Comments by students of Rex Mill Middle STEM School B | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
trustworthy_argument I think that there are some advantages that we cant do anything about and some advantages that... Unfair advantage? 26/2/24
approachable_pear boycott movements have various effects on companies. When faced with a reputational threat from... Are boycotts helpful? 23/2/24
nice_reality Journalists gather information, process it into news, and share it with the public. They can... Are journalists the answer? 21/2/24
nice_reality The federal government has a responsibility to ensure equal opportunity for everyone in America.... Who has the power to stop social bias? 21/2/24
curious_tornado I believe boycott can have negative effects because it can have detrimental effects on corporate... Are boycotts helpful? 21/2/24
persuasive_market Countries have rules and policies about immigrants to regulate the flow of people across... Why are there rules about immigration? 21/2/24
approachable_pear Many managers want to be more inclusive. They recognize the value of inclusion and diversity and... Who has the power to stop social bias? 20/2/24
approachable_pear I agree.... because animals are very important in humans life , so which one would you prefer... Animal rights 20/2/24
unconventional_didgeridoo I want to explain my thoughts for "too old." First of all, no one should be considered too old... Too old, too young, not enough, too much 20/2/24
zestful_penguin I believe that imigrants bring a lot of labor workers and hard working people that could overall... What are the benefits of immigration? 20/2/24
gentle_earth As a woman, the information that surprises me the most is that women are paid less than men... Gender inequality: have your say! 20/2/24
fairminded_bat Business could have a positive impact by giving back and helping out people who support them.... How could businesses make positive change? 20/2/24
focused_tangerine I have the strongest reaction to quote B: "It’s important not just to think about women’s... “Nations that fail women, fail.” 20/2/24
thoughtful_conversation I feel like, it is essential to shine a spotlight on women's sports to promote gender equality... Women's sport 20/2/24
humble_mulberry Hearing from these women was really helpful for my learning because they shared their... Did you do the classroom lesson? 20/2/24
thoughtful_conversation In my opinion, animal rights are a crucial aspect of ethical and compassionate living. It's... Animal rights 20/2/24
focused_tangerine Option A suggests that the company responsible for developing the AI is accountable for its... AI accident: who is responsible? 16/2/24
curious_tornado I feel like ai could affect my country by mapping technologies and voice-assists. But the way ai... What's your reaction? 14/2/24
fairminded_bat I think Joe Biden's policies are fair and unfair because if too many people get in the usa they... Fair or unfair? 14/2/24
nice_knowledge I believe people aren't changing their behavior to protect the planet because they don't know... Why don’t people change? 14/2/24