Comments by students of Rex Mill Middle STEM School B | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
trustworthy_argument If I had to start spit balling ideas for human jobs when AI will be doing stuff for us , there... Jobs of the future 29/1/24
protective_analysis Teachers ought to be knowledgeable about the fundamentals of AI, such as robotics, machine... AI and the future of education 29/1/24
protective_analysis AI-powered robots might eventually be able to carry out some jobs more effectively than humans.... People v robots 29/1/24
protective_analysis Good news about climate change can encourage people to act by igniting hope. It can highlight... Too much negative news? 29/1/24
trustworthy_argument If I had to say , I would definitely choose to only see good news about climate change on the... Too much negative news? 29/1/24
gentle_earth I agree with option A because positive news about the climate would make people feel like it is... Too much negative news? 29/1/24
versatile_atmosphere Topical Talk is very helpful and beneficial. It helps others understand easier. It gives extra... Tell us what you think! 27/1/24
forgiving_watermelon I say they should spend bad news about climate change because , it can help people know whats... Too much negative news? 26/1/24
zestful_penguin AI or Artificial Intelligence can be a great resource if used correctly, many people believe... Jobs of the future 26/1/24
humble_mulberry The utilization of AI in education holds immense potential for enhancing the learning... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
wondrous_revolution I strongly disagree... AI may cause a lot of trouble being apart of students learning... AI and the future of education 26/1/24
fairminded_bat You should make sure everybody is enjoying topical talk and make it more fun for teachers and... Balanced discussions on the Hub 26/1/24
gentle_earth I strongly agree with opinion B because it is a crucial necessity for humans to learn. Schools... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
forceful_strawberry I disagree with A because machines only help you understand and help you with questions. People... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
gentle_earth One job I believe robots with Artificial intelligence will be better at than humans is software... People v robots 26/1/24
curious_tornado I strongly agree with opinion B because people also learn from real world experiences. If AI... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
gentle_earth I totally agree with you. It is a necessity for humans to learn about the world around us. It... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
gentle_earth I strongly agree with you. AI can be both negative and positive to our world. It can take over... What's your reaction? 26/1/24
fairminded_bat I think jobs that might be created because of AI are anything that involves technology. I think... Jobs of the future 26/1/24
curious_tornado AI robots might be very smart but they are only built for some things. I think AI can rely on... People v robots 26/1/24