Comments by students of Livingstone Academy C | United Kingdom Student Comment Post Date shy_significance i feel like a woman should report for a woman and a man for a man since a man can understand a... Selam Gebrekidan: this topic’s poll! 08/3/24 opinionated_technology I would say that women should be treated equally like men because it is wrong to judge a person... How does the world treat women 08/3/24 secure_kiwifruit i think women and men are not treated equally since for example in sports men football is one... How does the world treat women 08/3/24 opinionated_technology I believe that the middle stereotype is both wrong and right as men understand men's problems... Stereotypes 08/3/24 sensitive_walrus as in businesses could take advantage by forcing people to vote for a certain thing Businesses and elections 08/3/24 dazzling_information nice photos we had an amazing lesson of looking at reviews Festival snapshots! 23/2/24 charming_drum In my view, i believe if a country is starting war and creating chaos even if they are one of... Countries behaving badly 23/2/24 steady_fly I think that a good effect of boycott would make the companies stop the action people are hating... Are boycotts helpful? 23/2/24 noble_library but i might also stay selling them because it wouldnt be fair on the countries residents if its... Countries behaving badly 23/2/24 entertaining_melon I got 7/12, it's not my best score but i tried my best. I'm glad that a business can't tell... The business and politics quiz 23/2/24 noble_library I think that i would not keep working with them because i would receive lots of hate from... Countries behaving badly 23/2/24 consistent_juniper If I owned a company and the face of the company said or did something in public, the people... The “face” of a business 23/2/24 grounded_cranberry I personally think that, celebrities shouldn't be forced to join a company. I'm not sure if any... Businesses and elections 23/2/24 benevolent_badger This would affect the business because if one country starts a war with another country and if... Businesses v the environment 23/2/24 entertaining_melon I really agree with A, that's because protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility,... Businesses v the environment 23/2/24 beloved_coconut In my opinion,the brand shouldn't be able to decide what the celebrity or "face" of the brand... The “face” of a business 23/2/24 centered_drawing In my personal opinion, I believe that leaving the country would be better as it would show the... Countries behaving badly 23/2/24 fairminded_meerkat i agree but its a problem for everyone including animals,plants and more.there's many human... Businesses v the environment 23/2/24 digital_glockenspiel For me it's difficult because I'm not sure on the circumstances like what the population of... Countries behaving badly 23/2/24 hardworking_musician I think we should discuss overpopulation, since it's a huge thing. Overpopulation is when there... Suggest a discussion 23/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >