his or her is training to improve his or her performance when on the field or track. I feel that this is fair to all athletes.

      3.)Better nutrition: I personally feel that this is fair to all athletes because when athletes have better nutrition I feel that they will grow physically fit which will make them do better while performing. All athletes are meant to eat a balanced diet so that they will stay fit.

      4.)Access to expertise: I feel that this is a good way one can be trained by using a couch or a tutor to be good at a sport I feel that all athletes should be couched to improve their performance in a game.

      5.)Physical advantages: this is something that one should be thankful about because, that person is naturally endowed with such a gift, which I feel is fair, because for those who are not gifted they can train and work hard to perfect their skills.

      Thank You!!!!

  • I strongly agree that these things mentioned above are fair and also each and every one of them are as important as the other, that is to say that no one is less in importance.
    Enhancing drugs will be very unfair here because the Person that is not taking it will feel so frustrated and he will start having that doubts whether it is good to be honest, because he will start seeing it that it is because he wants to be honest and free from cheating that made him not to engage in taking enhanced drugs and now the outcome is now failure.
    So I think that there should be a rule that no athletes should be involved in enhanced drugs before participating in any sports and also blood text should be conducted on the athletes to confirm them fit be they engage in this sports and if this measures are not taking, that means that it will discourage that spirit of practicing and training and as we all know that practice as they say makes better, so someone that has not been practicing can just come out after taking the drugs and compete and win which is unfair.
    So we should try out best to avoid shortcuts because as we all know that nothing good comes easy, rather we should encourage regular practicing and other fair ways.
    Thank you so much……

    1. Hi educated harmonica, do you think enhancing drugs could make the competition look interesting and also helps the athletes to get more fans and any other positive outcomes that could come by?

      1. Well intelligent nectarine the athletes will get more fans because they people will not know the source of how he got the speed to able to run to race as fast as like that, so the athletes will get many fans. The positive out come will be that they people will support the athletes in money during any contribution that will make the athletes to run and win for their country. Yes enhancing drugs could make the competition look interesting because they people that are watching the athlete performing the games don't know the source of his victory whether he practice before the competition or he uses enhanced drugs.

        1. Hello educated_harmonica
          you are right but not fully. Because if an athlete uses performance enhancing drugs, he might easily win the competition. But, that would be cheating with the morning. Because in this case he won the competition not on his own merits but with a drug. If he had not taken the medicine, he might have lost the competition. Also, since he has not won on his merits, other players cannot win on their merits. It will be a great injustice to them. Also, if a player takes drugs and wins a competition and keeps it a secret from everyone and it is later revealed to everyone, there can be a legal case against that player. So according to me, everyone should be informed about the medicine after taking it. Hope I've made it clear to you.

  • Considering all of these options, i don't think any of them really qualify as an unfair advantage like performance enhancing drugs but i would like to talk about the material things that seem like they give an unfair advantage such as better equipment, more time and access to expertise.
    Having the latest equipment could be really helpful. But if they don't know how to use the equipment, it will be useless to them and it won't help them maximize their performance. Two people can use the same equipment but the results will be different because of the difference in the amount of effort or determination put in.
    Having ample time to train is really helpful. Time is a really scarce resource. But it will all amount to nothing if it is wasted. It should be utilized well. An athlete with very limited time can still produce wonderful results if they are really committed and use that time wisely.
    Having access to professional coaches will help an athlete a lot. But even amidst all the training and coaching, if an athlete does not really put in effort to do anything, it won't give them an advantage at all.
    All of these thigs have something in common, effort. I believe the thing that really sets athletes apart is how committed they are and how much effort they put in. They can have the latest equipment, excess time and the best trainers but when there is lack of effort and determination all of these things will amount to nothing. These things on their own do not give an athlete an unfair advantage.

  • It is such a complicated topic and many issues have been set.
    Drugs is something totally different. It is an illegal substance that can even be harmful to you.
    The other things mentioned above is different.
    A healthy balanced diet is a prequisite to all athletes and we can't talk that this is an advantage. It is the norm.
    Concerning access to teachers this may pose questions if someone has more money to invest on his training.
    This can be regulated from all the sports organisations or clubs that athletes belong to.

  • I believe that nothing should be done about these. Through a trainer a proper diet and increasing our time to train, we'll become better sports person. Playing sports isn't a skill that can be achieved by a day's hard work. It is rather a skill for which people work hard for decades and then see some improvement. For this, they need time to train and a proper diet with the guidance of their coach. Some people who are poor but passionate about their sports may not able to afford them. Therefore, for them, it would be unfair. To make it fair for all, there should be some ways the government can help these people by providing them with financial aid. These can be in the form of sports loan.

  • I think all of these things are fine except for physical advantages and latest equipment. Every other topic above are things you yourself can seek. You can eat a proper diet, free more time for sport competitions, and look for expertise from your coaches. What can be done about these problems is to put athletes in different divisions where all of their equipment and body types are similar to one another.

    1. I agree because, I think and I feel all these things listed above like training harder, or for a longer period of time, eating a good diet are things that these athletes can do to improve themselves. For example a player like Ronaldo who trains harder than others by coming to the field for practice earlier and going home later than others. He also goes home and trains because he has all of the equipment to use to train. This are things that most athletes can afford to buy and do to improve themselves, others choose not to. Therefore when it comes to this the issue of fairness should not matter.
      THANK YOU.

    2. I disagree because although most of your reasoning is fair there are just some things that cannot be achieved. Those in poverty need to work extra jobs and they cannot exactly just "free up time" whenever they need to. This also applies to coaches, some people cannot afford special training from coaches. Yes, people can always seek these things but for some it is close to impossible due to their financial problems, vice versa.

      1. Thank you for this comment, engaging_emotion. I like that you have thought about this discussion from a range of perspectives.

  • In my opinion I believe something should be done about the equipment using shoes with springy soles . This is because not everyone has enough money for them and this could lead to unwanted problems with the performance of two people and later on has unfair advantages between people during races. So a solution for this is that they should be banned or make a separate race for people with the springy soles in their shoes compared to ones without so it will be fair for everyone who spent their money on them and have not. Overall this problem could have a quick solution but if not solved could make unfair advantages within the people with and without the new shoes and should be changed.

  • I think it's unfair to take these drugs because they encourage poor health. Aside from being an unfair advantage most of these drugs have side effects that cause damage to mental and physical health. These drugs are supposed to be used while training, but are used wrong. Plus, those athletes can't just rely on those drugs for long, most people who have used these drugs have been called out or revealed to use these drugs.

    1. I'm not sure about this because although drugs have been linked to certain organ diseases like heart disease, antibiotics are also drugs but they help improve a person's health so it is quite debatable. Besides that, I have a question: how are the drugs used wrong? I feel like the drug-intake should be wrong in any way, so I was just curious.

  • I think that the people you take this drugs are given an unfair advantage because, others will feel like the are not good enough to do the others are doing. It may also make the player look as if the the are going to die some other people which is not good for their health.

    1. I don't think there is need for others to feel that they're not fit to do what others are doing, this depends on choice, if you choose to go for the drugs, fine! Even the intake of the drugs by the players is something that will weaken their performance in future , so I don't think that should be a barrier to those that are not taking the drugs.

      1. Are there any downsides in allowing athletes to take performance enhancing drugs?

        1. Hi Chloe @ Topical Talk
          Allowing athletes to take performance enhancing drugs can create several downsides..
          Here's why?:

          Performance enhancing drugs can cause serious harm to athletes bodies, like damaging their hearts or messing up their hormones. Plus, when athletes use drugs, it can make fans lose trust in the sport because they don't know if someone's success is because of hard work or drugs. Also, if young athletes see their heroes using drugs, they might think it's okay and try it themselves, which is really dangerous. So, it's best to keep sports clean and fair by saying no to doping.

          Thank you!

  • Well, I think that these unfair advantages should not be taken away from people. I said this because if these athletes have unfair advantages, it is not the fault of the athletes because they have the resources to be able to afford these advantages unlike those that do not. For example, springy shoes, it can be used to reduce the muscular effort required to both absorb impact and power push-off and potentially improve running economy, the athletes that can afford this type of shoe buy it for less stress. It is not their fault because athletes are paid according to their playing abilities, so, if the others cannot afford it, it is because they do not play as well as those that can afford it. Athletes that can afford this equipment use it as a benefit for themselves. An athlete that can afford health food like whole grain breads and cereals, vegetables (particularly leafy green varieties), fruit, lean meat and low-fat dairy products is a healthy athlete that earns more to be able to play well if well nitrified. Some of them have great pay that they eat meals 2-4 times a day; this is good because they can play well when they have eaten well.
    In conclusion, I just say that the athletes that have these should not be deprived of it just because of equality; I just think that they can enjoy this because they earned it. I think that this should be used as a face to make other athletes increase in their playing abilities so that they will also be able to afford these advantages.

    1. Hi reflective_conversation, I understand that individual athletes will vary in terms of company sponsorship and the amount they are paid, but how can we ensure there is consistency for all athletes to ensure that this becomes a fair competition?

      1. HELLO Zieshan @ PA Consulting,
        I think that for there to be consistency, their coaches should establish your authority early,talk less, and to avoid yelling. When this is done the players can be disciplined and made great, they can plan and schedule their workouts well and better. When having extra times to practice their coaches will be observing them and knowing the place that they are most great at in their potential, they will help each of them individually in their potents and make them great in that part.
        So when each of the players have known their true potential, this will make them great( rich and famous) and with this, they will be able to afford the unfair advantages each and this is what will make the competition fair. In simple words, the observation of their coach and him working on their potential is the the key to fairness in the competition or game.
        THANK YOU.

    2. I disagree because... If people are doing this to athletes they'll will not have these advantages they will also feel cheated and if people feel cheated they will not want to play the sport again in these case people that do not have the money for these drugs can't participate. Whereby money plays a vital role on who wins, it's obviouly no competition.

  • I totally agree with all of the of these in case they are very important for every athlete how want to win and be famous to do all of these to be more stronger and faster so it be a competition and give them rewards and recognition for their hard effort.
    I think that if the athletes didn't do all the things above it wouldn't be a competition and athletes will be as slow as turtles.
    We all have to eat vegetables and train to be strong and defend ourselves.

  • Hi I think that there aren't any problems with any of these advantages to call them unfair to other competitors, it was just the way they where designed the only advantage that I feel has a problem is the one about springy shoes which boost a player during the race I feel that this isn't a physical advantage but just something to boost the player even though these shoes almost make the player run faster I feel that they shouldn't be allowed.

  • In sports the three 'S's' are Strength, Speed and Stamina . A sportsperson must be efficient in all the three in order to improve his/her performance and for that one needs proper sleep, practice and a balanced diet , as per the requirement and the body type and structure one can have equipment which helps in their enhancement and proper guidance from the coach or the teacher is a requirement . But, the usage of enhancement drug is unfair and can also be proven harmful to one's body . It can give satisfactory result for a short duration , but for long - term usage it might be very harmful and result in the depleting health of the player. Yes , several steps can be taken in order to make the competition fair like , the federation can make sure that the players are practicing regularly and getting the equipment according to their needs and they should prohibit the usage of performance - enhancing drugs

  • Hello everyone,
    I think that all these advantages are great, all except for the drugs. My reason for accepting all of these advantages is because they are all-natural endowments on the athletes brought about by hard work. Most athletes of the modern world work hard and invest time and resources to get these advantages making it not fair if a law of equality was all of a sudden brought about. Imagine watching a game of football where all the footballers have the same stats, then the game wouldn't be competitive. In my perspective these differences and advantages are what makes a sport a sport and taking these away is simply just like removing the joy from a sport, after all the sport is intended for someone to emerge winner, and this cannot be possible if every player was equal.
    I think that sport competitions are good how they are because believe it or not all sports are associated with risk and have a long origin before athletes getting to where they are today. Those who have access to expertise or even those who have physical advantage all got there from their personal investments. These investments and advantages are what make the games interesting, and I think that they are meant to stay.


  • Transgender athletes might be a bit better at sports because they take special medicine called hormones that can make them stronger. But not all transgender people take these medicines, and even if they do, it doesn't always make them the best at sports.

    Playing sports isn't just about being strong or fast. It's also about practicing a lot, eating healthy, and having fun! Some people are just naturally good at sports, and that's okay too.

    We should make sure everyone can play sports and feel happy and included. That means we need to be fair to everyone and understand that everyone is different. So, let's cheer for all athletes and make sure everyone gets a chance to play!

  • Hi there!
    In sports, various advantages like access to equipment, training time, nutrition, expertise, and physical attributes can significantly influence performance. While some advantages are inherent, others can be addressed to ensure fairness. Initiatives like providing equal access to resources, implementing regulations on performance-enhancing substances, and promoting inclusivity and diversity can help level the playing field. While eliminating all advantages may be challenging, efforts to promote fairness, inclusivity, and equal opportunity can contribute to creating a more equitable and enjoyable sporting environment for all participants.

  • All of these are certainly good advantages, but some of them are rather unfair, the first one I want to go about is the latest equipment; don't get me wrong- having the latest equipment can really help you, but I don't think it should be fair if some shoes have springy soles and others don't. The second one I find unfair is that the Physical advantage in my opinion is not therefore that they were just born with long limbs, but I think for example in a race the ones with shorter limbs should be separated from the ones with longer limbs, I think that will make it fairer. Something I think others will find unfair, but I don't find unfair is the more time to train if an athlete decides that they want athletics to be their main job. Well, that's good for them is not their fault they chose to take athletics more seriously. Those with other jobs chose their own fate, so I do not think it is unfair if someone takes something seriously and the other does not, those with other jobs can just quit them and take sports seriously.

  • When people play sports, some of them have things that help them do better than others. These things are called advantages.These advantages can come from things like having better equipment, more time to practice, eating healthier food, getting help from coaches, or being naturally better at the sport because of their body. Making things fair in sports is hard because some of these advantages are just part of the game. For example, having good coaches or better equipment is something that athletes and teams work hard to get. But we can still try to make things fairer.
    One way is by making rules about the equipment athletes can use. This means everyone has to use similar equipment, so no one has a big advantage because of better gear. Also, making sure everyone has access to good coaching and training facilities helps level the playing field.
    Dealing with physical advantages is trickier. People are born with different bodies, and it wouldn't be fair to punish someone for being naturally good at a sport. So instead, sports often have different categories based on things like age or weight to keep things fair.
    To make sports fairer overall, we can keep testing athletes to make sure nobody cheats by using drugs to get better unfairly. We can also work on making sure everyone, no matter where they come from, has a chance to play and get better at sports. Lastly, teaching athletes to play fair and be good sports, win or lose, is really important too. Fairness in sports is something we always need to work on, even though it's not always easy to make everything perfectly fair. THANK YOU 🙂💝

  • All these materials are useful as long as you don't cheat with them. It is important to eat healthy and to get a good coach to help you get ready there is nothing wrong in using the latest equipment you should be looking for them since they are available in the market. Even with all those advantages a person who is stronger and a person who is weak those equipment will not alloww them to become a match.

  • Hello.
    According to me, it is very necessary for athletes to have the above facilities. First of all, an athlete needs a coach, who will give him proper guidance. Also, an athlete needs to spend more time in sports to perform well and needs nutritious food for good health. A athlete also needs necessary equipment to play a good game.

    I believe, taking drugs is a very unfair advantage for athletes because it harms and makes physically sick an athlete. An athlete takes drugs for better performance. But taking drugs makes a person lose his normal judgement . He loses the sense of right and wrong. Drug intake causes liver problems. Taking drugs adversely affects an athlete.

    An athlete will perform well in sports with sufficient effort. Drugs should not be taken to play well. It spoiled physical fitness of athletes as well as destroys social conditions. In this case, the athletic organization should take initiative to stop illegal benefits like taking drugs.

    1. Thanks for sharing your opinion and reasons for it. I think in instance you might be thinking about drugs that alter your mental, rather than physical state. If the drugs an athlete tasks just change their body, not their mind, then do you think that's okay?

      1. Hello,Olivia @ topical talk.

        In my opinion, Taking drugs is extremely harmful to an athlete because it alters and damages both body and mind. Basically, an athlete takes drugs for better performance. But if an athlete takes drugs for a long time, he will lose his mental and physical balance. Drug use can reduce heart function and cause the heartbeat to stop. This increases an athlete's risk of death. A athlete needs to be physically fit.Drug abuse causes an athlete to lose appetite and not get enough sleep. Because of this, body's muscle damages and the function of brain and nerve reduces . As a result of these physical and mental problems, an athlete cannot perform properly in sports.

        An athlete who uses drugs adversely affects his family and social life. He could spread the drug to other athletes and audiences , which increase the global crisis. So, I believe that an athlete needs to perform well with adequate practice and refrain from taking drugs.

  • I think that there are some advantages that we cant do anything about and some advantages that we can definitely handle.First I would like to say that one advantage that grabs my attention are physical advantages. Lets just say we have a 1 on 1 basketball game against Wembanyama and Steph Curry. Though Wembanyama is 7'4 and Curry is 6'2 curry has a better 3 point percentage and average. So even though Wemby has the height advantage Curry is better at the game.Nextly the latest equipment, so exiting from the basketball court and entering the track field if I were to wear performance enhancing track spikes I would be faster than most of the runners on the field.That we can control by giving all of the runners the same type of the shoes so there is only your physical attributes that control whether your gonna win or not.

  • Performance enhancement drugs definitely gives one an unfair advantage over others, but surely there are other factors also that gives people an ace up their sleeves. If a person gets a proper balanced diet, with access to latest technology and can afford professional coaches his/her performance will surely boost and to stop this ,we can try to provide an equal footing to every one by giving subsidies and tax exemptions to people preparing for national or international sports events and if their country provides them with training and professional coaches. Whereas in some cases no matter how hard we try ,we cant reduce the gap such is the case of genes. If a person has great genes and his body is suitable for certain sport he always will have a better position as compared to others. However we should still remember the famous saying that "HARDWORK ALWAYS BEAT TALENT"

  • Well I believe that the latest equipment – such as trainers that include springy soles are not supposed to be used cuz it adds speed to your original one while maybe you are usually the last in races but then you became first because of those shoes and that's honestly not fair.
    And I believe that everyone most have time to train and eat fresh fruits, and proper diet, cuz it really helps in activities like running and so on and to add they are also very *healthy* so have time to eat enough of that.

  • Honestly, I feel that not all things that make you different from others is unfair. We need to understand that doping is completely different from things like, practising more, having better coaches and equipment, et cetra. If an athlete chooses to practice more and invest more into his career he should be applauded, everyone has the right to do so and you cannot call this unfair. Talking about maintaining complete equality in sports is illogical, for isn't the point of sports competition itself. Whereas on the other hand doping modifies you physically and may even cause harm to some, this isn't fair.
    Taking shortcuts and blaming others is easy but if one actually wants to prove himself he must work hard for it.

  • I feel that one thing that is an advantage but isn't an advantage is the extra length in limbs.Sure taller people are able to get longer steps in for when they are running but in my experience i have noticed shorter people running faster then taller people.This could be for a numerous of reasons like the shorter person having a good diet or they could just be more active.Although in the end i feel that it all depends on how active you are and the mindset that you have.

  • There can't be anything done about these advantages because some advantages like longer limbs can be controlled by the athlete. However, for the latest equipment, springy soles shouldn't be allowed because that is an advantage that can be controlled. Next, more training time, that is not an advantage because at any time during their free time, athletes can train however long they want. Then, for better nutrition, this is not an advantage because athletes are the only ones that can control their diet in their own way. Lastly, for access to expertise this is not an advantage because private coaches aren't really different from regular coaches. I think there can't be anything done to make sport competitions to make them more fair because some of these advantages can't be controlled by the people who host the sport competitions.

  • In my opinion all of these advantages are fair so it shouldn't be anything done about them. For the physical advantages it isn't really anything you can do about that and most times there are ways to counter that. However using drugs to enhance performance is an unfair advantage. It also negatively impacts your health and could lead to addiction

  • In my opinion nothing should be done by the so called advantages because all the advantages they added everyone can get them besides the longer limbs.But there are ways to get around that like for jobs you could try to ask for less hours or if u cant do that try to ask help from your family or friends or ask people on your sports team for help. Access to the latest equipment and not always necessary as long as your equipment is well then you should be fine. Anyone can get fresh produce at the grocery store so that really aint a unfair advantage. The one of the things that can be a little unfair is couching because some people cant afford the same couches as other but some people online give free couching so that won't lead to a big advantage. so these tell the reason why each advantage that they say they had

  • These drugs Could be Horrible to the human system and the human mindset. People Think that these drugs could help work out and boost your Athletics. Humans Should not be taking these drugs for many reasons such as, unfair advantages to people taking those drugs and ones that don't. Since these drugs are boosting athletics dont you think they could help have advantages to the drug takes. they are proven to boost athletics such as running. Humans should stop taking these drugs should not use them because it could be counted as cheating like when humans would use steroids to have a advantage in athletics or olympics.

  • Enhanced games are not fair because they give certain players an unfair advantage over others. it can create a lopsided playing field where the odds are uneven against those without enhancements. This can lead to frustration for players who feel like they are at a disadvantage . Additionally, enhanced games can diminish the importance of skill and strategy in gameplay, as some players may rely more on their enhancements rather than their own abilities to win. Overall, when games are not balanced and fair for all players, it can take away from the enjoyment and competitive spirit of the gaming experience.

  • I think that all the examples mentioned before are good and decisions we can make for becoming not only better in our sport but also for having a personal development and learn experiences which are really valuable. So the use of enhancing drugs are not only an unfair advantage which is not deserved but also a way to make people who really work hard everyday in a bad way. The enhancing drugs should be replaced with discipline because there is not even one profesional athlete which has became really well without it. With discipline maybe you do not get more results than with drugs but you will get a better feeling and also the mentality of a champion while with drugs you do nothing at all.

  • I think all should be taken in consideration. As people will take performance-enhancing drugs people might get the energy to play well. But all people won't take the drugs. So it is important for that person to follow all the above examples. Longer limbs, learning exercise from an expert, better nutrition, practicing more and springy soles are all dependent on the player. But i think it is good if people do exercises and take follow a good diet. It will make the people strong from inside. I don't know much about these drugs. But i think it will make the person stong only for that sports.

  • All of the things listed above are privileges and if you are lucky enough to receive them it should not be deemed as an "unfair advantage". Most of the things listed are choices that are optional if you choose to use these to your benefit we don't have the right to call it an unfair advantage.

  • I think drugs cause an unfair advantage because people might think the only way to be good is by using drugs. So I think if people were to get tested for drug use before an event it can make the people who don't use drugs will have a fair chance of winning. This is why I think drugs cause an unfair advantage.

    1. All of the options are all unfair advantages except for physical advantages since we can't do anything about it. Mainly, the options depends on the athlete. Some wants to go on a diet or eat healthy, but others don't. But, it make it fair for all, we can provide athletes with the latest equipment and let them train from a professional coach.

  • There isn't much that should be done about them in the first place because for one. Eating healthier and excercising more is something that you do yourself its your personal training. The same thing could be said in schools if someone studies more and reads more books they will pass you in exams because they took the time to get up and make a change. If you know in athletics you are not good you need to start training to get good. The part on people having longer limbs doesnt neccesarily mean that they are faster or stronger. Theres a law of physics which talks about center of gravity. Short people have better balance than people who are tall which in turn increases their acceleration.

  • Things I think that people can do to make sport competition fair are:
    1. The conductor should make the rules of a game is fair. It won’t be nice to make a rule that favors one team but not another. That team might feel cheated and left out. So everyone single rule should be okay each person.
    2. No player should be allowed to use pills to improve their ability when they do that they are doping and other players think they didn’t try their best in participating in a game. So every player should be checked before the game to see if they used pills and disqualify them before the competition begins so at the end off a game those who didn’t use pills won’t feel all their effort was for nothing.
    3. Finally, each team should have things in common for example each team should have a coach, they should all be healthy and a team shouldn’t have majority of disable people while the other only has people with ability. If a game is played like that it definitely will not be the same. To make it fair people can allow the disabled play against themselves while those with ability play against themselves to.
    To me, all games have to be fair to each person if not it not a game just favor racism. When we imply all these things, games will be fair and we might change the way people play games.
    Thank You!

    1. Thanks for sharing your list of ideas. Do you think it could ever go too far? That competitions are made "too fair" and therefore lose the competitive edge?

  • I think there is need that something be done about these advantages because people who have such an advantage will be looking down on people who do not have them. This brings about undeserved complex or ego of achievement that wasn’t merited.
    So, I think the president or leaders of the game can establish or implement some rules that players must have to abide with for the sports. Such rules to be established by the president or leaders of the game can be given in different levels for the people participating depending on the different advantages and disadvantages available.

  • It is important to consider if action should be taken regarding these advantages in sports. We need to think about if there are ways to make competitions more fair. It is essential to join the conversation with others and share your opinion on this matter. Engaging in discussions helps create a better understanding of different perspectives and ideas surrounding this topic.

  • I think that all the examples are fair and no one can comment on it. It's not unfair that you have better nutrition or you are made with a stronger structure so you can train more so you can reach the qualities they have. Also, the part in which you train more because you don't have another job is too fair for instance if you study more time because you're not playing usually it's fair and the problem is that you need to try to add more time in another way such as stop doing the other job or you can wake up earlier. Having an experienced teacher or coach is also fair in other ways you can't say to another one I am better than you it is unfair because he has a better coach. So unfair means that he is cheating nevertheless working harder is not cheating but swallowing drugs gives extra energy because you are not the one who deserves to win you swallowed drugs to get energy but the others trained

    1. I agree with you in some points, but when thinking about things from the material and available resources perspective, it becomes hard for everyone to provide all the amenities equally in a specific sports field.

      1. Dear, in the beginning, I would like to thank you for sharing your conversation with me, but I would like to explain to you that harsh financial circumstances are not an excuse. There are many great people, not only in the field of sports. Their financial circumstances were very difficult and harsh, but they set a goal and worked on themselves in order to reach it. Yes, it is the goal and faith. In particular, we can work on ourselves, regardless of the circumstances and challenges. As for the field of sports, there are examples. Ronaldo, who grew up in a very, very poor family that did not even have the price of a football, used to play with empty bottles or make a simple ball himself with simple tools in order to exercise, and now where is he? He is one of the biggest players in the world and many others like Messi, etc. Success is not easy, so we have to work on ourselves to feel the pleasure of success and not choose the easiest path.

  • I think that having longer limbs gives a huge advantage. For example, there are not many short basketball players. I believe that is because it would be harder for them to score. Unfortunately, this takes away the chance of professionally playing basketball, from a lot of people. Tall people are automatically getting an advantage. All this doesn't depend on anyone. It is most certainly not the players fault for being too short or too tall. I personally believe that the "enhanced games" is a revolutionary idea, but I am not sure of how fair it is. For instance, both a tall person and a short one could take the exact same medicine, in order to jump higher. However, it seems natural to me that the taller person will do it better. How would that be fair? I think that the contestants should be organized in different groups, based on conditions such as height. I definitely doubt that people with a variety of body types would be able to have the same performance. I don't think that they are to blame for how they are, so I don't think that they should feel excluded, because they have no chance to win certain competitions.
    Some people have told me about how during races, for every two steps that they took, somebody else only took one. Of course they got tired so much quicker and had to run slower.

  • First i want to explain why I support the idea of not taking performance-enhancing drugs and that they are ineffective for performance I think allowing these kinds of drugs will make athletes not try their best in sports training properly and rely on them instead. They will only do what they have to do for their sport without putting in the effort in their training. This wouldn't be fair because there are athletes who practice their sport with love and passion and try their best because they love it. If these drugs are allowed, it could affect some people who don't deserve it and may not have the desired effect on those who have the necessary skills and ability to win in that sport. These drugs are basically chemicals that don't have the same effects on everyone.

    On the otherhand I don't agree with opinion which said that Better nutrition – such as fresh foods, vegetables and supplements unfair advantage as I don't think this affects the fair evaluation of the athlete because canceling health doesn't require financial resources, and anyone who wants to maintain their health will find suitable basic options for their financial situation.

  • I think that having more free time is a huge advantage, which doesn't only apply for sports. I think that it can also appear in slightly different ways. For instance, in Romania teens do a really hard exam in 8th grade, which has quite an impact on students lives. My math teacher from the public school that I am attending isn't doing his job too well, so I am taking extra math classes with a separate teacher. In my country, it is actually normal to take these extra classes in order to prepare. However, most kids are learning more information during those classes, so they increase their chances of passing with a high grade. What I find to be unfair is that during my extra math lessons, I don't learn anything new. I study what I am supposed to already know from school, but I don't. This gives me a huge disadvantage, because other children are far more advanced than I am. Meanwhile, I still have to participate in the math classes from my public school, even though they are useless. I could spend those hours actually preparing, only if the school system would allow it. I believe that it is a similar issue with the sports competition. Some contestants have more time to practice than others, because they don't have to do certain jobs. For example, some might have a better financial situation than others, so they could take their time to focus on training. However, some people might need to work a considerable part of the day, so that they could afford to pay rent and the necessary equipment. From my own experience, when doing something professionally, you need to pay a huge amount of money for it.

  • Take a normal school environment for instance: every student is competing for first place or at least top three however, we have students that have huge notebooks, loads of textbooks, cool backpacks, stationeries and every other essential and non-essential a student can dream of, we also have students that have personal tutors at home who help them further their education. But on the contrary, we have students that can barely afford a proper meal, students that have to work extra hours at a café to get money to even pay tuition.
    In general, everyone has their own pros and cons, it’s not like you can automatically make the poor rich, moreover, the best thing that can be done is for the teachers to give aid to the less privileged or asked the privileged to help the lesser ones
    Despite this the divide will still be there, but just because someone is more advantageous in a situation doesn’t mean you should give up, in fact that should motivate you to strive harder.
    In essence what I’m implying is that the athletes with lesser advantage should be helped, for example by taking them for monthly trainings, getting them good equipment to practice and use, or paying them enough to make them quite their other jobs. Organizations can be formed by the government to assist the less privileged athletes in these ways.
    Additionally, it should be noted that you can’t just take a person’s naturally inborn advantages or maybe monetary privileges just because it is ‘unfair’. Life is unfair generally and we should work with what we have.
    Athletes with lesser advantages still have a huge amount of potential after all it’s the talent that counts.

  • In my opinion the shoes are the only thing on this list that should be controlled. This is because it is one of the things that can be changed and numerous different shoes have already been banned from sports such as marathons. One notable example is the vaporfly shoe from Nike which sparked an industry in what is now called “super trainers”. Because of this the running industry started to ban certain shoes with more than a 40mm stack height and certain numbers of stiff plates embedded into the midsoles of the shoes which provided an unfair advantage to the runner wearing the shoes as it offered more bounce which made them faster. Other advantages such as longer limbs, nutrition, access to coaches and having more time than others should not be changed. This is because if you have longer limbs it’s not your fault as it was in your genetics and cannot be changed and is so thing no human can control. Having a better nutrition than another competitor should not be changed as it is up to each individual to chose their diet and what they eat which effects how they perform. Having access to coaches should not be controlled as everyone who is a professional should have access to one and everyone has the oppertunity to be trained by one. And lastly having more time than another competitor is simply something that cannot be helped, it differs as many people chose to spot their time differently giving more time for family or training ect than others which is at the persons discression. Everyone would be given the same amount of days weeks or even months to train for the tournament so it’s up to the individual to chose how they use that time in the run up to the event.

  • Hi !, the question of are performance enhancing drugs giving athletes an unfair advantage is something that i have seen from two perspectives. I think that using performance enhancing drugs do make things unfair for other players because by using a drug not only does it make that player much better than others on most occasion but also downgrades the hard work these other players have put into the sport because while they were putting in hard work the other player didn't have to work as hard because they were on performance drugs. But, on the other hand when we bring other aspects into the picture like a player having better nutrition, longer limbs, latest equipment and more we can agree that these are also advantages that can most definitely aid a player to being better than other competitors but when we see these advantages we notice that they are not as badly looked upon just because they don't have the word "drug" in them and that word can be commonly known as something bad. but i think we should ask ourselves if these performance drugs are really any different from these other advantages.

  • Hello
    Well, I believe that the use of various equipments like the trainers must not be allowed in the game to keep it fair because all might not be able to afford something like that. Also in such games, I think the result should be based on your strength, capability and practice and not on the different types of equipments you can afford.
    For the rest of the above given advantages, according to me, nothing should be done as I believe that out of these not everyone will get everything. Some may get some advantages while some may get the rest. Especially about physical advantage we cannot raise an objection at all because that is not done by man with the help of money or some other factor but it is a god-gift. While some may be given long limbs, some may have another advantage. Therefore, That cannot be counted unfair at all.

    1. Where do you draw the line with what athletes can/can't wear or the equipment they can use? When does it tip from normal to "performance-enhancing"?

      1. Good Day Olivia,
        Well I would draw the line based on whether the equipment or attire provides an unfair advantage that significantly changes the nature of the sport or the athlete's performance. Once it crosses the actual capacity of the athlete, I believe it goes from normal to Performance-enhancing.

  • I feel the advantage is a bad idea because some of them have a lot of after effects on the athletes especially in the drug aspects. These drugs could make some of them addicts and could make them end up in mental homes or psychiatric homes in the hospital. I also feel that apart from the fact that it is not healthy, it isn't fair to the other athletes who do not engage in such. Some of the try their very best to win, but for them to find out someone else won through drugs. That really is not fair and before i would go back to the fact that those drugs are illegal and are bad for the athletes health both physically and mentally.
    Also the competition organisers should ban the use of so called "advantages" in the game and they should also ensure that illegal drugs are not smuggled into the premises.
    Have a lovely day Topical Talkers.

    1. Did you know: not all performance enhancing drugs are illegal substances? Some of them can be found in sports drinks and common medications, such as those to treat asthma. Does this change your mind?

      1. Well I wont actually lie I did not know about that, but how are you sure that it doesn't have a bad side. On all drugs, they have a symptom like for example, cough syrup makes one drowsy and it is said not to drive after taking it. Like I always say, everything has its negative and positive side. So it actually doesn't change my mind because firstly, must one have advantage before he or she starts. Secondly, what of those that have promised not to use it like I said earlier it wouldn't be fair to them. Lastly why are there even performance enhancing drugs, isn't one meant to win a game fair and square?

  • I think all of these things should be there . We need time to train, eat fresh fruits, and proper diet, have an expertise of a coach or a teacher , and use proper equipments with care, all these things matter a lot, and these will make you a better sports person and athlete. Obviously performance. The debate around fairness in sports extends beyond doping to encompass various factors like equipment, training time, nutrition, and physical attributes. While these factors may confer advantages, they're often considered inherent to the competition. However, ensuring fairness is crucial. Implementing regulations to level the playing field, such as standardized equipment, access to coaching, and anti-doping measures, can enhance fairness without stifling competition. It's a delicate balance between maintaining the integrity of sports while acknowledging and addressing inherent advantages.

    Thank you.

  • Enhancers has both positive and negative effects on athletes. Some negative effects of using enhancing drugs are insomnia, dehydration, anxiety, tremors, increased heart rate and blood pressure while positive effects of enhancing drugs include increasing muscle mass and strength, increasing endurance and decreasing fat tissues. Enhancing drugs can give an athlete advantage over the other so it can be quite unfair.

  • Yes,all these things give an athlete advantages. But all these advantages are fair in sports because someone having long limbs is a natural thing. Those who does other job is likely to have less time than those who does no work. So,they can traine more. Having nutritive foods also helps an athlete to be a good player.

    We have to take some steps to make sports competition more fair :
    1. Governing bodies can set regulations to prevent the use of unfair technological advantages. They can establish rules for equipment that maintain a balance between innovation and maintaining the integrity of the sport.
    2. There should be a strict team to test each athletes doping. Thus, they can make more fair competition.
    3. Different cultures and backgrounds athletes should have equal opportunities in training, eating nutritive foods and latest equipment etc.
    4.Athletes, coaches and the sporting community can be educated about the importance of fair play.

    1. Aside from that we could always make a specific amount mostly for the health sake of the athletes, because if they are taken in overdose there will be dire consequences.

  • Hello friends
    Fairness in sports matters . While we can tackle issue lissue like doping, other advantages such as access to equipment ,training time,nutrition , expertise , and physical attributes are harder to level . We can promote fairness through rules and equal opportunities ,but removing all advantages might not be realistic or ideal . The goal is to give every athlete a fair shot at competing.
    Thanks to all of you,

  • In my opinion, nothing can be done about these unfair advantages because people will always be favoured more than others. However, I think athletes can be put into groups depending on their advantages because if everyone in a group is given more food or extra training, it is no longer considered an advantage. Because of that, sport competitions will depend on natural ability and no longer contain unfair advantages.

  • Nothing has to be done about these advantages. I say this because it is not a advantage that is a one and only thing anyone could have springy soles, or be BORN with longer limbs. An advantage is a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position but those advantages are either because somebody has worked to get them or was born with them it is not illegal or overly hard to get so it's not bad. The only thing that could make sport competitions more fair are the people in it if they improve their success will be greater.

  • What I think is that there are no unfair advantages when it comes to sports. The latest equipment, more time to train, better nutrition, and a personal coach are all things that you can control. Physical advantages, however, are something you cannot control. This will lead the athlete to think of ways to use their body for their advantages. A drug would dispute this chain reaction, as many people will tend to relax and stop training because of these drugs. A drug example is like steroids. Steroids make a person look very muscular, but have a very bad side effect, such as muscles giving up, or even death at a young age. To make sports more fair, drugs should not be allowed in sports.

  • In my opinion there should be groups such as if you are a curtain weight or height then you should be in a group due to the fact that what if you have a really short person and they are going against a really tall person in a swimming matches then how talented the short person needs to go against a person that its own size . Also drugs , drugs are the number one thing that sport people use to win matches so they need to be tested in all types of ways so that it would be fair.

  • Without doubt, there are a lot of factors which can enable athletes with advantages in sports competitions other than performance-enhancing drugs. With access to advanced equipment like trainers that have carbon infused springy soles can improve the performance of athletes, also having more time to train without the stress of other jobs outside sports training. However, better nutrition and access to professional coaching can positively impact on an athlete's performance, together with natural physical benefits like greater flexibility. Discussing about these advantages is a very hard challenge. Equalizing the playing field fully might be unrealistic, measures can be used to aid fairness. Making sure that there is the same accessibility to resources such as training facilities, equipment, and coaching tutoring can reduce unfairness. To take it further, making regulations or rules on nutrition can result to fair competition. In addition, regularly revising and updating rules to prevent unfair advantages from springing up can help sustain the impartiality of sports competitions. At the same time, no player should be enabled to take drugs which would improve their performance this is known as doping and other players feel cheated when participating in a game. So, each player should be regularly checked before each match to know if they took drugs and disqualify from the competition. So in conclusion, fair competition should be established so as to promote good sportsmanship.

  • In my perspective, I think that it is unfair as some athletes are working their butts off while others are just taking drugs to become stronger or faster. I believe that certain athletes are chosen to be at the enchanting games for a reason as they are supposed to be the best of the best; if they are the best of the best, then why do they need to take drugs to make them stronger or faster? It's completely unfair for athletes who are training every day and using their natural abilities to compete as others are just taking drugs to make them better. Not only is it unfair, but it is also unsafe for the athletes that are taking these drugs as if they take a huge amount of the drugs, it could cause them to harm themselves.

  • Hii ,

    According to me, all of the above-mentioned advantages are essential. There is no need for changes because proper nutrition, exercise, and guidance from a skilled coach or teacher are crucial for becoming a successful athlete.

    One thing that should be done to make sports competitions fairer is implementing weighted competitions. In some cases, competitions could be structured to account for differences in factors like age, gender, or physical attributes, ensuring fairer matchups.

    Ending up with my favourite quote said by Michael Phelps , "I think sportsmanship is knowing that it is a game, that we are only as good as our opponents, and whether you win or lose, to always give 100 percent." This emphasizes the importance of fairness and respect in sports competitions.

    Thank you .

  • I do not think that it is cheating or unfair because the use of performance enhancing drugs and other related substance is allowed, it is not unfair. In the case of the enhanced games, it is allowed because the athletes will not be checked for any peds which in my opinion would not be unfair since they are allowed to do so

  • I believe that athletes could take drugs to enhance their performance but either it should include all the athletes or none at all. I think that the pre-game is one of the most important things you can do before a game starts or arguably the most important to get your mind and body set for the game. But with things like drugs to enhances your skill or shoes that make you run faster all players need to have their same opportunity as their competitors, because if one player does and doesn't the outcomes will be different on the lifestyle or outfit they had worn.

    People are less focused if a player has won but what they did before the game, for example Nike Zoom Vapor fly Elite shoe was capable of providing up to 85% energy return and provided athletes an unfair advantage this shoe was later banned, and people are suggesting that the athlete's that wore this shoe had won the game because of them. Either it is true or isn't people are not giving credit to the people who have won the game. For example, if you give a person a better-quality marker and a bad quality one and asked them to draw the same thing it would have different outcomes. It depends, on what order you give the markers of quality as they will have more practice than they had the first time the art may have the same scheme and style, but the colours and the blending will be.
    In summary I believe the athletes should do a vote on what kind of rules should be applied for pre- workout and the type of clothing and footwear they need to have so everyone is tested depending on their skills and not their ability to cheat or find loopholes into winning.

  • Hi!
    In my opinion, we should be true to our game and using performance enhancing drugs is a cheat!. One can achieve success by hardwork and consistency. Every coin has two sides good or bad, so performance enhancing drugs can also be good if it's not bias like everyone should get the opportunity of having a lastest equipment and proper nutrition for a good health and to get relief from anxiety one can get advise from a coach.Alright this one was my opinion.

  • Personally there shouldn't be anything done about these advantages. Longer limbs are a natural thing because people grow at different rates. People cannot be penalized for something they cannot control. Everything else is just how people conduct themselves. For training, people are required to make time for themselves. People make time for themselves to make themselves better. For diets, that's just if you're willing to do it or not. What can make competition fair if there is proper training and nutrition.

  • I think that some advantages are inevitable. When one is dedicated to sports, particularly professional sports, there are some things that they must do or have, some conditions they need to satisfy.
    As an athlete, you definitely need nutritious food, quality equipment and so on. And as for physical advantages, they can't be helped. They aren't just advantages, they are needs. In a situation where the athlete has none of these, it is unfortunate, but it would be unfair to restrict others from having access to these advantages.
    Taking drugs, however, to boost performance in sports, is, in my opinion, unfair. But I feel this is only in a case where the athlete is taking these drugs illegally. It wouldn't be fair that everyone else is pushing themselves to do their best and someone else is taking the easy way out.
    But in a situation where doping is allowed, one can't say that the athletes had an unfair advantage, because everyone was given free reign to do what they want.
    I have mixed feelings about this, though, because I know taking drugs to boost performance can have negative side effects. Taking hormone boosters may cause health issues like hypertension, heart, loss of vision, severe headaches and so much more. So, while I feel that it is wonderful that athletes are being given a higher level of freedom, I also worry for their health.

  • I think the system is fair enough and there is not much to really be done to make them more fair in any way.

    This is because everything and anything a person does is from their heart and own will. With this in mind, It means that in order for people to get better its not from drugs which would be taking the easy way out and the only thing from my previous statement on nothing to be done that I think should be done is to ban drugs. I say this because it's actually unfair and others have the opinion that it is fair if everyone does it but thats the thing not everyone can do it some people have bodies that can't take certain things and these people also want to be athletes so it won't be fair. If they want to get better they need to work hard towards and eat healthy, change their lifestyle if it's not helping. "Success is no accident. It is hard work, preseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you want to do or learning to do" - Pele brazillian soccer player.

    Another thing I just want to say to other people on the hub is that you shouldn't feel intimidated by others but instead you should stand proud and strong. Even if you are the shortest person against the tallest don't be scared. You could come out on top look at Messi he's short but he goes up against keepers who are 6"10 which is very intimidating but in the end he scores. Always remmember to never back down and to never give up.

  • I agree with all the opinions and I think that all of them can make the athletes more powerful than drugs.

    I agree with the first opinion because athletes can use trainers with low fiction to not grip in the ground to move faster.

    I agree with the second opinion because athletes can train more to be more experienced so they can win any competition.

    I agree with the third opinion because athletes must eat a variety of food like protein, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates. These kinds of food provide them with calcium, vitamins, fibre, energy and they help athletes to grow in a regular and a healthy way. Athletes must avoid eating fats an sugar.

    Athletes must be trained by couches to learn more about the sport and to play in the best way so the management must offer the best couch to the players.

    Finally Athletes must use proper equipments while training to train in a perfect way.

    I think that Athletes must depend on these five opinions instead of depending on energy drinks, drugs or medicines to make the sport competitions fair.

  • I think all people should be given the best and latest equipment, as it would make it much more fair than in other conditions, as people with better shoes are going to run faster than people with shoes that are broken or are not the better. Also, people should have the same time to practice and train, but, as this is not possible some times, at least to have similar entrain times, as it's obvious that people who had practiced a lot more because they are fully focused on that are going to be better in the competition. Also, the nutrition is very important, and I think all people should have their specific diets, adapted to their individual needs. And, another thing that is very important is the access to a personal trainer or coach, as it can make a great difference between a person who has trained a lot with a coach that adapts their trains to their needs and a person who has not that possibility, and it should be free and accessible for everyone, the same as what is done with the lawyers. But, the last one, does not convince me, because to have physical advantages is depending on each person, but nobody chooses it or trains to have them, so we cannot do anything on that, maybe put them on different sport categories.
    I think what can be done to make the games more fair is to allow all the competitors to have access to all that they need, freely, and with a good quality, as the Olympic Games earn millions of dollars and the competitors are always poorly paid, so at least, have access to these things.

  • Hello everyone in the topical talk!,
    I think "An unfair advantage" shouldn't be allowed in any forms of sport.

    No player/team should have any right to extra equipment/nutrition/more time to work because this could lead to anger and rivalry against a team with high quality equipment etc. This could also lead to political unrest if the competition was global and important. However I disagree about the "physical advantages" as someone might be taller/shorter but we should categorise people due to body shape or physicality because this could offend certain people.

    Overall I don't think teams should have "unfair advantages" over others, but some things cant be changed

    1. I accidentally put "should" instead of shouldn't

  • I believe that the anti-doping law is correct, since I believe that these substances do not make competitions fair. A similar example is when cyclists implement a hidden engine in their bikes so that the effort is minimal. In this case, the hidden engine are these substances that give you a great advantage over the rest. I don't think it would be fair to use them in the Olympic games or in other sport, since there are people who train hard every day for years to achieve their goal, while others take some pills and win the competition, which for me has no merit whatsoever. In conclusion, I think we should value more all the work that we do not see every day and not support something that only damages its image.

  • About physical advantages, sorry but you can't do nothing to solve it, you have to take advantage of your own abilities. On the other hand, you can solve the other problems with effort and passion for the sport.
    To make sports competitions more fair, I think the athletes could stay in a residence the last week before the competition. It ensures the athletes live in the same conditions.

  • I think all but"Latest equipment" and "Physical advantages" are fair. If a player is competing with some sort of equipment that has an advantage, you would technically be considered cheating since you have an advantage over all the other players. For example, if a player competing in the long jump had extra springy shoes, they would have an advantage over all the others without springy shoes. For the physical advantages, I think there should be separate categories for different physical abilities. (height, weight, etc)

  • I think that everything mentioned is needed and very important ,I say this because I think that the enhancing drug is a fair and square advantage for player in different games but especially in the field of doping . I feel there is nothing like cheating in a game that everybody is allowed to do what so ever pleases them.
    In order for us to make sport competition fair we need to have the spirit of sportsmanship towards our opponent , have integrity and most importantly tolerance : so far I have read other people's comment but one that caught my attention is the person that says that they think it's unfair for those who are not practising enhanced drugs and they are working out hard to be the best but not knowing that others are enhancing drugs, I feel this is where tolerance comes into play, as an individual we need to have this quality in us , which is to be able to tolerate anything ,that is why nobody should feel bad about their opponent using enhanced drugs and even if he/she feels bad about it they should summon the person or team and talk about how to make things fair .

  • I agree with everything you have mentioned with the exception of the enhance drugs being put in the athletes body. Not only can it harm their bodies when they take it in but it is also not fair because you will just keep on winning and winning I mean what is the point of winning when you didn't do anything it was just an artificial substance which won so I conclude that the competition should include some rules against this

  • I think that these advantages can be reached by almost everyone, as better training or better nutrition are things that you could achieve without any problem. Nevertheless, some people with greater physical or psicologic capacity have it easier to win a sport competion but this should not be punished because it is something that a person cannot control, instead, enhacing drugs can be controled.

  • Personally, I think physical appearance attributes to sports performances mostly because for events such as long jump, longer limbs in turn will give an advantage. This is why I feel that there should be height heats for sports competitions.

  • I think all of the advantages should be there, you can not let people train for longer. You can't make people not eat fresh food. And you can definately not do anything about how long peoples limbs are. These are all good for sports people. if you train longer, you will most likely get a higher place. If you eat nutricious food you will be healthier and will most likely not have any illneses, all of these are genrally good for the human body. Even the trainers, if there are springs in the shoes it could enhance there preformace due to the fact it would feel more comfortable and natural for them to run in. So i think people are allowed to do what they want if it helps there preformance and career!

  • Hi!
    In sports, some people have advantages that make it easier for them to win. These advantages can come from having better equipment, more time to practice, healthier food, good coaches, or even just being naturally built for the sport. To make things fairer, everyone should have equal chances to get these advantages. This could mean providing equal access to training, making sure everyone follows the same rules about equipment, teaching athletes about healthy eating, and ensuring that doping is strictly forbidden. By doing these things, we can make sure that sports are fair and everyone has a fair shot at winning.

    Thank you!

  • Hi
    I will choose option C known as nutrition and food. athletes should be taken food and nutrition to build the strength, if athletes are taking enhanced drugs it can cause health issues for instance if a athlete took enhanced it can over enhance the body to go as far as expected, athletes should always take food and nutrition to build there strength.
    Thank you

  • Over the last decade many people are complaining about unfair advantages of athletes in competitions but are they really unfair?
    I strongly believe that not all advantages are unfair. Some of them might be, such as performance enchanting drugs because they can make athletes perform better . They make them feel stronger and more energetic for as long they compete.
    Besides that I dint see why advantages like access to expertise, latest equipment, better nutrition and much more should be considered unfair.
    They are the basic guidelines that each athlete should follow in order to achieve his/ Her goal.

  • Sport and especially international events are based on rules. And these rules should be followed.
    Additionally judges are the ones that can decide what and how is permitted. If you want to know what is fair you have first to know the rules of these events.
    Whether you can wear or not trainers with some type of booster this should be decided from the judges and the oranisation.
    If trainers helps you to start easier your race it is OK only if it permitted for all athletes.

    1. Hi positive_world, you have been given a star for this comment as there is a logic to your argument. I'd be interested to hear how do you think something like better nutrition would fit in your argument

      1. Hi Siriliya!! I think nutrition and healthy eating are subsequent you these rules. I mean your coach will guide you how to eat as to enter such a big event you will be measured and weighted. To eat healthy is the norm on these events. It is not an advantage .To use enchanted drugs or illegal substances then this is also something different.
        In other words there is a general guideline on these events that need to be followed equally by everyone.

        1. Thanks for explaining that healthy eating is subsequent to the rules positive_world!

  • The advantage that I think something should be done about it is the latest equipment such as new trainers that include springy soles because the new equipment have new innovations to it that makes it easier for a person to use and it improves a persons performance for example the new trait they these soles that are very springy increasing the pace or a jump of a person this could be unfair because not everyone has the new trainers and would be unfair for those who don't have and technically it is cheating because if the person use the shoes for a jumping or running event it would be an unfair advantage as the shoes increases a persons stride when they are running or there they jump higher because of the springy soles and I think this issue should be resolved so that the competitions can be fair. The things that can be done to make a sports competition fair is that they should be doing a thorough check up on the athletes making sure that they don't have or wearing anything that can increase their performance.

  • I think that we need to train, eat fresh fruits, and create a proper diet for ourselves. We need advice from coaches so that we can become better at these sports instead of using a drug that could potentially harm our body. using drugs for a race could be an unfair advantage because the person that is consuming these drugs is cheating just so that they could win. drugs are not the way to go when it comes to sports. All you need to do is exercise and create a proper diet for ourselves.

    1. I agree with fearless_boysenberry, yes drugs can give an unfair advantage, this could affect the game and make the players rely on drugs than the actual game. This could have a negative impact and effect on the player’s health and safety. In my opinion a game is meant to be worked hard for not to be cheated by using enhanced drugs. With coaches and regular training we can build up our stamina through endurance games and this will help us be more focused and help win our game.

  • Some advantages cannot be controlled like having longer limbs. The olympics qare about skill and whos the best of the best. So having better coaches and food supply is going to help that get fit and ready. I don't think the olympics is about 'fair' but it is about hard work and skill.

  • Hello Topical Talkers, I am basically in agreement with all these points stated here because as we all know, the aim of sports is to be a winner and be regarded as the best in that area. This entails that sport has to do with hard work, persistence and many others. So I agree with all these opinions because:
    1.The latest equipment – such as trainers that include springy soles: I agree because they want to win and try to get for themselves the best equipment to help them t achieve their goal.
    2.More time to train than others – for example, because you don’t have to do another job: This to me is not bad because it is the athlete who is putting in time so as to be get better at that sport and try to be the best in that category.
    3.Better nutrition – such as fresh foods, vegetables and supplements: I think that this is a good way to get better at sports because it involves giving the body necessary vitamins to heal worn out body tissues and to give energy to the athletes, I will agree on all these except for the area of drugs because drugs can have side effects unlike fruits and vegetables which are natural body supplements.
    4.Access to expertise – for example, from a coach or a teacher: I agree because the athlete wants to have the best training from an expertise and to get better with the learning of better techniques in the game in order to bring out the best in the athlete.
    5.Physical advantages – such as longer limbs: I do not see this as an unfair advantage because it is a natural endowment and is not the persons fault because that is how he/she was born.

  • As per my opinion measures like equal access to resources, strict anti-doping policies, fair competition rules, balanced scheduling, merit-based selection, transparency, technology, financial regulations, and youth development programs can enhance fairness in sports competitions and equal cheerleading would also be an important factor.

  • I agree that Option A gives an athlete an ' unfair ' advantage in a game. Because these trainers have springy soles and give the athlete more boost and a very big chance of winning the game. The point of running a marathon or a race or even breaking a record is to win with your own skill and these sports enhancements go against all of that. Some athletes might not have good sponsors with the money to buy them too and this will make them seem slow in the sports they trained hard and genuinely for. This can change the major concept of the game, rather than who runs or plays the best and fastest it will be about who has the best and fastest trainers for the game. These athletes with the enhancement trainers will then get many good sponsors and due to this skilled coaches for the game which will make others who don't want or can't afford the trainers look unprofessional or undesirable by sponsors. I think that if the enhancement trainers are to be brought into the sports industry, all performing athletes should have the same type and brand of shoe with their adequate foot size, provided newly by the hosting sports company. This way the enhancement trainers won't give any of the athletes an "unfair" advantage during the game.

  • Doping is deceptive and harmful to athletes, in addition to misleading spectators, organizers and sponsors in their belief that they are watching a fair sporting competition. So yes i believe that something should be done about doping. Yes they can make sports competitions fair by setting clear rules, and apply effective anti-doping measures.

  • I think that nothing should be done about them reason because the are not illegal which is my main point.An athlete cannot be arrested for having a good coach,eating healthy,training more and more.For example Cristiano Ronaldo keeps himself from drinking and partying after a match while some other football players get themselves drunk not only after matches but whenever the feel like.All these options are things that we can work hard and achieve that is why it is achoice so it is not unfair in any way.

  • In my opinion, using the latest equipment, training often and having some sort of physical advantage such as longer limbs or stronger ligaments and joints are totally okay but using drugs to enhance ability, strength and speed is wrong and deceitful. It isn't fair to the other competitors at all. One should not use corrupt ways to win, as the saying goes shortcuts are dangerous. Players should take a step by step process in becoming the best and not take some petty drugs that will bring about a lot of regret and medical bills to pay in future.

  • Some of the advantages could be considered fair and some unfair.
    For example, when you have springy soles in your shoes your speed will be increased and that's not fair.
    But I don't think that when you have more time to exercise or when you have a personal trainer is not fair.
    Additionally some people have some advantages I theses sports because they have been born like this.and they are more suitable to the nature of the sport they are competing.

  • I don't think that we should do something about these advantages. For example, the long limbs. The long limbs is something naturally i mean it's something he/she got birth with it. However not all the players with long limbs always loses or always win, for instance: Usain Bolt. Usain Bolt has long limbs and he is now the fastest player in the world. So we shouldn't do anything about it.
    The better nutrition. The better nutrition is something depends on the person. If the person is healthy and eat good nutrition so he/she will do amazing job. So you can also ask a question, what if there is a person that is allergic from fruits and vegetables what should he/she do? Well at this point he can take some alternatives such as vitamins and with that the competition is fair.

    However, something like the trainers with springs is not fair. As there might be some people wear a very expensive trainers but there might also be some people who wear cheaper trainers. We can solve this problem by giving all the players the same trainers.

    Something like training more than other people is totally fair. This depends in his/her desire. If there is a person which like the competition so much and he/she has high desire so he/she will train so hard so that they could win and they can delay some things so that they could train. But if there someone who don't like the competition so he/she won't train hard.

  • Athletes do anything to win a medal.
    Winning a medal for them is very hard si some of them may use enchanted drugs to help them. But they aren't the only things an athlete do. Actually I have read that in some sports where you have to catch something like a ball they put a special glue so as to be easier.
    Some may even be richer or have more grants from sports brands so can buy better quality of food or equipment.
    For me this is unfair in a way because athletes are not competing in the same terms.
    However I really can't say that we have to exclude any small advantage that can improve athlete's performance.

    1. I agree because they should train, eat healthy, etc. in order to win a medal. Using enhanced drugs is very unfair to the people since athletes train for years, or even decades just for a drug user to steal their opportunity.

  • No I don't think anything should be done as all of these are normal criteria for being a successful athletes and many great athletes share these attributes such as Ronaldo, Haaland and many others, but just to make it fair I feel these competitions should have different classes so that people of the same level of height, finance and technological support, can be ranked together.

    1. I agree with you because i feel othersvare more qualified and talented and to me it is not balanced. Players should not have the same pay because thosebthat perform better and exceptional should be paid more, I think that the players that were able to afford these advantages should not be striped of it because the others cannot afford it.
      For example, Michael Jordan is the richest athlete in the world and he got to that position because he was determined and he was focused. So, I feel he earned every respect and money he has. For those that did not do as much work as Michael Jordan, I am not sure that there should be a need for the athlete's pay to be even.
      In conclusion, most athletes should make efforts to improve themselves both physically and mentally by purchasing and using equipments that can help them achieve that. Those who fail to do solo that to their detriment and have no one to blame.

  • Different countries have access to different levels of research and equipment which can benefit their athletes. A way to level out the playing field during competition could potentially be to have all participants wear the same sporting gear and have to use identical equipment. For example, running shoes, if all athletes wore the same model of shoe this would ensure advantages were not as impactful from technology and equipment. Equipment should be provided to athletes to ensure that all countries are competing with the same quality of equipment as certain countries have more funding and advancements than others. Although we can make small changes, certain changes cannot be addressed, such as the physiological build of individuals. Someone who has longer legs than another will naturally have longer strides than someone with shorter legs. There can never be complete equality within sport as if we restricted people to certain heights and weights to level the playing field this would then make sport become discriminatory.

    1. I agree because... Different people have different capabilities. Equipments and size are not the only things that make sports unfair, even talent is a factor. Some people are born with a talent for sport while others have to work day and night. This is also an unfair advantage that some athletes have. There is honestly nothing we can do about these situations because it's not like we can control how talented athletes are from birth, it is something natural and out of our hands. Though it is true that hard work can beat talent, athletes that are talented and still work super hard have an added advantage. Talent is a gifted ability some athletes have naturally. Athletes born pretty tall or strong may just have a natural advantage in the sport they play. It cannot be considered cheating because they didn't ask for it, it's just normal. An example is a tall basketball player. He would definitely have an easier time reaching the basket than a shorter one, but it's not cheating. There is nothing that can actually be done about these situations, but doping is completely different. Doping is not a natural phenomenon, it is the use of artificial means to win. Though natural skills cannot be controlled and makes sports unfair, doping should not be allowed because it will make sports more unfair.

  • In my opinion I believe that Paralympic competitors will not be happy about the enhanced games. I think this because people who compete in the Paralympics may already feel at a disadvantage and if people without disabilities can then take drugs to make them faster and stronger this may make people with a disability feel even more disadvantaged. I also believe that professionals such as Usain Bolt who holds the record had to train extremely hard and if anybody can take drugs and come close to that then his hard work won't even matter. People work so hard to win titles or hold records and athletes with disabilities work hard to be appreciated by the public and media and this can all be taken away if we allow performance enhancing drugs.

  • I personally believe that taking drugs such as: anabolic steroids', any drug that has the ability to enhance growth, speed, e.c.t can cause others to feel disadvantaged, and not to mention if the 'Enhanced Game' became a 'thing' then wealthier people may have more of an advantage as they have more access to better and faster working drugs. It's also fair to state the fact that all the hard work that gold medalists who've competed for many of their lives can be taken over by someone who's started to take drugs and has no athletic 'record'.

  • I think that the use of performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed, it takes away the competitive element of sport and athletes hard work and dedication. Usain Bolt had to train for years for his Olympic record and if somebody in the future can simply take drugs to make them faster it will be unfair and inaccurate. Taking performance enhancing drugs is not true to individuals strengths and talents, could also be classed as cheating. It is against the rules to take drugs in the Olympic games for many reasons, why should people be able to take drugs to beat records that were set with athletes true ability. How is this fair?

    1. I agree! It really isn't fair that people in this new competition can take drugs because whats the fun of even watching it if there's one drug that gets this really out of shape skinny athlete further than all the people who trained and worked hard to be good. Athletes who go in raw into the olympics after they train for a long time, years, months, maybe even decades go into this new thing to try it and see if its better than the olympics and then some rando wins everything because he took something that made his legs go faster. Once again, this really isn't fair at all!

      1. Hello committed_tamarilo,
        Youve made a really valid point and I completely agree with you a lot of people train all their lives just to take part in the Olympics and emerge winners, but it is really unfair that a random guy just gets to take performance enhancing drugs and he would emerge the winner beating someone who has worked hard and trained his whole life to win. If this is how things continue a lot of people might begin to lose interest in the Olympics and will begin to stop putting in effort to work hard if they will just keep getting beaten by someone who barely put in any effort. Some athletes might even choose to relax and put in no effort at all since they can just take one pill and emerge winners, they will see no point in working hard or putting in any effort.

  • I think that if these performance-enhancing drugs are used in the normal Olympics however the enhanced games are centred around using these drugs. So I think the use of the drugs only in the enhanced games is ok.

    1. I don't think it's a good idea to let athletes use performance enhancers in the Olympics. Even though some people like billionaire Thiel thinks it could make the games more exciting, these substances are like drugs and can be harmful to the body.

  • I think that all of these advantages that people are thinking about and creating to cheat and do better than every else need to be dealt with. I mean like taking all these peoples items and checking through them to see if any tiny thing that isn't right. Not only that, but we need things that make the person feel the effects of drugs that they might take so the effect goes away before they do the olympics. I feel that there are too many ways to take care of these cheats and trinkets that people use. But, some people haven't even thought about these ways I listed.

  • I think all these things should be there except the latest equipment like shoes with springs. This type of equipment could possibly give other people advantages that make the olympics unfair for other players without the latest equipment. there are many advantages such as faster running and jumping higher than normal we should just be able to their natural talent instead of the talent they get from advanced equipment .

  • I believe we should do something about these advantages because those who work hard are often forgotten as we focas on winners who may be cheating or using these advantages. To avoid this we should have drug tests more often to the lead up to competitions to moniter athletes progress and also the advantages they may use to increase speed and training. This way we can seewho is actually trying while highlighting those who are using things like enhancment drugs to their advantage. This could also help those younger who do watch sports and athletes the things they can achieve on thier own without being tainted by those who show false propersitions and advantages they use protecting future genorations of athletes.

  • I think that nothing should be done about the third advantage which is about better nutrition. Staying on a diet to get fit for an event is a big sacrifice by the athletes and I do not think they should be penalized because of that. I think what should be done to make sports more fair in this case is the provision of resources to the athletes to get better nutrition so that no one will be cheated if they do not have the resources.

  • The advantages of new equipment, such as springy trainers, in sports competitions. It suggests that these innovations can improve performance and prevent unfairness, as not everyone has access to this equipment. I also suggest that athletes should be thoroughly checked for any potential cheating, such as using drugs for race purposes. The author suggests that athletes should focus on training, eating fresh fruits, and maintaining a proper diet to improve their performance. I think that the Olympics should focus on hard work and skill, not just fairness. There is an importance of better nutrition, such as fresh foods, vegetables, and supplements, as they provide necessary vitamins and energy for athletes. The author also mentions the need for access to expertise from coaches and teachers, as athletes desire the best training and techniques to improve their performance. I conclude that physical advantages, such as longer limbs, are not considered unfair, as they are a natural endowment.

  • I think that some people have better chances of winning the enhanced games than others. Some athletes live in places with less food and less time to train for the enhanced games meanwhile some athletes have a ton of food, fruits, vegetables, and they might have a ton of time to train and get ready for the enhanced games giving some athletes a unfair advantage. I think there should be something done about these advantages. Maybe if the athletes in countries that have less things try to do more things maybe they could have a chance to win. They could try to grow some fruits and vegetables to have more food, they could try to plan time for training, or they can get a trainer to help them prepare for the enhanced games. If they do these things then they should have a chance to win the enhanced games. That's why i think some people have better chances to win the enhanced games and that there should be something done about these advantages.

  • In order to be an athlete let alone a professional athlete you have to meet some criteria.
    Some.of the above mentioned are not advantages in my opinion but the basic standards in order to practice in a sport
    For instance having a good nutrition can not be considered an advantage as it is one of the requirements for a healthy athlete.
    Additionally Some sports require other criteria such as longer limbs for high jump, flexibility for rhythmic gymnastic and so on.
    These are typical things that some sports need .
    Moreover Profesional athletes do not have to work as this is their job and from it they are living.
    Access to a coach should be offered to all athletes equally from the organisations that hold these games.
    The only thing I can comment is that some countries that are considered wealthy may have the advantage of funding athletes and sports clubs with more money whole others cannot afford the same thing.

  • I think that all of these advantages should be given to all athletes. These advantages should be given to all athletes because it should be normal to train hard, eat healthy, have a coach or teacher who could train you to be a better athlete, and having the latest equipment. These are all of the things that are normal to do as an athlete. Other people in very poor countries might also have a job other than being an athlete. This may be a disadvantage because other people in very wealthy countries may not have a job and have more time to train & have a better chance of winning a competition. This is a bad disadvantage because having a job outside of being an athlete is a hard hard thing to maintain & having a chance to compete but not being able to push your limits. It is a bad disadvantage for a person who has a job outside of being an athlete. I'm not sure if we can fix it but I know that it is a bad disadvantage to the other person who has a change to win a competition.

    1. It would be nice if every single athlete, everywhere, no matter their circumstances, received the same advantages, but that would only happen in a perfect world, where the only focus is sports!
      But I'm not sure about this because, not only are some of these "advantages" things that YOU can control without money, but if we gave everybody the exact same thing, it would drain the life out of sports don't you think? Sports are supposed to be fun, entertaining, and inspiring. But if there were no advantages or twists or anything, it would be like just watching an endless loop- for example-"Oh here's this game between the Suns and the Seas, 1-1, what about the game between the Eagles and the Tigers? It was another draw." You would be stuck watching the same teams with the same equipment, same coaches, same everything and you would get bored. Which is not what sports are supposed to make you. And you said that if someone who had to work a job couldn't put enough time into their sport because of the job, that would be unfair. It wouldn't really be unfair, because if they truly loved the sport, they would find ways, they could use the shreds of time that they allotted to training solely to the sport, and nothing else. Or if they had potential and talent, they could take the risk, quit their job and try to go pro?
      But all in all, I just think that in sports, any advantage can be overcome.

  • I believe that these games have some unfairnadvantages cuz the latest equipment such as trainers that includes spring soles makes a person run faster than his/her usual speed and if there were any sports going on, that's going to make him pass everyone and they would be awarded first which it isn't actually real cuz like without the shoes maybe that person will be second to the last or last.
    And for the better nutrition such as fresh fruits vegetables and supplyments that one is good like before the race they should tell everyone to eat well not so much junk and like you should practice much more than usual.

  • Hey,
    I feel physical advantages such as longer limbs should not be considered as an unfair advantage because having longer limbs does not really give you leverage over others in all sports although having longer limbs in sports like basketball, swimming, volleyball and gymnastics. Other sports like weightlifting, boxing, wrestling and cycling demand strength, endurance and technique to be able to play. Although having longer limbs could sometimes be an advantage There are many other factors that enable someone to excel in a sport because I feel that no matter your physique if you choose to work hard you would be able to reach your peak performance in your endeavors.
    Muggsy Bogues for example was the shortest person ever to play in the NBA despite his height he played really well and became famous. Longer limbs are not an unfair advantage it just depends all on how much effort and hard work you put into the sport.

  • It's important to recognize that not everyone has access to these advantages, and it's not always fair or equal. It's important to level the playing field as much as possible and provide opportunities for everyone to succeed, regardless of their circumstances.

  • In my personal opinion I believe that every single on of these advantages should be added onto games in the Olympics. The reason I think this is because it would be fair for everybody and it would give athletes the chance to choose whether or not to use or not use these advantages in games. If the people decide to use this I think there should be a limited about of drugs used to enhance their performance.

  • Hello,
    I would like to demonstrate that these actions or activities are all personal desires , as a result of that, this can lead them to be immortality consumed by athletes since these drugs can cause serious addictions. Apparently, some athletes cannot stop gobbling those drug pills that improve their velocity and strength. But what's really revolving around my mind is how can athletes or bodybuilders prevent themselves from having the urge to consume or devour those harmful pills? Are those drugs really worth boosting and empowering them? Can they ever depend on their own strength?
    I would love to receive an answer please and THANKS

    1. That's true, some drugs can cause serious addictions. Why might some athletes feel the need to take performance enhancing drugs?

      1. Hi O @ topical Talk,
        One of the reasons why athletes feel the need to take performance enhancing drugs is that most of them has been addicted to that so they feel there is no need to practice again when they already has it at the back of their mind that there is always drugs for them which makes them lazy. it also brings about abuse.
        Some well as well need to take performance enhancing drugs in case if they runs out of strength to help supplement their body systems. these are the people that takes advantage and know what the drugs are for while some can be so addicted to the extend that they can participate in sport without that which is very bad.
        I think the best thing to do is to abstain from it for a while so that it does not becomes chronic in your body system and always depend in practice because those drugs cannot remain forever.
        Secondly, they should ban the used of performance enhancing drugs so that our athletes today won't fall a victim in either lung or liver cancer to save their lives from drugs.

      2. Hi O @ topical Talk,
        One of the reasons why athletes feel the need to take performance enhancing drugs is that most of them has been addicted to that so they feel there is no need to practice again when they already has it at the back of their mind that there is always drugs for them which makes them lazy. it also brings about abuse.
        Some well as well need to take performance enhancing drugs in case if they runs out of strength to help supplement their body systems. these are the people that takes advantage and know what the drugs are for while some can be so addicted to the extend that they can participate in sport without that which is very bad.
        I think the best thing to do is to abstain from it for a while so that it does not becomes chronic in your body system and always depend in practice because those drugs cannot remain forever.
        Secondly, they should ban the used of performance enhancing drugs so that our athletes today won't fall a victim in either lung or liver cancer to save their lives from drugs.

  • Concerning the so-called "advantage" of the latest equipment, it is an advantage, but a tiny, marginal, advantage. Picture this, you are either naturally speedy or you trained very hard to become as fast as you are, but someone else with more money and access than you, but is still slightly slower than you, buys shoes with springs in the soles. That would make them a little bit faster, but simply buying new shoes won't account for the lack of talent or hard-work.

    And for the "advantage" of having more time to train than others, it's simply just because the person with "more time" spends more TIme working hard to improve. Anyone can allot their time to anything, nothing is stopping you from simply training more? And if there is something stopping you from clearing your schedule, you can't just expect the others to stop training because you can't, it simply just means you don't have enough time for the sport, or you're not willing to sacrifice time for it.

    Well, your body being different from somebody else's could put you at a disadvantage or an advantage, depending on the context, but there's nothing you can do about it. If you're taller, you're just taller, if you're shorter you're shorter, you were just born that way. But the difference is the amount of work you put into the game.

    And in conclusion, NO, nothing should be done about these "advantages." Why? Because that's what makes sport interesting, watching the players who are at a disadvantage become the best of the best, and master their craft, and overcome challenges. People don't watch sports to see a draw or a tie every game, they watch it for inspiration, and entertainment. People enjoy seeing the ups and downs and twists and turns of one team having an advantage, but the other team is clever and finds a way over it. And they also look up to those people at a disadvantage, they think of those athletes as role models, and they aspire to be like them, to compete with everybody else even if their equipment is better than yours. To simply shake it off and dominate using not your advantages, but your skill.

  • Yes people should be able to play sports honorably. As an athlete, you should be able to compete without using enhanced drugs. Athletes should only be concerned with developing their skills so that they can compete honorably in the sports that they love. I feel that it is unfair to people that don't use enhanced drugs. If they don't win, at least it should not be because your opponents are cheating. Competing is hard work, and I believe, everyone deserves a fair fighting chance.

  • All of the advantages listed matter the physical fitness of the athlete and the rate of success of the athlete. Such advantages are fruitful for the fitness of the athlete. Training of hard work and true spirit would result the overall performance of the athlete in the competition. Proper nutrition and balanced diet would the best energy source for athlete as well as proper nutrition provides immune and healthy body. Having a expertise leads to a proper training of every organ of the athlete. An trainer would review our performance, suggest on weakness and it would be motivational for having a trainer. Having proper and adequate amount of nutrition surely develops as well as changes the physical structure of the body, so an athlete can gain physical advantages. Such advantages might lead better performance of the athlete. Such advantages have no diverse effects but using such drugs would be unfair for the athlete who are using it. Using such performance-enhancing drugs wouldn't show up the true potential and spirit of the athlete on the competition. Implementation of the strict rules might decrease the rate of using such drugs. Strict checks should be done before the competition begins. Such rules may be helpful to fair the competition.

  • Hey my fellow topical talkers.
    I think that healthy factors such as,
    "More time to train than others.
    Better nutrition – such as fresh foods, vegetables and supplements.
    Access to expertise – for example, from a coach or a teacher.
    Physical advantages – such as longer limbs" as you have mentioned should be allowed in sporting competitions, but enhancement drugs and other extreme enhancement factors should be highly discouraged and avoided because when there is use of enhancement equipment, other competitors will be given an unnecessary edge over others in the competition.
    I believe that sports are to be played true and fair and there is no need for any form enhancement in the games.
    Thank you.

  • Yes, something should be done about some advantages, because people work years and years to be able to win the Olympics. Like spring soles of shoes and physical advantages should be banned because it isn't a person's natural ability Not having extra things like physical advantages or tech to increase winning chances could make things more fair.

  • Doping Is unfair because that means your body is depending on the drug it is using instead of your actual talents. That gives people that actually worked to get where they are at a less chance of winning since the person they are going against isn't really using their own talent. That also makes the medal they win unworthy since those athletes are technically "cheating" and not using their actual talents when it comes to the sport.

  • I feel that nothing can be done about some of these situations, but not all. Having access to expertise can fix most of these advantages. For example if one has access to expertise they may be encouraged to eat healthier and they may have access to newer equipment. These are 3 out of the 5 disadvantages that can be solved with expertise, and proper training on one's side. Theoretically, if the Olympics wanted to solve most of these issues they can try their best to provide high quality training and guidance for all participants. More time to train can possibly be solved but there is no singular solution to fix all participants with this disadvantage because reasons for less time to train will vary. Physical advantages cannot absolutely not be fixed because people are not in control of the traits which they are born with, and it would be unfair if the Olympics stopped these people from participating because of uncontrollable advantages.

  • I feel like something should be done about these advantages because it is not fair for a tall,lengthy man to go up against a short, skinny man. This is an unfair advantage for many players with a lot of sports.An example is basketball,a sport where height is a big advantage, has a lot of short players.Muggsy Bogues, a professional basketball player who is 5,3 had to go play with players like Manute bol who is 7,6 .This gave people like Muggsy a huge disadvantage and had them lose a lot of games.Even though there's is a lot of this happening i feel like nothing can be done to help with this because this is just a Gene problem and if everyone wants to play in a league then they have to face these challenges in life.

  • Using enhancing drugs is unfair to those who put all their effort into their sport, just for being able to use the drugs is a possibility. The point of the sport is to show what you're capable of, not what the drugs can do for you. Other people playing sports go through hours of training and diets and it's unfair for them if others are using drugs just to be better than them. There is not an easy way for everything, especially in sports you cannot cut corners.

  • I believe that something should not be done with these advantages. While yes, these things may give an advantage, I don't believe it would be classified as unfair. We all need proper training, food, diets, equipment, etc. These are all really important factors of an athlete. Moreover, physical advantages, such as longer limbs and such, cannot be controlled by the person. These people are born with these and they cannot do anything about it. However, performance enhancing drugs should most definitely be an unfair advantage. Along with that, it may have unhealthy side effects. Many athletes take hours of their days to train, and maybe even months following a strict diet. To have someone beat them using performance enhancing drugs without training, this would be severely unjust. These drugs could most definitely have side effects as well. Someone may be blinded by winning, and accidentally overdose. Some drugs may also have a mental effect on you, such as depression or anxiety. Overall, just being lazy and taking the shortcut of performance enhancing drugs is not worth all the side effects.

  • Yes, things should be done for this not to happen. To think that you had worked your blood, sweat and tears to be won over a person using enhancing products. Humans should not be using drugs to enhance their performance to win a sport that determines someone's whole career and life. Imagine you finally won a race but in that time a person won 10 times more than you have. Anabolic drugs have already been banned why would we change what he had already made. Think about paralympic athletes that already have a disadvantage and still manage to be as fast as a person who is not. Adding drugs to enhance the average person will just hurt them even more.

  • To be honest, training takes a lot of time. If the people feels like the supplements help them with being stronger or faster, then I feel like they can use it. I don't want them to overdose and something bad happens. If they want to be like their opponents, then they can take alternate measures.

  • I think that some of the advantages above are allowed and some aren’t for different reasons. I don’t think that it is fair for the people that are doing the sports to have the latest equipment because some of the equipment might help them with different things and others don’t have that so they could be a bit behind.I also don’t think that having physical advantages is fair because if they were doing a sprinting test longer legs will probably work faster then smaller legs therefore the person with longer legs will be more likely to win.On the other hand, I think that having better nutrition is fair. I think this because you are responsible for the things you put in your body and do to it.I also think that having more time to train is fair because it is up to you to make time to train.And finally I also think that having a coach or a teacher is fair. I think it’s fair because you are the one that decides if you want a coach or not .

  • In enhanced-games, athletes from all around the world, can participate to represent their country. Competitors who live in wealthy and more financially and technologically developed countries with modern infrastructures have a major advantages from the ones living in undeveloped and poor regions. They can use the latest equipment in order for their training to be more efficient, they have the opportunity to train in modern and service facilities and they can have a specialized coach with more knowledge is on this sector. On the other hand, athletes who live in financially and facilitily undeveloped countries can't have access to such things and therefore they can't train easily and productively.
    In order for sport competitions to become more fair, I believe that competitors worldwide should gather a few days before the competition at which period they will all be trained by the same coach. This way they will get an equal amount of help and it wouldn't be so unfair although the previous preparation is what actually matters.

  • I strongly think these advantages should be needed, because some people have to start eating heathy, be more engaged in physical workouts or get a coach to help some people with some of these advantages listed. I think some athletes should follow these advantages maybe it will help them win a competition, instead of taking drugs which some athletes may think it will give them the desire to win, whiles it can rather destroy your body.

    1. Can you tell me what you think the most beneficial advantage would be?

      1. I strongly think the most beneficial advantage would be some athletes getting a personal coach, because if they have a personal coach, the coach can guide them to complete all the advantages listed, in case the athlete does something wrong or doesn't know how frequently he/she should be using these advantages. When some athletes have personal coaches, they can help do some other workouts, which will get them ready and prepared for their competition or contest the athlete is trying to win.

  • It is an unfair advantage when the rules do not permit to have special pr extra benefits.
    For example having springy soles cannot be considered an advantage if the rules of the game allows such things.
    Additionally nutrition with fruit and vegetables is proposed from coaches and athletic consultants so is not an advantage either.

    1. If we consider the athletes' environments, I believe that having springy soles can be viewed as an unfair advantage. For instance, if one athlete can purchase a piece of specialised equipment while the other cannot, then the athlete who cannot afford it is at a disadvantage. A fair competition would provide equal opportunities and equipment for both training and competition, as selecting athletes from underprivileged backgrounds or those unable to pay for such things puts them at a disadvantage.

      1. I understand what you are saying.
        I believe that international games such as Olympic games should consider all these you mention.
        It is their duty to provide a fair competition and why not provide equipment suitably for all.
        I don't know a lot about the rules but I think that the team behind the rules have strict rules for everyone equally.
        At least I hope so.

  • In my opinion I think these options should be there because, as an athlete, eating fruits and being on a proper diet is super impotent, also having proper equipment's is also important because it allows less injuries and pains on the athlete before the coemptions. Having lots of rest and meditating benefits the mind and allows it to be active. exercising more and reduce lodes of stress is another of way to improve an athlete. Having an encouraging coach to help your with you performance can help manage an athlete emotion and mental health. In my opinion I don't think athletes should be using drugs to boost their strengths 💪, to is this cheating but it can also affect athletes badly. In my opinion I think there should be rules about athletes using drugs illegally , and there should be high security in every competions and inspection to see what kind of drugs are being used, there some athletes with medical conditions and have to take their meds before every competion.

  • All of the things listened on here should all be there. It would be very unfair for someone to be using enhancing drugs. Imagine training all your life JUST for a person with enhancing drugs to beat you. Nevertheless, enhancing drugs brings out negative outcomes. You can overdose and it would NOT be good for you. In my opinion, people with disabilities are allowed to take enhanced drugs. It would be beneficial for them since they are disabled. You should never cut to win, work hard for it.

    1. Can you tell me some of the negative outcomes you think drug enhancers will cause?

      1. I strongly think the negative outcomes of drug enhancers is that it can cause serious health issues to your body, and if it is used in sports it can be classified as cheating or an unfair victory, because I am sure some athletes were working very hard to get a win, but since an athletes decided to take some kinds of drugs or any other substances which will help them win, it will be unfair for other athletes because some of them were working very hard to win, however they couldn't since some athletes cheated, leading other athletes to think all their hard work was just for them to lose, or was for nothing.

      2. The health issues to your body, cheating/unfair victory for other athletes because they worked hard to earn a place in the Olympics.

  • I do not think that athletes should be stripped of these unfair advantages such as more time to train because if people work for something that they are determined to have, I say that they should not hesitate to get what they worked day and night. For example, the footballer Ronaldo has been described as a consummate athlete who adheres strictly to the rules of training. It is on record that arrives first before anybody, he trains long and joins others to train before being the last to leave.
    I say that if an athlete desires to have these unfair advantages, he should not be stripped of them just for equality.
    In my ways, it is not an unfair advantage because you have to work for it

  • I think it is fair because let's say physical characteristics depends on genes and luck.
    Seeing lucky or unlucky doesn't depend on them. If they are physically lucky they should take advantage of it if they are into the field of sports.
    Having longer limps is a prequisite in some sports because of the standards they have. Athletes should use their body structure as a way to achieve faster their goals.

  • From my point of view, the ones who gives an athlete more advantage are having more time for training and physical advantages. For sports is important having a specific physical factors as height and body mass, which are not the same in every person, for example in basketball, tall players are better and have more oportunities than short ones, the same happens in other sports. Furthermore you can optain better results if you train more time than other athletes if they have less time to train or create strategies. In addiction, nutrition may also affect, in a less quantity, because each body is different when they digest food and obtein the necessary nutrients and it does not affect each body in the same way. To sum up there shold be more antidoping control, and try to do competitions in which athelets are in equal conditions and same physical conditions.

  • Let's explore these advantages and consider potential ways to level the playing field in sports competitions:

    1. **Latest Equipment (Springy Soles)**:
    - **Advantage**: High-quality equipment, such as advanced trainers with springy soles, can enhance an athlete's performance by providing better support, shock absorption, and energy return.
    - **Considerations**: While access to quality gear is essential, ensuring that all athletes have access to similar equipment is crucial. Regulations can standardize equipment specifications to prevent extreme advantages.

    2. **More Training Time**:
    - **Advantage**: Athletes with more time to train can refine their skills, build endurance, and recover adequately.
    - **Considerations**: Recognize that not everyone has the same circumstances. Efforts should be made to provide equal training opportunities, especially for amateur athletes.

    3. **Better Nutrition**:
    - **Advantage**: Proper nutrition fuels performance, recovery, and overall health.
    - **Considerations**: Promote education on nutrition for all athletes. Encourage balanced diets and access to fresh foods. Consider providing nutritional support for underprivileged athletes.

    4. **Access to Expertise (Coaches and Teachers)**:
    - **Advantage**: Guidance from experienced coaches and teachers can significantly impact an athlete's development.
    - **Considerations**: Efforts should be made to provide coaching resources to all athletes, regardless of their background or location. Mentorship programs can bridge gaps.

    5. **Physical Advantages (Longer Limbs)**:
    - **Advantage**: Natural physical attributes, like longer limbs, can affect performance.
    - **Considerations**: Create fair categories (weight classes, age groups) to accommodate different body types. Focus on skill development rather than relying solely on physical advantages.

    Yes, there are several steps that can be taken to make sports competitions more fair:

    1. Standardized Regulations: Implementing standardized regulations and guidelines for equipment, training methods, and nutritional supplements can help ensure that all athletes have access to the same resources and are competing on a level playing field.

    2. Equal Access to Resources: Providing equal access to coaching, expertise, and training facilities for all athletes, regardless of their background or financial means, can help mitigate disparities and create a more equitable competition environment.

    3. Anti-Doping Measures: Continuously enforcing strict anti-doping measures and drug testing to prevent the use of performance-enhancing substances is crucial in maintaining fairness in sports competitions.

    4. Inclusive Policies: Implementing inclusive policies and guidelines to address physical advantages, such as height or limb length, can help prevent unfair advantages based on genetic factors.

    5. Support for Athletes: Providing support for athletes from underprivileged backgrounds, including financial assistance, access to training facilities, and educational initiatives, can help create a more level playing field.

    6. Transparency and Accountability: Maintaining transparency and accountability in sports organizations and governing bodies, as well as addressing any potential conflicts of interest, can help uphold fairness in sports competitions.

    Overall, a combination of regulations, support systems, and inclusive policies can help make sports competitions more fair and ensure that all athletes have an equal opportunity to compete and succeed.
    Thank you.

  • In my opinion, all of the mentioned factors will definitely give an advantage over others. Whether it’s the use of the latest equipments, availability of more time than others, availability of better nutrition, access to expertise or some physical advantages, these all things affect the performance of an athlete. Despite of all these factors, there is one more, which is superior amongst them all but comes with a disadvantage, these supplements are “drugs” like Anabolic steroids and human growth hormone, also called somatotropin and etc.
    Have you ever wondered, that what these drugs do? Well the simple answer is, that these drugs might lower the damage that happens to muscles during a hard workout, which could help an athlete bounce back faster from a workout. Therefore, they might be able to exercise harder and more often. We know that “Practice makes a man perfect” and if a person uses drugs, he/she might be able to exercise and practice more which will definitely increase one’s performance.
    These drugs often comes with a price, for example :-
    1. Severe acne.
    2. A higher risk of swollen or torn tendons.
    3. Liver tumors, or other changes to the liver.
    4.Higher levels of the "bad" cholesterol.
    5. Lower levels of the "good" cholesterol.
    6.Problems with the heart and blood flow.
    7. Issues with anger or violence.
    8.Mental health conditions, such as depression.
    9.Addiction for these drugs, that can't be controlled.
    10.Diseases, such as HIV or hepatitis, if using needles to give shots of the drugs.
    According to me, use of drugs should be considered cheating and illegal as the people using drugs might have a better performance due to its advantages and the person who does not uses it, might loose and might not be able to perform better than the one who uses it. In order to prevent cheating in games, we can conduct Anti-Doping Process. Which helps us to know, weather an athlete has used drugs or not.

  • Hello everyone,
    Better nutrition needes for your body and acess to expertise helps to be a better sportsman or athlete. If
    we are in good health and If your couch is couching you in proper manner, then only you can prove that you are a good athlete. If you will take nutrition need for your body, you will get to be a succesful athlete. So, I think that the things which should be done for your advantage is better nutrition such as fruits , vegetable etc. and proper access to expertise . Because it will not harm our health, we will be physically and mentally strong and it will make the competion fair and if your coach will show correct path and always motivates you to be a better athlete, you will once get sucess. But if any athlete will use drugs or other chemical to inhance his|her power ,it will harm his health and the competition will not be fair for others.

  • I think the part where it says others should have more time than the other athletes is okay because it was the athlete that signed that he want be part of these people and he should have known he would need more training.

  • In my opinion, I think that all of the advantages listed above are choices that people just choose for their personal reasons. For example, if a man (who is an athlete), has a diet for his routine which consists of healthy food, fruits and vegetables. Then, he sees that the Olympic games banned nutrition and he realizes he will not be able to compete to show people his abilities or potential. Not to mention, his diet and routine is ruined due to the Olympic games rules on nutrition. This applys with the advantages listed above so that is why we won't do anything about the advantages above.
    I believe that there is a way to make these competitions more fair. I propose that we should make everything the same (except shirts so that people can tell the difference and the team that they're on). We should make everything equal so everyone is facing the same obstacles. That is all.

    1. How do you think that competitions could be made more fair?

      1. Hi,
        To answer your question, I think that there should be no doping at all. However, athletes can just sneak them in before the sporting game. Which is why I would say that workers for the competition would search every single athlete for performance enhancing drugs. Another thing I would say is that maybe give all the athletes in every team the same workout routine. However, even though this sounds like a good idea, it comes with a price.
        Some people/athletes, may already have a routine which they follow and that it benefits them. Their routine also fits them too. So, if the sports game gives every single athlete the same routine, the athletes with their own routines, will be ruined. But, the positive side about it is that every athlete will have the same shape and health. I don't know if this might be true but every athlete may jump the same amount of heights. They may also run to the same speed too. But those two were just speculations.

        1. I really like the way you have speculated about the consequences of your suggestion. This shows really great problem-solving skills. Here's a question for you, if all the athletes were the same, do you think that spectators would still come to see the sport if nobody won or lost?

          1. Hi,
            I never actually thought of the idea if all of the athletes were the same and the situation of the spectators. But, to answer your question, no, I don't think that the spectators would go to sports games. Everyone has a different level of respect for teams. This can also apply to basketball, soccer and a lot more and not just that specific sporting game. If all of the athletes in every team have the same capabilities, it would just be a boring match that no one wins on.
            Due to the teams having the same capabilities then that means that every team would have the same quantity of respect. Furthermore, no one would really be paying attention and won't care because it is boring. With the conclusion of that the spectators won't go and watch the sports game.

  • Some athletes might have some advantages when they take part in international games. For example a country may be in crisis so it doesn't have the appropriate money to support their athletes by expertise and equipment.
    In that way they will not be trained suitably while athletes that come from a country that is powerful he will have the chance to be trained better with a lot of expertise.

    1. Can you tell me what you think could be done to make this advantage more fair for those athletes?

    2. I agree with you! In international games athletes from all over the world compete for glory. Some athlete from poorer countries don't have the access to the best equipment or coaches. It doesn't seem fair to me.
      I suggest that an Olympic training facility could be constructed and there, the best equipment and coaches could be.
      In this facility athletes from all around the world can train fairly. Of course I understand that this requires money but wealthy countries can help on this.

  • The only thing I can thing of as unfair is the difference between countries about wealth.
    In other words the richest countries in the Olympics have more advantages. They can provide their athletes with better equipment while other countries don't have that option.
    Personally I believe we need to set a fair and equal budget for every country in order to get what they need.
    They can provide poorer countries funds at least during their training time.

    1. Do you think

  • Taking into consideration many incidents being pointed out in the area of many athletic competitions , I believe that it is time that people Starr taking some measure in order to improve the situation.
    Firstly it is true and absolutely correct the fact that performance enchanting drugs give athletes an unfair advantage and therefore should be forbidden.
    What is more, these types of drugs have a variety of side effects on athletes impacting their health in many ways.
    On the other hand there are some others things which, seldom, give athletes an advantage.
    One of them could be the use of latest equipment such as trainers with springy soles. From my point of view the competitors should be given the same type of shoes to prevent this unfair advantage from happening.
    Advantages such as more Rome to train, access to expertise, better nutrition cam in a way be considered unfair.
    I beleaguered it is right to have a number of rules concerning these inequalities because some athletes come from countries that cannot afford the latest equipment or training.

  • There is no doubt that many athletes have some advantages and are advanced to many fields.
    However this isn't always unfair.
    For example, if an athlete has physical advantages like longer limps noone can advise them for this.
    This would be illogical because athletes don't control their bodies .
    Additionally the example of having access to expertise is a right that every athlete can have.
    It is a right they have in order to develop their skills and teach the top on them.

    1. Can you tell me some other advantages you think that athletes could have?

      1. Another advantage I can think of is the fame some athletes already have before entering these games.
        If they are popular enough they have already the support of fans that is something that can lighten their mood and their self-esteem.
        And being so supported is the best psychological factor for giving you the strength to win.

  • The Olympic games can give an athlete great fame. Most of them push themselves physically and mentally , others just to prove themselves of their abilities and others only just to win.
    But there is a problem.
    Enchanted athletes will dominate the competition if they don't reveal taking such drugs. It will be considered a fact rather than a choice.

    1. I agree because... using drugs now adays is practically using these drugs is seen as cheating, meaning that those who are currently using it need to be exposed so that they can be corrected.
      This so-called UNFAIR ADVANTAGE is just a natural endowment which humans are born with, meaning that nothing can be done about it. Usage of drugs just slowly damages the health of people without really solving the issue, but whereas hard work can be put in place. I think that a safer way of fixing the advantage is by using diet, science proves that diet when planned well can suite someone to achieve a desired stature. Instead of using chemicals we can use food to fix the advantage, in hand with hard work and training to establish an actual potential drive which is healthier and can have more positive results than drugs.
      In conclusion I think that to achieve a perfect and fair game we should allow the athletes to display their actual talents by applying strict laws against doping to discourage athletes from cheating.


  • I believe it is unfair to athletes who do not take performance-enhancing drugs since athletes who do use them have greater ability and power than they are meant to have. It is only fair that athletes compete with their natural ability rather than using performance-enhancing medications.
    So, I feel that enhancement medications should be prohibited because they can be viewed as a sort of cheating.

  • As we all know,eating properly,training or having naturally physical advantages are important facts that we need to consider for being a better athlete.
    Maybe,some people could think that drugs are similar to the facts that I mentioned before,which I not agree about,on the other facts we need to work on it,except physical advantages,which is something that we cannot change and it is a wheel of fortune in which you could win or loose.
    Drugs has nothing to do with this,is just a lazy form to achieve this objectives also harmful for your body.
    We are always trying to concienciate people about drugs and judging addicts,but when we have a chance to take a fast method,is okay to consume them.
    Drugs are not a solution,this "new olimpic games" is just a scientific experiments as if we were rats in laboratories,he just want to know at what extreme can humans reach dopping them,missing all the concept of olimpic games.

  • I think that the athlest can't consume any performance enhancing substance because It is not fair,I think that the best for them to not consuming any substance.This Will be better for their helth and also It gives a better view of the sport ,and in this way thet give a good example to the young generation

    1. Can you explain why it isn't fair?

      1. is not fair from my point of view because this will give them and advantage that the athlest that do not consume It will not have.Also I think that is not a natural things to consume this type of substances.

  • I thing that dopping has to be banned, because when we see these kind of sports we like to see the best people all over the world compiting each other. And we don't like to see the countries that have more technology and enter drugs. So we need to eat fresh fruit and train frecuently to keep our body in a good state

  • These advantages are very humorous because you can't really do anything about it e.g. having longer limbs. The only thing in the list I think should be taken seriously is the equipment's used to run. Because if they do it, it would be considered as cheating and they would have to be disqualified or severely punished. But the rest seems to depend on the athlete, and it wouldn't be the opponents' faults. You definitely can't blame someone for having longer limbs or having more time.

  • Me as an athlete I think that being natural or as it called (natty) is is better than taking any things,I found that something unnatural is improper and unnecessary, you maybe find that it maybe help you and motivate you,but by time it will affect you like taking drugs or steroids if you're playing gym

    Drugs actually affect the most important things in sports and it's togetherness, concentration , and
    sports ethics.(The use of drugs to enhance performance is considered unethical, and is prohibited by most international sports organizations, including the International Olympic Committee.) Wikipedia

  • I do not think anything should be done with these advantages because what would you get out of it? As long as the opponent side is aware they have these advantages nothing should be done. Unless after these advantages are used to hurt other players, there is no reason to do anything.
    I don't watch sport competitions unless it is the SuperBowl, so correct me if I'm wrong but I think there should be more eyes/cameras on what people are doing, just incase someone takes a shortcut, or uses any of the advantages shown above.

  • I think something should be done about these advantages,it is not a fair competition to someone who has been training for the same amount of time as someone who has been taking supplies or drugs to make themselves last longer while training is a pretty big advantage to someone who may take longer in training and get tired faster.The other athlete may have very good nutrition but still there will always be some type of advantage to the other athlete when using drugs or different types of supplements.

    1. How does this compare to athletes who have a physical advantage? For example, they are born with longer limbs. Is this fair?

  • In my opinion taking enchanted is totally unfair as it promotes unhealthy competition. For this reason it should be banned .
    So as for the above benefits mentioned above this is something different.
    For instance having a good nutrition and a healthy diet is a prequisite required from all these games.
    All athletes need to follow a strict diet to exercise regularly with guidance of coaches, so all theses are not advantages but standard norms they need to follow.

  • Although drugs do enable others to have unfair advantages, there are many other unfair advantages that athletes benefit from over their competitors. You may even point to people from having inherent physical advantages, such as longer limbs or greater muscle mass. Is it fair that they were born with these advantageous physical differences? Maybe not, but there is nothing we can currently do to prevent these differences and we wouldn't want to be in a world where everyone was physically identical!
    The unfair advantages that stem from financial differences are the most frustrating. Those with money have access to superior training resources, dietitians and performance enhancing running shoes. All of this enables those with money to fulfil their potential while those who are worse off may never do so as they do not have the facilities. Adequate nutrition plays a big piece in the puzzle. In developing countries, people are likely to be underfed, therefore, this might lead to disadvantages in competitions. Should those with these financial disadvantages be allowed the performance enhancing advantages of drugs to level the playing field?

    1. Hi, your point about the difference in countries' financial resources in supporting athletes is interesting. Do you think something should be done to reduce that difference and, if so, how can this be achieved?

  • Taking Anabolic steroids has a very great effect on individual Live. in my own view in my recent discussion, I had with my friends anabolic steroids can cause more harm than good which is death and destroction in one's mental health and in one cardiovascular system.It destroys 75% of human system if I should rate . In my own Point of view anabolic steroids should reduced in it's high intake .one do not need to take in Anabolic steroids, before he/she can participate without getting tired , or having enough energy to Participate greatly , also individual should depend on their physical power .This will enhance improvemt in international , Internal, and external sport.

  • I be personally do not think anything should be done, because all these things that were stated if you really are a better player you should still do very good even if you are wearing old shoes.

    I think the best thing to do to make everyone feel on the same level is to sponsor player with equipment like shoes and give them money to get food so that they get the right amount of nutrition.

  • I feel like nothing should be done about these advantages because nothing can be done about these advantages. By this I mean that these advantages are not things that are unfair because people cant do anything about them, like having longer limbs that’s something that one cannot control so while it is an advantage there’s nothing that that person can do about it. Even things like latest equipment, having new equipment is not something that you can change, if someone buys better spikes to run in from everyone else there’s nothing anyone can do about that because that person went out to purchase it themselves as an investment in their future in that sport. The only advantage that can get taken out is enhancement drugs because by taking them you’re changing your body in ways that are unethical and dangerous. For this I believe that as long as these things are those that people consider “unfair” than there is no way to make sports competitions fair.

  • I believe that we should do everything because one thing that's happening is that the enhanced games are allowing people to take drugs and possibly kill themselves over trying to win a sport for a medal. It's all about teamwork, friendship, and trying even if you don't get the golden medal. What you need to do is have time to train and these will make you a better person for the Olympics and maybe even get the gold medal as long as people don't cheat. Because if you really think about it using enhanced drugs is kind of dumb that just means that you can't prove yourself with your own skills and have to rely on something else to win and i'm not trying to put it as a taunt but that's really just sad. Like it's just so sad if you can't believe in yourself with your own skill and literally have to drug yourself and possibly kill yourself that's sad just being for real. So I believe that all of these should be an option because you really need to trust in yourself and make good choices because then you're going to get banned. So watch yourself in the Olympic Games work hard, and get that gold medal!

    1. It's not true that all performance enhancing drugs are dangerous. Watch one of Topical Talk expert Aron D'Souza's video clips and see what he has to say about the Enhanced Games. Does he say anything that makes you think differently?

  • Nothing sho9uld be done to fix these advantages. Honestly, people who don't have the time to train for this might not be cut out for it. If they really were committed they would find a way to fit all of this into their schedules.

    1. Do you think it's fair if someone uses performance-enhancing drugs and someone else doesn't if they're competing in the same event?

  • In my opinion I think they should do something about these advantages. I think this is because the people with gold medals who have trained for years are about to win the olympic again but a person with steroids caught up and won , That is unfair.

  • The enhanced games are unfair. For those who actually worked hard, eat fresh fruits, and proper diet, have an expertise of a coach or a teacher , and use proper equipments with care, and trained it is unfair for those people to receive the exact same award as someone who simply took drugs in order to do better. It isn't fair.

  • All of the above matters more than winning a race since, if you don't take care of your body you might sprain your leg, etc. However, the enhanced games use drugs to make runners faster and stronger. Even so, they might feel guilty or sad about cheating in the game or realising that the drugs will affect their mental and physical health. Using drugs is never the way to a solution except when it is from the doctor. If we played fairly, you would've tried harder to win and it would be more interesting. Having more practice will get you higher than you ever were before, runners or any athletes should never take drugs no matter what others say.

  • I think its unfair because people need to work hard to win like training and going on diets but the the enhanced games people still train and all but they don't work as hard and the drugs could effect your body in many ways like your organs can grow really big.

    1. How else do you think that the drugs can effect ones body?

      1. Hi Eva!
        Drugs can be addictive and make a person completely dependent on them. The athletes may stop working hard and start completely relying on drugs. There is a reason why drugs are illegal. Along with this, drugs also cause various health issues like anxiety, depression, vomiting, heart failure and other such effects on different organs. In some cases, drugs may also lead you to lose self-control. The list of negative effects of drugs is endless and hence they are extremely harmful.

  • Personally, I believe that both of these advantages are not something unfair or to be ashamed of. All of these contribute to personnal improvement such as muscular and nutritional reinforcement. In addition, an expert's assistance to the training could be fundamental in order to advance to the next level. Thus, every single one of these advantages conduce to the progress that is needed for a successful career as an athlete. On the other hand, drugs are an unnecessary benefit which cause nothing but unjust wins. Having used drugs to win a competition could be unfair for those who with nothing but their will power, hard work and hope, have given everything in order to do their best perfomance and win if possibly. Therefore, anything but drugs should be allowed in any competition

  • I think that this type of help shouldnt be included in the Olympics and generally in all competitions. Drugs like that are not fair and also may cause the athletes some kinds of problems with their health. In my opinion all athletes must work hard, eat well and train to succes and not do drugs.

    1. How do you think the situation could be made more fair?

  • As long as these tournaments are separated with legit tournaments it’s fine from my opinion.

    1. But if this is not the case .These drugs should stay illegal as they used to be.As a professional Athlete you must gain skills in a natural way.People who are not disabled in any way taking these drugs are just someone with not a single bit of honor.So I think that competitions with doping should be a separate tournament where only athletes with handicaps and disability participate on.But there is no reason to make doping legal in legit tournaments.

  • We believe that we shouldn't be comparing sports enhancing drugs to these other advantages. For example ,eating better nutrition is an important part of having a healthy, balanced diet and is a natural part of being a successful sportsperson. Taking any performance- enhancing drugs are only temporary and end up damaging your health. Secondly, physical advantages can't be controlled and at the end of the day, if you have longer limbs then you might as well make good use out of them!

  • I think one thing that might give athletes an unfair advantage is access to expertise. Some athletes have better guidance than others. This may be a big reason as to why they perform better. While it is true that the performance depends on the athlete and not the coach, however, getting better expertise serves as a better advantage. Coaches tell athletes tricks and tips, provide motivation, help overcome challenges and do whatnot. So, coaches and teachers play a big role in the performance of an athlete. I think one thing that can be done to avoid unfair advantage to anyone is that the organising committee should ensure that everyone gets an equal level of guidance. Some athletes are richer than others and hence get access to coaches or teachers with more knowledge and experience. However, I think money shouldn't come in between talent. To ensure a fair competition, all participants should get an equal level of opportunity. For example- the organisers should ensure that all participants have access to coaches who share the same level of knowledge. If any participant is not able to afford expertise then organisers should step up and help him/her with that. Hence, I feel this way the chances of anyone getting an unfair advantage may be reduced.

  • I think that these advantages are fair because for example if you have long limbs or access to more nutrients, it isn't your fault and as an athlete you have an obligation to use these to your advantage and better your skills, nowadays, the world is changing and so is so many other things like sports and if the athletes want to be up to date, then i think they should take it upon themselves to use them to their advantage. Thank You.

  • I think that the 5 examples of advantages that it says are fair because they are legal not like drugs. In my opinion drugs in this games are very unfair for the other people because the person that is consuming this drugs would have more advantage. Drugs it's a big problem because they can have secundary effects and it can provoke health problems. In the other case, the 5 examples that they have said they are good and fair. Having a good diet is something that we can do without needing to play in this games, not like drugs.

    1. I vehemently agree with you. Standing on the point that this has been a problem dating back to the 90s. A ban had to be placed because I will take it as an aggravated offence. Because it isn't fair if someone puts their mind, body and spirit into doing something, and someone just goes through the backdoor. And what I do know is that you work hard in silence and let success make the noise for you. And also, I do understand people when the feel like they have a lot of work to do and they might not make it but just like Will Rogers would say, "the road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces" but that's just life when they throw lemons at you, you, make a lemonade. it is hard but we can still make it. it is not fair to cheat others follow the rules and do what you are told to do. Do something because you want to do it not just for doing sake.

  • I think that we should train and eat healthy if you want to win. If u cheat with the drugs it will be a very unfair advantage. It will be very wrong for someone to cheat with the drugs because they aren't even putting any effort into training and working hard.

  • Hi! I believe that all of these things should be allowed. Some changes could be mad but nothing listed above deserved to be banned. For example If physical advantages like longer limbs were banned, some people might not be allowed to play the sport they want. You'd be taking from their opportunity to do something they love. This is unfair to them and if it was a sudden change, it could affect some teams with people who have physical advantages like longer limbs. An example of a change that could be made is better equipment. Mangers of sport teams could invest in the teams to get them better items for their competitions. So, even though some people may think these "advantages" are unfair, I believe that they should stay here.

  • I don't think anything should be done because it isn't an advantage. People in their own free time choose to eat better and train. I think doing something about it would be unfair to those who worked hard and trained to become better at the sport they like. Somebody being born with longer limbs can't control that so it isn't their fault. Although there are people who are good at sports that don't really get a chance to show that they're good because their economic environment. Those people don't have access to new equipment so something could be done about that.

  • Professional athletes have access to cutting-edge equipment like trainers with springy soles, which give them an edge in training. With more time dedicated to training and not having to balance another job, athletes can focus on improving their skills. They benefit from better nutrition, including fresh foods, vegetables, and supplements, which enhance their performance. Fitness professionals provide expertise and guidance to athletes, helping them reach their full potential. Overall, athletes have physical advantages that contribute to their success in sports.

  • I think that the latest equipment is an incredibly unfair advantage, and not just for sports. I am personally pretty interested in art, but art materials are so expensive! I consider them to be expensive, especially because they do not last for long. For example, with a high quality crayon I can completely cover in color, from top to bottom, 2 A4 pages. That's it. Of course, I don't use them like that. I alternate colors, but buying an entire set of crayons is not cheap. It really bothers me that with cheap tools, I can't reach my full potential when drawing, nor can I advance in my art journey.
    I often hear the phrase: Artists are poor, artists die of hunger. They earn almost nothing from their work. If that's true, then why are art materials so expensive? Why are they offered almost no support? No wonder so many people choose to have a more "stable" career. They are afraid that they will fail, so they don't try at all. I think that it probably kills a lot of dreams.
    From my point of view, the Olympics is a similar case. I think that many people would have had the necessary abilities to win, but they couldn't afford it. Thinking about it, there are undiscovered talented people out there, who could have broken records, only if they had gotten the chance and the money to prove themselves.

  • Well I do not think there is much of a problem with having more time to train than others. I say this because, its not much of a form of cheating because firstly, there is nothing wrong in some extra training and secondly, you are not breaking any rules. So, I feel that this advantage is actually fair because the athlete has extra time on his or her hands so they are trying to improve themselves which I see nothing wrong in doing.

  • I feel that if everyone has the same it is fair eg. if everyone has the same trainers then there can’t be a proper disadvantage the same goes with doping yet if only one player has the trainers or doping. But if for example one player has the doping it means all the others talents that they have built up other years are wasted by people who used doping or special trainers.

  • In my opinion, nothing should be done about the "unfair" advantages listed. Sure, those are definitely huge advantages that could completely change how a player plays, but that doesn't make them unfair. If a player has access to expertise, the latest equipment, more time to train, or better nutrition it is simply what the athlete has done for themselves or is provided. If you don't have that, then womp womp, I guess. Just try your best and you'll eventually get to their point someday.

  • Hello,
    I believe that the use of performance enhancing drugs is cheating. However, I believe that having: more time to train, having more nutritious food, access to an expert, having better physical advantages (for example having longer limbs) and the latest equipment is not cheating.
    I think this because I only find watching things such as sprinting good to watch because I am in awe at the maximum capabilities of the human body so if there is the use of performance enhancing drugs it is not as exciting to watch.
    However, having: more time to train, having more nutritious food, access to an expert, having better physical advantages (for example having longer limbs) and the latest equipment is not cheating as firstly it is hard to monitor and secondly because the latest equipment more time to train, having more nutritious food and access to an expert does not create a huge impact and having better physical advantages (for example having longer limbs) is not controllable.
    Thank you.

    1. I agree with you because enhanced drugs are considered cheating. They should get even within the people such as training, eating healthy, etc.

  • You know, I believe there's a great deal that goes into being a first rate competitor. It's not just about heading out to the rec center or rehearsing your abilities; it's tied in with devoting time to prepare, eating right, having the direction of a mentor or educator, and ensuring you have the right stuff. These elements assume a major part and can truly have an effect in how well you perform. In any case, with regards to contending, we must define a boundary among fair and unjustifiable benefits. Fair benefits are things like investing the hard effort to prepare, leveling up your abilities, or approaching great offices. These are all a vital part of the serious soul and mirror the responsibility and ability of the players. On the other side, unjustifiable benefits meddle with the entire thought of fair play. I'm discussing things like doping, cheating, or inconsistent admittance to assets as a result of cash or status. These stain the uprightness of the game as well as sabotage the trust that fans and individual competitors have in the game. It bugs me in some cases how the games business is by all accounts about the large names and famous people. We will generally zero in such a great amount on the famous players, while other skilled people can frequently get neglected. It resembles we're passing up a few genuine jewels in the blend. Furthermore, we should discuss doping briefly. I'm absolutely against it. In addition to the fact that it makes the battleground lopsided, yet it likewise closes down open doors for truly capable competitors who probably won't think twice about morals. Sports ought to be tied in with displaying ability and difficult work, not who will twist the guidelines the most. In my book, utilizing unlawful substances, particularly medicates, in sports is messed up. It doesn't simply destroy the decency of the game; it sets a horrible model for all interested parties. We really want to maintain the emphasis on expertise, commitment, and fair play assuming we maintain that sports should genuinely be something we can all appreciate and appreciate.

  • Difference Equipment should be scrutinized in order to rule out an unfair advantage outside the control of the athletes Things like longer time to train, a better Diet, having a coach or teacher are a thing of commitment and dedication!
    And while long loom to provide a substantial
    Bit of advantage, I personally would count them as a part of the athletes talent .

  • in my opinion I think using special spring day trainers is in sports like basketball and long jump isn't fair because they give players and unfair advantage that is against the rules. But fairness in sport is important, not just about this shoes, but also about other things like drugs that can help players cheat.

    So, to keep sports fair, we need to make sure nobody uses these unfair advantages or cheats with drugs. We should check players carefully to make sure they are playing by the rules. That way, everyone can enjoy sports and know they are playing on a equal playing field.
    Thanks for listening 😁!

  • In my opinion enhancing drugs do give an unfair advantage as they boost the performance of the athletes taking them. I also think this type of sporting should be more popular as it gives everyone a fair advantage and makes training and winning more rewarding. There should still be a league with doping but only a little amount of drugs but this non-doping league should still be there to show what their raw ability is.

  • I believe the anti-doping law should remain as it is. This is due to a substantial amount of people who have opposing ethical and religious beliefs, making doping to enhance performances not morally right for them. These people who have beliefs like these would have an unfair disadvantage in the competition.
    Instead of taking drugs to enhance performances, we should turn our focus to other ways of brining out our best self: dietary needs, coaching and taking care of injuries, to name a few. The people who make the decision to not take performance enhancing drugs will feel as though all of their hard work was for nothing when a less experienced person beats them, just because of their moral and ethical views.
    Furthermore, records are there to be broken by future athletes but the performance enhancing drugs will provide inaccurate results, possibly leading to a new world record, but this record holder has an unfair advantage to the old one, and future ones to come.
    We should invest all this money on scientific developments, possibly improving poverty in many countries around the world, rather than wasting money on something that only provides an unfair gap in achievements.
    Thank you

  • In my opinion, every single one of these options can give athletes more of an advantage. Equipment is one thing, but a healthy diet can give an athlete a better advantage since all of that nutrition would help their body grow and make them more athletic and energetic. If they had more time to train, athletes would have a bigger advantage since they are more well developed and more stronger with all of that time to train. Pair all of this with the latest equipment the athlete would have a bigger advantage since the equipment would help them train better. Obviously the biggest unfair advantage would be the performance enhancing drugs the athlete uses since it boosts their overall stats and makes them more active than other athletes. Since these drugs boost their performance, don't you think it would hurt an athlete who has been training all this time just for them to lose to a person who took performance drugs? The things that could be done to make sport competitions more fair is obviously banning the use of performance enhancing drugs. But overall, sport competitions should only focus on banning performance enhancing drugs since all of those advantages is due to taking care of your body.

  • Hi everyone,
    I think enhanced games has no sense. If you practise a sport, you should know that the key point is to improve ourselves in a natural way and to make an effort on something you are interested on. If you inhere anything that makes you change in any sense. If you don't make the daily effort for going to compete with the best ones in that sport in the world, the competition wouldn't have any sense, don't you think? It is very easy to understand, It is like in F1. In F1, nowadays, they compete mostly about Who has the best car, not about Who is the best driver, because most of the work is done by the cars, not by the pople. It is totally the same, in enhanced games, because we wouldn't see Who is better on that sport, we would be analysing Who has more capital to buy the best drug so that he/she would win. The person hadn't make any effort, the only thing he or she did was doped himself or herself. The drug is the one Who Will make the job, not the person.
    In my opinion, the enhanced games are a silly idea. Instead of making new intelligent ideas they make this things, which damage almost everyone, but not the companies which sell the doping, which Will be really Happy. I really think enhanced games are really done because of rich and powerful people interests and because they Will receive Big quantities of money...
    Bye, and thanks for reading!

  • First of all, I have to say that using drugs are illegal. This is because:
    1. Drugs gives people an unfair advantage. Why?
    By account of that it is considered cheating. Plus, it can also lead to the participant being banned from the competition.
    2.Drugs can also have a negative impact on people.
    This is because, too much of everything is enough is bad. Too much of drugs too are bad. They may lead to regretful outcomes like cancer, mental health issues, heart problems and many more.
    But on the other hand,
    Daily routines like physical activities, a healthy diet more training, and equipment which will help exercise are much safer.
    This is because, these routines and daily activities are not likely to give any disadvantages unlike the drugs. Diets like fruits and vegetables are so healthy and far way better than drugs.
    In conclusion:
    a healthy and nutritious living is better than drugs.
    Thank you.

  • Hi topical talkers,
    I actually do think that this enhanced drugs are nice, but is very partial it is being taken by a particular set of people or a person, leaving another person or group of people behind….
    This is cheating and the team enhanced drugs are likely to win the other team, but if the both are fine song enhanced drugs, it’s okay!

  • Yes because if someone in the race has the latest trainers/equipment they can have an advantage in the race to be faster than the people with the normal equipment in the race. Enhancing drugs can also be an unfair advantage because say someone was really good at running and then someone in their race took one of them tablets then they would clearly win the race when they have not worked hard to succeed.

  • I don't thinks its fair because say if a person trained so hard for like a boxing match or other sports and if they loose to a person who took like steroids and they have the advantage to be stronger. It will be unfair for the person who trained so hard for that boxing match they would of wasted their time and effort for that event. The person who took the steroids would have trained so hard because the drug they took would of made them cheat to become stronger so they have more of an advantage to win and cheat.

  • I feel that all of these things should be fair because if someone is on drugs then it will improve their performance and it would not test their physical ability. There would also not be a reason to practise which would cause humans to become lazy and idle.

    1. I agree because children from a young age, people will not think that they have to train and work hard. But, of course, it is essential that we work for our rewards and that we try our hardest. I think it is a very bad example for younger generations and it is not good sportsmanship. Many people , I imagine, would like to take drugs rather than work hard but that is just not right and we need to take responsibility for our choices and actions. Building upon your point, I think humans might just sit back and take a small pill - they could become lazy, like you said - instead of training and actually caring and taking care. Taking drugs is not the correct attitude in my opinion.

  • i would say that it is fair because it is like the sport called F1 which i haven't heard anyone complain about. you can get better cars then others to make yourself quicker than them.nobody is complaining because there is another sport which is F2 and there people all have the same cars so unless that the feature is not optional then i would say it is fair so it can make challenges for a variety of different people

  • I certainly think that the enhanced games are very unfair and have a massive advantage to people who have worked every day to be determined to get that golden medal. People in the world who think that just taking a tablet is enough to win a prised possesion of a gold medal. I would say that people who have won gold medals fair and square would agree with me personally as they have worked their socks off every day to even have chance at winning the gold medal and then someone who just took a drug to win the whole thing. If you also think about it in a medical way people could get very very ill or maybe even die because they were so eager to win a gold medal and they may even get addicted to the drug they are taking and they may take it for many years...

  • I think that all the latest equipment in somehow gives unfair advantages to the sports. The latest equipment such as a trainer with springy soles will help an athlete to run fast and it is certainly expensive which an ordinary athlete won't be able to purchase. Thus, it gives an additional advantage to the wealthy and influential athlete. Game and sports are a place where no discrimination will arise. Here everyone will be treated equally and will be judged according to their potentials. But some latest equipment gives rise to discrimination among the players. The wealthy players with latest equipment show of Infront of the other players. As a result, insecurity and jealously may create among the players. For this reason, I think that there should be limitations about using latest equipment in the sports. Only such type of equipment needs to be allowed which everyone can afford it.

  • I know a couple of sports that are not Olympic sports, but people still use enhancements in those sports too. Even though, they already banned using enhancements (doping) in the Olympics. They're some sports that are not Olympic sports, that have not banned enhancements. If some of those sports ban enhancements it could actually be fair for once in all sports. I think that because they're a lot of people that want to work hard to achieve their goals, and train. On the other hand some people just want to use enhancements, because they think it might be cool and fun to win back to back. Its nothing wrong with making another Olympics including enhancements, however those who use enhancements should not be able to compete with those who actually train and work hard to achieve their goals in sports industries.

  • I think it’s not fair for athletes to use drugs to get ahead. It goes against the idea of fair competition and it can be dangerous for the athletes themselves. I believe there should be strict rules against using these drugs and athletes who break those rules should be banned from competing.
    I firmly believe that the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports is unfair and is not anymore a fair competition. Athletes who use doping, gain a special (in the bad way) advantage, cheating the achievements of those who compete without such enhancements. Furthermore, doping can have serious health consequences for athletes, putting their well-being at risk in consequence of short-term success. Therefore, I support strict regulations including bans for athletes caught using these drugs, to safe the real sports.

  • Hi all,
    While I don't explicitly agree with the Enhance Games on the premise of the health implications and other risks associated, I also don't agree with the argument that the Games are unfair. The allowance of performance enhancing drugs would be unfair if athletes were against those who weren't permitted use, but as all who enter the competition are given these allowances, the playing field (pun intended) is once again level. The issue may arise when some athletes have different financial situations and sponsorships which allow them to access more potent or effective pharmaceuticals, which then becomes a competition on who can afford the most recent developments in the field of performance enhancers.
    Can this be compared to inequalities such as sportswear, equipment, nutrition, etc? To some extent, however this again falls into the category of money influencing the outcomes of sporting events.
    Overall, trying to stop enhanced sporting events on the premise of unfair advantage is, arguably, a weaker argument than displaying the health risks involved, and thus the long term negative impacts of such games.

  • Hello
    i personally think that the only thing that shouldn't is the springy shoes because the others are just based on life choices and how they were born but if you wear shoes to jump higher is basically cheating and to prevent this you could supply the shoes the players wear or check shoes before the game start.

  • I believe that athletes should be able to play at a fair advantage by each athlete doing their own part to do well in their sport. All athletes should have the proper diet, personal training by a coach, and being able to use the proper equipment. Using drugs to enhance the way an athlete performs is unfair. Every athlete should have to work for what they want. There should not be an easy way out of doing the proper preparation for your sport.

  • I think there is an unfair advantage because athletes could be training really hard and eating very healthy, but other athletes could just be taking enhancing drugs and have the advantage of winning whatever they're training for. It is also unfair as the players that take the drugs could have more strength and energy compared to a player who doesn't take drugs, I personally think that there is an unfair advantage of taking enhancing drugs.

  • I don't think we should keep them as they are because the athletes can choose whether they want to take the advantages and use the healthy food,hours of training and more hard work . If they don't put that in they most likely wont win so that's why i think it is a choice for them

  • I do not think that these should be used in The Olympic Games because if some people use these and some don't it would be a disadvantage for the people who didn't use it which would give the people who used the enhances more chance of winning. Instead i think that there should be separate games for humans to sign up to depending on if you are going to use the enhances or not. The reason I think this is because it would be equal for everyone so everyone has a fair chance of winning. Also the enhancements could have more power than each other. For example the latest trainers give you more speed than longer limbs as it contains springs and your limbs do not.

  • there is an unfair advantage for example if you have a boxer on steroids and the other boxer not it can have a huge affect and it can be a very big risk while they are boxing someone could get hurt really badly.so that is why we should go on the same diet as other people to keep them safe in any activity.

  • I feel like for the training advantage all the players should have an area where they all train together and have the same training time so you know that the player and their (if they have one since some players don't have access to coaches) coach aren't using any cheating methods that aren't allowed in the game. And then I feel like for the "Access to expertise" every player that participates in the event should be given a coach to train with. Since some players who have coaches have more skill than people who don't. Something that I believe can make sports competitions fairer is providing things like the same diet, training, and coaches so players who have more skill than a player won't cheat.

  • I think that enhancing drugs helps player to be more strong athlete. Todays world is of science and technology so athletes are enhancing drugs to be more strong. But it cannot be offored by everyone because it is very expensive method. So I think it will be unfair to these people who cannot offord it easily. And if any athlete have a good skills to be better but if anyone will use enhanced drugs to increase their ability. The people who have skill will be left behind everyone. So it is a unfair advantage.

    1. Yes, I agree because the athletes who are richer or have more money than others can buy higher-quality drugs. This is then not fair on the rest of the athletes who are still taking drugs but cannot afford the best ones.
      Also, for the competitors who are not taking drugs and are just in the Olympics, they probably will not be in the spotlight. What I mean by this is that they might not get given that much attention because everybody will be watching the athletes with bigger muscles or can run faster. This, again, is not fair because the players who are not doping are training hard to get their rewards instead of just taking a pill. People from a young age will then think it is okay to not work hard to get rewards.

  • I feel that all of these should stay because everyone needs time to train. If someone has longer limbs, they cannot control that. People who compete should have a better diet and equipment helps. I think that everyone should be able to have better equipment and everyone should be able to have a better diet.

  • I believe it is crucial to have all of these elements in place. It is important to allocate time for training, consume fresh fruits and maintain a proper diet. Additionally, having the guidance of a coach or teacher and using appropriate equipment with care are essential. These factors greatly contribute to becoming a better sports person and athlete, ultimately improving performance. It is unfair for individuals to use performance-enhancing drugs as it provides them with an unfair advantage. This can lead to feelings of sadness for those who have worked hard without resorting to cheating in order to succeed. It is important to ensure fair competition by establishing and adhering to a set of rules. Rules not only make the game more interesting and challenging, but they also ensure accurate results.

  • Using performance-enhancing drugs in sports would definitely be considered cheating. It would give an unfair advantage to those who use them, especially since not all athletes have the same physical makeup. Banning these drugs completely from enhancing games is necessary to ensure fair play and maintain the integrity of the competition. Let's all strive for fair and enjoyable games where everyone has an equal chance to showcase their skills.

  • I believe that all these factors belong to sports competitions. This may be more or less fair, but each person is different and lives a different life under different circumstances. So it would be quite complicated to eradicate all possible factors of injustice. One could, of course, try doing smaller groupings. One could first examine what conditions people have been given in their lives and then assign them. This would create more justice. The question is whether this is also feasible?

    1. Interesting, what would be the main groups you would establish?

  • In my opinion, better equipment, superior nutrition, a reliable coach and more training time are the essential elements which are necessary for the athletes. These advantages are going to influence their performance. To ensure the fairness, this issue could be addressed by providing financial support to the athletes, who do not have these training facilities or condition. The physical advantages like long limbs or height cannot be simply altered, so athletes are usually categorized by weight or height, enable them to compete fairer.

    Nevertheless, I personally would not support the use of performance-enhancing drugs. Firstly, we do not know how far could this drug influence the body, it could damage the body and could lead to dependency and addiction. Moreover, other athletes who have not used the drug are going have difficulties to win the competition by facing a competitor at a higher level. They have to train even more than usual, this immense pressure could lead to a mental breakdown. So I think performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed, because it creates an unhealthy environment within the sporting community.

  • Greetings to all topical talkers !

    In sports , many people have numerous advantages such as : -

    ->more time to practice
    ->natural physical attributes
    ->have good equipments to use

    To make the competition fair , we can do numerous things like : -

    =>Support everyone - We should support all athletes from their backgrounds

    =>Limitations of equipment - Making rules and regulations about the equipment to be used and what not be used.

    =>Create different criteria - Divide athelete on the basis of their age , gender and ability.

    =>Teaching all about fairness - Making people learn about to be fair while playing.

    =>Keep unlocking the door - always try to find ways to make that sport fair.

    These ways can not help fully , but can make a change .

    Thank you !!

  • Hey there,

    I am excited to share my thoughts on how we can make sports competition more fair for everyone. I believe that sports are a great way to showcase one's natural abilities and hard work and it's important that everyone gets an equal opportunity to succeed. So, let me share some friendly examples:

    Equal Training Times and Access to Expertise:
    Let's say you are part of a soccer team with members from diverse backgrounds and financial situations. To ensure everyone receives equal training times and access to expertise, the coach could organize group training sessions, mentorship programs, and provide resources to all the players. This way, everyone would be able to improve their skills and abilities, regardless of their background.

    Height Limits for Certain Groups of Sports:
    When it comes to sports such as basketball or high jump, taller players have an advantage over shorter players. To ensure fairness, height limits could be implemented so that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. This way, the competition would be based on natural abilities and hard work, rather than physical attributes.

    Special Shoe Policy:
    Imagine a situation where some players have an advantage over others because of the shoes they wear. To eliminate this advantage, a special shoe policy could be implemented which states that every player must wear the same shoes. This way, everyone would have a fair chance of winning based on their natural abilities rather than the shoes they wear.

    In conclusion, I hope that these examples have helped to illustrate how we can make sports competition more fair for everyone. By ensuring equal opportunities to train and receive expert guidance, implementing height limits, and mandating a special shoe policy, we can help to ensure that athletes are competing on a level playing field, based on their natural abilities and hard work.

  • I don't think enhanced games are fair, sports are meant to be showing your natural talent, not taking drugs to get unfair abilities that aren't natural. If drugs are taken for sports, it wont show how good the person is at the sport. The enhanced games shouldn't be allowed.

  • Yes, many factors can give athletes advantages in sports beyond just performance-enhancing drugs. For instance, having access to the latest equipment like trainers with springy soles can improve performance. Additionally, having more time to train, better nutrition, access to expert coaching, and certain physical advantages like longer limbs can also contribute to an athlete's success. While these advantages may not be as controversial as drugs, they can still create inequality in competition. To address these advantages and make sports competitions fairer, there are a few things that could be done. One approach could be to provide equal access to resources like equipment and coaching for all athletes, regardless of their background. Additionally, implementing strict regulations on nutrition and training methods could help level the playing field. Furthermore, organizing competitions based on factors like age, weight, or skill level could ensure that athletes compete against others with similar abilities. By addressing these disparities, sports competitions can become more equitable and enjoyable for every participant.

  • I agree that cheating is unacceptable, especially when it can harm someone's health. Sports should focus on showcasing natural abilities and feeling proud of themselves, rather than relying on drugs to help them perform. Using drugs to enhance performance is unfair to those who compete honestly or cannot afford such enhancements. Introducing drugs into sports undermines the value of hard work and dedication required in sports, setting a poor example for the following generations.

  • I think all of them are good athletes need time to train and have proper nutrition and have the latest equipment and trainers and having longer limbs can give you a advantige in the olympics.